[x] Next to Jade

Magic murder sword, magic murder sword, magic murder sword. Make the detective and the slasher movie villain roommates please.
Issue 11: Roommate Agreement
[x] Next to Jade

Your name is called, and you find yourself sitting next to Jade, the punkish girl with the "magic" sword. She's currently idly looking out the window into the forest outside of the inner walls of the academy.

"H-hello." You say

"Oh, hey! Detective girl, yeah?" Jade says, perking up a bit at your presence. "You won't be the worst as a roommate, I guess."

Won't be the worst!? Does she already dislike you? Oh no! You thought this was going well.

You shrink in on yourself a little bit, negative thoughts swirling around your head, as Sam continues to outline the various rules for dorm life. Pretty simple stuff really.

"Hey, you OK?" Jade asks, bumping your arm.

"Yeah..." You mutter, looking at your feet. Jade looks at you in obvious concern, but you can't bring yourself to meet her gaze.

"And now, for the most important part of this whole shebang." Sam says, passing out a series of papers to all of you. "The Roommate Agreements! To put it bluntly, you're all strangers to each other. We're gonna be doing some floor wide activities to encourage some bonding-"

You are!? Oh no!

"-But for now, you don't know each other. Thus, the agreement is like a contract you sign with your roomie. To make sure that you can live together without killing each other. That's not a joke, we all have super-powers."

You eye Jade's sword nervously. You're pretty sure that if it came to a fight, she'd cut you to pieces.

Thinks you're probably one of the better roommates she could have gotten. Doesn't want to push her luck.
Well, that's good at least.

"All right, so the only big thing for me is that we both clean up after ourselves." Jade says to you, turning slightly in her chair. "I hate messy rooms. Other than that, I'll like, practice my bass in another room, and neither of us have people first without telling the other. That good?"

"Y-yeah." You say "I think there might be a couple of other things..."

You spend some time hashing out an agreement between the two of you, before you both sign the paper. Yours in the normal pen that you carry with you at all times, Jade with a red pen that she claims is blood with a wink.

With that sorted, you make your way to your new room, and collapse onto the bed. All of your things are there, and ready to be unpacked, but for now, you just want to relax a little bit. Today's been a bit much! A few hours later, your room now in order, you settle in for bed. As you stare up at the ceiling, you wonder about what your schooling at Claremont has in store for you. Will you become a famous hero? Or maybe a detective, like Sherlock Holmes? Will you finally make some friends?

What is your goal for now?
Select one.

[x] Solve a mystery
-There have got to be plenty of mysteries around campus for you to solve.

[x] Make a Friend
-You've made acquaintances with people, but you'd hardly call any of them friends so far. Spending time with them is necessary for that.

[x] Become a member of Next-Gen
-Claremont's official superteam, trained by Duncan Summers himself. You could see yourself in spandex... maybe if you got in better shape first.

With that decided, you go to sleep, ready for your first week.

Week 1:
What do you spend your free time on?
Normally you would have three actions to spend, but due to orientation still being active, you only have two.

Exploration Actions:
[x] Explore the Claremont Campus

[x] Explore the City
Where in the city?
- [x] Freedom City proper, the beating heart of the city
- [x] South of the River, Casinos, crime, and beautiful hills.
- [x] North of the River, your parent's house, a university part of town

Club Activities
[x] Join the Theatre Club
-Train your Deception skill, and make friends with Thespians!

[x] Join the Tech Club
-Train your Technology skill, and keep abreast of technological trends!

[x] Join the Debate Team
-Train your Persuasion skill, and maybe get over your shyness? Good luck.

[x] Join the Martial Arts club
-Train your Unarmed skill, learn to defend yourself!

[x] Join the Track Team
-Train your Athletics skill, work up a sweat running the track!

[x] Join the Acrobatics Team
-Train your Acrobatics, get some lean muscles!

[x] Join the Chess Club
-Train your Expertise: Tactics, make friends with chess nerds!

Friendship Activities
[x] Spend time with Jade
-She seems to be practicing some sort of sword-fighting in the gym

[x] Spend time with Rebecca
-Oh no, one of the labs blew up again! Rebecca claims it was only a little bit, but you've been assigned to keep an eye on her.

[x] Spend time with Jordan
-You did agree to show him the best place to get a burger in Freedom City

From completing the Introduction, you have also gained two power points to spend!
How would you like to spend your power points?

