Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

Edit: Also, why Hardened Shields? Endeavors are not frontline ships. Unless you are planning on using them in a way thats completely against their role, Combat Scanner is the superior option.
Reread this update; that's why I'm getting hardened shields. Endeavors have repeatedly been put in situations where they take fire because they're exploration vessels.
Yeah, the Endeavors tend to facecheck whatever direction we send them in. So giving them extra protection would come in handy.
Yeah, the Endeavors tend to facecheck whatever direction we send them in. So giving them extra protection would come in handy.
There's also that one ship defense upgrade we haven't done yet:

Advanced Armor: Frankly, the Armor the Valiant had been equipped with going into Iron Shores was the only reason every person on that ship was not very, very dead. And had the ship not been so lucky, the armor it was equipped with might not have been enough. As such, the Fleet wanted to develop even more advanced armor alloys they could use to protect their ships: it would cost biometal, but already Directorate Armor had proven one of their stronger edges against enemies, making the investment worth it. 0/25, increases ship defenses even more, cost 1 Living Metal.
[][lunar abbot] Sunrise
Im running for lunar abbot with as promise i will complete the Endless Enlightenment Matrix

[] Plan Flying Sauce and disaster preparation
-[] Fleet
--[] Endeavor Upgrades
---[] Khimer Security Squad, Increases Endeavor costs by 5 EXP
---[] AutoPrinter, Endeavors gain AutoPrinter upgrade. Costs Endeavor cost by 5 EXP.
---[] Advanced Field Resarch Lab Gain additional rewards from scanning
---[] Combat Scanner Endeavors grant small bonuses to allied ships accuracy.
These all helps take care of some of the Endeavor's issues. The Security Squad helps with defense, which this update showed our Endeavors are unforunately somewhat lacking in. The AutoPrinter should help with building up any outposts, which will definitely be helpful. The Research Lab won't be an adequate substitute for Trailblazers, but an upgrade to scanning is still useful. Finally, our Endeavors aren't really meant for frontline combat. Let's upgrade their support abilities instead.

--[] Invader Diplomatic Mission
---[] TKK Discovery
--[] Sandscorn Coffin Fleet Delivery
---[] TKK Accomplishment
--[] Abductor Diplomatic Mission
---[] Sea of Tranquility
--[] Flying Saucer Antipiracy Ops
---[] TKK Valiant, Spirit of Toxel, TKK Delivery

I think the three missions at Flying Saucer can help each other, we talk with both parties to convince them we are not invading them as i think as meeting one could make the other think we are allying against them. The Antipiracy Ops will help improve relations and show we can help defend them
This needs three ships as the existing fleets could not stop the raiders and was able to damage our fleet .

-[] 137 EXP +5 Assembley
--[] Sandscorn Gigadrill 25/25, +5 Khimer Rep
--[] Endless Enlightenment Matrix: 20/25 The Lunar Monasteries believed that the overview effect brought clarity, objectivity. However, to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos, the mind cannot waver. To this end, they believed they could engineer a sort of apparatus designed to ensure that their emotions were always serene and help them reach a state of ultimate clarity. unlock Endless Enlightenment Matrix, increasing FTH and mental resilience. Cost 1 Network.
--[] Gleam Manufacturing District: Gleam had little in the way of manufacturing, not enough to meet their needs. By expanding the city with a dedicated manufacturing district, the colony would be able to meet its industrial needs natively. 0/15, increases EXP.
--[] Trovian Fisheries: Trove would require re-supply on occasion, largely of food. While it wouldn't be some time until they needed such a shipment, it could be delayed even further by setting up oceanic fisheries to meet its demand for food natively. 7/10 --> 10/10, increases EXP.
--[] Fire Fairy Bottles 15/15, -1 BD, +EXP
--[] Naklis Arms Factories 25/25
--[] ShrineCity 20/20, +FTH
--[] Sacred Groves 20/20, +FTH and Warp

This section is meant to handle our Khimer Industrial Projext, as well as the Frontier Society's demands. The Gigadrill handles the former, while for the latter, the Arms Factories will handle it. Sacred Groves seem interesting, and help pay for Warp.
Trove gets two projects to ensure it can survive if cut of by a warp storm and the lunar monks can work on the ndless Enlightenment Matrix

-[] 80 CUL
--[] Life4Gunz 25/25, -1 Warp, +Auton Arms, +5 Auton Rep
--[] Orbital Pioneer Agri-Ships 7/15 --> 15/15, +EXP and Warp
--[] Virus Buster Corps 15/15, -1 NT
--[] Mechanābhārata Rebirth 30/30, -1 Warp, +1 Auton Rep, +AV and FA Influence, +CUL
--[] Winterspite Resort 2/15

-[] 93 FTH
--[] Exorcising the Wither 25/25, +FTH
--[] Sanctum Sanctorum 25/25, +FTH, +1 to HazardTek Rolls
--[] .ARCHON (QUESTBRO) 7/15 --> 15/15, -1 NT, +CUL
--[] Dream Engines of Chuldarr'Kadath 25/25, Warp costs for shrine upgrades reduced by 1
--[] Shrine-Conduits 10/10, -1 LM, +EXP

Alright, this doesn't make any progress on the OrphiaTek actions, but I do think that it takes care of our biggest issues. Getting rid of the With and establishing the Sanctum Sanctorum both increase FTH in their own right, with the latter also giving us a bonus to HazardTek rolls. I'm hoping the Dream Engines in combination with Rebirth play calms down the Old One to at least lessen the curse, if not get rid of it entirely. Questbro further realizes the //PATH, and ought to be helpful in it's own right. Finally, I'm investing the remaining points into the Shrines, so that we can give them more improvements.

