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Quests Archive

This is a quiet place.


The Presence and the Pawn. A Pre-Wow Warcraft Quest where you take control of a unnatural presence and try and lead a unlikely hero to success via gentle nudges, whispers and pushes. The quest starts a few years before the first war and you must prepare your hero and yourself to stop the scourge and ensure the Burning Legion never enters this world.
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The Trolls of Azeroth are a dying Breed. Will you die out alongside them.
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In a world of constant rivalry between the Horde and the Alliance, both sides need skilled commanders to lead them against each other, as well as external threats.
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AZEROTH is at a time of unprecedented peace. The year is 38 ADP, two years after the bloody Fourth War and the Expedition to the Shadowlands in search of the criminal, Sylvanas Windrunner. After almost four decades of endless war, the Horde and Alliance have finally settled their disputes with an, albeit uneasy, peace treaty- allowing for adventurers, travelers and citizens from both sides to mingle and possibly create a domain of understanding and further healing to the already battered...
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The World of Warcraft is before you, the wide plains of Kalimdor, the mountains of Alterac, the jungles of Stranglethorn. You are an Orc within this world, free to choose your destiny, but bound by convention and obligation. What will you do? Where will you go?
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Nobody expected such a quiet end. After several years of global conflict, the Blood Wars...
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an ordinary person is thrown into the world of Azeroth after their untimely death, but their life would not be ordinary because they were reborn as a harpy.
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Westfall. It's not much, but it's yours. If you can keep it, that is.
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A champion from the world of Azeroth has experienced the single most feared outcome of a portal; being tossed some where else in the universe. Fortunately for you, the new destination is Earth. Unfortunately for you the destination is Earth. Can you live long enough to return home or maybe you will find Earth such a joy that you will stay here.
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Quest index
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my second quest
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A/N This is my first quest and there are likely to be some errors. I hope I can make a good...
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Choose your path. Who are you? [] Gilgamesh of Uruk: A king of ages past, humbled by...
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So, I recently got back into WoW, because hype, and was reminded of just how much I genuinely...
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The stars above you twinkle as the night passes, but you only see them through the bars of a...
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This is not dead which can eternal lie (H.P Lovecraft) Heroes, Anti Heroes, Tragic Heroes...
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You are an arakkoa. Well, of course you are. You've always been an arakkoa. As a descendant of...
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Warhammer Fantasy/??? Crossover CKII Quest This world is strange under its two moons. One...
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Many thinks can happen within the fire that burned Fuyuki, what if he was transported to the...
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Warcraft: Lords of Outland You are the so-called “Illidari”. The followers of the great night...
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This post is just faction selection. Questions about factions are allowed, if I didn't cover...
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