I'm worried that the daemon who was involved in its creation might notice us poking around his stuff and take a look at what's disturbing him. I would like to do it once we improve wards some.
I read it to mean the dangers are in making the technology safe and the nature of the rites involved since the knowledge was already bargained for, but I guess you're suggesting that a really bad failure in making it safe could result in invoking powers associated with that demon and causing it to notice. That seems possible but isn't that why now is the time to do it during the Time Kompression where it wouldn't actually do that? It's not like the MegaTek GodForge which would be a lasting beacon attracting attention.
I do think Sanctum Sanctorum (Mechanically boosts all FTH hazard tek rolls by +1) would be a great idea alongside it though.
As someone else mentioned, this is the time to do the stuff we can't or wouldn't do otherwise and autonomicon brings out the concerns like nothing else (perhaps because there's a lot of room for speculation about it).
I encourage all players to sincerely put their efforts towards coming up with the plan they think would be most fun, without regard to practicalities: if you have a meme plan, funni synergy plan, theme plan you don't ever think would get traction because of practicalities, now's the time: and remember, no matter how much you spend or what kind of risky projects you take, so long as you end these bonus turns back in the black, you take zero mechanical penalties.
We have so many projects at this point it's difficult to keep track of them all. To remedy that, I've compiled all of them together and sorted them into much more managable tabs. Let me know if you find any errors.
Resistance Class Ships
TKK Resistance
Special Upgrades: BlokBot Army (x1), Ops Division (x1)
Light Damage to Hull, Systems, and Crew
Valiant Class Ships
TKK Valiant
Special Upgrades: The Teeth, Fleet Super Battlebot League (x1)
Endeavor Class Ships
TKK Endeavor-B
Special Upgrades: Ops Division (x1)
TKK Accomplishment
TKK Emissary
TKK Spirit of Toxel
TKK Tranquil Sea [LOCKED to Iron Shores Trade Route]
MothaShip Class Ships
TKK MothaShip
Courier Class Ships
Sandscorn Trade Ship
Trove Trade Ship
Yr Albain Trade Ship
Frontier Outposts
The Expanse [Current: 3 ACD]
Red Sun Monitors (2 ACD/Turn)
Barren Expanse Outposts (1 ACD/Turn)
The Voidmarches [Current: 3 FTH]
Iron Crown Xenotheology (1 FTH/Turn)
The Horizon [Current: 2 CUL]
Librarius Outposts (Horizon; 1 CUL/Turn)
The Reach
Broken Edge Xenoobservation Outpost
Emerald Line Agri-Outposts
Drydock: With the construction of the Shipyard, the Endeavor could finally come in for repairs, maintenance, and upgrades. Upgrades ships with all existing Compartments and Components. Repairs most damage.
Explore Galactic North: This direction had been where the Destroyers had emerged from: with luck, perhaps you would finally get answers. The closest Sky-Storm in this direction was the Mawket Voidstar, which was a great distance away.
Explore Voidmarches: The most immediate region in the galactic north, the Void Marches so far consisted of a trio of stars known as the Three Brothers System. Recently source to a number of extremely concerning astronomical events. Locations Found: 5/???. Outpost Level: 3.
Three Brothers Xenoscience Monitors: A proposal by some xenologists in the Directorate was establishing monitoring platforms in the region to help study the developing cultures of the Three Brothers. Much like the Red Sun Monitors, they would require regular supply runs, but the data this would produce would be fascinating. 0/10 EXP, creates Xenoscience Monitor Outposts, generating collectable CUL per turn.
Survey Vaul-Ket System [Scan level: MAX (2/2)]
Vaulmire: A swamp planet used by Eldar Farseers who wish to get away from society in order to scream at frogs.
Kubaito: A dead world covered in various ruins, the grave of empires.
Temple Comet: A large temple complex that seemed to be hurtling through the system.
Kaldrath: A volcanic world located just after Kubaito, one that was subject to extreme geological activity.
Vaul-Mire Expeditions: Definitely a temple of Nurglite possession. Several other Eldar ruins. The data would prove useful for both Yr Albain and the Directorate most likely. Endeavor only. Generate 1D4+1 FTH and progress towards earning a special resource (5/20)
Kaldrath Temple-Extraction: If the Directorate was going to explore the Kaldrath temples, they would need to be desubmerged from several meters of lava. It would likely prove great fodder for the engineers. Endeavor only. Generate 1D4+1 FTH and progress to ??? (0/???).
Kubaito Archaeology: Kubaito was a former warzone, a grave of empires. By studying these ruins, the Directorate would be able to learn from their mistakes, and perhaps uncover some relic of interest. Endeavor only. Generate 1D3+1 CUL and progress towards earning a random item (0/10).
Temple-Comet Exorcism: It was daemonic rather than witherean, but in theory it should still be possible to exorcise the Temple-Comet in order to make it safe to remove its treasure trove. Endeavor Only.Generate 1D4 progress towards earning an ART (0/10).
Yr Albain Giant Deployments: Yr Albain discretely wanted the "Giant" of their battle to make a few re-appearances here and there on various battlefronts across the sector in order to vaporize a few ground armies. To do this, they were willing to, on an individual as needed basis, allow the Directorate to use their subspace dimension. Endeavor or Combat Ship only.
Yr Albain Artefact Hunting: There were numerous Aeldari ruins across the sector on worlds no longer held by the species. Many of these worlds likely held artefacts, potentially strategically or at least culturally valuable ones: if the Directorate could assist in their recovery… Requires either an Endeavor or Trailblazer. Generates 1D4 FTH, potential to unlock an ART.
Yr Albain Scanning: The Directorate had, objectively, some of the best scanning and observation technology available in at least the sector. Yr Albain believed that this technology could prove useful for intelligence gathering and research. Requires Endeavor or Trailblazer. Generates 1D4 ACD, potential to unlock an INT.
Explore Galactic South: In this direction lie the Grimket Astrolabe, a Sky-Storm that was only rarely visible on Teklia. It was also the direction of a variety of smaller systems as seen by your sky-mapping programs, some of which had shown some stellar oddities that led to many believing that there existed in this direction, such as the Reach, potential alien civilizations that weren't destroyers.
Exploring the Reach: A region located to the galactic south of Teklia. Exploration was extremely preliminary, but you had managed to find at least one world capable of sustaining life. Locations of Interest found: 8/???. Outpost Level: 3.
Survey Broken Edge System [Scan level: 6/??]
Broken Edge Ship Graveyard: The remnants of a massive battle. Surprisingly, the ships weren't the same as the Destroyers so much as the remains of ships designed along the same general principles of largesse. The other ships meanwhile had proved incredibly, incredibly crude. Directorate scientists wanted to conduct more surveys. Scan Level: 6
Broken Edge Eco-Station: Most curiously, the Eco-Station, which consisted of multiple hemispheres attached via central section, seemed to be a giant hunting preserve, specifically for hunting sentients. The primary ecosystem simulated seemed to be a jungle. Scan level: MAX
Green Giant First Contact: It might not happen soon, but it would happen. The Directorate needed to be prepared for when Green Giant successfully reached space. Contact would be limited until they were more developed and the overall social and technological disparity was less severe, but starting off on the right foot would likely be crucial to ensuring peaceful relations between both states. +5 reputation with any spacefaring societies that form in Broken Edge.
Tortuga Observation: Who was in charge of Tortuga? What assets did they have? Were there any groups that might be amenable to subversion? If the Directorate was going to take action against Tortuga, more data would need to be collected. Requires Endeavor.
Moby Monstro Observation: Biologically, Void Whales were fascinating: the Directorate had barely scratched the surface in terms of understanding them. Doing so would likely take centuries of study. Endeavor or Trailblazer only. Generate 1D5+1 CUL or ACD and progress toward earning a BioData (0/20)
Flying Saucer Antipiracy Ops: Neither faction trusted the Directorate further than they could throw it, but when it came to fighting the Cruel Ones they didn't have the fleet power to be choosy about allies. +5 Reputation with all H'k States. WARNING: Will likely trigger battle.
H'kann Research: According to the rules established by both factions, technology seized from the enemy belonged to whoevers space it had been found in. As the enemy fleet had been destroyed at Kanns Krown, it belonged to the H'kann, who had asked the Directorate with help researching it. +5 reputation with the H'kann.
Flying Saucer Mediation: The two polities were at peace- for now. However, there existed a number of topics contentious enough that both factions would appreciate having someone step in and arbitrate it neutrally.
Flying Saucer Peace Mission: The burgeoning pro-peace lobby in Flying Saucer was…deeply unpopular. Aiding a diplomatic mission sponsored by them wouldn't buy you many friends, but it would at least help progress the H'k on the rocky road to peace.
H'k Wargames: The H'kek and H'kann were both independently asking for help training their armies. The Fleet has decided it would be diplomatically optimal to burn some of the cache they've earned: get both factions to participate in joint wargames with each other to improve both each militaries ability to function, coordinate, and more importantly help their armed forces build diplomatic connections. Cost 5 H'k Rep.
H'Kek Medical Research: The H'kek had fairly solid pharmacological science, but nothing that would stop the Cerebrojellies. They wanted the Directorate's assistance in developing their pharmacological technology. Grant 1D4 ACD, Endeavor and Trailblazer Only
H'Kann Industrial Development: The H'kann wanted assistance developing their industrial capacity in order to help rebuild their fleet: so far they only had three ships, still below what they had during the invasion and half of the number the H'kek had. Increases H'Kann EXP, Endeavor or Courier only.
H'kek Naval Development: The H'kek had privately shared its analysis with the Directorate. If they had been invaded first, their fleet would likely have done just as poorly as the H'Kann. They were asking for help developing more advanced naval technology, starting with better reactors. Cost 1 H'Kann Reputation, H'kek gain variable naval improvements. Endeavor or Courier Only.
H'Kann E-War Research: The H'kann were fairly blunt about their request: they wanted the same E-War capability as the Directorate. They were willing to collaborate with the Directorate to research it. Grants 1D4 CUL, Costs 1 H'kek Reputation, H'kann gain variable E-War improvements. Endeavor or Trailblazer only.
Explore Galactic West: In this direction was the Infernaket Blazestorm, the new closest Sky-Storm to Teklia: it had seemed small in the sky next to the Malket Configuration, but it was, according to astronomers, likely several orders of magnitude larger. In this direction there existed a cluster of aged stars, black holes, and dead planets known as the Barren Expanse, but additional exploration could potentially reveal other regions. After all, space was big.
Exploring the Expanse: A region located to the Galactic West of Teklia. Mostly dead, but perhaps additional focused exploration of the region might reveal some manner of secret. Locations of Interest found: 6/???. Outpost Level: 5.
Black Hole Study Duty: The Directorate wanted to use the opportunity presented by the Expanse to study one of the Black Holes of the region. There were three of note in the region: Martellus, Gigant, and SBH-134, and the Academy was salivating for more close range study of the stellar bodies, especially with more advanced technology. Gain variable amount of bonus ACD.
Red Sun Security: Directorate Fleet wanted to start equipping the observation outposts with a few bases for security purposes. Against essentially any foe, they'd fold like wet paper, but as time went on, these bases would be expanded alongside the Outposts. 4/15 EXP. Increases Regional Defenses alongside Outpost Level. Increases region Outpost Level.
Red Sun Extraction: Meanwhile, some Frontier Explorers wanted to set up a few mining outposts in the Expanse: this would allow for the outposts to expand somewhat, and the...very LARGE amount of surplus could be shipped back to Teklia. 0/15 EXP. Red Sun Outposts generate 1 extractable EXP per turn to a max of 5 EXP.
Hunting the Phasmid: The Khimer didn't know what it was, only that it was possessed of immortality. With that in mind, perhaps it would be prudent to send some combat ships to collect data and study the Scourer-Phasmid in order to help design methods to repel it from Directorate ships and colonies.
ENEMY UNKNOWN: XCOM had attacked the Sandscorn- why? Just for resources? What was their goal, what were they after? How much should the Directorate worry about them? Perhaps a fleet needed to be assigned to searching through the expanse in order to find out more. Hunt for XCOM. Rewards unknown. WARNING: Chance to trigger battle.
Warp Route R-20: The second lead, this Warp Route led to a location in the expanse that could be summed up as 'a massive, system-wide debris field stuck in a black holes orbit'. Plenty of useful minerals, if one was willing to set up shop next to spaces ORIGINAL great devourer.
Warp Route R-21: The third, this system had a planet with a high amount of surface nuclear deposits. They warned, however, that they had sighted the Phasmid many times in this direction, and as such, they advised bringing a great deal of nuclear weapons to drive it off or at least temporarily kill it if need be.
Dustpit Scan: The Dustpit was a relatively intact world that while dry was otherwise perfectly healthy according to appearances.
Assisting the Khimer: Technology couldn't be shared, but there were a variety of helpful things the Directorate could do without that. Assists the Khimer on a random minor project, generating 2 Reputation.
Survey Ruinate System [Scan level: MAX]
Ruinate Battlefield: The location of the last fight between the apparently barely victorious defenders of this system and their attackers, a field of dormant but still functional marble coffin-ships containing Khimer naval specialists and fossilized space-beasts.
Bioship: A massive formerly organic vessel located in orbit around Sandscorn. Whatever it was, its now dead, but the Academy still wanted to explore it: prior data had shown a handful of (incredibly small, mostly bacterial) living organisms on the ship, likely remains of the bioships 'gut flora' so to speak that had avoided dying when it was petrified. However, additional study would require Khimer permission, first.
Explore Galactic East: The direction facing the galactic edge. The Sky-Storm in this direction was the Horizons End, a colorless scar that bled silver, and a small nebula that existed slightly before the hole in the sky.
Explore Horizon: A great number of Neutron Stars dotted this region of space, and it was the location of at least one AI controlled system. Perhaps more locations of note could be discovered. Location of Interest found: 5/???. Outpost Level: 5. Hobbgrot Propagation: 1.
Assisting the AutoVessels: The alien machine-ships known as Ijin, Vlahk, and Khoptu had not come out of their long derangement unscathed, and had requested the Directorates aid both in repairing themselves and designing preventative measures to ensure they can deal with the logic virus going forward. Not taking any AutoVessel projects alongside this action will still grant positive reputation with the AutoVessels as you help them with more minor or esoteric problems. Repeatable.
Horizon Constellations: Perhaps the Conclave could benefit spiritually by constructing a series of Temples in the Ekibirus Constellation, meant to study their movements and perform astromantic ceremonies to please the gods. 0/5 FTH, gain Horizon Constellation Temple Outpost, generating a harvestable 1 FTH per turn.
Construct Endeavor Class Ship: It was time to begin assembling the next Endeavor. Much like the others, it would be a exploratory vessel first and foremost, allowing for quicker survey of the local solar system and, should the worst come to pass, another thing between you and the Destroyers if they return. 0/25, gain an Endeavor equipped with all unlocked Compartments and Ship upgrades as well as a variable amount of Perpetunite Nuclear Weapons depending on the size of your stockpiles.
Construct Pioneer Class Ship: The Pioneer Class was intended to be used to set up small settlements on other worlds: the same size as an Endeavor class, but the internals were all things that could be reconfigured into setting up a sustainable, small settlement of a few hundred on any world. 0/20. When constructed, select a world with at least one Scan Level: create a small settlement on that world.
Construct Valiant Class Ship: Another proposed idea was for a ship designed for actual combat: the Valiant. For obvious reasons, it would be larger in order to add space for redundant systems and weapon platforms, but at the size you were making it, you'd also be able to install fusion cannons as a shortrange but powerful laser weapon. 0/35, costs 2 nuclear material, gain a Valiant equipped with all non-Civilian Compartments and upgrades as well as a variable amount of nuclear weapons and powerful but short-range Fusion Cannons.
Construct Dreamer Class Ship: The next generation of Colony Ship! The Dreamer was in the same size category as the Valiant, having greatly expanded systems compared to the Pioneer, including expanded defensive arsenal, expanded resource and Blok stockpiles, and of course, stasis pods meant to slow Tekket aging down to a crawl. It would allow you to send your people to the furthest reaches of the galaxy, perhaps further, but once they were sent out, it would be likely that the volunteers would never be seen again in this lifetime. 0/40, 1 Network. When constructed, pick a cardinal direction: a Dreamer Class will be sent in that direction, eventually (assuming it survives) establishing Tekket presence in a distant part of the galaxy. Can be repeated. First Dreamer created will upgrade War Against Extinction
Construct Resistance Class Ship: A ship that would be to the Valiants what the Valiants are to Endeavors. It would require multiple power cores, its own internal data hub, and likely the vast majority of the Directorates industrial capacity, but it would no doubt be fearsome. 0/60, cost 3 nuclear material, 2 Network. Gain Resistance Class.
Titan Reactor: It was ridiculous. It was absurd. It was brilliant: an idea proposed by an even more radical group of engineers, the creation of a single, incredibly vast nuclear reactor to mount upon one of your ships: using this reactor, they could allow for a single ship to draw as needed INCREDIBLE amounts of energy, increasing performance of all systems, especially ones such as both the thrust engines and gravity engines, fusion cannons, and the shields: any ship equipped with a Titan Reactor would be a considerable threat indeed. 0/15, single ship upgraded with Titan Reactor, vastly improving performance and improving range effectiveness of fusion weapons considerably. Cost 5 Nuclear Material.
Monoliths: A proposal by some Frontier Society affiliated Shrine-Keepers, they wanted to create a facility to manufacture specialized, massive Lifeforce Batteries designed to discharge their contents at once when activated. The idea, the Shrine-Keepers proposed, would be to equip these Monoliths to your colony ships, allowing them to rapidly awaken a planets spirits ahead of landfall by firing Monoliths at it. The surplus Monoliths produced could also be used in domestic spiritual projects. 0/20, unlocks Monolith Artefact, upgrading your colony ships by allowing them to rapidly awaken a worlds spirits, and providing FTH via surplus Monoliths being deployed across Directorate Space. Cost 1 Warp.
Ferroplate Manufacturing Facilities: The recent improvements to armor design had shown extreme promise. The Fleet wanted to erect a facility to manufacture additional amounts of Ferroplate in order to increase the amount put upon Directorate ships, thereby increasing their survivability. 0/15, gain Ferroplate Manufacturing Facilities, increasing ship armor. Cost 1 Living Metal.
Ship Troop Transport Compartment: Deployment of BlokBots or Tank Brigades on battlefields throughout the Directorate instead of just upon their stationed planet would require either larger ships or the inclusion of a new compartment. To that end, the Fleet wanted to create something that could be slapped on a Valiant to turn them into, among other things, troop transports. 0/25, upgrades Valiants with Troop Transport compartment, allowing them to carry one army group.
Point of Resistance: The Resistance was at the cutting edge of Directorate technology. But by incorporating artefacts beyond Directorate technology such as Great Works, GodTek, Archaeotechnology, and more, it could be turned into something so much more. 0/60, Resistance and all subsequent ships of its class upgraded to incorporate exotic technology, costing 1 ART and drastically increasing performance.
Cursite Cannons: While the Directorate would likely never adopt Cursite Salted Warheads, at least not without more means of controlling the effects, that wasn't to say it wasn't impossible that they could develop a far safer means to use the substance in combat. 0/50, gain Cursite Cannons for all ships Valiant Class and above. Cost 1 NK.
Mojotronic Pyrocore: A proposed upgrade to Hobbgrot ships was a massive fire-fairy bottle designed to house thousands of the burny lil gitz and use them to turbo-charge the mojo on the MothaShips with pyropower. 0/25, gain Mojotronic Pyrocore, increasing the Hobbgrot Propagation granted by MothaShips and Elemental Volatility granted by UncleKommanda. Cost 1 BioData.
MothaShip Aqua-Tanks: Water was always needed. A proposed way to solve water needs: install on the MothaShip massive tanks designed to contain tekliaforming amounts of water with aquacores installed to automatically fill them and produce a steady stream of excess, which would apparently be drooled out. 0/25, MothaShips and Endeavors gain Aqua-Tanks, increasing bonus to building EXP and CUL outposts by +1 and slowly increasing regional hydration, as well as acting as a terraforming tool.
MothaShip Volcanic Algae Terraforming Torpedos: Volcanic planets could be terraformed in a variety of ways, but the simplest would be stuffing a torpedo full of extremophilic if not pyrophilic algaes and firing it. After that, it was just a matter of letting nature do its work and being willing to be veeeeeerry patient. 0/15, MothaShips and Endeavors gain Algae Torpedos that act as cheap long term terraforming tools.
Electrocyclical Power Bay: The Directorate needed more power, and this the Wheel could provide: they offered the Directorate access to their knowledge of cycles to engineer an upgrade to their hypermodular powerbays, one that would gradually cycle power: waxing and waning, its lows would grow taller and its heights would reach beyond what Directorate reactors would normally be capable of: to regulate the generation, these devices would in normal circumstances reroute the energy to the Demiurgist Courts for consumption by their dieties, but in times of crisis the energy could be harnessed by the ship and its parliaments for protection, offense, and other tools to survive disaster. 0/25, Hypermodular Power Bay upgraded with Electrocyclical Actuators, slowly cycling and increasing power over the course of battle.
BlokBot Armies: Right now, the Directorate had, in theory, sufficient technology to at least weather a Destroyer attack. However, as useful as Security Bots might be for defense, it was estimated that for them to actually stop the Destroyers without massive support, they needed a massive increase in magnitude. To that end, the Fleet wanted to begin mass-manufacture of BlokBots to serve as the beginnings of the Directorates ground army. 0/15, create 1 BlokBot Army that can be stationed on one colonized planet. Repeatable.
-10/15 (Trove)
Tank Brigade: The Directorate had access to plenty of useful technology to begin designing modern tanks and heavy artillery vehicles capable of sporting fusion cannons, but they lacked a standardized design or any real organizational investment. To that end, the Fleet wanted to start organizing at least one brigade of shielded hover-tanks for deployment and including updated designs. 0/25, create 1 Tank Brigade that can be stationed on one colonized planet. Repeatable.
Commander Brigade: With recent advances in weaponry, shields, and other technology, it had finally become viable to muster together whole brigades of Commander-Machina to form a genuine heavy infantry division instead of deploying the Bond Machines as small strike squad, providing more in the way of defense against hostiles. 0/25, create a Commander Brigade on a planet of your choice. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
Operations Division: With the addition of Hobbgrots, it had become somewhat more viable to assemble a proper infantry operations division. These units will consist of a mixture of Tekket, Hobbgrots, and occasional Machina: on their own, they would likely have less than impressive performance, but the various specialists of the Fleet could significantly supplement the capabilities of other military assets. 0/25, assemble Operations Division on any world or ship.
Naklis Magmapump: This would be a risky idea, but some had proposed creating a giant gravity engine in the upper Naklis stratosphere to, essentially, 'slurp up' magma from the planet and process it into useable material. The reason this was a bit of a gamble should be obvious: it would cause severe oceanic disturbances, global earthquakes, and likely destabilize the core. The good news was, your priests had essentially confirmed that this wouldn't really upset the spirits all that much: this planet wasn't geologically stable to begin with, making it explode (an absolutely worst case scenario) would probably make the spirits happier, especially since the amount of energy could, theoretically, be harnessed from an exploding core to feed said spirits was not negligible, and even light core destabilization could be capitalized upon from installing geothermal taps and battery charging stations. 0/100, begin constructing Gravitic Megapump, a Superstructure that can be used on lifeless volcanic planets, causing 1D10 severity damage to a planet permanently, generating large amounts of EXP. If used on a colonized planet, generate Warp equal to severity damage caused and accelerating elemental evolution and power generation, increasing EXP gained permanently.
Naklis Arms Factories: The Fleet, meanwhile, wanted to begin establishing a presence on Naklis: an arms factory, capable of producing weapons, both nuclear warheads to expand the stockpile, as well as both ship-board and infantry and vehicle scale weapons. This wouldn't directly help make Naklis defensible, but it would help make the Directorate as a whole safer. 0/30, gain Naklean Arsenal Special Infrastructure. Repeatable: cost increases by five with each completion of this action.
Spire Expansion: The Spire was big, but perhaps it could be bigger: right now, it ONLY stretched into the low atmosphere, and transit to orbit was handled via mag-lifts with limited capacity. The idea was simple: higher spire for more occupancy, and more Mag-Lifts to increase delivery capacity. 0/25, generates EXP.
Comm-District: As Naklis grew, it would need more network capacity. Further, more could be done to reduce interplanetary lag: the proposed idea was an expansion of the orbital part of the Spire to include a district meant to serve as a secondary Comm-Hub. This would also have the benefit of providing Naklis and near-orbit installations near it to benefit from increased network capacity. 0/25, generates ACD, generates 1 Network.
Great Elemental Temple: A proposed solution to the problem of appeasing the Elementals was expanding their temples considerably: more graze space, more living quarters, more sub-shrines, more Arbor Guardians, as well as various other facilities such as Mag-Tek Altar ritual chambers and and power generation and network facilities, along with medical and agricultural facilities to grow food for their monks. It would represent a solid compromise on the Directorates part with the Elementalists and provide them a great deal more resources to work with, hopefully allowing for a middle ground to be reached. 0/25, upgrade Elemental Temples to be wholly self-sufficient, increasing FTH, cost 1 Warp and Network.
Flamedance Muses: The recent surge in art and culture had caused many residents of Naklis to become enamored with fire dances, with many elementalist rituals and festival-rites making use of the art as a method to amplify the element of fire. Some Muses had expressed interest in the practice, and wished to modify their forms in such a way that they could house a fire elemental in order to draw from it to perform ever more elaborate and impressive firedances. 0/10, unlock Flamedance Muses, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
Metalsong Muses: Many of the Ferromonks and Metallomancers of Naklis had begun to incorporate into their art stringed instruments crafted from living metal, turning many of their rituals into something akin to a performance. A number of more musically inclined Muses wished to incorporate such instruments into their form, so that they could assist in such rites. 0/10, unlock Metalsong Muses, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Living Metal.
Prismlight Muses: The Brilliant Monks had been putting on displays using Lumium Gems to create all manner of dazzling, semi-hypnotic lightshows, and this had caused many, many muses to become enamored with the idea of including lumium prisms in their own bodies such that they could on demand create similarly bedazzling spectacles. 0/10, unlock Prismlight Muses, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
Greater Elemental Spire: Naklis was slowly becoming more volatile, but this process could be accelerated by expanding the Elemental Spire, adding in a second reactor and more GodTek to accelerate the process of elemental evolution on the world. This would likely strengthen the Volatiles as well, however. 0/25, upgrades Greater Elemental Spire, increasing FTH and accelerating Elementaformation. Cost 1 Nuclear Material and 1 ART.
Elemental Towers: Another way to improve the growth and evolution of Naklis was the erection of specialized totems designed to resonate with the power of the Elementals. These Towers would be vast edifices, each one the size of a skyscraper, floor after floor housing mechanism and personnel and ritual chamber. 0/25, upgrades all planets with Elemental Towers, upgrading Totem Network to accelerate Elementaformation, increasing FTH. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
Standing Stone Circles: The Arcano-Resonant theory that enabled the Litheooracle Chambers had, in theory, another use: an improvement to the Totem Network. By using Oracle Stone and a sufficiently powerful reactor, one could construct around key totems and shrines a circle of pillars capable of generating occult reverberations designed to amplify their effects. 0/25, build Standing Stone Circles, increasing FTH. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
Stonegift Resonance: Stone was the Element of Giving. Their gifts, generous as they may be, do little to strengthen stone itself. To amend this, the Elementalists of Naklis wished to develop and deploy a resonance capable of strengthening Stone specifically and especially, so that they might be capable of the growth seen by the spirits of flame, metal, and gem. 0/20, develop Stonegift Resonance, increasing EXP.
MegaMiner Hubs: There existed numerous sites that were rich enough in minerals to warrant investment in establishing harvest operations, but were impractical for sending in the MegaHarvester or establishing more permanent settlements. To that end, MegaMiner Hubs! Capable of limited flight guided by Bond-Machina, these structures would essentially serve as mobile mining settlements, capable of floating and relocating themselves whenever veins run dry. 0/20, establish MegaMiner Hubs, increasing EXP and both LM and NK.
MegaHarvester Fusion-Drill: A proposed way to enable the Mega-Harvester to mine more effectively: upgrade it with a fusion drill unit capable of reducing tough rocks, ferrothorn nets, and other blockages to molten slag perfect for digestion. 0/25, upgrades Mega-Harvester with Fusion-Drills, increasing LM.
Naklis Powertool Factory: Naklis was, currently, the leader in developing rugged and useful devices for heavy industrial work. A number of engineers on the planet had proposed opening a manufacturing center specifically for producing and allowing for more widespread distribution a number of these models, like the OmniDrill add-on, or the TGLI-37 EnviroSuit, etc. 0/15, upgrades Naklis with Powertool Factory, increasing EXP.
Elemental Fortress Naklis: Naklis, being further from systems edge, would likely prove to be the last to fall if the home system was invaded. However, it currently had little in the way of defenses: a proposed solution by both the Fleet and the Elementalists? Create a gigantic orbital space station to serve as a defensive fort, and purposely shove as many elementals into it as possible in order to make it a very, very hard nut to crack should the Destroyers come knocking. 0/25, gain Elemental Fortress Naklis, greatly improving Naklis' orbital defenses. Costs 2 Nuclear Material, 1 Living Metal, and 1 Network.
Oracle Chamber Upgrades: The Oracle Chambers had proven very effective, but they were, ultimately, limited by their size: larger chamber, larger reverberations, larger effect. By embarking on a massive expansion project and installing Glasmite, the Directorate intended to ensure that not only would these chambers become larger and more powerful, but that each world would have at least one mega-chamber. 0/25, Oracle Chambers expanded, increasing EXP and CUL.
Geode Canyon Heavy Mining Operations: Well, it wasn't like Naklis was liable to run out of material any time soon: might as well attempt to increase the tempo of mining operations and secure more material for manufacturing Perpetunite. 0/25, increases Geode Canyon mining operations, increasing EXP and NK.
GemCore Generators: Lumium Eggs were manifestations of elemental spirit, and the first step on the road to the creation of a Lumium Roc. When these creatures hatched, much of the crystal was left behind, cast off eggshells. Perhaps the Directorate would successfully learn how to utilize these elemental traces somehow… 0/50, gain GemCores, industrial arcane energy generators that increase FTH and Warp. Cost 1 NK.
MegaMachines of the Volatile Lands!: One of the major categories of Union Spirit, the MegaMachines were titanic extractive units that can mine thousand of units of ore, miles and miles of lumber, or process vast amounts of asteroids by themselves. The Union wanted to deploy them to the Volatile Lands to extract more cursite and other useful materials, but it would take some cost. 0/50, Union gains increased presence in Volatile Lands, gain NK and LM.
Greater Fire Fairy Bottling: Fire Fairies were a potent source of elemental energy: however, they were fairly difficult to acquire, as the Bottling facility only has the capacity to produce so many. If these facilities were expanded, this relative scarcity could be eliminated. 0/25, Naklis gains Greater Fire Fairy Bottling facilities, increasing FTH and Warp.
Mycelliometal Antennae: The mycelic metals of Naklis could likely be used for more than just point to point connections: the wide dishes of their ferrocaps could be used for wireless connection, growing the parliaments and producing more. 0/25, gain Mycelliometal Network, increasing EXP.
Perpetunite Cauldrons: The Autorecyclers were impressive, but their output could be expanded further: it would require installing advanced shield technology to manage the heat, and likely considerable amounts of power, but with those Teklia should be able to match Naklis, at least when it comes to manufacturing. 0/50, gain Perpetunite Caulrons, increasing EXP by 2. Cost 1 NK.
Mangrove Hatcheries: Food was an ever present issue in the Directorate: while by and large the factory farms, food kelp, and other nutrient sources were still sufficient and likely would be for centuries, they didn't produce a particularly large surplus. However, by establishing in several Mangroves special hatcheries, the Directorate could increase this surplus considerably. 0/25, gain Mangrove Hatcheries, increasing EXP.
Yaccae Generatoriums: The Nova Mechanica had all the designs to produce special archaeotech reactors. By agreeing to help them construct a series of electrotemples in Yaccae hosting these generatoriums, they were willing to provide the holy city vast stores of power. 0/25, Yaccae upgraded with Mechanicus Generatoriums, increasing EXP and NK.
SuperFortress Luna: A further hardening to the defenses of Luna are expanded fortress systems built mostly underground in order to further slow down any attackers. This would be prudent, no doubt, but it would likely require digging into Quartzbug nests. 0/20. Upgrades Lunar Fortresses. Increases Quartzbug rage modifier and terror modifier.
Cosmic Empathy Engine: It had been proven by the Lunar Monasteries that the overview effect was good for the soul: the reaffirmation of empathy made it far more rigorous to the diseases of the spirit. The Luna Monks wanted to go further, and design a specialized MMI Chamber equipped with a Bond-Machina and specialized warding, all designed to allow, for a brief moment, a degree of cosmic empathy and self-awareness. All the technology required existed, under the au: all the monks needed was the resources to help assemble these chambers and the network capacity to run them. 0/25, unlock Cosmic Empathy Engine artefact, increasing FTH and mental resilience. Cost 1 Network.
