First Year in a Mage Academy

I wonder how combat heavy this school is anyways, I know we're planning on combat with our plans no matter what, but how often does that happen?
I wonder how combat heavy this school is anyways, I know we're planning on combat with our plans no matter what, but how often does that happen?

I'm interpreting the Raised by Wolves trait as us being a bit of a thug, so we will probably be the one making things conflict heavy when someone looks at us funny.
Initial Charsheet
(Nascent) Manipulative Augur - 3
Tactical Transmutation - 2
Ranged Fighter - 1

Instead of marveling at the strange sights of Akasapura, you took a quick glance at your documents at Smythes' urging, wondering how well the bard your parents hired did on your Self Appraisal essay. You didn't even have the chance to take a look at it earlier, and you weren't sure if that was because Father trusted the bard that much, or if he was worried you'd make edits.

[Initial Character Sheet]​

Name: Quintil Datta
Birthdate: December 21st, Saggitarius
Gender: Female
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her

Rapport +3
Research +2
Allowance +2
Deceive +1
Empathy +1
Observation +1

Mathematics +3
Linguistics +2
Tactics +2
History +1
Mythology +1
Theology +1

Divination +2
Summoning +1
Enchantment +1

  • High Concept: Magic Exchange Student from Northern Tylas
  • Trouble: Fifth Scion of a Traitor's House
  • Raised by Wolves
[2 Slots Left]

  • None
[3 (5) Slots Left]

Gears and Extras:
  • Waning Shadowcloak
    • A valuable cloak of shifting shades of grey and black, imbued with enchantments that makes the wearer blend into the shadows. Cloaks like this don't often last for very long and their magic usually give out after a few years. You should not get it wet or use it as shelter against the rain.

(Update to follow)
Prologue Pt. 3
You were expecting some kind of a blockbuster that'd explain why you were pulled away from a third of the Wheel to here, but instead found a surprisingly down-to-earth profile of yourself. Granted, there were a lot of omissions, because there was no way the bard would've known about the actually impressive things you've gotten up to. Maybe the indication that you weren't going to be just a walking grimoire of fell omen and sorcerous might was enough for the Academy to be interested in you. Either way, what was done was done.

"By the way," Smythes spoke up, "You might remember that you were asked to rank your preferences on which of the four Boarding House you would join. The housemasters would've looked at your profile and decided among themselves which of them would take you... Ah, let me check just to be sure."

Smythes parked the carriage briefly and rummaged in his briefcase, producing an envelope. He squinted at it before handing it over for your perusal. Opening the envelope, you see...

[ ] The golden rice-bushel emblem of House Sangyod, known for its vast conservatory and for producing the finest minds in the life sciences.
[ ] The silver blade of House Darbngern, known for its "danger rooms" and for producing fearsome duelists, tacticians, and battlemages.
[ ] The inky calligraphic grimoire of Akarawit, known for its gigantic underground library and for producing famous scholars, writers, and archivists.
[ ] The cobalt-blue molten candle of Baanphuth, the house which people prefer not to talk about.

"By the way, I just want to mention- your house isn't permanent. I was in Baanphuth, before I moved to be with my mates in Darbngern, heh. At the end of the day, a House is just about who you're going to be living with, and what facilities you're close to," Smythes mentioned.
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[ ] The silver blade of House Darbngern, known for its "danger rooms" and for producing fearsome duelists, tacticians, and battlemages.
[ ] The inky calligraphic grimoire of Akarawit, known for its gigantic underground library and for producing famous scholars, writers, and archivists.
And here's where we run into a problem with colored text, in that some colors are harder to see on certain themes. I can't read "Akarawit" on FlexStars, the word is just a blank (black on black).

These colors could work for Silver and Black, but you might run into an opposite problem in lighter themes. That's why colors are best used sparingly.

[x] The silver blade of House Darbngern, known for its "danger rooms" and for producing fearsome duelists, tacticians, and battlemages.
[X] The cobalt-blue molten candle of Baanphuth, the house which people prefer not to talk about.

This house seems like the best one to get started on making our "gang" with, given that it seems to be shunned by most. Or it's just so hilariously dangerous that people don't talk about it. Either way it should be interesting.
[X] The inky calligraphic grimoire of Akarawit, known for its gigantic underground library and for producing famous scholars, writers, and archivists.

Our skills seem to be good for working with theory. It would be convenient to be close to the library.
[X] The inky calligraphic grimoire of Akarawit, known for its gigantic underground library and for producing famous scholars, writers, and archivists.
[x] The silver blade of House Darbngern, known for its "danger rooms" and for producing fearsome duelists, tacticians, and battlemages.
[X] The cobalt-blue molten candle of Baanphuth, the house which people prefer not to talk about
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Just had a brainwave, is picking Slytherin such a good idea? I know these houses don't correlate, but it does seen to be the evil or suspicious house. And...
Trouble: Fifth Scion of a Traitor's House
We already have what seems like a malus, and 'proving' those in the know right seems like it could negatively effect us.

Not changing my vote, but it does seem like something to keep in mind.
We could always interact with people in the other houses.
It might be more useful to think about the facilities we will want to use.
Chpt. 1 - The Cursed Stupa Pt. 1
Baanphuth - 3
Darbngern - 2
Akarawit - 2

You didn't have any interference from Father when it came to your House selection. You supposed he wasn't much for tradition. He didn't even tell you which House your grandfather went to.

Possibly, you might have been able to make more of an informed choice if you lived in Akasapura, but all you had was a single piece of paper devoting a couple paragraphs each to the history of the four Houses.

And with Baanphuth, all it said was "Speaking of House Baanphuth invites misfortune, thus the author leaves it to the applicant to seek its lore themselves."

