"Commander Harkon, I said it before and I'll say it again. I am fine with you decorating the sACU with banners during a parade, but during combat operations they will stay in their transport boxes. Have I made myself clear?"
"Oh no, the Tyranids shot at me while I was carrying my boxes. Now everyone can see my banners!"
"Every day of my existence is agonising pain, yet I exist to serve the UEF", Luna comments which causes you to raise an eyebrow

Revy and Johson - [Canon]
It has been a while since you had an actual headache. Manuals, blueprints, technical readouts and status logs race through your neurons in a never ending neural firework of information bouncing around in your short term memory. The moment you noticed you start feeling like the texts were beginning to scramble into incoherence, you took a break, two pills promising relief in a few minutes as you begin to idly walk through the base, waiting for your head to clear and your thoughts to settle.

They don't, trying your hardest to remain, hundreds of pages of documentation flashing through your mind whenever you inevitably drift off to think about your duties again. Evaluation your possible distractions, your subconscious ultimately decides for you. When you finally take notice where your subconscious is taking your strides, your mood lifts a little, your conscious mind coming to the conclusion that it is a welcome distraction.

A distraction predicated on him not being busy. Fran might be on the surface and in demeanor less weird than many of the other members of the Cult of Mars you had the fortune and misfortune to meet so far, but he's hardly less dedicated, as the two times he spent days working day and night to produce results clearly demonstrated.

"Fran", you shout up at him standing on a gantry after quickly searching the workshop for a minute, upper body disappearing deep in the guts of the ACU power converter, flickering light emerging out of the opening. The flicker stops, the adept himself emerging covered in machine grease covering both his red robe and his face, only his eyes staring out of the dirt like two islands of brightness, gaze lighting up when he spots you, which gives you a fuzzy feeling.

"Is something the matter, General?", he calls back, depositing the instrument he's been using on a nearby table as he lazily leans on the railing, looking down on you, expression turned neutral again.

"No General, I'm on break", you huff, averting your attention to look at the converter suspended from the ceiling before turning it back on him, the corners of your mouth twitching up watching him try to wipe away the lubricant stains on his face with his equally stained hands unsuccessfully. "Do you have time to eat lunch?"

"There remains a lot of work to do, Rebecca", he answers, a hint of unsureness creeping into his voice as he says your name, eyes darting through the workshop to where Adept Mael is protofabricating something, hands grasping the welding instrument again and turning back to the converter. "There is no time to be lost."

"Alright", you sigh, hands burying itself in your pockets as you move to turn, mind going through Eliza's schedule to figure out what she is up to right now. "Carry on then, Adept."

You have not walked two steps before the sounds of welding stops again, Fran audibly struggling to climb back out again. "But Omnissiah willing I can find the time. Give me two minutes to clean up."

You lean against a crate and settle in to wait. One of your freshly deputized Sisters Fabrica finds you in the meanwhile, but you shoo her away before she can make something out of you being here. Fran eventually returns, drying his hands with a clean towel he tosses up to his workplace with pinpoint accuracy, tidied up, his dirty robes replaced by standard template UEF clothes, presumably lacking a replacement. They look out of place on him, not just because of the now different shade of grey, but also because they fit him much better in a way you can appreciate than the heavy duty and widely tailored fabric with its countless pockets.

"You got something there", you put two fingers gently at the side of his chin, stubble rubbing against your fingertip as you gently turn his head, your eyes focused on the oil stain remaining on the underside of his jaw, even as he continues to hold eye contact.

"Blasted sparks", he curses, another piece of cloth appearing out of the expansive pockets of his pants as he quickly wipes down his neck, your eyes clinging to the sinews and muscles moving there as he twists his head side to side to clean himself down. "That is what happens when you foolishly claim two minutes, but notice halfway through you require three."

"I could have waited a little longer", you chuckle, watching the cloth disappear back into his pockets.

"I hold myself to higher standards than to let someone as presentable looking as you wait unnecessarily", he hums, eyebrow twitching humorously. "But I shall keep that in mind."