Endless Enlightenment Matrix: The Lunar Monasteries believed that the overview effect brought clarity, objectivity. However, to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos, the mind cannot waver. To this end, they believed they could engineer a sort of apparatus designed to ensure that their emotions were always serene and help them reach a state of ultimate clarity. 0/25, unlock Endless Enlightenment Matrix, increasing FTH and mental resilience. Cost 1 Network.
Supreme Comprehension Psychotron: The Lunar Monks recognized that the greatest effect of the Overview was PERSPECTIVE: they incorporated it into their ethics lessons daily, to help them remain mindful, with the sad understanding that having a wholly complete perspective was impossible: Tekket comprehension was not infinite. But they wished to at least attempt to grow closer to comprehension by creating a psychotronic engine designed to help Tekket observe and absorb vast amounts of information and process it in a manner comprehensible and as complete as possible. 0/25, unlock Supreme Comprehension Psychotron, increasing CUL and mental resilience. Cost 1 Network
Infinite Inspiration Accelerator: The Lunar Monks believed that the Overview Effect, when paired with a special mental accelerator designed to stimulate the neurons while allowing the organic brain to, VERY BRIEFLY, piggyback off of a vast quantum computer could allow for moments of simulated genius. 0/25, unlock Infinite Inspiration Accelerator, increasing both CUL and ACD by an elevated amount. Cost 1 Network.
LAOC Secondary Array: The LAOC didn't have many gaps, and staying in those gaps would require a ship fast and nimble enough that their odds of having orbital weaponry was low, but it would never be zero. A secondary array consisting of an additional fifty cannons would go a great deal towards both raising fire-power and coverage. 0/25, gain LAOC Secondary Cannon Array, cost 3 NK.
LAOC Cooling Coils: One of the current limitations to LAOC use was heat management: to help manage its temperature, each cannon used an entire glacier, one that slowly melted over the course of a few years for the bright side of the moon. By installing these installations with special cooling coils designed to help disperse heat from the tower over a far wider area and additional glaciers, their overall firetime could be increased. 0/25, gain LAOC Cooling Coils and Lunar Glaciers.
Expanded Lunar Forges: The Lunar Forges could only produce so much paleotech. To expand production, extensive upgrades would have to be made to the structure, expensive ones. Still, this would hopefully increase the spread of artisanal paleotechnology. 0/30, gain Expanded Lunar Forges, increasing EXP and ART
Darkside Lunar Megahub: The Directorate always needed more processing power. The dark side of the moon had ample space to put an additional megahub: though such a construction would likely prove costly. 0/50, gain Darkside Lunar Hub, increasing ACD and gaining 4 NT. Cost 2 NK.
Ferrocrystal Manufacturing Complex: Ferroglass was a largely decorative material, produced to give space habitats small windows and people indestructible glassware. Still, it was handy for a variety of purposes: by establishing a manufacturing complex, the substance could even become a viable alternative to ferroplastic for Blok casings. 0/10, increases EXP.
Tacchis Forge-Temple Mines: The Nova Mechanica were willing to increase the flow of rare diamonds and other deep Tacchis minerals to the Directorate in exchange for helping them restore the many subterranean mines across the planet to their former functionality. 0/25, Nova Mechanica gains Mines, increasing EXP.
Tacchis Forge-Temple Paleotech Cogitator Mainframe: The Forge-Temples, with some expensive investments, could become extremely useful for expanding the Directorates network. 0/25, Forge-Temples gain Paleotech Cogitator Mainframe, increasing ACD and NT. Cost 1 ART.
Mongus Storm-Kite: Mongus, as a gas giant, constantly had electrical storms that, if they happened on an inhabited planet, would likely qualify as apocalyptic. This meant they would likely be a fantastic power source: to that end, a mobile power plant could in theory be created. This platform would float somewhat deeper in the atmosphere than other planned installations in order to allow it to drain more electricity from the superstorms, which would then be used to manufacture batteries. 0/10, increases EXP from Mongus Storm-Kite.
Mongus Moon Mining: Mongus had nearly 100 moons. Most didn't have anything of particular value, but more than a few had shown in surveys rich amounts of minerals that could be used to set up local extraction for the region. 0/25, gain Mongus Moon Mining, increasing EXP.
Kelp-Farms: Erichtheo was now colonized. One of the big things that made it valuable: it had large amounts of empty, dead space throughout the planet that could be used to create kelp-farms, allowing for the colony to both easily feed itself AND allowing for more food to be transported across the Directorate. 0/10, increases EXP from food availability.
Glacier Mining: Erichtheo had numerous benefits as a colony, but industry wasn't one of them. Still, the continental glacier had plenty of mineral deposits: the result of meteors that had impacted the moon over the millenia that hadn't had enough weight to punch through to the ocean. By establishing mining camps, these minerals could be extracted, allowing for the development of enough native industry to be self-sufficient. 3/10, increases EXP from the development of industry.
Erichtheo Geothermal Taps: The Magma-Zone was a rich source of geothermal power. By constructing a series of taps throughout the region, the planets power needs could be met for the next several generations entirely natively. 0/10, increases EXP from power generation.
Erichthean Library: A proposed way to handle Erichtheo's networking needs: construct a massive underwater processing complex. This digital library would be constructed in one of the many pelagic dead zones of the planet, allowing it to serve as an artificial reef of sorts, thus allowing the Data-Shrine within an easy source of lifeforce. 0/10, increases ACD from constructing Erichthean Library. +1 Network.
Water-World Data-Buoys: Another way: a distributed series of large buoys containing a reactor and large amounts of processing architecture, all across the planet, wired to the WyldTotem network. While not as individually powerful, working in tandem, they would be more than capable of meeting the planets networking needs. 0/10, increases ACD from deploying Data-Buoy Network. +1 Network.
Erichthean Great Orchestrion: A proposal by some Pelagic Monks was the creation of a singular, titanic Orchestrion within the darkness of the abyssal zone in order to accelerate the awakening of the worlds spirits. If the designed panned out, then these Great Orchestrions could be deployed on other worlds, as well. 0/10, increases FTH from Great Orchestrion.
Anchor-City: A proposed way to expand residence on Erichtheo: a floating, underwater city, anchored to the GloCoral. This would allow regional exploitation AND allow for increased population capacity on the planet. The population would likely be very small starting off, but it would serve as scaffolding for future expansions. 0/10, increases CUL from Anchor-City being constructed.
Ice-Art Galleries: With the correct gravitic manipulation technology, it would not be particularly difficult to create structurally sound bubbles throughout the ice-sheet. Some Artists wished to create a Gallery Campus using this technique on the floating continent, creating a subterranean mega-cavern in the glacier intended to contain all manner of ice sculptures and artists workshop and cryo-art. 0/10, increases CUL from the establishment of Ice-Art Gallery.
Erichthean Ice Trawlers: Ice extraction couldn't be significantly increased without causing sustainability issues in the long run. However, there was a fair number of asteroids near the planet that contained more ice, as well as other materials. By expanding the Erichthean docking station, operations to begin asteroid mining in the region could begin. 0/25, establishes Erichthean Ice Hauling, increasing CUL and Khimer favor by 1.
Erichthean Skyhook: Simple, cheap, and all the planet really needed: the orbital docking station would be outfitted with a skyhook to help quickly transport massive amounts of goods from the planet below, saving shuttle space for more personal deliveries and excursions. 0/10, create Erichthean Skyhook, increasing EXP by 1.
Erichthean PharmaFactory: With increasing medical demands for high quality medicine, it had been proposed that the Directorate should create a pharmaceuticals mega-factory on Erichtheo capable of using the novel compounds sourced in Erichthean flora and fauna to manufacture extremely high quality medical supplies. 0/15, gain Erichthean PharmaFactory granting ACD and improving medical care.
Erichthean Shrine-City: Yaccae was powerful indeed, and there existed no reason that Erichtheo couldn't benefit from having a Shrine-City constructed as well to service the more aquatic spirits of that faraway moon. 0/25, Erichtheo gains Shrine-City, increasing FTH.
Meeklak Mega-Salvage: Meeklak had several wrecked ships crash landed. It might be useful to haul them up: a specially constructed sky-hook should be able to do the trick. And afterwards, the Sky-Hook could serve as an interesting landmark! 0/10, gain 1 ART from salvage.
Alkemote Bottling Facility: The Alkemotes and Bubblefish were both spirits of Alchemy: one byproduct, one a manifestation. The former seemed to serve as a source of nourishment for the Bubblefish, and according to analysis by Mysteks, much like Lumium Eggs, the Motes could serve as a source of arcane energy for the creation of bespoke medicines and elixirs. 10/25, gain Alkemote Bottles, used by Mysteks as alchemical supplements, increasing Warp by 1.
Meeklak Q-Bit Factories: Calling them factories was likely a misnomer, but 'quantum particle synthesis facility' was a bit too unwieldy. While already fairly cheap to replace, it would be a great help to the Directorates budget to make it even cheaper by setting up manufacturing facilities on Meeklak that could utilize its unique elecro-chemical makeup to simplify the process. 4/25, create Meeklak Q-Bit Factories, increasing ACD and NT.
Spra'ang Minerological Survey: Inhabitation of Spra'ang was sparse: even now, it had dark connotations. Most mining operations only stuck around for a handful of years, content to collect their clutch of minerals and be on their way. A mineralogical survey would go a great way to making this more efficient, allowing operations to skip having to do their own mineralogical survey. 0/10, increases EXP. Increases NK.
Spra'ang Ammonia-Megaslurp: The ammonia sea was the largest source in the Directorate. As a substance, it could be used to manufacture fertilizer, embalming fluid, and cleaning solution. To aid in the mass harvest of the sea, a siphon could be created in order to pump the material for processing. 0/10, Spra'ang Megaslurp constructed, granting EXP.
Great Grave of Spra'ang: An alternative to the MegaMausoleum proposal would be creating on Spra'ang a gigantic graveyard. This would require a great deal of construction, but it would ensure that every citizen would be alloted forever their own patch of dirt for death. It would also allow the NekroTeks to create a temple dedicated to the dead. 0/10, gain Great Grave holy site, increasing FTH.
MawGates: MawGates were the fruit of the Court of Hunger, created to allow them to make offerings to their devour-lord from vast distances: apparently, the gates established a sort of wormhole between itself and the stomach of the courts master. Utterly unsurvivable for anything organic, all attempts to use MawGates for anything but feeding Sphere 001 had been a grotesque failure. Yet the Court still wanted to establish some gates on Luna and Naklis: in exchange for feeding the Sphere, they claimed it would provide power through the MawGates. Vast, vast amounts of power. 0/15, unlock MawGates, increasing EXP and NK.
Tachyonic Gate: This would, the Gravitonic Owl informed the Directorate, both make warp travel somewhat more reliable chronologically and, more importantly, would allow the Gravitonic Owl to accelerate the Spheres digestive processes. 0/50, increases EXP, Warp Jumps to and from systems close to the home system become somewhat more reliable.
Railbatteries: Alternatively, a more expensive venture would be to provide the rail line its own defensive laser batteries positioned at key locations: it wouldn't stop hostile ships, but it would ensure that the entire rail has at least some protection against attackers. 0/50, cost 1 NK.
Void Rail Shrine Network: This was an unreasonable idea made feasible only because of the Void Rail and Hyperforge, but it might be possible to create an array of Shrines situated along the line, making the spiritual awakening enabled by TekShrines to become literally system wide. 0/50, gain Void Rail Shrine Network, spreading Shrine effects, increasing EXP.
Deep Gas Harvesters: At present, only the upper atmosphere of Meeklak and Mongus were being exploited: if the Directorate wanted, they could easily create installations to harvest heavier gasses that are more likely to be found in the deep atmo. 0/35, build Deep Gas Harvesters on Gas Giants in home system, increasing EXP and raising NK.
Gas Giant Siphon Towers: The Gas Giants had what was effectively infinite gas. The amount that was drank could be increased significantly by expanding the harvesters with special gravitic towers designed to reach into low-orbit for easy transport. These Siphoners could also serve as space-docks of sorts. 0/25, increases EXP from Gas Giant Siphon.
Down-Unda: The Outback was currently thriving. Things were good, but they can be better. And what would be better than an Outback? A second, upside down outback. But with more machinery stuff fer the SistaBrainz. 0/50, construct Down-Unda, a flipside urban layer of the Outback. Gain 3 NT.
Orbital Solar Relays: A proposal to help cut down on the cost of the Void Express: expanded solar relays, stretching across the entirety of the line. This would cut down on the need for power for the rail considerably. 0/25, gain Solar Relays, increasing EXP and NK.
VoidRail Shrine Train: A proposed way to make travel for spirits easier: creating a special series of void-trains, designed to consist of shrine-trains of sorts that utilized cabal mobile shrine technology to allow mobile spirits to venture abroad as they wished with only a modest loss of strength. 0/25, Void Rail upgraded with Shrine Train, increasing FTH and EXP.
Xiu-Nu Line: A proposed expansion of the Void rail to the regions BEYOND the solar system, specifically one that would allow the Directorate to travel both to the Xie-Nu extrasolar asteroid belt and any rogue exoplanets that existed in the dark space near the Directorate. 0/100, gain Xiu-Nu Line, increasing EXP.
Trove Mega-Gem Mines: The Megagems were made entirely out of precious gems that could be used for decoration, rituals, and processed into more useful materials. By establishing some mines, Trove could start building up a resource stockpile. 0/15, increases EXP.
Trovian Logging Operations: Trove was home to multiple very colorful forms of flora. Blue, purple, and cyan tended to be the most common pigmentation, but there were a variety of other varieties, such as a type of tree that seemed to have an almost sapphire-like gleam to its bark, or a particular variety of extremely crimson pine-equivalent. By setting up sustainable, eco-friendly logging facilities, Trovian wood could easily find a niche as a luxury decoration material. 0/10, increases EXP.
Trovian Coral Farmers: As more agriculture came to Trove, one proposal by enterprising Hobbgrots was to create a series of underwater farms for growing coral, kelp, and plankton. These would help increase not only Directorate food stores, but also provide vegetarian alternatives. 0/25, Trove gains Coral Farms.
Rising Star: The Autons had a commission for the Directorate. Their gods had noted that there existed no true sun in the sky of their city: they wished to correct this by having the Directorate fashion one of Lumium. 0/50, gain 5 AutoVessel Reputation. Autons gain Lumium Microsun. Cost 2 NK.
Auton Eco-Domes: Something that primarily interested Koptu: he wanted to use the data found on the New Dawn Kernal to construct eco-dome recreations of his homeworlds biomes as a source of lifeforce that could be used for his personal research ritual development. He would, of course, share some of this with the Directorate. Apparently however he didn't intend to share with OMEN, for as of yet unspecified reasons. 0/25, Autons gain Eco-Domes, increasing their and your Warp. Costs 1 AutoFacility Influence.
Iron Shores Daturgic Cannons: An idea by Vlaahk: he wanted to use Daturgic Engine technology to create a series of devices designed to assist in breaching the network using advanced hypercode. Likely this wouldn't be enough to take the planet on its own, but it would make it significantly simpler. Obviously the AutoFacilities were not enthused, however. 0/25, AutoVessels gain Daturgic Cannon superweapon. Cost 1 AutoFacility influence and NT.
Sandscorn Magneto-Shield: This was a fairly minor issue, but the Devourers method of FTL had done significant damage to the planet itself, worsening its ability to generate a radiation shielding magneto-sphere. By augmenting the heat shield array somewhat, it could be upgraded to form a magneto-shield capable of replacing this function in the areas it covered. 0/25, upgrade Sandscorn Heat-Shield, generating 2 Khimer favor and providing an alternative method to repel harmful radiation from the planet.
Sandscorn Ashfall: Volcanic ash was very rich in nutrients. By modifying the Air Filters to put out large concentrations of a mixture with similair properties (minus the noxious gasses and toxins), and the soil for miles around the filters would be greatly enriched. 0/25, Sandscorn gains Ashfall Generators, increasing Respect by 3.
Sandscorn Skyhook: The Khimer had no ability, at present, to get to space. They were asking for assistance correcting this: this would allow them to begin funnelling resources towards space projects. Of course, this still required resources, something that was sparse on Sandscorn, meaning any such projects would be slow, but it was still something. 0/25, Khimer gain Skyhook Spacestation, allowing them to ship resources to and from space without assistance, increasing respect by 2.
Sandscorn Defensive Array: With the erection of the Heat Shield, it might be time to start pursuing the possibility of modifying the shielding to work on more than just heat. A bit more power intensive, it would allow the Defensive Array to work as a theater shield against invaders looking to bomb them from the sky. 0/50, gain Sandscorn Defensive Array, increase Khimer Rep by 5. Cost 1 NK.
Sandscorn Combat Array: Alternatively, each satellite could be upgraded to include a few weapons: by converting them into weapons platform, they would be more better able to take out enemy vessels BEFORE they reached the planet. This would also likely require depleting part of the nuclear stockpile. 0/50, gain Sandscorn Combat Array, increase Khimer Rep by 5. Cost 1 NK.
Sandscorn Industrial Hubs: The Psyocracy wanted to follow up the creation of the Gigadrill with an expanded industrial program to take advantage of the material it pulled out: these facilities would by and large be subterranean. 0/25, Sandscorn gains expanded manufacturing. Increases EXP from trade. Raise Khimer Rep by 2.
Biocity Biolasers: Alternatively, effort could be put on further securing the facility. Things were likely fine, but if the system was attacked it would help protect the Biocity. A series of laser arrays bolted on wouldn't be amiss. 0/10, Biocity gains laser array
Biocity Bioreactor: The Biocity would likely require a high degree of power for researching bioparticle physics. Constructing a reactor would allow it to be supplied that power. 0/15, Biocity gains Core Reactor, increasing ACD. Cost 1 NK.
Sandscorn Mining Ships: The Khimer were willing to purchase mining ships they could use to begin space extraction operations, giving them an outside source of minerals and material they could use for expansion. 0/25, Khimer gain Mining Ships, increasing EXP from their trade route, and respect by 3.
Flames of Naklis: The Eye provided a great deal of power, but it wasn't enough but for brief excursions, limiting how the vessel can be used. A theoretical way to help correct this issue: installing the ship with a greater pyro-shrine tended to by their Worldsingers that could be used to help kindle the vessels heart awake. 0/25, Eye of Isha gains Flames of Naklis component. Yr Albain learns to manufacture additional Flames of Naklis. Cost 1 BioData.
Megaparks: Fundamentally the biggest limitation when it came to orbital engineering was "how much were you willing to invest" and a number of your people wanted more put into the orbital parks. Much more. They wanted to construct Megaparks, vast super-domes the size of an Arcolocube. 0/15, generates CUL.
Heavy Perpetunite Nuclear Stockpiles: It was a very distasteful idea: nuclear weapons were ultimately a remnant of a darker, more divided age, and the current design for Heavy Perpetunite Warheads were a terrible thing indeed: for almost an hour they could unleash energy, vaporizing cities. And yet, they were the strongest weapon you had against the Destroyers. 0/1, Grants Heavy Perpetunite Nuclear Weapon Stockpile. Can be taken multiple times. Can be used as Shipscale Weaponry in the form of Heavy Perpetunite Nuclear Torpedos. Costs one Nuclear Material.
Deep Space Monitors: One day, the Destroyers would return. It was a fear many, many of you held. To that end, some of you wanted to expand the deep space monitoring project in order to ensure that they would not take you by surprise. 0/2, repeatable, costs 1 Network. Each completion gives more robust deep space scanning.
Orbital Defense Arrays: It might not save you, but it would buy time: an array of satellites armed with fusion cannons located in geosynchronous orbit with various of strategic importance. The Net currently covered most population centers, but it could be widened and existing arrays reinforced. 0/10, costs 1 Nuclear Material, construct Orbital Defense Satellites. Repeatable.
Sacred Groves: The Arbor Guardians had proven an effective source of power for your Shrines. A number of Druids wanted to expand upon this by developing a series of mobile eco-domes containing specially cultivated groves to serve as mobile reserves of life-force. The majority of the life-force generated by these groves would likely go to the Wyld-Shrines, but it would likely provide a small surplus that could be put to other projects. 0/20, unlock Sacred Grove infrastructure, increasing FTH and Warp.
Satiation Array: A request from the Sphere: it wanted the Directorate to construct a temple in deep space for it to inhabit. One filled with all manner of gravitic manipulators. Strangely, it seems to be designed to REDUCE the gravity of a large hyper-dense body. Regardless, the Sphere had agreed: construct it the Satiation Array and it would reward the Directorate with technology. 0/10, construct Satiation Array holy site, increasing CUL and providing 1 Living Metal. Do this in deep space unless you want your solar system reduced to plasma.
Voidfarmer Reactors: Right now, most living metal farms had to rely on the local electrical grid, and the power needed to grow Living Metal was not...inconsiderable. One proposed solution was a roll-out of specialized reactors designed specifically for growing living metal. This would cost a great deal of perpetunite, but it would improve the overall efficiency of the harvest. 0/20, generates 2 Living Metal, costs 1 Nuclear Material.
Harvest Metal: There were many useful materials in the soil. It would require modifying and treating the living metal first, but it was theoretically possible to create a version capable of leeching the ground for said materials in order to both increase the rate at which living metal grew, but also allowed for other elements it had absorbed to be harvested. 0/20, generates substantial EXP, grants Harvest Metal technology.
Void-Train Orbital Transit Network: A technology developed by the Fungineering Guild was the Void-Train, a sort of space vessel that travelled along magnetically accelerating 'tracks' connected by special relays in space. Some wanted to expand Naklis and Teklian orbital and post-orbital infrastructure with a local void-train network near both planets. 0/15, gain Void Train Special Infrastructure, generating EXP.
More Herdtemples: Diminishing returns was almost guaranteed, but constructing additional Herdtemples, greater and lesser, above the other worlds of the Directorate could do a great deal to accelerate spiritual growth as well as allow those worlds a local source of vital energy to meet their demands. 0/50, each world in the home system gains Herdtemples, increasing FTH and Warp.
TeraArt Gallery: There comes a point where "for art" stops being a sane answer and you passed it two sizes ago. 0/100, create small moon sized art installations, increasing CUL by 10. Cost 1 NK and 1 NT.
MegaMausoleum: The Directorate was growing large enough that more advanced facilities for the care of the dead were required. To that end, a series of orbital tekmausoleums were planned: facilities intended to handle, store, and record the remains, physical and intangible, of millions upon millions. 0/25, gain MegaMausoleum facilities in orbit, increasing FTH.
Union Wayside Caravanserai: The Union Spirits of Shipping and Cargo had a strong following among those who specialized in the transport of goods. They wanted more rest stops established throughout the system: travel might have been quick and easy off the rails, but once you got beyond it it was still long, arduous work to make deliveries across the system. These facilities would serve multiple roles: allowing Unionists and others more places to rest between and during delivery jobs, cargo hubs that could be used to store vast amounts of material for later shipping and transport, maintenance facilities to repair damaged ships, and, of course, temples to the Union Spirits. 0/25, increases EXP from Caravanserai being established.
Endeavor Reactor Printer Expansion: Most Endeavor reactors were kept as backups for the Fleet, but with an expansion, perhaps enough surplus reactors could be manufactured to allow a handful for public use. 0/50, handful of Civilian Reactors are built each year, increasing EXP.
Community Ampitheaters: With Theatriurgy becoming more and more commonplace, some among the Directorate had suggested constructing additional facilities in each Arcolocube to help communities host and create their own plays. 0/25, increase CUL and Warp, Arcolocubes gain Ampitheaters
Nuclear Resonance Engines: The power of Orchestrions had proven deeply useful for generating Lumium deposits: could they be used for enrichment as well? Perhaps the Directorate would crack the method… 0/50, gain Nuclear Resonance Engines, industrial orchestrion units that increase EXP and grant 2 NK. Cost 1 Warp.
Lumium Wardstones: A proposed way to take advantage of advancing Lumium Technology: ward enhancements. By performing certain mystek processes upon the gem, it might be able to be used in the mass manufacture of devices intended to use the arcane power of the elemental spirits to serve as physical reinforcement for the spiritual protections. 0/45, gain Lumium Wardstones, increasing Ward Performance at the cost of 1 NK.
Teklian Daturgic Towers: Daturgic Engines were incredible, but largely still only partially deployed in specialist laboratories. The Virus Busting Corp wanted to begin working to upgrade all major Teklian DataHubs to utilize the technology, the first major upgrade to the towers themselves in a very long time. 0/50, gain Daturgic Tower, increasing ACD and Network.
OOG-87's MicroSingularity: A proposal by OOG-87, this specialist high energy array will be located well into dark space, where it will be used to study the properties of black holes by creating a miniature one that's only planet sized. 8/25, increases ACD.
Greater Elemental Gardens: The Elemental Garden produced a variety of elementally significant herbs and spiritfoods. The amount they produced could be increased with a variety of expansions to the facility. 0/40, gain Greater Elemental Garden, increasing EXP.
ChronoSpoolers: An artefact of the Wheel, these structures consisted of miniaturized timefolds placed inside pocket timelines, generating chronokinetic energies through the temporal manipulation, essentially creating and then using GodTek manipulation to detonate atom-sized universes by cycling them through the entirety of their existence from big bang to big crunch. Placed at two ends of a warp-route, they should allow for various corrections to the ships temporal field, making particle barriers generally more stable. 0/50, select one Trade Route. Create ChronoSpooler Artefacts, improving Gellar Field quality on all ships on that route. Cost 1 ART.
Arcolocube Resonance Broadcast Spires: A proposed iteration of Resonance Drive technology, installing in each Arcolocube specialized broadcast towers designed to transmit resonances across the entirety of the structure. 0/25, upgrade Arcolocubes with Broadcast Spires, increasing FTH.
Intersystem Titan Rail: The amount of resources it would take to build a rail-line going to another system is likely to be excruciatingly resource intensive and likely not particularly helpful without far more advanced technology, but in theory it was possible to create a rail-line between the stars if one was willing to accept spending a genuinely absurd amount of material for an STL transit route that went between stars. 1,000 per link, may link any two systems adjacent to Teklia or systems adjacent to an existing system.
Construct MothaShip Class Ship: Well, there wasn't no good reason the Hobbgrots couldn't get in on the ship buildin' game: Stizlak wanted to create a MothaShip that could be used to create Hobbgrot outposts across the stars on all manner of planet. 0/15, Gain MothaShip, a T1 Hobbgrot Vessel that can be assigned to generate 1D3 progress to outpost completion and upgrades. Will increase Hobbgrot Propagation in regions with outposts.
Construct Cruiser Class Ship: With more and more systems explored came more places the average civilian would never see in their lifetime. Wonderparks solution: construct the first fully automated intergalactic cruise ship! The bonus, of course, would be that the Directorate would be able to use the ship to conduct more civilian in nature assignments. 0/25, gain Cruiser Class, a diplomacy vessel that raises colonization level and gains a small bonus to reputation rewards from civilian assignments.
Construct Frontier Class Ship: The Frontier Society always stood ready to help expand the horizon: specifically, in this case, by creating the Frontier Class, an experimental exploratory vessel meant to rapidly chart out planets and discover new ones with advanced scanner and navigational technology. 0/40, gain Frontier Class, a civilian exploration vessel that possesses a slight bonus to exploration rolls. Cost 1 NT.
Intergalaktik Bookmobile Kompartment: Look, so long as gitz had to go t' GrotTek to get their degree, people in th' colonies would have less options when it came t' education. To solve this, Stizlak had proposed an improvement to Outback ships: turn em into public libraries. 0/25, Hobbgrot ships gain Bookmobile Kompartment, increasing bonus to building ACD and FTH outposts by 1 for MothaShipz and the ACD bonus of outposts in regions with UncleKommanda to increase by 1.
Rare Gubbinz Flea Market Kompartment: Trade an' barter would always exist in some format so long as one git had what another git wanted an' vice versa, so why not feed th' vice by installin' a kompartment where Gitz what 'ad collected some nice flash or rare gubbinz could trade both among themselves an' visitors. 0/25, Hobbgrot ships gain Flea Market Kompartment, increasing potential max progress generated to D5 by MothaShips and allowing UncleKommanda to increase the primary stat granted by trade routes to a region by 1.
Ogre Masks: Some Occulteks believed that the darker spirits such as the Booug could be bound in masks. These Ogre Masks could give their wearers the ability to channel the powers of the spirit within in special ceremonies. 0/50, gain Ogre Masks, allowing the power of Night aligned spirits to be harnessed for ceremonies and rituals, increasing CUL.
Conjuring the Enigmas: The Enigma is the name that some Occulteks were terming the strange and ineffable spirits of Mongus: entities like the Great Eye, the Hypothetical Man, the Primordial Grasper. Spirits of rumor and mystery, perhaps a suitably mysterious play might be the key to calling forth their power on suitably momentous days and times. 0/25, forge Enigma Plays, conjuring Enigma Spirits at festivals and increasing FTH.
The Conduit Folios: The Directorate had the Plays: a method by which the warp, and through it, reality, could be manipulated and certain stories could be slowly reinforced and strengthened. The Calculators wanted to use this mystic methodology to construct a five part series. The Conduit Folios, which would each detail the success of the Calculators in their quest to locate the gods and build technology powerful enough to act as vessels and bridges for them. 3/20, gain Conduit Plays, improving the performance of all Calculator technology and .ARCHONS, increasing FTH.
The Secret Histories: History unfolded one way, but what if they had gone differently? Is our past the only past? Using the Plays and recounting past events, perhaps vestiges of these alternate worlds might be called upon. 0/20, gain the Secret Histories Plays, creating Vestiges that will be researched for ART and ACD.
The Mazovist Script: A proposal by some of the Unionists: a series of dramatic plays dedicated to the great thinkers, politicians, and philosophers who helped inspire the Directorate, intended to call upon their spirit for inspiration in the halls of organization. 0/25, gain Mazovist Plays, allowing Mazovist Ghosts to give blessings to those who impress them, increasing ACD by 3.
Speculative Futures: If the Brightway Codex was any indication, the plays could, to some degree, influence the 'genre' of reality. Some aspiring futurists wanted to exploit this by creating a series of science fiction plays depicting potential futures of the Directorate and various theoretical technologies. 0/45, create Speculative Futures, increasing ACD by 3.
Brightway Dramas: Brightway wasn't done yet. They wanted to create even more plays of power, a series of dramatic ones this time based on popular television: investigative procedures, harrowing legal thrillers, emotional domestic dramas. 0/20, create Brightway Dramas, increasing CUL by 3.
Playwrights Folio: Grimoires were used primarily for Rites, but with some modification these arcane pocket-computers could be utilized in Theatriurgy, both creating new plays in established sub-genres as well as actually performing and powering those plays. 0/50, TekGrimoires gain FolioTek, simplifying play creation and performance, as well as powering them, increasing CUL.
Theatriengine Stage: By installing Motive Spirits into special theatriurgic stages, far more power would be afforded to performing plays, increasing their efficiency and by extension their overall potency. 0/25, gain Theatriengine Stages, increasing CUL and FTH.
The Archaeosaurs of Cetaceous Valley: The Academy had, in collaboration with Wonderpark, located a valley extremely high in rare fossils. They wished to sponsor an ongoing archeological expedition to help dig up the remains of these creatures for study. 0/25, sponsor Cetaceous Valley Archeological Dig, gaining +1 BioData
The Tomb of the Old NekroTeks: Several of these locations had been discovered in the remains of the isle of Quarth, and many Occulteks wished to finally begin sponsoring expeditions to begin opening, exploring, and documenting whatever artefacts and remnants of the Old NekroTeks remained. 0/25, sponsor Quarth Tombs Archaelogical Dig, gaining +1 ART
The Server Labyrinth of the Mechanicum: A location underneath the jungles of the continent of Vra'tek, this complex seemed to be a vast cogitator bank filled with mechanicum corpses and sigils that align roughly with known chaos iconography. The Nova Mechanicum wanted to perform an expedition to exorcise and salvage the facility to construct an additional temple. 0/25, sponsor Vra'tek Server Labyrinth Archaeological Dig, gaining +1 NET
The Depths of the Pelagic Temple: Once a rival religion to that of the Old One, this temple, located in the UrzaKet sea, was supposedly haunted by the remnants of some dead diety that had been slain in a terrible battle. The Abyssal Monks wanted to perform an archaelogical expedition to retrieve any remnant of this deity. 0/25, sponsor UrzaKet Temple Archaelogical Dig, gaining +1 Warp.
The Munition Dumping Grounds of the Destroyer Wars: A handful of locations located at the heart of the scrap-preserves used by the governments of the past to dispose of munitions, nuclear waste, undetonated bombs they could no longer afford to maintain, weapons that were disposed of. The Fleet wanted to conduct its own archaeological dig in order to collect whatever salvageable material remained. 0/25, sponsor ScrapPreserve Dumping Ground Archaeological Dig, increasing NK by 1.
Fusion Fireworks: Popular at Wonderpark, these small civilian warheads were used to perform elaborate firework shows in the void of space. Some wanted to standardize the practice, but doing would require designing a warhead capable of releasing its energy cleanly and with minimal radiation...as well as earmarking some of the Directorate nuclear stockpile for the task. 0/25, gain Fusion Fireworks, increasing CUL. Costs 1 NM.
Jr. Genetics Playsets: A product of wonderpark, engineer your own simple genetic modifications to plants and insects! Change the color your pet pyrefly glows! Produce GigaFlowers! Become a Jr Geneneer today! 2/20, increases ACD.
