Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

Honestly chellewalker and maybe Hyacinthium too... we just got an update in which we may or may not have pissed Naklis' Elementasytem off, so it might not be a good idea to build another Mega-Harvester. though the fact we'd be implementing Elemental Festivals in the same turn if that plan wins means we may well only break even rather than improving our general Druidyness and considering your plan involves us keeping The Sacred (aka nature spirits) it's probably a good idea to be considering things from that angle and doing what we can to befriend the natural worlds we settle rather than pissing them off. admittedly I'm not sure what to replace it with (maybe half complete Harvest Metal in hopes that Tek helps) we do already have two points worth of Living Metal built up so there's no risk of deficit though I'd understand if you guys wouldn't want to reduce one of our Resource scores to zero even temporarily.

Edit: Considering we're leaning towards dropping The Arcane so far it might be a good idea to get Familiars soon considering talismanic synergies with that branch of Tek and The Sacred would probably remain open to us in that case. Yes I'm going to keep bringing up familiars until we get them
(I think they're neat)
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It might be a good idea to build another level of deep space monitoring in the next couple of turns I think.
tbh I think building more deep space monitors at this point will have minimal gains since we have built a lot of it and you can only build up some much more of something before the impacts of each phase reaches the point where it not worth it. A better route imo is to do the relvation scanner which the option states
improving the effects of Deep Space Monitoring
Honestly chellewalker and maybe Hyacinthium too... we just got an update in which we may or may not have pissed Naklis' elementasytem off, so it might not be a good idea to build another Mega-Harvester. though the fact we'd be implementing Elemental Festivals in the same turn if that plan wins means we may well only break even rather than improving our general Druidyness and considering your plan has us keeping The Sacred(aka nature spirits) it's probably a good idea to be considering things from that angle and doing what we can to befriend the natural worlds we settle rather than pissing them off. admittedly I'm not sure what to replace it with (maybe half complete Harvest Metal in hopes that Tek helps) we do already have two points worth of Living Metal built up so there's no risk of deficit though I'd understand if you guys wouldn't want to reduce one of our Resource scores to zero even temporarily.
yah that why my plan take several actions to get back on their good side and fix the mistake we have made in pissing them off
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If we don't get the Teeth this turn then we should definitely get it next turn and get the Extremely Advancex Nuktek. I have a feeling that Extremely Advanced Nuktek will reduce the cost of miniturized Nuktek and open up additional options for us.

You know. Actually given we'll be sending the Valiant to potential combat this turn it might be a good idea to get the Teeth immediately and install it on the Valiant.

Even if it delays other things.
Fleets: 3/3
Expansions: 45/45
Culture: 28/28
Faith: 35/35
Academy: 36/31(36)

[X] Plan: Spring Cleaning
-[X] Fleet Actions
--[X] Drydock
---[X] TKK Accomplishment
--[X] Exploring the Expanse
---[X] TKK Endeavor
--[X] Explore Galactic East
---[X] TKK Valiant
-[X] Expansion Projects
--[X] Naklis Mega-Harvester (0/10 --> 10/10) +2 Living Metal
--[X] Self-Optimizing Electronics Production (0/10 --> 10/10) +1 Network, -1 Living Metal
--[X] MegaArt Galleries (0/10 --> 10/10)
--[X] Comm-Net (0/10 --> 10/10) +1 Network
--[X] Wonderpark Naklis (1/15 --> 6/15)
-[X] Culture Projects
--[X] Muse (0/10 --> 10/10) +1 Art
--[X] Orbital Pioneer Reactors (0/10 --> 9/10)
--[X] Elemental Festivals (6/15 --> 15/15)
-[X] Faith Projects
--[X] Temple of the Dancer (0/10 --> 10/10)
--[X] Temple of the Lanternkeeper (0/10 --> 10/10)
--[X] Temple of the Roadguide (0/10 --> 10/10)
--[X] Temple to the Hermit (0/25 --> 3/25)
--[X] Lifeforce Batteries (8/10 --> 10/10) +1 Warp
-[X] The Arcane
-[X] Academy Actions
--[X] Megaflora Serum (3/10 --> 10/10) +1 Warp
--[X] The Teeth (0/15 --> 9/15)
--[X] Next-Gen Armor (0/10 --> 10/10) -1 Living Metal
--[X] Orkoid Culture (0/10 --> 10/10)