"You also look very presentable", you coo back at him, the tone of your voice lowering.

"You do not seem to have much desire to conceal this involvement", Fran notes, pulling at the edges of his blue jacket, as the two of you continue walking through the endless corridors, his pace slightly sped up, yours slightly slowed down, comfortably keeping pace with each other.

"If someone makes you trouble because of it, tell me", you huff, blowing a loose strain of hair out of your face. "We are not that many here. It will make the rounds quite quickly. You might need to sign a form however."

"I wouldn't exactly claim that Sergeant Sena has caused me trouble so far…"

"Because of your combat cybernetics?"

"My days as an Adept Militant are in the past. I no longer possess deadly armaments." He pauses. "Among the higher ranks of the Adeptus Mechanicus, such involvements are usually well concealed and not publicly acknowledged", he continues. "But it is usually also a more transactional arrangement, which I am confident is not your intent."

"Correct", you nudge his arm with your elbow reassuringly. "Right now, it helps to distract me from work."

"I can think of more time efficient ways to provide distraction", he nudges you back. "The quantity of empty rooms in this facility provides ample opportunity to do so."

You roll your eyes with a chuckle, clicking your tongue as you give him a half lidded gaze, your mouth twisting into a predatory grin. Quickly checking for footsteps, you ensure you are alone, safe for the ever watching eyes of Luna observing you through the surveillance systems but you are hardly gonna scandalize her. Before Fran can react, your hand is on his chest, the beat of his bionic heart felt accelerating through the fabric of his shirt as you push him backwards and into the wall.

"Later", you purr into his ear, your breath hot and voice low, before you lean down to mash your lips against his in a kiss that is anything but chaste, stubble prickling against your skin, his hands wandering to your hips. He tastes and smells like iron with a note of machine oil that is to be expected and you find yourself fortunate that those two senses are not impaired. It is a brief and intense moment, from which you step back as quickly as you engage into it, composure reinstated. "Lunch first."

"Given the company, I will gladly partake in such", he grins, still looking a little rattled before his face turns more somber, moving a hand to scratch his chin in thought. "I believe you mentioned going through an extensive formal education program when you grew up."

"I don't know about extensive", you shrug. "Three years preschool, four years primary, ten years basic, three years at the military academy?"

"And the first three stages are provided to all?"

"Yes", you nod. "But before you ask, I was an okay student, not an excellent one."

"Seventeen years of broad education sounds to me like a lot of time spent teaching someone knowledge they might not have use for in their later occupation."

"Pre and primary are more like expanded child care", you shrug, his face lighting up at that.

"So like the Progeny Cults?"

"I'm afraid you'll have to explain what that is?"

"The Progeny cults are responsible for both looking over the children of a forgeworld's menial laborers during their shifts and instructing them with the most basic rites and procedures of forge work. On Hillivan Secundus, where I was born, you remain with the cults for six years."

"And after that?"

"Children who show certain intellectual or behavioral markers are recommended to be inducted into the higher ranks of their forge world", he elaborates. "The rest enter the workforce as menials."

You make a disapproving grunt at the mention of child labor.

"It was not that bad, I believe?"

"You believe?", the words leave your mouth with a little more bite than you intended.

"Many of the memories deemed of no value were erased during my apprenticeship to become a lex militant to make room for more important knowledge. I possess effectively no recollection of my time in the Cults", he explains. His words soften your simmering irritation, turning it into a swell of compassion, hand involuntarily moving to grab his shoulder and squeeze it gently, remaining there for a moment.

"I've come to terms with that circumstance," he reassures you with a tap of his hand before you withdraw yours. Together, you enter the civilian administration's cafeteria, where Phraulk and his staff are already bustling, preparing lunch for the residents. As always, Phraulk is ready to accommodate any additional requests. Soon enough, you and Fran find yourselves seated at one of the nondescript metal tables arranged neatly in rows across the spacious area, waiting for lunch to be delivered.