Maybe it would've been more prudent to actually know what this House was about and why all the secrecy before you picked it, but then you wouldn't have been Quintil Datta.

At least, the orientation letter was less cryptic. It had the basic common sense details on what you'd want to bring with you to a dormitory, and showed where the House sat in the city (not that this was very useful to you at the moment), then there was the remark:

"Contrary to popular rumors, protective talismans and charms are not required to live in the house."

Details on what special facilities the House had was still conspicuously absent, but then the carriage came to a stop in front of- not a large boarding house but a large, dilapidated castle surrounded by untamed woodland, starkly separating it from the rest of the campus. A pair of identical, older teenagers were standing at the rusted gates, one of them was holding a parasol. You noted that the weather was downcast.

"Normally, I'd go and help you get your bearings, especially without any guardians with you. However, Baanphuth is... a tad touchy about outsiders. That's why the housemaster had already assigned you a mentor," Smythes told you, and then nodded at the twins.

"Hello, Mister Orlic! Is she my new mentee?" One of the twins (the one without a parasol) said brightly to Smythes in Akasic. She didn't wait for a reply before pressing her face up to the window of the carriage, waving at you.

"Hi! Can you speak Akasic?"

"Um, yeah, I-"
you rasped in heavil-accented Akasic.

"Great! I'm Sati and she's Sacha. School's not starting for a week, but the housemaster asked me to show you around- make sure you find your room and don't get taken or something. Uh- you need help with your stuffs?"

Your belongings start to vibrate to move out of the carriage, the one with the parasol walked up to the back and opened the trunk.

"Poltergeists? Well- I guess the guardians might allow 'em to the foyer, at least," Sati said, frowning.

Sati whisked you through the gates and towards the castle, leaving her sister with the parasol standing by with Smythes in the front of the gates.

"Right! Soooo, the Housemaster told me that you don't have any parents or guardians living here, so you'll have to get me or another 3rd year as chaperone to go out and about in Akasapura. You'll have to spend a night in the Cursed Stupa first before you can leave the House, though. I'm sure you're all prepped up for the Ritual of Possession, right?"

[ ] "Oh, yeah, totally. I'm all prepped up."
[ ] "The what?"

And here's where we run into a problem with colored text, in that some colors are harder to see on certain themes. I can't read "Akarawit" on FlexStars, the word is just a blank (black on black).

These colors could work for Silver and Black, but you might run into an opposite problem in lighter themes. That's why colors are best used sparingly.

[x] The silver blade of House Darbngern, known for its "danger rooms" and for producing fearsome duelists, tacticians, and battlemages.
Yeah, I regretted messing with the colour as soon as I posted it.
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[X] "Oh, yeah, totally. I'm all prepped up."

Gald to see that Baanphuth is as interesting as I had hoped, even if I wasn't expecting spirits and the like.
Chpt. 1 - The Cursed Stupa Pt. 2
"That's good to know, it can be pretty rough to acclimate yourself to them, but sooner it's done with, the sooner you can leave the House. Of course, you've got a whole week for that, unlike the others. But I mean... I wouldn't want to stay indoors for an entire week, either," Sati said as she inscribed a grapheme onto a side-door, the door creaking loudly on its rusted hinges as it opened to permit you two inside.

As soon as you stepped inside, you suddenly felt like throwing up- no, actually, you felt like you wanted to expel the contents of your soul, because it felt so heavy right now. Burdened. Guilty. Shameful.

The last thing you saw before your vision turned dark was Sati turning to you with some alarm, and your luggages crashing down to the ground harshly.

"Well, it looked like the Void Glamour worked," you said.

"But how long will it last?" Vaclav asked as the three of you shuffled through the halls of the decaying castle, "I've heard things about what they do to trespassers here."

"You know that me and mine would take care of it," Prince Nawa said.

"That's easy for you to say, more likely they'll let you get off scot-free and expel me and BETRAYER if we get caught."

"It was my will that we are here, they won't punish you for following the will of a God," Nawa grumbled unconvincingly. He didn't have the same divine glow that the rest of his family had, and you doubt he actually believed that he was part of the Fivefold God.

"Vaclav. Your Royal Highness. If you two are done drawing attention to us, I think this is where we can get into the Stupa..." you interrupted the two, pointing at what seemed to be yet another shelf full of relics.

"Powerful Glamour. Acts as a barrier even when you know it's an illusion. Negation might draw the guardians to us, what's the plan, BETRAYER?" Nawa turned to ask you.

You sniffed, something was stinking.

[ ] You: Negation. "It doesn't have to be loud. I can burn the Glamour, while you two counter the feedback. Then we repair the hole once we're through."
[ ] Nawa: Divination. "Aren't you basically omniscient? Surely someone else tried this in the past- or in the future, however that works."
[ ] Vaclav: Summoning. "You're friendly with one of the guardians, right Vaclav? Surely you could get them to cover for us while we pretend to be regular students."
[ ] Something else (Write-In)
Well, this may have been a mistake.

[X] Nawa: Divination. "Aren't you basically omniscient? Surely someone else tried this in the past- or in the future, however that works."

Let's find out what worked and what didn't do we don't do something that backfired
[X] Nawa: Divination. "Aren't you basically omniscient? Surely someone else tried this in the past- or in the future, however that works."
[X] Nawa: Divination. "Aren't you basically omniscient? Surely someone else tried this in the past- or in the future, however that works."
[x] Nawa: Divination. "Aren't you basically omniscient? Surely someone else tried this in the past- or in the future, however that works."
[X] You: Negation. "It doesn't have to be loud. I can burn the Glamour, while you two counter the feedback. Then we repair the hole once we're through."
[X] Nawa: Divination. "Aren't you basically omniscient? Surely someone else tried this in the past- or in the future, however that works."