Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

yah not sure how to drop a link but it a public one @The Bird or someone else can drop a link too it
If the void dragon or deceiver were here the quest would be over cause they would have taken control of our civilization and start taking our ferrets souls. These ctan are obviously vastly different from the ctan of lore and again we should be use in quest material to decide our decsiion on them not outisde quest material
Also not everyone gonna be worshiping them we aren't founding a state relgion here there will still be much religious diveristy and pluraism ect espically since we will be taking the other faith options too. TBH we choose to vote for god machines it would suck if we suddenly decide to never interact with them just cause we found out there ctan. Also I mean they saved our entire civilization it only make sense cults would form cause of them
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yah not sure how to drop a link but it a public one @The Bird or someone else can drop a link too it

Also not everyone gonna be worshiping them we aren't founding a state relgion here there will still be much religious diveristy and pluraism ect espically since we will be taking the other faith options too. TBH we choose to vote for god machines it would suck if we suddenly decide to never interact with them just cause we found out there ctan. Also I mean they saved our entire civilization it only make sense cults would form cause of them
I will give you we should interact with them but I feel the machine spirits are more worthywhile first pick cause well they are the basis of our tech. Also I disagree on the if it was the deciever or void dragon cause they pretended to help the necrons first and only eat their souls later on. Granted their might be some c'tan who don't hate all other life and just necrons cause those two groups were the embodiment of enemy of my enemy is an ally of convenience but yeah chances either of them are here is low
Adhoc vote count started by The Bird on Feb 26, 2023 at 11:03 AM, finished with 95 posts and 40 votes.

  • [X] Plan Infrastructure and Setup
    -[X] Fleet Action
    --[X] Survey Luna
    ---[X] TKK Endeavor
    -[X] EXP Action
    --[X] Autorecycler Plants 5/5 EXP
    --[X] NukeTek 3/3 EXP
    -[X] CUL Action
    --[X] Promoted Therapy 5/5 CUL
    --[X] HobbyBots 1/3 CUL
    -[X]FTH Action
    --[X] Rite of Anima 10/10 FTH
    -[X]ACD Action
    --[X] BlokBots 5/5 ACD
    --[X] MagTek Assembly 5/5 ACD
    --[X] MagTek Binding 1/5 ACD
    [X] Plan: Brave New World(s) without the Tombs
    -[X] Fleet Actions
    --[X] Survey Erichtheo
    ---[X] TKK Endeavor
    -[X] Expansion Projects
    --[X] Orbital Shipyard (0/10 --> 5/10)
    --[X] NukeTek (0/3 --> 3/3)
    -[X] Culture Projects
    --[X] Promoted Therapy (0/5 --> 5/5)
    --[X] Nuclear Engineering For Kits (0/5 --> 1/10)
    -[X] Faith Projects
    --[X] Folk Religion Revival (0/5 --> 5/5)
    --[X] TekMausoleums (0/10 --> 5/10)
    -[X] Academy Actions
    --[X] Warp Drive (0/10 --> 1/10)
    --[X] BlokBots (0/5 --> 5/5)
    --[X] ShieldBloks (0/5 --> 5/5)
    [X] Plan: Brave New World(s) + God Machines
    -[X] Fleet Actions (1/1)
    --[X] Survey Erichtheo
    ---[X] TKK Endeavor
    -[X] Expansion Projects
    --[X] Orbital Shipyard (0/10 --> 5/10)
    --[X] NukeTek (0/3 --> 3/3)
    -[X] Culture Projects
    --[X] Promoted Therapy (0/5 --> 5/5)
    --[X] Nuclear Engineering For Kits (0/5 --> 1/10)
    -[X] Faith Projects
    --[X] Folk Religion Revival (0/5 --> 5/5)
    --[X] God Machine Cults (0/5 --> 5/5)
    -[X] Academy Actions
    --[X] Warp Drive (0/10 --> 1/10)
    --[X] BlokBots (0/5 --> 5/5)
    --[X] ShieldBloks (0/5 --> 5/5)
    [X] Plan: Brave New World(s)
    [X] Plan: Stepping Out of the Cradle
    -[X] Fleet Actions
    --[X] Survey Luna
    ---[X] TKK Endeavor
    -[X] EXP
    --[X] Autorecycler Plants 5/5
    --[X] NukeTek. 3/3
    -[X] CLU
    --[X] Promoted Therapy 5/5
    --[X] Hobby Bots 1/3
    -[X] FTH
    --[X] God-Machine Cults 5/5
    --[X] Folk Religion Revival 5/5
    -[X] ACD
    --[X] Warp Drive 1/10
    --[X] MagTek Binding 5/5
    --[X] BlokBots 5/5
    [X]Plan Ice, Expansion and Machines
    -[X] Fleet Action: Survey Tacchis
    --[X]TKK Endeavor
    -[X] EXP Action
    --[X] Data Processing Hubs ( 5 EXP out of 5)
    --[X] Orbital Shipyard ( 3 EXP out of 10)
    -[X]CLU Action
    --[X]Promoted Therapy (3 CLU out of 5)
    --[X]Hobby Bots (3 CLU out of 3)
    -[X]FTH Action
    --[X]Rite of Anima (10 FTH out of 10)
    -[X]ACD Action
    --[X]BlokBots (5 ADC out of 5)
    --[X]Quantum Calculators ( 5 ACD out of 5, 1 NET)
    --[X] Repair Protocol (1 ADC out of 20)
    [X] Erichtheo: Named after an old goddess from Classical Myth, Erichtheo, a moon of Mongus, is believed to be the only planet in the solar system capable of supporting life. Icy and oceanic, exploration of Erichtheo has captured the minds of science fiction authors for generations: stepping foot on it would be...well, certainly monumental.
    [x] Plan Healing, bots, and growth
    -[X] Fleet Action
    -- [x] Erichtheo
    --- [x] TKK Endeavour
    - [x] Exp Actions
    -- [x] Deep Space Monitors X2 (2/2, -1 NT)
    -- [x] NukeTek x3 (3/3, -1 NK)
    -- [x] Orbital Shipyard x3 (3/10)
    - [x] Cul Actions
    -- [x] Promoted Therapy x5 (5/5)
    -- [x] Hobby Bots x1 (1/3)
    - [x] Fth Actions
    -- [x] Rite of Anima x10 (10/10)
    - [x] Acd Actions
    -- [x] Quantum Calculators x5 (5/5, -1 NT)
    -- [x] BlokBots x5 (5/5)
    -- [x] MagTek Binding x1 (1/5)

