Continue or reboot

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    Votes: 34 64.2%
  • Reboot

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Piss off you ass who never keeps on going for more than one or 2 updates.

    Votes: 8 15.1%

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I dont know about that, we need to know first just where the winds of magic stand on the forces of the universe to see if they are closer to the arcane, death, fell, light, void or life, we know that they not close to the elementals and that chaos react really bad to the light, but nothing more.
You'd be surprised how compatible various magics could and can be if we were to find out all the associations they could have with one another.

The Light goes VERY well with Hysh, because, well, that's OBVIOUS.

The Light can bestow the power of prophecy, and combined with Hysh's own light of spiritual/mental illumination, that can draw in the Blue Wind of Azyr.

The Higher Elemental powers and Celestial Realms that The Light/Hysh, and Azyr share, surge and vibrate with vast, potent, cosmic, and fiery energies.

How fitting that the searing glory of the Red Wind of Aqshy should join it's fellows with all their blazing crowns and lightnings.

The divine knowledge and abstract wisdom revealed by Light, Hysh, and Azyr, and the searing, roaring passions and secrets within the flames that Aqshy possesses, requires sacred logic and needs to be quantified so that others may understand and comprehend the Higher Mysteries of the Aethyr, and how they interact with the mortal realm, which is what the Yellow Wind of Chamon excels in doing.

If there's one thing that so many spiritual traditions agree on, it is that the world one "lives" on, is but shadow. False and transitory.


The Light/Hysh, Azyr, Aqshy and Chamon each reveal much the same, though in different, myriad ways, and uses of phrase, but to truly SEE beyond the falsehoods of the flesh, one must also understand and overcome the very essence of the illusion itself, which is what The Grey Wind of Ulgu embodies.

Within every living being, there is a beast, a savage animal that many believe must leashed and bound and beaten into submission. It also seems that so much of mankind believes that all the wild fauna that prowl, roam, slither or fly should likewise be treated in the same manner.

The heavenly wisdoms of The Light/Hysh and Azyr, the earthly logic of Chamon, and the hidden ways of Ulgu, tell that to deny the base self is to deny the WHOLE self as well.

"Fire is a good servant, but a poor master", says Aqshy, but a firm hand need not be a cruel one. By accepting the animal within, one may become the greater "animal" without.

A metaphor which the Brown Wind of Ghur finds much agreement with, though it has little use for mere words!

The Light/Hysh, Azyr, Chamon, and Aqshy show that though all of the cosmos may be a part of Ulgu's grand illusion, EVERYTHING in the totality of Creation vibrates with a vitality of a kind, from the smallest quark, to the most BRILLIANT spinning sun of any Solar System.

Vibration is energy, which is also matter. Energy is consciousness, so therefore, EVERYTHING is conscious on a certain level, whether one be a beast of Ghur, or one of stone, tree, river or star!

Thus, all of existence could be considered ALIVE, so says the Green Wind of Ghyran!

All things must end. All things are transitory. Nothing, lasts forever. Hard words, but they speak a truth that everyone must come to accept in the end, or face a fate far worse than the mere cessation of physical existence.

As a soul, one descends from the shining heavens, the home of the soul that The Light and Hysh are attributed too, becoming entangled in the ego-shroud that Ulgu imposes, and the soul is born into the realm which Ghyran sustains, which is then bound by the fate-patterns of Azyr, whose constellations, signs and portents binds one to Destiny, beginning, middle, and end in ways that not even the passionate, free-willed spirit of Aqshy can blast, the savage strength of will that Ghur provides can rip and tear, or the reasoning of Chamon can solve.

The End.


The great attractor and transformer. the transition of the soul from one state of being to another.

Such is the domain of the Purple Wind of Shyish!

But, if there is one thing that Death teaches us, it is NOT the end, for as the soul is released from its prison of flesh, one returns to the Highest Empyrean with the lessons it has learned from it life upon the world below, and the cycle continues until it achieves the goal that every "mortal" spirit seeks to attain.

In the end, there is No-"thing", which is EVERYTHING that Qhaysh seeks to exist as, encompassing and understanding all possibilities that exist for the TRUE self, for pure consciousness is bliss.

