Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

Shield upgrades, plus esoteric weaponry like Cursite, seem to be the things that would help with both CPUMoon and the spiders.

Shields protect well against all forms of energy weaponry and are our most effective anti-spiderizing-ray defense. Cursite weapons would give us better guns to properly kill the spiders, which are vulnerable to magical attack but nigh-immune to conventional attack, and also are just nasty weapons in general.
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As soon as we complete cpumoon and military stuff… I want to do more god realization but not the Celestial God Projects, I want to see about doing the other gods.
How have we been playing as the Federation Expy without effective shields and overdeveloped onboard science labs? I say we fix that oversight as soon as possible! Grab the next tier of NukeTek while we are at it. 20 ACD is really not much at this point. And grabbing the next tier of tech should generally be kinda expensive, so we are way behind here.
As soon as we complete cpumoon and military stuff… I want to do more god realization but not the Celestial God Projects, I want to see about doing the other gods.
We need to do the Celestial Gods. If we had rolled high on the Tower hazardtek severity roll the nascent Hermit would have gotten eaten by a Daemon of Tzeentch.

Our nascent Celestial Gods are vulnerable until we Realize them. They need to be our priority for God crafting.
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Finally finished touching up my plan. Those discounts were really nice since I already planned to get two plays and three rites. Anyway, focus is on liberating the CPUmoon by way of cyber sorcery.

[] Plan CyberSpaceForce
-[] Ships
--[] TKK Resistance
---[] CPUmoon Liberation x1
--[] TKK Valiant
---[] Drydock x1
--[] TKK Spirit of Accomplishment
---[] Drydock x2
---[] CPUmoon Liberation x2
--[] TKK Emissary
---[] Drydock x3
---[] CPUmoon Liberation x3
--[] TKK Spirit of Toxel
---[] Drydock x4
---[] CPUmoon Liberation x4
--[] TKK Endeavor-B
---[] Drydock x5
---[] Red Sun Resupply
-[] EXP 173/173
--[] Great Grave Grave 10/10 Holy Site +FTH
--[] Orbital Solar Relays 25/25 Void Express gets solar grid +EXP +1 NK
--[] GigaDrill Deep Mantle Shielding 25/25 Upgrade Gigadrill so it can withstand the heat of the deep mantle. +1 NK
--[] Iron Shores Daturgic Cannons 25/25 Cyberwarfare Superweapon to help with taking the AutoPlanet -1 NET
--[] Iron Shores BioEngine 20/20 Get past genelocks
--[] Ops Division (Resistance) 25/25 Resistance gains an ops division
--[] BlokBot Army (Resistance) 25/25 Resistance gains an army
--[] Cursite Cannons 15/50
--[] Endless Enlightenment Matrix 13/25
-[] CUL 148/148
--[] Glasmite Hymnals 15/15 Resonance Tech downsized to the point where Grimoires can use it.
--[] Sandscorn Shroombogs 25/25 Sandscorn gets notable Hobbgrot Population
--[] Eldritch Rebirth 20/20Plays to boost Sandscorn Terraforming and possibly start forming a World Spirit. +FTH
--[] The Conduit Folios 3 --> 20/20 Plays to boost PathTek and .ARCHONs. +FTH
--[] Ascendant Lunite Muse 25/25 Some Lunite Muses upgrades with actual psychic powers +3 FTH -1 WP
--[] Volcanus 9 Trading Company 35/35 Gain V9 Trading Company, a front that will be used to commit fraud by the Functionary +1 Intel
--[] Grand Flotilla 12/50
-[] FTH 158/158
--[] Pelagic Liturgies 5/5 Old One Theurgy that boosts rite power. +EXP +CUL +FTH +ACD
--[] Rites of the Toy Maker 20/20 Gain next levels of Toy Maker Rites, Resonance and Artifacts +~2 CUL +~2 FTH
--[] Arcano-Engines 25/25 Shove Engines into Mag-Tek Altars to boost their magical power and discount ritual costs. +FTH +1 WP
--[] Nuclear Ritual Engines 15/15 Unlocks FTH Ships but also has an unknown, but Old One verified, beneficial effect on our rites. -2 NK
--[] Executables of power 25/25 Data Spirits gain advanced cyberspells. +ACD -1 NET
--[] Rite of Restoration 10 --> 20/20 Develop ancient artifact restoration rite, and use it on OMEN's weird artifact +FTH +1 ART
--[] Rite of Soul 3 --> 10/10 Increase Soul-Shine +??? +EXP +FTH
--[] Rite of Communion 10/10 Allow telepathic vibing between organic and machine souls. +Machine Spirit Synergy +Fish Happiness +FTH +CUL
--[] Bond Technomata 30/30 Induce the next level of Bond-Spirit, powerfully psychic.
--[] War Muses 5-->15/15 Muses can fight better.
--[] Many Biting Fish 1/20
-[] ACD 125/125
--[] Ekto Detektor 25/25 Ghost Bustaz. +ACD +1 WP
--[] MegaSiphon 20/20 Unlocks Planetary Lifeforce Harvesting. +FTH +1 WP
--[] Academy Fleet Network Lab 20/20 Upgrade Ship E-War Stuff
--[] CyberGrimoires 25/25 TekGrimoires do Cybersorcery better. +ACD +FTH -1 NET
--[] LumSoft Drivers 25/25 Data Spirits become more able to use Lumium Chips to create warding Lighthouses and boost their Executables' power. +ACD -1 NET +1 WP
--[] Particle Field 5 --> 15/30
-[] Resource Management
--[] Artifacts: 1 --> 2
--[] Biodata: 2
--[] Living Metal: 1
--[] Network: 6 --> 2
--[] Nuclear Material: 0
--[] Warp: 3 --> 6
--[] Intel: 0 --> 1
--[] EXP: +3
--[] CUL: +4
--[] FTH: +15
--[] ACD: +5

