Road of Redemption

Prolog 3
[ ] Save the juveniles!


After firing the last round of the current magazin, Luther grabbed the bayonet that he had stabbed into the sandbanks providing him with cover. Quickly he placed it on the mounting of his auto-gun. Then with skilled hands he quickly replaced the magazin itself and took aim again. The Xenos beasts were almost in leaping distance. Not long and they would jump at Luther and his comrades. Then it would be quickly over, he had seen it with the last position that lay now buried under dead Xenos. After that the Cathedral would be stormed and all the innocents inside would end massacard.

Luther was far to num from all the horror he had witnessed and the fighting too much care. He felt exhausted and at least in death he would finally have time to rest. He fired again, adding his fire to the meager responses the other cadets trew towards the charging Tyranids. Luther tried his best to make each shot count but the mass of aliens running towards their position was simply too large. It seemed not to matter how many he killed or crippled, there were always more that would come towards him. An endless horde of swarming monstrosities made out of chitin, claws and mouths filled with far to many fangs.

Then the horde was hit by las-fire.
There was no other way in describing the huge volly of las-fired that hid the right flank of the enemy out of the ruins. Red beams hit targets in a precession fashion that Luther never had seen before outside of propaganda vids. Each shot was a deadly hit, killing a single hormagaunt with cold, calculated furry.

When the young cadet glanced towards the ruins from which the las-fire had emerged he expect to see guardsmen. Harden veterans who looked like they alone could turn the tight of battle. But that wasn't what Luther's eyes found. Instead there was a single, naked, bald giant that stepped out of the ruines. In his hands was a comically small las-gun that was in truth normal size. Just that the man holding it was so towering large. He wielded the las-gun with one hand like others would do with a pistol. The free hand throws a grenade into the building behind the swarm, resulting in a large explosion.

Then there was suddenly silence.

At least here, from elsewhere in the city Luther could still hear the raging of battle going on. But at least here, before St. Manus Cathedral there was silence. He blinked in surprise at how loud the absence of gun fire, dying man and screeching Xenous could be. Slowly he stood up, still not believing that he had truly survived. Maybe he hadn't? Maybe all of this was a blissful fantasy conjunctions by his dying brain. If so, Luther wondered why he wasn't lying in the arms of Sister Aurelia - who trained the young girls destined for the Adeptus Sororitas. He always had found her allouring.

The giant moved towards them and came to a stop a few meters before the position. His gaze wandered over them and seemed only to stop long enough to judge each of them. When it was time for Luther he couldn't help and feel more naked than he had ever felt doing a convention. He could only hope the giant found him worthy to be in his presents.

"You did good, boys," the Giant finally said with a slight nod. Immediately Luther felt his chest be filled with pride and despite feeling completely spent he stood a bit taller. The words felt more sustaining than any meal of drink he had ever tasted. And Luther felt that he wanted to be prized by this Giant even more, uncaring to who he was. "Now, take a moment to rest. I will go into … the temple and speaking with them why you're out here and they cover in it."

"They are civilianz, my Lord. They can't fight."

Ciphas shut his move so quickly as Luther never had seen it before when the ired gaze of the Giant hit him. The large man gave Ciphas a long look until he finally spoke.

"And yet they are adults and you're youths! Only cowards sent their youths to die instead of taking up arms."

Luther knew he should feel offended by these words. But it just felt as if it hadn't been said to insult him, rather an explanation to the natural order of things. One that had been violated by those hiding in the cathedral. Suddenly he found the strength to feel anger. Anger at those who had ordered him and the others to hold the cathedral and then went to hide in the massive building. They hadn't even thought about it twice and happily sacrificed them. Just for the hope - the hope! - that better defenders would get enough time to come here. They never had expected them to survive to this point.

His eyes followed the giant as he slowly walked through the small band of survivors until he stood before the massive doors that lead into St. Manus Cathedral. The Giant looked up to the marvelous work of a master artisan that was the sculptor head of Holly Ferrus Manus, beloved son of the Emperor. It seemed as if a silent conversation was happening between them, then the Giant pushed the gates open and stepped inside.


