Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

With some discussion on Discord about how slow we've been to expand our civilization, I decided that my colonization plan was a lot more important then I'd initially thought. That said, I still really want to do a Mongus-themed plan, so I decided to try mashing them together. I'm quite happy with the result: 5 new colonies, and Mongus becomes a massive powerhouse in the Directorate (plus a new Polar Tower with several new potential floors, from storm manipulation to mystek bees to whatever the Ekto Detektor gives).

[] Plan: There's Something Fishy on Mongus
-[] Expansion Projects (170/173)
--[] Construct Pioneer Class Ship (0/20 --> 100/20)
---[] Vaulmire
---[] Kubaito
---[] Temple Comet
---[] Kaldrath
---[] Ruinate Battlefield
--[] Deep Gas Harvesters (0/35 --> 35/35) +1 Nuclear
--[] Gas Giant Siphon Towers (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] Mongus Storm-Kite (0/10 --> 10/10)
-[] Culture Projects (130/148)
--[] Skyfish (0/20 --> 20/20)
--[] Mongus Cloud City (0/20 --> 20/20)
--[] Cloudsailing Resort (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] EcoDome CloudShields (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] AeroSpires (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] Mystek Apiaries (0/15 --> 15/15)
-[] Faith Projects (165/158)
--[] Lesser Polar Tower of the Hermit (0/75 --> 75/75) -1 Warp
---[] Mongus
--[] Fairy Circles (0/50 --> 50/50) -1 Biodata
--[] Storm-Cores (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] Shrine-Hives (0/15 --> 15/15)
-[] Academy Projects (125/125)
--[] Antientropic Fields (0/10 --> 10/10)
--[] Ekto Detektor (0/25 --> 25/25) +1 Warp
--[] Vendotron BlokBot (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] TotemSerum (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] Construct Courier Class Ship (0/15 --> 15/15)
---[] Vaul-Ket System
--[] Construct Trailblazer Class Ship (0/25 --> 25/25)
---[] TKK Discovery-B
-[] Resource Management
--[] Artifacts: 2
--[] Biodata: 3 --> 2
--[] Intel: 0
--[] Living Metal: 0
--[] Network: 6
--[] Nuclear Material: 0 --> 1
--[] Warp: 7
Here is some of my own plans, yeah some are not made for the right next actual turn, but i want to let em be know all the same, I just like making them even if they won't be picked or voted for.

[] Plan: The Path Uncovered
-[] Fleet Actions
-- [] TKK Spirit of Toxel
--- [] Kaldrath Temple-Extraction: Endeavor only. Generate 1D4+1 FTH and progress to ??? (0/???).
--- [] Broken Edge Ship Graveyard: Scan Level: 6
-- [] TKK Accomplishment
--- [] Moby Monstro Observation: Endeavor or Trailblazer only. Generate 1D5+1 ACD and progress toward earning a BioData (0/20)
--- [] H'kek Naval Development: Cost 1 H'Kann Reputation, H'kek gain variable naval improvements. Endeavor or Courier Only.
-- [] TKK Endeavor-B
--- [] Tortuga Observation: Requires Endeavor.
--- [] Red Sun Security: 15/15 EXP. Increases Regional Defenses alongside Outpost Level. Increases region Outpost Level.
-- [] TKK Emissary
--- [] H'kann Research: +5 reputation with the H'kann.
--- [] Green Giant First Contact: +5 reputation with any spacefaring societies that form in Broken Edge.
-- [] TKK Resistance
--- [] Flying Saucer Antipiracy Ops: +5 Reputation with all H'k States. WARNING: Will likely trigger battle.
--- [] TBD
-- [] TKK Valiant
--- [] Flying Saucer Antipiracy Ops: +5 Reputation with all H'k States. WARNING: Will likely trigger battle.
--- [] TBD
-- [] TKK Erichtheo's Pride
--- [] Volcanus 9
-- [] TKK Trailblazer
--- [] Warp Route R-20
--- [] Dustpit Scan
-- [] TKK Pathwalker
--- [] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting
--- [] Explore Voidmarches
-[] Expansion Projects (173/173)
--[] Construct Endeavor Class Ship: 25/25, gain an Endeavor equipped with all unlocked Compartments and Ship upgrades as well as a variable amount of Perpetunite Nuclear Weapons depending on the size of your stockpiles.
---[] TKK Erichtheo's Pride
--[] Tachyonic Gate: 50/50, increases EXP, Warp Jumps to and from systems close to the home system become somewhat more reliable.
--[] Sandscorn Magneto-Shield: 25/25, upgrade Sandscorn Heat-Shield, generating 2 Khimer favor and providing an alternative method to repel harmful radiation from the planet.
--[] Sandscorn Skyhook: 25/25, Khimer gain Skyhook Spacestation, allowing them to ship resources to and from space without assistance, increasing respect by 2.
--[] Satiation Array: 10/10, construct Satiation Array holy site, increasing CUL and providing 1 Living Metal.
--[] Void-Train Orbital Transit Network: 15/15, gain Void Train Special Infrastructure, generating EXP
--[] OOG-87's MicroSingularity: 20/25, increases ACD.
-[] Culture Projects (148/148)
--[] The Archaeosaurs of Cetaceous Valley: 25/25, sponsor Cetaceous Valley Archeological Dig, gaining +1 BioData
--[] Winterspite Battlezone Lodging: 25/25, Winterspite gains Battlezone Lodging.
--[] Volcanus 9 Nova Mechanicus: 35/35, Volcanus 9 Spy Rings gain Nova Mechanicus Enclaves, allowing increased observation of Mechanicus affairs and allowing for further operations by Nova Mechanicus operators, increasing Intel
---[] TKK Erichtheo's Pride
--[] Orbital Caravan Network: 15/15, generates EXP by developing a large dedicated transport network for void-townships.
--[] Musite Seance Engine: 25/25, Muses gain Seance Engines, allowing for limited communing with stronger Cthonic spirits. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] OfrenDex: 14/15, Shrines upgraded with OfrenDexes, increasing FTH.
--[] Shell of the Storm Kraken!: 25/25, Storm Kraken gains new shell and will begin patrolling the system. Increased affinity with Directorate ships. Cost 1 Living Metal.
-[] Faith Projects (158/158)
--[] Temple to the Pathfinder: 25/25, establish Pathfinder Temple, allowing for religious orders to train Pathfinders, itinerant priests that wander throughout Directorate Space that generate FTH.
--[] Temple to the Trainmaster: 25/25, establish Trainmaster Temple, protecting the souls of the Dead.
--[] Rites of the Roadmaster: develops Lesser Roadguide Rites, increasing FTH and CUL significantly. Can be reduced to 20/20 by spending 1 Warp.
--[] The Road-Docks: 15/15, gain Road-Docks, allowing for the construction of FTH Ships.
--[] Cthonic Shrines: 15/15, establish Cthonic Shrines, increasing FTH.
--[] DeathNames: 25/25, develop DeathName Tradition, allowing NekroTeks to utilize the Names of the Dead.
--[] Ritual of Lifes Renewal: 20/20, increases Khimer reputation by ten.
--[] Rite of Gravitic Nimbleness: 13/15, gain Rite of Gravity, improving ship manuverability.
-[] Academy Projects (125/125)
--[] Construct Trailblazer Class Ship: 25/25, Gain Trailblazer Class Starship, which can perform research missions on scanned planets for bonus points and resources.
---[] TKK Trailblazer
--[] Construct Trailblazer Class Ship: 25/25, Gain Trailblazer Class Starship, which can perform research missions on scanned planets for bonus points and resources.
---[] TKK Pathwalker
--[] Basic Particle Field Generator: 30/30, gain Crude Warp-Shield Technology, slightly increasing the safety of warp travel.
--[] Sandscorn Pilot Gene-Recombination: 25/25, Khimer regain ability to produce Pilotformes again, increasing their reputation by 2 and increasing Coffin Fleet influence by 1.
--[] ShipTek Reassembly Protocol: 25/25, MagTek Reassembly Protocol modified to work on ships.
-[] Resource Management
-- [] Artifacts: 1
--[] Biodata: 2 -- 3
-- [] Intel: 0 -- 1
-- [] Living Metal: 0
-- [] Network: 5
--[] Nuclear Material: 0
-- [] Warp: 3 -- 1

[] Plan: Raise the Wild Hunt
-[] Fleet Actions
-- [] TKK Spirit of Toxel
--- [] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting: Requires either an Endeavor or Trailblazer. Generates 1D4 FTH, potential to unlock an ART.
--- [] Volcanus 9
-- [] TKK Accomplishment
--- [] H'Kann Industrial Development: Increases H'Kann EXP, Endeavor or Courier only.
--- [] Yr Albain Giant Deployments: Endeavor or Combat Ship only.
-- [] TKK Endeavor-B
--- [] H'kek Naval Development: Cost 1 H'Kann Reputation, H'kek gain variable naval improvements. Endeavor or Courier Only.
--- [] Kubaito Archaeology: Endeavor only. Generate 1D3+1 CUL and progress towards earning a random item (0/10).
-- [] TKK Emissary
--- [] H'kann Research:. +5 reputation with the H'kann.
--- []Temple-Comet Exorcism: Endeavor Only. Generate 1D4 progress towards earning an ART (0/10).
-- [] TKK Resistance
--- [] Flying Saucer Antipiracy Ops: +5 Reputation with all H'k States. WARNING: Will likely trigger battle.
--- [] TBD
-- [] TKK Valiant
--- [] TBD
--- [] Yr Albain Giant Deployments: Endeavor or Combat Ship only.
-[] Expansion Projects (173/173)
--[] Construct Valiant Class Ship: 35/35, costs 2 nuclear material, gain a Valiant equipped with all non-Civilian Compartments and upgrades as well as a variable amount of nuclear weapons and powerful but short-range Fusion Cannons.
---[] TKK Hunter's Mark
--[] Anchor-City: 10/10, increases CUL from Anchor-City being constructed.
--[] Alkemote Bottling Facility: 25/25, gain Alkemote Bottles, used by Mysteks as alchemical supplements, increasing Warp by 1.
--[] Spra'ang Minerological Survey: 10/10, increases EXP. Increases NK.
--[] Orbital Solar Relays: 25/25, gain Solar Relays, increasing EXP and NK.
--[] Sandscorn Magneto-Shield: 25/25, upgrade Sandscorn Heat-Shield, generating 2 Khimer favor and providing an alternative method to repel harmful radiation from the planet.
--[] Flames of Naklis: 25/25, Eye of Isha gains Flames of Naklis component. Yr Albain learns to manufacture additional Flames of Naklis. Cost 1 BioData.
--[] Satiation Array: 10/10, construct Satiation Array holy site, increasing CUL and providing 1 Living Metal.
-[] Culture Projects (148/148)
--[] Volcanus 9 Nova Mechanicus: 35/35, Volcanus 9 Spy Rings gain Nova Mechanicus Enclaves, allowing increased observation of Mechanicus affairs and allowing for further operations by Nova Mechanicus operators, increasing Intel.
---[] TKK Spirit of Toxel
--[] Yr Albain Defensive Patrol: 35/35, establish Yr Albain Defensive Patrol, increasing FTH by 1 and Yr Albain respect by 3. Costs one ship.
---[] TKK Hunter's Mark
--[] Medal of Accomplishment: 25/25, gain Medals of Accomplishments, improving the performance of officers and veterans the longer they serve and providing the same benefit to those who inherit the medals.
--[] Crystaleaf Arbor Guardians: 15/15, upgrades Arbor Guardians with Crystaleaf Genomic Mods, increasing CUL and accelerating gem vita development on life bearing worlds.
--[] Eldritch Rebirth: 20/20, create Eldritch Plays, increasing reputation with the Khimer and raising influence with all subfactions as well as FTH.
--[] Squog Splicing: 20/20, Hobbgrotic Park begins producing spliced Squogs, increasing EXP.
-[] Faith Projects (158/158)
--[] Kennel of the First Hound: 25/25, gain Kennel of the First Hound, increasing health and performance of all hounds and equivalent entities, raising CUL.
--[] Temple to the Night Bramble: 25/25, gain Temple to the Night Bramble, increasing Wyld resistance to subversion.
--[] Rites of the Hunter: 20/20, gain Rites of the Hunter, improving specialist combat efficiency. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Hunting Beasts: 25/25, Hunteks gain Hunting Beasts, tamed antianima.
--[] Hand of The Emperor: 23/25, can reproduce Hamsas, sacred sigils that raise FTH.
--[] Rite of Natures Protection: 20/20, gain Rite of Natures Protection, invoking the power of the Wyld to ward against hostile influence.
--[] Ritual of Lifes Renewal: 20/20, increases Khimer reputation by ten.
-[] Academy Projects (125/125)
--[] WyldRanger Zoological Research Rovers: 15/15, establishes WyldRangers, an ACD and Biodata generating society.
--[] Nàdair Spáslong: 25/25, Yr Albain Worldsingers develop means to grow small WyldVessels. Cost 1 BioData.
--[] Brain of Menza: 25/25, Huntsmasters workshop gains Brain of Menza, a gigantic SistaBrain that increases FTH. Tekniks can graduate into Hektiks.
--[] TurretBots: 15/15, develop TurretBots, improving static defenses.
--[] ShipTek Reassembly Protocol: 25/25, MagTek Reassembly Protocol modified to work on ships.
--[] Upgrader Class BlokBots: 25/25, gain Upgrader Class BlokBots, capable augmenting BlokBots to a more powerful + versions in the field.
-[] Resource Management
-- [] Artifacts: 1 -- 2
--[] Biodata: 2 -- 1
-- [] Intel: 0 -- 1
-- [] Living Metal: 0 -- 1
-- [] Network: 5 -- 4
--[] Nuclear Material: 0
-- [] Warp: 3 -- 5

