Remedial Survival: A Scholomance Quest

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Now, for what reason you would expect I wasn't talking about taking a book to do that, I don't know, but the fact your acting in this manner just because we have different ideas on what to do make me suspect that you don't want a discussion, but just to completely shoot down my proposal. This isn't the right attitude.
I wasn't suggesting you were talking about taking a book to do that, I'm saying durability is easier because there are certainly books on it already, as Aine isn't the first person to use an instrument for magic, and the process would be easier than experimenting on developing an articification process for a spell we made into an artifice incorporated into our instrument.

I'm not trying to shoot it down. I'm fine with pursuing this later, as it's very much a long term project that will require time, experimentation, and someones aid, as Aine isn't knowledgeable enough to even know where to begin.

However, I want to be using our Violin much sooner than I can reasonably expect this complex original enchantment to be done, so I'd prefer to tackle a lesser one first. I'm explaining why now isn't a good time for this, in my opinion, while defining what the action will take in the process.
I am talking about faking the enchantment now, in the turn we are voting for what we are going to do in the mid day free time.
Well we can try to create the spell involved I suppose. Aine's done it before and knows the steps, though I'd honestly give the Mal Movement Restriction spell I'm planning to make in Creative writing priority when voting if we don't manage to finish i in a single class.

Still, not something I'm against, though to be clear, I wouldn't be in favor of starting the process of enchanting our violin with said spell immediately. Like I said earlier, it would be a longterm project with a lot of research and probably trial and error

I'd definitely want to talk to Jingfei about it first and enlist her aid once we have the base spell down, and despite what you just said, a book on fundaments of enchanting wooden instruments in particular would be something to study in prep.

So if you want to make that a vote for spell creation you'll have to do a write in. Not really sure of the wording though. Might be smarter to get a book on wooden instrument artifice instead, as it would serve the goal of enchanting Aine's violin either way, from the library. Ask Leah to accompany us maybe? She is aware of the problem.
And the excuse would not work due to the cover story our friend already made for us and already told to someone.
I believe the cover story was Aine wasn't raised with much awareness of magical world and had coming to scholomance sprung on Aine? There is room in that explanation for part of them springing it on Aine being shoving a new violin in her hand just before the got taken that she has only recently taken sometime to familiarize herself with before bringing it to class.
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@Randino Treviani
You read my post wrong.

Also, obfuscation through masking or interference is an argument that has probably many more books on it than wood enchanting, and we should be proficient with the former instead of the latter.

However, learning it from the books is probably better as an evening activity, so I will just post again about the possibility on learning fake enchantment from the books in the next updates.

[X] Work on a Lab Project
-[X] Alchemy Project: Food Poisoning Cure
However, learning it from the books is probably better as an evening activity, so I will just post again about the possibility on learning fake enchantment from the books in the next updates.
Thats fair, and we are do to ask for a new book from the school, which we can do once we get back from raiding shop with Liam and Sophia. It does make sense for obscuring how an artifice works to be a typical "you can't copy my shit" enclave inclusion.
You have obtained six pens and a notebook: So long as you have ink and available pages, you will have an easier time focusing in class and gain a +5 bonus to making progress in History, Maleficaria Studies, and Math classes. If you run out of ink, you will make reduced progress in Language classes.
Umm. @Alchemist767676 you seem to have forgotten to apply this in any of our classes.
Study: Algebra
Bonuses: +10 (A Gift For Numbers) - 10 (Child Star)
Progress: 0/200
Roll: 1d100(99) = 99/200
Study: Algebra
Bonuses: +10 (A Gift For Numbers) - 10 (Child Star)
Progress: 99/200
Roll: 1d100(3) = 102/200
Study: Algebra
Bonuses: +10 (A Gift For Numbers) - 10 (Child Star)
Progress: 0/200
Roll: 1d100(83) = 185/200
Assuming it applies to self study sessions, the +5×3 we gain should actually have completed algebra last session.
Study: Modern History
Progress: 0/400
Bonuses: -10 (Faulty Equipment) -10 (Child Star) +10 (Study Partner)
Roll(4) -10 = 0/200

Study: Modern History
Progress: 0/400
Bonuses: -10 (Faulty Equipment) -10 (No Context) -10 (Child Star) +10 (Study Partner)
Roll(95) -20 = 75/200
Otherwise, modern history is the only other class it needs to be retroactively applied to. For 85/200.

You buckle down and focus on your work, drowning out every fear, concern, and worst-case scenario that might pop into your head under an unending deluge of numbers. For a girl with very little in the way of formal education, you feel like you did quite well, burning through more and more of the workbook as if making up for the anemic effort you put in last night before you were overtaken by fear.

You are startled to find yourself finished just as the bell rings and you have to go. You hesitate for a moment, remaining seated and drawing a raised eyebrow from Liam as he gets to his feet.

Editing the previous update to add the green highlighted words should be a sufficient fix.
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"Sofia Hatzis, Liam O'Flaherty, and Áine Dunleavy."
You sigh and resign yourself to a long and tedious time scanning the lockers for the one that happens to be yours. Instead, you find it almost immediately. You couldn't have taken more than two steps away from where you started before you see a gunmetal gray locker with much to your surprise, your full name on it: Áine Dunleavy.
Ahh. So this is where Izumi learned Aine's last name. Clever girl.
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