"What does an Adept Militant even do?", you ask, bracing your chin on your hands.

"I believe the name should give some idea. Every forgeworld has a standing army in the form of its Legiones Skitarii and while the function of lower officers are performed by noteworthy individuals among them, higher command authority lies with subsection of the priesthood."

"So you are an officer", you inquire with interest.

"Were", he folds his hands as if in thought. "It is not really comparable to the Guard or EarthCOM, I believe. You must understand that the position comes with a wide suite of cybernetic augmentation and implanted knowledge to which I lost access when I was deemed unfit due to my worsening condition." He chuckles. "Back then I would have been taller than you."

"Not really into full body cyborgs", you give him a wink. "I like my men how I like my steak, made of flesh with a lean ten percent fat."

He actually laughs at that, which makes you unreasonably proud.

"To return where we left off. I never really learned how to command assets or devise strategy like you did and would perform suboptimally in that role if pressed."

"Was that the knowledge for which there needed to be room?"

"Yes", he sighs, posture deflating in a way that twists something in your stomach as his hand moves towards one of his many pockets. "Some memories are deemed more important than others by those who mold you into an Adept of the Machine God", he pulls out a small hardware nut, holding it between index finger and thumb with a great deal of gentleness. "The only memento I have of them. And it's not even the original, it's a replacement I made. I just knew I had one such as this at some point."

"That's sad", your voice is quiet, comforting. "Do you miss them?"

"There is not more to miss than a vague hint of a memory, an echo. For a long time I believed such notions to be below one of my stations", he admits, the memento disappearing back into his pockets. "Now, I deem it a type of knowledge worth possessing, an experience I would have liked to remember."

"Hm", you hum, idly swaying the mug in your hand, eyes wondering to his hands before you stop. "Arrogant as I was, I managed to break the one thing reminding me of my family."

"Break?", his eyes light up with concern, posture straightening up as he leans forward. "Would you care to elaborate?"

"It's a mug, similar to this", you lift it up. "I managed to shatter it into a thousand pieces."

"If you'll let me, I can make an attempt to piece it back together", he offers. "I am quite adept at fixing various things, a broken piece of ceramic should be within my capabilities."

"I don't think you-"

"I know I can", he states with enough confidence in his voice to make you pause, a small sliver of amused irritation growing inside you at the smug grin creeping on his face as he raises his hands, wiggling his fingers. "You know what these hands can-."

You reach out, fast, catching some of his fingers between yours and squeezing, not quite strong enough to hurt, but the playful threat is made clear. "No need to be so self-congratulatory about it", you hum, unable to suppress both the smile playing around the corners of your mouth and the slight blush creeping on your face. He mirrors your expression, his thumb gently stroking the hand with which you hold his fingers in an iron grip.

"Be careful with those", he hums back with a difficult to read expression. "I'll need them later."

With such a compelling argument given, you decide to let his hand escape, today, relaxing your grip, even if doing so takes more of your willpower than anticipated. In that moment, one of Clad's Skitarii, repurposed for kitchen duty comes with your trays of food, the amount of calories on yours significantly greater than on Fran's. You prepare to dig in, mouth watering at the smell, when something catches your attention. The blinking small status lights on the implants behind their ears, flashing between on and off in rapid succession, the frequency wearing off but still continuing even as the full-body-cyborg Skitarii in kitchenwear departs again.

"These are for wireless communication, right", you point at the back of your skull, other hand poking around your synthetic potato stew. "Who are you talking to right now?"

"The noosphere", he answers, hands intertwined in the symbol of the cog, presumably to silently bless the food before he takes up the fork, before he can look up. "It feels comforting feeling the presence of the ACU's machine spirit at the back of my mind."

Your stomach sinks, your eyes darting to one of the many cameras in the cafeteria, staring directly at it. It takes you two moments to fully grasp the severity of the situation. You never felt you had anything to fear from Luna, but you've seen how easily she could circumvent Magos Clad's defenses and rewrite their memories. With measured collectedness, you take out your datapad, opening the chat to Luna to write her a single line.