The followers of the belief that your father was a god, gasped as you stepped insight. Wide eyes filled with shock, fear and disbelief followed you as you marched through the middle. On a higher platform stood a man clothed in laughable rich, distasteful robes - a sign of his office apparently. Most likely some kind of High Priest the like you often had seen doing the Great Crusade. It seemed you had interrupted his preaching with your sudden entrance. His mouth was open, gapping and his head red. You weren't sure if it was because of anger or shock to be interrupted in such a disrespectful way.

The whole temple had a stanche to it, some kind of herbs they burned for one reason or another. Your enhanced senzes quickly realized that they lowered the chance to catch any airborne diseases, so there was some sense to it. At the same time the effect was so minimal that it didn't excuse the stanch. There was also fear in the air and on the faces of the believers. None could hold your gaze long enough as the children outside could - showing how cowards they are all there.

"What is going on? Have the Xenos been defeated?" The head priest finally found his voice. Shooting his questions in a demanding fashion that almost made you laugh. As if he held any authority or had earned the right to demand information about the battle from you. Apparently the priest noticed it and his face grew angry. He pointed with a boney finger at you. "And don't you have any decency?! Walking below the gaze of a Son of the Holy Emperor naked?!"

You snort as you come to a stop before him. Even with him standing on the platform before the altar his eyes only reach your chest. From above him you look down at the coward and see him flinch as he avoids your eyes.

"Xenos have overrun your home, slaughtering whoever they find and you speak about decency?

What shall you do?

[ ] Kill him, like all priests he is useless. (Gain Trait: The Imperial Truth)

[ ] He can be useful, convincing him to obey. (Gain Trait: Believe is a Tool)

[ ] Throw him out of his own church. To deify the Emperor alone runs contrary to his will, though it is perhaps understandable for the ignorant, but to invoke him as a shield for such vile behavior is loathsome. (Gain Trait: Foe Of Corruption)

[ ] Rebuke him and give him an opportunity to make amends. You have done much worse than this mortal after all, and yet you walk the galaxy still. You should at least allow a chance for his own redemption as well. (Gain Trait: Who Will Judge?)

[ ] "Ferrus Manus held a distain for weakness and valued strength, and you have the gall to act as Cowards? To have the young take up arms and fight your fights, they at least have the spine to look me in the eye when talking. LOOK. AT. ME. When I'm talking, All of you . . . *when they have the courage to look you in the Eye* Decent" (Gain Trait: Echoes of Family)

[ ] Write-in what to do! You may also suggest a Trait)

QM: A bit of moratorium so you can come up with Write-In's and I can comment on them. I will add all Write-In's that a valid as a voting action here, so don't hold back if you've an idea.
Last edited: is kinda hard choice between the two choices. We could continue what Emperor truly believed in it or go like his others brothers (most of them them) did...use it because it was necessary.
Personally, I think making use of the circumstances to our favor (in this case, like having religious clergy at our side) would be pragmatic and effective for our goals. Antagonizing or alienating those we are trying to help would not be helping our case.
[] Write-in - Ignore him. So long as he does not impede you, this man is worth less than the sliver of energy you would expend to kill him. (Gain Trait: Contempt For The Contemptible)

[] Write-in - Throw him out of his own church. To deify the Emperor alone runs contrary to his will, though it is perhaps understandable for the ignorant, but to invoke him as a shield for such vile behavior is loathsome. (Gain Trait: Foe Of Corruption)

[] Write-in - Rebuke him and give him an opportunity to make amends. You have done much worse than this mortal after all, and yet you walk the galaxy still. You should at least allow a chance for his own redemption as well. (Gain Trait: Who Will Judge?)

@Jax How are these?
The imperial truth is just dead wrong

There is gods and they hate you,thats a fact of the setting

But them existing =/= you should worship them
I think it was more of denying there are no true gods but creatures of the warp that will use you (not written that straightforward) while not denying existence of warp, superstition and other stuff, because it would kinda deny what psykers are and that is plainly wrong.
[] Write-in - Rebuke him and give him an opportunity to make amends. You have done much worse than this mortal after all, and yet you walk the galaxy still. You should at least allow a chance for his own redemption as well. (Gain Trait: Who Will Judge?)
I like this one! Redemption is our theme, after all.
I think it was more of denying there are no true gods but creatures of the warp that will use you (not written that straightforward) while not denying existence of warp, superstition and other stuff, because it would kinda deny what psykers are and that is plainly wrong.
That was only for the (relatively) smaller scale entities, like Daemons or powerful spirits. Some worlds like Chogoris and Fenris got away with it because they were Primarch homeworlds and Big E didn't think it was worth causing a fuss. But if you knew about the Chaos Gods at all, even if you didn't worship them or didn't think of them as being "gods" under a certain definition, Emps would want you purged. There was a good amount of stuff that the Emperor straight up did not want anyone believing existed much less studied.