  • Ships: Resistance is obviously gonna go to the Liberation, supported by three Endeavors. Unfortunately, there's no way for the Valiant to be repaired and go on the mission, and I need bonus ACD next turn.
  • EXP: Great Grave since I'd like to get that done sooner rather than later, and its NekroTek Synergy should hopefully help our GhostBustaz, Orbital Solar Relays because we used up a lot of NK, GigaDrill Deep Mantle Shielding to help our allies and also get NK, Daturgic Cannons and BioEngine to make the liberation easier and Ops Division and BlokBot Army for the Resistance to facilitate the raid. Also grabbed some progress on Cursite Cannons and Endless Enlightenment Matrix to prepare for next turn.
  • CUL: Glasmite Hymnals since we just got a shitload of resonance upgrades last turn, Sandscorn Shroombogs to help out the Hobbs and Khimer, Conduit Folios and Eldritch Rebirth to spread the Cosmic Renaissance to the Khimer and Data Spirits, Ascendant Lunite Muse to buff our most cyberwarfare suited muses (hopefully including TNDI since we don't have confirmation she died) Volcanus 9 Trading Company so we can track down an AgriWorld to liberate and be able to feed V9 when the time comes and some Grand Flotilla progress for next turn.
  • FTH: Pelagic Liturgies and Rites of the Toy Maker to capitalize on the Cosmic Discount and strengthen our gods and magics, Arcano-Engines and Nuclear Ritual Engines to capitalize on the Heart momentum, and further strengthen our magic (esp since Curses seem to be a weakness of the Krillships) Executables of Power since the Liberation is going to be, in large part, a cyberwarfare effort, Rite of Soul and Rite of Communion to further buff our robots and unlock Cetacean Ops for next turn, Bond Technomata to capitalize on that, give us psychic robots and probably synergize with ALMs, War Muses so our Muses can turn their powers towards combat more easily in the Liberation and Rite of Restoration to make the AutoFacilities less helpless and hopefully help with the liberation.
  • ACD: Ekto Detektor because the Moon is probably mega haunted, MegaSiphon because we've been sitting on it too long, Academy Fleet Network Lab for cyberwarfare purposes and CyberGrimoires and LumSoft Drivers to further strengthen our sorcerous cyberwarfare. Also pumped some progress into Particle Field because I want to get it next turn.
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Just to be clear, you are aware that Dataurgic Cannon is going to be a Hazardtek, right?