Vote locked.
I will give you we should interact with them but I feel the machine spirits are more worthywhile first pick cause well they are the basis of our tech. Also I disagree on the if it was the deciever or void dragon cause they pretended to help the necrons first and only eat their souls later on. Granted their might be some c'tan who don't hate all other life and just necrons cause those two groups were the embodiment of enemy of my enemy is an ally of convenience but yeah chances either of them are here is low
hmmm yah I sympathize/understand the sentiment that we shouldn't take them as out first faith option personally I am a sucker for syncretism/pluralism options so I want to take a whole bunch of faith/religious options including the god machine cults. I also think those are the route for further interactions with the god machines so it another reason I want to take them
If the void dragon or deceiver were here the quest would be over cause they would have taken control of our civilization and start taking our ferrets souls. These ctan are obviously vastly different from the ctan of lore and again we should be use in quest material to decide our decsiion on them not outisde quest material

Well, if we consider YALDABOATH's behavior, it gives some weight to the idea that prominent C'Tan shards may be watching over the Tekket: besides being infamous as one of the most destructive C'Tan, the Void Dragon is also remembered as a great inventor who pioneered the use of blackstone-based technology among the Necrons, and one of the first things our shiny giant friend did after wiping the floor with the Imperials is go and build a workshop where it toils and creates "forbidden and hidden works".

Anyways, if the main worry right now is the Tekket becoming fanatical Machine-God worshippers, giving them them alternative outlets for their spirituality with options like Folk Religions Revival or the TekShrines seems like the best bet to prevent that.
Well, if we consider YALDABOATH's behavior, it gives some weight to the idea that prominent C'Tan shards may be watching over the Tekket: besides being infamous as one of the most destructive C'Tan, the Void Dragon is also remembered as a great inventor who pioneered the use of blackstone-based technology among the Necrons, and one of the first things our shiny giant friend did after wiping the floor with the Imperials is go and build a workshop where it toils and creates "forbidden and hidden works".

Anyways, if the main worry right now is the Tekket becoming fanatical Machine-God worshippers, giving them them alternative outlets for their spirituality with options like Folk Religions Revival or the TekShrines seems like the best bet to prevent that.
the void dragon is under mars so it be kind of hard for it to be here in a vault and considering the void dragon usual behavior...

for the second part I don't think there a massive risk of that it takes a lot of steps for a group to become fanatical and just having a religion form around them doesn't mean it gonna happen anymore likely than folk regions or tekshrines. We also don't want them to become fanatical with folk relgions, or with tek shrine so I think the best bet is to have diveristy in it god machine cults, folk relgions revial, tek shrines ect
Then that is information that should have been shared in this thread, instead of on a different website.
Yeaaaaah. I certainly don't mind supplemental areas of interaction when it comes to quests, but that's some really important information when it comes to decision making. The idea of having to join a discord server just to get information that should have been posted in thread has always annoyed me.

Sketch of Captain Taavi.

I love how there's a combination of cartoonish proportions, a more realistic head, and those... Spindle limbs. The way you've done the shading and textures makes it all very distinct. While I was initially imagining differently, I think that this really captures just how long ferrets can be. There's also an aura of Tim Burton involved and I appreciate that.
Then that is information that should have been shared in this thread, instead of on a different website.
tbc I realized my stament was misleading I edited my post to clarify to say this

tbc the later part of the statment is my own opionon on it as we have seen inquest no signs of the god machines malfunction or anything. They seem in perfect working order and we recivie in quest warning if they were malfucntion in some manner. The first part of it is the qm statment the later part of the setnece is my own beleif. TBC the qm said they are ctan.
To be fair it was kinda obvious that they were C'tan with necron servants from the options. I'd just personally prefer explicit confirmation happen in thread :V
Turn Two: Small Step for Ferretkind
"You know, the sun only comes up once a month on the moon. Every lunar morning, my father and I would put on suits and... hike out across the Sea of Clouds. We'd stop at this collection of boulders on the western rim and... just wait for the sun to come up. Dawn is so... shocking on the moon. One minute you're in the darkest night you can imagine. And in the next instant the sun lifts up and this... glorious, pure light just... explodes across the surface... I felt like I met God every morning," - Chief Dorian O'Collens, Star Trek: Deep Space 9

Taavi stepped off the lander onto the cold lunar soil. "One small step for Tekket, one great step for Tekketkind," He said, gazing across the debris strewn vista. Next to him was his away team, a small comportment of officers and ensigns, offloading monitoring and survey equipment. "Taavi to bridge," He said, contacting the ship. "How far are we from the Anomaly?" He asked.