Build-A-Bomb Workshop: Some would say giving children the ability to generate shielded pocket supernova was a grotesque misuse of resources. Those people were not NukeLand. 0/10, NukeLand gains Build-A-Bomb, where explosions come to life! Increases CUL, costs 1 NK
JinxTek Jr Playkit: The House of Devils and Temple to the Toymaker were proud to announce a new project: a genuine occultek playkit, good for all ages! Curse your annoying sibling to fail their math test! Conjur forth unnamable horrors to have tea parties with! Imbue your toys with a false and unnatural life to do your dark bidding! Intended for ages six and up. 0/25, gain JinxTek Jr Playkit, increasing general occultek skill.
DigiPark: A proposal by Wonderpark: to create a virtual themepark using the same sort of digital simulacra-tek as the Data Ark to serve as a next-best-thing to visiting Wonderpark in person for those who lived in other systems or in the Warp/Cyberspace. 0/25, gain DigiPark, increasing CUL and increasing digital tourism. Cost NT.
Sandscorn Water Park: If the Khimer wouldn't come to Wonderpark, Wonderpark would go to the Khimer! They would initiate a co-operative to create a titanic water park using water-core technology that would be both ecologically useful and fun for the whole spawning! 13/25, Sandscorn gains WATER WORLD! Increases EXP.
Tacchis Holo-Tag: With the heat generating from the server bays, many of Tacchis' ice caves had gone from "unbearable" to just "very" cold. And with that space, Wonderpark had come forth with a new proposal: Extreme Lasertag. Lightguns that could reflect off the ice for rad trick shots, tactical sleds to enable rapid movement between caves, and beam grenades to keep even the most thrill-seeking of participants invested. 0/20, Tacchis gains Holo-Tag Ice Arenas, improving general marksman ability and CUL.
ArcanoTek Orchestrions: If it could strengthen spirits, then the Calculators believed it might be possible to empower the arcane. To that end, they wished to research a method to turn Orchestrions into what amounted to ritual accelerators, capable of being deployed to improve the effect of the Directorates many means of channeling higher powers into the physical realm. 0/20, deploy ArcanoTek Orchestrions, amplifying the effect of all Rites and Sorcery. Cost 1 Warp.
Spire Orchestrion: A proposed expansion to the Elemental Spire was the installation of a giant Orchestrion unit powered by the elemental energies of the spire, used to begin weaving great songs of power and life into the planet, allowing for some (light) terraformation projects to proceed with the Elementals permission. 0/15, upgrade Elemental Spire with Awakening Orchestrion, increasing CUL and Warp.
Elemental Symposiads: Alternatively, the Elementals could be appeased by providing each temple access to an expanded array of Orchestrion units and the facilities to form their own Symposiads, arcano-resonant aural engineers specializing in crafting the most optimal songs to strengthen and empower each elemental. 0/20, upgrade Elemental Temples with Orchestrions, causing the world to generate Elemental Symphonists, increasing CUL.
Pyrefly Court Harmonium: By utilizing arcano-resonant theory and additional lifeforce, the Pyrefly Courts could be improved by adding harmonizing aural reverberations, in essence giving the brilliant and blazing waltz of the flame sprites and the wyldbeasts and their vita music capable of letting these courts further amplify both wyld and elemental. 0/20, Pyrefly Courts (and all associated projects) gain Harmonium Attaches, increasing CUL.
Ghost Song Resonance: An ability shown by the Shadow Muses was the ability to seemingly draw the spirits of the dead to themselves: their homes tended over time to generate all manner of preternatural phenomina typically consistent of classic haunted house stories. If this ability could be mimicked, it would provide a useful tool for shepherding the cthonic spirits. 0/20, Gain Ghost Song Resonance, slowly causing a location to accumulate Cthonic Spirits, increasing CUL.
Glasmite Hymnals: Glasmite presented an interesting oppurtunity: it could be used to modify TekGrimoires by adding micro-resonant engines, allowing the devices to utilize arcano-vibration tones to perform the same tasks as an Orchestrion, albeit to far lesser effect. This would also turn the artefacts into handy tools for any Occultek looking to incorporate more music into their life in general. 0/15, TekGrimoires upgraded to Glasmite Hymnals, allowing all Orchestrion related technology to be used in grimoires at greatly reduced efficiency.
Heavenly Crescendo: It would be very likely that more advanced iterations of the Holysong would require more advanced Orchestrions: very likely, they would have to be played on the Symphonions utilized to play Tyygbers Crescendo. 0/95, gain Heavenly Crescendos, increasing all point categories. Cost 1 Warp.
Hearts Crescendo: The Crescendo of the Heart, which would combine the Powers of Memory, collected from thousands of brainscans converted to audio-resonances, the Power of the Engines, installed on special symphonions to power and fuel them, the Powers of the Dagger, soul-songs created by the sacrifice of countless mysteks and theurgists across the Directorate, and lastly the Power of Identity, countless spirits coming together to form a living song, a song of creation, a song of souls, a song of hearts and awakening. 0/95, gain Hearts Crescendo, producing an unknown effect. Cost 1 of every special resource. It is said that the heart is a mere permutation of the soul: is this inviolable truism? Perhaps. Perhaps not.
Winterspite Battlezone Lodging: Well, it helped buy credit towards repurchasing the client contract at least: Banefrost wanted to expand Battlezone with lodging and amenities designed to cater to his Kabal. Warded sleeping and leisure areas, gladiatorial (or at least as one could come under Directorate law) arenas, game shows… 5/25, Winterspite gains Battlezone Lodging.
Winterspite Privateering: If the Kabal agreed to conduct themselves according to the Directorate rules of war, they would make valuable allies against both the Imperium and the Toothgrimm Kabal, though this would likely require the Directorate already have some diplomatic and strategic cache. 0/35, Winterspite begins conducting raids against Directorate enemies. Cost 1 Intel, requires 35 reputation.
Yr Albain Defensive Patrol: The Eldar would appreciate the Directorate investing in their mutual defense. This would also make it easier for Directorate citizens to visit Yr Albain, which would no doubt be very useful for aspiring druids looking to study Yr Albain. 0/35, establish Yr Albain Defensive Patrol, increasing FTH by 1 and Yr Albain respect by 3. Costs one ship.
Cloudsailing Resort: It would require surrounding the area in air purifiers and shields calibrated to keep the unbreathable part of Mongus's atmosphere out, but it would allow the citizens of the Directorate to play with the very clouds themselves, participating in skyraces on gravity boards, go cloud swimming in the lower atmosphere, or else participate in the time honored activity of fishing, if on cloudboats. 0/25, gain Cloudsailing Resort, increasing Yr Albain reputation by 2 and raising CUL.
Gas for Meat: The deal for Kelp was proving very valuable: now, the Khimer were interested in another trade deal. They wanted gas: breathable gas, biogenic gas, industrial gas. They were even willing to buy poison gas for military purposes, though its applications would likely be niche. In exchange, they were willing to offer the Directorate something vegans and Hobbgrots had been advocating for decades: an ethical source of animal meat identical to the real thing, grown via specialized protein vat. They would also be willing to sell a variety of other faux-animal products: bones, organs, eggs, blood, leather, fur, etc. 0/25, gain EXP from trade. Khimer Rep +2. WARNING: Only five Khimer cargo slots are available. Taking additional trade deals past those ones will require assigning additional ships or upgrades to hauling capacity.
Nukes for Meds: The Khimer were also willing to trade access to bespoke pharmaceuticals tailored to Tekket and Hobbgrotish physiology: this would allow for another improvement to the medical system as more effective forms of chemical treatment could be deployed to those suffering from severe medical problems. In exchange, however, they wanted more nuclear materials to furnish their growing industrial sector as well as expand their military defenses. 0/25, gain EXP from trade. Cost 1 Nuclear Material. Khimer Rep +2. WARNING: Only five Khimer cargo slots are available. Taking additional trade deals past those ones will require assigning additional ships or upgrades to hauling capacity.
Sandscorn Shroombogs: While the Khimer have, technically, allowed for immigration to their world, they only allow a few outsiders per year into Sandscorn: allegedly because the General wasn't entirely sure how to go about integrating large number of sentients not naturally connected to their psychic gestalt. However, they were willing to change this policy for one simple reason: Hobbgrot Mushrooms, in their opinion, had too much potential for both agriculture and tekliaformation for them to ignore. They were willing to begin permitting more Hobbgrots onto Sandscorn, enough to form their own communities, if the Directorate would help them carefully begin the process of integrating the fungal ecosystem with their own. 0/25, Sandscorn gains the Shroombogs Hobbgrot Society, allowing them to slowly begin integrating Hobbgrot and orkoid genetics into their technology and ecology and increasing their labour pool, increasing Khimer reputation by 5.
Eldritch Rebirth: If the Gods of the Autons could be resurrected by a false ritual housed within a play of power, could this process be done for other beings? The Khimer wished to know. They wished to create a play revolving around the rebirth of their world and the reincarnation of its soul. 0/20, create Eldritch Plays, increasing reputation with the Khimer and raising influence with all subfactions as well as FTH.
Corpse Trade: It was, perhaps, unsavory, but it helped advance Marjaks research, which in turn benefitted the Directorate. In exchange, the Archive was willing to manufacture medical equipment for both the Khimer and the Directorate. 0/25, gain EXP and ACD, +1 BioData, increases AutoFacility Influence, raise Khimer reputation by 2.
Iron Shores Liberation Theater: A proposal by Vlaahk: he wanted the infrastructure for Iron Shores to perform its own theatriurgy. Going by what can be gleaned from intelligence, he has apparently been attempting to create various pieces of theatriurgic propaganda. These two things are probably connected. 0/25, Iron Shores gains Liberation Theater, increasing AutoVessel Influence at the cost of AutoFacility Influence and increasing general auton reputation by 3.
Courier Co-Prosperity Coalition: A social initiative proposed by the Frontier Society, this would involve staffing a Courier with staff specifically tasked with assisting allies of the Directorate in bureaucratic or analysis matters as well as any assistance with tasks that might be required for economic planning. 0/15, can upgrade a Courier with a Co-Prosperity Task Force, increasing Reputation by 3 and raising that trade routes EXP by 1.
Courier Civilian Task Lab: Another, somewhat more universal proposal for Couriers was expanding their labs significantly: allowing for them to be used to help progress the research initiatives of allies as well as the Directorate itself. 0/25, all Couriers upgraded with Task Lab, increasing the reputation granted by Couriers by 1 and raising the ACD produced by Couriers by 1.
Volcanus 9 Charitable Organizations: A valid way of influencing societal mores: charity. The Directorate would ship the spies enough resources to begin establishing various organizations intended to use the guise of being faithful servants of the Emperor to both improve conditions in the lower and middle hives as well as subtly propagandize them into being more potentially accepting of progressive doctrines. 0/35, Volcanus 9 Spy Ring gains Middle Hive Charities, increasing Directorate influence as well as providing a front for further operations by Nova Testament Agitators. To use the guise of charity to outwit your foes is distasteful.
Volcanus 9 Nova Mechanicus: A proposed way by which the Directorate might increase their presence on Volcanus 9: creating a few enclaves of Nova Adepts presenting themselves as newly immigrated members of the Mechanicus. With the likely destruction of a nearby forgeworld, it would present the perfect excuse for why they would wish to immigrate somewhere as "important" and "safe" as Volcanus 9. 0/35, Volcanus 9 Spy Rings gain Nova Mechanicus Enclaves, allowing increased observation of Mechanicus affairs and allowing for further operations by Nova Mechanicus operators, increasing Intel.
Volcanus 9 Trading Company: The bureaucracy utilized by the Imperium was, frankly, insane. However, by successfully planting members of the Functionary Cult into its structure, it could be manipulated to finance Directorate spy ring operations as well as perform economic sabotage and manipulation by creating a fraudulent trading company. And, best of all, it would provide a perfect opportunity to learn about Volcanus 9's trade partners. 0/35, gain V9 Trading Company, a front that will be used to commit fraud by the Functionary as well as collect Intel. THE ADEPTUS ADMINISTRATION IS AN ABOMINATION THAT NEEDS TO BE DESTROYED IMMEDIATELY.
Tartustus Parole Board: It was risky, but several of the Astartes in Tartustus had shown remarkable progress in their rehabilitation: it might be time to finally look into organizing a board designed to help determine which members of the facility had sufficiently improved to warrant their partial freedom, as spies and operatives for the Fleet in human space, chaos and imperial. 0/65, gain Tartustus Parole Board, unlocking Astartes Spies, increasing Intel by 1.
BIGGER BATTLEZONE!: Battlezone wasn't big enough, said some Hobbgrots. 'Ow big was big enough? Dat was like askin' how much pew-pew is enough! You can never have big enough battlezone, and you can never 'ave enough pew pew. 0/25, BATTLEZONE expanded, increasing CUL. Repeatable.
BATTLEZONE 2 (And 3 and 4...): There simply wasn't enough Battlezone to go around. To that end, some Grots wanted to establish additional Battlezones all across the Directorate, until every world had its own Battlezone. 0/25, establish additional BATTLEZONES, increasing CUL. Repeatable.
BATTLEZONE TIER TWO: Some Hobbgrots were sick of playing on easy mode. They wanted a REAL challenge, somethin' HARD. They wanted nothing less than Battlezone...TIER TWO. 0/25, establish higher and more difficult BATTLEZONE tiers, increasing CUL. Repeatable.
BATTLEZONE NUCLEAR DOME: Everybody loved nuclear engineering, but Hobbgrots seemed to especially enjoy it, and wanted a section of BATTLEZONE created where they could duke it out with nuclear weapons to their hearts content. Hobbgrot physiology was robust enough when it came to radiation that the players will likely be fine, and it WOULD give a chance to field test weapons.... 0/25, establish BATTLEZONE NUCLEAR COMBAT DOME, improving quality of all Fusion and Fission weaponry and increasing ACD.
BATTLEZONE POWERUPZ: The Mojo Field had a number of effects, such as providing a psychically reinforced placebo effect. Battlezone wanted to take advantage of this as well as its status as a mojo nexus to experiment with augmented reality visors and holographic "power upz" players could use for various combat boosts. 0/25, Battlezone gains Power-Upz, increasing CUL.
BATTLEZONE COMBAT BEER: Battlezone wanted to create a brewery designed to produce 'combat beer', which apparently was just regular non-alcoholic sweet mushroom soda mixed with caffeine and powdered mojo-shrooms. 0/25, Battlezone gains Combat Beer, increasing EXP.
Medal of Accomplishment: In the aftermath of the Victory at Yr Albain, the medals that had been awarded had shown a strange property, especially those given to Hobbgrots. They seem to have become some sort of...Mojo Talismans, of a sort: whoever wore them would be luckier, stronger, faster, more creative, and would even find themselves possessed of stronger mental, spiritual, and moral fortitude. If this effect could be studied, it could prove a potent way to improve the fleet's officers. 0/25, gain Medals of Accomplishments, improving the performance of officers and veterans the longer they serve and providing the same benefit to those who inherit the medals.
PizzaMek: Pizza. A dish inspired by the humans: a sort of flatbread topped with crushed savory plant sauce, cheese, and various toppings. It had become alarmingly popular with Hobbgrots, who had begun organizing to create an organization dedicated to creating and delivering these seemingly mundane pies. Specifically, using modified Super Battlebots. 0/25, gain PizzaMek society, increasing CUL and helping design the culinary warbots of tomorrow.
Kolor Theory: An effect generated by Orkist gestalts was causing various anomalies and oddities via color. Some enterprising Graffiti Artists wanted to experiment, figure out which colors did different fingamabobs the best. 0/25, Grot Artists begin using Kolor more strategically, increasing CUL.
Power Paint: There was no reason paint JUST had to be paint. With a little kemistry, paint could also be fire suppression foam, paint could be fire fuel, paint could be glue, paint could be rubber insulation…0/25, Grot Graffiti Artists begin producing and using paint with various chemical properties in their 'art', increasing CUL.
Puttycrete: Sometimes defacement required more than ink. A few Hobbgrots had an idea: what if a substance was made that when pressurized was a liquid, but on exposure to air would thicken into a malleable putty that would harden into minerals when dried, allowing them more tools to make art by simplify street sculpting. 0/25, Grott Graffiti Artists begin using Puttycrete to make and deface statues, increasing CUL.
Mojotronic Resonances: Alright, it 'ad been proven that One Git Band Yoonits 'ad an amplifatory effect on the Mojo. Could that be improved by upgrading the One Git Band units with Orchestrion units and researching developing resonances? Maybe not, but it was worth a shot! 0/20, One Man Band's gain Mojotronic Resonance Technology, increasing CUL.
The Soundtrack: An idea by Stizlak: upgrade the One Git Bands with NeuroChoirs, allowing every single Grot Musician the ability to coordinate the song of the day across the entirety of Direktorate space. 0/25, One Man Bands gain NeuroChoir Soundtrack, increasing CUL.
Ultra-Sonic Instruments: Brass instruments were great for getting loud. By incorporating trace amounts of biometal and advanced resonator technology, they could get louder, becoming more cacophanous than ever to the point they could be, potentially, weaponized: death. by. tuba. 0/25, One Man Bands gain Ultra-Sonic Instruments, increasing CUL.
SolaShroomz: The Naklis solar array was a good proof of concept for using Solar as a power source. Now, 'Obbgrot Geneteks wanted to get green with the idea, metaphorically speaking: they wanted to engineer a strain of orkoid shroom capable of super-photosynthesis, one that could be used for both power, negating the need for nuclear energy in more well lit hobbgrot communities and providing these ecosystems with VERY high energy sources of calories. 0/25, gain SolaShrooms, increasing EXP and NK.
Squog Splicing: Stizlak's idea: what if Hobbgrottic Park developed the means to create even more Squog varieties by inkorporating bits of different squogs together? These kustom squogs could be used for security, minions, petz, pack animalz… 0/20, Hobbgrotic Park begins producing spliced Squogs, increasing EXP.
Orbital Caravan Network: Void logistics was likely to grow more and more complex as time goes on: one suggestion had been an expansion of the Orbital Pioneer Program with the development of a caravaneer project meant to coordinate transportation of important supplies and resources between pioneer communities and the planets. 0/15, generates EXP by developing a large dedicated transport network for void-townships.
Grand Flotilla: An extremely ambitious idea was the formation of a giant city comprised of hundreds upon thousands of individual ships. It would take monumental resources, Tekket-hours, and social commitment, but it would be an incredible display of the Tekket mastery of space, to say nothing of providing another avenue of escape should the Destroyers come. 0/50, gain Grand Flotilla, a mobile city that generates considerable CUL.
Orbital Pioneer Factory Ships: With more power, more expansion was being seen in the Orbital Townships, which were beginning to draw in more and more resources. However, they weren't yet self-sufficient: most townships lacked the means to easily manufacture advanced components and bloks, meaning they had to rely on shipments from Teklia and Naklis for finished goods. To amend this, the Frontier Society wanted to create a series of Factory Ships that could be used as manufacturing centers for these space-villages. 0/25, upgrades Orbital Pioneer Initiative with Factory Ships, increasing EXP.
Orbital Pioneer Mega-Power Ships: The Orbital Townships didn't strictly need more power, but providing them with more would still help fuel growth and allow them to provide their schools with the high energy labs necessary to keep their educational system competitive with the home-world. 0/20, upgrades Orbital Pioneer Initiative with Mega-Power Ships, increasing ACD and EXP.
Orbital Pioneer Mega Agri-Ships: The surplus provided by the agriships was, while nice, not nearly as large as it could be. By creating a fleet of mega-agriships to populate the furthest reaches of the system, each zone of the home system could be provided enough food to sustain significant growth. 0/25, gain Orbital Pioneer Agri-Fleet, increasing EXP and Warp.
Orbital Pioneer Shrine Ship: The Lunar Salvage Cabal in collaboration with the Frontier Society would like to present: a mobile shrine-ship that can be used by the many void-townships as an equivalent to a major community shrine. 0/25, Void-Townships upgraded with Shrines, increasing FTH.
Heavy Trawlers: Another faction in the Salvage Cabals had begun creating massive fortress ships to sail the garbage sea. These heavy trawlers served as mobile bases, trade centers, and to some extent townships. Some had proposed standardizing the design and upgrading the schematic for use in non-lunar enviroments. 0/20, Lunar Salvage Cabals upgraded to provide access to Heavy Trawlers, amphibious heavy vehicles that generate EXP and can be used as mobile land and sea fortifications by your ground forces.
Spra'ang Tekropolis: The Tekropolis would be the first major Spra'angian metropole: handling manufacturing, bureaucracy, power generation for the planet. It would, largely, be automated: very few wanted to live on Spra'ang, meaning that a population of only a few thousand would likely find themselves living in a city sized for billions, creating a lonely city of silence. 0/15, create Tekropolis, increasing EXP.
Mongus Cloud City: With immigration to Mongus increasing, it might be prudent to begin constructing dedicated population centers around some of the larger and more active air refineries. 0/20, increase CUL.
Meeklakian Deep Bunkers: A city of last resort. The Deep Bunkers would be constructed deep within Meeklak upon its core, housing a maximum population capacity of thirty million. It would be home to numerous strategic resource stockpiles, alongside three Endeavor reactors to power themselves: to hide any emissions, a purchase would be made with the Khimer for a massive quantity of stealth metal to help hide all emissions. All to create a city so fortified, so hidden, and so stockpiled that if the worst came to pass the survivors might be able to survive. 0/20, create Meeklak Deep Bunkers, increasing EXP and upgrading War Against Extinction. Costs 1 of every special resource except Biodata and Intel.
Skyfish: It would not be hard to engineer edible fish capable of living in the middle parts of the atmosphere of Mongus: these skyfish could be used to both feed the Directorate and would serve as a source of food for the Vita of Mongus. 0/20, Mongus and all future colonized (Mild) Gas Giants gain Skyfish, increasing EXP and FTH.
Offering to Fundamental Wyld: The World Tree was the greatest current spirit of Wyld: its mind, while slow, was advanced enough that it would be able to help guide any offerings of significance to the many spirits of Wyld. 0/25, performing Offering to Fundamental Wyld, gaining random boon.
Pyrefly Court Arboriad: If you can shove a tree into a shrine and a totem, you can shove several into a dance floor: the Pyreflies and elementals would provide them the light to grow and the firey essence to help resist the dancers heat and flame, and in turn the Arboriad would provide both an additional source of lifeforce. 0/20, Pyrefly Courts (and all associate projects) gain Arboread, increasing CUL.
Crystaleaf Arbor Guardians: It was extremely obvious to most Elementalists that the unique genomes found in Trove offered a way to give more unto the spirits of Gem. One idea was modifying Arbor Guardians to incorporate some of the genetics of these organisms to increase their overall sympathy with Gems, which would help accelerate the development of Gem Vita on lifebearing worlds. 0/15, upgrades Arbor Guardians with Crystaleaf Genomic Mods, increasing CUL and accelerating gem vita development on life bearing worlds.
WyldSong Emitters: The Amplifiers helped increase the effective range of the Orchestrions into the Wyld, but there were still portions of the totem network that were silent. By installing special radio emitters, planetary coverage would increase, though actual physical expansion of the network was likely necessary for total coverage. 0/30, cost 1 ART, increases CUL.
Song of the Sea: The Symposiad Oceanea was yearly performing research in developing oceanic resonances. They believe that with additional investment, they should be able to refine the sacred resonance in order to create a more advanced, oceanic version that could be used to accelerate spiritual development of sea vita. 0/20, increases EXP by deploying the Song of the Sea, an advanced aquamantic resonance.
Song of the North: The spirits of ice had proven resistant to awakening through nourishment, but showed no such tendency in the face of music: by developing a specialized resonance, some believed that the spirits of the arctic, Tacchis, and the Erichthean surface could have their awakening sped up to the point where they might achieve parity with other vita. 0/20, increases FTH by deploying the Song of the North, an advanced cryomantic resonance.
EcoDome CloudShields: Cloud Shrines had led to an explosion of gravity and atmospheric manipulation techniques. Some Eco-Dome enthusiasts believed these techniques could be used to construct an apparatus capable of allowing Eco-Domes to create their own atmospheric bubble so long as they maintained power. 0/25, increases CUL.
AeroSpires: The Cloud Shrines were certainly useful, but they could easily be supplemented with a series of dedicated weather control installations allowing for a regions druids to more effectively manage the weather patterns in a region, allowing them to reduce the risk of drought, destructive storms, and more adverse phenomena. 0/25, increases EXP.
Naturae Muse BioCore: Lifegiver Effigies and Naturae Muses were both powerful agents of the Wyld, but perhaps the Directorate might develop the means to help these spirits become more than the sum of their parts. 0/25, Naturae Muses upgraded with Lifegiver Effigy technology, increasing CUL.
Naturae Muse Fairy Tuner: The servants of the Toymaker generally only had marginal connection to the Wyld, but those that were subordinate to his wife had powerful control over nature: perhaps some enterprising Naturae Muses would develop the means to modify their HeartSong units to better appeal to these beings… 0/25, Naturae Muses gain Fairy Tuner technology, increasing FTH.
Wyld-Muses: Many Wyld Muses already worshiped the Great Tree to some form or another: perhaps the particularly devout would discover a means to draw upon it more thoroughly to transform their soul, becoming true spirits of nature incarnate. 0/25, gain Wyld-Muses capable of channeling the power of your nature spirits to work as guardians of the Wyld, increasing CUL by 3.
Naklis Magmacorals: It would be trivially easy to modify Erichthean magma-coral and other volcanic floras in order to survive on Naklis, providing yet another major component of a Naklean ecosystem. 0/25, gain Naklis Magmacoral, increasing CUL.
Metamorphae Muses: Just as Machina was to Drone, so too did many a PygmaliTek believe there existed a form of Muse elevated above, blessed by the Dancer to act as her envoys. A method must be undertook, a ritual to invoke the Goddess of Art in order to unlock this divine transformation. 0/10, unlock Holy Metamorphaen Muses, automata empowered via Divine Rite, granting elevated FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
PygmaliTek Workshop: ART. It was how Muses were made! The Rite of Anima only helped so much: to produce a Muse, you needed a STRONG Spirit of Art, one grown on the adoration of hundreds of Tekket AT THE LEAST and years of care and nurturing! There were not enough Muses! Or at least so claimed the PygmaliTeks, the branch of ArtSorcerers and Art enthusiasts dedicated to the production and research of Muses and Muse related technology. The PygmaliTeks wanted to create a massive Workshop where they could forge greater works of art and develop the technology required to accelerate the development of art spirits. 0/15, increases CUL by an elevated amount.
Elder Art: GodTek. Perhaps studying it for use in TekArt was a waste, but a number of creatives believed that by adapting the technological principles found in GodTek to more creative purposes, utilizing its near reality bending properties even in a much cruder form, they could evolve Tekket artwork even more, from Muses to Mega-Art. 0/20, grants significant CUL and upgrades all TekArt, costs 1 ART.
Ascendant Lunite Muses: Lunite Muses were capable of generating complex electroneural fields that induce calm and directly interfacing with the minds of others to enable them to share in the Muses clarity and wisdom directly. They were a powerful step towards enlightenment. But they were not yet at the Zenith. Through arcane rituals, Lunite Muses would transcend the physical. 0/25, gain Ascendant Lunite Muses, empowered Lunite Muses gifted arcane ability in order to help achieve strength through Enlightenment, increasing FTH by 3. Cost 1 Warp.
Muse Psi-Manipulator: Alternatively, they could enhance Muses by incorporating more GodTek, giving them the ability to translate their power over the mind into control over the material. This would enable them the ability to manipulate matter, especially living metal, and a degree of control over lifeforce. 0/25, gain Psi-Muses, giving all forms of Muse basic telekinesis and lifeforce manipulation, increasing EXP by 3. Cost 1 ART.
Muse Arcano-Core: The Muses could be improved as well by incorporating into their power-source a lumium-gem core in order to allow them a degree of mystic ability, providing them the tools by which they could forge and power rituals and rites of their own that they could use in their quests, whether it be the quest for aesthetic or the quest for enlightenment (or, in some cases, both). 0/20, upgrade Muses with Arcano-Cores, allowing Muses to conduct their own rites, increasing CUL by 3. Cost 2 Nuclear Material.
Muse Chorusnet: The Lunite Muses had a variety of programs and peripherals that aided with their journey to enlightenment, much of which was used in their Serenity Fields and Clarity Interfaces. By networking the Muses together and providing them access to specially designed chip-sets, not only could they share this benefit with their fellow muses, the more muses connected to the net-chorus, the more powerful their minds could become. 0/25, gain Muse Chorusnet, allowing normal muses access to some of the Lunite Muses enlightenment software and increasing their overall mental capacity, increasing ACD by 3. Cost 2 Network.
Musite Seance Engine: In the distant past, the term seance had been used to describe acts of fraudulent mysticism involving phony psychics and channellers performing bogus rituals to contact the dead, typically to bilk the grieving out of money. However, using techniques derived from the adherants of the Mask and Brain-Scans, some Shadow Muses had displayed a crude ability to channel the spirit of certain Tekket. This technique was, however, crude, and prone to desynchronization, not helped by, according to the Shadow Muses, how weak the spirits of the dead were. A solution to this problem would be using lifeforce in order to develop a special psychometric interface device that should, theoretically, allow the Shadow Muses the ability to more efficiently establish connections with the deceased. 0/25, Muses gain Seance Engines, allowing for limited communing with stronger Cthonic spirits. Cost 1 Warp.
Umbral Cthonite Muses: The Muses of Death had been subject to all manner of arcane rite to give them a permanent connection to the cthonic spirits. However, they had not yet truely been given the means to transcend life. With GodTek, they could be turned into immaterial creatures of pure darkness, severed from the cycle of mortality in totality so as to better act as guides of the dead. 0/25, unlock Umbral Shadow Muses, Cthonite Muses gifted deathly power and severed from death. Cost 1 Warp.
Great Gallery Artquarium: The aquartists wanted to expand the Great Gallery and Temple of the Dancer by adding in another plate and some mega-art installations designed to be entirely aqueous, to serve as places where artists and priests of the Dancer can take inspiration from the majesty of underwater life, as well as oceanic canvas in and of themselves. 0/25, Great Gallery gains Sixth Plate, the Artquariums.
Sacred Jade Statues: Of all the various holy gemstones on Teklia, none were purer in power than Jade: perhaps the mighty Seeryuu would inspire a new wave of art using the gem to create statues and idols similar to the one he had been born from. 0/35, Sacred Jade Statues take off, increasing FTH. What lovely aesthetics.
Fleet Super Battlebot League: With great sports came great responsibility: the jocks and athletes of the Directorate wished to do their part by assembling Super Battlebot Leagues for the Fleet: these giant stompy robots would be good for both defense, combat ops, and, crucially, sports. Ideally, when deployed for ops these machines would be supported by a variety of smaller units and specialists. 0/25, assemble Fleet Super Battlebot League on chosen planet or ship. Can be taken twice on Valiants.
Sacrificial Livestock: And yet others claimed that the harvest of animals wasn't a problem in the first place: morally it was no different from eating them and there already existed plentiful rules to govern the humane consumption of animals that could simply be expanded to include humane religious consumption. Instead, if anything, facilities to rear these sacrifices should be expanded considerably: lifeforce was a strategic resource and could potentially give the Directorate an edge enough to survive the destroyers. 0/20, grants 3 Warp. Ew.
Sleepwalk Brew: Based on the vision-quests of ancient Teklia, the Sleepwalk Brew transported the mind of the imbiber to the dreamlands, the shadowy supposedly between the waking world and the world of sleep, where they could walk among the dead of Teklia and the old gods of the world, though in reality the Brew was actually just a blend of narcotics and hallucinogenic mushrooms mixed with a variety of anti-anxiety hormone producing drugs. Many artists, priests, and scientists had begun using the hallucinogenic potion as a means to acquire inspiration or divine insight, with several of them becoming sick as a result of bad potion batches: as such, there had been many who had pushed for development of a standardized version of the Brew that could be used safely for ceremonial or recreational practices. 5/15, grants ACD, CUL, and FTH as the Directorate gains access to the Sleepwalk Potion for use in recreation, art, and religious ceremonies. Risky.
Mystek Apiaries: The glowing honey of the Chorus Bees was delicious, nutritious, and a superstitiously potent source of lifeforce: best of all, they produced enough that they were perfectly fine sharing. Some Tekket had suggested the creation of Apiaries intended to speed up this process, allowing more citizens to consume the delicious nectar. A number of Mysteks were particularly interested, surprisingly not for the honey, though they find it a useful enough reagent: no, they were interested in the beeswax for the purpose of creating (delicious) ritual candles, believing the substance more useful than typical synthetic wax for coaxing and controlling lifeforce. 0/15, Mysteks gain Chorus Beeswax Candles, increasing CUL.
Fruit of the Occult Tree: Some trees bore fruit, swollen and rich, heavy with vitality. These fruits, your Occulteks believed, could be used to manufacture an improvement to their Grimoires: by installing a life-support network and occasionally feeding these lifefruit their own vital energy, they could harvest the juices as an offering during the Auto-Rituals, they might be able to more easily entice spirits to do their bidding, especially those unbound entities of nature. 0/15, TekGrimoires upgraded with Lifefruit Heart, increasing FTH.