The basic Dataurgic Engines project certainly was, so there's no reason why it should be different for the weaponized version of the Logic Virus.
I thought we were warned about the cannons being a bad idea right now. Like I don't see how using them against the CPU moon is gonna help.
I thought we were warned about the cannons being a bad idea right now. Like I don't see how using them against the CPU moon is gonna help.
Daturgic or Cursite? Because Daturgic explicitly lets us bypass a significant portion of the CPUMoon's defenses. It's almost certainly HazardTek but that's what us being there with beefed up Cyber Sorcery is for.
I thought we were warned about the cannons being a bad idea right now. Like I don't see how using them against the CPU moon is gonna help.
It's not so much that they're a bad idea for CPUMoon as it is that it gives Vlaahk a massively disproportionate amount of power over the AutoFacilities, who still really don't like him.
aren't people wanting to give omen the mirror black?

Isn't that also a superweapon?

Mirror Black. It was apparently an artifact from ancient Auton history: a weapon capable of unleashing absolute destruction, it was damaged in a long ago battle, and has in the time since withered and tarnished. OMEN wanted to restore it with a Rite, and for this he was willing to trade the Directorate something it wanted, a treasure it had missed, chosen at absolute random using a quantum number generator in a warded space. 10/20, gain Rite of Restoration, capable of repairing and reactivating ancient artefacts, and repairing Mirror Black for OMEN. Gain FTH, ART, and 10 Auton Reputation.
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aren't people wanting to give omen the black eye?

Isn't that also a superweapon?
Mirror Black, to be precise. And while it is capable of being used as a superweapon...or at least a very potent weapon, it also doesn't just straight up bypass that majority of the AutoFacilities' defences, and isn't based on the very thing that caused the genocide of their creators and their own enslavement to the logic virus.

So, you know, there's a difference between the two, even discounting the fact that we would be repairing the Mirror of OMEN, who's somewhat trusted by the other AutoFacilities, and not for Vlaahk, who they hate.
Mirror Black, to be precise. And while it is capable of being used as a superweapon...or at least a very potent weapon, it also doesn't just straight up bypass that majority of the AutoFacilities' defences, and isn't based on the very thing that caused the genocide of their creators and their own enslavement to the logic virus.