-[] 68 ACD
--[] Sandscorn Mangrove Swamp Desalination 25/25
--[] Devil Garden 25/25, -3 BD, +1 ART
--[] Digital Pyrowall 18/50

So, this finishes things off. The Mangrovestake care of our Biosphere action for the turn, while the Devil Garden helps us see how the House of Devils reacts, plus gives us an ART. The remaining points can be invested in the pyrowall. I admit, I'd definitely like to complete it this turn, but I think the Virus Buster Corps being completed will help us weather the issues until it is done.

-[] Rescources
--[] NK: 10 --> 9
--[] BD: 10 --> 6
--[] ART: 2 --> 3
--[] WP: 0 --> 0
--[] LM: 3 --> 2
--[] NT: 5 --> 3
...while the Exploratory Fleet believed that with the planet dead, we should have simply stripped it of what remained in order to find a different world.
Warp Route R-19: The first of the Khimers leads, this Warp Route apparently lead to a desert world that the Khimer had intended to colonize before their civilizational collapse. While long term they still planned to do so, they were willing to let the Directorate take the first shot at it, especially since they currently lack the means.
Maaaaybe we should check out R-19 just in case.
Here's my draft plan, it ends up looking a lot like many of the others:

[] Plan: Temple Run
-[] Endeavor MK-II Upgrades
--[] Khimera Security Squad
--[] AutoPrinter
--[] Grav Siphons
--[] Hardened Shields

--[] TKK Spirit of Toxel
---[] Red Sun Resupply +9 ACD
--[] TKK Tranquil Sea
---[] Black Hole Study +? ACD
--[] TKK Endeavor-B
---[] Sandscorn Coffin Fleet Delivery +3 Rep
--[]TKK Discovery
---[] Drydock
---[] Abductor Diplomatic Mission +10 Rep
--[] TKK Emissary
---[] Drydock
---[] Invader Diplomatic Mission +10 Rep
--[] TKK Accomplishment
---[] Drydock
---[] Flying Saucer Antipiracy Ops
--[] TKK Delivery
---[] Drydock
---[] Flying Saucer Antipiracy Ops
--[] TKK Valiant
---[] Flying Saucer Antipiracy Ops

-[]EXP 137
--[]Construct Pioneer Class Ship: Yr Albain: (0/20 -->20/20), When constructed, select a world with at least one Scan Level: create a small settlement on that world.
--[]Sandscorn Water Drop: (0/20 -->20/20), Sandscorn gains large shipment of water, increasing habitable zone somewhat. 5 Reputation, repeatable.
--[]Sandscorn Gigadrill: (0/25 -->25/25), Khimer gain Gigadrill, increasing reputation by 5
--[]Water-World Data-Buoys: (0/10 -->10/10), increases ACD from deploying Data-Buoy Network. +1 Network.
--[]Trovian Fisheries: (0/10 -->10/10), increases EXP
--[]Sacred Groves: (0/20-->20/20), unlock Sacred Grove infrastructure, increasing FTH and Warp.
--[]BlokBot Armies: Luna: (0/15 -->15/15), create 1 BlokBot Army that can be stationed on one colonized planet. Repeatable.
--[]Construct Resistance Class Ship: (0/60 -->29/60), cost 3 nuclear material, 2 Network. Gain Resistance Class.

Fairly standard stuff here: Yr Albain finally gets its colony, which should hopefully discount a lot of FTH and CUL projects. Sandscorn gets it's drill. Some projects to payoff the special resource spent elsewhere. A BlokBot army to help the Temple Expedition, and half the progress for the mandatory Resistance.

-[]CUL 80
--[]Orbital Pioneer Agri-Ships: (7/15 -->15/15), upgrades Orbital Pioneer Initiative with Agri-Ships, increasing EXP and Warp.
--[]Brightway Musicals: (0/25 -->25/25), gain Brightway Plays, a series of (mostly) slice of life magic musicals that generate 3 EXP. Cost 1 Warp. ...
--[]Mechanābhārata Rebirth: (0/30 -->30/30), collaborate with OMEN and Ijin to create Mechanābhārata Play, allowing for some of the Watchmaker gods to be reborn, increasing Auton reputation by 1, as well as raising influence with both factions and CUL. Cost 1 Warp.
--[]Virus Buster Corp: (0/15 -->15/15), gain Virus Buster Corp, increasing Digital Defence. Costs 1 Network.
--[]Winterspite Hunting Resort (0/15 -->2/15), increases Winterspite reputation by 5.