[x] Purchase Eidetic Memory and Teamwork Advantages

[x] Increase you Intelligence by 1

[x] Increase your Presence by 1

[x] Increase your Awareness by 1

[x] Bank the points

[x] Write in
-Reference the rules from here: d20HeroSRD you have two power points.

That is the intro finished, we're now gonna move into the meat of the quest! By exploring, you can find plot hooks that lead into adventures. You can increase your skills by doing activities around school, and you can spend time with friends to improve relationships, and eventually bring them with you on adventures.

The world is now your oyster!
[X] Correction of shortcomings and strengthening of advantages
- [x] Join the Debate Team
- [x] Spend time with Jordan
- [x] Purchase Eidetic Memory and Teamwork Advantages

I suggest we start moving along the plot along the way, making friends and removing social awkwardness. Jordan was chosen because, judging by the description, he is an absolute fighting machine in combination with our super intelligence, it will complement each other.
Eidetic Memory and Teamwork Advantages are chosen because they are well suited for a support character. Eidetic Memory will give a +5 bonus to memorizing things, which is useful if you need to pass a check for a quick comparison of all the details during a battle, and Teamwork Advantages will give + 5 to teamwork.
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[X] Correction of shortcomings and strengthening of advantages
- [x] Solve a mystery
- [x] Explore the Claremont Campus
- [x] Join the Debate Team
- [x] Spend time with Jordan
- [x] Purchase Eidetic Memory and Teamwork Advantages

I suggest we start moving along the plot along the way, making friends and removing social awkwardness. Jordan was chosen because, judging by the description, he is an absolute fighting machine in combination with our super intelligence, it will complement each other.
Eidetic Memory and Teamwork Advantages are chosen because they are well suited for a support character. Eidetic Memory will give a +5 bonus to memorizing things, which is useful if you need to pass a check for a quick comparison of all the details during a battle, and Teamwork Advantages will give + 5 to teamwork.
You only have two actions right now, due to orientation taking up one
Issue 11: Week 1 Of September
[X] Correction of shortcomings and strengthening of advantages
- [x] Join the Debate Team
- [x] Spend time with Jordan
- [x] Purchase Eidetic Memory and Teamwork Advantages

You find yourself outside of a room in the Claremont wing, classes finished for the day. Students move around the hall, a low grumble of conversation filling your background. You gulp as you push open the door, seeing various students gathered in groups, with an older man in a wheelchair at the head of the room, you recognize him as Doctor Marquez, the school counselor, and also the history teacher.

You make an effort to go unnoticed, sitting down quietly on the side of the room. Unfortunately, it doesn't succeed.

"Hey there, are you interested in Debate?"

You look up, and see a very preppy looking young man. He has brown hair, large bags under his eyes, and a tired smile on his face, that seems to have a mischievous bent to it. He wears a normal school uniform, but it is well pressed, without wrinkles.

"Ah, uh, y-yes." You say, looking down at your feet. "I want to g-get better at uh, talking to people..."

Oh god, you probably sound like a moron. In front of all of these people too! You quickly glance around at everyone nearby, a breathe a silent sigh of relief when you notice they're not looking at you. You then turn back to the boy that's approached you.

Has noticed your nerves, wants to make you feel welcome. Thinks you're cute.

He think's you're cute!?

"Hey, I'm Clarence." He says, holding a hand out. "You're one of the new freshmen, right?"

"Y-yeah, I'm Hannah." You say, your face heating up.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Hannah!" He says, "I hope that you can find some good friends in Debate, build relationships!"

Yeah, you're sure that's what he wants.

As the first meeting of the debate team begins, you slowly get into the groove of discussion, your nervousness fading away. You gain 1 point of persuasion!


You show up outside of your favorite place to get a burger in Freedom City, Clive's Burgers, a small mom and pop shop in Hannover. Jordan is following behind you, wearing a bizarre brightly colored Hawaiian shirt, and long parachute pants. You're not entirely sure who went clothes shopping with him, but honestly, despite how little you know about fashion, you know they got it wrong.

You walk through the front doors, and take in the atmosphere, just as you remember it. You feel yourself relaxing as you smell the scent of frying burgers and grease. Salted french-fries, fried mozzarella sticks, and of course, authentic malt milk-shakes. You sit down in a booth, next to the dark, wood-paneled walls, covered in photos of various celebrities and superheroes who've come to the bar, though most of the pictures with superheroes have the bar in various states of destruction, usually with an overzealous HIT student nearby, unconscious next to their death-ray de jure.