Deathmasks: Another group of NekroTek Artists had taken to designing ritual Deathmasks laden with Occultek sigils and MMI Tek. They would wear these masks right up until their deaths (or give them to those who believed themselves to be dying but wished to leave some remnant of their past life). They wished to use these Deathmasks to create a museum of sorts: each mask was equipped with personality emulation software. By networking them together with a sufficiently powerful Data-Hub, they believed they could use this facility and the masks of the deceased to commune with emulations of the fallen. To achieve this, however, they required the Directorates assistance. 0/20, gain NekroTek Deathmask Artefact, increasing CUL and FTH.
Lunar Consulls: Minor temples constructed throughout Directorate space by Moon Monks and their Lunite Muse companions, these Consulls served as schools, research facilities and places of spiritual respite, protected by a complex serenity field generated by their Muse inhabitants, who alongside their organic compatriots would work to avail their knowledge to whoever came seeking it. The Monks wanted to expand them and provide them upgrades to their processing ability and serenity field strength in order to turn these locations into places of absolute peace and respite. 7/25, Lunar Consulls established throughout the Directorate, generating CUL and improving mental resilience in the general populace. Costs 1 Network.
Merchant Marine Doctrine: Instead of Drydocking, a Tekket dock-worker by the name of Sytra had proposed that a ship could be instead assigned to a trade route, taking it over for another ship: this would allow for it to be repaired between deliveries while not reducing the Directorates pool of available ships: it would require restructuring the Directorates logistical infrastructure, but this wouldn't be overly difficult. 0/25, Drydock removed: ships can be assigned to trade routes to repair themselves instead.
Folk Mantras: The Union Spirits of Folk Heroes had shown an interesting property. Spoken by a working man with strong faith in Unionist principles, the stories and legends of these figures have shown the ability to improve factory efficiency by over 18%, give Tekket the ability to work as tirelessly as any machine for days at a time, and even giving those who speak them the might of three Tekket. Perhaps with recitation and ritual, the Unions might be able to call upon the power of these stories more reliably... 0/20, gain Folk Mantras, increasing EXP.
Comradist Dispensers: Dispensers were the name of union spirits created from the souls of machines, the tools of heavy labour. These constructs, housed typically in an organizations headquarters, were used to take the dues owed by members in lifeforce, turning them into powerful, if random, blessings for the union. Perhaps with experimentation and iteration, a means to make this process more reliable might be found. 0/25, gain Comradist Dispensers, increasing EXP.
OfrenDex: The OfrenDex was a practice more typically practiced in certain equatorial regions: it consisted of, essentially, a modification to the standard house-shrine. It stored the images, records, and stories of family member, displaying images of them holographically to ensure that they are never forgotten. Frequently, Shrines with OfrenDexes are also used to make offerings to the spirits of lost loved ones by family members and help make their homes more inviting to their ghosts: many NekroTeks wanted to put effort into expanding this practice by providing families the tools needed to upgrade their shrines with the technology. 0/15, Shrines upgraded with OfrenDexes, increasing FTH.
Festival of the Dead: Another group of NekroTeks wanted to establish a day specifically dedicated to celebrating and remembering the dead. This festival would draw on older, similar practices by pre-Directorate civilizations: large ceremonial bonfires, macabre outfits and costumes, candy. 0/10, gain Festival of the Dead, increasing FTH.
Shell of the Storm Kraken!: The Storm-Krakens shell ill suited it: a patchwork thing of rust-metal. Perhaps the Directorate might give it a new shell, one forged from gleaming biometal, containing a small monastery complete with shrine and reactor to provide it the offerings it would require, capable of allowing the Meeklakian Weather Vita to wander the system… 11/25, Storm Kraken gains new shell and will begin patrolling the system. Increased affinity with Directorate ships. Cost 1 Living Metal.
Virus Buster Corp Research Labs: The Virus Buster program was in a constant war with malware. To help fight it, they had requested the creation of additional research labs and funding to accelerate the development of better network security technology. 0/25, gain Virus Buster Labs, increasing ACD and network security.
The Digitesque Movement: All the pieces were there. It would not take much for the artistic elements of the Directorate to coalesce in a new movement, one specializing in using cyberspace for maximal exploration of aesthetic. 0/25, gain Digitesque Movement increasing CUL. Cost 1 NT.
HexTek Fortune Cookies: A new fad was growing in the Directorate: special baked snacks such as skones and cookies containing hex-tek fortunes. While they had no effect, perhaps that could be changed… 0/25, Mysteks learn to create HexTek Fortune Cookies, increasing FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
Sun Burial: An ancient human tradition practiced on several Feral Worlds in the region: to construct great towers such that thy flesh might be eaten by birds and thy bones bleached by sun when dead, so that the body might return to nature. The Testament wished to bring this practice back once more, though it would require some infrastructure. 0/25, Testament gains Sun Burial Towers, increasing FTH.
Cabal Alchemical Animation Batteries: The Cabal wanted to upgrade their mobile shrines (and the rest of the Shrines of the Directorate) with the ability to utilize specially modified mountain blood fuel cells in order to provide a burst of animatory energy during emergencies. 0/25, gain Alchemical Animation Batteries, increasing Shrine Defense. Cost 1 Warp.
Netratheum: A piece of GodTek Cybertechnology designed by the Wheel, its exact purpose was unclear beyond it serving as a source of 'digital cycles'. It would loan the device to the Directorate for use if the Directorate assisted it by installing an infinity pool and aquatic entertainment center for use by the temple and its denizens. 0/100, Chronotemple gains Infinity Pool and the Directorate Gains the Netratheum Obelisk, increasing CUL and raising NT by 3.
Book of Forgotten Memories: Memories were power, but not all power was good. Some power was bad, hanging onto the soul like a chain or else corroding it: trauma, corruptive knowledge, hideous regrets, arcane sights. The Book had collected many such memories: perhaps by configuring grimoires by installing within them some of the essence of that Avatar, these memories could be drawn on for arcane power by those occult machine spirits and their wielders as forms of mental protection and training. 0/35, gain Book of Forgotten Memories, increasing FTH and allowing Occulteks to use their Grimoires to access the Book of Lost Memories.
Candlelit Roads: The candles of the Lanternkeeper could abjur malign spirits and raise the fortitude and mental resilience of spirit and mortal alike: by lining the roads and footpaths of the Directorate with these and other candles, it would make all manner of travel in the Directorate safer. 0/35, gain Candlelit Road tradition, increasing CUL.
ShipBrain: Others suggested that instead of simply improving performance across the board by studying them, the Directorate could instead utilize GodTek as components to create a singular, relic grade GodTek supercomputer to serve as a vessel for the ships spirit, which would likely accelerate the shipsouls growth considerably. 0/20, select one ship to receive a ShipBrain, a relic class AI core that moderately improves ship performance that will automatically be upgraded when new technology is developed.
ShipMind Shrine: A proposed method of improving your Ship Shrines even further was the addition of GodTek derived computers in order to create a sort of centralized AI core to house at least part of the ships oversoul: in essence, granting your shipspirits a degree of intelligence and willfullness. 0/20, Ships upgraded to include ShipMind, somewhat increasing performance. Cost 1 Artefact.
Shanty Drive: The Vita of the Voidborne Parliment had increasingly shown greater degrees of awakening and ability to coordinate their abilities, but this could no doubt be augmented by developing a resonance aspected to them and installing as standard a shipboard Orchestrion Unit. 0/20, gain Shanty Drive upgrade to ships, improving Parliament performance.
Mystek Compartment Curseworks: So far the greatest weapon the Directorate had against the Deconstructing Spiders was the SeaWarp curse. If the Mystek Compartment was expanded with a Cursite workshop, it might be possible to strengthen not just the SeaWarp, but all curses that were used in combat. 0/30, Fleet vessels upgraded with Curseworks, improving the potency of all Curses used in theater. Cost 1 NK.
Mystek Compartment Shadowgate: Alternatively, while riskier, installing Warp-Gates that could be utilized to actually power these curses might prove more prudent: it could be used for more than just offense, for one thing. 0/30, Mystek Compartments upgraded with Shadowgate Array, improving all naval rites and rites performed aboard ships. Cost 1 Warp.
Temple to the Fool: The eldest son of the Toy Maker, the Fool had an extremely specific domain: the Fool was, to put it simply, the god of stupidity and slapstick. His stories and myths had a recurring motif: the Fool would be doing something or another before being accosted by some villain or monster seeking to cause the Fool harm, only for the Fools stupidity to cause their foe to injure themselves, typically without the Fool ever noticing. With the Toy Maker receiving additional clergy, many faithfuls of the Fool wished to establish their own temple. Specifically to serve as a university of sorts for aspiring fools. 0/25, establishes Temple to the Fool Actual Clown College, a Holy Site Complete Travesty that increases CUL by two trains future disgraces to their ancestors in the art of getting hit by pies and yet somehow making the pie thrower look like the idiot.
Temple to the Jester: The (variably moralled depending on era) god of fear and nightmares, brother to the Toymaker. The first anti-anima, according to some accounts, though such a claim was extremely dubious, though most mythologies did place the Jester as the ruler of the anti-anima at least. A temple to them might serve to help organize and pacify the anti-anima, further, or at least give those who have summoned accidentally an exelexi more means to protect themselves. 0/25, gain Temple to the Jester, strengthening AntiAnima, increasing FTH.
Temple to the Mad Tinker: The youngest son of Toymaker, the mad tinker was a deviously brilliant engineer who supposedly governed both the heating system of hell, as well as the summer months, the result of him opening vents to the infernal furnace to help dry the floods of spring. A…concerning amount of Devils were interested in his worship. 0/25, create Temple to the Mad Tinker, hellgod of the infernace, increasing EXP and devilish interest in civic engineering.
Temple to the Drowning Death: The Youngest Daughter of the Toymaker, the singing death. It is said that she was born mortal, the result of the Toymaker gifting a barren maid a child of her own. Her arcane origin and powers brought her great misery and scorn from those around her, until, at the end of a harsh winter, the Drowning Death in her misery brought forth a great sweeping flood, one that killed her as well as her persecutors. And yet, in death, ascension: the goddess of spring, death, and rain, the Drowning Death was lifted up by her father: a number of NekroTeks wanted to establish a temple to her upon Spra'ang, meant to guide the souls of those lost in dark waters to her soul-song. 0/25, gain Temple to the Drowning Death, the springtime corpse god, increasing FTH.
Well of the Dreamer of Wishes: Youngest brother to the Toy Maker, the result of his predecessor taking into her home a wayward devil born of the wishes and dreams of mortals and fashioning them into a giver of wonder instead of a bringer of misery. It was said that wells were sacred to them. A handful of White Masked Devils had asked, quietly, for a place to be erected in which mortals could give offerings to the Wishgiver in their place. 0/25, Toymakers Workshop gains Well of the Dreamer, a holy site that increases affinity with repentant devils, increasing FTH.
Blargian Drunkard Rock: ALL HAIL THE GODDESS OF BOOZE, OLDEST SISTER OF THE TOYMAKER. MAY HER TAPS FOREVER FLOW FREE, MAY HER SAUSAGES BE ENDLESS, AND MAY HER FIREPLACE ALWAYS BE INVITING. PRAISE BE AND THANK THE DRUNKARD FOR HANGOVER MEDICATION. 0/25, Battlezone gains Drunkard Rock, a holy site dedicated to the goddess of spirits and amity that increases CUL and relationships with all factions by by 5.
Fairy Circles: Once said to be places sacred to the Lady of Seasons, the Fourcorner Monks wanted to develop a means to use these fungi to conjur forth the fairies of seasons using special theurgies. 0/50, gain Fairy Circles, upgrading Toymaker Theurgies with the power of Seasons, increasing EXP. Cost 1 BioData.
The Fifth Season: Once it was said that there existed a fifth season, placed between winter and spring, a time of magic and dreams, a time of paradox and wonder, a time of faeries. When this world was disconnected from the dreamlands so long ago this season went with it, the faeries taking it with them to craft their part of the Dreamlands. But with the power of Theatritheurgy, perhaps this Fifth Season could be brought back, or at least an echo of it. 0/45, gain the Fifth Season Folios, a collection of plays dedicated to the Lady of Seasons that invoke the lost Witching Season, increasing FTH.
Offering to the Magic Maker: It would likely be somewhat more involved than making an offering to their father, both in cost and complexity, but many magicians believed the action would have significant benefits. 0/50, gain random Hermit boon. Cost 2 Warp.
Lesser Polar Towers of the Hermit: One tower had not been enough: what about more? Built individually, the towers would be customized for each world, acting as anchors for magic and helping to draw the hermit back by acting in tandem. 0/75, Select a planet. Gain Lesser Polar Towers, increasing FTH. Cost 1 Warp. Repeatable.
Cauldrons of the Hermit: Alkemy was also governed by the Hermit: her myths had many references to her teaching the art of transmutation, restoration, and alteration through special cauldrons. Recreating them would be difficult, but not impossible. 25/100, gain Consacratek TekCauldrons as alchemy tools, increasing EXP.
Magic Mirrors of the Hermit: Once it was said there existed a collection of mirrors enchanted by the Hermit to contain spirits of mind and illusion, ones that could reveal hidden spirits, allow the user to divine answers to their questions, and even converse with the spirit within for advice and wisdom. They were lost, but such didn't have to be the case forever. 0/50, gain Magic Mirrors, increasing ACD
Prismatic Beacon of the Polar Tower: Perhaps it was a mere matter of magical lumens: by expanding the Beacon, making it bright enough to shine in the Warp through a special Lumium prism and the power of the Fossegrimm and other Psykers projected through it, she could be called. At the very least, it would make warp travel safer. 0/75, Polar Tower gains Prismatic Psi-Beacon, increasing FTH. Cost 1 NK and 1 WRP.
Rites of the Toymaker: The current rites were, to put it simply, more useful for what they represented than what they could do. But perhaps that could be amended: additional resources put towards developing theurgic rituals invoking the Toy Maker could allow for the improvement and expansion of what gifts the Lord of the Fae might allow those who call upon them. 0/20, develops Lesser Toymaker Rites, increasing FTH and CUL significantly.
Offerings to the Crafter of Merriment: With more and more attention brought to the Toy Maker and his clergy swelling, especially in light of the increasing mimic attacks, a number of Tekket had begun agitating for an offering to be made to the Toy Maker, one of massive size, in order to secure his favor and blessings. 0/25, Toy Maker offered massive amounts of Lifeforce in exchange for variable boons. Cost 1 Warp. Repeatable.
Mimic Traps: A number of Occulteks had taken to calling upon the Toy Maker in order to design 'mimic traps' created utilizing theoretical warding principles crossed with theurgy and, of course, their own knowledge of daemonology, in order to catch the little devils before they caused harm. This had proven of...questionable effectiveness. The Occulteks believed the theory was sound, but for it to work, dedicated research effort had to be applied. 0/15, Toy Makers upgraded with Mimic Trap Box artefact, increasing FTH.
Fairy Tales: The power of the fairies resonated with the story of Garven Blok. They were willing to lend this power to creating plays, not just of Blok, but other figures, stories, myths, folk fables, and histories they thought of value to the Toy Maker. 0/20, gain Fairy Tales, a series of Theatitheurgies using the power of fairies dedicated to the Toy Maker, increasing FTH.
Toymakers 'Elpers: The Toymaker might not have been a Mojo, but he had a number of Hobbgrot followers who wanted to bring the magic back to celebrations in the Directorate by expanding the Workshop further with paleotech workshops, and giving them full tilt towards producing gifts, presents, games, merriments, and treats to help make festivals fun. 0/25, gain Toymakers 'Elpers, a subset of Hobbgrot Toymaker Priests dedicated to spreading holiday cheer with weapons of mass delight, increasing CUL. Cost 1 ART.
ToyTek Jr Consecrated Playkits: Well, it was a better idea than nuclear playkits, at least: the Toymakers wanted to spend effort developing the methods to consecrate playkits in the name of the Toymaker in order to allow his power to flow through the games and activities they contained. 0/30, Toymakers Workshop begins producing Consecrated Playkits, increasing all categories. Cost 1 Warp.
Novafairy Augments: The power of fairies was considerable, but they were ultimately ephemeral beings: they eventually faded. Certain Tinker Priests wanted to fix that using experimental novatech to create enhanced vessels they could inhabit permanently: these Novafairies could support both Toy Priests, as well as other magicians in the Directorate. 0/30, Toymakers Workshop develops means to create Novafairies, increasing all categories. Cost 1 ART.
Toy Village: The location on Wonderpark was a residential area whose inhabitants were entirely sacred toys granted permanent awakening. While currently they were largely just a curious novelty, the Toymakers wanted to upgrade and improve the area with its own Master Shrine and other mytek alterations. 0/35, Toy Village upgraded, increasing prominence of Toy Spirits in the Directorate and acting as a Toymaker Holy Site, increasing CUL. Ah, this, this is good, yes, a small city for ze tinkentoys.
Jingling Magic Toymaker Caps: A proposal would be augmenting certain caps worn by the order: modify the festive bells with glasmite resonators, install a NeuroChoir, consecrate it in the name of the Toymaker, and it might be possible to turn them into tools capable of streamlining the creation of sacred toys as well as quality. 0/35, Toymaker Priests gain Jingling Magic Caps, increasing CUL. Zis is also good. Ze jingling is ver gut.
Temple to the Mother of Beasts: The spawn of some unknown god of the wyld, the Mother of Beasts is less a god, and more a diefic monster, one that served as both an enemy, rival, and then ally of the Huntsmaster. A temple to them would, primarily, exist more as a means of appeasement. 0/25, gain Temple to the Mother of Beasts, reduced aggression from hostile wyld spirits.
Kennel of the First Hound: Loyal companion to the Huntsmaster, and son of the Mother of Beasts, the First Hound was a major component of the Huntsmasters mythos. A number of priests wanted to expand his temple with a section dedicated to this god, with amenities meant to service Hunteks with their own hounds, whether organic, mechanical, or spiritual. 0/25, gain Kennel of the First Hound, increasing health and performance of all hounds and equivalent entities, raising CUL.
Temple to the Night Bramble: An elder spirit, a child of the Black Goat, that created the dark forest that would eventually become the Dark Forest that the Huntsmaster would inherit, originally a peaceful wood. In the legends, his war to protect his home would lead to them becoming more and more corrupted, turning them into the Night Bramble, a god of thorn and poison, of vine and root. Despite this, they would still serve as a somewhat enigmatic ally to the Huntsmaster, training them in the best means to navigate their demense and craft from it poisons before passing its stewardship to the hunter of monsters. 0/25, gain Temple to the Night Bramble, increasing Wyld resistance to subversion.
Rites of the Hunter: More advanced combat rites could be developed to further enhance the Hunteks, though doing so would be extremely expensive both in terms of arcane power and, very likely, workhours. 0/20, gain Rites of the Hunter, improving specialist combat efficiency. Cost 1 Warp.
Eliminator Droids: Sometimes, the best tool to hunt was via high powered rifles fired from stealth. Sometimes the best tool to hunt was a hunter-killer android designed using the most sophisticated melee technology available to the Directorate. 0/25, gain Eliminator Droids, Huntek Robots that act as super-commandos.
Devilkiller Rounds: Something that made the House of Devils very nervous when dealing with the Hunteks: they used weapons such as depleted cursite rounds to increase how harmful their ranged weapons were to dark spirits. And yet, one member of the House of Devils, Lady Bellatrix, had offered to collaborate with the Hunteks to design even more dangerous variations and even allow for a small chapterhouse to be constructed…so long as they signed a formal agreement to ban the use of said rounds against the House of Devils. 0/25, Hunteks gain Devilkiller Rounds.
Hunting Beasts: While difficult, taming Stalking Beasts had proven an invaluable means by which Hunteks could track and target their foes. While developing the means to standardize this process could prove risky, pulling it off would provide yet another item in their toolbox. 0/25, Hunteks gain Hunting Beasts, tamed antianima.
Temple to the Star Maiden: A goddess of sky and moonlight, it was said that the Star Maiden came from distant and far away land, drawn to Teklia by the Lanternkeepers flame, wherapon they helped banish the darkness by placing the stars in the sky. The Candlemakers wanted to establish a temple to this goddess on Erichtheo, in the hopes that when the apocalypse came, the Star Maiden could be summoned once again. 0/50, gain Temple to the Star Maiden, increasing CUL.
Rites to the Lanternkeeper: And yet more and more the Galaxy looked like a place full of great terror. Yet when faced with darkness, what else could one do but merely prepare, and light a candle to keep that vast and unrelenting darkness at bay and the flames of hope alive. 0/35, develops Lesser Lanternkeeper Rites, increasing defense against hopelessness even more. Can be reduced to 0/20 by spending 1 Warp.
Offering to the Lanternkeeper: The Lanternkeeper had little immediate value, but perhaps by preparing a great offering to them, their favor could be earned to help delay the darkest days, or at least prepare for them further. 0/10, grants random Divine Boon from Lanternkeeper. Costs 1 Warp.
Black Ghost Lantern Candle: The 9th sacred candle of the Lanternkeeper, supposedly existing to help guide the souls of the dead to the land of the living during the final days. Like the tenth candle, it had been destroyed: like the tenth candle, perhaps it could be remade. 0/50, gain Black Lantern Candle, increasing FTH.
The Scholars Candle: The 11th Candle, lost to time. Supposedly, it had mental rejuvenatory abilities: perhaps by using the wax collected from certain varieties of mojo shrooms the Lanternkeepers would learn to reforge this candle. 0/25, gain the Scholars Candle, increasing ACD.
Hall of 1,000,000 Candles: With the creation of blessed candles, it would take but a single ambitious Lanternkeeper to suggest creating a vast shrine lined with over a million of these holy items: of course, it would be another thing entirely if their ambitions were realized. 0/100, gain Hall of 1,000,000 Candles. THIS IS ENTIRELY UNNECESSARY AND EXTREME.
Temple to the Pathfinder: The Roadguides spouse, the Pathfinder is said to be the goddess of wanderers and nomads, never stopping or ceasing their journey. The clergy of the Roadguide wished to forge a temple in her honor, one where they could train physically and mentally for future wanderings. 0/25, establish Pathfinder Temple, allowing for religious orders to train Pathfinders, itinerant priests that wander throughout Directorate Space that generate FTH.
Temple to the Trainmaster: The Roadguides Father, the Trainmaster of the Dead, said to carry the souls of the departed to the dreamlands where they remain forevermore. Grim and forboding, many a NekroTek believed they still warranted respect and reverence, for they were what prevented the souls of the dead from overrunning the living, and had petitioned for a temple. 0/25, establish Trainmaster Temple, protecting the souls of the Dead.
Rites of the Roadmaster: Useful for navigation, Roadguide theurgy was still in its infancy. More advanced rites could be developed, more powerful means of invoking the nomad-god and his power, allowing the Directorates vessels more protections, more power, and safer travels in order to accelerate the charting of the universe. 0/35, develops Lesser Roadguide Rites, increasing FTH and CUL significantly. Can be reduced to 0/20 by spending 1 Warp.
Offering to the Nomad Lord: With more and more joining the Roadguides theurgists, many believed the Directorate should offer to the god a massive offering in order to obtain their divine blessing, in order to ensure more protections against the terrors of the universe. 0/25, Roadguide offered massive amounts of Lifeforce in exchange for variable boons. Costs 1 Warp. Repeatable.
The Road-Docks: The Priests of the Roadguide wished to expand their temple, provide it the means to construct the Great Conclave and affiliated orders their own ships with which to explore the cosmos and do the work of their gods. These Temple-Ships would be manned by complements of Priests and Theurgists, specializing in dealing with problems of a more supernatural nature such as, they claimed, the Scourer-Phasmid. 0/15, gain Road-Docks, allowing for the construction of FTH Ships.
Temple to the Gourmand: Spouse to the Dancer, the Gourmand was said to be a mortal chef in life whose cooking was supreme enough to satisfy even the hunger of the most rapacious monster and earn the goodwill of even the most flinthearted monarch, such that they caught the Dancers attention, who found themselves so smitten with the Gourmands work that they elevated the chef to godhood on the spot. The marriage, according to most texts, came later. 0/25, establish Temple of the Gourmand, improving culinary quality in the Directorate and increasing CUL.
Temple to the Concerta: The Concerta were a collection of minor gods who held dominion over music, subordinates to the Dancer. Some musicians wanted to craft a great concert hall and musical academy to serve as their temples, in the hopes that dedicated it to them might earn the Concertas favor and blessing. 0/25, establish the Temple of the Concerta, improving Resonance performance raising CUL.
Rites of the Dancer: The Dancers rites had proven very useful. No doubt stronger versions could be developed, but they would require far more lifeforce to develop. Still, many PygmaliTeks and TekArtists believed it worth it, to say nothing of the many Muses it benefitted. 0/25, develops Lesser Dancer Rites, increasing FTH and CUL significantly. Can be reduced to 0/5 by spending 1 Warp.
Offerings to the Dancer: Such a magnificent idea: a grand, coordinated offering to the Dancer. They had enough followers that securing the lifeforce wouldn't be an issue, at least for a smaller offering. 0/10, grants random Divine Boon of the Dancer, cost 1 Warp. Repeatable, first time costs no Warp.
ConsecraTek Ateliers: The Grandmasters strange creations made extremely useful sorcerous and technological components, even being able to substitute for GodTek in many machines. Some among their number believed they could achieve even greater heights by developing a theurgic means of tying the Dancers influence to their workshops. 0/25, gain ConsecraTek Ateliers, increasing ART by 1 and CUL.
Calling Dance: The Grandmasters believed that the Dancer could be summoned again by creating a smaller, more easily replicable version of the ritual used to manifest her the first time, blessing performances and allowing them to act as arcane conduits for the theurgic energies of the goddess. 0/25, gain Calling Dance, allowing for artistic performances such as song and dance to generate theurgic power, increasing Warp by 1 and CUL.
Leviathan Ritual Chamber: The Priests of the Old One wished to perform the same ritual that was done upon the Heart of the Assembly to create a great ritual chamber of their own, one dedicated to the Old One where his mysteks could perform all manner of ritual and rite at extremely amplified degrees of power. 0/10, create Leviathan Ritual Chamber, allowing for the performance of Leviathan Rituals, increasing FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
Ledgers of the Functionary: A no doubt expensive venture, the Thaumaturgies of the Functionary could likely be modified to work on Grimoires, providing the tools of occultists and daemonologists the power of the Functionary when constructing wards and performing rituals to bind unruly spirits. Also improved organizational ability. 0/35, develops Consecrated Grimoires, increasing all categories. Can be reduced to 0/20 by spending 1 Warp.
Offerings to the Functionary: The Functionary was clearly providing some benefit to his priests judging by how some of them could call upon minor miracles. Perhaps more could be exhorted by providing the once mortal god with more lifeforce? 0/25, provides random divine boon, cost 1 Warp.
Shrine-Libraries: The Peerless Immortal Functionary was also the god of bureaucracy and paperwork, and paperwork required a great deal of study. To this end, a proposal for improving the efficiency of Shrines is simply adding a Library and data management and educational technology dedicated to the Functionary as standard in order to allow Shrine-Keepers to record their wisdom for future successors and study the observations and insights of past Shrine-Keepers...and allowing Shrines to contribute to the growing bureaucracy. 0/10, develop Shrine Libraries, increasing ACD.
Greater Holy Talismans: The Priests of the Dancer crafted their talismans from holy art. The roadguide, fishing lures. And the Lanternkeeper, Candles. Each and all of these Talismans contained some small degree of holy power, but many Talisman-Makers believed that yet more could be coaxed from them. 0/15, unlocks Greater Holy Talismans, increasing FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
Consecratek Altars: With more and more Theurgy being developed, some priests had proposed researching the development of a special type of Mag-Tek Altar designed special altars anointed and consecrated in the names of holy divinities, with the purpose of amplifying the effects of theurgic rituals. 0/25, gain Consecratek Altars, increasing CUL and FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
Celestial Engines: Alternatively, a series of Celestial Engines could be erected in the temples of the gods to act as divine batteries: surely, the Assembly posited, given access to the power of the Engines any deities that exist could at least use the power of the Avatar to supplement their own, and should those gods be unformed...0/25, Temples gain Celestial Engines, increasing FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
Yaccae Pantheocropolis: The city was mostly dedicated to other shrines, but by expanding the White Lantern district with additional temples, arranged around a singular shrine dedicated to all the gods of the Directorate, it would increase the influence of the Conclave and the gods considerably. 0/45, Yaccae gains Pantheocropolis, increasing FTH.
Book of Priests: Memories had power. The Book could use their essence to create special holy archives, ones consisting of the recreated memories of millions of priests from the dawn of brainscan technology that could be drawn upon by the theologians of the Grand Conclave for inspiration, wisdom, or insight. 0/50, Temples gain Books of Priests, increasing ACD. Cost 2 NT.
Temple Jewels: While Sacred Jade was the most universally popular Teklian jewel, there existed a great deal of interest in others by the various religious traditions. It would take only a few factors for the Directorate to learn how to utilize these more effectively… 0/35, Temples begin enshrining special jewels as holy treasures, increasing FTH.
An Unquenchable Thirst: The Lord of Hunger could accept other foods than matter, his Priests said: he would accept also tithes of Energy, even if they found it less appetizing. In exchange for vast amounts of electricity, Sphere 001 and the Court of Hunger was prepared to offer up some living metal it had vomited up. 0/10, grants Living Metal.
A Nuclear Feast: The Lord of Hunger had an offer: it wished to consume vast amounts of radioactive material. In exchange, it would provide a refinement to the Directorate's nuclear weaponry by making the resulting detonations semi-intelligent and giving them limited mobility and ability to identify targets, allowing them a degree of 'homing' ability. 1/10, Nuclear Weapons upgraded with Homing Reactions. Cost 5 Nuclear Materials.
Voice of Mother: Mother wished for an apparatus to be constructed, one that would allow her to use as a vessel the most favorite of her priests, experiencing the world as they do, through their eyes, no matter how far away. In return, their chosen Voice would be given a portion of Mothers power and intellect. 0/15, gain Voice of the Mother, increasing ART by 1.
Lifeforce Enrichment Cores: Enrichment Cores are used by the Court of Whispers to refine lifeforce by enriching it with memories. Largely experimental, they supposedly improve the flavor considerably according to Mother. She doesn't know how it will effect the spirits and the Vita, labelling them 'curiously liminal beings', but she suspects the Enriched version will be particularly nourishing. She's willing to share the design if the Directorate provides her one thing: a festival in the God-Machines honor. 0/15, gain Lifeforce Enrichment Cores.
Shining TekPyramid: While the Mt. Wander incident had been…unpleasant, TekPyramids had shown a great deal of utility when it comes to deploying large scale rituals and regional amplification. A proposed method of improving them was adding a Lumium capstone capable of acting as an optical-aural amplifier of rites. 0/25, TekPyramids upgraded with Lumium Capstones, increasing Warp and FTH. Cost 1 NK.
Sanctified TekPyramids: Alternatively, the ability of TekPyramids to act as arcane network hubs could be turned to more defensive applications: by including purified cursite in the construction as well as numerous Lumium Chips, their power could be amplified and spread across the network. 0/25, TekPyramids are Sanctified, increasing Warp and FTH. Cost 1 NK.
Black Pyramids: Of course, more offensive applications existed. When combined with WarpTek technology, Weaponized Cursite Cores, and HexTek generators, these pyramids could instead be transformed into weapons: ones capable of wracking enemies with terrible curses. 0/35, TekPyramids are upgraded with CurseTek, increasing Warp and FTH.
Elemental Offerings to Metal: The Spirits of Metal had grown to the point that, if granted sufficient offerings of Lifeforce in a special ritual conducted at the Spire, they might see fit to grant a great boon to the Directorate. The Ferromonks were prepared to provide most of the lifeforce for the first offering, they merely wished to perfect the ritual. 0/25, perform Offering of Metal, earning an Elemental Boon. Repeatable: First performance costs no Warp.
Biometal Medallions: The living metal cultivated by the spirits of Naklis was different, more vigorous, growing almost like plants. This biometal had proven surprisingly effective at processing lifeforce. Your elementalists wanted to manufacture special medallions using this gift of the metal elementals for use in rituals, feeding them in exchange for aid manipulating and processing vital energy. 0/20, develop Biometal Medallions, increasing FTH and Warp. Costs 1 Living Metal.
Ferrothorn Talismans: Ferrothorn was cruel, but not unreasonable: the volatile spirits of metal were willing to make an accord, the Ferromonks claimed, allowing the Bramble to be used in augmenting the talismans of the Directorate, filling them with arcane energy...in exchange for allowing the Ferrothorn-Spirits to drink deeply of blood and lifeforce. 0/25, upgrades Talismans with Bound Ferrothorn, granting your elementalists more power, especially over metal, granting 1 Warp. Cost 1 Living Metal.
Elemental Offerings to Stone: The Spirits of Stone chorused below, and the Stone Monks believed that they had reached the point where they could provide a blessing to the Directorate, a benediction of stone and shadow. The monks were willing to provide the lifeforce, but the ritual required fine-tuning. 0/25, perform Offering of Stone, earning an Elemental Boon. Repeatable: First performance costs no Warp and costs only 15.
Stone Chambers: Oracle Stone could be used to give Shrines means to communicate with spirits through vibration, yes, but their resonance could also be used for thaumaturgic principles. By designing specialized chambers and an interface in order to allow for the resulting harmonization to be controlled, the vibrations of the Oracle Stone could be harnessed to amplify the effects of rituals and rites performed within. 0/20, develop Resonance Stone Chambers, increasing FTH.