Art: 1 --> 2
Biodata: 2
Living Metal: 1
Network: 6 --> 8
Nuclear Material: 6
Warp: 0 --> 2

[X] Hobbgrots
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[X] Plan: Dealing With Some Problems
-[X] Explore Galactic East
--[X] TKK Valiant
-[X] Exploring the Expanse:
--[X] TKK Endeavor
-[X] Drydock
--[X] TKK Accomplishment
-[X] EXP Projects
--[X] Elemental Spire: (0/25 --> 25/25) upgrade Naklis Heatpump to elementaform the planet, increasing FTH, cost 1 Artefact and Nuclear Material.
--[X] Construct Endeavor Class Ship: (0/20 --> 20/20) cost 1 Nuclear Material, gain an Endeavor equipped with all unlocked Compartments and Ship upgrades as well as a variable amount of Perpetunite Nuclear Weapons depending on the size of your stockpiles.
-[X] CUL Projects
--[X] Elemental Festivals: If the Lunar Spirits got their own festival day, then the Elemental Spirits of Naklis should get their own celebrations where they could be gifted vast offerings. Doing so would strengthen and appease them further, and besides, it provided an excuse for fun. (6/15 --> 15/15) develop Elemental Festival tradition, generating FTH.
--[X] Arbor Totem: (0/15 --> 15/15) Totems upgraded with Lesser Arbor Guardian, increasing CUL and totem effects substantially.
--[X] Dance of the Pyreflies: (0/15 --> 4/15) creates Pyrefly Courts on Teklia, increasing CUL.
-[X] FTH Projects
--[X] The Arcane: The mystic, the occult. Talismans represented a method of control over these strange and enigmatic force and method to defend against them. Should this path remain open, the Tekket will continue to develop more advanced means of utilizing Talismans to perform sorcerous rites and rituals.
--[X] A Harsh Bargain: (0/10 --> 10/10) generates an Artefact, establishes Court of Bargains
--[X] Temple of the Lanternkeeper: (0/10 --> 10/10) establishes Lanternkeeper Temple, a Holy Site that grants your people increased resistance to despair and hopelessness.
--[X] Temple of the Dancer: (0/10 --> 10/10) establishes Dancer Temple, a Holy Site that increases CUL.
--[X] Temple of the Roadguide: (0/10 --> 5/10) establishes Roadguide Temple, a Holy Site providing ships with slightly increased resistance against malign influences.
-[X] ACD Projects
--[X] Orkoid Culture: (0/10 --> 10/10) unlocks Orkoid Kultural Studies, providing a slight bonus to diplomacy and tactics with and against Orkoid factions. Requires an Endeavor Class to construct a Xenoobservation Outpost.
--[X] Orkoid Xenobiology (0/15 --> 15/15) unlocks Orkoid Physiology, giving you insight to the greenskin biological makeup. Requires an Endeavor Class to construct a Xenoobservation outpost.
--[X] Next-Gen Armor: (0/10 --> 10/10) costs 1 Living Metal, Ships gain better armor.
--[X] WyldRanger: (0/15 --> 1/15) establishes WyldRangers, an ACD and Biodata generating society.