So, you know, there's a difference between the two, even discounting the fact that we would be repairing the Mirror of OMEN, who's somewhat trusted by the other AutoFacilities, and not for Vlaahk, who they hate.
also gives us the abiltiy to restore anicent artifcats for us which will be very helpful and some loot we missed out on in forbidden archives and will be quite helpful with cpu moon I'd imanige
changing what I am doing for the bid toNames of Invocation, Probability Anchors and Yaccae Pantheocropolis
changing Yaccae Pantheocropolis to reliquary vaults
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Realized I accidentally applied the Cosmic Discount to Nuclear Ritual Engines so I decided to swap Thunder Rods for Rite of Restoration.
[X] Plan CyberSpaceForce
-[X] Ships
-- [X] TKK MothaShip
--- [X] Red Sun Resupply
--[X] TKK Resistance
---[X] CPUmoon Liberation x1
--[X] TKK Valiant
---[X] Drydock x1
--[X] TKK Spirit of Accomplishment
---[X] Drydock x2
---[X] CPUmoon Liberation x2
--[X] TKK Emissary
---[X] Drydock x3
---[X] CPUmoon Liberation x3
--[X] TKK Spirit of Toxel
---[X] Drydock x4
---[X] CPUmoon Liberation x4
--[X] TKK Endeavor-B
---[X] Drydock x5
---[X] CPUmoon Liberation x5
-[X] EXP 173/173
--[X] Great Grave Grave 10/10 Holy Site +FTH
--[X] Orbital Solar Relays 25/25 Void Express gets solar grid +EXP +1 NK
--[X] GigaDrill Deep Mantle Shielding 25/25 Upgrade Gigadrill so it can withstand the heat of the deep mantle. +1 NK
--[X] Iron Shores Daturgic Cannons 25/25 Cyberwarfare Superweapon to help with taking the AutoPlanet -1 NET
--[X] Iron Shores BioEngine 20/20 Get past genelocks
--[X] Ops Division (Resistance) 25/25 Resistance gains an ops division
--[X] BlokBot Army (Resistance) 25/25 Resistance gains an army
--[X] Cursite Cannons 15/50
--[X] Endless Enlightenment Matrix 13/25
-[X] CUL 148/148
--[X] Glasmite Hymnals 15/15 Resonance Tech downsized to the point where Grimoires can use it.
--[X] Sandscorn Shroombogs 25/25 Sandscorn gets notable Hobbgrot Population
--[X] Eldritch Rebirth 20/20Plays to boost Sandscorn Terraforming and possibly start forming a World Spirit. +FTH
--[X] The Conduit Folios 3 --> 20/20 Plays to boost PathTek and .ARCHONs. +FTH
--[X] Ascendant Lunite Muse 25/25 Some Lunite Muses upgrades with actual psychic powers +3 FTH -1 WP
--[X] Volcanus 9 Trading Company 35/35 Gain V9 Trading Company, a front that will be used to commit fraud by the Functionary +1 Intel
--[X] Grand Flotilla 12/50
-[X] FTH 158/158
--[X] Pelagic Liturgies 5/5 Old One Theurgy that boosts rite power. +EXP +CUL +FTH +ACD
--[X] Rites of the Toy Maker 20/20 Gain next levels of Toy Maker Rites, Resonance and Artifacts +~2 CUL +~2 FTH
--[X] Arcano-Engines 25/25 Shove Engines into Mag-Tek Altars to boost their magical power and discount ritual costs. +FTH +1 WP
--[X] Nuclear Ritual Engines 15/15 Unlocks FTH Ships but also has an unknown, but Old One verified, beneficial effect on our rites. -2 NK
--[X] Executables of power 25/25 Data Spirits gain advanced cyberspells. +ACD -1 NET
--[X] Rite of Restoration 10 --> 20/20 Develop ancient artifact restoration rite, and use it on OMEN's weird artifact +FTH +1 ART
--[X] Rite of Soul 3 --> 10/10 Increase Soul-Shine +??? +EXP +FTH
--[X] Rite of Communion 10/10 Allow telepathic vibing between organic and machine souls. +Machine Spirit Synergy +Fish Happiness +FTH +CUL
--[X] Bond Technomata 30/30 Induce the next level of Bond-Spirit, powerfully psychic.
--[X] War Muses 5-->15/15 Muses can fight better.
--[X] Many Biting Fish 1/20
-[X] ACD 125/125
--[X] Ekto Detektor 25/25 Ghost Bustaz. +ACD +1 WP
--[X] MegaSiphon 20/20 Unlocks Planetary Lifeforce Harvesting. +FTH +1 WP
--[X] Academy Fleet Network Lab 20/20 Upgrade Ship E-War Stuff
--[X] CyberGrimoires 25/25 TekGrimoires do Cybersorcery better. +ACD +FTH -1 NET
--[X] LumSoft Drivers 25/25 Data Spirits become more able to use Lumium Chips to create warding Lighthouses and boost their Executables' power. +ACD -1 NET +1 WP
--[X] Particle Field 5 --> 15/30
-[X] Resource Management
--[X] Artifacts: 1 --> 2
--[X] Biodata: 2
--[X] Living Metal: 1
--[X] Network: 6 --> 2
--[X] Nuclear Material: 0
--[X] Warp: 3 --> 6
--[X] Intel: 0 --> 1
--[X] EXP: +3
--[X] CUL: +4
--[X] FTH: +15
--[X] ACD: +5