>Get out of his head!

The effect is immediate. Before you have even put it back into your pocket, Fran's spine straightens, his face taking on a look of utter confusion as he stares off into nothingness, blinking.

"Fran", you get his attention, some of the confusion disappearing as his attention focuses back on you. "Can you do me a favor and turn off your noosphere implants. I don't trust the Adeptus Mechanicus' security protocols."

"My noosphere defense rites are of great sophistication and have been tested thoroughly", he replies, half a statement, half a question asked in irritation. "Rebecca, did you-"

"Don't ask me something I can't answer", you cut him off with authority, before your voice softens again. "Just trust me, please?"

Fran snarls. You can see the gears behind his eyes turning, until they finally click into place and he relaxes, the status lights on his noosphere implant turning dark. "Omnissiah's guidance, fine, but you'll owe me."

"I'll make it worth your while", you promise with a more cheerful expression, before you return your attention to your lunch, the conversation quickly returns back on track, discussing everything and nothing.
You got something there", you put two fingers gently at the side of his chin, stubble rubbing against your fingertip as you gently turn his head, your eyes focused on the oil stain remaining on the underside of his jaw, even as he continues to hold eye contact.
… wait, is she-
Before Fran can react, your hand is on his chest, the beat of his bionic heart felt accelerating through the fabric of his shirt as you push him backwards and into the wall.

"Later", you purr into his ear, your breath hot and voice low, before you lean down to mash your lips against his in a kiss that is anything but chaste, stubble prickling against your skin, his hands wandering to your hips. He tastes and smells like iron with a note of machine oil that is to be expected and you find yourself fortunate that those two senses are not impaired. It is a brief and intense moment, from which you step back as quickly as you engage into it, composure reinstated. "Lunch first."
Yup. That's the Starship Troopers/Aliens social attitudes showing up: Horny, but not as big a deal.
What does an Adept Militant even do?", you ask, bracing your chin on your hands.

"I believe the name should give some idea. Every forgeworld has a standing army in the form of its Legiones Skitarii and while the function of lower officers are performed by noteworthy individuals among them, higher command authority lies with subsection of the priesthood."
So like the Lathe World's Crimson Guard, only the CG are the deviants by being under Guard command.

God I love my Discount Space Marines.
It's a mug, similar to this", you lift it up. "I managed to shatter it into a thousand pieces."

"If you'll let me, I can make an attempt to piece it back together", he offers. "I am quite adept at fixing various things, a broken piece of ceramic should be within my capabilities."
Considering how much of Admech technology involves messing with molecular or outright atomic bonds, I believe it.
"I know I can", he states with enough confidence in his voice to make you pause, a small sliver of amused irritation growing inside you at the smug grin creeping on his face as he raises his hands, wiggling his fingers. "You know what these hands can-."

You reach out, fast, catching some of his fingers between yours and squeezing, not quite strong enough to hurt, but the playful threat is made clear. "No need to be so self-congratulatory about it", you hum, unable to suppress both the smile playing around the corners of your mouth and the slight blush creeping on your face. He mirrors your expression, his thumb gently stroking the hand with which you hold his fingers in an iron grip.

"Be careful with those", he hums back with a difficult to read expression. "I'll need them later."
Shepard, just be glad this is a solider instead of a Biologis or a Heresy-era Conservative. You don't want to hear everything explained in engineering metaphors, or how all that's needed is a Petri dish, some test tubes, and needles.
In that moment, one of Clad's Skitarii, repurposed for kitchen duty comes with your trays of food, the amount of calories on yours significantly greater than on Fran's
Considering Skitari perceive their commands as the Omnissiah directly speaking to them, what is it like to have God tell you to stop being the role you were genetically and cybernetically augmented for and start slinging hash?
These are for wireless communication, right", you point at the back of your skull, other hand poking around your synthetic potato stew. "Who are you talking to right now?"