"What'll you have sweetie?" The waitress, Brenda, comes up to take your orders, her eyes flickering only briefly over Jordan's bizarre clothing.

"What's good?" Jordan says, glancing at you.

"I generally like to get their classic burger." You reply, pointing to it at the menu. "To drink, a shake."

"Ah, a shake..." He says, scratching the back of his head. "What has been shaken exactly...?"

"A milkshake." You reply, a small smile forming on your face. "It's a frozen drink, it's sweet."

"Very well, then that is what I will get!" He says triumphantly.

"I'll get the same." You reply.

The waitress writes down your orders, and comes back in a couple of minutes with your shakes. You take a sip, creamy and delicious as always.

"You seem relaxed here." Jordan says, a small smile on his face.

"What?" You blink at him and consider. "Yeah, I suppose that's true."

You take a long sip of the milkshake, thinking for a moment, before you elaborate.

"I guess I just know this place really well. My parents have been taking me here ever since I was like a really little kid. They actually met here, back in college."

"A college romance?" He asks. "Like in the radio dramas?"

"...I suppose." You say. "Anyway, my parents had an agreement that they'd switch out who cooks every night, since neither of them really enjoyed it. The problem is that for the longest time, my mom couldn't cook at all, so whenever it was her turn, she'd burn something, and we'd end up eating out, or ordering food. I practically used to live on the burgers here."

"But now she has improved?" He asks.

"Yeah, so now we don't get to eat out as much." You say with a sardonic smile. "What about you, did you get to eat out much as a kid?"

"Not... really." He says. "My family is very... traditional. We eat together with the community for the most part. We don't have restaurants or anything, people just bring food and eat together."

"Like a potluck?" You ask.

"I don't know what that is." He says, shaking his head.

You both sit in silence as your food arrives. You take a bite into your burger, the juices flowing over your tongue. It's as delicious as it always is.

"I wish that I had such happy memories with my parents." Jordan says after a moment. "My home is very... joyless. Everyone is serious much of the time, and it is... stagnant, I think the word is. Nothing ever changes, because we believe ourselves to be perfect."

"Is that why you left?" You ask.

"Yes." He responds immediately, before taking a bite of his burger. "I wanted more from life. I had heard radio transmissions from America, talking about the amazing things you are doing here. Superheroes and the like, so well..."

Ran away from home. Headmaster Summers aware.

"You left." You respond.

"Yeah, I just... Couldn't take it anymore." He brushes his hair out of his face. "Do you ever feel like, like you're just meant to do more with what you have?"

You're quiet for a moment, considering what he's saying.

"I... I want to solve a mystery." You tell him, the words flowing out of your mouth like a river. "Like, Sherlock Holmes or something."

"I think that is a fine goal!" He says, smiling at you. "Helping to discover the mysteries of the world is-"

Then you hear the blast. Visible from outside your window, it seems to be yet another HIT disaster, the local students are always making some sort of super-tech or another, and it always seems to go wrong somehow. This time, near you. You are close enough to help you, but should you?

[x] Help take care of the rampaging super-tech

[x] Leave it to the Superheroes, you're here for lunch!
[x] Help take care of the rampaging super-tech
-[X] Focus on looking for weaknesses and point them out to Jordan
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[x] Help take care of the rampaging super-tech
-[X] Focus on looking for weaknesses and point them out to Jordan

A great way to check how Teamwork Advantages works.
@Underlake Will we see our throws during the battle, or will it be hidden behind the narration?
[x] Help take care of the rampaging super-tech
-[X] predict where the fight goes and move people out of the way

We are squishy so let's avoid getting in the fight proper.
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[X] Help take care of the rampaging super-tech
-[X] Focus on looking for weaknesses and point them out to Jordan
Issue 12: Battle with the Super-Serpent
[x] Help take care of the rampaging super-tech
-[X] Focus on looking for weaknesses and point them out to Jordan

You and Jordan look at each other, and you both seem to come to the same conclusion, at the same time. You both nod, and put down your burgers.

"We'll be back in a moment!" You call back to the waitress.

The street is full of people running from what looks like a massive, school-bus sized serpent. It's scales appear to be super-naturally hardened, and it's fangs are the size of your arm. You shiver somewhat, but look at Jordan, who looks utterly unimpressed. You steel yourself. If he can do this, so can you!

