Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

Recycling actual Astartes boosts would be impractical (we are not good enough at genetics to copy that, and it's not really the best system anyways), and also something the Tekket are uninterested in (we have no desire to create a small super-soldier caste, we have killbots for that).

What would be much more likely is that the Tekket would embrace much smaller degrees of genetic modification applied species-wide as a way to cut down on genetic diseases, increase lifespans, and improve the baseline capabilities of the Tekket.
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Recycling actual Astartes boosts would be impractical (we are not good enough at genetics to copy that, and it's not really the best system anyways), and also something the Tekket are uninterested in (we have no desire to create a small super-soldier caste, we have killbots for that).

What would be much more likely is that the Tekket would embrace much smaller degrees of genetic modification applied species-wide as a way to cut down on genetic diseases, increase lifespans, and improve the baseline capabilities of the Tekket.
Question in this line of tought astrates are naturally more resilient to the warp how long would it take the tekket to latch onto that and try to copy it to themselves.
Astartes augmentation are almost certainly both biotechnology and Warp tech. Plus God forged shenanigans.

We are not horrible at biotechnology iirc but we are hilariously bad at Warp tech and Astartes augs are quite high up there.

And we should not push for augmentation. We haven't even scratched the surface relatively with what Hunteks are capable of. It's way too early to talk about following the path of the IoM/God Emperor in something like this.
i don't know a lot about 40k so sorry if this is wrong but wouldn't weakening the warp also weaken our stuff? like our gods,rituals and other mystic stuff?
I think we can ignore the ethical question in a warhammer 40k setting but we picked the federation so we have ethics unil we see what a fucked up place the galaxy is and then we dont.In my personal opnion i think the ethical question might presist until someone curbstomps us again and the sruvival gear kicks in and the ptsd flash backs of the war of genocide at the beginning.
This assumes there aren't other alternatives, which shouldn't be assumed.
just a reminder their are ways of fighting space marines without being enhanced the way they are eldar (warp magic), necrons (their tech and the fact they are imortal mostly) tau (have their battle suits and tech) and we could most likely have all 3 (we also have mechs) only thing we couldn't do is brute force it like orks do
i don't know a lot about 40k so sorry if this is wrong but wouldn't weakening the warp also weaken our stuff? like our gods,rituals and other mystic stuff?
Yes, we are very much a warp species for all we lack psykers.

just a reminder their are ways of fighting space marines without being enhanced the way they are eldar (warp magic), necrons (their tech and the fact they are imortal mostly) tau (have their battle suits and tech) and we could most likely have all 3 (we also have mechs) only thing we couldn't do is brute force it like orks do
Yes, we're much more likely to find success with the Ghost in the Shell approach to super soldiers should we need them.
Recycling actual Astartes boosts would be impractical (we are not good enough at genetics to copy that, and it's not really the best system anyways), and also something the Tekket are uninterested in (we have no desire to create a small super-soldier caste, we have killbots for that).
Also, a lot of that stuff just wouldn't be applicable, given our wildly different biology. Probably more productive to try cybernetic augmentation.
the only space marines I think we would copy is the iron hands and thats just because of how much body parts they replace with tech I mean look at how many extra things this guy added but thats not the bio pars we would be copy but the added mech parts

we could try going a more mystical route for our super soldiers instead of taking the science-y way

maybe we could eventually try merging a spirit and a tekket together? tho this likely to either go horribly wrong or horrible right
Er guys I think trying to make Tekket Space Marines is barking up the wrong tree... and the right one has an orange grot in it. While being de-greened has clearely made the one we got more sane and able to control himself, he still craves violence which overall will mean he and his kind will naturally gravitate to military roles in general and ground combat rolls in particular. Embrace the Good!Skaven aesthetic, get some goblin allies.
Tekket seem headed toward combining Nature and Science through the power of applied religion/spirituality/legos, and being really nice.
Well if you want the Wood that Walks then it's a whole other kettle of fish.

We need to do the giant nature shrine network thing the tiger put together, and then set up on a forest world, and then grab that big elemental waker upper thing and use it on the forest world.
I think the contention is the emphasis. What we made before were tree people, but what we actually want is tree people.