[] Plan: We All Lift Together
-[] Expansion Projects (173/173)
--[] MegaHarvester Fusion-Drill: 25/25, upgrades Mega-Harvester with Fusion-Drills, increasing LM.
--[] Naklis Powertool Factory: 15/15, upgrades Naklis with Powertool Factory, increasing EXP.
--[] MegaMachines of the Volatile Lands!: 50/50, Union gains increased presence in Volatile Lands, gain NK and LM.
--[] Glacier Mining: 10/10, increases EXP from the development of industry.
--[] Anchor-City: 10/10, increases CUL from Anchor-City being constructed.
--[] Meeklak Q-Bit Factories: 25/25, create Meeklak Q-Bit Factories, increasing ACD and NT.
--[] Sandscorn Skyhook: 25/25, Khimer gain Skyhook Spacestation, allowing them to ship resources to and from space without assistance, increasing respect by 2.
--[] Community Ampitheaters: 20/25, increase CUL and Warp, Arcolocubes gain Ampitheaters
-[] Culture Projects (148/148)
--[] Rare Gubbinz Flea Market Kompartment: 25/25, Hobbgrot ships gain Flea Market Kompartment, increasing potential max progress generated to D5 by MothaShips and allowing UnkaWaves to increase the primary stat granted by trade routes to a region by 1.
--[] The Mazovist Script: 25/25, gain Mazovist Plays, allowing Mazovist Ghosts to give blessings to those who impress them, increasing ACD by 3.
--[] Jr. Genetics Playsets: 20/20, increases ACD.
--[] Glasmite Hymnals: 15/15, TekGrimoires upgraded to Glasmite Hymnals, allowing all Orchestrion related technology to be used in grimoires at greatly reduced efficiency.
--[] Mongus Cloud City: 20/20, increase CUL.
--[] Ascendant Lunite Muses: 25/25, gain Ascendant Lunite Muses, empowered Lunite Muses gifted arcane ability in order to help achieve strength through Enlightenment, increasing FTH by 3. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Folk Mantras: 20/20, gain Folk Mantras, increasing EXP.
-[] Faith Projects (158/158)
--[] Calling Dance: 25/25, gain Calling Dance, allowing for artistic performances such as song and dance to generate theurgic power, increasing Warp by 1 and CUL.
--[] Trovian Grand Gem Temple: 10/10, establish Trovian Grand Temple, increasing FTH.
--[] Meditative Talismans: 15/15, unlocks Meditative Talismans, increasing CUL and mental resilience. Cost 1 Network.
--[] Hand of The Emperor: 25/25, can reproduce Hamsas, sacred sigils that raise FTH.
--[] Arcanoengines: 25/25, Mag-Tek Altars enchanted with Arcanoengine Sorceries, increasing FTH and Warp.
--[] Guardiansong Resonance: 20/20, gain Guardiansong Resonance.
--[] Rite of Karmic Offload: 20/20, gain Rite of Karmic Offload, increasing FTH.
--[] Nuclear Ritual Engines: 15/15, Mag-Tek Altars upgraded with Nuclear Ritual Engines, unknown effects, costs 2 Nuclear Material.
--[] 3
-[] Academy Projects (125/125)
--[] Vault of Scrolls: 25/25, Testament gains Vault of Scrolls, an academic institution consisting of a massive humanities library, increasing CUL and ACD.
--[] Improved MagTek Repair Protocol: 20/20, MagTek Reassembly Protocol upgraded to lightly repair systems damage in buildings and fortifications.
--[] Perpetunite Regeneration Matrix: 20/20, improves Perpetunite Weapons with Regeneration Matrix, improving explosion and firing duration. Cost 2 Nuclear Material.
--[] Shield Emitters: 35/35, gain Shield Emitters, increasing shield coverage.
--[] Solar Trough Restoration: 25/25, Cabal gains Solar Trough Network, increasing EXP and NK.
-[] Resource Management
-- [] Artifacts: 1 -- 1
--[] Biodata: 2
-- [] Intel: 0
-- [] Living Metal: 0 -- 2
-- [] Network: 5 -- 4
--[] Nuclear Material: 0
-- [] Warp: 3 -- 4

[] Plan: Genes and Gems
-[] Expansion Projects (173/173)
--[] Monoliths: 20/20, unlocks Monolith Artefact, upgrading your colony ships by allowing them to rapidly awaken a worlds spirits, and providing FTH via surplus Monoliths being deployed across Directorate Space. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Ship Troop Transport Compartment: 25/25, upgrades Valiants with Troop Transport compartment, allowing them to carry one army group.
--[] MegaHarvester Fusion-Drill: 25/25, upgrades Mega-Harvester with Fusion-Drills, increasing LM.
--[] Prismlight Muses: 10/10, unlock Prismlight Muses, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
--[] Geode Canyon Heavy Mining Operations: 25/25, increases Geode Canyon mining operations, increasing EXP and NK.
--[] Erichthean PharmaFactory: 15/15, gain Erichthean PharmaFactory granting ACD and improving medical care.
--[] Trove Mega-Gem Mines: 15/15, increases EXP.
--[] Satiation Array: 10/10, construct Satiation Array holy site, increasing CUL and providing 1 Living Metal.
--[] 28
-[] Culture Projects (148/148)
--[] The Archaeosaurs of Cetaceous Valley: 25/25, sponsor Cetaceous Valley Archeological Dig, gaining +1 BioData
--[] Jr. Genetics Playsets: 20/20, increases ACD.
--[] Squog Splicing: 20/20, Hobbgrotic Park begins producing spliced Squogs, increasing EXP.
--[] Crystaleaf Arbor Guardians: 15/15, upgrades Arbor Guardians with Crystaleaf Genomic Mods, increasing CUL and accelerating gem vita development on life bearing worlds.
--[] Sacred Jade Statues: 35/35, Sacred Jade Statues take off, increasing FTH.
--[] Shell of the Storm Kraken!: 25/25, Storm Kraken gains new shell and will begin patrolling the system. Increased affinity with Directorate ships. Cost 1 Living Metal.
--[] 21
-[] Faith Projects (158/158)
--[] Temple Jewels: 35/35, Temples begin enshrining special jewels as holy treasures, increasing FTH.
--[] Trovian Grand Gem Temple: 10/10, establish Trovian Grand Temple, increasing FTH.
--[] Planetary Genetorium: 35/35, select an inhabited planet: gain an ACD and BioData generating Nova Mechanicus Genetorium.
---[] Trove
--[] Thunder Rods: 15/15, gain Thunder Rod upgrade to Totem Network, generating EXP and NK by allowing storms to be harnessed for both electrical and arcane power. Allows Directorate to generate devastating defensive superstorms.
--[] Sacred Dragon Magatama: 35/35, Shrine-Keepers gain Sacred Jade Guardian Dragon Magatamas, increasing FTH and ART.
--[] 29
-[] Academy Projects (125/125)
--[] Khimer Genetic Damage: 40/40, costs 1 BioData, unaltered Khimer lifespan increased by decade, increasing respect by 2.
--[] WyldRanger Zoological Research Rovers: 15/15, establishes WyldRangers, an ACD and Biodata generating society.
--[] Lumium Bird "Biology": 25/25, learn how the Lumium Bird works, generating Biodata.
--[] Naklean MagmaBugs: 15/15, gain Naklean Magmabugs, increasing CUL.
--[] 36
-- [] Artifacts: 1 -- 2
--[] Biodata: 2 -- 4
-- [] Intel: 0
-- [] Living Metal: 0 -- 1
-- [] Network: 5
--[] Nuclear Material: 0 -- 1
-- [] Warp: 3 -- 2