The same Plays that everyone else is doing and Agriships to help pay for it. Virus Buster to help with Cyberspace, should pair well with Logic-Cage and may even help us with the Moon. Finally a bit of investment into Winterspite to help with the negotiation we'll be doing soon.

-[]FTH 93+10(Art Points)+1 (Assembler)
--[]Logic-Cage: (0/25 -->25/25), Occulteks develop Logic-Cage Antiviral Program, allowing them to inhibit and manipulate via sorcery malware.
--[]Exorcising the Wither: (0/25 -->25/25), increase FTH, Wither will no longer be saturated by Dark Portals.
--[]Pelagic Liturgies: (0/10 -->10/10), upgrade all rites with Least Theurgy of the Old One, increasing points in all categories. Cost 1 Warp.
--[]Rite of Communion: (0/15 -->15/15), unlocks Rite of Communion, increasing FTH and CUL.
--[]Cursite Gem Grimoires: (0/25 -->25/25), upgrades Grimoires with Cursite Gem Conduits, allowing Occulteks to fuel their magics with purified Cursite Crystals, granting 1 Warp. Cost 1 Nuclear Material. Risky.
--[].ARCHON (QUESTBRO) (5/15-->9/15), develop .ARCHON (QUESTBRO), increasing CUL and improving survivability during hazardous events. Cost 1 Network.

FTH is as always the most important area. Logic-cage and Exorcising is mandatory for our current crisies. I still think that the Old One won't be happy until we do one of his basic projects, so throwing that in with the Plays should mollify him. Rite of Communion is a necessary step in allowing us to deploy our Fish and Pokemon, it should also be a major help with all the rampaging Pokemon we're currently dealing with. Cursite Gem Grimoires to deal with our growing Cursite issues and boost our Occultek.

-[]ACD 73 + 4 (Assembler)
--[]Temple Expedition: (0/15 -->15/15), grants information
--[]Construct Courier Class Ship: Iron Shores (0/15 --> 15/15), gain Courier Class Starship that can be assigned to any trade route to increase the primary stat of that resource and increase rep with the other systems owner, should it have one.
--[]MiniShieldTek: (0/35 -->35/35), gain Shield Harness technology useable by most infantry.
--[]Gestalt Protocol: (3/15 -->15/15), develop Gestalt-Drones, advanced automata created from a multitude of fused together synthetic souls instead of singular awoken machine spirits.

I think Temple Expedition is vitally important. It's a major plothook they explains the Quartzbug situation which is constantly escalating and may even be a source of more ART. Courier to free up Tranquil Sea. MiniShields and Gestalt should be a massive boost to our ground forces.

--[]NK -1
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Damn, reading about the H'k shows they're even more screwed genetically than the Khimer. It'll take forever to fix them… but sadly not completely.

While we're good at machines and technology, genetics is a whole different route. The only way I can think of improving our genetic research is by doing many of the smaller tasks that have to do with medical stuff or biology studies.

Perhaps by doing those smaller tasks… maybe the costs of some projects could be lowered, like the Khimer genetic task?
Damn, reading about the H'k shows they're even more screwed genetically than the Khimer. It'll take forever to fix them… but sadly not completely.

While we're good at machines and technology, genetics is a whole different route. The only way I can think of improving our genetic research is by doing many of the smaller tasks that have to do with medical stuff or biology studies.

Perhaps by doing those smaller tasks… maybe the costs of some projects could be lowered, like the Khimer genetic task?
GeneLabs, symbiotic arcologies, fairy fire bottles, magmabugs, and BioArt would be our friends here. It's going to be expensive, but if we want to get good biotech there's no substitute for spending points. The research will be very useful for bioforming, and I've had it confirmed that down the line biological spaceships (of the cool treeship kind, not the lame Tyranid kind) would be possible, complete with their very own ecologies.
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GeneLabs, symbiotic arcologies, fairy fire bottles, magmabugs, and BioArt would be our friends here. It's going to be expensive, but if we want to get good biotech there's no substitute for spending points. The research will be very useful for bioforming, and I've had it confirmed that down the line biological spaceships (of the cool treeship kind, not the lame Tyranid kind) would be possible, complete with their very own ecologies.
There's probably a lot of other tasks as well in that category, just have to look back at the list of tasks… but I don't think we're gonna be able to do some of them for at least a while.

Especially with CPUMoon coming up and all the other projects piling on.
Damn, reading about the H'k shows they're even more screwed genetically than the Khimer. It'll take forever to fix them… but sadly not completely.

While we're good at machines and technology, genetics is a whole different route. The only way I can think of improving our genetic research is by doing many of the smaller tasks that have to do with medical stuff or biology studies.