Is peace.

Is Love.

Pure Light.
You'd be surprised how compatible various magics could and can be if we were to find out all the associations they could have with one another.

The Light goes VERY well with Hysh, because, well, that's OBVIOUS.

The Light can bestow the power of prophecy, and combined with Hysh's own light of spiritual/mental illumination, that can draw in the Blue Wind of Azyr.

The Higher Elemental powers and Celestial Realms that The Light/Hysh, and Azyr share, surge and vibrate with vast, potent, cosmic, and fiery energies.

How fitting that the searing glory of the Red Wind of Aqshy should join it's fellows with all their blazing crowns and lightnings.

The divine knowledge and abstract wisdom revealed by Light, Hysh, and Azyr, and the searing, roaring passions and secrets within the flames that Aqshy possesses, requires sacred logic and needs to be quantified so that others may understand and comprehend the Higher Mysteries of the Aethyr, and how they interact with the mortal realm, which is what the Yellow Wind of Chamon excels in doing.

If there's one thing that so many spiritual traditions agree on, it is that the world one "lives" on, is but shadow. False and transitory.


The Light/Hysh, Azyr, Aqshy and Chamon each reveal much the same, though in different, myriad ways, and uses of phrase, but to truly SEE beyond the falsehoods of the flesh, one must also understand and overcome the very essence of the illusion itself, which is what The Grey Wind of Ulgu embodies.

Within every living being, there is a beast, a savage animal that many believe must leashed and bound and beaten into submission. It also seems that so much of mankind believes that all the wild fauna that prowl, roam, slither or fly should likewise be treated in the same manner.

The heavenly wisdoms of The Light/Hysh and Azyr, the earthly logic of Chamon, and the hidden ways of Ulgu, tell that to deny the base self is to deny the WHOLE self as well.

"Fire is a good servant, but a poor master", says Aqshy, but a firm hand need not be a cruel one. By accepting the animal within, one may become the greater "animal" without.

A metaphor which the Brown Wind of Ghur finds much agreement with, though it has little use for mere words!

The Light/Hysh, Azyr, Chamon, and Aqshy show that though all of the cosmos may be a part of Ulgu's grand illusion, EVERYTHING in the totality of Creation vibrates with a vitality of a kind, from the smallest quark, to the most BRILLIANT spinning sun of any Solar System.

Vibration is energy, which is also matter. Energy is consciousness, so therefore, EVERYTHING is conscious on a certain level, whether one be a beast of Ghur, or one of stone, tree, river or star!

Thus, all of existence could be considered ALIVE, so says the Green Wind of Ghyran!

All things must end. All things are transitory. Nothing, lasts forever. Hard words, but they speak a truth that everyone must come to accept in the end, or face a fate far worse than the mere cessation of physical existence.

As a soul, one descends from the shining heavens, the home of the soul that The Light and Hysh are attributed too, becoming entangled in the ego-shroud that Ulgu imposes, and the soul is born into the realm which Ghyran sustains, which is then bound by the fate-patterns of Azyr, whose constellations, signs and portents binds one to Destiny, beginning, middle, and end in ways that not even the passionate, free-willed spirit of Aqshy can blast, the savage strength of will that Ghur provides can rip and tear, or the reasoning of Chamon can solve.

The End.


The great attractor and transformer. the transition of the soul from one state of being to another.

Such is the domain of the Purple Wind of Shyish!

But, if there is one thing that Death teaches us, it is NOT the end, for as the soul is released from its prison of flesh, one returns to the Highest Empyrean with the lessons it has learned from it life upon the world below, and the cycle continues until it achieves the goal that every "mortal" spirit seeks to attain.

In the end, there is No-"thing", which is EVERYTHING that Qhaysh seeks to exist as, encompassing and understanding all possibilities that exist for the TRUE self, for pure consciousness is bliss.

Is peace.

Is Love.

Pure Light.

Yeah but they are the diferents forms that warp energy could take on the world after they are separated and warp energy is closer to fell in funtion and effect, after separation the winds maybe closer to arcane, because arcane is the opposite of fell, fell is chaos while arcane is order and winds tend to comport in a ordely way when they are separated. And high magic might as well be the closest way to utilized warp energy to reach the level of order that arcane is.
Just some corrections to Turn 3 that have been bothering me.

