Continue or reboot

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    Votes: 34 64.2%
  • Reboot

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Piss off you ass who never keeps on going for more than one or 2 updates.

    Votes: 8 15.1%

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I thought the Lady is a god. Do gods need piety?
Stat Ranks
1-10 is incompetent or deficient11-20 is competent human average
21-30 is dwarf and elf average incredible human
31-40 specialised Elf or Dwarf legendary human
41-50 master elf or Dwarf once in a generation human i.e. Magnus the Pious
51-60 Legendary Elf or Dwarf Sigmar's martial as a mortal
61-70 Elf or Dwarf hero i.e. Teclis piety or Tyrions martial
71-80 second generation Slann, Nagash, Lady of the Lake Piety.
Lord Kroak

Before the Elves, inheritors to the magic of the world, were even conceived of and before the continent of Ulthuan was raised from the seafloor, before the Dwarfs were even a sparkle in the eyes of the Creators, before mankind first walked the Earth, there was Lord Kroak, Mightiest Toad.

The Legend
Lord Kroak (or Lord Kodak as autocorrect calls him) was the firstborn of the Slann, the first race created by the Old Ones (in their own image) to aid them in shaping the planet to defeat the eventual coming of Chaos. In time, the rest of the Lizardmen were created and served under Kroak. It's possible that Kroak was the one who taught the first Elves magic at the command of the Old Ones, but it could have been any or even all of the Slann.

Kroak did little in the fluff until Chaos first entered the world with the collapse of the Warp Gates, which made the world as accessible to Chaos as a planet sucked into the Eye of Terror. After holding a city-spanning forcefield up for decades during the Great Catastrophe against a literally neverending tide of Daemons, he got fed up of that and turned the field into a titanic explosion that vapourised a hundred thousand of them. As the daemons promptly pulled another infinite horde out of their asses and kept coming, Kroak proceeded to pull his sleeves up and bring out the titanic apocalypse magic that should really have been reserved for the Old Ones themselves. The army book describes it as goddamn time stopping as reality itself struggled to accommodate the tide of bullshit emitting from Kroak's mind, the world around his city folding in on itself to stem the tide of daemons.

They penetrated his defences regardless, and Kroak was ripped to shreds by no less than a dozen Bloodthirsters. Doesn't matter though, as at this point he's too goddamn powerful to give a shit about being dead, and his unstoppable spirit continues to defy them. He basically becomes the singularity at this point, as the world turns blindingly bright and the daemonic horde pretty much just stops existing altogether.

The sacrifice of Kroak is what kept the bulk of the Daemon invasion from facerolling the Elves in one day, and as a result Caledor the Dragontamer had time to set up the Vortex in the center of Ulthuan. Korak's solo efforts freed up the rest of the surviving Slann to channel their own power into Caledor's spell, hastening the weakening of Chaos. Without his efforts the Warhammer World would have been consumed in it's infancy, before man had even left their caves and discovered agriculture.

His spirit lives on to this day, thousands of years down the line, the ghost of his old body now just echoing the titanic destruction he unleashed upon the world. The lizardmen kind of wheel him out on his hoverchair now and then if they need to nuke somebody. The mummy of his favorite Skink rests on his throne, and even in death defends his beloved master (handling all the Close Combat for him).

Kroak's Oracle from the days when he was alive, the Skink Priest Ten-zlati, is the voice of Kroak among the Lizardmen and outranks even young Slann as he knows secrets of the Old Ones not known even to Lord Mazdamundi.

Kroak is the God-Emperor of Mankind if Emps wasn't a complete and utter failure.

Come The End Times, Kroak makes the ultimate sacrifice after the Skaven, in their foolishness, destroy the warpstone moon Morrslieb and send its remains hurtling down to crash on the planet below. After Mazdamundi dies crushing most of the fragments of Morrslieb, Kroak wills himself back to life. He isn't resurrected, he doesn't escape from the afterlife, he just fucking wills himself back into life. Then his spirit invokes all of its power, ensuring that the devastation only affects Lustria and the Southlands; the former holdings of the lizardmen are burnt to slag and cinders and everything dies, but the rest of the planet survives instead of being blown to bits. He is also implied to have teleported some of the lizardmen away to safety. But in the process, he gets obliterated as the flames and shockwave wash over him. In doing this, he postponed the prophesized end of the world for a few years, giving Sigmar and the incarnates enough time to.... fail and still have the world end. Given that he survived his body being torn apart by bloodthirsters, its likely that his spirit, which is easily stronger than most of the gods in the setting, is still out there.

Pretty badass for someone whose name is a frigging awful frog pun.

And... He came back now he's made of star and spooks chaos and Skaven, because that's just how Kroak roles.
It serves to basically display their mystical strength. And gods can vary in power, though they can be stronger than superior gods in certain areas depending on circumstances.

I get that part, I just thought "piety" is not an appropiate name to measure that. Something like "power" or "influence on the world" could reflect the mystical strenght. Piety means (as far as my english goes) something that can't really be applied to gods, unless they pray to higher things.

Edit: I actually like the system Durin uses, where a psykers power and control are extra stats.
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I get that part, I just thought "piety" is not an appropiate name to measure that. Something like "power" or "influence on the world" could reflect the mystical strenght. Piety means (as far as my english goes) something that can't really be applied to gods, unless they pray to higher things.

Edit: I actually like the system Durin uses, where a psykers power and control are extra stats.
I suppose willpower would be one way of putting it, but Piety was just something Gaius Marrius launched with the very first CKII quests and it stuck.

Shrug. May not make much sense in an english sense, but since when has SV started making sense?
Why do you assume they don't already know. Afterall they were cut off from the world, but the world still affected them. A punishment from the Old ones for being so annoying.