Hannah: 8
Jordan: 20

Round 1:
Jordan moves first, blasting the snake with a cosmic energy blast. A 17 hits, and the snake The snake rolls a 27 for toughness, easily beating the attack.
The serpent then lunges forward, attempting to bite Jordan, sinking it's fangs into him, but he shakes off both the damage, and the venom.
You take your move action to give the aid action to Jordan for his next attack, rolling a 25, giving him a +5. Then you use your standard action to shock the snake with your taser, hitting it with a 23. The snake rolls a 12, suffering one degree of failure, making it Dazed.

Round 2:
Jordan, using the +5, will Power Attack, for -5 to accuracy, and +5 to attack rank. He rolls an 18 to hit, and the snake rolls a 26 total, gaining a bruise. Jordan than uses his move action to fly up into the air, out of range of the snake
The Snake then lunges towards you, but is unable to attack as it is dazed. The snake then rolls a natural 20 for it's resistance check, and is no longer dazed.
In response, you use your standard action to aid Jordan, rolling a 21 for a +5. Then you dash into an alleyway, ducking behind a dumpster.

Round 3:
Jordan, with another +5 to hit, will again power attack, rolling a 21 to hit. The snake rolls a 20 total, for a bruise and a daze.
The snake, unable to attack you again, will corner you in the alleyway.
You cannot move further into the alley, so you tase the snake, with it rolling a 14, and being dazed. You then roll a 31 total to aid, giving Jordan a +5.

Round 4:
Jordan again blasts the creature with a power attack, hitting with a 26. The Snake rolls a 26 total, taking another bruise
The Snake, having your cornered, will attempt to bite you, rolling a 26, but Jordan interposes with his reaction, rolling a 20, and taking a bruise, then rolling a 19 for the affliction, and becoming impaired. The snake then rolls a 13 for its resistance check, continuing to be dazed.
You attempt to tase the snake again, with the snake rolling a 17 total, and not gaining any worse afflictions. You then use your move action to try and clamber up the wall with an athletics check, unfortunately you roll a natural one, for a total of zero, falling prone on the ground

Round 5:
Jordan swoops down and uses his action to pick you up, carrying you to on-top of a nearby building.
The snake, in response will look up at Jordan, and use its venom spit, rolling a 27 to hit, Jordan rolls a 20 total, taking another bruise. The snake rolls a 20 for it's resistance check, and is no longer dazed.
You give Jordan the aid action with your move action, rolling a 17, giving Jordan a +5. You then use Analyze Style, with the serpent rolling a 17, and failing by 1 degree, becoming vulnerable to any of your attacks.

Round 6:
Jordan blasts the snake with a defensive attack, taking a -2 to hit, for a +2 to defenses rolling an 11 and missing.
The serpent spits venom again at Jordan, rolling a 17 and missing The serpent then moves towards a group of civilians
You again use your standard action to aid Jordan, before you begin to climb down a nearby fire-escape to get back into the fray

Round 7:
Jordan flies down and retrieves the civilians, carrying them up onto a nearby building. He then extra efforts, taking 1 point of exhaustion, in exchange, he attacks the serpent again, power attacking for an 18, the serpent then rolls a total of 15, taking a bruise and becoming staggered.
The snake surges towards you, but as it is staggered, it cannot attack you.
You use your move action to aid Jordan, rolling a natural 1 for a critical failure. You then attempt to demoralize as a move action, rolling an 8, and not impacting the snake at all.

Round 8:
Jordan Blasts the snake without power-attack, rolling a 13 to hit, and missing.
The snake attempts to bite you, but rolls a 13, missing
In response, you pepper spray the snake, rolling a 19, and it rolls a natural 1 for a critical failure, completely blinding the snake. You then move away from the snake down the street.

Round 9:
Jordan Blasts the snake normally, hitting it with a 19. With it rolling a 17 it takes another bruise
The snake flails blindly, before catching your scent, and spitting venom at you, rolling a 17 and missing
You use your move action to aid Jordan, rolling a total of 31 for +5. You then analyze style again, with the snake rolling 16, so it's condition doesn't improve or worsen

Round 10:
Jordan Blasts the snake with Power Attack, rolling a natural twenty to hit, for a total effect rank of 33! The snake rolls a 19 total, and thus takes a second stagger, going down unconscious.

