Mature THE AGE OF INSURRECTION [or, a hero of Azeroth is transported to an alternate, darker one]

THE AGE OF INSURRECTION [or, a hero of Azeroth is transported to an alternate, darker one]
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AZEROTH is at a time of unprecedented peace.
The year is 38 ADP, two years after the bloody Fourth War and the Expedition to the Shadowlands in search of the criminal, Sylvanas Windrunner. After almost four decades of endless war, the Horde and Alliance have finally settled their disputes with an, albeit uneasy, peace treaty- allowing for adventurers, travelers and citizens from both sides to mingle and possibly create a domain of understanding and further healing to the already battered world.
The Kaldorei seek a new home. The Gilneans have reclaimed theirs. The Elves further unite themselves. Old magics are becoming more prevalent. It is a time of both technological progress, societal change and magical wonder.
However, this story is not about this Azeroth. It is about another.