Turn 3

As you sit down to meditate, you think on what happened last year. For the most part, it was excellent; your people are establishing themselves, damage is being repaired but on the other hand more questions have been raised.

This "Human", now revealed to be one of the Nehkarian's with their savage culture, are in some ways more barbaric than the Orcs of Draenor but worse, this plague that has been afflicted on them. You'd think it your brother's work, but it's not quite painful enough for that. References to this Nagash cropped up more than a few times in the translations. It seems that you already have an enemy here.

Nobundo however is furious. You've met more than a few Elementals in your life and you've grown to respect what they do though you have never had the close connection to them that Nobundo has. However, his anger at whatever force bound away the Elements is manifesting itself as an ever present wind.

At least for now the Alcatraz is secured… you hope.

Martial: The Triad are currently mourning the loss of their friends and students, however, they stand ready to serve. Currently they are recommending that you occupy the Alcatraz immediately. A single low priority inmate was dangerous, a second could be worse. They also want a police force and a wall.
Choose 3 Actions (Printer adds +20 to all attempts to build or fabricate materials):

[] Establish a police force
: With the Hand working on this project creating a group to keep the civilian population calm, as well as to act as a military force in case of desperate measures, they would be primarily armed with shock enhanced weapons, but for now it is the best you can do.
Chance of Success: 85%
Cost: 1000 Gold.
Reward: Civilian Police Force established to stop crimes (what few there are), act as an emergency army in case of disaster and to reassure the people.

[] Everybody can try: Your people are a peaceful race, but that doesn't mean you cannot use your strength. The Triumvirate can easily create an appealing ad campaign, encouraging people to learn self-defense or form militia groups.
Chance of Success: 60%
Duration: 2 Turns.
Reward: Militia begins to train among populace.

[] Now this base belongs to… wait a: The Alcatraz is now safe for your people to go into a repair as soon as possible. This is a High Priority.
Chance of Success: 100%
Duration: 1 Turn.
Reward: Alcatraz occupied patrolled, etc.

[] We'll build a Wall: Well, not a wall so much as a Magitech field around the Exodar where most of your people live. At the moment, it would probably be impractical to build a wall around the whole of the keep.
Chance of Success: 70%
Duration: 1 Turn.
Cost: 1000 Gold.
Reward: A Wall.

Diplomacy: At the moment, there is almost far too many things to do on this front. From the Netherwings to integrating the Broken, to making contact with a city and more. Iresraa is looking a little frazzled.
Choose 3 Actions:

[] Speak to the people
: Your people are calm as this is far from the first time you have done this, but knowing that you are there and looking after them would definitely be appreciated by them.
Chance of Success: 90% / 10%
Reward: Raise the People's spirit.

[] Integrate the Broken: You firmly believe that the Broken are Hero's. Many are those who remained behind to trick the Orcs when you fled, and they paid a steep price for their sacrifice. Inform your people so that this cultural malus is swept away.
Chance of Success: ??%
Reward: Cultural Ambivalence towards the Broken destroyed, massive boost in Broken opinion. Further action will need to be taken.

[] Netherwing gonna fly: Your people have done great things for the Netherwing and you could probably say without exaggeration that you've been the best allies their people have ever had. And so when the Matriarch and Patriarch of their kind came up to you to ask to join your people you were not surprised, but a little shocked at the speed.
Chance of Success: 60%
Reward: Netherwing Brood joins the Draenei officially.

[] This is an aid mission, do not resist: You have healers and regardless of their customs, you will not leave these humans to die deaths that would make a demon giggle in appreciation. They may resist, so best to send some Vindicators as well.
Chance of Success: 50%
Cost: 5000 Gold.
Reward: Moral superiority, fewer dead people making necromantic energy.

Stewardship: Where repair and amenities were once the name of the game, now the name is still repair, but let's get some proper government back here. Deknoiru has remarked that it is an odd day when the people are demanding the return of their taxes, but that is the world you now live in.
Choose 3 Actions (Printer adds +20 to all attempts to build or fabricate materials):

[] Construct administrative building
: Every civilisation needs a government, and administrators for a proper economy to function and economies are the backbone of any civilization, but currently you lack one.
Chance of Success: 80%
Cost: 300 Gold.
Reward: The ability to do business and collect taxes, as well as other actions related to the governing of your People.