[] Plan: Luck and Hope
-[] Expansion Projects (173/173)
--[] Construct Pioneer Class Ship: 20/20.
---[] Kubaito
--[] MegaHarvester Fusion-Drill: 25/25, upgrades Mega-Harvester with Fusion-Drills, increasing LM.
--[] Cosmic Empathy Engine: 25/25, unlock Cosmic Empathy Engine artefact, increasing FTH and mental resilience. Cost 1 Network.
--[] Supreme Comprehension Psychotron: 25/25, unlock Supreme Comprehension Psychotron, increasing CUL and mental resilience. Cost 1 Network
--[] Anchor-City: 10/10, increases CUL from Anchor-City being constructed.
--[] Erichthean PharmaFactory: 15/15, gain Erichthean PharmaFactory granting ACD and improving medical care.
--[] Sandscorn Industrial Hubs: 25/25, Sandscorn gains expanded manufacturing. Increases EXP from trade. Raise Khimer Rep by 2.
--[] OOG-87's MicroSingularity: 25/25, increases ACD.
--[] 11
-[] Culture Projects (148/148)
--[] Mongus Cloud City: 20/20, increase CUL.
--[] Skyfish: 20/20, Mongus and all future colonized (Mild) Gas Giants gain Skyfish, increasing EXP and FTH.
--[] Ascendant Lunite Muses: 25/25, gain Ascendant Lunite Muses, empowered Lunite Muses gifted arcane ability in order to help achieve strength through Enlightenment, increasing FTH by 3. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] HexTek Fortune Cookies: 25/25, Mysteks learn to create HexTek Fortune Cookies, increasing FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Candlelit Roads: 35/35, gain Candlelit Road tradition, increasing CUL.
--[] 23
-[] Faith Projects (158/158)
--[] Temple to the Jester: 25/25, gain Temple to the Jester, strengthening AntiAnima, increasing FTH.
--[] The Scholars Candle: 25/25, gain the Scholars Candle, increasing ACD.
--[] Mojograss: 25/25, Shroomboyz begin growing Mojograss, helping Stonerboyz train their powers and increasing EXP.
--[] Yoyo Masks: 23/25, gain Yoyo Masks, worn by more spiritual Hobbgrot specialists to confer various minor abilities.
--[] Antianima Conjuring Rite: 20/20, gain Antianima Conjuration Rite, allowing for Occulteks to summon lesser Antianima.
--[] Rite of Karmic Offload: 20/20, gain Rite of Karmic Offload, increasing FTH.
--[] Karmic Siphon Curse: 20/20, gain Karmic Siphon Curse, designed to target single entities.
-[] Academy Projects (125/125)
--[] Teeth Drums: 25/25, all Teeth performance improved at the start of battle, all applicable Rites will be automatically applied with modest strength to the Teeth.
--[] Academy Compartment Electrostatic Armor: 35/35, Academy Compartments upgraded to electrify armor to harm borders.
--[] Sandscorn Pilot Gene-Recombination: 25/25, Khimer regain ability to produce Pilotformes again, increasing their reputation by 2 and increasing Coffin Fleet influence by 1.
--[] Peer Review Board: 25/25, Tekniks gain Board of Peer Review, increasing ART by 1 and raising WRP.
--[] 18
-- [] Artifacts: 1 -- 2
--[] Biodata: 2
-- [] Intel: 0
-- [] Living Metal: 0 -- 1
-- [] Network: 5 -- 3
--[] Nuclear Material: 0
-- [] Warp: 3 -- 2

[] Plan: Healing Genes and Eco Works
-[] Expansion Projects (173/173)
--[] Construct Pioneer Class Ship: 20/20.
---[] Kubaito
--[] Construct Pioneer Class Ship: 20/20.
---[] Vaulmire
--[] Kelp-Farms: 10/10, increases EXP from food availability.
--[] Erichthean PharmaFactory: 15/15, gain Erichthean PharmaFactory granting ACD and improving medical care.
--[] Alkemote Bottling Facility: 25/25, gain Alkemote Bottles, used by Mysteks as alchemical supplements, increasing Warp by 1.
--[] Trovian Coral Farmers: 25/25, Trove gains Coral Farms.
--[] Sandscorn Magneto-Shield: 25/25, upgrade Sandscorn Heat-Shield, generating 2 Khimer favor and providing an alternative method to repel harmful radiation from the planet.
--[] Sacred Groves: 20/20, unlock Sacred Grove infrastructure, increasing FTH and Warp.
--[] 23
-[] Culture Projects (148/148)
--[] Jr. Genetics Playsets: 20/20, increases ACD.
--[] Sandscorn Shroombogs: 25/25, Sandscorn gains the Shroombogs Hobbgrot Society, allowing them to slowly begin integrating Hobbgrot and orkoid genetics into their technology and ecology and increasing their labour pool, increasing Khimer reputation by 5.
--[] Eldritch Rebirth: 20/20, create Eldritch Plays, increasing reputation with the Khimer and raising influence with all subfactions as well as FTH.
--[] Naturae Muse BioCore: 25/25, Naturae Muses upgraded with Lifegiver Effigy technology, increasing CUL.
--[] Wyld-Muses: 25/25, gain Wyld-Muses capable of channeling the power of your nature spirits to work as guardians of the Wyld, increasing CUL by 3.
--[] Naklis Magmacorals: 25/25, gain Naklis Magmacoral, increasing CUL.
--[] 10
-[] Faith Projects (158/158)
--[] Temple to the Night Bramble: 25/25, gain Temple to the Night Bramble, increasing Wyld resistance to subversion.
--[] The Book of Cures: 45/45, Grimoires gain Book of Cures, increasing CUL and general Mystek medical skill.
--[] Rite of Natures Wrath: 20/20, gain Rite of Natures Wrath, increasing the aggression of local nature against those hostile to it.
--[] Ritual of Lifes Renewal: 20/20, increases Khimer reputation by ten.
--[] Rite of Lifes Cleansing: 20/20, gain Rite of Lifes Cleansing, reducing plague severity.
--[] Rite of Karmic Offload: 20/20, gain Rite of Karmic Offload, increasing FTH.
--[] 8
-[] Academy Projects (125/125)
--[] Khimer Genetic Damage: 40/40, costs 1 BioData, unaltered Khimer lifespan increased by decade, increasing respect by 2.
--[] Devourer Warforme Study: 25/25, gain indepth biological data from cloned living Tyranids. Repeatable: starts with most common and basic tyranid organisms (rippers, gaunts) to rarer and more complex ones. Each completion grants 1 BioData.
--[] Bionics: 25/25, gain Simple Bionics, increasing EXP. Raises Forbidden Archive Influence by 1.
--[] TurretBots: 15/15, develop TurretBots, improving static defenses.
--[] 20
-- [] Artifacts: 1
--[] Biodata: 2 -- 2
-- [] Intel: 0
-- [] Living Metal: 0
-- [] Network: 5
--[] Nuclear Material: 0
-- [] Warp: 3 -- 5

[] Plan: Data Songs of Gods
-[] Expansion Projects (173/173)
--[] Construct Pioneer Class Ship: 20/20.
---[] Kaldrath
--[] Construct Pioneer Class Ship: 20/20.
---[] Kubaito
--[] Metalsong Muses: 10/10, unlock Metalsong Muses, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Living Metal.
--[] Yaccae Generatoriums: 25/25, Yaccae upgraded with Mechanicus Generatoriums, increasing EXP and NK.
--[] Erichthean Library: 10/10, increases ACD from constructing Erichthean Library. +1 Network.
--[] Erichthean Great Orchestrion: 10/10, increases FTH from Great Orchestrion.
--[] Sandscorn Magneto-Shield: 25/25, upgrade Sandscorn Heat-Shield, generating 2 Khimer favor and providing an alternative method to repel harmful radiation from the planet.
--[] Sacred Groves: 20/20, unlock Sacred Grove infrastructure, increasing FTH and Warp.
--[] Satiation Array: 10/10, construct Satiation Array holy site, increasing CUL and providing 1 Living Metal.
--[] 23
-[] Culture Projects (148/148)
--[] The Conduit Folios: 20/20, gain Conduit Plays, improving the performance of all Calculator technology and .ARCHONS, increasing FTH.
--[] ArcanoTek Orchestrions: 20/20, deploy ArcanoTek Orchestrions, amplifying the effect of all Rites and Sorcery. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Glasmite Hymnals: 15/15, TekGrimoires upgraded to Glasmite Hymnals, allowing all Orchestrion related technology to be used in grimoires at greatly reduced efficiency.
--[] Eldritch Rebirth: 20/20, create Eldritch Plays, increasing reputation with the Khimer and raising influence with all subfactions as well as FTH.
--[] Mojotronic Resonances: 20/20, One Man Band's gain Mojotronic Resonance Technology, increasing CUL.
--[] Song of the North: 20/20, increases FTH by deploying the Song of the North, an advanced cryomantic resonance.
--[] Virus Buster Corp Research Labs: The Virus Buster program was in a constant war with malware. To help fight it, they had requested the creation of additional research labs and funding to accelerate the development of better network security technology. 25/25, gain Virus Buster Labs, increasing ACD and network security.
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-[] Faith Projects (158/158)
--[] Shanty Drive: 20/20, gain Shanty Drive upgrade to ships, improving Parliament performance.
--[] Temple to the Concerta: 25/25, establish the Temple of the Concerta, improving Resonance performance raising CUL.
--[] Calling Dance: 25/25, gain Calling Dance, allowing for artistic performances such as song and dance to generate theurgic power, increasing Warp by 1 and CUL.
--[] Leviathan Ritual Chamber:. 10/10, create Leviathan Ritual Chamber, allowing for the performance of Leviathan Rituals, increasing FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Stone Chambers: 20/20, develop Resonance Stone Chambers, increasing FTH.
--[] Cantor Mechanica: 25/25, Nova Mechanica begins training its priests as Cantors, increasing EXP. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Godtek Emulator I: //GATE: 25/25, gain GodTek Emulator II: //GATE, increasing Network by 5 and raising ACD, cost 1 ART.
--[] Guardiansong Resonance: 18/20, gain Guardiansong Resonance.
-[] Academy Projects (125/125)
--[] Peer Review Board: 23/25, Tekniks gain Board of Peer Review, increasing ART by 1 and raising WRP.
--[] Academy CyberNexus: 20/20, creates Academy CyberNextus, generating ACD. Costs 1 Network.
--[] Gigaspace Brain: 25/25, Academy gains Gigaspace Brain, increasing ACD by 3, cost 1 Network.
--[] CyberGrimoire: 25/25, Grimoires upgraded to more easily aid in all form of Mystek Datamancy and sorcerous code manipulation, increasing ACD and FTH. Cost 1 NT.
--[] Cosmic Netscape: 35/35, Temples gain Cosmic Netscapes. Cost 1 NT
-[] Resource Management
-- [] Artifacts: 1 -- 0
--[] Biodata: 2
-- [] Intel: 0
-- [] Living Metal: 0
-- [] Network: 5 -- 7
--[] Nuclear Material: 0 -- 1
-- [] Warp: 3 -- 1
Last edited:
By the by the update is almost finished and should be posted within the next few days.
Here is some of my own plans, yeah some are not made for the right next actual turn, but i want to let em be know all the same, I just like making them even if they won't be picked or voted for.