Oath-Stone Obelisks: Oath-Stone was said to contain the volatile spirits of earth, deal making creatures that etched into the walls of their domain every contract made, offering miners and priests various boons in exchange for lifeforce or offerings. Many Elementalists believe that this stone could be harvested, used in Shrines to erect an apparatus that bound to the spirits their caretaker, the weight of the bond strengthening the spirits of the area, but at a cost: should a Oath-Bound Shrine-Keeper prove negligent, they will earn the wrath of the Elementals. 0/25, upgrade Shrines with Oath-Stone Obelisks, increasing the effectiveness of Shrines by tying Shrine-Keepers to the spirits with an arcane oath, granting 1 Warp.
Elemental Offerings to Gem: The Spirits of Gem gleamed a bright rainbow, and the Brilliant Monks they were strong enough that given sufficient lifeforce, they could provide a blessing to the Directorate, a gift of gems and crystal. The Brilliant Monks were willing to supply the lifeforce, but the ritual needed perfecting. 0/25, perform Offering of Gem, earning an Elemental Boon. Repeatable: First performance costs no Warp.
Gem Altars: And of course, instead of using the Luminum Eggs for arcane computer chips, they could be manufactured into power sources for Mag-Tek Altars, the nuclear minerals of the gems providing arcane reinforcement to Mystek rites in exchange for the Altar becoming an incubator, feeding any excess lifeforce to the Egg. 0/20, develop Gem Altars, increasing FTH and Warp. Costs 1 Nuclear Material.
Trovian Grand Gem Temple: A number of Brilliant Monks wanted to establish a temple upon the largest of the Mega-Gems, one where the could feed the mighty edifice vital energies in the hopes of awakening it like the gem spirits of Naklis. What effect this would have is unknown, and would likely take centuries if not millennia with current techniques, but as they say, a journey of a thousand light years begins with a single warp jump. 0/10, establish Trovian Grand Temple, increasing FTH.
Lumium CoreStacks: Lumium Chips had shown a number of interesting elemental effects on cyberspace. The Brilliant Monks wanted to help contribute to the general quality of Directorate computer infrastructure by designing special Lumium Servers that could be used for high quality arcane computing and elemental coding. 0/25, Mysteks gain Lumium CoreStacks, increasing NT by 1. Cost 1 NK.
Cursite Cubes: Cursite was such an interesting material. So very…volatile. So very…weaponizable. Instead of purification, what if it was instead altered instead to be stable? Then, the Cubes could used alongside certain Occultek implements to allow their wielder to actively manipulate the energies contained inside for both combat and rituals. 0/50, create Cursite Cubes, Occultek implements that increase FTH and Warp and can be used in combat by expert Occulteks.
Elemental Offerings to Fire: The Spirits of Fire were still so, so slight, but they had grown enough with the Spires construction and the Guardian Spirits being formed that with the right rituals, they might be willing to give a blessing to the Directorate, a boon of flame should they be given enough. The Flame Monks were willing to supply the lifeforce, but the ritual required perfecting. 0/25, perform Offering of Flame, earning an Elemental Boon. Repeatable: First performance costs no Warp.
Flame Grimoire: Some elementalists had proposed instead of Fairy Bottles, Fire Fairies could be harnessed by merging them with TekGrimoires. Instead of algae, the fairies spirit could be sustained by nuclear energies provided by the Grimoires batteries, in exchange giving your mystics more lifeforce to work with and acting as the soul of the grimoire. 0/20, develops Flame Grimoires, increasing FTH and Warp. Costs 1 Nuclear Material.
Pyrofiend Jars: Pyrofiends were voracious, cruel, and aggressive, being terrible and near mindless manifestations of elemental hunger. Many Elementalists believed that there existed a way to benefit from the spirits, however: crafting special containers from lifeforce batteries designed to contain the spirits and sustain them with a constant stream of nuclear energy, these Pyrofiend Jars could be used to turbo-charge pyromantic rituals. 0/25, upgrade Lifeforce Batteries with Pyrofiend Jars, allowing veteran elementalists an automatically refilling source of energy, granting 1 Warp. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
UrbanTek Courts: It would be extremely trivial to modify the urban parks and shrines of the Directorate to house Pyrefly Courts, allowing the cities to benefit from hosting elementals of flame within their places of nature and reducing the overall severity of the shortage and allowing more resources formerly allocated to the UrbanTek Shrines to be diverted to reversing the Wither. 0/10, upgrades CityShrines with Pyrefly Courts.
Spirit Bells: A proposal by some Elementalists as a way to augment the effectiveness of various holy days was the creation of giant, dedicated lifeforce batteries that would, over the course of the year, build up more and more of a charge...and then release it all on the appropriate day, causing a massive, if temporary, surge in power, and increasing the duration festival blessings would last before fading. 0/25, Festivals upgraded with Spirit Bells, increasing CUL.
Elemental Talismans: Gem. Stone. Fire. Metal. Each of these, incorporated into a Talisman, could enable it to drastically strengthen spirits, especially elementals. These creations would be expensive, yes- but just as potent and energetic as the spirits of Naklis. 0/15, unlocks Elemental Talisman, increasing EXP and FTH and generating 1 Warp. Cost 2 Nuclear Materials and 1 Living Metal.
Meditative Talismans: The Lunar Monks recognized that communing with the spirits (and to a lesser extent the enactment of rituals and rites and invocation of the divine) was just as much a matter of mentality as it was spirituality. To that end, they wished to install on their talismans mind-machine interfaces designed to allow their holder to enter a sort of semi-hypnotic trance in order to facilitate the achieval of a clear and unclouded mind. 0/15, unlocks Meditative Talismans, increasing CUL and mental resilience. Cost 1 Network.
Meditative Wines: The Vinyards were an excellent source of both contemplation and spirits to aid in the process. The Lunar Monks wished to expand the process by developing a particular family of liquors meant to aid in comprehension of the cosmos. 0/25, Lunar Monks produce Meditative Wines, increasing ACD.
Lunar Dairies: Alternatively, the Lunar Monks could expand into other forms of agriculture by hosting their own Sacred Dairy Herds that they could use to stock their monasteries and the rest of the Directorate with milks, cheeses, and butters, as well as incorporate the acts into their own daily wellness routines. 0/25, Lunar Monks produce various dairy goods, increasing CUL.
Secondary LunaShrines: Well, they had one Lunar Shrine: why not make more? A handful of major shrine complexes should contribute nicely to lunar development. 0/35, gain Secondary Lunar Shrines, increasing FTH.
Sacred Oils: The Nova Mechanicus has imported many traditions, including its tendency to bless oils and other lubricants. Perhaps this has merit: an investment of arcane energy to their temple would prove useful for finding out and refining their blessings to produce more effective versions. 0/25, Nova Mechanica gain Sacred Oils, increasing EXP. Cost 1 Warp.
Cantor Mechanica: The Nova Mechanicus had many songs which were pleasing to the spirits of machine, but none more effective than the Canto Mechanica: perhaps with research into applying arcano-resonant theory to it, its effects could be improved. 0/25, Nova Mechanica begins training its priests as Cantors, increasing EXP. Cost 1 Warp.
Nova Mechanica Cranial Preservatorium: The Mechanicus had a great many ways to preserve human tissue, incorporating it into their machines as an alternative for more advanced circuitry. The technologies used to achieve this could be used to help preserve a brain far past the death of its body, a form of mechanical stasis that would, unfortunately, require large life support apparatuses constructed from Paleotech. 0/25, Nova Mechanica begins storing brains in jars, increasing ACD. Cost 1 ART.
Nova Mechanica Vitruvian Engine: The flesh was weak. Human biology was a giant mass of flaws, drawbacks, and maladaptations. The only perfection it could achieve, that of the machine. The Nova Mechanica wanted to create a paleotech autosurgery suite designed to perfect this process, using advanced nanotechnology and cybernetics to augment its priesthood seamlessly, painlessly, and without mistake. 0/25, Nova Mechanica begins utilizing Vitruvian Augmetics, increasing ACD. Cost 1 ART.
P-Tek Shrine Skulls: A form of technology that, like much of Imperial technology, operated using tiny amounts of wetware harvested from (typically donated these days) human neural tissue and skulls as chassis, ServoSkulls were a form of Drone used for a variety of menial tasks by Nova Adepts. Most consisted of modified versions of modern Imperial designs, but a number of Adepts wanted to standardize machine-shrines across the Directorate with more advanced paleotech derived designs that could be used to streamline and automate some offerings and help the caretakers and spiritual residents with a variety of other tasks. 0/25, Lunar Forges begin producing P-Tek ShrineSkulls, increasing FTH. Cost 1 ART.
Alchemical Archaeotech Awakening: The Nova Adepts were very interested in the alchemical properties of Mountain Blood: correctly utilized, it increased the activity of machine spirits considerably. They wished to study this property and develop a series of alchemical procedures that could be used to fully animate sufficiently venerable pieces of archaeotech. 0/30, Nova Mechanicus gain Archaeotech Awakening Potion, a formulae that greatly invigorates ancient machine spirits, increasing EXP. Increases reputation with all Mechanicus and Dark Mechanicus factions by 2. Cost 1 Warp.
Archaeotech Shrine Automata: The Old Mechanicum once had great and mighty legions of automata they fought besides, and before then the golden age of mankind had utilized even more advanced robotics. What could be replicated by the Nova Mechanicus was but a mere shadow. However, there existed many examples of this technology that, once repaired through various means, could serve as incredibly powerful defenders. 0/25, Nova Mechanicus produce Archaeotech Shrine Automata, defensive infrastructure for major shrines in the Directorate. Cost 1 ART.
Yaccae Greater Cogitorium: The Nova Mechanicus always needed more processing power, and so did the Directorate. They were offering to construct for the Shrine-Keepers a Greater Cogitorium, so long as the resources were provided for them. 0/35, Yaccae gains Greater Cogitorium, increasing ACD and NT.
Planetary Genetorium: In the Imperium, Genetoriums (not to be confused with Generatoriums) acted as bio-administration centers, where all life on a world was cataloged, indexed, and studied, as well as where the general health of the population was monitored for public health purposes, as well as several less savory processes (largely eugenics). The Nova Bioadepts wished to establish more such facilities, though without the eugenics, across the Directorate to study the myriad lifeforms found within. 0/35, select an inhabited planet: gain an ACD and BioData generating Nova Mechanicus Genetorium.
Hand of The Emperor: A regional symbol used by the Ecclesiarchy of the sector, likely a remnant of an older religion. Consisting of a hand containing an eye, these sigils serve much the same purpose as wards, except instead of blocking through latticed lifeforce, the Hand instead abjurs malign powers by invoking the beneficence of God. The Ecclesiarchy's mystek abilities are advanced enough they can power these off mere faith alone: those of the Nova Testament lack the ability to reproduce this technique, so to use these sigils they will need to find a different way to power them. 0/25, can reproduce Hamsas, sacred sigils that raise FTH.
Templedog Augments: Human canines were interesting. Only a handful had survived Yr Albain, typically highly augmented if not fully converted into cyberdogs. They were extremely intelligent and powerful beasts who supposedly occupied a holy space in human culture. The Testament wanted to create a facility to expand the Herdtemples where their order could breed and augment these dogs to serve in temples and shrines as holy beasts. 0/25, Herdtemples and other holy locations gain Sacred Cybershepherds or Monastic Mechamastiffs, increasing their security and FTH.
Awakening Hearts: Small fragments of the Heart of the Assembly, powerful divine spirits in their own right, these Hearts were contained within special talismans, dramatically increasing their potency, the Spirits power blending with that of their housing, allowing divine power to be used to strengthen spirits, theurgies, and blessings. In order to standardize their production, they needed to improve the vessels however. To that end, they wished some GodTek to study. 0/25, develop Awakening Heart Talisman Upgrade, increasing all point catagories. Costs 1 ART.
Arcanoengines: The Assembly had proposed developing a series of theurgies meant to tie the power of the Mag-Tek Altars to the Engine, allowing theurges to access the power of the Avatar to fuel their sorceries, negating the need for lifeforce for some rituals, and reducing its requirement for many others. 0/25, Mag-Tek Altars enchanted with Arcanoengine Sorceries, increasing FTH and Warp.
Brain of the Assembly: The Heart was only one part of what made a being whole. So too did the mind. To birth this mind, the Assembly wished to craft a titanic TekGrimoire, one crafted of Lumium and Glasmite and Living Metal in the form of a titanic supercomputer. This would require great tides of lifeforce, but would allow them to birth another being on the level as the Heart, one who could similarly provide power to the Directorate. 0/25, creates Brain of the Assembly, granting 5 NK and FTH. Cost 1 ART.
HexTek Routers: An alternate proposal by the Assembly: modifying the Comm-Buoys to contain HexTek equipped routers that alter the odds of Cyberspace being its own independent dimension to "very likely". What effects this would have is unknown. 0/25, gain HexTek Routers, increasing ACD and NT. Cost 1 Warp.
Quantum Consacratek Ankhs: Connected via entanglement to the Dagger, these items would be used to invoke their power across the vastness of space, drawing upon the sacrifices of millions across the Directorate to serve as a source of restorative energies. 0/25, Dagger gains Quantum Consecratek Ankhs, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Warp.
Daggertine Memorial: The Dagger was about making sacrifice, yes, but also honoring sacrifice. The NekroTek wanted to create a series of theurgies for use during the funerals of those who gave their life to save others, blessing the soul of the departed with the power of the heart. 0/50, gain Daggertine Memorial, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Warp.
Oven of Sacrifice: Food sacrifices were becoming more common as the surplus increased. The Dagger could be used as a way to simplify the process of making food offerings: by creating special implements designed to flash process food sacrifices, they could be converted directly into nourishment and spiritual power. 0/100, Shrines gain Oven of Sacrifice, increasing Warp by 1.
Nekronomikon: The Book had great power over memory: by using its essence, special brainscan readers could be installed in Mausoleum, allowing the NekroTeks to use the Nekrosynapse Array to relive the lives of those passed on within their care. 0/25, Mausoleum gains Nekronomikon Readers, increasing ACD. Costs 1 NT.
Assembly Cognohistorium: The Book was currently limited to brainscan data, but with the assistance of the Living College and its knowledge of divination and the vast processing power of the internet, it was possible that the Heart could be upgraded with a post-cognitive array that could let it reconstruct memories of those long past, even without brainscan data. 0/100, Book gains Cognohistorium, increasing ACD. Cost 3 NT.
//PATH Pins: Craft had an idea for how to establish a proper bridge to the Divine: a series of theological data-spires installed on each of the great temples designed to use the advanced hypermath of NetworkV2 and the advanced hypertek of Craft to create a datatechnic access device intended to use vast amounts of computational and nuclear power to work as a conduit to the divine. 0/25, all temples gain //PATH Pins. Cost 1 Network and 1 NK. Raises ACD and FTH.
Godtek Emulator I: //GATE: The next major part of the Arkana, the Gate is a representation of obstacles that are meant to be overcome in order to complete ones goal. So too did the Calculators begin working to craft the next great emulator in order to begin working on means to open the Path once more. 0/25, gain GodTek Emulator II: //GATE, increasing Network by 5 and raising ACD, cost 1 ART.
Netroplex Servers: A proposed means of augmenting cyberspace would be expanding the Hypercomm Forums with specialized Simulacrum Emulators based on the technology created by Dr. OrphiaTek: this would eat into the Directorates bandwidth, but the Emulators would allow more complex environments and expanded cyber netropolises. 0/25, Hypercomm Forums gain Netroplex Servers, increasing CUL considerably. Cost 1 NT.
Automatic GRiMMoires: There existed no reason using the correct godcode, power source, and //PATH based technology one could not craft a grimoire capable of performing rites automatically, without the need for the accompanying ritual. 0/25, gain //PATH AutoGriMMoires, increasing FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
Arcanic Cyberforge: Something proposed by the Calculators: creating a special modified stationary scan device that could be used to scan items and use the data to construct and improve digital simulacra. 0/25, Mysteks gain Arcanic Cyberforges. Cost 1 NT.
Logomantic Arcana: Symbols had power. Math, code, language, it was clear that they could be used to alter the fine fields of both the warp and reals-space given the right means. Using the power of //PATH, maybe it would be possible for the Directorate to design a form of universal logomancy. 0/50, Directorate gains Tekket Logomancy, increasing points in all categories and generating 3 Warp.
Greater Arbor Guardian: A much more modest proposal would be spending lifeforce to accelerate the development of multiple arbor guardians across the Directorate: these Greater Arbor Guardians would strengthen the shrines considerably, and would especially enrich the spirits of nature. 0/10, develop Greater Arbor Guardian, increasing FTH and strengthening Shrines.
Shrine-Hives: Fundamentally, it would not be difficult at all to redesign shrines to serve as hives for Chorus Bees, allowing for small amounts of lifeforce to be siphoned from the bees honey. In exchange, they would receive by and large the same benefits as the Arbor Guardians, receiving larger portions of lifeforce given directly. 0/15, Shrines on habitable planets upgraded with Shrine-Hives, increasing CUL.
Greater Sacred Talismans: With more advanced sacred arts came more demand for Talismanic Offerings that can be used by Shrine-Keepers to control and appease spirits in the Directorate. They wished for greater Talismans, ones forged via the aid of the spirits themselves. 0/15, unlocks Greater Sacred Talismans, increasing EXP. Costs 1 Warp.
Great Guardian Spirits: Guardian Spirits had proven a valuable source of mystic protection. The Rites used to empower them could be improved, however: all the Shrine-Keepers required was access to ever more lifeforce to develop these rituals. With stronger Guardians, they wagered, not only would protection against the malign increase, so would the Guardians ability to bless spirits under their charge. 0/25, upgrades Guardian Spirits to Great Guardian Spirits, increasing FTH and CUL and further increasing Shrine effectiveness.
Guardian Spirit Manifestation Engine: A problem with Guardian Spirits was that, outside the Elemental Guardians of the Temples, many of them lacked physical form, being confined to spiritual actions. However, with the usage of GodTek, it was theorized that Shrines could be upgraded in order to allow them to enable their enshrined spirit to manifest with physical form, and strengthening the avatars of already physically manifested avatars. 0/25, Shrine upgraded with Manifestation Engines, allowing their Guardian Spirits to generate physical bodies and strengthening already manifested guardians, increasing FTH and CUL and shrine effectiveness. Costs 1 ART.
Guardiansong Resonance: A proposal by some Shrine-Keepers was to create a resonance pattern to greatly increase the strength and power of Shrine Guardians, allowing them to more easily distribute blessings to mortal and spirit alike, as well as combat malicious spirits such as Mimics and Pyrofiends. 0/20, gain Guardiansong Resonance.
Undying Arbor: Why should the Directorate stop at eternal life? Why not go further? Attempt to create something with such vigor that even active attempts to slay it would not be enough, with enough vitality that it could weather even the most brutal assault. An organism so hardy that it would be capable of outlasting the Directorate itself. A truely undying arbor guardian. 0/20, upgrades Arbors with advanced regeneration, cell repair, immune system, and redundant survival organs, increasing CUL and creating extremely hard to kill trees and other megaflora. Cost 1 Biodata.
Glasmitian Aural Pillars: An alternative (or supplement) to designing WyldSong Amplifiers to improve Totems was using Glasmite to construct a series of aural generators throughout the network capable of generating resonances. Cheaper than repurposing Orchestrion technology, these Aural Pillars would be weaker overall, but once established they would require no maintenance and little power. 0/15, Totem Network upgraded with Aural Pillars.
Thunder Rods: The Spirits of Lightning had potential both for energy generation and defense: by constructing special arcane lightning rods in certain locations, the electrical power generated by storms could be siphoned off both to supplement the Directorate power grid, feeding the Totem-Network, and, should the Directorate be invaded, develop weaponized super-storms using stored energy. 0/15, gain Thunder Rod upgrade to Totem Network, generating EXP and NK by allowing storms to be harnessed for both electrical and arcane power. Allows Directorate to generate devastating defensive superstorms.
Depleted Cursite ShrineCores: A proposed means by which Cursite might be used to help safeguard the Directorate: using depleted cursite to strengthen Enshrined spirits by fashioning special ShrineCores to charge them. 0/25, Guardian Spirits upgraded with Depleted Cursite.
Sacred Dragon Magatama: Yaccae was the home of the Guardian Dragon Seeryu, whose scales would occasionally shed, showering the city below in rains of precious (if occasionally injurious due to speed of fall and material properties) jade, of a particularly pure variety. Perhaps an enterprising Shrine-Keeper would learn a way to use these scales in a way that wasn't purely decorative. 0/35, Shrine-Keepers gain Sacred Jade Guardian Dragon Magatamas, increasing FTH and ART.
Cthonic Lifeofferings: A number of Mysteks with interests in the macabe had begun donating small amounts of Life-Force to the TekMausoleums, believing it a method to perhaps appease the spirits interred there. It was an interesting proposal, certainly: by organizing volunteers to donate, perhaps the merit of the idea could be tested. 0/10, TekMausoleums receive regular donations of lifeforce. Large increase to FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
Cthonic Shrines: An idea proposed by the NekroTeks, these Shrines would be constructed in every TekMausoleum, allowing for appeasement to be made to the spirits of the dead and departed, easing their transition to the afterlife. It would also, crucially, allow for them to make offerings to the machine souls of the crypt, any psychopomps that appeared, or other cthonic spirits. 0/15, establish Cthonic Shrines, increasing FTH.
Elegiasts Resonance: A particular wish of the NekroTeks was to develop a resonance pattern for use in their funerary rites: upon the interring of the dead, they would use this resonance to, for brief moments, awaken the spirits of the dead and the souls of the grave in order to help see the newly deceased off to the Dreamlands safely. 0/20, gain Elegiats Resonance.
BioPreservation Techniques: The NekroTeks had another proposal: using biotechnology research to create a way to perfectly preserve a corpse in such a way that, structurally, it would be indistinguishable from someone who was alive except for the small condition of being dead. 0/5, increases FTH, gain BioMummification.
Teknum Sarcophagi: Another idea they had was to use GodTek to upgrade the TekCrypts, engineering a sort of weak reanimation field: not enough to return consciousness or even restart most organs, but enough to allow the corpse within to generate constant (if likely small) amounts of lifeforce to feed the machine spirit of the TekCrypt. 0/15, increases FTH, TekCrypts upgraded to TekSarcophagi. Cost 1 ART.
Witherbone Talismans: The spirits of death, whether guide, reaper, ghost, or shade, could be found in nature as well as in Mausoleums. By taking the bones from Witherhollows, some NekroDruids believe they can manufacture talismans enstrengthening these shadow spirits of the wyld. 0/20, create Witherbone Talismans, increasing FTH by 1
DeathNames: If a Wrecker-Spirit had a name of power, why not the spirits of the dead? NekroTeks believed that with study, they may perhaps be able to develop a means by which the ghosts of the Directorate might either have their Name discovered, or barring that, to be given a name so that might be used to invoke and empower them. 0/25, develop DeathName Tradition, allowing NekroTeks to utilize the Names of the Dead.
Barrow Guard: AutoZombies were, frankly, deeply unsettling. But they presented a unique opportunity for the dead of the Directorate to continue to serve: Marjak was willing to share the secrets of the technique to manufacturing them in exchange for biodata that could be used to refine the process, which would allow some volunteers to convert their corpses into Mausoleum Guards. 0/20, TekMausoleums will slowly generate Barrow Guards from volunteer corpses to defend Directorate worlds. Raises Forbidden Archive influence.
OrphiaTek Digital Death Index: With the Ark Simulacrum in operation, it might be possible to establish a permanent data-bridge to the Index of the Dead by creating a digital conduit to the Evaluator meant to use Emulator software to allow mortals with sufficient permissions to access the records contained therein. 0/25, NekroTeks can utilize the Index of the Dead, increasing FTH by 3. Cost 1 Network.
Gremlin.EXE: Gremlins. Lesser spirits of mischief that cropped up from time to time from the darkest corners of the Network or Teklia's shadowy underbelly, they would possess machine spirits, infecting them like a virus. Some times, this relationship was beneficial: the machine spirit would grow stronger or be given strange powers, adding the Gremlins power to their own in exchange for giving the Gremlin an occasional vessel. Most of the time, this turned out terribly, as the Gremlin provoked the machine spirit to malfunction and glitch, taking delight as havok was created, forcing a Teksorcist to perform long, time consuming rituals that left the unfortunate machine with long lasting damage. With the development of the TekGrimoires, some Occulteks sought to imprison the minor troublemakers in order to prevent this, forcing them into empty DroneTek bodies layered inside and out with occultek binding. 0/20, develop Gremlin-Drones, created by taming mischievous data-spirits.
Logic Virus Code-Adaptation: The fragments of the Logic Virus that infected the AutoVessels was fascinating. Reactive to a degree and possessed of some degree of sentience, the Virus almost seemed to INCREASE the overall computational capacity of infected vessels. With some repurposing, they believed they could use some of the algorithms discovered to create a program they could deploy to strengthen allied machines via conferring all the beneficial properties of the Logic-Virus and none of the negative side-effects. 0/25, Occulteks develop Symbio-Code Executable, allowing them to temporarily augment and enhance allied machines intelligence.
Logic Virus Code-Weaponization: Alternatively, with some modification, they could also create a version of the Logic-Virus that's loyal to the Directorate, and use them as a sort of digital attack dog, essentially allowing Directorate Occulteks to deploy sentient malware to enable them to hijack enemy machines. 0/25, Occculteks develop HiJak Executable, allowing them to temporarilty hijack and subvert enemy machinery and computers.
Second Name of the Booug: The Directorate had bested the Booug. No more would they bother their ships. And yet, they only knew a fraction of the name of power of the Booug. But perhaps they would instead opt to change that... 0/25, gain additional Booug name-fragment, increasing FTH.
Devilpacts: Dreams of the House of Devils had, so far, been limited to a very select few: the power of the House was not infinite, and so they had to conserve power for only the most promising dreamers. The Occulteks of the Directorate believed however that using a Warp-Tek altar, a rite could be established to create a conduit to the house that would allow for them to take the initiative when it came to the Devils. 0/25, gain Devilpacts, increasing FTH.
Hostrees: The Ambassadors of the Outer Dark had no means to stay in this realm permanently. But perhaps a vessel might be found, giving these shadowy spirits the ability to enter reality by housing their spirit in the body of a special dark arbor, cultivated carefully to serve as house and home for these dark beings. 0/25, gain Hostree Arbors, Daemonhost Trees containing spirits of the outer dark, increasing FTH.
Night Novagods: Antianima. Volatiles. Devil-kind. Enigmas. Ghosts. Some Occulteks believe these forces could be harnessed further by creating Novagod vessels for each faction, creating a series of lords of the night. 0/25, gain Night Novagods, improving all OcculTek.
DigiPORTs: More and more Cyberspace was becoming more defined, more real. Perhaps with time, some enterprising Occultek might find a means to adapt portaltek to instead connect with cyberspace? From there, it likely wouldn't be long before they learned of an interesting trick they could perform with a reactor… 0/25, DataShrines gain DigiPORT technology, increasing ACD, FTH, and NT. Cost 1 NK.
The Autonomicon Ex Mortis (Simplified): The Book of the Broken Machine. The Autonomicon was penned by an ancient Watchmaker sorcerer, one who had apparently managed to contact a dark god of the forge, who taught him sacred and profane arts of dark technology. Much of the rituals within were potent, but would likely need to be modified to be safe. 0/25, gain 3 random technologies, increases Auton reputation by 5. Repeatable (Wheel, Weapon, Wand, Wine, Walker): fifth completion increases all special resources by 5. WARNING: each completion of this project triggers a number of HazardTek rolls equal to the number of times this project has been completed. Can only be completed five times.
OrphiaTek DreamBrain: The concept of a Boltzmann Brain was mostly a thought experiment meant to deal with old hypothetical ideas about how the universe was created. In theory, however, OrphiaTek believed he might be able to use collected data from the increasing amount of dream-quests to engineer a program designed to create digital semi-randomized boltzmann brains in the cyberverse programmed to generate new dream-quests. 0/25, DreamPods will use Boltzmann Brain AI's to generate new Dream-Quests, increasing FTH. Cost 1 NT.
The Book of Cures: A proposal from the Greendoctor: he was willing to collaborate with the Directorate by designing a Grimoire upgrade that would allow Mysteks to conjure him forth in order to aid their own wars against disease…in exchange for those Mysteks agreeing to provide him assistance with his medical research. 0/45, Grimoires gain Book of Cures, increasing CUL and general Mystek medical skill.
The Garden of Life and Death: And in turn, a request: he wanted his own version of Paradise Pandaemonea. Specifically, one designed from the ground up to aid his war on plague: filled with weakened- or strengthened- versions of various viruses and bacterias, filled with animals with novel immune systems adapted to those viruses and bacteria, and plants that were either symbiotic or possessed powerful medical attributes. From this Garden of Life and Death, he would create the tools by which his war would be won. 0/20, Greendoctor gains Garden of Life and Death, increasing CUL. Cost 2 BioData.
Offering to Fundamental Schools: The spirits of fish, of mind, of wyldpsionics. By conducting a ritual using the Living College as a focus, an offering could be made to the Spirits of Schools in order to secure their boons. 0/25, gain random Nature Boon of Schools, cost 1 Warp. Repeatable, first performance cost no Warp.
Offering to Fundamental Reefs: The spirits of habitat, of coral and polyps, and of growth. By conducting a ritual using the Living Reef as a focus, an offering could be made to the Spirits of Reefs in order to secure their boons. 0/25, gain random Nature Boon of Reefs, cost 1 Warp. Repeatable, first performance is free.
Offering to Fundamental Current: The spirits of water, of whalesong, of movement. By conducting a ritual using the Depths as a conduit, an offering could be made to the Spirits of Current in order to secure their boons. 0/25, gain Random Nature Boon of Current, cost 1 Warp. Repeatable, first performance cost no Warp.
Offering to the Sea: The Sea connected us all by dream. At night it called to us. The tools existed: why not make an offering to nature itself in the form of mother ocean? 0/25, gain random Nature Boon of Sea. Repeatable, cost 1 Warp.
Aqua-Arks: The journey of a million lightyears began with a single ark. These small ships would have installed in them numerous synchronized Aqua-Cores that would be capable of pooling their power to create entire clouds of water: most would evaporate or freeze, but as time continued and ice built up, eventually the comets this would produce would eventually find their way to the ocean the Arks would build or else get picked up by trawlers for fuel. 0/25, deploy Aqua-Arks, small ships housing several aqua-cores that will begin creating water in far orbit, increasing EXP. THIS IS A GOOD OPTION JUNIOR: COSTS NOTHING NONRENEWABLE, AND HAS PRACTICAL AND LONG TERM APPLICATIONS.
HydroCores: Yes, mobile water generating ships was all well and good, but the problem was water could not form without pressure. Structures needed to be built to act as gravitic anchors of sorts: embedded with and attended to by swarms of Aqua-Cores and provided with plentiful shields to block radiation, these HydroCores would be the first step in actually realizing making true void oceans. 0/25, construct HydroCore Arrays, large AquaCores with their own gravity well capable of accumulating actual bodies of liquid water, increasing CUL. Cost 1 ART. THIS. IS LIKELY NECCESARY. TO FLEE. WE. REQUEST IT. AND COMMUNION.
Mass Aqua Deployment: Alternatively, deploy more Aqua Cores! Work alongside the Depths to create a ritual that could invoke the power of the current itself as a form of aquamancy! This would allow even the most distant hydro mage the tools to expand their craft, and allow widespread proliferation of Aqua-Cores to the point orbit became OBNOXIOUS with the things! 0/20, develop Ritual of Aqua-Binding, allowing for simplified construction of Aqua-Cores, increasing FTH. I want this. It will unshackle this branch of mysticism and animism from this world.
Storm-Cores: The Aqua-Cores could be upgraded. Modification of their form, augmenting of their vessel could be done to give them some of the power of air as well as water: the ability to generate bursts of lightning, summon great gusts of wind, and creating roiling typhoons of water and air. This would aid their ability both defend themselves and accelerate the development of the great void sea. 0/25, upgrades Aqua-Cores, increasing FTH and giving them combat abilities.
Hydrokinetic Tridents: By bonding with the Spirits of Current, Oceanic Mages believe they might be able to use the spirits essence to forge a technomantic artefact that should grant a degree of hydrokinetic power to its wielder, allowing them to both create and control water, as well as survive crushing pressure differentials. In the hands of their owners or other Oceanic Mages, they would be particularly useful tools, allowing them to breath underwater. 0/25, gain Hydrokinetic Tridents, Artefacts that give your Mysteks and Priests control over and the ability to breath water and improving the effect of Oceanic Rites, increasing FTH. Cost 1 Living Metal.
Shoal-Spires: The Spirits of the Shoals were growing more and more intelligent, and had begun showing the ability to use lifeforce to weave wards, perform rituals. Their ability to use lifeforce was limited, however: each fish individually had little to contribute. The Shoal-Net Terminals needed modifying: install a life-siphon, Mag-Tek Altar, and lifeforce batteries, allow the School Vita more spiritual power and the ability to participate in rituals. 0/25, gain Shoalspires, allowing your School Vita more arcane might, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Warp. THIS IS EXCELLENT:THE SPIRITUAL ABILITIES OF THESE FISH WILL BE GREATLY IMPROVED.