[] Survey the land: This land may be a desert but there must be resources your people can use and convert into useful materials for magic and building. After all, your current supplie of raw materials cannot last forever.
Chance of Success: ??%
Reward: Additional Resources found.

[] Repair Alcatraz: The prison has suffered damage and while you may not be able to replace some of the Naaru created materials, you can certainly fabricate a decent stopgap over the holes that are already there and restore power.
Chance of Success: 90%
Cost: 600 Gold.
Reward: Alcatraz repaired to the best of your current abilities.

[] Expanding Outwards: Your people will still need room to grow and thrive as your population expands outwards, setting up basic infrastructure and moving them outside of the Exodar seems like a good idea.
Chance of Success: 90%
Cost: 1000 Gold.
Reward: Room to expand and basic infrastructure set up.

[] I don't wanna: School is a word that many a child despises, even dear Yrel, however learning must be done. Now it is especially important, knowledge must be passed on, a sense of normalcy must be restored and there are far too many scamps under hoof at the moment.
Chance of Success: 85%
Cost: 1000 Gold.
Reward: Schooling, knowledge, less annoying kids at all time… well maybe Yrel still.

Intrigue: Mahhaa has been less than complimentary about your peoples stealth skills and has come to you with numerous proposals, relating to constructing a true stealth force and sending people into abandoned cities.
Choose 3 Actions:

[] They are the shadow
: While Mahhaa was a member of the incredibly stealthy Ashtongue tribe, who managed to infiltrate the Black Temple while it was ruled by Magtheradon, she was not privy to all the secrets of her tribe, but she can begin training Broken and Draenei to serve as scouts, hidden in the shadows.
Chance of Success: 60%
Duration: 2 Turns.
Cost: 1000 Gold.
Reward: Group of properly trained Scouts.

[] Shush: Mahhaa wants to try and create a network of spotters over the area, to try and catch potential attackers before they get too close. She is also very insistent on this…
Chance of Success: 40%
Duration: 1 Turn.
Cost: 1000 Gold.
Reward: People spotting problems before they get too close.

[] Now look here: Nagash. A name that makes your heart beat in anger. This being is responsible for a much larger scale version of the macabre monstrosities the Dread Lords of the Legion have created. You have seen it. You know the general location of where he is. Mahhaa is willing and a Netherwing has volunteered. Find him.
Chance of Success: ??%
Duration: 1 Turn.
Reward: Information on Nagash the Undying.

[] Covert support: The people in the cities are desperate and need help regardless of their… proclivities. Covert support from the shadows both in smoothing over issues and supporting those that normal methods cannot reach is a good idea.
Chance of Success: 70%
Duration: 1 Turn.
Reward: Moral superiority, aid to the humans, protection if other helpers are sent.

Learning: Moiraha is positively bouncing with energy, and has sent her wishes to start organising her minions (wait really?) into groups to research various topics, including: the human, the machinery of the Mechanar and more.
Choose 3 Actions:

[] Relocate them to the Mechanar
: The Mechanar is home to technology so advanced you cannot understand it, but you can use what you can and it is reinforced in case of explosions. Where better for you to base your learning support.
Chance of Success: 100%
Reward: +1 learning action.

[] Check the bounty of the earth: It will be simple to change some of the land so it can support crops to supplement your food supplies, but discovering what effect this plague has caused on the earth is a must before you begin and if it can be cleansed is a must.
Chance of Success: ??%
Cost: 100 Gold.
Reward: Information and Options regarding the region.

[] Record the knowledge of your friends: Ask to record the knowledge of your friends and allies so that their knowledge will not be lost to them and later generations.
Chance of Success: 70%
Reward: Knowledge of the Broken and the Netherwing will not be lost.

[] Practical applications: You have many of the Flora and Fauna of Draenor with you and in time you could adapt them all to your use. But which ones should be used first? Choose one each of the plants and animals of Draenor to research.
Chance of Success: ??%
Duration: Varies.
Cost: Varies.
Reward: Use of Plant and Animal of Draenor implemented.