Perhaps by doing those smaller tasks… maybe the costs of some projects could be lowered, like the Khimer genetic task?
In terms of medical tech, we have:
  • Erichthean PharmaFactory (/15 EXP, -1 Biodata); doesn't really make new medicine, but it does make the ones we do have more available
  • Corpse Trade (/25 CUL, +1 Biodata); this is pretty unappealing for moral reasons, but it does make Auton medical tech more available
  • Rite of Lifes Cleansing (/25 FTH); this specifically mentions healing disease, but it's hard to say how effective it will be with genetic damage
  • Rite of Stabilization (/40 FTH, -1 Warp); as above, but tailored to injuries instead
  • Bionics (/25 ACD); this won't help on a genetic level, but it will give them more tools to assist their life support and allow for a slightly better ease of living standard
  • Khimer Genetic Damage (/50 ACD, -2 Biodata); this wouldn't directly help, but doing it for the Khimer would give the Directorate a proof-of-concept for doing it for the H'k
  • Tissue Reanimation Devices (/50 ACD, -1 Biodata, -1 Warp); this is probably the most helpful project we have right now for them, since having DNA samples of them pre-mutation are probably needed to actually reverse the genetic damage
  • OmniPatcher (/25 ACD) and Miniaturized Deblocker (/15); these would help treating the symptoms of any problems they have, but wouldn't do anything to address the root cause
I think we have to face the real chance we might not be able to help them for a long time dark eldar are masters of this cruel act (also the damage the khimer has is different isn't it)
  • Erichthean PharmaFactory (/15 EXP, -1 Biodata); doesn't really make new medicine, but it does make the ones we do have more available
  • Corpse Trade (/25 CUL, +1 Biodata); this is pretty unappealing for moral reasons, but it does make Auton medical tech more available
  • Rite of Lifes Cleansing (/25 FTH); this specifically mentions healing disease, but it's hard to say how effective it will be with genetic damage
  • Rite of Stabilization (/40 FTH, -1 Warp); as above, but tailored to injuries instead
  • Bionics (/25 ACD); this won't help on a genetic level, but it will give them more tools to assist their life support and allow for a slightly better ease of living standard
  • Khimer Genetic Damage (/50 ACD, -2 Biodata); this wouldn't directly help, but doing it for the Khimer would give the Directorate a proof-of-concept for doing it for the H'k
  • Tissue Reanimation Devices (/50 ACD, -1 Biodata, -1 Warp); this is probably the most helpful project we have right now for them, since having DNA samples of them pre-mutation are probably needed to actually reverse the genetic damage
  • OmniPatcher (/25 ACD) and Miniaturized Deblocker (/15); these would help treating the symptoms of any problems they have, but wouldn't do anything to address the root cause
Then I guess we could start with giving them a better standard of living by providing them better medicine, the OmniPatcher and Miniaturized Deblocker could give us time to figure out a plan… and see the reputation grow with time.

We could also start giving some points to the Khimer genetic damage, it's expensive as hell but it'll probably the only way to help both groups.

I think we have to face the real chance we might not be able to help them for a long time dark eldar are masters of this cruel act (also the damage the khimer has is different isn't it)
Know we can't instantly help fix their damage but at least there's a starting point by providing some relief to their misery… it's better than nothing.
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We could also start giving some points to the Khimer genetic damage, it's expensive as hell but it'll probably the only way to help both groups.
Khimer Genetic Damage would be proof-of-concept that we can then apply the same principles to the H'k. It depends on if they have records of their old DNA, but if they don't, Tissue Reanimation Devices will probably be necessary. I'd say Bionics and one or both of OmniPatcher and Miniaturized Deblocker is a good starting point.
I hope people remember that OrphiaTek is now rolling for survival. If you do not take his projects there is a good chance they will be gone for good next turn. The dice loves to fuck us over so keep it in mind.
I'll be honest, I don't find DreamBrains or the DDI interesting enough to put off other priorities. Especially since they cost NET
Edit: Also, why Hardened Shields? Endeavors are not frontline ships. Unless you are planning on using them in a way thats completely against their role, Combat Scanner is the superior option.
Combat Scanner is a small bonus and I'd rather our support ships be hardy enough to not die to a stray shot.
I'm not doing a plan this turn, but decided to put together my first thoughts for what a plan the next turn could look like (assuming we deal with the Old One's wrath and keep the digital revolution alive this turn).