This plan is focused on dealing with the problems we got atm in a variety of a way major priority is getting the spirit not mad at us and getting back on the good side for them which I go above and beyond at doing with fixing the damage we have done to them. We also need to address the damage we have done now the further we wait to do it the harder it will be to repair the damage done and mend the relationship. I also work on keeping the momentum of spirits getting more and more powerful going with arbor totems. Furthermore I also finally start investigating wtf is going on in the expanse with the Endeavor, send the valiant east so we can know what in the world is going on out there under the advice of our government. I grab another ship in EXO for us so we can do more exploring. I also work on to figure the deal with orks which should help our own budding ork species and future interactions with orks. Most importantly though I spam the gods option taking only old faith options in FTH their which should help us majorly in tons of different interactions but especially against chaos. Which the qm confirmed with that the dancer will tell slannesh to get away which will help a ton with our artist who are a little crazy atm. I also take the arcane option for what to lose in tailsman since I think it the least painful for our society to lose. Their more going on with the plan but this is the major stuff more detailed stuff below.

edit: forgot to vote for aesthetics choice

[X] Hobbgrots
[X] Orangeboyz
[X] Shroomcap Grots
[X] Toadstool Clan
[X] The Beastie Boys
[X] Plan: Spiritforming and better nukes
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@chellewalker @Woltaire

Amy chance you will be willing to complete the Teeth this turn?

The Valiant will almost certainly be getting into combat this turn and even if it's not efficient getting the Valiant the Teeth may well be the difference between victory and defeat there.

Since otherwise the Valiant will be stuck with short ranged fusion cannons and the inteceptablr nuclear missiles.
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@chellewalker @Woltaire

Amy chance you will be willing to complete the Teeth this turn?

The Valiant will almost certainly be getting into combat this turn and even if it's not efficient getting the Valiant the Teeth may well be the difference between victory and defeat there.

Since otherwise the Valiant will be stuck with short ranged fusion cannons and the inteceptablr nuclear missiles.
no because we have to dry dock the valiant to upgrade the ship with it if my understanding of it is correct though I think I will work toward grabbing the teeth next turn and work on advanced nuke tech
@chellewalker @Woltaire

Amy chance you will be willing to complete the Teeth this turn?

The Valiant will almost certainly be getting into combat this turn and even if it's not efficient getting the Valiant the Teeth may well be the difference between victory and defeat there.

Since otherwise the Valiant will be stuck with short ranged fusion cannons and the inteceptablr nuclear missiles.
The TKK Valiant needs to see what's going on in the Galactic East so even if you did finish the Teeth this turn we wouldn't be able to give it to the ship this turn (we could put it on the TKK Accomplishment but that doesn't seem like a great idea). We can totally set it up for next turn though, hence it going up to 9/15 in Plan: Spring Cleaning.
[X] Plan: Dealing With Some Problems
[X] Plan: Spiritforming and better nukes
[X] Toadstool Clan

Not everything I'd have hoped for (no fairy fire bottles), but I don't want to split the "Don't piss off the elementals even more," vote. The spirits are practically part of our civilization and should be treated as such, just like the grots are. Once you realize this, it is clear that Naklis is already a habitable planet.

Though we may want to consider getting better guns in case the Valiant is destroyed, and we have to rush the production of another ship next turn. Either way, we definitely need to get them; I'm going to be a little put out if the Tekket get curb-stomped because no one wanted to buy guns.
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[X] Plan: Dealing With Some Problems

Not everything I'd have hoped for (no fairy fire bottles), but I don't want to split the "Don't piss off the elementals even more," vote. The spirits are practically part of our civilization and should be treated as such, just like the grots are. Once you realize this, it is clear that Naklis is already a habitable planet.

Though we may want to consider getting better guns in case the Valiant is destroyed, and we have to rush the production of another ship next turn.
We almost certainly want the Teeth and extremely advanced nuktek next turn. Or at least the Teeth and most of the way on the advanced nuktek.
Actually, @The Bird does The Teeth need a turn in the drydock to equip? The drydock text says that it upgrades our ships with all Compartments and Components, but The Teeth isn't named as either of those, compared to the Revelation Scanner being specifically called a Component in the description and the Academy Fleet and Frontier Explorer Compartments having it in their names.
Stizlak teaches da rules of da jungle (Razzocnor)
Hmm, I think I might write a thingy.

Stizlak teaches da rules of da jungle

Airight mates, if youz gonna start out stupid Imma' gonna have ta teach you sum rules. Da Rules of da Jungle. Dey's right simple, so even youz can understand 'em! Maybe even teach sum udder stuff too! Da beasties have lots ta teach iffin' you know how to learn.