I'm not sure if this explanation makes sense (and would require the Old Ones to dive straight into Stupid Evil territory). If the Old Ones were going to bother permanently sealing the Elementals away, I'd think that they would be practical enough to give it their all, rather than half-assing it just to spite the spirits they were banishing. Also they would have been aware that elementals are important to the long term functional health and vitality of a world.
It seems to me more likely that they locked the Elementals away in this manner so that they could freely shape the Warhammer world directly and its Elementals indirectly through their connection to the world. Once finished they could release the Elementals who would now be 'recalibrated' to function within what the Old Ones had created. They just never got a chance because of Chaos*.

*Honestly it was probably a good thing that the Elementals were locked away during the First Incursion. While Chaos can't warp the physical world and its spirits as easily as it can creatures of flesh and blood, the Ruinous Powers can nonetheless do it if the Chaos wastes are anything to go by.
Even now the World is still poisoned with Aethyric energy and would be alot worse without the Vortex to balace things out.
Honestly the Old Ones held the idiot ball a number of times. Primarily so that the setting could be sufficiently Grimdark.

As for the Elementals for all we know if the Old Ones tried what you suggested (block them off completely), there would be side effects to the planet.

Severing a spirit form it's 'hollow' tends to kill the spirit. And since these are the spirits of the world I imagine severing them all from it would cause issues. So the Old Ones locked them in a box while leaving just enough of a connection to keep the elements of the world working properly. It didn't matter at that point if the Elementals were still aware of the world.

Besides for anyone (other than them) to open the prison, the individual would need immense power, knowledge of the elementals and a reason to do so. And what are the chances of such a person showing up when the Old Ones weren't there to stop them?
Canon Omake: First Lesson
Omake: First lesson

She was in her Master Alchemist robes again about to enter a classroom for the first time in centuries. She felt like she was about to be physically ill.

It was almost funny she who had fought demons now quivered in terror at a handful of adolescent children. These were children who had asked to study Alchemy and were learning the fundamentals. Currently the children had no organized classes just what was informally arranged. She had agreed to teach mathematics, history and alchemy.

Her first class was teaching alchemy, her nerves were frayed from dread. She tightened her grip of her staff. It used to be a spear but the spear head had snapped off almost a century past when she saved an orcish child from an enraged ogre lord. Her spear point broke off in the brutes eye. She had then grabbed the child and carried it to safety whilst the ogre thrashed blindly.

Holding her staff like a walking stick she walked into the room stood in front of her students and begun lecturing. Her passionate speech her over the top movements the sheer love of the subject material all of these made for an unforgettable lesson for her students. Her students were four female Draenei and six male Draenei one of the boys was unusually small looking a few years younger than he was due to not developing the broad shouldered figure of a male Draenei. She had been told it was simply how he was born, small, frail and very intelligent. His name was Thonan and she would look forward to his progress.

Walking out of the class once the lesson was over she felt relieved and enlivened she had been feeling better since she began to help more with the healers.

She decided to go for a walk and she passed many Draenei she came across Thonan sitting reading a book on alchemy.

"Greetings young Thonan enjoying your book." She asked.

Thonan looked up blinked and almost dropped his book. "Master Alchemist, I, bu, uh."

"Calm yourself young one." She reassured while guiding his book back into his hand.

"Sorry Master Alchemist." Thonan said embarrassed.

"I merely thought to say hello, I shall leave you to your studies." She said turned to leave.

"Er, wait." Thonan said

She turned back "Yes."

"Thank you for the lesson today I really enjoyed it." Thonan said.

She smiled "You are very welcome I enjoyed it as well. I will see you next lesson." She left to continue her walk.

Word count: 421

That took much longer to write than I thought.:(
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Omake: First lesson

She was in her Master Alchemist robes again about to enter a classroom for the first time in centuries. She felt like she was about to be physically ill.

It was almost funny she who had fought demons now quivered in terror at a handful of adolescent children. These were children who had asked to study Alchemy and were learning the fundamentals. Currently the children had no organized classes just what was informally arranged. She had agreed to teach mathematics, history and alchemy.

Her first class was teaching alchemy, her nerves were frayed from dread. She tightened her grip of her staff. It used to be a spear but the spear head had snapped off almost a century past when she saved an orcish child from an enraged ogre lord. Her spear point broke off in the brutes eye. She had then grabbed the child and carried it to safety whilst the ogre thrashed blindly.

Holding her staff like a walking stick she walked into the room stood in front of her students and begun lecturing. Her passionate speech her over the top movements the sheer love of the subject material all of these made for an unforgettable lesson for her students. Her students were four female Draenei and six male Draenei one of the boys was unusually small looking a few years younger than he was due to not developing the broad shouldered figure of a male Draenei. She had been told it was simply how he was born, small, frail and very intelligent. His name was Thonan and she would look forward to his progress.

Walking out of the class once the lesson was over she felt relieved and enlivened she had been feeling better since she began to help more with the healers.

She decided to go for a walk and she passed many Draenei she came across Thonan sitting reading a book on alchemy.

"Greetings young Thonan enjoying your book." She asked.

Thonan looked up blinked and almost dropped his book. "Maser Alchemist, I, bu, uh."

"Calm yourself young one." She reassured while guiding his book back into his hand.

"Sorry Master Alchemist." Thonan said embarrassed.

"I merely thought to say hello, I shall leave you to your studies." She said turned to leave.

"Er, wait." Thonan said

She turned back "Yes."

"Thank you for the lesson today I really enjoyed it." Thonan said.

She smiled "You are very welcome I enjoyed it as well. I will see you next lesson." She left to continue her walk.

Word count: 421

That took much longer to write than I thought.:(
Another great Omake. Do you want the series reward now, or do you want a Plus 15 and to finish her character arc?