"The noosphere", he answers, hands intertwined in the symbol of the cog, presumably to silently bless the food before he takes up the fork, before he can look up. "It feels comforting feeling the presence of the ACU's machine spirit at the back of my mind."
… Whelp. There's having a security blanket, there's getting an itch scratched in a place you can't reach, and then there's "please hold my brain, I feel more secure that way".
Get out of his head!

The effect is immediate. Before you have even put it back into your pocket, Fran's spine straightens, his face taking on a look of utter confusion as he stares off into nothingness, blinking.

"Fran", you get his attention, some of the confusion disappearing as his attention focuses back on you. "Can you do me a favor and turn off your noosphere implants. I don't trust the Adeptus Mechanicus' security protocols."

"My noosphere defense rites are of great sophistication and have been tested thoroughly", he replies, half a statement, half a question asked in irritation. "Rebecca, did you-"

"Don't ask me something I can't answer", you cut him off with authority, before your voice softens again. "Just trust me, please?"
Wait a sec. Did Luna just try to set up Revy with a booty call?

Wow. This really is Aliens: AI run everything. :V
I think you forget a tiny bit of context from the End of Quest part there Always Late. Revy is not that much of a girlboss to just jump the poor Adept out of nothing.
"And have you seen Johson by any chance?"

"I think he was at the armoury trying to do some work", she hums, checking her appearance in the mirror. "Do you need his help repairing the ACU?"

"No", you get up. "I need his help for something else."

"Oh", Eliza turns around, looks at you, before sighing. "Allright, Rebecca-"

"My close friends call me, Revy."

"Revy then, fine", she turns her mouth into a thin line looking you up and down, hands poking into you to correct your posture. "Chin up, back straight, shoulders back, smile a little, you got this."

Wait a sec. Did Luna just try to set up Revy with a booty call?
And no, Luna was just chilling in there, hypocritical as Revy is, Luna is allowed to monitor and hang out in everyone's else's brain with an open network connection but not that one.
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My face when good writing, but I'm too stupid to understand:
Edit: Okay, I wrote that before the other messages loaded in. I get it now. Apparently I was right the first time, and got confused when I read what Always Late saw in it.
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I think you forget a tiny bit of context from the End of Quest part there Always Late. Revy is not that much of a girlboss to just jump the poor Adept out of nothing.
Oh no, I'd never insinuate that Revy would ever pursue someone out of instinct and whim.

She always does aggressive and emotional things with clear, well thought out intent. Like punch a guy in public because she dislikes his society's culture. :V
Wait a sec. Did Luna just try to set up Revy with a booty call?

Wow. This really is Aliens: AI run everything. :V

I don't think so?

My read on it is that he was working while connection to the noosphere and having the soft hum of the machine spirit in the back of his mind. Entirely normal.

Revy asks him to lunch, he says he's busy as a reflex then realizes "Wait, hang on, that's my hot boss, if she's offering I can totally go get lunch."

He chooses to get ready and go. And effectively does the equivalent of leaving his work mobile turned on in his pocket. With the slight caveat that it's an implant in his skull and there's a 'machine spirit' or at least Luna acting like one. Exactly what he and Luna might be saying or if it's anything at all beyond just some stray thoughts about work... Are well, at the very least it's not enough to distract him from Revy. He's chatting to her fine and attentively, enjoying the lunch. Even while sending a text to the server to place an order for their meal.

After that. Revy realises he might still have his work phone turned on and sends a command to the AI to disconnect and asks him to turn it off.

I don't think Luna is 'doing' anything. Beyond acting her cover as a machine spirit and just watching and observing.