Rule one: Youz gotta eats. Very simple. Doin' it, that can be another matter.
Rule two: Youz gotta not get eaten. Dis is the part what makes the first rule much 'arder.
An' Rule three: Youz gotta have someplace ta sleep. Someplace where youz don't get eaten.

An dats it fer the basics! But da jungle, it's a complicated place, so even if da rules are simple, doin' them gets right complicated!
Now youz probably already understand, that it be real important ta know how to scrap! Knowin' how ta scrap is da number one way ta get food ta eat, and ta keep other things from eatin' youz! But youz also gotta know when NOT ta scrap! Cause' picking scraps wit things ya can't beat is da fastest way ta end up eaten.

Nowz, some more complicated bits!
Wez gotta take a lesson from them striderbeasts. Da ones what hunt in packs! Because theys gots lots ta teach about how important it is be be inna pack! One striderbeastie iz weak. Loses lotsa fights ta anything bigga than it. Five striderbeasts iz strong! Deyz can beat even things twice as big as one striderbeastie. Bein' together is strong.
But ta do that theyz have ta think about their mates. Izn't enough for one beastie in the pack to be strong, deyz all gotta be strong. So dey share things, dey takes care of each other! If one iz hungry, others share food. If one is hurt, others guard it until it gets better... unless it doesn't, then they abandon it, but thats not da point! Gotta watch out for your mates, keep 'em safe, warn 'em of danger, because youz gonna need 'em later when a big git comes along! Gotz that?
Actually @Woltaire would you consider replacing Orkoid Kultural Studies with something like NukeTek Minituarization, the Teeth, or Extremely Advanced NukeTek? The Orkoid ecosystem isn't exactly its own culture, and the Tekket aren't likely to be talking much to the Orks in the next couple turns. It won't get the Tekket all the way there, but it'll provide a solid footing for completing it quickly if need be.

EDIT: Actually, since a new Endeavor is being built there's value in finishing Extremely Advanced NukeTek now.
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Hmm, I'd also note;

SOme of our ships are damaged and should be repaired.
A spacefaring species that hunts sapient life for sport will be visiting Broken Edge soon.
I'd probably suggest we avoid encountering said species, and the only surefire way to do so is to not be in that system. Because our stealth tech is nonexistent and ours ships are crude.
Hmm, I'd also note;

SOme of our ships are damaged and should be repaired.
A spacefaring species that hunts sapient life for sport will be visiting Broken Edge soon.
I'd probably suggest we avoid encountering said species, and the only surefire way to do so is to not be in that system. Because our stealth tech is nonexistent and ours ships are crude.
Seconded; couldn't hurt to stick the Accomplishment in drydock. Also means there's another ship in system, if shit hits the fan, which could be useful.
Seconded; couldn't hurt to stick the Accomplishment in drydock. Also means there's another ship in system, if shit hits the fan, which could be useful.
Yeah, that was my reasoning as well. Personally I think the Elemental Festivals is enough to cool down the Naklis situation until we have more time for it (aside from the Heatpump, the spirits seemed to actually like when we were doing heavy industry on the world, hence why I'm not too worried about the Naklis Mega-Harvester), but I suppose that's up for debate.
I think I just realized an unintended advantage of making Stizlak Space Australian considering he was talking about introducing outside plants and animals to the Grot Pod ecosystem for some variety. Meaning we may have made a version of Orkoid (whatever we decide to call the new Grotz) Culture or even Orkoid Ecosystem considering sympathetic WAAGH (little waaagh whatever they end up calling it) fuckery that while still incredibly infectious is not inherently hostile to other ecosystems (acting more like a new rowdy roommate than a home invader). I'm sure there would have been great emergent properties to whatever option we picked but considering the current most popular plan is leaning into the Wyld shit I'm kind of glad we ended up with the Grotz that care about *gasp* biodiversity and can theoretically integrate with whatever new ecosystems they meet.
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