[X] Play into the insanity - admit that you are from another world and attempt to reply as they seem to expect you to reply
[X] Play into the insanity - admit that you are from another world and attempt to reply as they seem to expect you to reply
guess i missed the vote. oh well.

I wonder what the year it is and if Warcraft is a thing on this Earth or not?
Culture shock pt 3
I turned towards the man that was asking about aliens and if I was one.

Hmm..could work issues abound…i doubt their idea of aliens would be an undead killing machine…hmm..if I let them decide my reactions it might just work out ok. Although, why the fel is my voice driving them insane? hmm…possibly related to their abysmally low levels of mana..no things without mana on Azeroth don't flip out at my voice. Of course the great majority of those are automatons, could be soul based. Ugh not enough data points.

Making a show of looking around at the trees and rocks to buy myself some time I examine their items. They seem to be using primitive guns or at least somewhat primitive, their design is unusual to say the least from what I can make of the metal is that the alloy they are using is absolutely useless, but perhaps this is a difference of this world. As for their armor it appears to be cloth, layered cloth but cloth non the less and without any of the standard enchantments so in summary they are totally defenseless to me.

"Yes, I am an alien, from another world. And no I won't share any of our secrets." I say as I look around the area, plotting out good escape paths if needed although, I could frankly kill them faster than they could react in all honesty. Ah, perfect, from my vantage point I could easily see several good escape paths that based on my current estimation of their skill would see them take several hours to catch up to me.

The one that seems the most excited seems to almost pout for a bit, which is just bizarre to see on a grown human. In fact now that I think about it these humans bear Little resemblance to the humans I am aware of. Each of them is incredibly lacking in muscle mass and their body shape is off in some areas. I have a feeling that these humans weren't created by the Titans, perhaps evolution brought them about on this world. Although then the question becomes why did the Titans use such an imperfect method?

"How did you reach us? Do you have a spaceship? What are your people like? What kind of technology do you use?"

And there goes the man again with the fast pace questions. I lean against the rock and think on the implications that were just revealed: first of all they are not aware of other races so this is effective first contact. Wonderful, at least I can't possibly screw this up more than the Horde did. Spaceship, implies that they expect to need to cross the void of space, meaning they don't have portal or teleportation technology nor magic at least on any large scale level, I heard some rumors about the Eredar trying to build a small spacecraft from the remains of their crashed city ship, but it relies on a holy engine and going through the Nether. What are my people like, should I reveal the multiracial nature of the Alliance or remain with the gnomes. The gnomes as a whole like to build things and we are proper scientists and document our work so others can actually improve upon it, that should work nicely as the first thought they had was to ask about technology further indicting a lack of magic.

"The answers to your last set of questions, unless you want me to start stabbing are in order: Portal transit, no, inventors, everything."

The moment I finish speaking the man, just stares at me for a minute and then falls over and begins to clutch his chest. This immediately sends the others scrambling to help him or to aim their guns at me. "Heart attack." Mutters the captain of this team as he check the fallen mans body.

I guess I should help since technically I did cause this, with a flick of my finger I weave the energy of blood and sacrifice a small bit of my unnatural vitally to restore the fallen man. The shard of blood red energy lances into the fallen man in a flash of crimson lighting. I could feel my life-force tearing the man apart and with a sigh I force it to heal the persona and not just turn him into a blood mess. Now that I think about it this is disturbingly similar to how corpse explosion worked, well at least his body seems to be stabilizing a bit.

I turn away to go talk with another of the men or just leave this mad house right in time for an explosion of magical energy to discharge from right behind me. It slammed into me and did absolutely nothing, but the same couldn't be said for the area, trees went flying, rocks shattered and the men also went flying. Why the hell is the universe hating me today? Is this my curse for taking up the shards of Frostmourne? I sigh and turn around once more and the man I healed had changed massively in a short time, gone was the lack of muscle mass and his rather unkept appearance and now he appeared to be forged in the typical human mold.

Great, just the fel I needed to make this day better. The ability to improve the humans of this world. Looking around the other four men were in rather dire straights, the lucky one somehow managed to get trapped in a tree and rock pileup in which his head was trapped in branches and his feet somehow were trapped between rocks without breaking them. The others were much worst off, one of them was missing a head, another had lost an arm from the shoulder down and the final one had apparently shattered all of his arm bones based on his actions.

I take a minute to take in the chaos and wish I was a goblin for then this would be hilarious and not just stress inducing. To deal with my stress I slam my face into a nearby rock and it promptly crumbles into dust. I am officially done with this insanity, nothing seems to be working out for me and as such to the void with restraint.

With a snick the blade Frostreaper is released from its sheath and with a toss it lands into the headless body, while I use Icebringer to quickly deal with the the criminal and the two men that saw me kill the others, by some chance of fate the captain didn't see or hear what I did and frankly he hadn't done enough to irritate me into killing him. As for the cause of this latest disaster, I was frankly unsure of what to do with him.

Altered human choice
[] Kill him
[] Let him live

Action choice
[] just leave and interrogate the souls
[] just leave and wander around the nearby town/city

Notes: Soul Hunger has been reset and Sated for the next two weeks and you learn that magic is very rare or unknown in this world. The police man was a total sci fi nerd and was a bit unhealthy, leading to a heart attack when he got his life's goal completed.