[] Examine the plague: This infection that has seeped into water, land and flesh must be stopped and so you will have to examine it in much greater detail. With luck, you will be able to learn and save the lives of those it afflicts.
Chance of Success: ??%
Cost: 300 Gold.
Reward: Plague examined, cures/solutions found.

[] Examine the Mechanar: A marvel of science and magic, the Mechanar holds the secrets of the Naaru. Who knows what lies within.
Chance of Success: ??%
Reward: Who knows?

[] Examine the Human: The Human is strange, strong with foreign contaminants that enhance him. Still it is essential that you understand how they tick on a biological level if you are to treat others of his kind.
Chance of Success: 80%
Reward: Understanding of Human Biology.

Piety: Edibret has set to work with a single minded determination and the experience from running one of the most bustling temples in Shattrath for centuries, rustling up Clerics and other assorted men and women, to care for all who come to her and has many plans for now. To make matters better, Nobundo has been working around the clock, with many asking to see if they can join as shamans.
Choose 3 Actions:

[] Communicate with the Naaru
: Inside each of the Modules and the Keep itself, there is a Naaru somewhere. If you can find them and speak with them… who knows what you may learn. They are living conduits of the Light after all.
Chance of Success: ??% (+20 to success)
Reward: Re-establish contact with the Naaru, learn of their plans and if they have any advice.

[] Plant a Garden of Remembrance: Creating gardens to remind people of Draenor and what else has been lost, as well as what your people are trying to save, would be very beneficial. Edibret plans to have them placed in the Exodar and around the three ancient tree's in the Botanica.
Chance of Success: 100%
Cost: 100 Gold.
Reward: Boost to Moral, ???

[] Investigate the Green Night: On the Night the Green Moon shone unopposed in the sky, your people began to glow. There must be a reason for this.
Chance of Success: ??%
Reward: Information on the Green Night and the effects upon the Draenei, the Broken and the Netherwing.

[] The First: Draenei and Broken are coming and seeking out Nobundo and asking, some begging him for training. He sits and listens, turning away only those whom he deems too controlling, but most he is willing to teach.
Chance of Success: 70%
Reward: The first Shamans beyond Nobundo.

[] Priestly Vestments: The Shatranthian priests and other temples were broken. While there are still many, reforming the priests so that more can be trained is simply a common sense solution.
Chance of Success: 90%
Reward: More priests being trained.

[] The Elements: Nobundo is furious at the existence of barriers keeping the elements sealed away and wishes to work on breaking them. The first he wishes to work on:
-[] Earth: Steadfast, unyielding earth should not be shackled away. Free them. Duration: 6 Turns.
-[] Water: Taking the path of least resistance save where necessary water, the kind and cruel mistress of all life calls out for release. Duration: 4 Turns.
-[] Fire: Energy, destructive and gentle fire long locked away may have either burned away, or be raging long and without control. Duration: 3 Turns.
Reward: Free an Element from confinement, with all the Benefits & Consequences that implies.

Personal: Now that you actually have some time to yourself you can begin doing some things for yourself, Yrel or if you want to help your people.
Choose 1 Action:

[] Teach Yrel
: Dear Yrel who calls you uncle, she is an extremely good assistant, and you have seen much potential in her without your help, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be a good uncle.
Chance of Success: ??%
Reward: Mentor Yrel in an Art or Characteristic, Traits occur on crits.

[] Learn of those who assist you: Currently you do not know much about those who aid you such as Nobundo and your advisers. Talk to them and learn of them.
Chance of Success: ??%
Reward: On success, earn Character Sheet of one of your Advisers or Heroes.

[] Aid in a project: Your skills are numerous and exceptional, you would be a great boon to any project of your people no matter the field.
Reward: Adds Velen's Character Bonus to a Project.

[] Meditate: It has been sometime since you had time to yourself. Perhaps meditating on the light and your people will help clear your mind a small amount.
Chance of Success: 100%/50%/10%/1%
Reward: Chance of getting stress related traits, visions, ??