"You should be in walking distance, Cap'n!" His navigator told him over comms, miles and miles above them in the Endeavor. "I'm picking up some heavy EM readings about thirty spans south of your position."

"Hrrrm," He said, tapping his foot, noting how...silent it was, in the cold vacuum: he was far too used to the noise of his paws clattering against cold plastic tiles. The non-sound of his Envirosuit clad footpaw was...almost uncanny. Of course, it wasn't the only odd thing about space. Looking up, gazing at the world resting above in the lunar sky...every time he glanced, Taavi felt a sense of profound awe at the simulataneous vastness of it all and a deep appreciation for just how small he ultimately was in the grand scheme of things. The Overview effect: a common phenomenon observed in Tekket who travelled offworld, responsible for a number of cognitive shifts. Something about seeing the planet from invoked something in the Tekket soul.

...In anyone with a healthy capacity for empathy, at least. Looking away, Taavi shook his head. "Alright, Commander Knypti. I'm going in for a visual on foot reconaissance of the anomaly."

"Be careful, Cap'n: I know this place might look like Teklia, but the lack of atmosphere means some technology might still be active," Knypti told him over coms.

"I'll be cautious, Commander," Taavi reassured. "I'm just going to collect visual data to confirm scanner readings."

Luna scanned. Features include high amounts of scrap material, trace amounts of leftover PrecursorTek, high EM radiation anomalies. Can perform additional scan in 2 turns in order to locate more resources and notable sites. In order to utilize these features, you will have to establish a moon base.

TKK Endeavor: The pinnacle of Tekketi engineering, the Endeavor is the first real space ship constructed in the aftermath of the Destroyer War, incorporating a variety of technologies to enable it to perform its mission. A hypermodular vessel build from grey dyed ferroplastic bloks, its design consists of a wide, flat disc connected via finned spine to two large nacelles. The majority of the crew and work decks are housed in the disc structure, alongside most civilian installations, wheras the Nacelles each contain sub-engineering decks, redundant systems, and storage. Lightly armed with only fusion torpedos and comm-jammers, the Endeavor is not intended to win a stand up fight: it's purpose is purely exploratory.

[-] Survey Luna: Some light surveying had been done, revealing the best scrap harvesting locations alongside some small remnants of PrecursorTek. Also concerningly a number of high EM anomalies that your people weren't entirely sure the cause of: attempts to get a visual had been inconclusive and the EM field was distorting scanners. COOLDOWN: 2 TURNS. SCAN LEVEL: 1

[ ] Survey Naklis:
The planet closest to the sun, and Teklias closest neighbor. Deep space probes indicated it was mostly molten metal, with a thick, unbreathable and almost liquid atmosphere. A long term survey would be extremely enlightening in regards to planetary geology, and it would give you a good opportunity to test out your probes.

[ ] Survey Tacchis: In ancient Tekketi history, Tacchis was considered a dark omen by astrologers and mystics. These days, the iceball was mostly known for the massive amount of diamonds probes had found: the planet was mostly carbon and water. While gems had no material value since the abolition of currency outside their use in industry and decoration, the survey data would still be useful.

[ ] Survey Mongus: The largest gas giant in your system, Mongus has a green atmosphere, the result of several rare-teklia gases according to probe data. You wouldn't be able to do a ground exploration of the system: the atmospheric pressure would crush your strongest vehicle like aluminum. But you could certainly do atmospheric probes and expeditions.

[ ] Survey Meeklak: The second largest gas giant, but the one with the largest ring, Meeklak was too far for casual probe use, meaning it and its ring were largely unsurveyed.

[ ] Erichtheo: Named after an old goddess from Classical Myth, Erichtheo, a moon of Mongus, is believed to be the only planet in the solar system capable of supporting life. Icy and oceanic, exploration of Erichtheo has captured the minds of science fiction authors for generations: stepping foot on it would be...well, certainly monumental.

[ ] Spraa'ng: The furthest planet in your solar system, very little is known about Spraa'ng due to its absurd distance. You're unlikely to find anything interesting before requiring a return trip, but it would certainly be a good way to test your engines.


Autorecycler Plants

Elsewhere, an Engineer walked along a metal catwalk, followed shortly by a Bond-Drone carrying a nuclear core. Below him, a vast boiling cauldron of molten ore and scrap, nearly a mile across, tended to by Bond-Drones hovering through the air, dumping vast loads of salvaged cargo shipped in from all across the continent. AutoRecycler Plant 001, one of three that serviced the local continent: a fairly recent piece of infrastructure that was nonetheless paying dividends.