  • Ships: Resistance is obviously gonna go to the Liberation, supported by four Endeavors. Unfortunately, there's no way for the Valiant to be repaired and go on the mission. MothaShip on Red Sun because I need bonus ACD next turn and it's maxed out rn.
  • EXP: Great Grave since I'd like to get that done sooner rather than later, and its NekroTek Synergy should hopefully help our GhostBustaz, Orbital Solar Relays because we used up a lot of NK, GigaDrill Deep Mantle Shielding to help our allies and also get NK, Daturgic Cannons and BioEngine to make the liberation easier and Ops Division and BlokBot Army for the Resistance to facilitate the raid. Also grabbed some progress on Cursite Cannons and Endless Enlightenment Matrix to prepare for next turn.
  • CUL: Glasmite Hymnals since we just got a shitload of resonance upgrades last turn, Sandscorn Shroombogs to help out the Hobbs and Khimer, Conduit Folios and Eldritch Rebirth to spread the Cosmic Renaissance to the Khimer and Data Spirits, Ascendant Lunite Muse to buff our most cyberwarfare suited muses (hopefully including TNDI since we don't have confirmation she died) Volcanus 9 Trading Company so we can track down an AgriWorld to liberate and be able to feed V9 when the time comes and some Grand Flotilla progress for next turn.
  • FTH: Pelagic Liturgies and Rites of the Toy Maker to capitalize on the Cosmic Discount and strengthen our gods and magics, Arcano-Engines and Nuclear Ritual Engines to capitalize on the Heart momentum, and further strengthen our magic (esp since Curses seem to be a weakness of the Krillships) Executables of Power since the Liberation is going to be, in large part, a cyberwarfare effort, Rite of Soul and Rite of Communion to further buff our robots and unlock Cetacean Ops for next turn, Bond Technomata to capitalize on that, give us psychic robots and probably synergize with ALMs, War Muses so our Muses can turn their powers towards combat more easily in the Liberation and Rite of Restoration to make the AutoFacilities less helpless and hopefully help with the liberation.
  • ACD: Ekto Detektor because the Moon is probably mega haunted, MegaSiphon because we've been sitting on it too long, Academy Fleet Network Lab for cyberwarfare purposes and CyberGrimoires and LumSoft Drivers to further strengthen our sorcerous cyberwarfare. Also pumped some progress into Particle Field because I want to get it next turn.
[X] Plan: That's No Moon But Bioengine
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Winning Vote
[X] Plan: That's No Moon
- [X] Fleet:
-- [X] TKK MothaShip
--- [X] Red Sun Security
-- [X] Valiant, Accomplishment (first assignment), Delivery (first assignment), Spirit of Toxel (first assignment), Emissary (first assignment), Endeavour-B (first assignment)
--- [X] Drydock
-- [X] Resistance, Accomplishment (second assignment), Delivery (second assignment), Spirit of Toxel (second assignment), Emissary (second assignment)
--- [X] CPU Moon Assault
-- [X] Endeavour-B (second assignment)
--- [X] New Dawn Extraction
- [X] EXP 173/173
-- [X] Operations Division 0/50 --> 50/25
--- [X] TKK Endeavour-B
--- [X] TKK Resistance
-- [X] Naklis Arms Factories 0/25 --> 25/25
-- [X] BlokBot Armies 0/15 --> 15/15
--- [X] TKK Resistance
-- [X] OOG-87's MicroSingularity 0/25 --> 8/25
-- [X] Fleet Railfort 0/25 --> 25/25 -- home system defense improved
-- [X] GigaDrill Deep Mantle Shielding 0/25 --> 25/25 -- +1 Nuclear Material, +2 Khimer Reputation
-- [X] Yr Albain Gem Shipment 0/15 --> 15/15 -- -1 Nuclear Material, +FTH, +Yr Albain Reputation?
- [X] CUL 148/148
-- [X] Iron Shores Necroverse 0/25 --> 25/25 -- -1 AutoVessel Influence, +1 AutoFacility Influence, +3 Auton Reputation, Marjak's dead body fixation is satisfied
-- [X] Illusion Matrix 0/25 --> 25/25 -- +CUL
-- [X] DazzleCubes 2/15 --> 15/15
-- [X] BlokBot Sales 0/25 --> 25/25 + EXP, + Yr Albain Reputation?
-- [X] Winterspite Outpost Guard Contract 0/40 --> 40/40 -- +3 Winterspite Kabal Reputation
-- [X] Frontier Security Force 2/15 --> 15/15 -- defense of all colonies/outposts improved
-- [X] Shell of the Storm Kraken! 0 --> 7/25
- [X] FTH 158/158
-- [X] Executables of Power 0/25 --> 25/25 -- -1 Network, +ACD, unlocks cyberspace rites?
-- [X] Rite of Communion 0/10 --> 10/10 -- +CUL, +FTH
-- [X] Hounds 0/25 --> 25/25 -- -1 Artifact
-- [X] Oh Barnacles 0/15 --> 15/15 -- +Darktide curses
-- [X] VaccineWare 0/25 --> 25/25 -- +electronic warfare defenses
-- [X] War-Muses 5/15 --> 15/15
-- [X] Curse of Elemental Wrath 0/20 --> 20/20
-- [X] Rite of Restoration 10/25 --> 20/20 -- +1 Artifact, +FTH, + 10 Auton Reputation, OMEN gains Mirror Black
-- [X] Pelagic Liturgies 0/5 --> 5/5 -- +EXP, +CUL, +ACD, +FTH
-- [X] Rite of Soul 3/10 --> 10/10 -- +EXP, +FTH
-- [X] Sanctum Sanctorum 0/25 --> 1/25
- [X] ACD 125/125
-- [X] Living Metal Rounds 0/20 --> 20/20 -- -1 Living Metal
-- [X] Construct Courier Class Ship 0/15 --> 10 + 3 Frontier Society +2 Admiral Aliya/15
--- [X] Yr Albain Orbit
-- [X] MiniShieldTek 0/35 --> 35/35 -- unlocks wearable ShieldTek
-- [X] Positron Brain Surgery 0/25 --> 25/25 -- Ijin cured, +Auton Reputation?
-- [X] MagTek Blasters 0/15 --> 15/15
-- [X] Sandscorn Desert-Biosphere Hybridization Program 0/20 --> 20/20 -- +Khimer Reputation?
- [X] Resources
-- [X] Artifacts: 1
-- [X] Biodata: 2
-- [X] Intel: 0
-- [X] Living Metal: 1 --> 0
-- [X] Network: 6 --> 5
-- [X] Nuclear Material: 0
-- [X] Warp: 3

