To join in on the discussion:

I think that the point of the vote is to answer "What should wizards do with magic?"

Option 1: magic is not something to be hidden or restricted, it is as it is, and everyone should accept it and adapt to it. Option 2: magic should adapt and change into something that can co-exist with current muggles and their culture. Option 3: magic can never adapt to muggles and vice versa and so it should stay hidden and restricted forever.

Imo vote has very little to do with any kind of political structures, freedoms or what have you; it's an answer about the future of magic and its development.
To join in on the discussion:

I think that the point of the vote is to answer "What should wizards do with magic?"

Option 1: magic is not something to be hidden or restricted, it is as it is, and everyone should accept it and adapt to it. Option 2: magic should adapt and change into something that can co-exist with current muggles and their culture. Option 3: magic can never adapt to muggles and vice versa and so it should stay hidden and restricted forever.

Imo vote has very little to do with any kind of political structures, freedoms or what have you; it's an answer about the future of magic and its development.
But to get there u have to be political otherway it wont go trough thats the whole point if u are alone and doing it alone ur are a criminal in the eye of the wizard goverment and someone as smart as jacob can see that so he would have to push for the agenda politcal to let it be accepted.
But to get there u have to be political otherway it wont go trough thats the whole point if u are alone and doing it alone ur are a criminal in the eye of the wizard goverment and someone as smart as jacob can see that so he would have to push for the agenda politcal to let it be accepted.

This is not about doing anything about the problem. This is just coming up with your answer to it. For example, our Father is clearly option 1 guy, but he happily and peacfully lives with his family on a secluded hidden magical island and spends his time dueling and sculpting. This won't lock us into any kind of action.
With magic a lot of things are made possible. Lessen poverty, ending world hunger, housing, and so forth. Of course money would have to take a different value and frankly the capitalist system of the world would have to be scrapped.

So I expect a lot of push back from the rich and powerful as society changes. Like why have a factory when a wizard couple cast a spell a mass provide things needed. Now muggles seem to be far better at well administering, accounting, financial anything and so forth. I also think the wizards do not have psychological or any humanity studies. Xeno Anthropologist would finally have something to do besides wonder.
[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.
I think Jacob's brush with death and serious injury via werewolf would weigh at least partly on his thoughts of weather throwing the statute of secrecy out is a good idea. It's gotta be one of the most important moments in his life so far.
I think Jacob's brush with death and serious injury via werewolf would weigh at least partly on his thoughts of weather throwing the statute of secrecy out is a good idea. It's gotta be one of the most important moments in his life so far.
Well, Jacob was willing to kill Lupin if he didn't deliberately handicap himself to solve a mystery and now with Pettigrew being on his list to murder along with removing all of Azkaban's dementors. He also removed the eye of a student with a Reparo and broke his wand while saying to Flitwick that he was very much willing to face the consequences of his actions. He is very much a type of person who considers the consequences to be secondary or tertiary to what he wants and will face it head on.
This is not about doing anything about the problem. This is just coming up with your answer to it. For example, our Father is clearly option 1 guy, but he happily and peacfully lives with his family on a secluded hidden magical island and spends his time dueling and sculpting. This won't lock us into any kind of action.
I think Jacob's brush with death and serious injury via werewolf would weigh at least partly on his thoughts of weather throwing the statute of secrecy out is a good idea. It's gotta be one of the most important moments in his life so far.
Werewolf stigma has just had an effect on his personal life.
[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.
Adhoc vote count started by Ishaq on Feb 5, 2023 at 3:39 PM, finished with 118 posts and 59 votes.
[X] Following behind baby steps

I don't like the magic without restrictions option. It places the knowledge of magic above all else. There is no regard for the consequences on all the concerned. It's not about sharing or really caring, it's about imposing ideals into reality. We don't have enough insights to even know if it's a good idea. Jacob is not a simple teenager. He is marmalade. He is wise beyond his years.
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[X] Following behind baby steps

I don't like the magic without restrictions option. It places the knowledge of magic above all else. There is no regard for the consequences on all the concerned. It's not about sharing or really caring, it's about imposing ideals into reality. We don't have enough insights to even know if it's a good idea. Jacob is not a simple teenager. He is marmalade. He is wise beyond his years.

I mean not really? Even at the present time muggle technology has reached a point where a guy with a gun is probably more dangerous than the average wizard. The part of the world that suffers the most from current policy are the magical races, since they're essentially quarantined/hidden away. This change is mainly a big deal for them. Jacob also wouldn't see magical knowledge being prioritized as a bad thing. He's a pure ravenclaw.
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I'm not actually sure why people think Jacob is or should be a cautious individual when he has for most of his third year in Hogwarts basically went adventuring to certain doom the moment he started opening up. Which looking at his parents and the Flamels seems to be a running theme going on.

Besides the option [] Following behind baby steps seems to be something that Jacob's personality would find abhorrent, thinking about the welfare of random blokes being so ignorant to the world both magical and muggle compared to a circle of family and friends where he might consider some options for it. If his family were still feudal lords like Basques thousands of years ago then he would look after them and think about their needs but since that social order is gone by modernizing states and the Statute of Secrecy then democratizing the knowledge of magic, a long advocacy even before the Statute existed is the next best thing to remove ignorance to the world even if it will be painful and chaotic. But, strife to Jacob will just bring a need to be stronger and better than before just look at his desire to kill an underwater creature that stole parts of his soul or cleansing Azkaban of the dementors and Pettigrew they were born of strife from his adventures.

To Jacob [] Magic without restriction means to get this whole charade over and done with when he's no longer at Hogwarts and is experienced enough to know how to do it. Even if he doesn't do it for a long time it means he would never compromise his ideals to the realities of the world and would change reality to suit him. Why would reality force a wizard to bend and grovel when they were the ones who fought for humanity to not be subsumed by the natural world like the goblins? Jacob is already a practitioner of the Dark Arts and cavorter to the Fae when out exploring. He is doing at least Helga Hufflepuff proud to push wizardry in the most dangerous of the Fae just beyond Hogwarts' borders potentially even conquering it for the castle and with Jacob's ancestry it could happen. That is what Magic without restriction is, to not be ruled by fear like those who drafted the Statute where many still disagree on especially since Jacob does not fear death in seeking to be great.
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People aren't voting against magic without restriction because it doesn't fit Jacob, they don't like the option itself. I personally don't enjoy that type of meta voting, especially when baby steps is a clear contradiction with Jacobs character. It's fine to think that magic should be hidden personally, but to put that characterization on Jacob is a contradiction on previous decisions with little justification.

This also leads to the problem of 2 different arguments flying over each sides head. "Magic without restriction is a bad idea" and "baby steps doesn't fit Jacob's character." People are just voting with 2 completely different motives.
I'm not actually sure why people think Jacob is or should be a cautious individual when he has for most of his third year in Hogwarts basically went adventuring to certain doom the moment he started opening up.

For me that would be character development. Jacob has been shown the consequences of acting carelessly and having someone else take the fall for it with Harry. He has also been shown to have been affected by the experience we see in the update where they talk.

Besides the option [] Following behind baby steps seems to be something that Jacob's personality would find abhorrent,

These option were all provided by the QM, not write-ins, thus I'm confident that none of them are quite as antithetical as that to Jacob.