Continuing down the walkway, the Engineer approached a long spire sticking out of the center of the megacrucible, looking like almost like a pencil standing upright in the middle of a bowl of bubbling soup. Molten ore soup. On the spires side, right next to the edge of the walkway, was a blocky console assembled from heat-treated Bloks attached to the rest of the spire.

Tapping a few buttons and looking at the numbers, the engineer clipped his harness to the catwalk railing before entering a series of commands, causing a panel next to the console to pop open. Time to upgrade this things power source: the Autorecycler was producing enough nuclear materials to justify an upgrade so that it could produce additional nuclear materials. The infrastructure would be updated to meet the needs of the updating infrastructure: such was life.

EXPansion Points (EXP Points): 14
Nuclear Material: 2

Teklia: Teklia, oh Teklia. The second planet from your star, and your homeworld. A variety of mostly hospitable climates of variable comfortability, it is covered in what can only be described as space garbage: the ecosystem has largely adapted to it and millenia of exploitation has done much to clear it away, but its undeniably a very garbage covered planet. In recent years, it had had a complete overhaul of its power generation infrastructure, and the erection of the vast Auto-Recyclers were serving to accelerate the pace at which the surface was cleansed of debris.

Available Expansion Actions:

Orbital Shipyard:
Currently, you had no real orbital shipyard of note. If you wanted to construct more ships, you should probably rectify that. The current plan was for it to be five miles: small, but it would allow for small vessels, probes, and easier maintenance of the Endeavor. 0/10, unlocks additional Orbital Actions.

Nuclear Stockpiles:
It was a very distasteful idea: nuclear weapons were ultimately a remnant of a darker, more divided age, and they had been of limited effectiveness during the Destroyer War, but they were, at the moment, the only weapon you had that could hit hard enough to come even close to shaking their bunkers. Better to have them and not need them, you supposed. 0/1, Grants Nuclear Weapon Stockpile. Can be taken multiple times. Can be used as Shipscale Weaponry in the form of Nuclear Torpedos. Costs one Nuclear Material.

Data Processing Hubs:
If there was something society would always need more of, it was data processing power. Directorate Academy especially needed it to run simulations and let the synthetic intelligences they use work at max capacity. Most processing outside said Academy was done at the TekHubs, massive constructions of GPU's and CPU's and servers and transmitters and receivers that did their work wirelessly and instantaneously. 0/5, generates extra ACaDemia Points, generates a point of Network (NT).

Deep Space Monitors:
One day, the Destroyers would return. It was a fear many, many of you held. To that end, some of you wanted to expand the deep space monitoring project in order to ensure that they would not take you by surprise. 0/2, repeatable, costs 1 Network. Each completion gives more robust deep space scanning.

Luna Base 1:
With actual survey data, some on Teklia wanted to establish the first permanent off-world research base to perform experiments deemed too dangerous to perform on Teklia itself. It would also allow for limited exploitation of Lunar Resources. 0/5, Costs 1 Nuclear Material and 1 Network, grants additional ACD points and unlocks HazardTek research projects.

High Energy Physics Lab:
With more free power, some were suggesting expanding the Academy by adding a specialized high energy physics lab to help train engineers and researchers to properly take advantage of the energy now available to them. 0/10, costs 2 Nuclear Material, generates 2 Network and generates ACD.

BlokTek Arcologies:
As planetary industry expanded so too did its need for housing and infrastructure: urbanification was inevitable without special measures. It wasn't immediate, but some wanted to embark on the construction of a series of low-environmental impact arcologies meant to house the vast majority of your species in order to pre-empt such a problem before it occurred. 0/20, generates EXP, pre-emptively prevents urbanification of Teklian wilderness.

Parks and Rec:
Forestry had always been a niche field, but with so much garbage being cleared, a number of ecosystems were almost blossoming from how much space and sunlight they now had. Some among your people wanted to turn these areas into communal social areas, carefully tended to in order to allow for recreational enjoyment. 0/5, generates CUL and FTH.


Elsewhere still, a Tekket sat at a chair. Across from them lie their patient. The pair of them were silent. Such had been most of their sessions. He suspected she was lonely: it was not unusual. There had been many during the destroyer war who had lost everything, leaving them with no one. And as much as the Directorate tried to give people tools to help fight atomization...

Well, some people fell through the cracks, retreating into themselves. No friends, no family, only names on a screen as they never left their homes: at most perhaps a Bond-Drone or pet. It was most common in the older generation, the doctor noted: the educational system and the anti-atomization policies the directorate had ensured that any youths lacking family had enough socialization that they could usually find life-partners, platonic or otherwise.

But no safety net was absolute, especially when dealing with a traumatized generation. On the wall, the doctor's analogue clock, an old antique from before the war, clicked and clicked. Once the metal hands reached a certain point, it let out a ding, signalling that their session was running late. His patient silently rose, beginning to leave. "You know, if you need an extra few hours, I don't have any other patients today," The doctor offered. In truth, a deliberate tactic: he hoped that given extra time, she might open up. Then, he could attempt to help her.

The patient hesitated for a moment, and the doctors heart beat as he hoped he'd finally get a chance to help her. Then, the knot in his gut uncoiled as she sat back down. He might be able to make progress yet!

