Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

If we want to repel Chaos Lunar Consulls seems a lot better. It's more expensive but the AAAA only covers those that suffers from personality overwrite due to Personae Masks.
Don't have the CUL for it (at least this turn). The AAAA only needs 5 and it can help as sort of a template (the idea is to adapt people to Directorate life), and we still need at least 10 CUL for the Autonite Trade Route. I do want to grab Lunar Consulls the following turn though.
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Current Auction Pool
How did the project auction go? Which one won?

Project auction doesn't start until the update is public on SV for fairness sake.

The pool is assembled though:

-Naklean Union Hall
-Great Space Express
-Name of the Booug
-Perpetunite Recyclers
-Naklean MagmaBugs
-Crystaleaf Arbor Guardians
-The Chalice
-Sandscorn Heat Shield
Anyways, as I'm physically exhausted from exercise and not really possessed of the energy needed to write the sidestory in question tonight (good news is I'll have all tommorow after the update to work on it), but not like sleepy tired, for the next hour or so I'll be taking questions or suggestions from people who don't care to join the discord: I'll try to do these sessions more often FYI, which should actually be a lot easier since the new patreon set up means I have more free time to respond to the thread.
Could just put it as the result of the overall civilian economy, which should be healthy enough now to complete projects from time to time without oversight.
How is the auction going to be flavored IC? Some rich influential guy's pet project?

Mysterious benefactors, God-Machine Patronage, warp miracles, civilian philanthropists and minor orgs.

Will we get more food related options or are they gated behind the gormont?

You'll want Gourmand yeah. As incentive though, I'm willing to share the two gourmand subsequent projects

So basically whenever I make an old god temple, I make sure the following projects have at least one each of at least two of the following: an anchor, something that ties the god to real space, definition, something that defines a god or provides it texture, and power source, something that serves as a battery for divine acceleration. A good example of something that provides, for instance, texture for the toymaker is On Toys, as a holy book that shapes peoples perceptions of his scripture and reinforces certain perceptions. Power is basically any theurgy: they get an offering of soul energy to help grow and sustain themselves, and the magician gets the divine equivalent of a supernatural vending machine, with each rite giving more soul energy and more spiritual power for access to better vending machines. And then you get anchors, which are places and things in reality that are tied to them: tangible 'proof' they exist, or locations or items of significant significance, like temples and holy sites or places like the Huntek Workshop and peeps like the Muses.

So for the Gourmand, I'm thinking his power source is actually a festival: he's going to give you some theurgies that amplify festivals by calling upon spirits to bless food and assist chefs and, conversely, allowing people on festival days to make food that's supernaturally nourishing to spirits, causing them to go into overdrive on festivals from feasting on food, giving you a bunch of extra blessings. Feast of the Spirits, I'll call it.

Next we need something that provides texture or an anchor. As a minor god who orbits the Dancer, he can honestly just use the Great Gallery as an anchor: the benefits of being caught up in a bigger dieties orbit. So instead, let's give him texture. Basically, texture involves what tools you give a god to interact with the world, or things you utilize to shape a god. For an example of a really good universal texture upgrade, look at the calculator tech that creates holo-gods in the temples and holy sites. So, for texture, you know what we haven't seen a lot of? Holy books. So their project is most likely going to be some sort of cook book: now, it's gonna be kinda pricey since this is a secondary god, but on the other hand the extra resources basically means you can just skip to the good stuff, so his cookbook is gonna be, like, the kinda thing that makes gordon ramsey look weak. Genuinely the result of an organization spending multiple NASA programs amount of manpower, resources, and scientific efforts specifically on coming up with high end divine esoterica on the cosmic secrets of spice and flavor and how to achieve oneness with the Gourmand with maximal efficiency in the kitchen. Which would then likely get printed as its own Primer volume and find its way into grimoires, which means that when the Gourmand realizes and then later manifests, they'll have a way to influence the material world through their holy texts (visions, insight, help with miracles, etc).

@The Bird how does the laternkeeper help with warp travel?

It's not actually really their primary thing (they aren't really a travel god), but if you invested in their projects enough to manifest them you could probably create Warp Lanterns I guess (though like most of their things are supernatural protectors and morale maintenance). If you want more warp travel stuff, invest more in Roadguide things, since that's more his thematic niche.
How much booze does Wan Xie go through each quarter due to our insistance on adding new spirits and gods every time they turn around?
Mysterious benefactors, God-Machine Patronage, warp miracles, civilian philanthropists and minor orgs.
Possibly recovered relics (like STCs or STC fragments), although I guess that would fall more on the discover new projects at best now that I think about it.
It's not actually really their primary thing (they aren't really a travel god), but if you invested in their projects enough to manifest them you could probably create Warp Lanterns I guess (though like most of their things are supernatural protectors and morale maintenance). If you want more warp travel stuff, invest more in Roadguide things, since that's more his thematic niche.
I get the feeling (and imagine) that the Lanternkeeper and the Roadguide have (or rather will/would have) a rather good relationship.
what up with the trainmaster I understand there thing is transporting souls to the dreamlands but after the temple what subsequents projects are gonna come after have a hard time picturing what?
At our current stage of development, biology is becoming enough of a suggestion rather than a rule that we may never be able to tell if the Tekket were once ordinary ferrets stranded on a junk world.
Who are our top 5 most powerful gods/entities?

In no particular order: The Living College, Isohorrah, Heart (with all its aspects), Wan Xie, and the Depths (Depths is the weakest overall though: their aquacore upgrade gives them some nifty abilities and being a great sea vita makes them a pretty powerful shapeshifter but they have a lot less direct power).

Are we or are we not evolved from terran mustelids?

No comment.

what up with the trainmaster I understand there thing is transporting souls to the dreamlands but after the temple what subsequents projects are gonna come after have a hard time picturing what?

More NekroTek upgrades: specifically, a anchor for power and a power for texture upgrade. Former is likely to be a series of upgrades to mausoleums connecting themselves by sacred rail and hosting small temples to the trainmaster within them, probably with special cemeteries dedicated to transportation workers. By tying the trainmaster more to the physical realm, the end result is likely him strengthening cthonic spirits: his thing is about both making sure they get where they're meant to go, the mausoleums in this case, but he's also about protecting them. Then, you'd get some theurgies that you could use to consecrate mausoleums and graveyards for the P2T project, feeding the trainmaster arcane power for power in order to get ghostly transportation between graveyards.
I thought Lanternkeeper is more of a god of light, you know, lighthouses, street lights, campfires, and the like. Perhaps even headlights is in his domain.

I guess Gourmand's main thing being a festival makes sense. Most festivals involve having many stands selling souvenirs and street foods. I imagine Gourmand's festival stalls are more like travelling cafes and bistros rather than carts selling fried food on sticks and candies.
Bird you mentioned in the past that there are some gods we haven't unlocked cause we haven't unlocked the prerequisites for them could you give some examples of stuff we need to do to unlock some of them?
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