As far as the Imperial Truth was concerned, the facts were more or less this. "The Warp is a parallel dimension that reacts to emotional and mental activity from lifeforms in the Materium. Some lifeforms that we call psykers are able to access the energy of this parallel dimension to alter reality at a certain scale. Within the Warp there are hostile lifeforms seeking access to the Materium called Warp Xenos that often, much like regular Xenos, seek to use humans as slaves or as food. Also much like regular Xenos, the smarter ones may attempt to pass themselves off to the ignorant as divine entities on account of their extradimensional properties, but this is just as much a con as any other religion (which are also all fake btw). Anything weird you see is just some alien, psychic, technological, or all of the above trickery that you simply don't understand."

It doesn't explicitly say that there aren't "godlike" entities out there, but it certainly does not allow you to consider that anything with power even remotely close to that of a Chaos God can exist.
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To be real, Chaos Gods are more like tumours in reality, they represent good, bad and ugly about their existence but in current form, they are very much ugly aspect. I presume they can be reforged, at least furst three, Slannesh was murder fucked into existence and her becoming something more positive is...pretty non existent.
To be real, Chaos Gods are more like tumours in reality, they represent good, bad and ugly about their existence but in current form, they are very much ugly aspect. I presume they can be reforged, at least furst three, Slannesh was murder fucked into existence and her becoming something more positive is...pretty non existent.
I would broadly agree, but nonetheless, the Imperial Truth obscures or denies the existence of any such beings. This is because their power is so absolutely immense that no reasonable human would be able to deny that "god" is a fair descriptor. They are evil, yes, but evil gods aren't a new concept in Warhammer. The Imperial Truth breaks down in the face of them or entities like them because the difference between "nigh-omniscient, nigh-omnipotent otherworldly conceptual embodiment with a will" and "deity" is basically just splitting hairs.

Aside from the ignore option they are good. You can't ignore him, Horus knows he is a man of influence and power. He needs to be dealt with and Horus isn't in the mood to wait.

To be real, Chaos Gods are more like tumours in reality, they represent good, bad and ugly about their existence but in current form, they are very much ugly aspect. I presume they can be reforged, at least furst three, Slannesh was murder fucked into existence and her becoming something more positive is...pretty non existent.

I have to disagree, the Chaos Gods are evil. They corrupted it is their one theme abouve all else. But the path to corrupten is often pathed with good ideas or intensions. Even the most well meaning intend will be corrupted by them and perverted. Until it is only a mockery of itself.
I have to disagree, the Chaos Gods are evil. They corrupted it is their one theme abouve all else. But the path to corrupten is often pathed with good ideas or intensions. Even the most well meaning intend will be corrupted by them and perverted. Until it is only a mockery of itself.
That is not what I meant. Chaos Gods have things that are positive in nature. Tzzentch have hope. Nurgle has content. Khorne has honor. And Slannesh (kinda). I basically mean TTS explanation when Magnus and Emperor argued about chaos gods.
"And yet they are adults and you're youths! Only cowards sent their youths to die instead of taking up arms."
None could hold your gaze long enough as the children outside could - showing how cowards they are all there.
From above him you look down at the coward and see him flinch as he avoids your eyes.

hmm . . . does this work

[ ] Write-in: "Ferrus Manus held a distain for weakness and valued strength, and you have the gall to act as Cowards? To have the young take up arms and fight your fights, they at least have the spine to look me in the eye when talking. LOOK. AT. ME. When I'm talking, All of you . . . *when they have the courage to look you in the Eye* Decent" (Gain Trait: Echoes of Family)

I want Horus to value the strengths of his family and emulated them, before everyone when wrong
[X] "Ferrus Manus held a distain for weakness and valued strength, and you have the gall to act as Cowards? To have the young take up arms and fight your fights, they at least have the spine to look me in the eye when talking. LOOK. AT. ME. When I'm talking, All of you . . . *when they have the courage to look you in the Eye* Decent" (Gain Trait: Echoes of Family)
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