Compulsory Education: One of the things that helped the Directorate flourish was mandatory education starting years 3 to 21. Every citizen received lessons in science, engineering, mathematics, language, history, and ethics. Provides an extra ACD Point.

War Against Extinction:
A harsh lesson learned during the Destroyer War: there existed powers in the cosmos far more powerful than your species that wished you harm. It was a grim calculus, but if the day came when your soldiers and explorers had to sacrifice themselves in order to take down an enemy that would threaten your people, they would, without hesitation. Slight bonus for all forces against superior opponents, can designate forces as Extinctionist, increasing how much damage they do to foes but moderately reducing survivability.

Moneyless Society:
Currency was an outdated concept when you produced enough food and material to more than meet peoples needs. Resistance to subversion increased.

Promoted Therapy:
Trauma was an enemy to the health and wellbeing of many Tekket. To combat it, your society provided a variety of tools to help people seeking treatment. Increased mental resilience for all Tekket.

Culture Points (CUL Points): 6

An idea proposed by those among Directorate Fleet Command, designing a series of games intended to act as training sims for things such as tactics, survival skills, piloting, etc. This would also serve to help drive interest in the Fleet, increasing recruitment. 0/5, grants the Wargamer tradition, slightly increasing the general survivability of your forces and increasing recruitment.

Advanced Therapy Promotion Project:
It wasn't enough, some claimed, to merely fight against the diseases of the mind. In order to achieve its best self, society must treat the study and treatment of mental illness as a major science in and of itself. They were proposing a branch of the Academy dedicated to training social workers, therapists, and clinical psychiatrists and psychiatric researchers. 0/10, upgrades Promoted Therapy, increasing mental resilience further, costs 1 Network

Hobby Bots:
Manufacturing Bond-Drones required mature, strong machine spirits, but there were a variety of simpler automata that could be used for recreational purposes, such as Bot-Battles, Bot-Racing, urban exploration, etc. Encouraging them would be a good way to get people into bot-design. 1/3, grants the Hobby Bots tradition, providing a small bonus to EXP Points.

Compulsory Secondary Education:
It wasn't...strictly needed, since most Tekket pursued secondary education anyways. Still, by making it mandatory and spending resources to expand the Academy, you could effectively ensure 100% of your population was considered skilled. 0/10, grants the Compulsory Secondary Education, increasing ACD Points, costs 1 Network.

Nuclear Engineering For Kits:
Every so often a strange idea appears on the docket, and this was one of them: some Tekket wanted to give schools nuclear experimentation playsets for physics and engineering minded kits to play with, educating them on the finer points of nuclear physics and technology. The technology did exist to make this mostly safe, but it would be very resource intensive. 0/10, grants Nukes for Kits, increasing EXP and ACD points, costs 1 NK

Some therapists have proposed bringing back the art of meditation. While it's origin lie in religion, they believe it can be repurposed into an agnostic form of general mental and spiritual wellness, one that a variety of belief and non-belief structures could benefit from. 0/5, establish Meditation tradition, generating FTH and providing an agnostic means of maintaining spiritual and mental wellness.


The Super Computer didn't hum so much as purr, the MagTek Altar that stood above it holding aloft a ursine TeddyBot, one that had served for some time as companionship for local children. Many parents had petitioned for it to be granted time for the rituals of growth, encoded onto the Super Computers logic circuits. Surrounding the Q-Blok and the Bond-Drone were a slowly chanting choir, singing songs of occult self-affirmation in ancient binaural: the Monks of the Circuit, an order of TekAgnostic Mysteks that had announced they would take requests for those wanting their beloved machine-spirit companions be elevated to the level of Bond-Drone.

The parents had decided that the Monks particular version of the ritual, which involved a mature Bond-Drone spirit housed within the supercomputer granting some of its spiritual strength and processing power in order to accelerate its development. More advanced and extreme versions existed that could strengthen the machines spirit existed, but those were for service-bond or guardian-bond, not childcare-bond.

The ursine, soft-looking BlokBlot had its normally green eyes dark: it's CPU was currently communing with that of the Computers, their spirits dancing in silent tandem, their soft and graceful digital waltz an act of communion and evolution both: soon, the TeddyBot was lowered, and the chants slowly softened into silence.

It's eyes came online, the LED of the BlokBot glowing a soft blue. The first part was done: conscious control of form.

Machine Spirits: Discovered via ancient texts from long gone precursors, the Tekket have a healthy reverence for machine spirits, viewing them as invisible partners and allies. So long as the vessel is maintained and proper respect is given, the Tekket find the spirits of their technology extremely reliable, with a handful of rites and rituals existing in order to allow the Tekket to commune with the ghosts in the machine. Improved reliability for all technology.

Rite of Anima:
A series of TekAgnostic Mystek rituals designed to help Machine Spirits achieve an awareness of self, strengthening them to the point they can be transferred into Bond-Drone vessels, where they can be used as companions, assistants, helpers, and pets. +2 EXP.

Faith Points (FTH Points): 10

Available Faith Projects:

God-Machine Cults:
Many already viewed them as divine: it would not be hard to establish a cult dedicated to the God-Machines, and it would provide a good outlet for Tekketi spirituality. Such a body would hold little temporal or legal power, of course: history proved that giving religious institutions political power was dicey. 0/5, establishes God-Machine Cult.