[] Plan: Digital Expansion and Trove Buildup
-[] Expansion Projects (128/142)
--[] Trove Mega-Gem Mines (0/15 --> 15/15)
--[] Gleam Manufacturing District (0/15 --> 15/15)
--[] Trovian Fisheries (7/10 --> 10/10)
--[] Trovian Logging Operations (0/10 --> 10/10)
--[] Trovian Totem Network Expansion (0/10 --> 10/10)
--[] Court of Cycles (0/25 --> 25/25) +3 Network
--[] Meeklak Q-Bit Factories (0/25 --> 25/25) +1 Network
--[] Sandscorn Magneto-Shield (0/25 --> 25/25)
-[] Culture Projects (75/105)
--[] Gas for Meat (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] Life4Guns (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Warp
--[] BATTLEZONE 2 (And 3 and 4...) (0/25 --> 25/25)
-[] Faith Projects (100/113)
--[] Huntek Workshop (0/10 --> 10/10)
--[] Rites of the Huntsmaster (0/10 --> 10/10) -1 Warp
--[] OrphiaTek DreamBrain (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Network
--[] OrphiaTek Digital Death Index (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Network
--[] .ARCHON (QUESTBRO) (10/15 --> 15/15) -1 Network
--[] HexTek Talismans (0/25 --> 25/25) +3 Warp
-[] Academy Projects (75/88)
--[] ZwergBot Disassembly Protocol (0/15 --> 15/15)
--[] MiniShieldTek (0/35 --> 35/35)
--[] Sacred Code (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Network
-[] Resource Management
--[] Artifacts: 3
--[] Biodata: 6
--[] Intel: 0
--[] Living Metal: 3
--[] Network: 1
--[] Nuclear Material: 4 --> 3
--[] Warp: 0 --> 2
[] Plan: Full Ally Assistance
-[] Expansion Projects (100/142)
--[] Sandscorn Ashfall (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] Sandscorn Skyhook (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] Sandscorn Defensive Array (0/50 --> 50/50) -1 Nuclear
-[] Culture Projects (105/105)
--[] Winterspite Hunting Resort (0/15 --> 15/15)
--[] Winterspite Outpost Guard Contract (0/40 --> 40/40)
--[] Theatritheurgic Warfare (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Warp
--[] Life4Guns (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Warp
-[] Faith Projects (75/113)
--[] What the Zog? (0/15 --> 15/15)
--[] Mojo Shrooms (0/10 --> 10/10)
--[] Mojo Shrines (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Warp
--[] HexTek Talismans (0/25 --> 25/25) +3 Warp
-[] Academy Projects (75/88)
--[] Sandscorn Mangrove Swamp Desalination (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] Sandscorn Pilot Gene-Recombination (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[] Auton Anti-Warp Alloys (0/25 --> 25/25)
-[] Resource Management
--[] Artifacts: 3
--[] Biodata: 6
--[] Intel: 0
--[] Living Metal: 3
--[] Network: 1
--[] Nuclear Material: 4 --> 3
--[] Warp: 0 --> 1
[] Plan: CPUMoon Race to the Finish
-[] Expansion Projects (100/142)
--[] Construct Pioneer Class Ship (0/20 --> 60/20)
---[] Ruinate Battlefield
---[] Temple Comet
---[] Yr Albain
--[] Court of Cycles (0/25 --> 25/25) +3 Network
--[] BlokBot Army (0/15 --> 15/15)
---[] TKK Resistance
-[] Culture Projects (100/105)
--[] Imperial Dossier (0/25 --> 25/25) +1 Intel
--[] Yr Albain War Coordination (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Intel
--[] Theatritheurgic Warfare (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Warp
--[] Life4Guns (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Warp
-[] Faith Projects (75/113)
--[] HexTek Talismans (0/25 --> 25/25) +3 Warp
--[] OrphiaTek DreamBrain (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Network
--[] OrphiaTek Digital Death Index (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Network
-[] Academy Projects (85/88)
--[] ZwergBot Disassembly Protocol (0/15 --> 15/15)
--[] OmniWrench AutoHack Add-On (0/15 --> 15/15)
--[] Academy Fleet Network Lab (0/20 --> 20/20)
--[] MiniShieldTek (0/35 --> 35/35)
-[] Resource Management
--[] Artifacts: 3
--[] Biodata: 6
--[] Intel: 0
--[] Living Metal: 3
--[] Network: 1 --> 2
--[] Nuclear Material: 4
--[] Warp: 0 --> 1
[] Plan: To Boldly Go...
-[] Fleet Actions
--[] TKK Valiant
--[] TKK Endeavor-B
---[] Three Brothers Xenoscience Monitors
---[] Iron Crown Xenotheology Outpost
--[] TKK Spirit of Toxel
---[] Red Sun Extraction
---[] Red Sun Security
--[] TKK Delivery
---[] Warp Route R-19
--[] TKK Discovery
---[] Moby Monstro
--[] TKK Accomplishment
--[] TKK Emissary
---[] Drydock
-[] Expansion Projects (120/142)
--[] Construct Pioneer Class Ship (0/20 --> 40/20)
---[] Temple Comet
---[] Yr Albain
--[] Court of Cycles (0/25 --> 25/25) +3 Network
--[] BlokBot Army (0/15 --> 15/15)
---[] Yr Albain
--[] Three Brothers Xenoscience Monitors (0/10 --> 10/10)
--[] Red Sun Extraction (0/15 --> 15/15)
--[] Red Sun Security (0/15 --> 15/15)
-[] Culture Projects (100/105)
--[] Imperial Dossier (0/25 --> 25/25) +1 Intel
--[] Yr Albain War Coordination (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Intel
--[] Life4Guns (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Warp
--[] Gas for Meat (0/25 --> 25/25)
-[] Faith Projects (95/113)
--[] Iron Crown Xenotheology Outpost (Tomb Delvers)
--[] Psi-Mummification (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Warp
--[] HexTek Talismans (0/25 --> 25/25) +3 Warp
--[] OrphiaTek DreamBrain (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Network
--[] .ARCHON (QUESTBRO) (10/15 --> 15/15) -1 Network
--[] Huntek Workshop (0/10 --> 10/10)
--[] Rites of the Huntsmaster (0/10 --> 10/10) -1 Warp
-[] Academy Projects (75/88)
--[] ZwergBot Disassembly Protocol (0/15 --> 15/15)
--[] MiniShieldTek (0/35 --> 35/35)
--[] Sandscorn Mangrove Swamp Desalination (0/25 --> 25/25)
-[] Resource Management
--[] Artifacts: 3
--[] Biodata: 6
--[] Intel: 0
--[] Living Metal: 3
--[] Network: 1 --> 2
--[] Nuclear Material: 4
--[] Warp: 0
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We are not at the point of actual daemons, but the spirits we are awakening have gone from anti-social but reformable, to just plain anti-social to serial killers. I think the next step is someone figures up how to summon a daemon. Then that starts getting traded in our highly developed occult marketplaces and we are in deep, deep trouble.