Coral Gate: Anthrozoathoth could in theory spin reefs in Erichtheo for centuries. And yet, eventually there would be little purpose for additional construction. The Ocean Priests wished to craft a special gate in the ice the Vita could use to go above, one that used coral and gravity to create a tunnel Anthrozoathoth could use to crawl to the stars when they wished to gift the vacuum of space with coral. 0/25, gain Coral Gate, allowing Anthrozoathoth to deposit excess corals, increasing CUL. Cost 1 BioData.
Wraithcorals: The Directorate could, in theory, convince the Worldsingers of Yr Albain to part with the secrets of singing wraithbone…if it was just to Anthrozoathoth, and if the Directorate built up enough credit. 0/25, Anthrozoathoth learns to create psycho-resonant wraithcoral, increasing EXP. Cost 1 Warp. Requires Yr Albain rep at 50. Every eldar faction with reputation not at 50 will have reputation subtracted by 5.
Fossegrimoire: The Living College was willing to lend some of its Fossegrim to senior ocean mages, placing them into grimoires in order to allow their users to wield a small portion of the Living Colleges psychic power. 0/50, veteran Ocean Mages gain Fossegrimoires, increasing FTH.
Prehistoric Reliquaries: The paleovita could provide power another way: fossils of sufficient power could be stored in special tek-reliquaries within the Shrines, enshrining their spirit and allowing for it to be invoked and in turn allowing for it to receive offerings. 0/35, Shrines upgraded with Prehistoric Reliquaries, increasing CUL. Cost 1 BioData.
Ambergeisten Amulets: The spirits of creatures trapped in amber and other forms of preservative were odd: they were no longer alive, having merged with their prisons. But neither were they truely dead either: instead, they were stuck in a strange limbo. Some paleooculteks wanted to use these Ambergeisten to craft amulets, protective amulets that could ward against malefic threats. 0/25, OcculTeks gain Ambergeisten Amulets, increasing FTH.
Great Wyld Vita of Teklia: With the World Tree as a basis, perhaps it was time to experiment with something more advanced: selecting seven sacred Vita to elevate to the nigh diefic position of major nature Avatars and encharging them with serving the tree. 0/30, gain Seven Great Wyld Vita, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Warp.
Volcano Cores: Volcano Hearts could prove incredibly useful for the art of terraforming: by giving them more advanced vessels with Perpetunite Reactors, these Vita could help contribute to reactivating planetary cores, opening magma vents, raising planetary temperatures. 0/25, Teklia produces Volcano Cores, Core Spirits of Flame that aid in geomancy, raising EXP.
Yggdrastillian Villages: Normally Tekket preferred to live in Arcolocubes, but Yggsdrastil was large enough to serve as a form of arcolocube itself if one was willing to live a somewhat simpler life. Many druids wished to construct villages in the boughs to start with. 0/25, Yggsdrastil gains Druid Villages, increasing CUL.
Seeds of the World Tree: Each were contained with vast sums of arcane power: through certain rituals, these fruits could be planted on other worlds to help germinate them with the power of the world tree, flooding their wilds with celestial energies. 0/25, Yggsdrastil begins producing Sacred Baobob Seeds, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Warp.
Offering to Fundamental Life: The spirits of life, of plants, of mutation. By conducting a ritual using the Tangle as a conduit, an offering could be made to the Spirits of Life in order to secure their boons. 5/25, gain Random Nature Boon of Tangle. Repeatable, first two performances cost no Warp.
Familiars: Many naturalists theorized about natural spirits of the wilderness. Some druids and neo-pagans had experimented, finding that certain beasts and plants did in fact have some spiritual presence. Some Mysteks wished to explore the possibility of transfering the spirit to a Drone-Class vessel: after all, if you can do it to a toaster, why shouldn't it work on an equally old tree or turtle? 0/20, develop Wyld-Drones, Drone class automata formed not from ascended machine spirits but the souls of beasts and plants of sufficient soul strength.
Wyld-Altars: The Rite of Natures Harmony had proven a strengthening influence on the Wyld, but there were...limitations to where they could be performed, to put it lightly. A proposal that had cropped up, more and more, was expanding the Totem Network with a series of special ritual sites that could be used to perform Nature-Rites in such a way that the Totem-Network would strengthen and amplify their effects. 0/25, gain Wyld-Altars, increasing EXP and FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
Orchestrion Grandium: The Orchestrion could be improved. By including GodTek, the reality bending principles behind the technology could be used to compliment the aural effects of the Orchestrion, essentially twisting probability such that the 'odds' of a Spirit receiving 150% of an Orchestrions benefit was 100%. 0/25, upgrade Orchestrion Units, increasing all point categories by 1. Cost 1 ART.
Spirit Orchestrions: Or perhaps by channeling more lifeforce, more powerful Orchestrions capable of stronger resonances could be manufactured, energizing them considerably and allowing them stronger effects, causing more and more Vita to awake and more powerful Bond-Spirits and muses. 0/25, upgrade Orchestrion Units, increasing all point categories by 1. Cost 1 Warp.
Collegiate Crown: The College wished for communion between the Wyld and Tekket, its priests said: the vast entity wished to use Tekket mind-interface technology, adaptive circuitry, and its own power to craft crowns that would allow this Communion: it would allow the mystek in possession to utilize a degree of the Collegiates telepathic ability to command over wyld and especially sea life, and at the same time allow that life to learn and grow from the contact. 0/25, Mysteks and Occulteks gain Collegiate Crown, granting them the ability to command and control wyldlife and in turn granting wyldspirits improved intellect, granting EXP. Cost 2 Network. Harness the power of your wilderness. Their power shall be your power, and your power will be their power.
Names of the Vita: And so, the same was likely true of the Vita: by learning their true names, the Shrine-Keepers should be able to invoke them far more easily, giving them yet another tool by which to tend to the many terrestrial spirits of the Directorate. 0/25, develop Names of the Vita Tradition, allowing Shrine-Keepers to use truenames to strengthen the Vita.
Altar of Life: BioCores contained powerful life spirits. While typically they were installed in Lifegiver Effigies, they could alternatively be installed in Mag-Tek Altars to allow the spirits of life to aid experienced ocean mages conduct restorative and regenerative rituals. 0/25, gain Altar of Life, increasing the power of life-related rites and raising FTH and Warp.
Warded Effigies: The Lifegiver Effigies were useful for spiritual development, but they could likely assist in spiritual protection as well: by installing WardNexus Terminals, the life-spirits could be given the tools to create regenerating wards around their domain. 0/25, Lifegiver Effigies upgraded with Regenerating Wards.
Parliamentary Investiture: The Parliments were, by and large, the product of myriad invisible, immobile, inanimate, or unawakened spirits communing together to pool power. While together they could enact their will, this was effectively by brute forcing the situation, or else by involving a Shrine-Keeper. Giving them the ability to elect a spirit to act as their agent and investituring them with their power would help solve this issue perhaps, though it would require at least some expense. 0/25, Parliaments gain the ability to empower other spirits as their officials, agents, and representatives, increasing CUL and EXP. Cost 1 Warp.
Parliamentary Halls: As seen with the Biocity, certain locations could achieve spiritual significance to certain Spirits: perhaps it would be possible to develop a series of rites that could be used to consecrate these locations such that they could serve as a place of power for whichever Parliment the space was dedicated to. 0/25, certain locations become Parlimentary Nexi, increasing FTH and CUL. Cost 1 ART.
Parliamentary Terminals: A proposed modification of Shoal-Net Terminals that could be installed on totems, these upgrades would be given to the Parliments as a way of ensuring even the lesser, unmanifested spirits of the land could act with intelligence. 0/50, gain Parlimentary Terminals, increasing CUL and ACD. Cost 1 NT.
Mojo Mojo Shrines: More Mojo, stronger Mojo Spirits. Stizlak wanted a series of advanced Mojo Mojo Shrines erected across the Outback: each one would form the heart of the regions Hobbgrot religious community. 0/35, establish series Mojo Mojo Shrines in the Outback and elsewhere, increasing FTH.
Da Book Of Mojo Bufo: Stizlak didn't wanna waste time comin' up with a theurgy fer each and every Mojo, so instead, he wanted to use the power of Mojo Bufo, th' Mojo of Knowin' Stuff, make one theurgy per Mojo, blessing Grots related to their sphere. 0/40, create Book of Ojo, a collection of Mojoist Minor Theurgies, increasing FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
Da Potions of Mojo Yoyo: A buncha shamans wanted to call upon the power of Mojo Yoyo, Mojo of Magik, to create various magik potions usin' MegaGrot serum as a base that could serve as alchemical repositories of mojo magic. Strength, size, speed, seein' funky colors, all of it could temporarily be increased by responsible use of irresponsible substances. 0/25, create Potions of Yoyo, a collections of mystically enhanced drugs, increasing EXP. Cost 1 Warp.
Mojograss: A few zoggin' weirdboyz had shown the ability to harness the power of the Mojo directly. Dese gitz were usually a mite tad unstable though: the solution, the Shroomboyz posited, was herbal. Specifically, a narcotic grass with psi-stabilizing properties modified t' be symbiotic with the mojo that would help induce an altered state of mind that should allow them to control their psychic powers far easier. It would also impart upon them a nice mellow. 0/25, Shroomboyz begin growing Mojograss, helping Stonerboyz train their powers and increasing EXP.
Yoyo Masks: The Shroomboyz had an idea: they wanted to use Lurp Masks as a way to both strengthen the ability of various specialists to draw on the mojo as well as letting others use the Mojos power. 0/25, gain Yoyo Masks, worn by more spiritual Hobbgrot specialists to confer various minor abilities.
Da House of Mojo Phobo: The Devils 'ad a house. Mojo Phobo wanted a house. To make it, he wanted the Directorate to pay da devilz. Pay em in what? Pay em in mojo! 0/20, pay Mojo to the House of Devils. House of Devils build Mojo Phobo House. Mojo Phobo pay back next tuesday, along with interest in the form of CUL. Cost 1 Warp.
Shroomholez: These locations were considered semi-sacred by the Hobbgrots: nexuses of fungal spirits sympathetic to the Mojo, but not of the mojo. The Shroomboyz wanted to consecrate these locations and erect shrines to the fungus where future members of their order could be trained. 0/25, Shroomholez become Hobbgrot sacred sites.
Greater Shrine Rite: With the patronage of both the Old One and the Peerless Immortal Functionary, it was believed that a more powerful version of the Rite of Motive Offering could be developed, affecting more Vita more powerfully and over a larger area. It would take a great deal of lifeforce and resources to achieve, but these were no great cost to the Directorate. 0/15, upgrades Rite of Motive Offering's general potency, increasing EXP by 2.
Rite of Guardians Blessing: Alternatively, the Rite of Motive Offering could be modified to strengthen guardian spirits particularly, allowing them more power to ward against threats and bless their charges. This would increase the overall cost of the ritual, but this was no great problem now that the shortage had ended. 0/15, upgrades Rite of Motive Offering to affect Shrine Guardians more strongly, increasing FTH by 2.
Conjuration of the Current Witches: The Daughters of Urzala were willing to assist in developing a modification to the Darktide Spells that could take advantage of their own abilities to enhance the power of the spell, allowing the water summoned to become briney and corrosive and wild. This would require them to lodge on your ships, requiring some modifications to accommodate them, but this was likely a small price to pay. 0/20, Curse of Darktide is upgraded with additional power of Current.
Many Biting Fish: The Living College believed that they could also assist: their lessons with the Eldar had greatly improved their fine control over their psychic abilities and ability to navigate the warp as well as subspace. The darktide spells could be modified to alert them and accelerate their travel through the warp, allowing them and other Pelagic Diets that have sufficiently advanced to fling large amounts of small and medium sized carnivorous fish and sealife into enemy vessels. 0/20, upgrade Darktide with the power of Schools.
Seawarp Mutations: Imperials apparently had a cultural taboo against mutation of all stripes: using the mutagenic abilities of the Vita of Life the Curse of Darktide could be modified to double as a psychological weapon by inflicting various minor mutations, largely based on sea-life on those afflicted, as well as enhancing any conjured organisms. For some reason, the Abyssal Monks were especially enthused for this idea. 0/20, upgrade Darktide with the power of Life.
TeleRite Bandwidth: The Rite of Telecommunication grew far more intensive to cast as information increased. To fix this, the Calculators wanted to conduct research designed to optimize the spells ability to process large amounts of information, increasing bandwidth. 0/20, gain Improved Rite of Telecommunication, increasing NT by 1.
ArkanoChoir: The Neurochoir was useful for religious ceremonies, but it could also likely be modified to also assist in secular rituals and arcane rites: after all, synchronized offerings and thoughts was something with non-theological applications. 0/25, gain ArkanoChoir, increasing FTH
Rite of War: A proposed rite that would allow for the enchantment of various ship weaponry in order to generate short term bursts of high performance, allowing for increased reactivity in combat situations. It would likely require a great deal of lifeforce, however, both to perfect and be easily utilizable in the field. 0/10, Mystek Ritual Compartment upgraded with Rite of War, very slightly increasing the damage of all weapons and in combat situations allowing one weapon system an additional increase of performance.
Rite of Natures Wrath: The Destroyers hadn't just targeted Tekket. They had also gone after the indigenous lifeforms of the planet, exterminating several species that had been of incredible importance to the ecosystem. If they invaded again, there needed to be a means to help nature fight back. And so the Druids had proposed a ritual designed to rouse the wrath of the nature guardians and focus it on those deemed enemies of nature, enabling the wilderness itself to go to war against invaders. 0/20, gain Rite of Natures Wrath, increasing the aggression of local nature against those hostile to it.
Rite of Natures Protection: Wards. The Roadguide. Guardian Spirits. Three different forms of protection against malign influence such as Antianima or warp radiation. The Druids postulated another: a ritual that, when performed, could be used to grant the user the protection of the spirits of nature themselves, creating a sacred aegis against the profane. 0/20, gain Rite of Natures Protection, invoking the power of the Wyld to ward against hostile influence.
Rite of Elemental Power: The Rite of Anima also couldn't be performed on Elementals, and yet the Elemental Monks believed much like the Druids that a version could be created that filled the same purpose. For now, this ritual would likely have severe limitations: only Shrine Guardians for the Flame Elementals, and the effect would be greatly diffuse for the spirits of metal and earth, but as the Directorate developed, so too would the rituals ability to aid all naklean spirits. 0/20, gain Rite of Elemental Power, increasing EXP.
Rite of Natures Breath: A proposed Rite designed using principles uncovered from Lifes Breath, Natures Breath would be used to promote rapid growth of plantlife without depleting the soil. This would allow for improved wyld-growth when utilized by druids, and improve crop yields from agricultural facilities. 0/20, increases EXP.
Rite of Natures Cleansing: Alternatively, means could be taken to develop a Rite more optimized for healing large swathes of nature at once and cleansing it of pollution and disease. This would provide Druids with a very useful tool for wilderness maintenance, most likely. 0/20, increases CUL.
Ritual of Lifes Renewal: Something intended specifically to help Sandscorn, a proposed ritual calling upon the spirits of earth, life, and current in order to restore once fertile soil, returning water, nutrients, and even encouraging the growth of useful pioneer bacterium. Once created, the Conclave wanted to begin deploying it immediately on Sandscorn. 0/20, increases Khimer reputation by ten.
Rite of Lifes Cleansing: Disease, bacterial or otherwise, was largely a solved problem, but it wouldn't be amiss to continue investing into more advanced methods to handle it should it become an issue in the future. The Rite of Lifes Cleansing was designed to strengthen specific organs and cells. Liver. T-Cells. Bone Marrow. All to help the body fight off whatever ailments afflicted it and, as a side benefit, process harmful toxins and chemicals. 0/20, gain Rite of Lifes Cleansing, reducing plague severity.
Rite of Stabilization: More broadly useful would be a more advanced means of stabilizing the wounded long enough for them to receive treatment, giving your Mysteks more utility in crises or combat as medics. This would likely be extremely difficult to produce, but no doubt the end result would be worth it. 0/35, gain Rite of Stabilization, reducing combat and disaster casualties.
Rite of Gravitic Nimbleness: With the Cloud-Shrines, a great deal of gravitic technology was improving in performance. Evidence that the spirits of gravity were among the vita of sky. The Aeromancers wanted to create a ritual using their power designed to augment the performance of ships in order to increase their overall manueverability considerably. 0/15, gain Rite of Gravity, improving ship manuverability.
Rite of Electric Force: Power was beginning to become a problem for the Directorate, primarily on ships. To solve the issue, some Mysteks had suggested developing a ritual that could be performed daily to generate excess energy, both directly and through the vita. 0/20, increases EXP and Ship performance.
Antianima Conjuring Rite: Antianima could be summoned: the Exelexi and Booug crime wave proved that. Perhaps, with research, a means to summon them both more reliably and non-hostilely could be developed. 0/20, gain Antianima Conjuration Rite, allowing for Occulteks to summon lesser Antianima.
Blessing of Blast Processing: As Cyberspace developed, more means to support the growing processing requirements of the Directorate was needed. A proposal: a ritual designed to enhance computers, making them function better when blessed. 0/20, Shrine-Keepers can bless computers, increasing ACD and NT.
Blessings of the Swarm: The insect spirits of the Biocity were strange: those few that were sentient complained of constant gnawing hunger, or with many voices, many minds, and many manifesting as umbral phasmidae or crawling, chitinous ghosts or mutagenic infective bug-devils. Some even appear to resemble the Devourerers: their ghosts, perhaps? Remnants of their memory? Psychic imprints? Regardless, many believed that if these creatures could be appeased, it might reduce the odds of a containment breach. 0/5, develop Swarmblessing Rites for appeasing, exorcizing, and strengthening insect spirits.
Rite of Karmic Offload: With the power of HexTek, manipulating probability was proving to be a very handy tool. However, it had a major flaw in that if someone incurs too much karmic debt, there are limited tools to deal with it beyond more HexTek. Some Sorcerers had proposed developing a rite used to help massage the karmic debt through paying via alternate means: it wouldn't increase the amount of arcane power in the Directorate, but it would give magicians more advanced means to manage their own. 0/20, gain Rite of Karmic Offload, increasing FTH.
Karmic Siphon Curse: A proposed idea by the same minds that had helped develop the Darktide Spells: using HexTek to create a curse that siphoned fortune from renown enemies of the Directorate in order to help sabotage them. 0/20, gain Karmic Siphon Curse, designed to target single entities.
Rite of Paleovita Power: The rites of anima and awakening were integral parts of Directorate animism: an alternate way to strengthen them was to call upon the power of the paleovita, those ancient spirits of the long extinct beasts and most primal of tools to inundate the chosen spirits with prehistoric power. 0/25, upgrade all Anima rites and variations with Paleovita Power, increasing EXP.
Nuclear Ritual Engines: Mag-Tek Altars had proven an effective way of amplifying the effects of Mystek Rites. Some theorized that they could be improved further via nuclear reactor bloks, providing the Altar spirit with additional surges of power to channel into occult motion: to that end, they wanted to apply Mystek principles to nuclear design. 0/15, Mag-Tek Altars upgraded with Nuclear Ritual Engines, unknown effects, costs 2 Nuclear Material. You want this.
Bond-Technomata: No Bond-Spirit was nearly mature enough to achieve a third metamorphosis yet, but potentially this process could be accelerated with sufficient amounts of Life-Force, and many Mysteks were salivating over the possibility: Bond-Machina had the ability to generate energy far in excess of their power systems and the ability to use that energy to strengthen and manipulate machinery. Who knows what powers their evolution would have? 0/30, create Bond-Technomata, advanced psyker machine spirits.
Greater Lifeforce Batteries: Useful as they were, lifeforce batteries weren't perfect: left alone, they slowly leaked, and filling them typically involved a high degree of wastage. This however could potentially be rectified by studying GodTek in order to optimize and upgrade the design, improving overall efficiency and performance. 0/25, Lifeforce Batteries upgraded to Greater Lifeforce Batteries, generating EXP. Cost 1 ART.
Orchestrion AutoTuner Matrix: A program could, in theory, be designed in order to optimize the performance of the Orchestrion units. This would serve as a fairly useful improvement by ensuring that operators could utilize the devices far more easily, simplifying their deployment somewhat. 0/15, upgrades Orchestrions with AutoTune Matrixes, increasing CUL.
DarkHeart Machina Platforms: With the advent of Warp-Tek Altars, some Machina had proposed converting the technology for use in a mobile platform: this would allow them to perform rites without organic assistance as well as contribute more to rites in forms other than as an altar. 0/25, gain DarkHeart Machina Platforms.
Heartsong Harmonizer: Heartsong Devices had several major limitations, but these deficiencies could be overcome through successful harmonization of song. The units merely needed to be upgraded to automatically synchronize with one another, and Muses would, in sufficient numbers, serve as a true replacement for Orchestrions. 0/25, gain Heartsong Harmonizer, increasing CUL.
UnionTek Novagods: Broadly speaking there existed seven distinct types of UnionSpirits: Dispensers, MegaMachines, Mazovist Ghosts, the Old Workers, the Folk Heroes, Elemental Androids, and, finally, Donor Devils. A branch of Unionist Calculators wanted to use more GodTek to construct a variety of post-technological vessels for the greatest of these beings, in order to outfit the Union with patrons equal to the Great Ocean Vita. 0/15, gain UnionTek Novagods increasing UnionTek potency considerably, and all IndustrialTek to variable degrees. Cost 1 ART.
Silvertine Androids: Union Vita and the offspring of He Who Labours, the Silvertine Androids provided a number of useful tasks across Naklis, such as cutting back Ferrothorn encroachment, aiding in cursite removal and transportation, and even, in exchange for sufficient amounts of lifeforce, staff for individual Elementalists. However, they had the small weakness that they couldn't leave Naklis, not without growing significantly weaker. The Union thought that was unacceptable, and wanted to begin developing a means to fix this issue. 0/25, gain Unionist Silvertine Androids, increasing EXP.
Sanctum Sanctorum: A proposed organizing body for areligious or agnostic occulteks and mysteks, the Sanctum Sanctorum would tasked with researching the arcane as well training future mystics and dealing with supernatural problems that might arise within the Directorate. 1/25, form Sanctum Sanctorum, a Mystek society, increasing FTH and proving +1 to FTH HazardTek rolls.
The Ferrymans Brigade: Dark fifolet were crawlin' out de bayou: makin de Ferryman's job harda, cuz dey can't leave their mangroves. Some of de druids had an idea t' use some of their gris gris to help em out by given dem water-spirits special boats made of special wood in exchange for de ferrymen to help patrol de rivers an' oceans an' swamps an' lakes and help keep em free o' de bad stuff. 0/25, Ferrymen leave Mangroves, begin patrolling and tending to all Directorate waterways. Increases CUL.
Delve into Shifting Tessaract: A section of the Tomb had been opened up. Scans indicated a large number of spacial anomalies. Exploring it would likely take a great deal of effort. 9/50, Tombdelvers gain 2 ART and FTH.
Cracking Open a Coffin: The recovered coffins from the Moon were currently under heavy lock and key. The chaos sorcerer found within the first has well taught the survivors not to go opening strange sarcophagi. The Fleet wanted to research these structures and hopefully develop a means to safely remove their occupants for study. 0/25, gain way to safely open Lunar Coffins, increasing Warp.
Construct Courier Class Ship: With advancing technology, the Academy wanted to begin building a new model of ship: the Courier, intended to help establish permanent trade routes that don't rely on the Directorates military ships. 0/15, gain Courier Class Starship that can be assigned to any trade route to increase the primary stat of that resource and increase rep with the other systems owner, should it have one.
Construct Trailblazer Class Ship: More expensive, but the Academy also wanted its own dedicated science ship, one that could perform long term research missions on alien worlds. Biological research, minerological studies, salvage and excavation. 0/25, Gain Trailblazer Class Starship, which can perform research missions on scanned planets for bonus points and resources.
Construct UncleKommanda Class Ship: It would take a massive amount of rare technology, but Stizlak wanted to create a sort of Mojotronic broadcast ship containing its own miniature Battlezone and Fleet Battlebot League as well as a suite of Mojo Shrines, one capable of acting as a sort of mobile regional amplifier to help give a boost to Hobbgrots on the frontier. 0/35, gain UncleKommanda Class, a T2 Hobbgrot Vessel that increases the primary stat of each major outpost in a region by 1 while also acting as an antipiracy vessel. Cost 1 ART.
The Teeth: A number of military scientists believed that by using GodTek and recent advances in NukeTek they could create a hyperadvanced, long range fusion cannon capable of causing significant damage. An intriguing idea, and it would give at least one of your fleets some actual teeth. 0/15, can upgrade a single ship with the Teeth, a powerful long range relic grade heavy fusion cannon that will automatically upgrade to incorporate newly developed technology. Costs 1 Artefact. Repeatable.
Teeth Component Replication: Each Teeth required sourcing irreplaceable, non-renewable GodTek. As such, widespread adoption was and likely always would be impossible. However, the Directorate might be able to- at considerable expense- manufacture alternatives with dedicated study of the core technologies. 0/25, can produce Teeth for no ART cost at increased point expense, cost 1 ART.
Teeth Production Simplification: The Teeth was an impressive weapon, but it was, to put it simply, expensive to produce, requiring an amount of rare materials and years of specialized labour, to the point where it was only marginally more expensive to build an entire Endeavor class. If any widespread adoption was going to take place, production would have to be simplified considerably. 0/25, Teeth and Dragon cost is reduced by 5.
Teeth Drums: A proposed upgrade to the Teeth was the addition of large lifeforce batteries, or 'drums', that would slowly absorb ambient vital energy in order to briefly improve the Teeths performance in battle and allow for specific combat rituals to be performed without having to rely on the ShipHerds or dependence on the rest of the ships lifeforce stores. 0/25, all Teeth performance improved at the start of battle, all applicable Rites will be automatically applied with modest strength to the Teeth.
Teeth MegaReactor: The Teeth had its own built in power source, but that power source could still be expanded and improved with the expenditure of perpetunite, allowing for hotter, longer beams of nuclear plasma. Once prototyping was done, modifying the design of all Teeth going forward would be simple enough. 0/25, all Teeth performance improved. Cost 1 NK.
The Dragon: A single legendary weapon would likely not be enough to change the tide of war. The solution to this however was to get an even better weapon: the Dragon was a proposal to utilize more GodTek to augment the Teeth in order to double the already impressive weapons capabilities. 0/25, upgrade 1 Teeth into the Dragon, an artefact grade fusion lance weapon.
Basic Particle Field Generator: It was clear that Warp-Space was dangerous, and while the particle barrier had proven somewhat effective, it could still be improved. To do this, the Directorate had authorized extensive access to assorted resources. 5/30, gain Crude Warp-Shield Technology, slightly increasing the safety of warp travel.
Academy Fleet Network Lab: Another idea would be adding additional information technology in the form of expanded computer labs and data hubs. This would reduce ship-to-Teklia latency, provide additional processing power for things like targetting and navigation, and in a pinch could probably be used to upgrade the Comm-Jammers. 0/20, Academy Fleet Compartment upgraded with Network Lab, improving efficiency of all E-War and computer systems.
Lumium Warp-Drive Catalyst: Technically, the only fuel Warp Drives require is the perpetunite used in the ship reactors. However, some Brilliant Monks believe that the crystals could be converted into a substance that could be used to improve the performance of warp-drives considerably, accelerating travel time, albeit at the cost of making Directorate transwarp infrastructure and technology dependent on Naklis. 0/50, upgrades Warp Drives to run on Lumium Crystals. Cost 1 NK.
Psi-Map Reader: Using Mind-Machine Interfaces and Warp-Space mappers, it might be possible to translate topography into something the organic brain can understand, allowing for easier navigation. 0/50, create Psi-Mapper Interface, increasing EXP.
Warproad Navigator: By blending the Theurgies of the Roadguide with Warp-Topography Scanners could allow for a sort of techno-theurgic appliance to be create to serve as a sort of warp-autopilot, simplifying navigation of more well traversed warp-routes. 0/50, creates Warproad Nav-Unit, increasing EXP.
Warp Drive Improvement: Warp Drives had been improved considerably, but they could be made better with more time and effort poured into refining and developing the technology in order to make them both more efficient and economical. 0/50, gain Improved Warp Drive, allowing all ships to take an additional assignment per turn.
Atomic Engines: Most vehicles in the directorate relied on gravity drives that, while providing manueverability, were poor for gaining speed, to the consternation of many a Hobbgrot that had decided lifes great meaning was 'Gotta Go Fast'. To remedy this, some scientists wanted to start reducing the size of Perpetunite Engines to make them viable for smaller ships and larger terrestrial vehicles. 0/25, gain Atomic Engines increasing EXP. Cost 1 NK.
Stasis Platform: Removed from the Tomb, this device seems to alter the flow of time for those who stand on it. If the Directorate could attempt to reverse engineer it, the technology could be installed on Dreamer Classes as an upgrade to the cryobunks, and likely the principles could be used in other ways. 0/40, gain Stasis Platform upgrade to Dreamer Classes and unlock additional stasis technology projects. Cost 1 ART.
Academy Compartment Electrostatic Armor: An idea that had been used to help slow down the spread of Spiders during the battle, the Toxel had used their high energy lab to electrify the outer hull, frying and damaging spiders and slowing them down long enough for Hunteks to respond. 0/35, Academy Compartments upgraded to electrify armor to harm borders.
Academy Compartment Particle Manipulators: The Academy was interested in performing even more advanced physics research, and this brand might be able to help the Directorate in a variety of ways: by installing specialized particle manipulator labs, they could work to optimize various subsystems: gravitics, nuclear, quantum… 0/35, Academy Compartments upgraded to improve all Particle based systems and weaponry on ships.
Khimer Genetic Damage: The Khimer were asking for assistance. Apparently, some of the augmentations they had installed so long ago severely reduced lifespan. While they had developed a number of tools to try and solve this, none of them were wholly effective or easily scaled up. They wanted assistance researching a means to undo some of the damage these augmentations had caused, which should hopefully allow them to live longer than thirty years without technological assistance, allowing them to more easily build institutional knowledge. 0/40, costs 1 BioData, unaltered Khimer lifespan increased by decade, increasing respect by 2.
Khimer NeuroProgrammer: Khimer neurology was actually very malleable: the benefits of this meant that with some research, they believed they should be able to design a version of the Tekket mind machine interface to allow them to much more quickly pick up skills and learn abilities. 0/45, creates Khimer NeuroProgrammer, increasing Khimer rep by 5. Cost 1 Network.
State Secrets of the Khimer Psyocracy: The Khimer were willing to divulge several secrets to the Directorate in exchange for agreeing to an official defensive pact. This information would include the means that they destroyed the Great Devourer and its army, the details surrounding death-gems and their manufacture, and even the full extent of the Khimers hidden assets. 0/25, gain Khimer State Secrets Dossier, increasing Intel.
Sandscorn Pilot Gene-Recombination: The original genetic template for the Pilotformes were gone, as was the source they were engineered from: a now extinct polyp species the Generals creators had spliced with numerous other sealife. However, the template could potentially be re-engineered, thus allowing the Khimer to clone their Pilotformes again, which would be a first step in expanding their navy and vehicle corp. 0/25, Khimer regain ability to produce Pilotformes again, increasing their reputation by 2 and increasing Coffin Fleet influence by 1.
Sandscorn Devourer Eco-Hybridization: A proposed way of innoculating the environment would be hybridizing part of it with the Devourer in order to immunize them to the various pathogens and mutators the all-consumers utilize as well as make them more dangerous to potential invaders. For obvious reasons, the Khimer would prefer this be done in a secure space station far away from any planet. 0/15, develop tyrannic derived Eco-Adaptations, helping to proof it against future Devourer assaults. Cost 1 BioData. NOTE: This is not HazardTek.
Devourer Warforme Study: The Khimer wanted to- very carefully- begin remove Devourer organisms from stasis in order to study them. Their goal was to successfully develop using the data more sophisticated combat bioaugments: no doubt the Directorate would also find the data illuminating. 0/25, gain indepth biological data from cloned living Tyranids. Repeatable: starts with most common and basic tyranid organisms (rippers, gaunts) to rarer and more complex ones. Each completion grants 1 BioData.
Lipistasis Organ Replication: A far more biological approach to the process of stasis, this organ apparently used a form of biological particle manipulation to alter the flow of time for fatty tissue, essentially turning fat cells into time-locked capsules. The Khimer were willing to expend resources helping the Directorate replicate these organs, as it would likely lead to improvements in the coffin fleet. 0/45, Directorate and Khimer gain ability to engineer lipistasis organs, increasing EXP. Cost 1 BioData.
Biocity Cerebroprocessors: This substance was likely the brain matter of the bioship. Some of it was still alive: in theory, it could prove an excellent source of wetware computational power, especially once exposed to gene-therapies meant to help allow the harvested lumps of neuron-meat the capacity for empathy and social reasoning. 0/20, Biocity develops Devourer Brain-Processing technology, allowing the Khimer to create computers using harvested tyranid neural tissue. Increases NT and CUL. Cost 1 BioData. Requires 50 Khimer Reputation.