Folk Religion Revival:
There were also a variety of older religions that had seen a resurgence in membership since the God Machines were awoken, and unlike the God-Machines, they didn't necessarily tie their loyalty to ultimately capricious demiurges. 0/5, Re-establishes various folk religions in Tekketi Civilization.

MagTek Altars:
A number of Mytek orders had found the Rite of Anima performed most efficiently via a sort of ritual accelerator, created using an Assembler Pad, super computers hosting mature Bond-Drones, and specific ritual iconography, assembled into what you can only describe as a MagTek Altar. Many of said orders wanted to attempt to develop a standardized and perfected version that could be deployed to Mysteks across the planet, and many citizens seemed receptive to spending resources on the idea since it meant more Bond-Drones. 0/5, Deploy Mag-Tek Altar Artifacts, generating EXP and FTH and empowering Mystek Traditions. Costs 1 Network.

Rite of Soul:
You can make the spirits more awake. Could you increase the shine of their soul?Costs 1 ART.

Some of your engineers had taken to leaving machine spirits offerings, constructing simple shrines in the bowels of your facilities where they would leave bits of metal, plastic, food, scraps of paper scrawled with prayers. This had shown a mild strengthening effect on Machine Spirits in the area: perhaps something to be formalized. 0/10, develop TekShrine Tradition, increasing EXP.

Older machine spirits were more powerful machine spirits. Eventually, they reach a point where their vessel is no longer suitable: that is why Bond-Drones exist. However, some believed that with the advent of modern computing, standard Bond-Drones would also eventually become insufficient. Their proposal: house them in a powerful quantum supercomputer. This would limit them in terms of shell, but would provide them with enough room to achieve full intelligence. 0/15, Develop Bond-Machina, a form of supercomputer housing a fully mature and self aware machine spirit. Other effects unknown.

There existed no formalized way to deal with the loss of a loved one: some incinerated their remains and had the ashes scattered at places they considered significant, some inter their dead underground, others still ritually immolate themselves when they feel death is near. Several more morbid citizens had an idea for how to ensure the dead are properly respected and remembered: erect a massive Data Hub to serve as a digital mausoleum, storing images of the deceased, records of their existence, and summaries of who they were written by friends and family. In this way, no one would ever be forgotten. 0/10, develop TekMausoleum rites, increasing CUL, creating a digital record of the dead. Costs 1 Network. Unlocks TekMortuary Rites.

The benevolent spirits of the machine were not the only ones that existed. There also existed darker spirits: the Gremlins, daemons of the circuit that wreaked havok using possessed shells. The Antianima, the Dark Spirits of Nightmares. Some religions held too that lighter ones also existed: the guardian souls of those passed on. The spirits of machines that transcended their physical form. Divine beings sent from on high. And all the ones in the middle of the morality spectrum. And others beyond. The priests and holy men of your society wished to assemble an authoritative compendium of these spirits and known ways to invoke, mollify, ward against, and banish them. 0/15, Develop TekGrimoire Artifact, increasing FTH. Unlocks TekDaemonism, TekOccultism, and TekAnimism Rites.

Delve into the Tomb:
The complex where the God-Machines were located was, according to the expedition that found the God-Machines, impossibly vast. A select number of Monks wished to establish a temple atop it. It's purpose? To plumb the depths and obtain ancient technology. 0/10, Establish Tombdelver Order, a Society which generates Artifacts (ART).


Elsewhere, an Academy Engineer taped at a pad, in a facility that consisted of dozens upon dozens of assembler pads, each with an attending engineer. In front of her, the Assembler Pad rotated a series of bloks, motor bloks and enginebloks and enviromental armor bloks and drill bloks. Pressing a button and finishing her design, the mining bot snapped together, the pieces provided fitting together to follow the schematic the engineer had devised. "Blok, I do not miss the days when I would've had to do that by hand," She muttered as the Bot flickered to life.

Standing at three feet in height, with a vaguely simian build, it almost resembled a primate of sorts, with its hunched, powerful form and long limbs. A bright pink robo-primate, yes, and instead of a head it had a square, featureless other than a pair of square purple LED's on the middle of each side mostly meant to serve as decorative 'eyes'. Making a beep, the minerbot turned to the engineer.

Five button presses, and its head swivelled, the minerbot moving in the direction of the Academy Grav-Trams. Plutonium harvesting operation had hit the motherlode, and had requisitioned (and been approved for) a shipment of custom BlokBots, and the Engineer figured it would be good to get some extra credit: that way, the professors might approve her for private assembler time.

She wanted to try her hand at the Battle of the Bots, a regular competition in her wing of the Academy that consisted of a full obstacle course. She didn't expect to win, but she did want to see how large a bot could be designed before they wouldn't be allowed, and to do that, she needed a LOT of private assembler time.

Thankfully, now that the basic design was finished...Pressing another button, she requested another order of bloks: once they arrived, she'd have to spend an hour or so assembling the twenty or thirty 'bots the mine had requested, and then it was on to the next work order.

Directorate Academy: The Directorate required a vast number of skilled professionals to operate, even in this era of increasing automation. To meet this need, the Directorate Academy was established, growing steadily until its reach encompassed the globe. The Academy effectively WAS the place to get an advanced education. Thankfully, it provided online courses for free, though there were a number of lucky students who received invitations to attend directly: those were the ones who would get drafted into the Academies own personal labs. Provides 5 ACD Points.