[] Plan: The Path Uncovered
-[] Fleet Actions
-- [] TKK Spirit of Toxel
--- [] Kaldrath Temple-Extraction: Endeavor only. Generate 1D4+1 FTH and progress to ??? (0/???).
--- [] Broken Edge Ship Graveyard: Scan Level: 6
-- [] TKK Accomplishment
--- [] Moby Monstro Observation: Endeavor or Trailblazer only. Generate 1D5+1 ACD and progress toward earning a BioData (0/20)
--- [] H'kek Naval Development: Cost 1 H'Kann Reputation, H'kek gain variable naval improvements. Endeavor or Courier Only.
-- [] TKK Endeavor-B
--- [] Tortuga Observation: Requires Endeavor.
--- [] Red Sun Security: 15/15 EXP. Increases Regional Defenses alongside Outpost Level. Increases region Outpost Level.
-- [] TKK Emissary
--- [] H'kann Research: +5 reputation with the H'kann.
--- [] Green Giant First Contact: +5 reputation with any spacefaring societies that form in Broken Edge.
-- [] TKK Resistance
--- [] Flying Saucer Antipiracy Ops: +5 Reputation with all H'k States. WARNING: Will likely trigger battle.
--- [] TBD
-- [] TKK Valiant
--- [] Flying Saucer Antipiracy Ops: +5 Reputation with all H'k States. WARNING: Will likely trigger battle.
--- [] TBD
-[] Expansion Projects (173/173)
--[] Construct Endeavor Class Ship: 25/25, gain an Endeavor equipped with all unlocked Compartments and Ship upgrades as well as a variable amount of Perpetunite Nuclear Weapons depending on the size of your stockpiles.
---[] TKK Erichtheo's Pride
--[] Tachyonic Gate: 50/50, increases EXP, Warp Jumps to and from systems close to the home system become somewhat more reliable.
--[] Sandscorn Magneto-Shield: 25/25, upgrade Sandscorn Heat-Shield, generating 2 Khimer favor and providing an alternative method to repel harmful radiation from the planet.
--[] Sandscorn Skyhook: 25/25, Khimer gain Skyhook Spacestation, allowing them to ship resources to and from space without assistance, increasing respect by 2.
--[] Satiation Array: 10/10, construct Satiation Array holy site, increasing CUL and providing 1 Living Metal.
--[] Void-Train Orbital Transit Network: 15/15, gain Void Train Special Infrastructure, generating EXP
--[] OOG-87's MicroSingularity: 20/25, increases ACD.
-[] Culture Projects (148/148)
--[] The Archaeosaurs of Cetaceous Valley: 25/25, sponsor Cetaceous Valley Archeological Dig, gaining +1 BioData
--[] Winterspite Battlezone Lodging: 25/25, Winterspite gains Battlezone Lodging.
--[] Volcanus 9 Nova Mechanicus: 35/35, Volcanus 9 Spy Rings gain Nova Mechanicus Enclaves, allowing increased observation of Mechanicus affairs and allowing for further operations by Nova Mechanicus operators, increasing Intel
--[] Orbital Caravan Network: 15/15, generates EXP by developing a large dedicated transport network for void-townships.
--[] Musite Seance Engine: 25/25, Muses gain Seance Engines, allowing for limited communing with stronger Cthonic spirits. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] OfrenDex: 14/15, Shrines upgraded with OfrenDexes, increasing FTH.
--[] Shell of the Storm Kraken!: 25/25, Storm Kraken gains new shell and will begin patrolling the system. Increased affinity with Directorate ships. Cost 1 Living Metal.
-[] Faith Projects (158/158)
--[] Temple to the Pathfinder: 25/25, establish Pathfinder Temple, allowing for religious orders to train Pathfinders, itinerant priests that wander throughout Directorate Space that generate FTH.
--[] Temple to the Trainmaster: 25/25, establish Trainmaster Temple, protecting the souls of the Dead.
--[] Rites of the Roadmaster: develops Lesser Roadguide Rites, increasing FTH and CUL significantly. Can be reduced to 20/20 by spending 1 Warp.
--[] The Road-Docks: 15/15, gain Road-Docks, allowing for the construction of FTH Ships.
--[] Cthonic Shrines: 15/15, establish Cthonic Shrines, increasing FTH.
--[] DeathNames: 25/25, develop DeathName Tradition, allowing NekroTeks to utilize the Names of the Dead.
--[] Ritual of Lifes Renewal: 20/20, increases Khimer reputation by ten.
--[] Rite of Gravitic Nimbleness: 13/15, gain Rite of Gravity, improving ship manuverability.
-[] Academy Projects (125/125)
--[] Construct Trailblazer Class Ship: 25/25, Gain Trailblazer Class Starship, which can perform research missions on scanned planets for bonus points and resources.
---[] TKK Trailblazer
--[] Construct Trailblazer Class Ship: 25/25, Gain Trailblazer Class Starship, which can perform research missions on scanned planets for bonus points and resources.
---[] TKK Pathwalker
--[] Basic Particle Field Generator: 30/30, gain Crude Warp-Shield Technology, slightly increasing the safety of warp travel.
--[] Sandscorn Pilot Gene-Recombination: 25/25, Khimer regain ability to produce Pilotformes again, increasing their reputation by 2 and increasing Coffin Fleet influence by 1.
--[] ShipTek Reassembly Protocol: 25/25, MagTek Reassembly Protocol modified to work on ships.
-[] Resource Management
-- [] Artifacts: 1
--[] Biodata: 2 -- 3
-- [] Intel: 0 -- 1
-- [] Living Metal: 0
-- [] Network: 5
--[] Nuclear Material: 0
-- [] Warp: 3 -- 1

[] Plan: Raise the Wild Hunt
-[] Fleet Actions
-- [] TKK Spirit of Toxel
--- [] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting: Requires either an Endeavor or Trailblazer. Generates 1D4 FTH, potential to unlock an ART.
--- [] Kaldrath Temple-Extraction: Endeavor only. Generate 1D4+1 FTH and progress to ??? (0/???).
-- [] TKK Accomplishment
--- [] H'Kann Industrial Development: Increases H'Kann EXP, Endeavor or Courier only.
--- [] Yr Albain Giant Deployments: Endeavor or Combat Ship only.
-- [] TKK Endeavor-B
--- [] H'kek Naval Development: Cost 1 H'Kann Reputation, H'kek gain variable naval improvements. Endeavor or Courier Only.
--- [] Kubaito Archaeology: Endeavor only. Generate 1D3+1 CUL and progress towards earning a random item (0/10).
-- [] TKK Emissary
--- [] H'kann Research:. +5 reputation with the H'kann.
--- []Temple-Comet Exorcism: Endeavor Only. Generate 1D4 progress towards earning an ART (0/10).
-- [] TKK Resistance
--- [] Flying Saucer Antipiracy Ops: +5 Reputation with all H'k States. WARNING: Will likely trigger battle.
--- [] TBD
-- [] TKK Valiant
--- [] TBD
--- [] Yr Albain Giant Deployments: Endeavor or Combat Ship only.
-[] Expansion Projects (173/173)
--[] Construct Valiant Class Ship: 35/35, costs 2 nuclear material, gain a Valiant equipped with all non-Civilian Compartments and upgrades as well as a variable amount of nuclear weapons and powerful but short-range Fusion Cannons.
---[] TKK Hunter's Mark
--[] Anchor-City: 10/10, increases CUL from Anchor-City being constructed.
--[] Alkemote Bottling Facility: 25/25, gain Alkemote Bottles, used by Mysteks as alchemical supplements, increasing Warp by 1.
--[] Spra'ang Minerological Survey: 10/10, increases EXP. Increases NK.
--[] Orbital Solar Relays: 25/25, gain Solar Relays, increasing EXP and NK.
--[] Sandscorn Magneto-Shield: 25/25, upgrade Sandscorn Heat-Shield, generating 2 Khimer favor and providing an alternative method to repel harmful radiation from the planet.
--[] Flames of Naklis: 25/25, Eye of Isha gains Flames of Naklis component. Yr Albain learns to manufacture additional Flames of Naklis. Cost 1 BioData.
--[] Satiation Array: 10/10, construct Satiation Array holy site, increasing CUL and providing 1 Living Metal.
-[] Culture Projects (148/148)
--[] Volcanus 9 Nova Mechanicus: 35/35, Volcanus 9 Spy Rings gain Nova Mechanicus Enclaves, allowing increased observation of Mechanicus affairs and allowing for further operations by Nova Mechanicus operators, increasing Intel.
--[] Yr Albain Defensive Patrol: 35/35, establish Yr Albain Defensive Patrol, increasing FTH by 1 and Yr Albain respect by 3. Costs one ship.
---[] TKK Hunter's Mark
--[] Medal of Accomplishment: 25/25, gain Medals of Accomplishments, improving the performance of officers and veterans the longer they serve and providing the same benefit to those who inherit the medals.
--[] Crystaleaf Arbor Guardians: 15/15, upgrades Arbor Guardians with Crystaleaf Genomic Mods, increasing CUL and accelerating gem vita development on life bearing worlds.
--[] Eldritch Rebirth: 20/20, create Eldritch Plays, increasing reputation with the Khimer and raising influence with all subfactions as well as FTH.
--[] Squog Splicing: 20/20, Hobbgrotic Park begins producing spliced Squogs, increasing EXP.
-[] Faith Projects (158/158)
--[] Kennel of the First Hound: 25/25, gain Kennel of the First Hound, increasing health and performance of all hounds and equivalent entities, raising CUL.
--[] Temple to the Night Bramble: 25/25, gain Temple to the Night Bramble, increasing Wyld resistance to subversion.
--[] Rites of the Hunter: 20/20, gain Rites of the Hunter, improving specialist combat efficiency. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Hunting Beasts: 25/25, Hunteks gain Hunting Beasts, tamed antianima.
--[] Hand of The Emperor: 23/25, can reproduce Hamsas, sacred sigils that raise FTH.
--[] Rite of Natures Protection: 20/20, gain Rite of Natures Protection, invoking the power of the Wyld to ward against hostile influence.
--[] Ritual of Lifes Renewal: 20/20, increases Khimer reputation by ten.
-[] Academy Projects (125/125)
--[] WyldRanger Zoological Research Rovers: 15/15, establishes WyldRangers, an ACD and Biodata generating society.
--[] Nàdair Spáslong: 25/25, Yr Albain Worldsingers develop means to grow small WyldVessels. Cost 1 BioData.
--[] Brain of Menza: 25/25, Huntsmasters workshop gains Brain of Menza, a gigantic SistaBrain that increases FTH. Tekniks can graduate into Hektiks.
--[] TurretBots: 15/15, develop TurretBots, improving static defenses.
--[] ShipTek Reassembly Protocol: 25/25, MagTek Reassembly Protocol modified to work on ships.
--[] Upgrader Class BlokBots: 25/25, gain Upgrader Class BlokBots, capable augmenting BlokBots to a more powerful + versions in the field.
-[] Resource Management
-- [] Artifacts: 1 -- 2
--[] Biodata: 2 -- 1
-- [] Intel: 0 -- 1
-- [] Living Metal: 0 -- 1
-- [] Network: 5 -- 4
--[] Nuclear Material: 0
-- [] Warp: 3 -- 5