Because, yeah, Johnson is slightly confused at turning off his work phone and having to operate without it running in the background. But he goes straight back to his conversation with Revy who he clearly likes.

so. Yeah. Huge doubt on Luna 'running everything'.
Well, let's see how it goes. You definitely did really well through the entire story, and I am confident you can keep the story going without dropping an inch in quality. Keep up the good work!
When this is all done, you should release the whole series as physical books if you can, though I can see why it would be nearly impossible to do.
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Fran Johnson shipping! I am so, so glad! He is one of the good ones, so it´s great they are developing a connection together...

But, in true BotCommander fashion, the chapter also hints at a lot of plot elements and complications that might become VERY relevant later.
"Among the higher ranks of the Adeptus Mechanicus, such involvements are usually well concealed and not publicly acknowledged", he continues.
"You do not seem to have much desire to conceal this involvement", Fran notes, pulling at the edges of his blue jacket.
"But it is usually also a more transactional arrangement, which I am confident is not your intent."
"Correct", you nudge his arm with your elbow reassuringly. "Right now, it helps to distract me from work."
Johnson´s & Revy relationship - something that glories the flesh & human connection - is an affront to the basic precepts of the Admech.

To Revy, it is a fully innocent tryst and not so much of a deal -something very normal, dealt with a form and some boundaries to subordinates. To Johnson, it is a mortal danger he is still indulging in because he is, somehow, really attracted to Revy. Enough to take what, on the surface, looks like insane risks. [That´s the real prize high Gothic AP expenditure got us folks - connection ability up to the intercultural romance]

We were very, very lucky to have such an exceptional character on the retinue. I hope Revy (and the questers) will be able to care for him as much as he deserves, even with all the cultural distance between revy and him putting him in a degree of danger she can´t even notice.

"There remains a lot of work to do, Rebecca", he answers, a hint of unsureness creeping into his voice as he says your name, eyes darting through the workshop to where Adept Mael is protofabricating something
Adept Mael disapproves of it and is considered as a present and clear danger by Johnson. He is a servitorizing monster - remember the fabrica?
Hope he is around when Revy discovers exactly what servitors are -he could do being reminded of UEF human rights legislation. Lethally.

"Not really into full body cyborgs", you give him a wink. "I like my men how I like my steak, made of flesh with a lean ten percent fat."
He actually laughs at that, which makes you unreasonably proud.
"The position comes with a wide suite of cybernetic augmentation and implanted knowledge to which I lost access when I was deemed unfit due to my worsening condition."
"Many of the memories deemed of no value were erased during my apprenticeship to become a lex militant to make room for more important knowledge. I possess effectively no recollection of my time in the Cults", he explains. His words soften your simmering irritation, turning it into a swell of compassion.
"That's sad", your voice is quiet, comforting. "Do you miss them?"
"There is not more to miss than a vague hint of a memory, an echo. For a long time I believed such notions to be below one of my stations", he admits, the memento disappearing back into his pockets. "Now, I deem it a type of knowledge worth possessing, an experience I would have liked to remember."
"Arrogant as I was, I managed to break the one thing reminding me of my family."
"Break?", his eyes light up with concern, posture straightening up as he leans forward. "Would you care to elaborate?"

Can we really just take a moment to appreciate how absolutely healing is Revy being to Johnson without even noticing?

Johnson has been heavily hinted to have augmentic dysphoria syndrome.
In the Admech, this must be the cultural equivalent of being a leper. Absolutely a career-ender, no matter how much Biologis sophistry you spin.

Maybe Johnson had to fend everyday peer suggestions that he was becoming "unproductive" and ought to be "repurposed" through servitorization or just shy of it - if beliefs and memories are editable & humans brains the only AI computing substrate available, independent thought and individuality is a luxury only justifiable by exceptional performance.

And here comes Revy, someone who not only doesn´t care about that "fatal flaw", but loves it. Glories it.
Appreciates all the facets of Johnson that every single of his peers fear, shun or despise, and sees instead only things to be attracted to.

