Eldre'thalas: the grand city of the Highborne, second to none but pristine Zin-Azshari from days past, which now lays as rubble across the Coral Sea. Born from the mountain Toltheir, which overlooks the great forests of Ferelas and the far fields of Mulgore and lower Ashenvale, where the Tauren graze and the Centaur roam, Eldre'thalas stands as a beacon of civilization in these otherwise uncultured southlands. Far from the vigil of Ashenvale and it's sentinels, where the druidic demagogues and their ranger pets now reign, and farther still from the branches of Teldrassil, traitor-wood born of Eternity's ruin.
In Eldre'thalas, each house is a hall, crafted from the finest wood of Ashenvale and fortified by stone hew by arcane masters; each roof held aloft by columns garbed in ivory and gilded in gold and silver. Each column holds up grand archs of Ashenvale wood, etched with silver telling grand stories of ancestors past and portraits of great leaders and legends. In Eldre'thalas, each wall is a masterwork of art and arcane; stretching high into the sky, hew in great curves and compelling corners and painted with silver runes that stretch from the city's soft, moss and peacebloom covered floors to the battlements atop the walls, where archers keep their eternal watch and arcanists prepare new layers of runes, to replace and refine the runes holding now.
Of these houses stand three grandest, the guild houses of the Huntresses, the Wildshapers and the Royalists.
Leading the Huntresses is the famous Illyanna Ravenoak, said to have slain two Annihilan while working as a disciple of Goldrinn in the first battle of Eldre'thalas, and countless lesser demons in the battles after.
Master of the Wildshapers is Alzzin of the Claw, one of the few druids among the Highborne; his disciples have begun to learn the arts of druidism from him, though they are tained by arcane practices and none have shown the ability to transform. Among the Wildshapers block are the Ancients of the city, the few Ancients of War and Lore who fled to Eldre'thalas in the eons before the war.
The Royalists are more fickle in their leanings, some seeking out those with the closest blood to Azshara that do not descend from known traitors; while others striving for Prince Tolthredrin and his kin as the leaders, for they descended from the founders of Eldre'thalas. Though they have more inner struggles then the other factions, they have always voted in complete lockstep, suggesting a centralized control structure; none of the Royalists are willing to admit who this leader is, and some believe that the Royalists honestly do not know who their leader is.
In the center of Eldre'thalas is the sanctum Athenaeum, center of worship of the Arcane and of Elune. It is here where the Shen'dralar gather, the great order of Spellweavers that watch over the runes and ensure no abuse of magic. They act as teachers and as inquisitors, as archmagi and as archbishop, and while they craft new magic and new runes, more of their time is spent destroying old magic and old teachings. The failures that led to Zin-Azshari's fall are clear and present in the minds of all, reverberated each year when an arcanist's ward fails and the Burning Legion enters through them. Were it not for the darker actions of the Shen'dralar, Eldre'thalas would be no more. Thus, though all fear their eyes turning to them, all within the city maintain a respect for them. Subsect of the spellweavers are the Lorekeepers, who maintain knowledge and record of each spell outlawed and each teaching pushed aside by the Shen'dralar.
The palace gardens lay next before the Capital, in which the guild leaders and elected arcanists gather and speak before meetings and votes. Peacebloom and liferoot grow in abundance around beautifully sculpted and maintained mana crystals and fountains, on which there is near always some street wizard using his familial spells to amuse children by sculpting great elemental beasts from the water and having them perform dances and tricks. Though the Court of the Highborne is where votes and debates take place, the Gardens outside are where democracy happens.
Past these Gardens stands the Capital Hall. The first floor of the Capital is a courtyard, simply another part of the Palace Gardens; but from there it rises into the grand Hall of the Senate, where great Highborne arcanists and orators bicker and craft edicts and laws to be enforced by the Huntresses and the Shen'dralar. It is here that the factions are tightest seen, as the Royalists, Arcanists, Huntresses, Wildshapers and commoners vie for their interests. Further above the grand Hall of the Senate lays the twin sanctums of Eldre'thalas--one housing Prince Tolthredin, one housing the Lord of the Senate.
You are the Lord of the Senate, but beyond that you are:
[ ] Prince Tolthredrin
Son of the founder of Eldre'thalas, Prince Tolthredrin commands the order of the Shen'dralar and is one of the most dignified nobles in the city. While no faction explicitly hates him, all but his Shen'dralar would profit from his fall. His hatred for Ashenvale and for the Sentinel's Long Vigil is only matched by their hate for him.
Traits: Quick, Shen'dralar Master, Master Demonologist, Archmage, Immor'than's Jailor, Ashenvale Exile
[ ] Mordent Evenshade
Second of the Shen'dralar and their leader in the Senate, Evenshade is one of the few Highborne not treated as an exile and enemy of the Sentinels. Though his inner city politics are lacking, his mastery of magic and his connection with the Sentinels puts him in line to be one of the best peacemakers in the city's history; one of the only options who could break the Long Vigil.
DIP-4 MIL-4 ITR-4 CUL-4 MAG-10
Traits: Young, Shen'dralar Master, Senator, Archmage, Peer of Ashenvale
[ ] Illyanna Ravenoak
Leader of the Huntresses and de facto leader of the city's standing army, Illyanna has made plenty of enemies; and plenty of allies. While the Huntresses and Wildshapers revere her for her feats in combat and connections to the Ancients, her use of arcane as a means to an end and not as her entire purpose has led to distrust and investigation from the Shen'dralar Order.
Traits: Annihilan Slayer (x2), Disciple of Goldrinn, Senator, Ranger-General, Ashenvale Exile
[ ] Alzinn of the Claw
Leader of the Wildspeakers and the only druid in the city, Alzinn offers the city a path to re-embrace with druidism. Though a strong druid and a friend of the Ancients of the City, the cracks in the world left by the Sundering and his inability to enter the Emerald Dream have started to crack at his mind. His leadership skills rely on maintaining his sanity.
Traits: Druid of the Claw, Senator, Insane