Jordan leaps into action first. His hands light up with cosmic energy as he launches it towards the serpent. It doesn't even react to his attack, surging forward to bite at him. You watch in horror as the fangs clamp down on him, but you watch in amazement as he emerges unharmed. Superhuman durability indeed!

You fumble for a moment, before focusing. You pull out your taser, and point out a weak spot on the snake, firing your taser at the beast, and shocking it slightly In response, Jordan takes to the air, flying up into the sky, blasting it with a barrage of cosmic energy bolts. This however, would prove to be something of a mistake, as the serpent instead chose to round on you!

You ran away from it, into a nearby alleyway, zapping it as you ran to no effect. You curse, as you realize that you've trapped yourself, and you duck behind a dumpster. The snake slithers forward, and so you tase it, zapping it directly in the eye, and causing it to flail in pain. Jordan continues to rain fire down on the snake, and you dash towards the wall at the end of the alleyway, and try to climb up, how hard can it be?

Very hard, as it turns out, as you slam into the ground, pain flaring across your back. You stare up in abject horror as the snake opens it's maw, ready to chomp down on you. You close your eyes and brace yourself, and then, you feel the wind against your skin.

"Are you OK?" Jordan asks.

You open your eyes. He's holding you bridal style, oh god he's holding you bridal style! A blush flits across your face, as you take in your surroundings. Wait, he's injured!

"You're hurt!" You exclaim, gesturing at a gash in his arm

"It's not too bad." He replies, with a wince of pain on his face. "I could take that blow a lot better than you."

He's injured, because of you! This is no time to be embarrassed, you need to get serious.

You take a deep breath and consider your options. The snake doesn't seem to have any ranged attacks, or at least none that you've seen. If you could just take a moment to analyze how it fights...

"Set me down on that roof over there, near the fire escape."

"OK!" Jordan gently places you on your feet.

You make your way to the edge of the rooftop, and your peer down at the snake. It's slithering around, it's eyes locked on your position, but it doesn't seem to be able to get to you... wait, it's flexing it's jaw, like it's going to spit something, it probably does have some sort of ranged attack, and worse, it's near civilians!

"Jordan, take to the air, try and draw it's fire away from civilians, target it's eyes!"

"Got it!" He flies up and immediately begins raining blasts down on the snake.

The snake, in response, spits some sort of venom at him, but he dodges out of the way, smoothly pivoting in the air at a moment's notice. The snake, seemingly frustrated, moves towards a nearby group of civilians, not good! You begin to climb down the fire escape, watching as Jordan grabs the civilians, brining them up to a nearby building. As the snake rumbles towards you, you pull out your pepper spray, dodging out oft he way of another bite.

"I hope this works..." You mutter, as you open fire, catching the snake in both of it's eyes. It rears back, screeching in pain, you move away from it, dashing down the street.

"Keep going for the eyes?" Jordan calls out

"Yep, it's nearly down!" You call back.

The snake attempts to spit at you, seemingly catching your scent in the air, but you dodge out of the way easily, ducking behind a nearby knocked over table, which sizzles as the serpent's venom touches it.

"Keep firing at it!" You call out. "It's lost some of it's scales on the left side!"

"I think I can hit that!"

And with that, Jordan lands a final shot on the snake, bringing it down in front of you. The creature is still breathing, but it's a slow rising and falling. You pant for a moment, before collapsing, the adrenaline leaving your system. You really need to learn to use a weapon of some kind. There's got to be like, a Claremont Martial Arts club or something? Or maybe an Archery Team?

"We did it!" Jordan calls out to you, a grin stretched across his face. "You were a big help, being in tactical command like that!"

"I just told you obvious stuff..." You mumble, a blush flashing across your face.

"Nonsense!" He proclaims, clapping you on the shoulder. "We are comrades in arms now, and out victory is entirely up to you!"

You go to stammer out a response, before you see the owner of the diner, a crusty looking, dumpy older man amble out of the shop.

"You did a good job kids!" He says, his smile only barely visible under his massive mustache. "You want to get a picture, sign it? I'll put it up on the wall with the others."

That's... you're not sure how you feel about that.

[x] Get your picture on the wall!
-What do you sign it as?
- [x] Hannah
- [x] Insight
- [x] Quirk
- [x] Write in

[x] Don't get your picture on the wall, you ear here too much for that!

You also gained one power point, how would you like to spend it?