Bond-Drone Technology:
Some machine spirits are particularly lively and strong, given power through generations of veneration, extreme age, or, in rare cases, through the love and care of their owner. These awoken machine spirits are typically given new vessels to inhabit, thus birthing Bond-Drones, ensouled, somewhat intelligent automata that serve as warrior, protector, and even family. Provides 1 EXP Point.

Hypermodular tek designed to be plug and play, BlokTek was the basis of most TekketTek. Every component could be, if you knew the schematic, used for a different machine. The same components that would be used to make a blaster could also be used to build a microwave: the battery as the power source, the optical lens to irradiate the thing, all you needed was a few bloks to make a box. Provides ultimate lego technology: all parts interchangeable and universal. Provides 2 EXP Points.

Living Metal:
GodTek, or something derived from it: the Destroyers had managed to occasionally lightly injure the God-Machines, leaving small samples of an advanced proto-metal around. Researching it produced a room temperature regenerative semi-conductor. Another cornerstone of your tek: it meant that components could essentially be infinitely reused. Maintenance costs reduced to zero.

A countermeasure developed to reduce the effectiveness of Destroyer Laser Weapons, ShieldTek generators could power energy barriers around fortifications, hardening positions against lasfire. Increases fortification effectiveness.

Golem Class BlokBots:
BotTek had advanced to the point a variety of simple menial tasks and labours can be automated. Golem Class BlokBots come in a variety of forms with a variety of peripherals, from childcare assistant nannybots to industrial digbots to food-crate hauling cargobots. Increase EXP by 1.

MagTek Assemblers:
Specialized MagTek pads that, when paired with a computer or tablet to act as a design station, could be used to instantly snap together bloks to assemble whole machines and devices once a suitable schematic was chosen, simplying the process to just a push of a button. Increase EXP by 1.

Academy Points (ACD Points): 11
Living Metal: 1
Network: 3

Warp Drive:
Destroyer Tek. The remains of the engine they had used to cross the stars. Specifically spared from destruction by the God Machines along with several other pieces of the ship. To serve as a trophy, of sorts, according to MOTHER when asked. She had agreed to let you study it in order to develop a warp drive of your own. 0/10, Unlocks Crude Warp Drive technology, allowing for the exploration of other systems.

Advanced NukeTek:
Fusion nukes were the closest you have come to really rattling the Destroyers, but they hadn't been sufficient to turn the tide, and who knows how well they'd fare against Destroyer space vessels. A number of Science Division Officers in the Fleet wanted to develop more advanced fusion tek, focusing on overall energy output. 0/10, Unlocks NukeTek Missile Technology, allowing for the creation of more powerful Fusion Nukes and stronger Fusion Weapons in general. Costs One Nuclear Material.

NukeTek Miniaturization:
Another group inside the Academy wanted instead for NukeTek to be scaled down, creating smaller fusion engines that could be used for PowerBloks or to make weapons with. 0/5, unlocks PowerBlok technology, increasing EXP Points and allowing for deployment of Fusion Rockets on vehicles. Costs One Nuclear Material.

MagTek Binding:
Magnets are a fairly new branch of tek, used largely to keep Bloks from breaking apart via large, clunky electromagnetic bloks. A proposed improvement to this idea was giving each Blok their own electromagnetic field: this would make it harder for machines to lose bloks during operation AND would make your vehicles more durable. 1/5, unlocks MagTek Binding Fields, improving the robustness of your technology under harsh conditions and the durability of your vehicles.

Repair Protocol:
Living metal is definitely a form of smart matter. If a way could be discovered to control it's growth, you could upgrade your blocks from merely regenerating to replicating if fed with sufficient energy. In essence, bloks that can create more bloks, allowing for your machinery to literally heal from injuries. 0/20, unlock Crude Repair Protocol, giving your machinery the ability to regenerate from light damage. Costs one living metal.

ShieldTek was, sadly, one of the few pieces of Tek that wasn't modular. With the end of the Destroyer War, it had become more or less obsoleted before BlokTek had become fully ubiquitous. Some among the Academy wanted to develop a modern model that could be incorporated into BlokTek vehicles or structures. 0/5, Develop ShieldBloks, providing ShieldTek's bonus to ground vehicles and structures. Prerequisite to more advanced SheildTek.

Regenerative Nuclear Material:
Living metal was metal. Uranium was metal. Was it possible to create a version of uranium with the regenerative properties of the former substance? Enterprising scientists wanted to know. 0/10, Develop Perpetunite technology, increases Nuclear Materials by 5. Costs 1 Living Metal.

Quantum Calculators:
A proposed project by the Academy, they wanted to work on improving the cost efficiency of pocket quantum computing technology such that they could make it a daily part of peoples lives: better home computers, better synthetic intelligence assistants, more advanced sims, and smarter Bond-Drones. 0/5, Develop Q-Blok Processors, increasing ACD and CUL Points. Costs 1 Network.