The agnostic samctum for regulation and protection of occult matters and the chaos wars appeal to me for this reason

tekket SCP
So I have a big backlog from that time I accidentally fucked up with a plan. MS Paint updated recently and now has layers. This and other stuff makes it much easier to finally finish all of them! Yes, that is a tiny ferret fairy.

Wow, this is amazing! Really wanna see more artwork like this, the Tekket and other Xenos we see throughout the story.

Again, this is some great art, the Dancer will be pleased :D
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This plan is an unholy union of Plan: CPUMoon Proof-of-Concept edited by Aliya and Plan: Hunter's Moon.
Water-World Data-Buoys, Cyberbrain Cortexical Stack, Virus Buster Corp, Reactive Code and Navigator Executable both prolong the Digital Revolution and deal with threats created by it.
It seems that the Industrial Revolution fizzled out, but I still keep various colony manufactury projects from Plan: Hunter's Moon. I also keep all Huntsmaster projects and Winterspite Hunting Resort. Perhaps that will have some synergy with the Devil Garden.
Mechanābhārata Rebirth, Logic Cage and Gene Key Forgery are preparing us for the CPUMoon assault. Exorcising the Wither and Pelagic Liturgies deal with the rest of problems that we have.

[] Plan: Hunter's CPU
-[] Endeavor MK-II Upgrades
--[] Khimera Security Squad
--[] AutoPrinter: - 1 Autovessel Influence
--[] Grav Siphons
--[] Hardened Shields

-[] Ship Assignement
--[] TKK Valiant
---[] Flying Saucer Antipiracy Ops
--[] TKK Spirit of Toxel
---[] Invader Diplomatic Mission
---[] Flying Saucer Antipiracy Ops
--[] TKK Endeavor-B
---[] Abductor Diplomatic Mission
---[] Flying Saucer Antipiracy Ops
--[] TKK Discovery
---[] Sandscorn Coffin Fleet Delivery
--[] TKK Accomplishment
---[] Temple Comet, Vaulket
--[] TKK Tranquil Sea
---[] Explore Horizon
---[] Warp Route R-19
--[] TKK Delivery
---[] Broken Edge Monitoring
--[] TKK Emissary
---[] Black Hole Study Duty

-[] EXP 137+2/142
--[] Spra'ang Minerological Survey: (0/10 -->10/10), increases EXP. Increases NK.
--[] Trovian Fisheries (7/10 --> 10/10), increases EXP.
--[] Trovian Totem Network Expansion: (0/10 --> 10/10), Trovian TotemNet Expanded.
--[] Water-World Data-Buoys: (0/10 --> 10/10), increases ACD from deploying Data-Buoy Network. +1 Network.
--[] Cyberbrain Cortexical Stack: (0/25 --> 25/25), Cyberbrains gain advanced physics engines, increasing ACD. Cost 1 Network.
--[] Tacchis Surface Mining: (0/15 --> 15/15), Tacchis Surface Mining established, increasing EXP and NK.
--[] Ferroplate Manufacturing Facilities: (0/15 --> 15/15), gain Ferroplate Manufacturing Facilities, increasing ship armor. Cost 1 Living Metal.
--[] Sandscorn Gigadrill: (0/25 --> 25/25), Khimer gain Gigadrill, increasing reputation by 5.
--[] Waters of Sandscorn (0/25 --> 25/25), build Sandscornian Aqua-Core Facility, increasing Khimer respect by 5.
--[] Orbital Defense Arrays: (0/10 --> 1+9/10), costs 1 Nuclear Material, construct Orbital Defense Satellites.

-[] CUL 80/105
--[] Glasmite Resonart: (0/10 --> 10/10), Glasmite Resonart becomes standardized, increasing CUL and Warp. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
--[] Virus Buster Corp (0/15 --> 15/15), gain Virus Buster Corp, increasing Digital Defence. Costs 1 Network.
--[] Frontier Security Force: (2/15 --> 4/15), creates Frontier Security Force.
--[] Winterspite Hunting Resort: (0/15 --> 15/15), increases Winterspite reputation by 5.
--[] Orbital Pioneer Agri-Ships: (7/15 -->15/15), upgrades Orbital Pioneer Initiative with Agri-Ships, increasing EXP and Warp.
--[] Mechanābhārata Rebirth: (0/30 --> 30/30), collaborate with OMEN and Ijin to create Mechanābhārata Play, allowing for some of the Watchmaker gods to be reborn, increasing Auton reputation by 1, as well as raising influence with both factions and CUL. Cost 1 Warp.