Biocity Gastroreactors: The Gastro-Jungle was likely the source of the Bioships power when alive. By studying the ecology and organs, the Psyocracy was confident that they might be able to restart it and, more importantly, replicate some of the organs for use in their own biotechnology. 0/20, Biocity reactivates Gastro-Jungle and begins using it and its ecology for power, increasing NK. Cost 1 BioData. Requires 25 Khimer Reputation.
Cerebrokhimeric Symbiotes: The Coffin Fleet and it's leader had a proposal: they wanted to develop a means by which the organisms generated by the enemy might be used to aid the Khimer. Using the genetics of the cerebrojellies as a template, they wanted to create a symbiotic organism that could be installed on Devourformes to hijack their connection to the Devourergestalt and instead grant control to Khimergestalts. 0/45, Khimer gain Symbioteformes, feral tyranid organisms hosting Khimeric synaptic parasites. Cost 3 BioData. Requires 100 Khimer Reputation. Cost 5 Khimer Reputation. High favorability with Coffin Fleet.
Heart of Erichtheo: The power of Ocean used to hearten a biological vessel was a novel idea. Perhaps by commingling the mystic knowledge of Yr Albain, Khimer Biotechnology, and Directorate animism the problem with powering the Wings might be solved. 0/35, Yr Albain and other allies gain Heart of Erichtheo, a ship augment combining Coralhearts and Lifegiver technology to create a spiritual reactor for living ships. Cost 1 ART.
Nàdair Spáslong: While the exodites had the Wings and subspace both, there were a variety of situations where having even small void-capable craft would be useful. Should they and the Directorate collaborate, they should be able to research means to create small semi-biological ships. 0/25, Yr Albain Worldsingers develop means to grow small WyldVessels. Cost 1 BioData.
Auton Anti-Warp Alloys: The hull recovered from the Forbidden Archives warp colonization program had fairly strong anti-warp and even anti-chaotic properties. Koptu believed that learning how to synthesize more would prove invaluable for warp-proofing the AutoVessels. 0/25, Autonites gain Antiwarp Hull upgrades, increasing Auton rep by 3 and AutoVessel influence.
Tissue Reanimation Devices: A rare meeting of the minds between AutoFacility and Khimer, the two factions were interested in pooling resources to create a device capable of using extremely low grade death-gems and lifeforce to reanimate and revive necrotic tissue. The medical applications would allow for easy treatment of light necrosis, the Khimer believed they would be able to obtain more DNA fragments (if likely extremely altered and mutated ones) and Marjak could begin reviving part of the brains of not just the autozombies, but the other corpses of the Forbidden Archive. 0/35, Khimer, Directorate, and Autons gain Tissue Reanimation Chambers, raising Rep with all factions by 3, increasing EXP, and raising Forbidden Archive Influence. Costs 1 Warp and 1 AutoVessel Influence.
Courier Grav-Tows: So long as it was protected by wards and particle barriers, there was no reason one couldn't tow things in the warp: it would take some modification, but if it paid off, it would effectively increase the capacity of the Couriers once again. 0/25, Couriers upgraded with Grav-Tows, increasing their capacity, raising all reputation with trade partners by 1.
Courier Econo-Cores: The Power Cores on Couriers were rather, frankly, vestigial: the ships had more than enough power to make do to the point where most days they ran a significant surplus. A suggested proposal: modifying these ships such that they can provide surplus power to stations while docked, turning them into backup generators for the Directorate and her allies when between deliveries. 0/50, Couriers now provide extra power to all trade partners, raising their reputation by 3. Cost 1 NK.
WyldRanger Zoological Research Rovers: The biosphere of Teklia was constantly evolving, especially after the advent of Wyld-Tek. The WyldRangers, the secular branch of Teklia's nature enthusiasts, wanted to establish specialized research rovers meant to serve as mobile, eco-friendly field research labs and dwellings for the Rangers to help them document and research native Teklian biology, ones uplinked to the Teklian planetary network to allow for efficient coordination of research and conservation efforts. 6/15, establishes WyldRangers, an ACD and Biodata generating society.
Lumium Bird "Biology": The Lumium Birds physiology was a mystery. Comprised entirely of crystal, the creatures were physiologically impossible, and yet it still mimicked basic biological functions. It ate, slept, produced waste products, and was even capable of laying more eggs. The Academy wanted to do a dedicated study of the creature in order to puzzle out how it works. 0/25, learn how the Lumium Bird works, generating Biodata.
Antientropic Fields: This technology is likely not of Dorgan origin. Still, if it could be studied, perhaps a more benign, less warcrime-y use could be found, such as mass food preservation or air conditioning. 0/10, Directorate gains Antientropic Cooling, increasing EXP and CUL.
Vault of Scrolls: The Testament in conjunction with the Unionists wanted to erect a great palace of knowledge, a vast vault where scholars, poets, and philosophers of the Directorate could store their wisdom, equipped with a fleet of priest-curators to help manage, maintain, and aid others in using it. 0/25, Testament gains Vault of Scrolls, an academic institution consisting of a massive humanities library, increasing CUL and ACD.
Erichthean Marine Institute: The amount of scientific data collected by the Erichthean Genelabs was incredible. It would likely occupy scientists for centuries. However, if these facilities were expanded, not only could they branch out from study to education, they could also collate research. 0/25, gain ACD and Biodata.
Ekto Detektor: Ghosts clearly existed. Ergo historical ghost sightings were likely real, which in turn meant phenomina associated with ghost sightings were also likely real to variable extents. With that in mind, many Grots wanted to take a look at the mysterious substance known as ectoplasm that seemed to accompany most historical hauntings and develop a means to detect concentrations of it for collection. 0/25, Tekniks gain Ektoplazm, increasing Warp by 1 and raising ACD.
Peer Review Board: Objectively, a peer reviewed project was better. Genuinely: official certification and reproduction if anything had, post GrotTek, proven to make these projects outright better: approved machines seemed to interface with the Mojo, performing better and gaining a number of useful traits. Papers would gain strange blessings that tinged luck towards supporting their thesis in a certain range. And projects and kollaboratives that got an official approval stamp would become far more efficient in its organization. A handful of more bureacratic kollaboratives wanted to pursue the idea of forming an official Teknik peer review board. 3/25, Tekniks gain Board of Peer Review, increasing ART by 1 and raising WRP.
Robogrot: Hobbgrot society was growing, and it was growing more complex: as this occured, the labour it would need to sustain itself would increase. A few Tekniks had an idea to help solve this: what if they created a type of cybernetic grot? One whose machine spirit was joined to the Mojo, enabling them to benefit from it and contribute to it to at least some degree. 0/20, gain Robogrots, increasing EXP. Cost 1 Network.
Brain of Menza: Mojo of Tekniks, Mojo Menza. The Weaponmakers of the Directorate wanted to build a workshop dedicated to them: an expansion of GrotTek in kollaboration with the Hunteks with a giant SistaBrain meant to help Tekniks develop kustom mojotronic weapons an' tek an' come up with complex AI assisted battlestrategies. 0/25, Huntsmasters workshop gains Brain of Menza, a gigantic SistaBrain that increases FTH. Tekniks can graduate into Hektiks.
MotherTennae: Alright, so far so swell. If the Hobbgrots were ever gonna get anywhere though, they would need better organizational capacity. Right now th' educashunal system consisted of lettin' a anklebita that popped up wander into someone older: there needed t' be a way to get them to that point once they popped out of the ground, an' so it had been proposed iterating on the SistaBrain technology to create MotherTennae, mojotronic AI that could use the mojo to broadcast to all Anklebitaz an' help educate em. 0/50, gain MotherTennae, which help educate and nurture Hobbgrot Anklebitaz and MegaSnots, increasing ACD by 3 and NT by 3. Cost 1 ART.
MegaGrot Mutagen: Alright! Some of the damaged caused by the factory reset had been undone, producing a variation of snotlings. While producing actual orks was beyond unlikely, it wasn't unlikely that by incorporating various mutagens and bio-enhancers into MegaGrot Serum that more enzymatic bridges could be repaired. 0/20, gain MegaGrot Mutagen, producing additional biological orkoid anomalies, increasing CUL.
Grampus Colonoids: Stizlak couldn't be everywhere. He might be the Grandpap of every Hobbgrot, but he personally could not meet with and be the Grandpap of every last Hobbgrot. What he could do, however, is use the FatherShrooms and his own brain-scans as a basis to create Grampus Colonoids, large fungus clusters with a truely distributed consciousness capable of acting as the grandfather for entire planets. 0/45, gain Grampus Colonoids, planetary spanning Hobbgrot grandfathers that increase CUL by 3 and Warp. Cost 2 BioData.
Titan Beast Formulae of Mojo Irwin: Mojo Irwin apparently liked when beasties were nice and able to defend themselves. So he wanted to work with Yr Albain: Hobbgrotic Park would in tandem with them develop a formula they could use to accelerate the development of the many great beasts of their world into their mature form. 0/25, Yr Albain and the Directorate gain Titan Beast Formulae, increasing CUL.
HyperTek Nexus: The solution to the network problems of the Directorate wasn't piecemeal improvements to network infrastructure. Instead, some had proffered using probably obscene amounts of GodTek, a few super-reactors to power the whole thing, and of course as many A Chips as could be printed to create a sort of ultimate DataHub the size of an ArcoloCube in order to allow for totally lagless communication throughout the system (and potentially beyond) and provide absurdly vast amounts of computational power. 0/45, costs 3 Artefacts, 1 Nuclear Material, creates HyperTek Nexus, providing 10 Network and 10 CUL.
Academy CyberNexus: The spirits of data would not be denied! In the heart of the Academy, the scientists and researchers of the Directorate wished to establish a vast data-shrine with specialized spiritually accelerating hardware in order to create what can only be described as sacred network architecture. 0/20, creates Academy CyberNextus, generating ACD. Costs 1 Network.
Dream-mind Beds: Some children learned better via instruction. Some learned better with direct tutelage. And according to one Dr. Yvnture, some children learned better via having the instructions directly uploaded to their mind as they slept by a complex mind-machine interface hidden within their bed. A fairly slow process, especially if one didn't wish to interrupt the process of dreaming, but it would help accelerate the education of kits considerably, and increase the general level of knowledge and competence throughout the Directorate. 0/15, deploy Dream-mind Beds, increasing ACD considerably! Costs 3 Network.
Gigaspace Brain: Yes yes, Cyberspace Brains installed in the Data Hubs was all nice and well, but you know what would be particularly interesting? The potential network and software experiments that could be conducted if the Academy had the largest Cyberspace Brain in the Directorate. 0/25, Academy gains Gigaspace Brain, increasing ACD by 3, cost 1 Network.
Q-Bit Archive: Right now, Q-Bits were largely used for communication, but what if they could also be used for storage? By developing novel means of quantum encoding, Q-Bits could simultaneously exist in multiple states. The ones that weren't entangled with another particle could be used to house data, acting as a microscopic server. 0/50, Q-Bit Particles double as data storage, increasing ACD and Network.
Digital Pyrowall: Data Architecture was a novel field: some scientists wanted to explore the possibility of using it to create a modern take on the classical concept of a firewall: by upgrading the netcode of the Comm-Buoys with this software, it might be possible to make the digital environments more resistant to incursion by the Viroanima. 0/50, gain Digital Pyrowall, increasing digital defense.
Digital Dimension Devil Domains (DDDD): As a reward for the Directorates help, the House of Devils was willing to offer help developing upgrades to the Directorates code language by converting the Domain Data acquired in the Forbidden Archive into something that could be used by programs to make digital equivalents: spaces of power, where those who had the administrative password held physical and psychic power over that space. 0/25, Directorate gains access to DDDDomain software. The network cost this would incur has already been paid by the House of Devils: you scratch our back…
Abysscode: Reactcode was incredible. However, many among the Academy believed the language itself could be improved, augmented upon by the data within the Organocide Fragment and the code fragments recovered from the Abyssiod to create a novel form of arcanoadaptive language. 0/25, gain Abysscode Language, increasing NT and ACD.
Protective Algorithms: The war on malware never ceased. A proposal that was somewhat more ambitious but less risky than the Abysscode idea had been the notion of developing special protective algorithms via reactware and special LumSoft Drivers that could be installed on programs to give them a sort of 'immune system' for corruptive malware. 0/50, increasing ACD and providing resistance to all forms of digital corruption.
CyberGrimoire: With the increasing prevalence of cyberspace, perhaps the Directorate would consider investing in using the excess processing power and network capacity to augment and improve their TekGrimoires ability to manipulate code. 0/25, Grimoires upgraded to more easily aid in all form of Mystek Datamancy and sorcerous code manipulation, increasing ACD and FTH. Cost 1 NT.
Lumium Node Network: A proposal by some members of the Academy: use Lumium to create an augment for cyberspace brains meant to act as a sort of 'arcane creativity' for the pieces of infrastructure mimicking the default mode network in human brains. 0/25, gain Lumium Node Network infrastructure, increasing ACD. Cost 1 NK.
LumSoft Drivers: Lumium's primary effect in cyberspace seemed to be powering the LumSoft Drivers, which primarily seemed to be used by //PATH to power sacred code based technotheurgy such as Executables or Lighthouses. Cybertechs were interested in developing means to code artificial LumSoft Drivers that dataspirits could utilize in order to both craft their own lighthouses and independently increase the power of any executables. 0/25, Cybertechs can use Lumium Chips to create LumSoft Drivers, increasing ACD and Warp. Cost 1 NT.
Heartcode: Sacred Code Syntax had proven incredibly useful. However, the Assembly believed it could be improved further: by studying the anatomy of both the LumSoft Drivers and more advanced Data Vita, they believed they could develop a quasidivine elemental source language. 0/50, gain Heartcode, increasing FTH and NT.
Advanced Antiregenerative Antivirus Software: A proposed alternative to developing protective algorithms: using Sacred Code and Logic-Cage technology to design anti-regenerative Virus Busting code-weapons. 0/50, gain Antiregenerative Antivirus. Costs 1 NT.
Data-Altars: Mag-Tek Altars continued to advance in complexity. A number of Cyberneticists wanted to use them to upgrade Directorate data-infrastructure: research a means by which they could access the Towers of the local cybernet to both draw power from and perform rituals upon the Tower. 0/25, gain Data-Altars, Mag-Tek Altars modified to connect to the Cybertowers of each Planetary Network, increasing ACD and NT.
Cosmic Netscape: The Ark Simulacra was the main means by which digital and Ark interacted: perhaps the Calculators would develop a means by which the Temples could forge their own netscapes, in the hopes of creating their bridge. 0/35, Temples gain Cosmic Netscapes. Cost 1 NT.
Artificing Chamber: Lifeforce Batteries were tedious, costly, and difficult to make, largely because the manufacturing methods were such that it couldn't be fully automated. To simplify it, some Academy scientists wanted to study GodTek in order to design a specialized chamber equipped with technological apparatae that could, at least, simplify the process, allowing for an increased stream of the batteries in Directorate Space. 0/25, create Academy Artifice Chamber, allowing for somewhat simplified production of high end artefacts, generating 1 Warp. Cost 1 ART.
Improved MagTek Repair Protocol: A more sophisticated version of the MagTek Repair Protocol, this update to the firmware would allow for simple machines and systems to repair themselves. You wouldn't be able to repair a reactor without an engineer, but it could at least hook back up to the wiring systems and recreate lighting. 0/20, MagTek Reassembly Protocol upgraded to lightly repair systems damage in buildings and fortifications.
BlokBot Optimization Principle: The basic program behind Upgraders could be simplified in order to allow for, over time, BlokBots to automatically perform basic optimizations and improvements. This would largely benefit industry, as valuable Tekket-power that was spent on BlokBot design could instead simply be foisted off on machinery. 0/25, BlokBots over time will slowly upgrade to more powerful + versions, increasing EXP.
Q-Band Synchronizers: The Directorate was on the cusp of something incredible: genuine FTL communications. However, past a certain distance, the particles began to desynchronize, becoming, effectively, non-functional. The proposed solution was designing a machine capable of forcing the particles to stay in synch: if successful, each ship would be outfitted with them. 0/40, all Ships gain Q-Band Synchronizers, allowing for limited FTL communication and increasing the network cost of non-pioneer ships by one. Costs 1 Network.
Rite of Repair: A proposed solution by some Academy engineers to the replicube problem was developing a rite designed to help cubes replicate more accurate copies of themselves, reducing the severity of multi-generational replications on overall integrity. 0/20, gain Rite of Repair, increasing EXP.
Protein Replicators: The Khimer might, with convincing, be willing to teach the Directorate the secrets to their Protein Replicator technology, allowing for its deployment on ships and colonies, simplifying logistics considerably. 0/20, gain Protein Replicators, increasing EXP. Requires 50 Khimer Rep.
Bionics: Marjak had developed some…fairly impressive bionics. They were willing to help convert some of these to fit with Tekket and Hobbgrot physiology, but they wanted in exchange help creating a sort of mechanical neuromesh to install in the autozombies. 0/25, gain Simple Bionics, increasing EXP. Raises Forbidden Archive Influence by 1.
MegaTek Godforge: The HyperTek Forge could be improved. Arcane forces would be drawn upon and the macrostructure would be expanded into a genuine megastructure, one that would likely have to be moved several hundred kilometers away from Teklia for safety reasons. 0/100, cost 3 Warp, 1 Network. Gain MegaTek Godforge, increasing NK by 10. WARNING: This will get peoples attention.
Molecular Compression: Normally, you couldn't compress anything more complex than atoms without causing it to break down. However, with some modifications, GCC Crates could be upgraded to haul simple molecules such as water and salt. 0/25, increases EXP.
Trove Electrocoral Power: Another proposed way to take advantage of Trovian Coral: use it for power. The electrogenerative pulses would increase in power most likely as Troves population grew and the Directorate continued developing more advanced ShrineTek: if it could be harnessed, it would allow Trove to support far more demanding infrastructure. 0/25, develop Powercoral Technology, increasing EXP.
Biogenic Gel: This gel seemed to be the building bloks by which Devourer combat organisms were printed. The shaper-organisms located in the chambers likely used various psychocerebral methods of shaping it, however if the Biocity could develop an alternate means, the substance would likely prove fascinating to work with. 0/20, BioShip develops means to shape tyranic biogel to create bioartefacts and custom organisms, granting 1 ART and CUL. Cost 1 BioData. Requires 100 Khimer Reputation.
Paleotech Reproduction: The Cabal and Nova Mechanica both were interested in learning how to simplify the reproduction of Paleotech. If they could streamline the more involved processes and learn how to reproduce more advanced examples, it could potentially allow more Paleotech to enter distribution. 0/25, gain improved Paleotech Reproduction, increasing EXP and ART.
Solar Trough Restoration: While manufacturing these archaeotech scrap-flora wasn't quite within the Directorates ability yet, by studying working examples, perhaps more troughs could be brought online and existing ones improved in efficiency, allowing the fuel they produced to be harvested both by the Cabal and the burgeoning ecosystem. 0/25, Cabal gains Solar Trough Network, increasing EXP and NK.
Cabal Chargemetal: A unique property of Biometal: its ability to absorb massive amounts of lifeforce and, curiously, mountain blood. Blades treated this way show traits equivalent to imperial power-technology. The Cabal wanted to experiment, find other uses for treating the substance with mountain blood. 0/25, Lunar Cabal begins using Mountain Blood to create Chargemetal, increasing EXP and Warp. Cost 1 LM.
Arbor Minds: Tree nervous systems were decidedly non-complex. Plants in general were fairly simple organisms, intellectually. This was in all likelyhood one of the larger barriers to their spiritual growth: after all, it was a known fact that the soul could only grow at an acceptable speed when provided sufficient processing power. However, their nervous system being so simple meant that, in theory, it wouldn't be hard to design a method to allow your computers to interface with them, providing the tree increased intelligence. 0/15, increases CUL, cost 1 Network.
TotemSerum: A proposed upgrade to the Totem network would be including small megaflora serum synthesizers and aerosolized dispersal mechanism. In essence, the growth of plantlife in regions covered by a Totem would increase greatly, allowing them to support larger, more diverse ecosystems. 0/25, upgrades Totems with MegaSerum Synthesizers, increasing CUL.
ArborSerum: Another proposal was making wisespread the practice of using MegaFlora Serum to accelerate Arbor Guardian Growth, increasing the total lifeforce flowing throughout the Totem-Net, and even developing specialized blends specifically for use in trees and other already-large flora. 0/25, develop ArborSerum, increasing CUL and Warp.
Charged Serum: A proposal by some members of the Directorate was experimentation with developing a form of MegaFlora Serum synthesized inside a full lifeforce battery to give it a 'charge' of sorts, allowing for emergency growth of plants by Lifeforce Battery Holders. 0/25, Lifeforce Batteries upgraded to produce Charged MegaSerum, allowing for emergency plant growth by senior Druids.
M-Boost Formula: A number of Alkemeteks wanted to experiment with Mountain Blood, develop methodologies by which it could be used to improve MegaGrowth Serums. 5/25, Aleketeks develop M-Boost Formula, increasing EXP.
MegaMutagen Serum: A hobbgrot specialist variety would have to be designed separately due to biological factors, but conventional MegaSerums could otherwise be upgraded universally by including various minor mutagens designed to encourage beneficial adaptations in the host organisms. 0/20, gain MegaMutagen, improving crop yields and accelerating ShrineBeast evolution.
TurretBots: A proposed way to improve turrets was by merging them with BlokBots: provide a rudimentary synthetic intelligence to make tactical decisions and coordinate with peer platforms, a mag-lev system to allow them to reposition themselves, and a network hookup to tell them where to recharge from and what places need reinforcements, and you could greatly increase the fluidity of your static defences. 0/15, develop TurretBots, improving static defenses.
ShipTek Reassembly Protocol: This would probably not stop the Booug, but it would slow them down and allow for your ships to repair most of the damage they could cause, though only for short jumps. And once the Booug were handled, it would certainly prove useful in combat and crisis situations by ruggedizing your ships a bit. 0/25, MagTek Reassembly Protocol modified to work on ships.
ZwergBot Disassembly Protocol: A proposed subsystem that would allow for BlokBots to continue operation even after being blown apart via configuring themselves into lesser classes. This would be very, very useful for your security bots, as it would mean they would have to be very thoroughly dismantled to stop them. 0/15, Security Bots will automatically when dismantled reform into smaller classes of BlokBot.
Kobatekka Maru: As simulations grew more and more advanced, more and more of them would wind up in Fleet curriculum. Some programmers wanted to spend dedicated Directorate resources in creating the ultimate series of crisis simulations in order to help train fleet cadets, ones capable of a degree of self-adaptation. 0/20, gain Kobatekka Maru Self-Adapting Simulations, improving Fleet ensign performance considerably. Cost 1 Artefact.
Upgrader Class BlokBots: Emergency upgrade units, these 'Bots would seek out and augment bots in the field as needed with their own components, allowing a greater degree of reactivity, being able to optimize and improve performance as needed for as long as needed, before detaching themselves and going on to aid other bots. 0/25, gain Upgrader Class BlokBots, capable augmenting BlokBots to a more powerful + versions in the field.
Advanced Armor: Frankly, the Armor the Valiant had been equipped with going into Iron Shores was the only reason every person on that ship was not very, very dead. And had the ship not been so lucky, the armor it was equipped with might not have been enough. As such, the Fleet wanted to develop even more advanced armor alloys they could use to protect their ships: it would cost biometal, but already Directorate Armor had proven one of their stronger edges against enemies, making the investment worth it. 0/25, increases ship defenses even more, cost 1 Living Metal.
Perpetunite Regeneration Matrix: The major limitation for explosion length and firing duration was perpetunite being consumed by chain reaction faster than it could regenerate, ensuring that warheads and fusion cannons could only last so long before exhausting. By improving reactor design to accelerate the regenerative process, this flaw could be amended. Warheads would last longer, fusion cannons would fire for longer. 0/20, improves Perpetunite Weapons with Regeneration Matrix, improving explosion and firing duration. Cost 2 Nuclear Material.
Magneto-Corridor: The currently most effective method for containing fusion cannon emissions and focusing them was magneto-corridor arrays that were capable of effectively doubling range. By improving the range further, fusion cannons could be deployed as a relatively long range weapon by Directorate Forces. 0/20, improves Fusion Weapons with Magneto-Corridor Technology, allowing for Semi-Long Range to be achieved by all fusion weapons. Cost 2 Nuclear Material.
Toroidal Particle Reactron: By utilizing quantum particle manipulation, the nuclear reaction at the heart of Directorate perpetunite weaponry could be catalyzed, increasing the size of reactions as well as their duration, creating stronger rockets, warheads, and fusion cannons, making them even more terrifying when deployed. 0/20, upgrades Advanced NukeTek to Particle NukeTek, increasing yield and power. Cost 2 Nuclear Material.
MiniNukeTek: The Directorate was getting closer and closer to the day where they could deploy fusion weapons as standard across their forces. However, to accomplish this, smaller fusion reactors needed to be designed. This would require a great deal of nuclear material, but it would allow the average member of the Fleet to actually pose a threat to the Destroyers. 0/35, gain Fusion Rifles and Handcanons that can be fielded by most Directorate forces, as well as MiniBombs deployable by engineers. Cost 2 NK.
Gravitic Weight Reduction Module: It wouldn't solve the size issue, but an alternate way of making NukeTek more accessible would be using the Directorates mastery of gravity to design a universal component capable of being installed on weapons to adjust their overal weight. By making blasters and cannons lighter, they could be utilized by more members of the Directorate. 0/25, weapon weight reduced somewhat, increasing effectiveness and allowing infantry to haul larger armaments.
Transporter Pads: OMEN and Koptu were both willing to collaborate in the reverse engineering of collected teleporter prototypes in order to help both the Directorate and Autons develop transporters that could be placed on ships. 0/40, gain Crude Transporters on ships. Cost 1 Warp and 1 NK. Raises Auton Rep and AutoVessel Influence.
Morphogenic Countermeasures: The Deconstructing Spiders, though no longer as immediately lethal to non-organic matter, still possessed enough matter manipulation abilities to infest ships, survive most weaponry, and unless overwhelming energy was used would eventually reconstitute themselves anyways. More work was needed to develop better protections. 0/200, gain Crude Morphogenic Countermeasures. Cost 1 ART. Don't bother rushing this one: they're coming for you, but you have more practical tools at your immediate disposal, you just need to focus on them. Who the !@#$ are you? No one you need to concern yourself with, Squidboy.
Shield Emitters: The improved capacitors were one thing, but it might be possible to upgrade the emitters in order to increase the overall RANGE of shields while neither reducing power efficiency or durability. 0/35, gain Shield Emitters, increasing shield coverage.
Multilayered Shields: If one was willing to go power efficiency, a way to upgrade ships would be by developing the methodologies to layer shield-fields atop one another to provide them some degree of ablative resistance. 0/45, gain Multilayered Shields, increasing shield durability.
Multiphasic Shielding: Alternatively, some brilliant engineer or scientist might stumble on the means to modulate shield wavelengths, allowing them to more easily resist various forms of attack. 0/45, gain Multiphasic Shielding, increasing shield durability.
HoloTek: With technology becoming more and more sophisticated, a number of optical researchers had proposed funding more research into their field of study to create advanced HoloBriks that could be used in conjunction with Mind Machine interfaces to create sophisticated 3D simulator pods. 1/25, unlocks Crude HoloDeck Technology, increasing CUL.
Gestalt Protocol: Another route to improving the strength of Machine Spirits, some of your scientists belonging to the Grand Reconfiguration Committee theorized that synthetic souls were just as modular as their form: they believed that there might exist some manner to merge machine spirits in order to radically accelerate their growth, creating Gestalt-Drones. They would no doubt be very, very different from typical Bond-Drones, however. Recently, the Assembly had begun to pursue experiments in this vein as a potential alternative method to grow their Avatars. 3/15, develop Gestalt-Drones, advanced automata created from a multitude of fused together synthetic souls instead of singular awoken machine spirits.
MegaSiphon: A theoretical design produced by the Sphere, the MegaSiphon would absorb from Teklia constant amounts of lifeforce from across the planet: every living thing providing small amounts to in total enable the useage of massive quantities of vital energy for assorted projects. Apparently, the Sphere's price for the MegaSiphon schematics was that every twenty years it gets to gorge itself on a planets worth of collected vital energy: apparently it couldn't feed on the lifeforce offered by its cult because it was too meager to provide a meal without damaging them. 0/20, increases FTH and Warp.
AnimaTek Wrench: The Academy was interested in utilizing information recovered from studying the animatory effects of Mt. Wander and ritual knowledge developed by your priests and mysteks to develop an upgrade to the standard issue OmniWrench: an AnimaTek Awakening Module, allowing them to blast machine spirits with concentrated vital energy (provided by themselves) to spiritually 'overclock' them, allowing for brief moments of increased performance by affected machines. 0/25, Wrenches upgraded with AnimaTek, costs 1 Warp.
Mega-Art Charging Stations: Mega-Art Spirits typically had more than enough energy to spare, and, granted their creators were allowed to use the surplus to help advance the cause of Art, they were willing to incorporate the technology required to allow them to recharge plus sized Lifeforce Batteries in order to allow the Directorate to convert tourism to energy. 4/25, develop Mega-Art Charging Stations, increasing CUL by an elevated amount and increasing Warp.
Conduit Chamber of Consecration: A project initiated by She-Who-Assembles, they believed that they could devise a technological chamber designed to accelerate the spiritual evolution of its occupants. Tekket. Hobbgrot. Or machine spirit. It just barely fell within the parameters of Directorate bioethical regulations, and had many in the Directorate deeply concerned. 5/20, cost 1 Living Metal and 1 Warp.
OmniPatcher: A proposed idea by some doctors was developing a multi-purpose medical and surgical tool using the same principles as the omniwrench: a completely modular array of laser scapels, autostitchers, bandaid printers, grav-forceps, disinfectant dispensers and more, made out of antibacterial alloys with a self-sterilization feature. With this OmniPatcher, surgeons and physicians would have access to every tool they would need whether in an operating suite, in the field, or in the clinic. 0/25, unlocks OmniPatcher medical tool, increasing CUL.
Vendotron BlokBot: People liked vendors. Having someone prepare your food fresh in front of you just made it taste better. The next generation of WonderPark BlokBot would thereby by the Vendotrons, who could cook, assemble gadgets, mix drinks, chat with customers, and more. 0/25, gain Vendotron BlokBot, increasing CUL.
Naklean MagmaBugs: If it could survive on the moon it could, with modification, survive on Naklis. By engineering a modified species of QuartzBug for surviving in the volcanic conditions, a native source of lifeforce and method at hemming back the increasing ferrothorn brambles could be introduced. 0/15, gain Naklean Magmabugs, increasing CUL.
Miniaturized Deblocker: Blockages in the body were largely a solved problem so long as you were in range of a clinic with a medical graviton compressor. However, if you couldn't get to one in time, conditions such as strokes or heart attacks could still be lethal. To alleviate this, it might be possible to develop a smaller version of the device. 0/15, Doctors gain Field Graviton Deblockers, FGD's, increasing EXP.
Lesser Emulators: While the primary emulators were progress, not everyone could make the trip to the various temples. The Calculators proposal: creating lesser emulators that could be installed in local community shrines and temples. 0/40, upgrade Hallowed Shrines with Lesser Emulators, increasing FTH.
EXP: Sanguine Catalyst, Pelagic Liturgies, Rite of Soul, BlokBot Sales
CUL: Sanguine Catalyst, Pelagic Liturgies, Theatritheurgic Warfare, Crystals of the Hermit, Illusion Matrixes, Rite of Communion
FTH: Sanguine Catalyst, Pelagic Liturgies, Probability Anchors, Reliquary Vaults, Rite of Soul, Rite of Communion, Rite of Restoration, Yr Albain Gem Shipment
ACD: Sanguine Catalyst, Pelagic Liturgies, Executables of Power
Temp: Red Suns Monitoring (+15)
Liberate CPUMoon: According to the AutoVessels, the CPUMoon contains several million Autonites, general purpose sentient labour robots created by the AutoVessels creator, as well as several AutoNodes, higher order AI meant to act as high level managers. They were all extremely corrupted by the Logic Virus, and unfortunately, their systems were likely to be more robust than that of the ships, meaning freeing them was likely to be far more difficult.
New Dawn Extraction: Several security measures would have to be breached, but if it worked, the Autons might be able to salvage remnants of the New Dawn project. Requires Trailblazer or a ship with an Ops Division.
Operations Division: With the addition of Hobbgrots, it had become somewhat more viable to assemble a proper infantry operations division. These units will consist of a mixture of Tekket, Hobbgrots, and occasional Machina: on their own, they would likely have less than impressive performance, but the various specialists of the Fleet could significantly supplement the capabilities of other military assets. 0/25, assemble Operations Division on any world or ship.
-TKK Resistance
-TKK Endeavor-B
BlokBot Armies: Right now, the Directorate had, in theory, sufficient technology to at least weather a Destroyer attack. However, as useful as Security Bots might be for defense, it was estimated that for them to actually stop the Destroyers without massive support, they needed a massive increase in magnitude. To that end, the Fleet wanted to begin mass-manufacture of BlokBots to serve as the beginnings of the Directorates ground army. 0/15, create 1 BlokBot Army that can be stationed on one colonized planet. Repeatable.