Gestalt Protocol:
Another route to improving the strength of Machine Spirits, some of your scientists belonging to the Grand Reconfiguration Committee theorized that synthetic souls were just as modular as their form: they believed that there might exist some manner to merge machine spirits in order to radically accelerate their growth, creating Gestalt-Drones. They would no doubt be very, very different from typical Bond-Drones, however. 0/20, develop Gestalt-Drones, advanced automata created from a multitude of fused together synthetic souls instead of singular awoken machine spirits.

Security Bots:
Some in Directorate Fleet wanted to supplement your Tekket forces with custom designed combat bots designed to help guard vessels and installations against hostile forces as well as supplement security on fleet expeditions. For obvious reasons, no lethal weapons on anything less advanced than a Security Bond-Drone: no one sane thought giving an immature machine spirit a gun was a good idea. 0/5, develop Security Bot Technology, providing cheap expendable infantry security BlokBots and more advanced combat Bond-Drones to your ground forces.

Mammoth BlokBlots:
Of course, there still existed a variety of large machines that could stand to be automated, especially since said machines usually have enough space to cram in a lot of processing power. The same faction that had advocated for BlokBots wanted to go bigger. 0/10, develop Mammoth Class BlokBots, heavy machines that generate EXP.

Deep Crust Scanner:
The data collected by the Endeavors scanner was fascinating, but a number of students at the Academy believed that the real importance of the data would be improving the systems used to acquire it: they wanted to develop a novel next generation form of shipboard scanner that could map the deep crust of a planet and locate useful minerals and anomalies. 0/10, gain Deep Crust Scanner technology, revealing more resources and anomalies when surveying worlds, costs 1 Network.

Academy Fleet Compartment:
The Academy and the Fleet were considered separate organizations under the Directorate umbrella. Still, by necessity, both organizations have a fair deal of institutional overlap: the Fleet requires all Ensigns and Officers attend mandatory training in special academy courses, and many among the Academy have attempted to jockey for spots in Fleet Labs. This was the brainchild of both groups: work together to design an expansion that could easily be added to vessels in order to serve as a ship-based laboratory and Academy campus. 0/5, Fleets upgraded with Academy Compartment, increasing overall crew education and access to advanced analysis and research to solve problems with, and increasing ACD. Requires Orbital Shipyard and turn in dock to take effect for existing ships. Costs 2 Network.
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Before I forget, hour moratorium.
I think you forgot to put our Faith points in the update. I don't think we increased them, so should still be 10.

Edit: fixed already.

Second edit: I think we should start taking options which generate Culture, Faith and Academy points, some of these projects are really pricey.
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To be fair it was kinda obvious that they were C'tan with necron servants from the options. I'd just personally prefer explicit confirmation happen in thread :V

I'm 90% sure I've mentioned that they're C'tan in the thread already?

Like to be clear I'm not commenting on anything else and their morality and actual vs perceived benevolence is something I'm leaving to player observation over time.
Sketch of Captain Taavi.

I am genuinely honored to receive this fan art: I know that visual stuff is a lot more labour intensive than written stuff, so have a small reward: you get to pick a category other than fleet command. That category gets five additional bonus points next turn.
[] Plan: Live Long and Prosper
-[X] Survey Naklis:
--[X] TKK Endeavor

it our closet neighbor, good test for our probes, increase our science about other planets geology good first step into the greater world

-[X] Data Processing Hubs: 5/5
Getting some more AcaDemia points will be good along side getting some more network going also data proccesing hubs is a good idea in general to build since we alwasy need more of it

-[X] Parks and Rec: 5/5
This one is great cause it generate us more CUL and FTH points for us which is awesome 2 places where points are in short supply. There also the fact that being able to be in nature, the enviroemtn parks and such is very good for people makes them happeir and will imrpove our species mental health as a result.

-[X] Luna Base 1: 4/5
Start getting our lunar base almost to the finish line so we can start mining up there for more nuclear matieral get more ACD points and unlock a new research tree

-[X] Meditation: 5/5
This one is an awesome one not only does it get us more FTH it also provides a great way for citizens who want to stay agnostic to maintain spiritual and mental wellness. Meditation in general is just amazing for everyone so the sooner we get this upon our trauma moved populace the better

-[X] Hobby Bots: 2/3 .
Keep chipping away at this that we start last turn nearly all the way there

-[X] Folk Religion Revival: 5/5
Religious diversity is a good thing that we should puruse the more lovely different ideas going through our society intreacting with each other the better off we will become hopefully. Also make sure no one group get a strangehold on our society spriutally

-[X] God-Machine Cults: 5/5
TLDR think this is the route to interacting with the Ctan more and with there benolvnce they are a good group for our people to worship who should provide good counsel. Also more relgious diveristy in our soceity so no one groups gets a domiant postions over any other groups and this will contribute to that.

-[X] Regenerative Nuclear Material 10/10
We are running low on nuclear material with there being a high demand for nuclear material and having no way to replenish it at the moment other than this we need to take it so our growth can continue at it current pace.

-[X] MagTek Binding: 2/5
Keeps inching away at this one getting it closer to being done while improving our tech resilience for the challenges they will face in space the final frontier.

This plan keep our steady expansion of our society growing while growing our society culturally, and opening up new avenues for us to explore for a brighter tomorrow.
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Mini nuke tech is neat, but I'd think that extra point would be better helping the mag-block binding inch closer.