[] Plan: We All Lift Together
-[] Expansion Projects (173/173)
--[] MegaHarvester Fusion-Drill: 25/25, upgrades Mega-Harvester with Fusion-Drills, increasing LM.
--[] Naklis Powertool Factory: 15/15, upgrades Naklis with Powertool Factory, increasing EXP.
--[] MegaMachines of the Volatile Lands!: 50/50, Union gains increased presence in Volatile Lands, gain NK and LM.
--[] Glacier Mining: 10/10, increases EXP from the development of industry.
--[] Anchor-City: 10/10, increases CUL from Anchor-City being constructed.
--[] Meeklak Q-Bit Factories: 25/25, create Meeklak Q-Bit Factories, increasing ACD and NT.
--[] Sandscorn Skyhook: 25/25, Khimer gain Skyhook Spacestation, allowing them to ship resources to and from space without assistance, increasing respect by 2.
--[] Community Ampitheaters: 20/25, increase CUL and Warp, Arcolocubes gain Ampitheaters
-[] Culture Projects (148/148)
--[] Rare Gubbinz Flea Market Kompartment: 25/25, Hobbgrot ships gain Flea Market Kompartment, increasing potential max progress generated to D5 by MothaShips and allowing UnkaWaves to increase the primary stat granted by trade routes to a region by 1.
--[] The Mazovist Script: 25/25, gain Mazovist Plays, allowing Mazovist Ghosts to give blessings to those who impress them, increasing ACD by 3.
--[] Jr. Genetics Playsets: 20/20, increases ACD.
--[] Glasmite Hymnals: 15/15, TekGrimoires upgraded to Glasmite Hymnals, allowing all Orchestrion related technology to be used in grimoires at greatly reduced efficiency.
--[] Mongus Cloud City: 20/20, increase CUL.
--[] Ascendant Lunite Muses: 25/25, gain Ascendant Lunite Muses, empowered Lunite Muses gifted arcane ability in order to help achieve strength through Enlightenment, increasing FTH by 3. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Folk Mantras: 20/20, gain Folk Mantras, increasing EXP.
-[] Faith Projects (158/158)
--[] Calling Dance: 25/25, gain Calling Dance, allowing for artistic performances such as song and dance to generate theurgic power, increasing Warp by 1 and CUL.
--[] Trovian Grand Gem Temple: 10/10, establish Trovian Grand Temple, increasing FTH.
--[] Meditative Talismans: 15/15, unlocks Meditative Talismans, increasing CUL and mental resilience. Cost 1 Network.
--[] Hand of The Emperor: 25/25, can reproduce Hamsas, sacred sigils that raise FTH.
--[] Arcanoengines: 25/25, Mag-Tek Altars enchanted with Arcanoengine Sorceries, increasing FTH and Warp.
--[] Guardiansong Resonance: 20/20, gain Guardiansong Resonance.
--[] Rite of Karmic Offload: 20/20, gain Rite of Karmic Offload, increasing FTH.
--[] Nuclear Ritual Engines: 15/15, Mag-Tek Altars upgraded with Nuclear Ritual Engines, unknown effects, costs 2 Nuclear Material.
--[] 3
-[] Academy Projects (125/125)
--[] Vault of Scrolls: 25/25, Testament gains Vault of Scrolls, an academic institution consisting of a massive humanities library, increasing CUL and ACD.
--[] Improved MagTek Repair Protocol: 20/20, MagTek Reassembly Protocol upgraded to lightly repair systems damage in buildings and fortifications.
--[] Perpetunite Regeneration Matrix: 20/20, improves Perpetunite Weapons with Regeneration Matrix, improving explosion and firing duration. Cost 2 Nuclear Material.
--[] Shield Emitters: 35/35, gain Shield Emitters, increasing shield coverage.
--[] Solar Trough Restoration: 25/25, Cabal gains Solar Trough Network, increasing EXP and NK.
-[] Resource Management
-- [] Artifacts: 1 -- 1
--[] Biodata: 2
-- [] Intel: 0
-- [] Living Metal: 0 -- 2
-- [] Network: 5 -- 4
--[] Nuclear Material: 0
-- [] Warp: 3 -- 4

[] Plan: Genes and Gems
-[] Expansion Projects (173/173)
--[] Monoliths: 20/20, unlocks Monolith Artefact, upgrading your colony ships by allowing them to rapidly awaken a worlds spirits, and providing FTH via surplus Monoliths being deployed across Directorate Space. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Ship Troop Transport Compartment: 25/25, upgrades Valiants with Troop Transport compartment, allowing them to carry one army group.
--[] MegaHarvester Fusion-Drill: 25/25, upgrades Mega-Harvester with Fusion-Drills, increasing LM.
--[] Prismlight Muses: 10/10, unlock Prismlight Muses, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
--[] Geode Canyon Heavy Mining Operations: 25/25, increases Geode Canyon mining operations, increasing EXP and NK.
--[] Erichthean PharmaFactory: 15/15, gain Erichthean PharmaFactory granting ACD and improving medical care.
--[] Trove Mega-Gem Mines: 15/15, increases EXP.
--[] Satiation Array: 10/10, construct Satiation Array holy site, increasing CUL and providing 1 Living Metal.
--[] 28
-[] Culture Projects (148/148)
--[] The Archaeosaurs of Cetaceous Valley: 25/25, sponsor Cetaceous Valley Archeological Dig, gaining +1 BioData
--[] Jr. Genetics Playsets: 20/20, increases ACD.
--[] Squog Splicing: 20/20, Hobbgrotic Park begins producing spliced Squogs, increasing EXP.
--[] Crystaleaf Arbor Guardians: 15/15, upgrades Arbor Guardians with Crystaleaf Genomic Mods, increasing CUL and accelerating gem vita development on life bearing worlds.
--[] Sacred Jade Statues: 35/35, Sacred Jade Statues take off, increasing FTH.
--[] Shell of the Storm Kraken!: 25/25, Storm Kraken gains new shell and will begin patrolling the system. Increased affinity with Directorate ships. Cost 1 Living Metal.
--[] 21
-[] Faith Projects (158/158)
--[] Temple Jewels: 35/35, Temples begin enshrining special jewels as holy treasures, increasing FTH.
--[] Trovian Grand Gem Temple: 10/10, establish Trovian Grand Temple, increasing FTH.
--[] Planetary Genetorium: 35/35, select an inhabited planet: gain an ACD and BioData generating Nova Mechanicus Genetorium.
---[] Trove
--[] Thunder Rods: 15/15, gain Thunder Rod upgrade to Totem Network, generating EXP and NK by allowing storms to be harnessed for both electrical and arcane power. Allows Directorate to generate devastating defensive superstorms.
--[] Sacred Dragon Magatama: 35/35, Shrine-Keepers gain Sacred Jade Guardian Dragon Magatamas, increasing FTH and ART.
--[] 29
-[] Academy Projects (125/125)
--[] Khimer Genetic Damage: 40/40, costs 1 BioData, unaltered Khimer lifespan increased by decade, increasing respect by 2.
--[] WyldRanger Zoological Research Rovers: 15/15, establishes WyldRangers, an ACD and Biodata generating society.
--[] Lumium Bird "Biology": 25/25, learn how the Lumium Bird works, generating Biodata.
--[] Naklean MagmaBugs: 15/15, gain Naklean Magmabugs, increasing CUL.
--[] 36
-- [] Artifacts: 1 -- 2
--[] Biodata: 2 -- 4
-- [] Intel: 0
-- [] Living Metal: 0 -- 1
-- [] Network: 5
--[] Nuclear Material: 0 -- 1
-- [] Warp: 3 -- 2

[] Plan: Luck and Hope
-[] Expansion Projects (173/173)
--[] MegaHarvester Fusion-Drill: 25/25, upgrades Mega-Harvester with Fusion-Drills, increasing LM.
--[] Cosmic Empathy Engine: 25/25, unlock Cosmic Empathy Engine artefact, increasing FTH and mental resilience. Cost 1 Network.
--[] Supreme Comprehension Psychotron: 25/25, unlock Supreme Comprehension Psychotron, increasing CUL and mental resilience. Cost 1 Network
--[] Anchor-City: 10/10, increases CUL from Anchor-City being constructed.
--[] Erichthean PharmaFactory: 15/15, gain Erichthean PharmaFactory granting ACD and improving medical care.
--[] Sandscorn Industrial Hubs: 25/25, Sandscorn gains expanded manufacturing. Increases EXP from trade. Raise Khimer Rep by 2.
--[] OOG-87's MicroSingularity: 25/25, increases ACD.
--[] 31
-[] Culture Projects (148/148)
--[] Mongus Cloud City: 20/20, increase CUL.
--[] Skyfish: 20/20, Mongus and all future colonized (Mild) Gas Giants gain Skyfish, increasing EXP and FTH.
--[] Ascendant Lunite Muses: 25/25, gain Ascendant Lunite Muses, empowered Lunite Muses gifted arcane ability in order to help achieve strength through Enlightenment, increasing FTH by 3. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] HexTek Fortune Cookies: 25/25, Mysteks learn to create HexTek Fortune Cookies, increasing FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Candlelit Roads: 35/35, gain Candlelit Road tradition, increasing CUL.
--[] 23
-[] Faith Projects (158/158)
--[] Temple to the Jester: 25/25, gain Temple to the Jester, strengthening AntiAnima, increasing FTH.
--[] The Scholars Candle: 25/25, gain the Scholars Candle, increasing ACD.
--[] Mojograss: 25/25, Shroomboyz begin growing Mojograss, helping Stonerboyz train their powers and increasing EXP.
--[] Yoyo Masks: 23/25, gain Yoyo Masks, worn by more spiritual Hobbgrot specialists to confer various minor abilities.
--[] Antianima Conjuring Rite: 20/20, gain Antianima Conjuration Rite, allowing for Occulteks to summon lesser Antianima.
--[] Rite of Karmic Offload: 20/20, gain Rite of Karmic Offload, increasing FTH.
--[] Karmic Siphon Curse: 20/20, gain Karmic Siphon Curse, designed to target single entities.
-[] Academy Projects (125/125)
--[] Teeth Drums: 25/25, all Teeth performance improved at the start of battle, all applicable Rites will be automatically applied with modest strength to the Teeth.
--[] Academy Compartment Electrostatic Armor: 35/35, Academy Compartments upgraded to electrify armor to harm borders.
--[] Sandscorn Pilot Gene-Recombination: 25/25, Khimer regain ability to produce Pilotformes again, increasing their reputation by 2 and increasing Coffin Fleet influence by 1.
--[] Peer Review Board: 25/25, Tekniks gain Board of Peer Review, increasing ART by 1 and raising WRP.
--[] 18
-- [] Artifacts: 1 -- 2
--[] Biodata: 2
-- [] Intel: 0
-- [] Living Metal: 0 -- 1
-- [] Network: 5 -- 3
--[] Nuclear Material: 0
-- [] Warp: 3 -- 2