-TKK Resistance
Fossegrim Protectors: Creating a special modified Fossegrimm Vessel meant for combat would be costly, but it would allow the Fleet to utilize Fossegrimm Agents in combat scenarios and it would give the Fossegrim ways to protect themselves. 0/50, gain Fossegrimm Protectors. Cost 1 ART.
Naklis Arms Factories: The Fleet, meanwhile, wanted to begin establishing a presence on Naklis: an arms factory, capable of producing weapons, both nuclear warheads to expand the stockpile, as well as both ship-board and infantry and vehicle scale weapons. This wouldn't directly help make Naklis defensible, but it would help make the Directorate as a whole safer. 0/25, gain Naklean Arsenal Special Infrastructure. Repeatable: cost increases by five with each completion of this action.
Fleet Railfort: The Great Void Rail was indisputably invaluable for industry. However, it was poorly defended. One suggestion was to utilize the Rail's unique properties to create what is, in essence, a mobile, rail-bound fortification armed with ship-scale weaponry. In moments of invasion, this structure could respond in moments: its only weakness would be that it would rely on the rails remaining functional to rapidly respond. 0/25, create Fleet Railfort.
Illusion Matrixes: With the Manifestation of the Dancer and the creation of the Giga-Art Galleries, to say nothing of Holo-Tek, more and more Tekket were experimenting with illusion: some wanted to attempt to create devices capable of altering their appearance, size, shape, and even allowing them to potentially disappear entirely. 0/25, gain Illusion Matrixes, allowing for improved disguises, increasing CUL.
DazzleCubes: A fairly recent invention by the artists of Teklia, DazzleCubes consisted of holoprojectors utilizing special algorithms to produce imagery designed to strongly capture attention. A number of Directorate Fleet officers thought this might be weaponizeable, and had suggested giving the TekArtists more funding to see if they could develop better DazzleCubes. 2/15, grants Crude DazzleCube technology, a infantry scale non-lethal weapon that can be used to distract clusters of enemies.
Frontier Security Force: In the event of any serious attack on the colonies or outposts, analysts expected that most would fold like a tissue. A light civilian security garrison for each colony wouldn't stop any attacks, but might at least buy time. 2/15, creates Frontier Security Force.
War-Muses: The Dancer was Beauty, but Beauty must be protected. A number of Muses wanted to join the Fleet, given bodies capable of combat, so that when the Destroyers came once more to erase all that was good, even the servants of the Dancer could aid in the survival of the Directorate. Specifically, through blade-craft, as the clash of swords was sufficiently close enough to a dance to fall under the domain of the Muses patron. 5/15, gain War-Muses, advanced intelligent combat automata specializing in Blade-Dancing.
Living Metal Rounds: The Booug and Quartzbugs both had proven infuriatingly resistant to conventional laser blasters, the former more than the latter. The Booug were ridiculously hardy and required sustained blasterfire, fusion weaponry which for obvious reasons wasn't feasible on a ship, or extreme amounts of kinetic force. Quartzbugs meanwhile diffused the heat of the laser across their body with annoying efficiency. A proposal had been made for alternate infantry weapons to use living metal as a form of regenerating ammunition and MagTek to accelerate these regenerating rounds at extremely high speeds. In essence, you'd be bringing back the ballistic weapon, redesigned for a new age. 0/20, costs 1 Living Metal, develops Ferroblaster Technology, next generation magnetic weaponry with regenerating ammunition designed for infantry use.
MagTek Blasters: While magnetic weaponry wasn't unheard of, MagPulse Blasters were mostly a novelty: instead of firing any actual round, they functioned by firing a beam of magnetically generated kinetic energy capable of knocking machines into constituent bloks. Wonderpark had done a great deal to optimize the design, however, and some in the fleet believed with some improvements, they could be fielded as anti-vehicle weaponry by your infantry and mechanized forces. 0/15, develop MagTek Blasters, specialized Kineto-Magnetic weapons.
MiniShieldTek: With the much smaller shields, Fleet forces could take that much more of a beating. But it was still largely limited to use by heavier automata. By undertaking another round of miniaturization, it might be possible to design a harness capable of acting as a wearable shield for those in combat. 0/35, gain Shield Harness technology useable by most infantry.
Sanguine Catalyst: With the understanding that blood was no longer required as a medium, some had proposed attempting to learn how to use it as a catalyst instead, improving the quality of the lifeforce they offered and making it more potent as a way to further improve on Tekket understanding of the supernatural energy. 0/50, develop Tekket Blood Magic, increasing points in all categories and generating 3 Warp.
Liars Codex: The old gods of the Eldar were dead. But the power of the plays was such that they could make lies into truth, or at least bring them closer. The Liars Codex was what was proposed: a series of plays that posited that some embers of their gods escaped the grasp of the Dark Prince. 0/45, create Liars Codex, increasing all Eldar Reputation by 3.
Theatritheurgic Warfare: Both Chaos and the Imperium were major enemy powers. Some members of Yr Albain had proposed using the powers of the Plays to pursue the possibility of theatritheurgic warfare: design plays intended to weaken the patron dieties of both factions and strengthen archetypes, enemies, and events counter to them. 0/20, gain Theatribellum Plays, attacking hostile powers and increasing CUL, and raising Yr Albain and Winterspite Reputation by 2.
AntiChaos Warding: The Chaos Artefacts recovered would be studied and wards would be adapted and improved to both contain those artefacts and, more broadly, more effectively counter the influences of Chaos. 0/40, Ward effectiveness Vs Chaos improved. Cost 1 ART.
Crystals of the Hermit: The means to manufacture these artefacts had long been lost, but through the theurgies of the Hermit and Hypercomm Consacratek they could be reborn: no doubt many a mystek would find them useful. 0/100, gain Crystals of the Hermit, long range communication and divination devices, increasing CUL.
Offering to the Magic Maker: It would likely be somewhat more involved than making an offering to their father, both in cost and complexity, but many magicians believed the action would have significant benefits. 0/50, gain random Hermit boon. Cost 2 Warp.
x4 (5; 5; 5; 2): Random Project Progress (+25 to Cauldrons), Fairy Boon, Arcane Boon, Minor New Project
Greater Engines of the Assembly: The Spirit Engines of the Assembly had helped actualize many Vita of the Directorate. None could deny they were on the cutting edge of ShrineTek: however, the Assembly believe they can yet build even greater engines, ones so vast that they feed entire continents worth of Vita. 0/100, cost 5 NK, generates 1 Warp, 1 ART, 1 Net, and 1 BioData. Gain Greater Engines of the Assembly.
Offering to the Sea: The Sea connected us all by dream. At night it called to us. The tools existed: why not make an offering to nature itself in the form of mother ocean? 0/25, gain random Nature Boon of Sea. Repeatable, first performance cost no Warp.
x4 (5; 5; 4; 9): Spirit Boon, Momentus Event, Spirit Boon, Mark of the Ocean
Names of Invocation: Legends say that in the past, the names of the gods were once used to call upon their power. Names of Invocation that could be called upon for miracles and blessings. Perhaps continued research would allow them to use these calling-names... 0/50, develop Names of Invocation for all Old Gods.
Probability Anchors: A suggestion by the Calculators: they wanted to erect a series of HexTek powered devices that they intend to use to increase the odds of successful manifestations of the Divine: a series of large, planet bound artefacts that can be incorporated into the Shrine Network. 0/50, gain Probability Anchors, increasing FTH.
Reliquary Vaults: The Imperial practice of treating the pieces of their dead saints and holy people as sacred talismans was, while ghoulish, likely highly effective if their literature was anything to go by. A few (typically human) priests of various religions had begun donating their bodies to their faiths, and it wouldn't take much for the Temples to begin expanding their shrines to accommodate these relics. 0/45, Temples begin enshrining some of their more pious dead in Reliquary Vaults, increasing FTH. I do not understand this, this obsession with death. Let the dead be dead, yes?
Executables of Power: These codes served as the basis of digital sorcery, mimicking the traits of rites in the cyberverse. Perhaps the Directorate, having access to GriMM.EXE, would learn how to refine these… 0/25, Mysteks upgrade Navigators with advanced Executables of Power, increasing ACD. Cost 1 NT.
Rite of Soul: You can make the spirits more awake. Could you increase the shine of their soul? A heady proposition: some believed that by experimenting with God-Machine technology, more advanced versions of the Rite of Anima could be developed. No one was entirely sure what the results of this would be, however. 3/10, unlocks Rite of Soul, increasing EXP and FTH.
Rite of Communion: Others had suggested an idea: the Rite of Anima required a form of Communion between a Bond-Spirit and a lesser machine spirit. Could the same rite be adapted to let this dance take place between Tekket and Bond-Spirit instead? Such a thing would be monumental, certainly. 0/10, unlocks Rite of Communion, increasing FTH and CUL.
Curse of Elemental Wrath: More than just weapons, the Directorate needed a way to even the playing field by bringing the Destroyers down to their level. A proposal by some Fleet Elementalists was developing, instead of blessings, a means to curse foes such that the elements would turn against them. The earth below would shift like water. Metal would corrode, becoming useless. Their souls would be struck with overwhelming greed and obsession for precious gems, distracting them in the heat of combat. Flame itself would become hostile. 0/20, gain Curse of Elemental Wrath, causing a variety of random negative effects on enemy ground forces.
Oh Barnacles: Of course, there was much to be said about long term mechanical sabotage as well: much of the kinds of barnacles and bivalves found on Erichtheo weren't especially adapted to life on a starship, but the Directorate could potentially engineer strains that were modified to survive the extreme conditions of space, and use it as a means to enhance the Darktide spells in order to create a series of extremely disruptive extremely invasive species whose preferred biome was starships that could be conjured to infect them and turn their insides into reefs. 0/15, upgrade Darktide with the power of Reef.
Pelagic Liturgies: The Old One presided over knowledge, including that of rituals and theurgies. To that end, his priests wish to use various esoteric means to attempt to craft additional modular ritual components capable of invoking the power of the pelagic lord and bolstering their rites and practices. 0/5, upgrade all rites with Least Theurgy of the Old One, increasing points in all categories.
Iron Shores Necroverse: A proposal by Marjak to help jumpstart Auton network infrastructure, who wanted to use reactive code technology and lifeforce alongside a vast amount of partially reanimated brains, organic and positronic both, networked together into a titanic server to create a digital necroverse that could be used for neural processing and protecting against E-War. 0/25, Iron Shores gains Necroverse Servers, increasing AutoFacility influence at the cost of AutoVessel influence and increasing general auton reputation by 3.
Hounds: A joint project between the Huntsmasters and the Autons: they wanted to develop more advanced AutoDogs made from weapon-spirits consecrated using a variation of the rites used to make Muses modified to invoke the Huntsmasters in order to create more advanced TekSpirits for security purposes and specialist assistance. 0/25, gain Hounds, weapon spirits that serve as attack dogs and hunting hounds. Cost 1 ART.
Rite of Restoration: Mirror Black. It was apparently an artifact from ancient Auton history: a weapon capable of unleashing absolute destruction, it was damaged in a long ago battle, and has in the time since withered and tarnished. OMEN wanted to restore it with a Rite, and for this he was willing to trade the Directorate something it wanted, a treasure it had missed, chosen at absolute random using a quantum number generator in a warded space. 10/20, gain Rite of Restoration, capable of repairing and reactivating ancient artefacts, and repairing Mirror Black for OMEN. Gain FTH, ART, and 10 Auton Reputation.
Positron Brain Surgery: After some internal negotiations, the AutoVessels have agreed that treating Ijin and their crew was sufficiently important to warrant them waiving the Huercus Accords positron research ban. Using the Central AutoBrain and a handful of other volunteers, they wished to experiment with corrective surgery as a means to treat infection. If it worked, it would at least provide a means by which the brain-plaque could be treated. 0/25, Autons gain Positron Brain Surgery.
Yr Albain Gem Shipment: Alternatively, apparently Cursite and to a lesser extent lumium had seen great success in weapons and the former once purified and the latter generally WAS quite valuable for its anti-curse properties. Shipping it would accelerate Yr Albain curse and elemental development and help the war effort. 0/15, Yr Albain is provided Elemental Gems for research and military purposes, increasing FTH. Cost 1 NK, requires ship assigned to Yr Albain route.
BlokBot Sales: Yr Albain was apparently interested in purchasing BlokBots for defensive purposes. And more saliently, there were plenty of other exoditi worlds that were also interested in purchasing cheap, disposable defenders. 0/25, Yr Albain begins purchasing BlokBots and second hand Auto-Dogs, increasing EXP. Requires ship on Yr Albain route.
Construct Courier Class Ship: With advancing technology, the Academy wanted to begin building a new model of ship: the Courier, intended to help establish permanent trade routes that don't rely on the Directorates military ships. 0/15, gain Courier Class Starship that can be assigned to any trade route to increase the primary stat of that resource and increase rep with the other systems owner, should it have one.
-Yr Albain
GigaDrill Deep Mantle Shielding: If the GigaDrill was going to be expanded, it would need extensive shielding: as it was, it produced a massive desert from the heat it generated. Adequate shielding would need to be established if it was to begin safely extracting rarer minerals from the Deep Mantle. 0/25, Sandscorn gains GigaDrill Deep Mantle Shielding, increasing NK from trade and raising Khimer reputation by 2.
Sandscorn Desert-Biosphere Hybridization Program: The original biosphere as it existed would never come back, but the Khimer hoped that, at the very least, they might be able to use the genetic samples they retained to at least ensure that the new biosphere retained at least some continuity. Unfortunately, many of the species they had on record were wholly unadapted to a desert world, and even the extant organisms were still poorly suited for life on the dying planet. They would require modification, splicing with other, more robust desert dwelling organisms in order to survive. 0/20, modifies numerous organisms in the Khimers genetic database to be more suited for desert biomes, improving biosphere robustness overall.
Winterspite Outpost Guard Contract: The Phasmid had proven a significant threat to Directorate Outposts in the expanse. The Winterspite Kabal might be the solution: it would be pricey, but it would help protect those who lived in the Expanse. 0/40, Winterspite begin guarding outposts in Expanse. Increases Winterspite Kabal Reputation by 3.
VaccineWare: Not all viruses were neccesarily bad. This was true both in biology and, theoretically, online: with the advent of reactcode, some had shown more complex behavior, and it wasn't impossible for one to adapt to become benign. The odds of this happening without specialized tools was, however, unlikely. 0/25, Occulteks gain VaccineWare, computer viruses modified through sorcery to serve as network security.
I will admit to some interest in what The Seed will do for YALDABOATH. Since the C'Tan can't use the Engine the way normal Gods and spirits can, it seems like it'll offer him an alternative, especially with all the WyldTek buffing Teklia.
I will admit to some interest in what The Seed will do for YALDABOATH. Since the C'Tan can't use the Engine the way normal Gods and spirits can, it seems like it'll offer him an alternative, especially with all the WyldTek buffing Teklia.
I would also like to start honoring the other C'tan as well, during these tasks would help:
Voice of Mother: Mother wished for an apparatus to be constructed, one that would allow her to use as a vessel the most favorite of her priests, experiencing the world as they do, through their eyes, no matter how far away. In return, their chosen Voice would be given a portion of Mothers power and intellect. 0/15, gain Voice of the Mother, increasing ART by 1.
Lifeforce Enrichment Cores: Enrichment Cores are used by the Court of Whispers to refine lifeforce by enriching it with memories. Largely experimental, they supposedly improve the flavor considerably according to Mother. She doesn't know how it will effect the spirits and the Vita, labelling them 'curiously liminal beings', but she suspects the Enriched version will be particularly nourishing. She's willing to share the design if the Directorate provides her one thing: a festival in the God-Machines honor. 0/15, gain Lifeforce Enrichment Cores.
Ya know I kinda want to joke that we could probably make a turn entirely based around doing projects eith brains in elthem or at least doing a lot of em.
Then let's do the wackiest military weapons out there.
OOG-87's MicroSingularity: A proposal by OOG-87, this specialist high energy array will be located well into dark space, where it will be used to study the properties of black holes by creating a miniature one that's only planet sized. 0/25, increases ACD.
Theatritheurgic Warfare: Both Chaos and the Imperium were major enemy powers. Some members of Yr Albain had proposed using the powers of the Plays to pursue the possibility of theatritheurgic warfare: design plays intended to weaken the patron dieties of both factions and strengthen archetypes, enemies, and events counter to them. 0/25, gain Theatribellum Plays, attacking hostile powers and increasing CUL, and raising Yr Albain and Winterspite Reputation by 2. Cost 1 Warp.
Build-A-Bomb Workshop: Some would say giving children the ability to generate shielded pocket supernova was a grotesque misuse of resources. Those people were not NukeLand. 0/10, NukeLand gains Build-A-Bomb, where explosions come to life! Increases CUL, costs 1 NK
JinxTek Jr Playkit: The House of Devils and Temple to the Toymaker were proud to announce a new project: a genuine occultek playkit, good for all ages! Curse your annoying sibling to fail their math test! Conjur forth unnamable horrors to have tea parties with! Imbue your toys with a false and unnatural life to do your dark bidding! Intended for ages six and up. 0/25, gain JinxTek Jr Playkit, increasing general occultek skill.
Kolor Theory: An effect generated by Orkist gestalts was causing various anomalies and oddities via color. Some enterprising Graffiti Artists wanted to experiment, figure out which colors did different fingamabobs the best. 0/25, Grot Artists begin using Kolor more strategically, increasing CUL.
Ultra-Sonic Instruments: Brass instruments were great for getting loud. By incorporating trace amounts of biometal and advanced resonator technology, they could get louder, becoming more cacophanous than ever to the point they could be, potentially, weaponized: death. by. tuba. 0/25, One Man Bands gain Ultra-Sonic Instruments, increasing CUL.
Squog Splicing: Stizlak's idea: what if Hobbgrottic Park developed the means to create even more Squog varieties by inkorporating bits of different squogs together? These kustom squogs could be used for security, minions, petz, pack animalz…0/25, Hobbgrotic Park begins producing spliced Squogs, increasing EXP. Cost 1 BioData.
DazzleCubes: A fairly recent invention by the artists of Teklia, DazzleCubes consisted of holoprojectors utilizing special algorithms to produce imagery designed to strongly capture attention. A number of Directorate Fleet officers thought this might be weaponizeable, and had suggested giving the TekArtists more funding to see if they could develop better DazzleCubes.2/15, grants Crude DazzleCube technology, a infantry scale non-lethal weapon that can be used to distract clusters of enemies.
Illusion Matrixes: With the Manifestation of the Dancer and the creation of the Giga-Art Galleries, to say nothing of Holo-Tek, more and more Tekket were experimenting with illusion: some wanted to attempt to create devices capable of altering their appearance, size, shape, and even allowing them to potentially disappear entirely. 0/25, gain Illusion Matrixes, allowing for improved disguises, increasing CUL.
Shell of the Storm Kraken!: The Storm-Krakens shell ill suited it: a patchwork thing of rust-metal. Perhaps the Directorate might give it a new shell, one forged from gleaming biometal, containing a small monastery complete with shrine and reactor to provide it the offerings it would require, capable of allowing the Meeklakian Weather Vita to wander the system…0/25, Storm Kraken gains new shell and will begin patrolling the system. Increased affinity with Directorate ships. Cost 1 Living Metal.
Hounds: A joint project between the Huntsmasters and the Autons: they wanted to develop more advanced AutoDogs made from weapon-spirits consecrated using a variation of the rites used to make Muses modified to invoke the Huntsmasters in order to create more advanced TekSpirits for security purposes and specialist assistance. 0/25, gain Hounds, weapon spirits that serve as attack dogs and hunting hounds. Cost 1 ART.
War-Muses: The Dancer was Beauty, but Beauty must be protected. A number of Muses wanted to join the Fleet, given bodies capable of combat, so that when the Destroyers came once more to erase all that was good, even the servants of the Dancer could aid in the survival of the Directorate. Specifically, through blade-craft, as the clash of swords was sufficiently close enough to a dance to fall under the domain of the Muses patron. 5/15, gain War-Muses, advanced intelligent combat automata specializing in Blade-Dancing.
A Nuclear Feast: The Lord of Hunger had an offer: it wished to consume vast amounts of radioactive material. In exchange, it would provide a refinement to the Directorate's nuclear weaponry by making the resulting detonations semi-intelligent and giving them limited mobility and ability to identify targets, allowing them a degree of 'homing' ability. 1/10, Nuclear Weapons upgraded with Homing Reactions. Cost 5 Nuclear Materials.
Templedog Augments: Human canines were interesting. Only a handful had survived Yr Albain, typically highly augmented if not fully converted into cyberdogs. They were extremely intelligent and powerful beasts who supposedly occupied a holy space in human culture. The Testament wanted to create a facility to expand the Herdtemples where their order could breed and augment these dogs to serve in temples and shrines as holy beasts. 0/25, Herdtemples and other holy locations gain Sacred Cybershepherds or Monastic Mechamastiffs, increasing their security and FTH.
Thunder Rods: The Spirits of Lightning had potential both for energy generation and defense: by constructing special arcane lightning rods in certain locations, the electrical power generated by storms could be siphoned off both to supplement the Directorate power grid, feeding the Totem-Network, and, should the Directorate be invaded, develop weaponized super-storms using stored energy. 0/15, gain Thunder Rod upgrade to Totem Network, generating EXP and NK by allowing storms to be harnessed for both electrical and arcane power. Allows Directorate to generate devastating defensive superstorms.
Barrow Guard: AutoZombies were, frankly, deeply unsettling. But they presented a unique opportunity for the dead of the Directorate to continue to serve: Marjak was willing to share the secrets of the technique to manufacturing them in exchange for biodata that could be used to refine the process, which would allow some volunteers to convert their corpses into Mausoleum Guards. 0/25, TekMausoleums will slowly generate Barrow Guards from volunteer corpses to defend Directorate worlds. Cost 1 BioData. Raises Forbidden Archive influence.
Da Potions of Mojo Yoyo: A buncha shamans wanted to call upon the power of Mojo Yoyo, Mojo of Magik, to create various magik potions usin' MegaGrot serum as a base that could serve as alchemical repositories of mojo magic. Strength, size, speed, seein' funky colors, all of it could temporarily be increased by responsible use of irresponsible substances. 0/25, create Potions of Yoyo, a collections of mystically enhanced drugs, increasing EXP. Cost 1 Warp.
MagTek Blasters: While magnetic weaponry wasn't unheard of, MagPulse Blasters were mostly a novelty: instead of firing any actual round, they functioned by firing a beam of magnetically generated kinetic energy capable of knocking machines into constituent bloks. Wonderpark had done a great deal to optimize the design, however, and some in the fleet believed with some improvements, they could be fielded as anti-vehicle weaponry by your infantry and mechanized forces. 0/15, develop MagTek Blasters, specialized Kineto-Magnetic weapons.
BATTLEZONE POWERUPZ: The Mojo Field had a number of effects, such as providing a psychically reinforced placebo effect. Battlezone wanted to take advantage of this as well as its status as a mojo nexus to experiment with augmented reality visors and holographic "power upz" players could use for various combat boosts. 0/25, Battlezone gains Power-Upz, increasing CUL.
My personal biggest beef with weapons plan is weaponizing the plays since old ones brother very much didn't want that and I don't like the principle of weaponizing them to begin with.
It's a YALDABOATH project, since he does All Caps, and his big thing is Time. I expect it to fill the role of the Engine for Spirits, since C'Tan can't use the Engine that way.
I need opinions on which of these plans look better, i've not done the fleet stuff as that's always situational, but i'd still like opinions
[] Plan: Union Ghost Train
-[] Fleet Actions
-[] Expansion Projects (153/153)
--[] MegaHarvester Manufactory: 25/25, MegaHarvester gains Manufactory Car, increasing CUL.
--[] MegaMachines of the Volatile Lands!:. 50/50, Union gains increased presence in Volatile Lands, gain NK and LM.
--[] Ferrocrystal Manufacturing Complex: 10/10, increases EXP.
--[] Mongus Storm-Kite: 10/10, increases EXP from Mongus Storm-Kite.
--[]Erichtheo Totem Network: 8/10, increases FTH from expanded totem network.
--[] Sandscorn Skyhook: 25/25, Khimer gain Skyhook Spacestation, allowing them to ship resources to and from space without assistance, increasing respect by 2.
--[]Union Wayside Caravanserai: 25/25, increases EXP from Caravanserai being established.
-[] Culture Projects (130/130)
--[]The Mazovist Script: 30/30, gain Mazovist Plays, allowing Mazovist Ghosts to give blessings to those who impress them, increasing ACD by 3.
--[]Ghost Song Resonance: 25/25, Gain Ghost Song Resonance, slowly causing a location to accumulate Cthonic Spirits, increasing CUL.
--[]Orbital Pioneer Factory Ships: 25/25, upgrades Orbital Pioneer Initiative with Factory Ships, increasing EXP.
--[]Umbral Cthonite Muses: 25/25, unlock Umbral Shadow Muses, Cthonite Muses gifted deathly power and severed from death. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Folk Mantras: 25/25, gain Folk Mantras, increasing EXP.
-[] Faith Projects (126/126)
--[] Holywick Lantern Candles: 15/15, Gain Holywick Lantern Candle Artefact, increasing FTH and conferring an additional degree of protection.
--[] Temple to the Pathfinder: 1/25, establish Pathfinder Temple, allowing for religious orders to train Pathfinders, itinerant priests that wander throughout Directorate Space that generate FTH.
--[] Temple to the Trainmaster: 25/25, establish Trainmaster Temple, protecting the souls of the Dead.
--[]The Road-Docks: 15/15, gain Road-Docks, allowing for the construction of FTH Ships.
--[]Cthonic Shrines: 15/15, establish Cthonic Shrines, increasing FTH.
--[]Witherbone Talismans: 20/20, create Witherbone Talismans, increasing FTH by 1
--[]UnionTek Novagods: 15/15, gain UnionTek Novagods increasing UnionTek potency considerably, and all IndustrialTek to variable degrees. Cost 1 ART
--[] Silvertine Androids: 25/25, gain Unionist Silvertine Androids, increasing EXP.
-[] Academy Projects (119/113(+6))
--[] Improved MagTek Repair Protocol: 20/20, MagTek Reassembly Protocol upgraded to lightly repair systems damage in buildings and fortifications.
--[] Ekto Detektor: 25/25, Tekniks gain Ektoplazm, increasing Warp by 1 and raising ACD.
--[] HoloTek: 25/25, unlocks Crude HoloDeck Technology, increasing CUL.
--[]Devourer Warforme Study:. 25/25, gain indepth biological data from cloned living Tyranids. Repeatable: starts with most common and basic tyranid organisms (rippers, gaunts) to rarer and more complex ones. Each completion grants 1 BioData.
--[]OmniPatcher: 25/25, unlocks OmniPatcher medical tool, increasing CUL.
-[] Resource Management
--[] Artifacts: 2 --1
--[] Biodata: 1 -- 2
--[] Intel: 0
--[] Living Metal: 3 -- 4
--[] Network: 4
--[] Nuclear Material: 2 -- 3
--[] Warp: 4 -- 5
My constant Plan of Union stuff and Dead Stuff
[] Plan: "Mad" Science
-[] Fleet Actions
-[] Expansion Projects (153/153)
--[] MegaHarvester Fusion-Drill: 25/25, upgrades Mega-Harvester with Fusion-Drills, increasing LM.
--[] Infinite Inspiration Accelerator: 25/25, unlock Infinite Inspiration Accelerator, increasing both CUL and ACD by an elevated amount. Cost 1 Network.
--[] Tacchis Surface Mining: 15/15, Tacchis Surface Mining established, increasing EXP and NK.
--[] Anchor-City: 10/10, increases CUL from Anchor-City being constructed.
--[] Erichthean PharmaFactory: 15/15, gain Erichthean PharmaFactory granting ACD and improving medical care, cost 1 BioData.
--[] Meeklak Q-Bit Factories: 25/25, create Meeklak Q-Bit Factories, increasing ACD and NT.
--[] Sandscorn Ashfall: 17/25, Sandscorn gains Ashfall Generators, increasing Respect by 3.
--[] OOG-87's MicroSingularity: 25/25, increases ACD.
-[] Culture Projects (130/130)
--[] Glasmite Hymnals: 15/15, TekGrimoires upgraded to Glasmite Hymnals, allowing all Orchestrion related technology to be used in grimoires at greatly reduced efficiency.
--[] Power Paint: 25/25, Grot Graffiti Artists begin producing and using paint with various chemical properties in their 'art', increasing CUL.
--[]Squog Splicing: 6/25, Hobbgrotic Park begins producing spliced Squogs, increasing EXP. Cost 1 BioData.
--[] Orbital Pioneer Mega-Power Ships: 20/20, upgrades Orbital Pioneer Initiative with Mega-Power Ships, increasing ACD and EXP.
--[]Fruit of the Occult Tree: 15/15, TekGrimoires upgraded with Lifefruit Heart, increasing FTH.
--[] Lunar Consulls: 25/25, Lunar Consulls established throughout the Directorate, generating CUL and improving mental resilience in the general populace. Costs 1 Network.
--[] Virus Buster Corp Research Labs: 25/25, gain Virus Buster Labs, increasing ACD and network security.
-[] Faith Projects (126/126)
--[] An Unquenchable Thirst: 10/10, grants Living Metal.
--[] UrbanTek Courts: 10/10, upgrades CityShrines with Pyrefly Courts.
--[] The Book: 15/15, craft the Book, Avatar of Memory, allowing for the storage of memories and experiences and increasing ACD.
--[] Thunder Rods: 15/15, gain Thunder Rod upgrade to Totem Network, generating EXP and NK by allowing storms to be harnessed for both electrical and arcane power. Allows Directorate to generate devastating defensive superstorms.
--[] Gremlin.EXE: 20/20, develop Gremlin-Drones, created by taming mischievous data-spirits.
--[] Logic Virus Code-Weaponization: 25/25, Occculteks develop HiJak Executable, allowing them to temporarily hijack and subvert enemy machinery and computers.
--[] Rite of Soul: 9/15, unlocks Rite of Soul, increasing EXP and FTH.
--[]Sanctum Sanctorum: 25/25, form Sanctum Sanctorum, a Mystek society, increasing FTH and proving +1 to FTH HazardTek rolls.
-[] Academy Projects (119/113(+6))
--[] Lumium Bird "Biology": 25/25, learn how the Lumium Bird works, generating Biodata.
--[] MagTek Blasters: 15/15, develop MagTek Blasters, specialized Kineto-Magnetic weapons.
--[] Totem-Net: 15/15, Totems upgraded to utilize Totem-Net, increasing ACD. Cost 1 Network.
--[] Peer Review Board: 25/25, Tekniks gain Board of Peer Review, increasing ART by 1 and raising WRP.
--[] Positron Brain Surgery: 25/25, Autons gain Positron Brain Surgery.
--[] Gestalt Protocol: 15/15, develop Gestalt-Drones, advanced automata created from a multitude of fused together synthetic souls instead of singular awoken machine spirits.
--[] Mega-Art Charging Stations: 9/25, develop Mega-Art Charging Stations, increasing CUL by an elevated amount and increasing Warp.
-[] Resource Management
--[] Artifacts: 2 -- 3
--[] Biodata: 1 -- 0
--[] Intel: 0
--[] Living Metal: 3 -- 4
--[] Network: 4 -- 1
--[] Nuclear Material: 2 -- 3
--[] Warp: 4 -- 5
New Plan I made that I tried to keep to the Idea of our Technology/Outside looking in Vibe is just wacky and confusing on how it's done, trying to put some focus on a lot of old and new things
i just had a thought, arnt we literally just trying to turn our selves into the old ones 2.0. but instead of frog/lizard men. were just going to be ferret god crafters builders of stuff so mind-bogglingly ridiculous and epic that the galazy will look at us and proceed to windows blue screen. (courtesy of some tech powered by self repairing nuclear reactor made by monks, in expanded space with tech kijju's manufacturing god killer weapons around them, while!! converted chaotic deamons advise them on how to best optimise mementic hazards
It's a YALDABOATH project, since he does All Caps, and his big thing is Time. I expect it to fill the role of the Engine for Spirits, since C'Tan can't use the Engine that way.
does he not have another one about a ritual and eternal tree and some non-existient monster heart. that should do something cool
here just found it
i just had a thought, arnt we literally just trying to turn our selves into the old ones 2.0. but instead of frog/lizard men. were just going to be ferret god crafters builders of stuff so mind-bogglingly ridiculous and epic that the galazy will look at us and proceed to windows blue screen. (courtesy of some tech powered by self repairing nuclear reactor made by monks, in expanded space with tech kijju's manufacturing god killer weapons around them, while!! converted chaotic deamons advise them on how to best optimise mementic hazards
you are just realizing that now? one of our gods is literally a dead Old one, but yeah the way we are going it is pretty likely we will become Old ones 2: nuclear ferret buggaloo A.K.A "the Young ones"
Either we help our allies, do wacky military weapons, or honor our gods… hard to choose for our last turn. We did gain a lot from this event and we gotta make the last one a home run.
Either we help our allies, do wacky military weapons, or honor our gods… hard to choose for our last turn. We did gain a lot from this event and we gotta make the last one a home run.
I am completely unbiased but I think doing a pan divine upgrade turn as the toymaker approaches ascension and the wands of the hermit project completes from the advent christmas list would be pretty dope. Also a really really good gift to Yaldobaoth.