We face war on many fronts.

In warpspace, the forming Hermit was nearly eaten by a daemon. We've seen increased activity from Tzeentch's forces on our worlds. While the power of the Wyld has repelled them so far, we've started drawing more and more of Chaos' attention and will find ourselves in the crosshairs soon.

To our west, we have what may be the remnants of the Great Devourer cult--and if that's not it, that just makes one wonder what has the Psyocracy so freaked out.

All around, we have the Imperium, which will be taking increased note of us and Yr Albain due to our timefold antics.

And of course there's the Toothgrimm Kabal, who will likely try to raid us soon.

But the most immediate threat is the Man of Flint. It's not just the krillfleet; we will be helping the Autons take AutoPlanet this turn. We're committed and there is no turning back.

This plan ensures that the liberation of AutoPlanet will go off with as few problems as possible while also improving our position in our other conflicts.

Firstly, this is a massive upgrade to our ground forces. We've seen how effective curses are; the Curse of Elemental Wrath is a curse targeted at ground enemies and it's ability to manipulate metal should be very useful on what is basically a giant space station. The Hounds and war-muses help improve melee combat, and should get us closer to realizing the Huntmaster to boot. MagTek blasters and living metal guns will improve our ranged forces, and MiniShieldTek improves durability a great deal, especially given our shield boosts. Oh, and Executables of Power and VaccineWare should massively improve our ability to fight the logic-virus in cyberspace.

Secondly, this helps reinforce Yr Albain. It doesn't get everything I'd like. For one thing, we're not giving them WyldVessels. But this does get them and other interested Exodite worlds BlokBot and AutoDog armies, and it gives them a lot of cursite, purified cursite, and luminum to experiment with. Hopefully, that should help fend off any Imperium raids on the forming alliance.

Thirdly, this makes Teklia and our colonies better defended. By buying the fleet railfort and getting the Frontier Security Force it'll be a lot harder for Toothgrimm to destroy any of our colonies. Hiring Winterspite to guard the red sun outposts may not make everyone very happy, but it keeps us on the client list and should keep them from selling us out or raiding our allies. It also gets us closer to hiring them as privateers, which I'd very much like to do. Oh barnacles also will help against any space forces that assault our planets.

There's a lot of other minor things this helps with. Because of the overlap between the Ambassadors of the Outer Dark and Kadath (who is literally Cthulhu) we may unlock further ambassador-related projects to improve our offense against Chaos by taking pelagic liturgies. Adapting Sandscorn's life to the desert makes it so the Khimer don't have to put energy into keeping the biosphere stable, and improving the GigaDrill should let them build up their own forces faster. Illusion matrixes should be useful for our spies. Positron brain surgery helps Ijin and the other infected Autons, and while the necroverse grosses me out it does help the Autons and keeps Marjak from abducting random zombies.
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[X] Plan: That's No Moon

as a fellow admiral and the architect of the cosmic renaissance this plan has my full support