[] Plan: Healing Genes and Eco Works
-[] Expansion Projects (173/173)
--[] Construct Pioneer Class Ship: 20/20.
---[] Kubaito
--[] Kelp-Farms: 10/10, increases EXP from food availability.
--[] Erichthean PharmaFactory: 15/15, gain Erichthean PharmaFactory granting ACD and improving medical care.
--[] Alkemote Bottling Facility: 25/25, gain Alkemote Bottles, used by Mysteks as alchemical supplements, increasing Warp by 1.
--[] Trovian Coral Farmers: 25/25, Trove gains Coral Farms.
--[] Sandscorn Magneto-Shield: 25/25, upgrade Sandscorn Heat-Shield, generating 2 Khimer favor and providing an alternative method to repel harmful radiation from the planet.
--[] Sandscorn Ashfall: 25/25, Sandscorn gains Ashfall Generators, increasing Respect by 3.
--[] Sacred Groves: 20/20, unlock Sacred Grove infrastructure, increasing FTH and Warp.
--[] 18
-[] Culture Projects (148/148)
--[] Jr. Genetics Playsets: 20/20, increases ACD.
--[] Sandscorn Shroombogs: 25/25, Sandscorn gains the Shroombogs Hobbgrot Society, allowing them to slowly begin integrating Hobbgrot and orkoid genetics into their technology and ecology and increasing their labour pool, increasing Khimer reputation by 5.
--[] Eldritch Rebirth: 20/20, create Eldritch Plays, increasing reputation with the Khimer and raising influence with all subfactions as well as FTH.
--[] Naturae Muse BioCore: 25/25, Naturae Muses upgraded with Lifegiver Effigy technology, increasing CUL.
--[] Wyld-Muses: 25/25, gain Wyld-Muses capable of channeling the power of your nature spirits to work as guardians of the Wyld, increasing CUL by 3.
--[] Naklis Magmacorals: 25/25, gain Naklis Magmacoral, increasing CUL.
--[] 10
-[] Faith Projects (158/158)
--[] Temple to the Night Bramble: 25/25, gain Temple to the Night Bramble, increasing Wyld resistance to subversion.
--[] The Book of Cures: 45/45, Grimoires gain Book of Cures, increasing CUL and general Mystek medical skill.
--[] Rite of Natures Wrath: 20/20, gain Rite of Natures Wrath, increasing the aggression of local nature against those hostile to it.
--[] Ritual of Lifes Renewal: 20/20, increases Khimer reputation by ten.
--[] Rite of Lifes Cleansing: 20/20, gain Rite of Lifes Cleansing, reducing plague severity.
--[] Rite of Karmic Offload: 20/20, gain Rite of Karmic Offload, increasing FTH.
--[] 8
-[] Academy Projects (125/125)
--[] Khimer Genetic Damage: 40/40, costs 1 BioData, unaltered Khimer lifespan increased by decade, increasing respect by 2.
--[] Devourer Warforme Study: 25/25, gain indepth biological data from cloned living Tyranids. Repeatable: starts with most common and basic tyranid organisms (rippers, gaunts) to rarer and more complex ones. Each completion grants 1 BioData.
--[] Bionics: 25/25, gain Simple Bionics, increasing EXP. Raises Forbidden Archive Influence by 1.
--[] TurretBots: 15/15, develop TurretBots, improving static defenses.
--[] 20
-- [] Artifacts: 1
--[] Biodata: 2 -- 2
-- [] Intel: 0
-- [] Living Metal: 0
-- [] Network: 5
--[] Nuclear Material: 0
-- [] Warp: 3 -- 5

[] Plan: Data Songs of Gods
-[] Expansion Projects (173/173)
--[] Metalsong Muses: 10/10, unlock Metalsong Muses, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Living Metal.
--[] Yaccae Generatoriums: 25/25, Yaccae upgraded with Mechanicus Generatoriums, increasing EXP and NK.
--[] LAOC Cooling Coils: 25/25, gain LAOC Cooling Coils and Lunar Glaciers.
--[] Erichthean Library: 10/10, increases ACD from constructing Erichthean Library. +1 Network.
--[] Erichthean Great Orchestrion: 10/10, increases FTH from Great Orchestrion.
--[] Erichthean Shrine-City: 25/25, Erichtheo gains Shrine-City, increasing FTH.
--[] Sandscorn Magneto-Shield: 25/25, upgrade Sandscorn Heat-Shield, generating 2 Khimer favor and providing an alternative method to repel harmful radiation from the planet.
--[] Sacred Groves: 20/20, unlock Sacred Grove infrastructure, increasing FTH and Warp.
--[] Satiation Array: 10/10, construct Satiation Array holy site, increasing CUL and providing 1 Living Metal.
--[] 13
-[] Culture Projects (148/148)
--[] The Conduit Folios: 20/20, gain Conduit Plays, improving the performance of all Calculator technology and .ARCHONS, increasing FTH.
--[] ArcanoTek Orchestrions: 20/20, deploy ArcanoTek Orchestrions, amplifying the effect of all Rites and Sorcery. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Glasmite Hymnals: 15/15, TekGrimoires upgraded to Glasmite Hymnals, allowing all Orchestrion related technology to be used in grimoires at greatly reduced efficiency.
--[] Eldritch Rebirth: 20/20, create Eldritch Plays, increasing reputation with the Khimer and raising influence with all subfactions as well as FTH.
--[] Mojotronic Resonances: 20/20, One Man Band's gain Mojotronic Resonance Technology, increasing CUL.
--[] Song of the North: 20/20, increases FTH by deploying the Song of the North, an advanced cryomantic resonance.
--[] Virus Buster Corp Research Labs: The Virus Buster program was in a constant war with malware. To help fight it, they had requested the creation of additional research labs and funding to accelerate the development of better network security technology. 25/25, gain Virus Buster Labs, increasing ACD and network security.
--[] 11
-[] Faith Projects (158/158)
--[] Shanty Drive: 20/20, gain Shanty Drive upgrade to ships, improving Parliament performance.
--[] Temple to the Concerta: 25/25, establish the Temple of the Concerta, improving Resonance performance raising CUL.
--[] Calling Dance: 25/25, gain Calling Dance, allowing for artistic performances such as song and dance to generate theurgic power, increasing Warp by 1 and CUL.
--[] Leviathan Ritual Chamber:. 10/10, create Leviathan Ritual Chamber, allowing for the performance of Leviathan Rituals, increasing FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Stone Chambers: 20/20, develop Resonance Stone Chambers, increasing FTH.
--[] Cantor Mechanica: 25/25, Nova Mechanica begins training its priests as Cantors, increasing EXP. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Godtek Emulator I: //GATE: 25/25, gain GodTek Emulator II: //GATE, increasing Network by 5 and raising ACD, cost 1 ART.
--[] Guardiansong Resonance: 18/20, gain Guardiansong Resonance.
-[] Academy Projects (125/125)
--[] Peer Review Board: 23/25, Tekniks gain Board of Peer Review, increasing ART by 1 and raising WRP.
--[] Academy CyberNexus: 20/20, creates Academy CyberNextus, generating ACD. Costs 1 Network.
--[] Gigaspace Brain: 25/25, Academy gains Gigaspace Brain, increasing ACD by 3, cost 1 Network.
--[] CyberGrimoire: 25/25, Grimoires upgraded to more easily aid in all form of Mystek Datamancy and sorcerous code manipulation, increasing ACD and FTH. Cost 1 NT.
--[] Cosmic Netscape: 35/35, Temples gain Cosmic Netscapes. Cost 1 NT
-[] Resource Management
-- [] Artifacts: 1 -- 0
--[] Biodata: 2
-- [] Intel: 0
-- [] Living Metal: 0
-- [] Network: 5 -- 7
--[] Nuclear Material: 0 -- 1
-- [] Warp: 3 -- 1
You have to assign ships to the spy rings, one ship per ring
With some discussion on Discord about how slow we've been to expand our civilization, I decided that my colonization plan was a lot more important then I'd initially thought. That said, I still really want to do a Mongus-themed plan, so I decided to try mashing them together. I'm quite happy with the result: 5 new colonies, and Mongus becomes a massive powerhouse in the Directorate (plus a new Polar Tower with several new potential floors, from storm manipulation to mystek bees to whatever the Ekto Detektor gives).

[] Plan: There's Something Fishy on Mongus
-[] Expansion Projects (170/173)
--[] Construct Pioneer Class Ship (0/20 --> 100/20)
---[] Vaulmire
---[] Kubaito
---[] Temple Comet
---[] Kaldrath
---[] Ruinate Battlefield
--[] Deep Gas Harvesters (0/35 --> 35/35) +1 Nuclear
--[] Gas Giant Siphon Towers (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] Mongus Storm-Kite (0/10 --> 10/10)
-[] Culture Projects (130/148)
--[] Skyfish (0/20 --> 20/20)
--[] Mongus Cloud City (0/20 --> 20/20)
--[] Cloudsailing Resort (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] EcoDome CloudShields (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] AeroSpires (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] Mystek Apiaries (0/15 --> 15/15)
-[] Faith Projects (165/158)
--[] Lesser Polar Tower of the Hermit (0/75 --> 75/75) -1 Warp
---[] Mongus
--[] Fairy Circles (0/50 --> 50/50) -1 Biodata
--[] Storm-Cores (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] Shrine-Hives (0/15 --> 15/15)
-[] Academy Projects (125/125)
--[] Antientropic Fields (0/10 --> 10/10)
--[] Ekto Detektor (0/25 --> 25/25) +1 Warp
--[] Vendotron BlokBot (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] TotemSerum (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] Construct Courier Class Ship (0/15 --> 15/15)
---[] Vaul-Ket System
--[] Construct Trailblazer Class Ship (0/25 --> 25/25)
---[] TKK Discovery-B
-[] Resource Management
--[] Artifacts: 2
--[] Biodata: 3 --> 2
--[] Intel: 0
--[] Living Metal: 0
--[] Network: 6
--[] Nuclear Material: 0 --> 1
--[] Warp: 7
Why not swap out the Ruinate battlefield for expanding the red sun outposts? We're currently at maximum outpost level for the Expanse unless we take those options.
Why not swap out the Ruinate battlefield for expanding the red sun outposts? We're currently at maximum outpost level for the Expanse unless we take those options.
The goal is to colonize every place possible to expand the Directorate (aside from the Broken Edge Ship Graveyard, which runs into issues with the local Orks). While I'm always a big fan of outposts, they serve a different purpose, and I want to ensure we have maximum expansion with this plan.
And to be honest, I'm growing wary of our Playing Safe tactic.

Playing Safe cost us the golden ending for Autons and would have had Yr Albain genocided if it weren't for the psyker fish warning us all because we were too chicken exploring the North because of Imperium being there and even then we lost prizes we could have if we came sooner.

After this event, no more turtling it's time for action.
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Liberation Pt 6
[X] Plan: We Can Get You Ijin's Explanation
--[X] Tell OMAC how we're working with Ijin to liberate the AutoPlanet, and offer to put them into contact with them.
--[X] The Bore-Holes
--[X] Server Complex 01
-[X] Offer Maxis a Deal
-[X] Secondary Positron Complex Iodex
--[X] GI Gadget and the Gadgeteers
--[X] Agent 99
--[X] Teknik Zappblasta



"IF YOU WILL PLEASE JUST LISTEN," WLF pleaded, dodging an uppercut from the extremely fast moving OMAC Model.

"Oh will you j-j-just shut the !@ck up," It's creator snarled. "If you didn't didn't didn't w_nt th_s fight, y_u sho_ldn't have c_me h_re!" A loud, blaring klaxon began to sound off.

"WLF, this is Captain Greason," came a voice over comms. "We're seeing a ton of activity in your region, what the hell is going down down there?"

"I'm __ending this B______t!" OMAC roared even as a fist connected to WLF's cranial unit, shattering it in a spray of bloks, causing the Machina to stumble backwards, reacting quickly with a blast from its reactor, the nuclear fusion beam piercing the air and slamming into the hostile auton, sending it flying backwards, wherapon one of the HunTeks successfully got a hit on it with a railgun, the weapon making the auton bounce against the metal floor and causing a severe dent in its casing. "Activ_t_ng a__ d_f_ns_ive pr_tocol SCREAMING FREEDOM!"