"You hum, unable to suppress both the smile playing around the corners of your mouth and the slight blush creeping on your face. He mirrors your expression"
<Get out of his head!>
The effect is immediate. Before you have even put it back into your pocket, Fran's spine straightens, his face taking on a look of utter confusion as he stares off into nothingness, blinking.
Okay, VERY worrying signs - his non-verbal language quality & competence: "signs of human-ness" - seem to be relying heavily on mirroring the interlocutor to put her at ease, or using "best practice" psychology interview shorthands. The fact that his interpersonal ability takes a hit might be due - at its most extreme interpretation - because he was using the noosphere sensor feed Luna provided (and her lowkey context/reasoning skills) to enhance its ability to perform in that social interaction.

Not that it needs to be sinister. It should be remembered that the admech upbringing and sociology is very alien to what our societies consider "normal" - in practical terms, I would reconsider any techpriesthood personnel in the base as an extremely neurodivergent person "masking" at such "high functioning" levels that you quite easily forget how insanely different their psychological makeup is to the rest of humanity.

So relying on data feed or external cogitation instead of your own experience, or basically trying to "win" and maximize outcome/agreeableness of any social situation by using the best available practices in a psychological toolset instead of relying on subjectivity or spontaneity as most of us would do could be normal, healthy behavior in admech - or even what is polite to your interlocutor - instead of throwing red flags.

PS: I realize how this statement could be misconstrued in me being the worst piece of work - particularly because most here are neurodivergent.
Rather, I know from experience what it is being so good at "passing as human" that you never notice that your similarity to "baseline human" is actually a convergent "functionality benchmark" that you hit on by habit & etiquette, but hides how actually different you are in processing and perception to your peers.
So the themes broached here and around Johnson specifically resonate a lot, in a good way. Hence why I comment and engage with them.
"Many of the memories deemed of no value were erased during my apprenticeship to become a lex militant to make room for more important knowledge. I possess effectively no recollection of my time in the Cults", he explains. His words soften your simmering irritation, turning it into a swell of compassion, hand involuntarily moving to grab his shoulder and squeeze it gently, remaining there for a moment.

I hate how if this is canon then you can't tell if this was thought up because the writers are lazy idiots, the admec are just fucking stupid and don't know how memory work, or worse they do know and pointlessly do it anyways because bonds of blood are for fleshy things eww.
because he was using the noosphere sensor feed Luna provided (and her lowkey context/reasoning skills) to enhance its ability to perform in that social interaction.
Nah, its just very confusing if the cool machine spirit youve been vibing with through the noosphere suddenly ghosts you and then your kinda boss, who you also might be dating, tells you to stop using admech social media because of the viruses.
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Nah, its just very confusing if the cool machine spirit youve been vibing with through the noosphere suddenly ghosts you and then your kinda boss, who you also might be dating, tells you to stop using admech social media because of the viruses.

:p idk about you but if I was a cyborg I'd certainly listen after the stuff I'd seen her pull off yeah. But also incredibly concerning xD
When this is all done, you should release the whole series as physical books if you can, though I can see why it would be nearly impossible to do.
Lmao, no. I'd rather not risk the wrath of Geedubs and Square Enix. Besides, writing is a hobby I have no desire to try and monetize. If people want to give me money, put it in a jar and once its enough pay some poor starving twitter artist to make SoupComQuest fanart.
Aeon Illuminate
The Aeon are a testament to the profound influence of the Way, embodying grace, beauty, and a pursuit of esoteric peace. Their culture, relatively new by human historical standards but deeply spiritual, focuses around a monk-like, minimalist lifestyle in small, communal societies with varying levels of technology use. The average Aeon citizen is soft-spoken, modest, and internally disciplined, traits crucial for a society with such intimate awareness of everyone else's feelings, exhibiting a number of extrasensory and psionic powers attributed to the Way. The teachings left by the alien Seraphim have been instrumental in promoting this "harmonious existence." Contrasting with their on the surface very egalitarian society is the undemocratic, rigid caste system by which the state of the Aeon Illuminate is organized beyond their agricultural communes. Notable here are the Priest Caste led by a "Princess" and their warrior caste led by an "Avatar of War", between which tensions were rising towards the end of the Infinite War.