[x] Bank it

[x] Put it into Persuasion

[x] Put it into Deception

[x] Get the Move-by-Action advantage

[x] Get the Assessment advantage

Well, I think the first combat went pretty well! You almost got eaten by the snake, but you actually didn't take any damage with Jordan interposing for you.
[X] Get your picture on the wall!
-[X] Sage
[X] Get the Assessment advantage

I feel Assessment is going to be more useful in general.
Issue 13: Hero's Due
[X] Get your picture on the wall!
-[X] Sage
[X] Get the Assessment advantage

You pant for a little bit, and survey the carnage. The snake may be unconscious, but that doesn't magically fix the damage that it caused. A couple of shopfronts have partially caved in, but you can already see the first responders begin to assist people who were hurt. You turn back to the owner of the restaurant.

"Yeah... yeah, I'll take a photo on the wall."

"Sure, you and your boyfriend can pose next to the snake." He says, rummaging around in his pocket for his phone.

"He's not my boyfriend!" You say, a blush flitting across your face "W-we're just f-friends! We're not dating!"

"Right, sorry sorry..." The man says, brining the camera up. "Anyway, do a pose or something!"

You reach up and put you arm on Jordan's shoulder, managing to keep your eyes open as the camera flashes. The owner makes his way inside, and comes out moments later with a printed photo. Oh god, you look terrible in this thing, next to Jordan you look both gangly and short somehow! Before you can open your mouth, the owner presses a pen into your hand. You think for a moment, then write SAGE in cursive under you face. Jordan prints DEFENDER next to his smiling, photogenic mug.

"Thanks!" The owner says. "I'll go hang this up!" And with that, he makes his way back to the restaurant.

"That was exhilarating!" Jordan says. "I've never really been in a fight before, it was great to be able to swoop in and save those people!"

"Y-yeah..." You say. Personally, you found it a bit terrifying, but as you look around at the people, who you managed to save from the monster, you smile somewhat. Yeah, you did do something good here!

"I wish we k-knew where it came from though..." You murmur. "It's trajectory had it coming from the HIT campus, so it's clearly one of their projects gone wrong, likely from the biology department? It was able to repel minor injuries, and could shrug off being tased for the most part, so I'd guess that it was intended as some sort of military project perhaps..."

You look at where the snake came from. A mystery for another day. For now, you're tired, and sore, and you just want to head back to your dorm and plop down to sleep. And so, that's exactly what you do.

What do you spend the second week doing?
You have three actions to spend

Exploration Actions:
[x] Explore the Claremont Campus

[x] Explore the City
Where in the city?
- [x] Freedom City proper, the beating heart of the city
- [x] South of the River, Casinos, crime, and beautiful hills.
- [x] North of the River, your parent's house, a university part of town

Club Activities
[x] Join the Theatre Club
-Train your Deception skill, and make friends with Thespians!

[x] Join the Tech Club
-Train your Technology skill, and keep abreast of technological trends!

[x] Join the Debate Team
-Train your Persuasion skill, and maybe get over your shyness? Good luck.

[x] Join the Martial Arts club
-Train your Unarmed skill, learn to defend yourself!

[x] Join the Track Team
-Train your Athletics skill, work up a sweat running the track!

[x] Join the Acrobatics Team
-Train your Acrobatics, get some lean muscles!

[x] Join the Chess Club
-Train your Expertise: Tactics, make friends with chess nerds!

Friendship Activities
[x] Spend time with Jade
-She seems to be practicing some sort of sword-fighting in the gym

[x] Spend time with Rebecca
-Oh no, one of the labs blew up again! Rebecca claims it was only a little bit, but you've been assigned to keep an eye on her.

[x] Spend time with Jordan
-He's been spending some time at the Martial Arts club, perhaps you could join him?

Adventure Hooks
[x] Try and track down the origin of the giant snake
[X] Team building and detective work
-[x] Try and track down the origin of the giant snake
-[x] Spend time with Rebecca
-[x] Spend time with Jordan

Considering how many rewards we get for adventures, we can investigate, its initial stages should not be too dangerous, but we will know which skills to train.
As for creating a team, I think Jordon and Rebecca are well suited for the formation of the primary core.
Jordon sheathes the team, a melee fighter and charismatic leader, Rebecca is a melee/ranged fighter and a technical specialist, we are a tactician, adviser and ranged fighter.