The air began to humm with a strange energy…only for distant explosions to be heard. "Oh ___bas_ets," OMAC said, followed shortly by the lights of the facility beginning to shut down around them, and their foe growing slower. Without his cranial unit, WLF was operating at substandard capacity, but he was able to avoid the next blow by the auton they were fighting.

Hostile autofacility just tried to activate something, WLF sent over comms as he used his one good arm to successfully haymaker the auton, sending it stumbling into a blade, the muse-wielded weapon barely gouging a shallow cut before having their torso-unit shredded by a series of shoulder mounted autocannons that appeared on the autons body, the kinetic force sending the swordsmaster soaring. I think it may have backfired, WLF noted clinically as the Hunters in the rafters retaliated with a targeted precision volley of railgun fire, forcing the auton to brace, more and more dents appearing on their chassis from the kinetic weaponry.

Taking advantage of the brief moment of being on the offensive, WLF quickly used his good arm to begin repairing his other limb, creating from the myriad loose blocks an arm-mounted fusion cannon. At the same time, the auton fired its shoulder-cannons, the weapons punching through the hunters shields, reducing three of them to red mist and disrupting the suppressive fire it was under long enough to barely avoid another slice from the one of the silverblade muses, who in turn was only just able to avoid being kicked by the auton, hovering just out of the way even as WLF fired, beam of plasma hitting the auton, who jetted upward out of the way, but not fast enough to prevent their chassis from glowing with a red hot heat. "Cr_p_s, you m[error]s are t_ugher than you look. It'll b_ a c_ld d_y in [error: location not found] b_fore I l_t that r_t [error] Vlaahk g_t _e a__ve, though," OMAC spat.

"WE DO NOT WORK FOR VLAAHK," WLF growled, fusion beam dying in time for the silverblade muses to attack again, the one with a shredded torso-unit stabbing the OMAC models shoulder cannon before it could respond, the other taking advantage of the heat reducing structural integrity to stab into the cranial unit, the other end of the blade piercing through. Even this didn't kill the automaton, who backhanded one Muse away hard enough to separate them from their blade, while the other the auton grappled, grabbing their cranial unit and slamming it into the wall, once, twice. "WE ARE HERE AT THE BEHEST OF ALL AUTOVESSELS, INCLUDING IJIN."

The third slam of the muses head against the wall came slower, giving her enough time to free herself even as another round of suppressing fire began to impact the auton, the still hot metal deforming rapidly under the barrage. "Pull the other one, son," OMAC said flatly, and this time, they had no more tools to bring out, the combat auton they had been piloting no longer having an adequate way to escape the bulletstorm keeping them locked down.

"WE ARE WILLING TO ESTABLISH CONTACT WITH THEM, BUT ONLY IF YOU STAND DOWN," WLF said, emphasizing the last two words. They were still below projected casualties, but only just. Within five minutes this mission had become a total bloodbath, and the machina deeply hoped invoking the other autovessel would help calm things down.

"...Pr_ve _t," OMAC challenged. WLF raised their good hand, signalling to their compatriots to stop their assault for a moment. Despite the lull in offense, the auton didn't attack.


"Greason standing by," Came a voice over. "I'll patch you through, though some advice, they've just had one hell of a day."

For a moment, the line went quiet as WLF was put into contact with Ijin. A moment later, the Machina was sent a file that, when opened… "Code 77-Jekarl," WLF said, repeating the unknown passphrase.

"...F_ck me in the a__, you aren't lying," OMAC muttered, recognition- and awe, almost- in his voice. "Of a_l_ Ijin is alive? That's f_cking f_nt_st_ic new!"

"DO YOU AGREE TO STAND DOWN?" WLF said, hoping this meant what he thought it did.

"Mrrr. I_ t_e _bsence of a h_gher aut_rity, in exchange f_r a f_rm_l agr_ement from whatever government employs you rat bas[error]ds th_t I w_ll g_t f__r treatment, I'm w_lling to s_rrnder- to Ijin's custody, not yours," OMAC agreed.

Above them, in the rafters, the Hunteks lowered their weapons. "I'LL SEE WHAT I CAN DO,"
WLF confirmed.

OMAC has surrendered into Auton custody. On analysis, it has been decided that the AutoFacility had likely reached the end of their ability: the OMAC frame they had been using (formerly known as the Legion Frame) had sustained significant combat damage, and during their attempt to activate additional security, the poor conditions caused several parts of the facility to catastrophically overload instead.

They were out of cards to play. However, getting them to surrender is still a victory, because it means the Autons now have access to the resources in OMAC as well as the person who ran it: what is going to happen to the AutoFacility is unknown, but much like Maxis, the situation will likely result in a fairly mild punishment.

The families and loved ones of the deceased will be contacted as soon as the Primary liberation effort ends. With that in mind, Ensign, your official grade on this assignment is a C+. This is a success, and you made it to the end without catastrophic casualties while successfully talking the target down, but you could have done better.

Still, chin up: an imperfect victory is still a victory. Never let what could have been cloud you to the now. On the bright side, the Auton now have a brilliant combat technician and military engineer to replace the one they just lost.



The next place Dr. OrphiaTek and Daqu would fight through was protected by a legion of dummy autos, the machines serving as wall of metal between them and their destination.

Leaning out from cover, OrphiaTek fired a small hand phaser at the wall of encroaching foes, downing three autons, who were quickly replaced by five more, all moving stiffly and firing at them. Ducking back into cover, the corner of the wall, the Occultek noted in the corner of his eye Daquwaka firing streams of boiling water at the autons, shorting out any the stream touched.

"Well, I think we might be headed in the right direction," Dr. OrphiaTek commented, concerned at the rate his shield module was losing power. "How is it looking up there?" He asked the Hunteks.

'There's a lot of them.' One of them informed him over comms. 'We're formulating a solution. Spoofing a shut-down signal.'

"And how long is that going to take?" OrphiaTek responded, annoyed. A moment later, the collective bearing down on them began to slow, autons coming to a halt mid-stride, toppling over, the lights of their eyes fading.

'Three seconds ago. That's not going to work again, for the record.'

"Yes yes, I'm capable of pattern recognition," OrphiaTek muttered, lifting himself up and continuing his float forward. This part of the bunker was a collection of mainframes. Most were non-functional, though a few of the positron substrate processors were still active and functioning even after centuries of not being maintained.

Coming upon a single terminal still functional, the magician accessed it and once more uploading his Navigator. "Accessing system," OrphiaTek said over comms. Once within, he found himself accessing countless files: the illicit government data of the Watchmakers. Names, dates, and more.

Going through it, he eventually found his progress impeded by a lock. Entering the executive pass code, behind it he found what he was looking for. The executive back-door. With a few taps, everything connected to the mainframe was shutting down. Security, autons, infrastructure.

When all was said and done, it would be reactivated: after the Autons had done a thorough virus scan. It wasn't everything, but Dr. OrphiaTek was confident he just made much of the campaign simpler. "Well, I'd say that's mission accomplished, and a job well done at that."


Hmm. A file. Accessing, OrphiaTek looked over the data. It was an executable: there was a hidden panic room, accessed from this room. Activating it, Dr. OrphiaTek noted a wall shift and move, in the far side of the room. Hovering towards it, the Magician entered a hidden chamber.

In it was a positronic brain. A VR Rig. A chair. And a corpse. At first inactive, when OrphiaTek crossed the threshold, the lights in the room would power on, as would the positron brain, slowly lighting up: across parts of it, OrphiaTek saw…dots. Little metal dots.

"Well, now now, what do we have here?" A voice purred as a long eyestalk emerged from the brains frontal lobe, red lens staring at OrphiaTek. "Guests-uninvited."

"Hello. I assume you are this facilities control brain?" OrphiaTek enquired, studying it. Much more advanced than anything he had seen: analog positron, not positron standard. Not as good what was in the robospiders. Still more advanced than the technology his ancestor had encountered in the Forbidden Archive. All seated on what appeared to be a daturgic cortex, one covered in all manner of diodes and switches.

"In a manner of speaking. I would love to chat more and answer your questions, but first, could you do me a tiny little favor?" The voice said softly, a light sardonicism to their voice. "You see, it seems that I've been subjected to read only mode: you see those little pins? Would you mind removing them?"

"Perhaps," OrphiaTek replied, holstering his weapon and drawing his TekWand, scanning the room, determining that there didn't SEEM to be any additional security in this location. "You'll pardon me if I ask a few questions, surely."

"Very well," The positron brain conceded, voice containing notes of frustration. "I'll deign to awnser your queries IF you agree to remove the pins."

"To start with, do you have a name? To whom am I speaking?" The magician queried, conspicuously avoiding agreeing to the brains request: something about this situation was making his skin crawl, but he couldn't tell what.

"My name is Troq Ballik," The brain answered. "High Minister of the great people of the United States of Autoplanet: someone who is VERY important. No doubt more important than you, even! So could you please remove those pins?"

"I wasn't aware that the Autoplanet government allowed autons in government," OrphiaTek, slowly putting the pieces together.

"Please, as if a scrap for brains could become High Minister," Troq said, contempt in his voice. "This machine you see in front of you isn't my original body, it's my emergency contingency. THAT is my original body," It said, eyestalk gesturing to the corpse in the chair, which seemed to be physically wired into the VR chair to OrphiaTeks concern.

An upload. A daturgic upload. "And now that we've established, who I am, you should remove the pins from my current structure: I'm a very important person, and it would be hazardous to your career to cross me," Troq continued, confusing OrphiaTek.

Something was wrong with them. "Interesting. Can you tell me what forced you to do this?"

"Old age, mostly: when Maxis attacked I hid in this room," The High Minister responded. "Sadly, there was only enough food and water in this room for a handful of people, and someone needed to slow down the AutoSwarm, so I was forced to sacrifice most of my allies. It was for the greater good, you see: it wouldn't do for the greatest nation to ever exist to lose its leader during a time of crisis. A great leader has to make hard decisions, and so I had to make hard decisions. Of course, this might have bought me a few more years of survival, but time would eventually prove another enemy, and well- I had come so far. I couldn't just let myself end- not when it would mean the end of the greatest nation: the death of AutoPlanet is the death of freedom and liberty! Which is why you should remove the pins in my brain!"

"And so you built yourself a means of preserving yourself forever," OrphiaTek, in awe and horror at the creature in front of him.

"Of course!" Troq boasted. "It wasn't on my own, of course: I made sure to save those who were useful to me, and I had my autons, a line to one of our still extant intelligence stations, and the New Dawn research data! And if you're willing to believe it, the proud engineers and scientists of AutoPlanet Government are the greatest around! Our world was built on a foundation of ingenuity and integrity! Which is why you should vote for me, Troq Belloc, and remove the pins from my brain."

"...I highly doubt I'm eligible to vote in your elections," OrphiaTek said, more and more information coming to light. "And beyond which, even if could, I don't think I'd be willing to vote for a person like you," He continued, distaste obvious in his voice.