Aeon technology is advanced, their units blending an alien form of beauty with formidable destructive power. Beneath their gleaming exteriors lies Seraphim derived technology, Their use of exotic energy weapons and advanced quantum field theories showcases their advanced scientific prowess, providing both defensive and offensive capabilities. Aeon units, designed for rapid and overwhelming offensives, reflect their strategic emphasis on swift and decisive victories.

Aeon soldiers go through a rigorous, spartan-like training going beyond the mere technical, historical, tactical and strategic areas taught to UEF commanders. Being an Aeon soldier is a life-long commitment to all areas of combat and warfare, mind and body, heart and soul. Predominantly female, these warriors exhibit both compassion for humanity and, before the Burke Reformation, a conviction that other factions were not yet ready to embrace their higher way of life. Their aim was simple: cleansing humanity of its flaws by spreading the Way and cleansing the Galaxy of unbelievers, a doctrine which was revealed to be flawed by Princess Burke and partly responsible for instigating the Infinite War, the very outcome which they sought to avoid.

What happened so far?
It is the 2nd of August, 3844, and the Infinite War has raged for a thousand years without resolution. UEF President Riley, realizing a conventional victory is unattainable, comissioned the the creation of Black Sun at the start of his presidency, a superweapon designed to harness the Gate Network to annihilate any planet within range, ensuring UEF victory. On this day, the Aeon Illuminate launches a final offensive on UEF territory. Under President Riley's orders to defend every inch of UEF land, EarthCOM's supreme commander, General Samantha Clarke, orchestrates a grueling 53-day campaign, holding off both the Aeon and the opportunistic Cybran forces, all while racing against the clock to complete Black Sun.

The superweapon's existence leaks, prompting a frantic dash by both enemy factions to seize Earth. On the 24th of September, 3844, the Infinite War reaches its climax in a decisive battle on mankind's home planet. Despite the Aeon and Cybran's best efforts, EarthCOM holds firm. Black Sun is completed just in time, and General Clarke, unable to risk any further delay and the destruction of the UEF's leverage, orders the destruction of the Aeon and Cybran core worlds. The ensuing devastation cripples their high-level industry, command infrastructure, recall gates, and reserve commanders, allowing UEF forces to push back their overstretched enemies.

With all lost territory reclaimed, EarthCOM prepares for an invasion of the weakened Aeon and Cybran, should surrender negotiations not lead to a satisfactory end to the Infinite War. However, negotiations are abruptly halted as the instability created by Black Sun's firing rips open a rift in the Quantum Realm over Earth, unleashing the thought existinct Seraphim who incinerate Earth in their quest to annihilate humanity. EarthCOM faces a new, dire threat. The Aeon fracture into a civil war between the Loyalists, following Princess Burke's teachings of non-coercive enlightenment, and the Order of the Illuminate, allied with the Seraphim. Simultaneously, Dr. Brackmann's super AI derived from Seraphim technology, QAI, betrays its creator, crippling the Gate Network and devastating the remaining Cybran military.

In the face of extinction, General Clarke and Dr. Brackmann form the Coalition of Colonial Defense, uniting the UEF and Cybrans against the Seraphim, QAI, and the Illuminate. Reluctantly, they admit Aeon Loyalists, led by Commander Rhiza, into the Coalition. Despite being on the backfoot for the longest time during the war, a critical victory at Fort Clarke, the UEF's headquarters, exposes the Seraphim. What follows is a rapid and decisive campaign that shatters the Seraphim's grip on the Order. Princess Burke's reemergence incites an Order civil war, QAI is destroyed, and the final showdown takes place once again on Earth.

On the 10th of August, 3847, the UEF flag is raised high on Earth. In a final act of sacrifice, Rihanne Burke closes the rift, ending the Seraphim threat for the foreseeable future. A tentative peace descends, and humanity begins the arduous process of rebuilding.
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