-[] FTH 93+10+2/113
--[] Exorcising the Wither: (0/25 --> 25/25), increase FTH, Wither will no longer be saturated by Dark Portals.
--[] Lifegiver Effigies: (0/15 → 15/15), creates Lifegiver Effigies, spreading the Spirits of Life across the Directorate, increasing EXP and gaining 3 Warp. Cost 1 ART.
--[] Logic-Cage: (0/25 --> 25/25), Occulteks develop Logic-Cage Antiviral Program, allowing them to inhibit and manipulate via sorcery malware.
--[] Pelagic Liturgies: (0/10 -->10/10), upgrade all rites with Least Theurgy of the Old One, increasing points in all categories. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Huntek Workshop: (0/10 --> 10/10), establishes Huntek Workshop, increasing ACD and improving the gear of the Huntsmasters.
--[] Hunter Shrine: (0/10 --> 10/10), establishes Hunters Shrine, increasing FTH.
--[] Rites of the Huntsmaster: (0/10 --> 10/10), grants Least Divine Rites of the Huntsmaster. Unknown Effects. -1 WRP

-[] ACD 78+1/93
--[] Devil Garden: (0/25 --> 25/25), House of Devils gains Garden of Hell. Cost 3 BioData. Grants 1 ART.
--[] Gene Key Forgery: (0/15->15/15), -1 BIO.
--[] MegaBeast Serum: (0/20 --> 6/20), create MegaBeast Serum, increasing FTH and Warp by allowing for the development of Shrine MegaBeasts. Cost 1 BioData.
--[] Navigator Executable: (0/25 --> 25/25), create Navigator Executables, semi-sentient personal assistants, increasing ACD.
--[] Reactive Code: (2/10 --> 10/10), create Reactive Code, increasing ACD and all synthetic intelligence performance.

-[] Resource Management
--[] Artifacts: 2
--[] Biodata: 10 --> 9
--[] Intel: 0
--[] Living Metal: 3 --> 2
--[] Network: 4 --> 3
--[] Nuclear Material: 10 --> 9
--[] Warp: 0 --> 1

Edit: Changed ship assignments.
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Fairly long plan, so I've put it in a spoiler for ease of viewing. Like many plans this focuses on saving our ass. The wither is back, the internet is burning, and one of our divine sugar daddies is mad at us. Also X-COM is there for some reason. Whoops! Good thing we've got a new revolution thingy happening, because there sure is a lot of related things we need for CPUMoon.

For the Wither I got both the obvious choice and expanding the Totem Network on Teklia. I remember that the original Wither event was somewhat mitigated by our wyldtek, but we never finished up the totem network or improved coverage enough to completely eliminate it! That's why we have our current Wither issues. The Dark Portal supercharged all the gunk we never got rid of. This is all paired with Lifegiver Effigies for the Warp and potential synergy with Anti-Wither projects.

Meanwhile, the cyber/programming projects should all interplay with attempts to regain control over our digital world. Spearheaded by Logic Cage and Virus Buster Corp, and followed up with Sacred Code+Reactive Code, and finished off by building more Servers, Data-Bouys, and Cyberbrain Quantum Lobes. Points into Navigator Executable is the cherry on top for next turn.

We also manage to get the two plays that the Old One has reactions to, and one of his FTH projects.

As for everything else: I managed to scramble up our diplomatic interests as pertaining to the Khimer, grabbed Genekey Forgery, and even made a new FTH providing outpost.