In addition, please vote for one of these:
[] Information
[] Shiny

As an apology.
One thing we should keep in mind is that we are also master users of the Arcane.
So let's say that the Arcane energies would undergo it's own progressive evolution, absorbing each Wind, one by one until it too becomes as versatile in use, if not the same in drive, or direction, before it and The Light eventually become as one with Nature.

Obviously, the Winds grounded in reason, inspiration, illusion and volatile/flashiness, (whether fiery, freezing, or electric-crackling), would be the first to become as one with it, thus that covers Chamon, Azyr, Ulgu, and Aqshy.

Soon enough, even the brilliance of Hysh would become whole with the Arcane, creating a link between the Divine, and the enlightened intellect.

But the Arcane mysteries are also the mysteries of life and death, for in the physical, empirical universe, the forces of life and death hold sway over all things.

Aside from the obvious uses that the Arcane has can be put to for Necromancy, (but in the case of Shyish, rather than just Dhar), Ghyran would eventually be drawn to how it can be used as Nature can, as an arcane version of nature magic was known to be studied by certain wizards who were trained outside cities, used for ripening, culling, harvesting.

Eventually, Ghur would also become one with Arcane, as all beasts are brought low by the most cunning of predators, or the progress of civilization.
So let's say that the Arcane energies would undergo it's own progressive evolution, absorbing each Wind, one by one until it too becomes as versatile in use, if not the same in drive, or direction, before it and The Light eventually become as one with Nature.

Obviously, the Winds grounded in reason, inspiration, illusion and volatile/flashiness, (whether fiery, freezing, or electric-crackling), would be the first to become as one with it, thus that covers Chamon, Azyr, Ulgu, and Aqshy.

Soon enough, even the brilliance of Hysh would become whole with the Arcane, creating a link between the Divine, and the enlightened intellect.

But the Arcane mysteries are also the mysteries of life and death, for in the physical, empirical universe, the forces of life and death hold sway over all things.

Aside from the obvious uses that the Arcane has can be put to for Necromancy, (but in the case of Shyish, rather than just Dhar), Ghyran would eventually be drawn to how it can be used as Nature can, as an arcane version of nature magic was known to be studied by certain wizards who were trained outside cities, used for ripening, culling, harvesting.

Eventually, Ghur would also become one with Arcane, as all beasts are brought low by the most cunning of predators, or the progress of civilization.
I think you don't quite understand what the Arcane is, it's not something that is going to absorb the Winds of Magic. To put it simply Arcane energy is best described as the raw refined stuff that makes up most of the universe, when a mage utilizes the arcane they are essentially taking that raw potential and weaving it into the desired effect. It's why the Arcane is so damn versatile, but at the same time requires so much training to use correctly and even if it is refined it is still addictive to those who use too much of it too often.
I think you don't quite understand what the Arcane is, it's not something that is going to absorb the Winds of Magic. To put it simply Arcane energy is best described as the raw refined stuff that makes up most of the universe, when a mage utilizes the arcane they are essentially taking that raw potential and weaving it into the desired effect. It's why the Arcane is so damn versatile, but at the same time requires so much training to use correctly and even if it is refined it is still addictive to those who use too much of it too often.
If comparing Arcane to Warhammer magic then it would seem to be most similar in effect to Qyash.
If you discount Fire and Cold manipulation.
If comparing Arcane to Warhammer magic then it would seem to be most similar in effect to Qyash.
If you discount Fire and Cold manipulation.
Yeah that is close enough of a comparison, although I will admit truly skilled arcane users can do utterly bullshit stuff. Like there is this one guy who managed to raise himself from the dead (Aka Meryl Felstorm ) and then there is Kadgar's time spells. But yeah Arcane is incredibly versatile but it is always limited by the skill of the caster and above all else the well of power they can access.
Arcane work by desighning a spell matrix (arcane is a lot like programing when you get down to it), to do the change, by warhammer term it be like arcanist use nothing but rituals but how lengthy, expency and complicated these rituals are depend on how good the spell matrix is and how how complicated the effect you want to create is if im not wrong.
Arcane work by desighning a spell matrix (arcane is a lot like programing when you get down to it), to do the change, by warhammer term it be like arcanist use nothing but rituals but how lengthy, expency and complicated these rituals are depend on how good the spell matrix is and how how complicated the effect you want to create is if im not wrong.
Yes, but I was looking at things purely from an effect-based perspective.
So moving off of the Arcane how about we discuss what the potential ramifications of us unbinding the elements from whatever keeps them from acting? Because let's me honest there are more than a few beings in the Warhammer universe that the Elements will be royally pissed at, like if he Elementals of earth are freed I fully expect the Skaven to suffer more than a little.