[X] Plan CyberSpaceForce
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[X] Plan: That's No Moon But Bioengine
- [X] Fleet:
-- [X] TKK MothaShip
--- [X] Three Brothers Xenoscience Monitors
-- [X] Valiant, Accomplishment (first assignment), Delivery (first assignment), Spirit of Toxel (first assignment), Emissary (first assignment), Endeavour-B (first assignment)
--- [X] Drydock
-- [X] Resistance, Accomplishment (second assignment), Delivery (second assignment), Spirit of Toxel (second assignment), Emissary (second assignment)
--- [X] CPU Moon Assault
-- [X] Endeavour-B (second assignment)
--- [X] New Dawn Extraction
- [X] EXP 173/173
-- [X] Operations Division 0/50 --> 50/25
--- [X] TKK Endeavour-B
--- [X] TKK Resistance
-- [X] Naklis Arms Factories 0/25 --> 25/25
-- [X] BlokBot Armies 0/15 --> 15/15
--- [X] TKK Resistance
-- [X] OOG-87's MicroSingularity 0/25 --> 3/25
-- [X] Fleet Railfort 0/25 --> 25/25 -- home system defense improved
-- [X] GigaDrill Deep Mantle Shielding 0/25 --> 25/25 -- +1 Nuclear Material, +2 Khimer Reputation
-- [X] Iron Shores Bioengine 0/20 --> 20/20
- [X] CUL 148/148
-- [X] Iron Shores Necroverse 0/25 --> 25/25 -- -1 AutoVessel Influence, +1 AutoFacility Influence, +3 Auton Reputation, Marjak's dead body fixation is satisfied
-- [X] Illusion Matrix 0/25 --> 25/25 -- +CUL
-- [X] DazzleCubes 2/15 --> 15/15
-- [X] BlokBot Sales 0/25 --> 25/25 + EXP, + Yr Albain Reputation?
-- [X] Winterspite Outpost Guard Contract 0/40 --> 40/40 -- +3 Winterspite Kabal Reputation
-- [X] Frontier Security Force 2/15 --> 15/15 -- defense of all colonies/outposts improved
-- [X] Shell of the Storm Kraken! 0 --> 7/25
- [X] FTH 158/158
-- [X] Executables of Power 0/25 --> 25/25 -- -1 Network, +ACD, unlocks cyberspace rites?
-- [X] Rite of Communion 0/10 --> 10/10 -- +CUL, +FTH
-- [X] Hounds 0/25 --> 25/25 -- -1 Artifact
-- [X] Oh Barnacles 0/15 --> 15/15 -- +Darktide curses
-- [X] VaccineWare 0 --> 25/25 -- +electronic warfare defenses
-- [X] War-Muses 5 --> 15/15
-- [X] Curse of Elemental Wrath 0/20 --> 20/20
-- [X] Rite of Restoration 10/25 --> 20/20 -- +1 Artifact, +FTH, + 10 Auton Reputation, OMEN gains Mirror Black
-- [X] Pelagic Liturgies 0/5 --> 5/5 -- +EXP, +CUL, +ACD, +FTH
-- [X] Rite of Soul 3/10 --> 10/10 -- +EXP, +FTH
-- [X] Sanctum Sanctorum 0/25 --> 1/25
- [X] ACD 125/125
-- [X] Living Metal Rounds 0/20 --> 20/20 -- -1 Living Metal
-- [X] Construct Courier Class Ship 0/15 --> 10 + 3 Frontier Society +2 Admiral Aliya/15
--- [X] Yr Albain Orbit
-- [X] MiniShieldTek 0/35 --> 35/35 -- unlocks wearable ShieldTek
-- [X] Positron Brain Surgery 0/25 --> 25/25 -- Ijin cured, +Auton Reputation?
-- [X] MagTek Blasters 0/15 --> 15/15
-- [X] Sandscorn Desert-Biosphere Hybridization Program 0/20 --> 20/20 -- +Khimer Reputation?
- [X] Resources
-- [X] Artifacts: 1
-- [X] Biodata: 2
-- [X] Intel: 0
-- [X] Living Metal: 1 --> 0
-- [X] Network: 6 --> 5
-- [X] Nuclear Material: 0
-- [X] Warp: 3

I like the No Moon plan but I also really want to grab the Bioengine before we lose it forever.

[X] Plan Darktide Rising
[X] Plan: Eggman's Announcement about CPUMoon
[X] Plan: Machina Ascendant
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