[] WE DIDN'T START THE FIRE (yes we did)
-[] Endeavor Upgrades
--[] Khimera Security Squad: The Khimer were willing to invest in the Directorate fleet by agreeing to station on each Endeavor a security squadron, giving them access to several supersoldiers to help deal with issues as they arose or deploy on ground ops. Increases Endeavor costs by 5 EXP: Endeavors automatically start with free Khimera Squad on each ship.
--[] AutoPrinter: An idea proposed by Ijin, this would allow your Endeavors to print what are known as 'Dummy Autos', non-sentient temporary worker droids using simple silicon chip-brains to be used for construction projects. Endeavors gain AutoPrinter upgrade. Costs Endeavor cost by 5 EXP.
--[] Grav Siphons: Gravity technology continued to advance, and now some believed it might be possible to upgrade Endeavors to allow them to refuel in the field by installing them Grav-Siphons they could use to scoop hydrogen from stars when needed. Endeavors gain additional assignment.
--[] Hardened Shields: Alternatively, focus could be spent on improving shields: while they would never fully match up to the bulkier and much more well armed Valiants, by making them tougher nuts to crack they could be used for bolder plays in combat. Endeavors gain Hardened Shields.
-[] Fleet
--[] TKK Spirit of Toxel
---[] Flying Saucer Antipiracy Ops
---[] Invader Diplomatic Mission +10 Rep
--[] TKK Tranquil Sea
---[] Abductor Diplomatic Mission +10 Rep
---[] Flying Saucer Antipiracy Ops
--[] TKK Endeavor-B
---[] Black Hole Study +? ACD
---[] Red Sun Resupply +9 ACD
--[]TKK Discovery
---[] Drydock
--[] TKK Emissary
---[] Survey Vaulket System
--[] TKK Accomplishment
---[] Iron Crown Xenotheology Outpost: Costs 0/5 -->5/5 FTH, creates Xenotheology Documentation Outpost, which generates and stores 1 FTH per turn for 5 turns. Increases max outpost level in region to 5.
--[] TKK Delivery
---[] Sandscorn Coffin Fleet Delivery +3 Rep
--[] TKK Valiant
-[] EXP 137/137
--[] Construct Resistance Class Ship: A ship that would be to the Valiants what the Valiants are to Endeavors. It would require multiple power cores, its own internal data hub, and likely the vast majority of the Directorates industrial capacity, but it would no doubt be fearsome. 0/60 -->3/60, cost 3 nuclear material, 2 Network. Gain Resistance Class.
--[] Expanded Teklian Totem Network: 0/30 -->30/30, roll out more Totems on Teklia to reduce areas effected by Wither, increasing CUL.
--[] Sandscorn Gigadrill: 0/25 -->25/25, Khimer gain Gigadrill for native material harvesting, increasing reputation by 5.
--[] Tacchis Arctic Servers: 0/25 -->25/25, gain Tacchis Arctic Servers, increasing ACD and NET.
--[] Cyberbrain Quantum Lobe: 0/25 -->25/25, Cyberbrains gain hard-drive, increasing ACD. Cost 1 Network.
--[] Sandscorn Water Drop: 5/20 -->20/20, Sandscorn gains large shipment of water, increasing habitable zone somewhat. 5 Reputation, repeatable.
--[] Trovian Fisheries: 7/10 -->10/10, increases EXP.
--[] Water-World Data-Buoys: 0/10 -->10/10, increases ACD from deploying Data-Buoy Network. +1 Network.
--[] Orbital Defense Arrays: It might not save you, but it would buy time: an array of satellites armed with fusion cannons located in geosynchronous orbit with various of strategic importance. The Net currently covered most population centers, but it could be widened and existing arrays reinforced. 0/10 -->1(+9 Society points)/10, costs 1 Nuclear Material, construct Orbital Defense Satellites. Repeatable.
-[] CUL 80/80
--[] Mechanābhārata Rebirth: 0/30 -->30/30, collaborate with OMEN and Ijin to create Mechanābhārata Play, allowing for some of the Watchmaker gods to be reborn, increasing Auton reputation by 1, as well as raising influence with both factions and CUL. Cost 1 Warp. ...
--[] Brightway Musicals: 0/25 -->25/25, gain Brightway Plays, a series of (mostly) slice of life magic musicals that generate 3 EXP. Cost 1 Warp. ...
--[] Orbital Pioneer Mega-Power Ships: 0/20 -->2/20, upgrades Orbital Pioneer Initiative with Mega-Power Ships, increasing ACD and EXP.
--[] Virus Buster Corp: 0/15 -->15/15, gain Virus Buster Corp, increasing Digital Defence because we're on fire squirtle. Costs 1 Network.
--[] Orbital Pioneer Agri-Ships: 7/15 -->15/15, upgrades Orbital Pioneer Initiative with Agri-Ships, increasing EXP and Warp.
--[] Nukalympics: 9/10 -->10/10(Society points), Nukalympics, gaining 2 CUL. Cost 1 NK.
-[] FTH 103/103 +2 Assembley
--[] Logic-Cage: 0/25 -->25/25, Occulteks develop Logic-Cage Antiviral Program, allowing them to inhibit and manipulate via sorcery malware.
--[] Exorcising the Wither: 0/25 -->25/25, increase FTH, Wither will no longer be saturated by Dark Portals.
--[] Lifegiver Effigies: 0/15 -->15/15, creates Lifegiver Effigies, spreading the Spirits of Life across the Directorate, increasing EXP and gaining 3 Warp. Cost 1 ART.
--[] Devil Fiddles: 0/25 -->25/25, House of Devils gain Devilsong Fiddle artefact, increasing FTH.
--[] Pelagic Liturgies: 0/10 -->10/10, upgrade all rites with Least Theurgy of the Old One, increasing points in all categories. Cost 1 Warp.
[] ACD 78/78 +3 Assembley
--[] Devil Garden: 0/25 -->25/25, House of Devils gains Garden of Hell because I'm too scared to say no. Cost 3 BioData. Grants 1 ART.
--[] Sacred Code: 0/25 -->25/25, create Spirit Code, increasing CUL and all synthetic intelligence performance. Cost 1 Network.
--[] Navigator Executable: 0/25 -->8/25, create Navigator Executables, semi-sentient personal assistants, increasing ACD.
--[] Gene Key Forgery 0/15 -->15/15. -1 BIO.
--[] Reactive Code: 2/10 -->7(+3)/10, create Reactive Code, increasing ACD and all synthetic intelligence performance.
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