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Quests Archive

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You are Ambraea, the youngest Dragon-Blooded daughter of the Scarlet Empress. You are attempting to prove your worth at the Heptagram, the most prestigious sorcery academy in the Realm. The course load is grueling, and sometimes deadly, and your position gives even simple friendships political dimensions that sometimes feel impossible to navigate. It will be a long seven years.
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The Department of Heavenly Adjudication, on paper, exists for one reason: to adjudicate battles between mortals, to keep them orderly, and to ensure that winner and loser alike follows through on their commitments. The Department of Heavenly Adjudication, in reality, exists for one reason: to broadcast the conflicts of mortals to the heavens for their entertainment. You, like so many others, seek the glory and prosperity earned from the favor of the gods. Rather unlike most of your peers...
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A young amethyst apprentice from Warhammer Fantasy ends up much further from home than expected. Formerly titled "Zagreus Nyx and the Halls of Hogwarts". Spiritual successor to Garrick Ollivander and the Winds of Magic. Not a Hades quest.
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It was a total and utter cosmic accident. The arrest of Ren Amamiya in Inaba would have led to the game between Yaldabaoth and Igor proceeding as planned. On this day, however, someone may have paved the road too loose, or Ren may have forgotten to tie his shoes, or perhaps, a malicious actor unrelated to the game tripped him. Whatever the case, it was a son of Inaba that died; falling on his face and breaking his neck on the car of a high-profile Diet member as he attempted to intervene in...
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Your time at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters is beginning!
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Welcome to the Dao of the Awakened. This quest is my take on the xianxia/cultivation genre. It is inspired by the amazing array of cultivation stories, novels, quests (including the ones on SV), and media. It's likely going to hit a lot of xianxia/cultivation cliches, but I intend to add my own spin as much as I can while remaining true to what makes a xianxia story so fun. You are newly Awakened. Now It's your time to start trying to find your Dao. May the heavens themselves bow in your wake.
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Welcome to Last Minute Mage Quest! You’re a resident of the world of Geolocus, a world largely like our own… with the exception of all the magic and monsters everywhere. They’re living in their own modern age of information, with cell phones and cars and the internet. At the same time, magic, monsters, gods, and other worlds exist. You will be attending Bellafonte Academy, one of the most prestigious magical schools on the world. You’ll be dealing with your fellow students, an assigned...
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Play as a Mutant just growing into his powers and starting his career as an X-Man! While Mutants have been classified information for nearly a century, public information for nineteen years, and have been in the news more and more frequently. The world doesn't know much about them and in their ignorance fears them. And what mankind fears....well, it's your job to get them not to fear you! Also fight scientists who turn themselves into dinosaurs, robots, and evil Gentleman's Clubs.
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You are not paid enough to be a Teacher of Defense against the Dark Arts. Especially when there is no Job Security, and everyone who holds the position seems to suffer a series of unfortunate events. But its better than being unemployed. Or broke. Or working in Muggle society. So it will have to do.
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In a certain dimension—a certain Gamindustri—your favorite CPUs Noire, Blanc, Vert, Neptune, and all their friends are just normal human girls trying to make it through high school life. At least, until monsters and magical girls start popping up everywhere and wreaking havoc, that is! All in order for the magical girls to gather enough Shares and have their most fervent desire granted... Join Noire as she tries to juggle the responsibilities of surviving high school, looking after her...
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The world is changed drastically. Most of Oregon is ruled over by the Phantasian Council and its Shining Prince. The United Kingdom serves the Crown of Logres and the Court of Camelot. And even five years after the Metaphysicist's debut, the northern hemisphere continues to experience dimensional imbrication with worrying regularity. It's this world that you'll call your alma mater.
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You've just come of age and are off to the world's first magic college, a famously safe, and conspiracy-free place to go.
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The Scholomance was created one hundred years ago by the most wealthy and powerful among the European wizard community. A grand school existing outside of proper reality built to protect their growing children from the hordes of monstrous maleficaria that would like nothing more than to devour them for their rapidly growing Mana pools. Things didn’t quite turn out that way. The systems meant to keep the monsters out of the school broke almost immediately and attempts to repair them led to a...
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After a tumultuous first few months at the Academy, Lirra finally made the friends she so longed for and is ready to move forward. But the past never really stays dead, does it? She, of all people, would know…
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Join Lirra, goat girl extraordinaire and acursed keeper of the dead, in her quest to make friends in a legendary academy for heroes!
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You are a new student at Claremont Academy, a school in Freedom City NJ for those that have unusual powers or abilities.
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The powers that be have bestowed upon you the position of head of a new magical academy! You'll have to contend unruly students, paperwork, wizard politics and occasionally being at the center of evil world destroying plots. Still, no one ever said Academia was easy...
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Some of you may know me from my other Quest (Rien ne va plus – A Marvel based quest you should...
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Messed up in formatting. Just ignore this
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Brazeneck University1 is a hungry institution, wishing to compete for the title of the most prestigious institute of magical knowledge in the Disc. Their funding is not that great as the Pseudopolis government is cautious with grants, but they are willing to take in any bold students and would-be staff. Perhaps you too can make it in Brazeneck University2. 1. Under no circumstance one is to use the old Braseneck School of Conjuring letterhead, not only for official communication or even...
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The Dursleys, of 4 Privet Drive, live a perfectly normal life together until one grey Tuesday in November of 1981. On his way to work that day, Vernon Dursley notices a stern-looking cat watching his house. He also sees people in the streets, dressed in cloaks and whispering about the Potters. After watching the news and learning about sightings of shooting stars and owls, Vernon asks his wife Petunia about her sister Lily Potter. Afterward, Vernon goes to bed believing that, if the Potters...
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In this vast universe, cosmic energies join together galaxies, planets and life together in a great, interconnected web. And at the House of the Dawn, a school to train youth how to wield this power cosmic, Sieghild Scylding is looking to find herself. She has left her glided cage and privileged family far behind, hoping that in the next three years she may not only learn master her innate talents ... but to grasp the freedom she so desperately desires.
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A high school student looking for friendship and trying to find it in fame, you've received an invitation to join no less than the most popular clique in school, the All-Aces! However, they have an... odd initiation ritual, called 'The Persona Game'. And why did they choose you, of all people?
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You're a 15-year-old mage-to-be, and you were looking forward into entering the local academy to finally do some real magic when your parents suddenly shipped you off to study in a faraway land instead. So that kind of sucks, but you'll still have to finish school. Surely that's going to be simple. This quest uses a loose interpretation of Fate Core to run some checks, but you really need to know how the system works to know what's going on mechanically. Probably. It's set in an original...
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100 years ago, physicists cracked open the sky. On the other side, they waiting. The Vicinus wasted no time with negotiation. They were reavers, bred to fight and die in their multiversal holy war. They fell upon the earth like a hammer, and for decades the forces of man crumpled beneath their foul sorcery. It was pure insanity that saved us. A crack team of the world's best and brightest smuggled themselves through one of the cracks, entering Vicinus territory and claiming adamantine as...
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A quest involving Taylor and a bunch of superpowered teenagers from another world.
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Hope. Despair. Past. Future. Truth. Lies. Fiction. Reality. Jazz. World War 2 has ended, the US Occupation of Japan has begun. Trapped in a Hope's Peak Killing Game, if you pick the real killer you'll live, but pick the wrong suspect, then say goodbye...
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Basically? An anime quest with a lot of cliches, Power of Friendship, and Magic stuff. Hopefully this whole year will turn out alright.
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Local best friend get's into meta hijinks.
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