Keep in mind that if Elemental Lords form then this is what you might expect when they take to the battlefield

Of course on a side note we're probably going to have to avoid the Slann since we all know that there is no way we factor into the Old One's "plan"
Speaking of this, I desperately hope that we never see what happens when an Earth Elemental manifests a physical body with Warpstone in it.
Unfortunately corrupted elementals are a thing and with the amount of bullshit in the warhammer world we will have to deal with some. Still I fully predict the local elementals to look at warpstone and try everything they can to destroy that stuff.
So moving off of the Arcane how about we discuss what the potential ramifications of us unbinding the elements from whatever keeps them from acting? Because let's me honest there are more than a few beings in the Warhammer universe that the Elements will be royally pissed at, like if he Elementals of earth are freed I fully expect the Skaven to suffer more than a little.

Keep in mind that if Elemental Lords form then this is what you might expect when they take to the battlefield

Of course on a side note we're probably going to have to avoid the Slann since we all know that there is no way we factor into the Old One's "plan"

The dawi would get along fine with the earth and fire elementals, humas with the fire and water elementals and the elf with the air and water elementals.
Unfortunately corrupted elementals are a thing and with the amount of bullshit in the warhammer world we will have to deal with some. Still I fully predict the local elementals to look at warpstone and try everything they can to destroy that stuff.
On a tangentially related matter, how do you think that Earth Elementals would get along with Treekin/Treemen/Dryads?
On a tangentially related matter, how do you think that Earth Elementals would get along with Treekin/Treemen/Dryads?
Probably pretty well, they aren't corrupting the earth or anything so it's unlikely the Elements would take issue with them. Although we'd probably have to deal with maintaining the balance with things like ensuring the Fire Elementals don't get all burn happy like they usually do.

Although a thing the Earth Elementals will take an issue with is anyone trying large scale magic tricks like raising mountains, i'm looking at you Slann.
I was mostly wandering about whether or not Tree Hitler would go to war with them, or maybe if we could somehow stop him from getting as bad as he is/was in canon Warhammer.
Don't know, mostly because while we have Shaman and the Light we don't have any Druids in our society which makes things very tricky. If we had some Druids I'd say it wouldn't be all that hard but we don't.
Since Velen saw a vision of Malekith, does that mean the Prophet going to fight the Witch King himself in the future? If so, honestly, I'd pay money to see everyone's favorite Space Pope deliver a Light infused smackdown on old Tall, Dark, and Gruesome!:D
Since Velen saw a vision of Malekith, does that mean the Prophet going to fight the Witch King himself in the future? If so, honestly, I'd pay money to see everyone's favorite Space Pope deliver a Light infused smackdown on old Tall, Dark, and Gruesome!:D
Perhaps, but if Velen doesn't kill him, it's likely that if Nagash survives the future joint-attack by the Draenei, the Dread Necromancer will turn his sights to the very realm from which his Dark Sorcery came from.

And if we take what is spoken in the Prophecy of Demise to heart...

Well...Nagash was the first-born son of a noble lineage!
So to pass the time while we wait for @Alex pears to write the update how about we discuss the military potential of the Draenei military. Specifically how we compare to and can deal with many of the factions of Warhammer.

First off we have to acknowledge the simple fact that we are unlikely to ever have the numbers advantage in war which means that we need to go with quality over quantity while supplementing our quantity with various other means like Elemental allies (Light and Shamanistic based), crystal magitech golems and war beasts.

However with the sheer concentration of healing techniques available to our forces I am pretty sure that we can probably keep our attrition rates relatively low.

Speaking of which @Alex pears would you like us to try our hands at designing some Draenei units? I have a few ideas bouncing around that could work beyond the 2 types that are currently listed on the front page.