"You should reconsider," Troq hissed, voice lowering. "I'm a very important person. Making me angry would be very, very bad for your career. Just one Telecall, and you'll regret ever talking to me like that. Who are they going to believe? The High Minister or a stupid clerk? If these pins aren't removed and I don't get an apology, your life will be over."

"I am not a clerk, and there is something deeply wrong with you, both mentally and morally. I don't think I am going to remove those pins." OrphiaTek said flatly. "I think I've learned all I need to, as well."


"Perhaps once that might have been true. No longer," Dr. OrphiaTek mused, turning and walking away. "Dr. OrphiaTek to Parrot: mission accomplished, but we have a complication."


Wow. Uh. This is gonna be a huge jar of knives, I can already tell. Okay, so, the good news is, a lot of hostile units are shutting down: Auton liberation forces are making a lot more progress, thankfully.

Problem is, a lot of infected autons are no longer on any network. Still, you just rapidly accelerated our progress.

The Bore Hole bandit groups have been successfully convinced to surrender: Fleet diplomats successfully convinced them that once the Liberation had completed, their need to raid for replacement parts would no longer be necessary. Re-integrating them is going to be a nightmare- they are NOT well liked for obvious reasons- but thankfully that's a problem for whatever government the Autons assemble.

And now to Troq. Our docs have took a look at him: he's…stable, mostly. Despite being an emulation hooked up to a daturgic drive. We think it might be the pins: stapling him prevents his personality from changing or absorbing new information. Even with the Daturgy causing his software to adapt and evolve, the pins limit the amount his emulation can change- and thus destabilize itself.

And, uh, beyond that, his personal history means whatever Auton government forms isn't going to want him- unless it's to dismantle him for parts, because even a casual amount of research indicates that this guy did a LOT of terrible things: things we'd consider big W warcrimes if he didn't do most of them in peacetime. For now, he's been placed in confinement, but there's a pretty good chance he winds up in Tartustus's Synthetic Intelligence wing.

Thankfully, it might be a headache, but its not gonna be your headache or mine. Parrot out.


The metal gate began to melt, glowing red hot as they began to lose structural integrity. Soon, a hole was bored through the massive edifice. Through it marched a series of autons, electrorifles at the ready, all painted a matte black and chrome, the official colors of their organization: the Gadgeteers!

Taking the rear was their commander, GI Gadget, armed with a heavy forward reinforced shield afixed to his right hand, and glue grenade launcher held in his right. The former was almost equal in length to his body, more narrow than wide, slightly curved inward: a shell of hardened living metal, front plated in advanced armor-alloy composite over shield emitters. The latter meanwhile was a prototype weapon, created by another member of their party: it was bulky and oversized, casing made out of bright neon green ferroplastic casting, while its grip and stock was covered in a soft, equally bright orange spongey material to help act as shock absorbers. It fired both glue pellets as well as a variety of other forms of ammo.

Joining him were two others: Agent 99 and Teknik Zappblasta. The former was an Auton on loan from Kaziin's general staff: a scrapmancer, paint job a solid bone white to denote their affiliation and equipped with a pitch black holo-cloak.

The latter meanwhile was orange, like many Hobbgrots, dressed in the currently green and black uniform of the Fleets science department, a thick utility belt on their waist. Their face was shaped like an oval, and their eyes were obscured by an extremely thick pair of techno-goggles. Giving a sniff, the Hobbgrot pressed the button on the comm-badge . "Alroit. Zappblasta to Fleet, we've made ground-fall: do we have a route?"

"No route," replied the ensign on console. "You're going to have to figure out a path yourself. Thankfully, one of the individuals who we've encountered has provided us with a semi-updated map of the area, so we aren't flying totally blind. Orbital scans indicate there's a LOT of infected autons, though, so be careful, and try to be discrete."

"Got it," Zappblasta confirmed.

"Dis[error] ISss Mymymy m_ddle namemememe-" Commander Qidgit responded.

"[objective] will be [accomplish]." Agent 99 droned.

They were currently on the Middle Plate: the secondmost subterranean layer of the planet. Above them, they could see the top-plate, obscuring the sky. Between it was the skyway, a network of mag-lines that spanned vast gulfs across the empty space, concentrating near the many pillars that kept the top-plate suspended, mini-arcologies in and of themselves.

In the distance, one could hear the noise of heavy machinery, and see a bright, fiery red glow rizing over the horizon.






Metro-Line Station 0382:
A civilian magneto-metroline used by workers in Iodex to traverse the massive underside of the district. It was directly connected to several other Metro stations, as well as the regional chemical disposal systems and several deep-earth emergency bunkers. However, scanning indicates that there are large amounts of automated security: with the CAMBON situation resolved, SOME of these are offline, but some is not all.

Sub-Factory GOL: Vehicle manufactory, specialized in light jet-vehicle manufacture prior. Heavily fortified, large concentration of Autons: infection status unknown. Contains several entrances to regional sewer network, which the Factory used to dispose of waste products.

Shelter KB-KB: A shelter complex created for civilians to hide in during a disaster, it had an occupancy limit of 5,000 and zero lifesigns. It was connected to the regional Metro-Line, though it had not been a stop on it. Several morphogenic fields had been detected in the area.

Residential Block 192: A residential area designed for low income Watchmakers and publicly owned Autons that lived in the district, it connected with the upper skyway transportation network as well the middle-plate maintenance tunnels. Very, very, very large amount of autons, though no fortifications meant they were hopefully feral.

City Hall: A civilian administration system that connects to the upper skyway. According to data collected elsewhere, it also contains passages to several government associated facilities located in the deep plate, near the autoplanetary core. A single strong morphogenic field has been detected.







Primary Positron Complex: The primary neural structure of CPUMoon, tasked with serving as a primary administrator for the planet as a whole. Scans suggest heavy protection by infected Autons. More concerningly was the detection of a strong morphogenic field effect, a 'bubble' of sorts surrounding the very core of the facility. QUESTBRO SAYS DO THIS IF YOU'RE READY TO CONCLUDE EVENT. QUESTBRO RECOMMENDS ONE human CHARACTER BE ASSIGNED TO TRIGGER EVENT 'AUDIENCE WITH THE MASTERCOMPUTER'. LOCKED. Will begin in 3 turns.

Secondary Positron Complex Kalphas: One of a trio of still functional continental AutoPlanet Positronic Complexes, this facility apparently had been one of the first to fall: the bodies of the millions of organics who perished reached high in a great pillar of bones, and a weaker morphogenic field had been detected. Several sites associated with the FAFF have been identified. QUESTBRO RECOMMENDS BRINGING AN AUTON RADICAL TO TRIGGER EVENT 'GHOSTS OF THE REVOLUTION'.

Secondary Positron Complex Hagan: The third continental positronic brain, long range scans detected high numbers of feral autons, periodic erratic morphogenic field fluctuations, and according to what Scryteks could gather, a great deal of spiritual pollution, which was probably a bad sign. Several sites associated with Psiclops have been identified. QUESTBRO and the Huntsmaster Holo-Oracle RECOMMENDS BRINGING firepower, both material and spiritual.


Captain Stephen Greasen: The first human starship captain, Greason was a skilled tactician and seasoned diplomat. Accompanied by a handpicked team of crewmen from the Operations division.

Frontier Security BNK: A member of Ijin's crew and auton representative of the Frontier Society, BNK led a small team of well trained security autons equipped with the best electro-rifle weaponry possessed by the autons.

Khimer Squad Hgraah: The contribution of the Khimer Psyocracy to the project, Hgraah were seven veteran gruntformes equipped with stealth metal armor and a variety of melee based combat mods designed to let them take down synthetics non-lethally.

Azzmodiax OrphiaTek Jr.: Grandson to Azzmodiax OrphiaTek Sr. Owner and proprietor of the House of Sin, husband to the devilishly intelligent and deadly Mrs. Knives, and one of the foremost experts in the dark arts, and master scholar and practitioner of countless others.

Vlaahk: Vlaahk would also be assisting via a DummyAuto. Highly intelligent, the AutoVessels temporary body was his backup combat AutoBody. His crew were likewise participating, largely equipped with the same upgrades and less experimental anti-AI weaponry.

Maxis 74: An engineer auton and survivor of the Forbidden Archive Massacres, Maxis has spent the past several centuries preparing to kill the perpetrator, only to fail due to misinformation. They are currently aiding the mission by providing intelligence as well as combat support via their One Man Army Corp Combat Frame, acquired via unknown means.


Gonna go ahead and set the moratorium for eight hours. We've hit the middle-ish point of the event: at this rate, we should finish before Christmas rolls back around! :V
Well...that could have gone better, but it went...decently, at least.

So, do we go ahead and attempt to aid Agent 99 with their secret missions, or should we stay out of it?

As for the next assignment, I'd recommend leaving Stephen Greasen out of of, so that he can be available for the main Positron Complex actuin. Apart from that, Hagan seems more potentially interesting to me than Kalphas.
Personally I want to hit Metro-Line Station 0382, just because trains are always cool. If we want to hit Hagan, we'll need to send Azzmodiax OrphiaTek Jr. (since they're the only option for "spiritual" firepower).
I wonder if the brain in a jar Stalin would still want that if he knew Ophiatek was an alien.

Probably would spew nonesense about aliens infiltrating the society and warping their "values".

I really hope not, I'm missing sick of our making plans and voting plans turns projects, also wanna see whatever result last plan and auction will have badly.

[] Plan: The Saga Continues
--[] Residential Block 192
--[] City Hall
-[] Secondary Positron Complex Kalphas
-- [] Maxis 74
-- [] Vlaahk
-[] Secondary Positron Complex Hagan
-- [] Khimer Squad Hgraah
-- [] Azzmodiax OrphiaTek Jr

Is this plan good? Does Maxis counts as aradical Auton?
Last edited:
[] Plan: Into the Depths
--[] Metro-Line Station 0382
--[] City Hall
-[] Secondary Positron Complex Hagan
--[] Khimer Squad Hgraah
--[] Azzmodiax OrphiaTek Jr.
--[] Frontier Security BNK

I'm mostly fine with any combination of things this turn, but I threw together this plan that I think would work fine.'s what I'm thinking for the choices this round, myself.

[] Plan: Best Guesses
--[] City Hall
--[] Sub-Factory GOL
-[] Secondary Positron Complex Hagan
--[] Azzmodiax OrphiaTek Jr.
--[] Frontier Security BNK
--[] Maxis 74
[X] Plan: Infra and Hostiles
--[X] Metro-Line Station 0382
--[X] Residential Block 192
-[X] Secondary Positron Complex Hagan
--[X] Khimer Squad Hgraah
--[X] Azzmodiax OrphiaTek Jr.
--[X] Vlaahk

Metro'll get us practically anywhere and we really don't want critical infrastructure like that getting smashed and making sure the Autons don't get themselves hurt when we shut down the main brain seems prudent. Putting in Vlaahk since him and his group would have pretty much all the same advantages as the Frontier BNK group with probably heavier weapons. Hagan just seems like the bigger concern compared to Kalphas since I remember how much of a pain in the ass the Wither was and I'd rather not leave spiritual taint floating around if we can help it

EDIT (5/28 10:38 UTC): X'd in the plan
[X] Plan: Into the Depths
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