Well, we do have that Forgotten Wonder. Surveying does feel like a way we could potentially rediscover it.

Also, would the Germanum Minors have enough money for more Bombards? IIRC, we just sold some to them a couple years ago.

And I feel like a loan is something we might want to wait a bit on? Yes, we want the money and want to lower Prestige, but doing it so early while the Treasury is relatively healthy feels like something that could have internal backlash.
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Also, would the Germanum Minors have enough money for more Bombards? IIRC, we just sold some to them a couple years ago.

They are still an option and in the past, the option has either disappeared or had much lower chances of success if they don't have the money for more guns. It is possible that they might not want to buy more guns like has happened once before, but they appear to still have the money for it. That or the Sell Bombard actions need some updating.
[] Plan Oshha
-[] Authority: Create Sleeper Cells, Black Sheep: You have your hooks in the Black Sheep. Find people who are willing to join your cause when you go to liberate them. (???%. ? Years. ???)
-[] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Hellas: Who are the Hellas and what do they want? Besides Trelli. (???%. 1 Year.)
-[] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Pulska: Who are the Pules and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)
-[] Influence: Seek Loan: You are strapped for cash. Other states have money that you could use. Ask them if they would be willing to float a loan. (85%, +1 Treasury Status, -.1 Income, -1 Prestige and probable -influence)
--[] Pamplona
-[] Influence: Sell Bombards, Kus Minors: Do any of the minor powers of Kus want bombards? (75%, 1 Year, Probable Profit)
-[] Influence:
-[] Personal: Catch up on the latest plays and theological debates (-Stress)

Okay, I'm going to going with selling some guns to the Kus Minors, but not the Germanum Minors after that bit of QM information about them possible not having enough money or not wanting more right now.
So, how does doing an Internal Faction Report on the Black Sheep sound? I don't see a DC so it might be simple, and knowing who we should negotiate with, the likely political leanings, etc, might be valuable.
So, how does doing an Internal Faction Report on the Black Sheep sound? I don't see a DC so it might be simple, and knowing who we should negotiate with, the likely political leanings, etc, might be valuable.
It might be a bit difficult while we are at war and given we are already at war and what we are at war with them over, I'm not sure how useful it will be. Unlike with all of our previous wars, we pretty much want to conquer them in full and strip them of our feudal holdings. I would be more interested in doing it for the Khem as our most dangerous rival to figure out when they are likely to go to war with us and how to prevent that or the Pamplona as a potential future ally to figure out how to best get them as an ally.

Edit: I'm not sure we could do with the Black Sheep due to the war as the action says it has to be with someone who we have diplomatic relations with and I'm not sure how much of those we currently have with the Black Sheep thanks to the war.

@Aranfan Do the Black Sheep have any land beyond Thunder Plateau? Or are we trying to take all of their holdings?
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Can we get diplomatic options to seek aid from someone like the Kus? They sorta really like us and dislike the blacksheep. I would love to sell them bombards in exchange for renting a point or two of their navy.

Also, is there anyone from whom we could potentially recruit mercenaries from? Even if we can't get a huge number, I would think a nation state could scrounge the money together to hire a few ten thousand foreign mercenaries or so if we tried.
Actually, what would be people's thoughts on taking a second loan this turn? We could do with the money right now and it is something we can pay off easily enough once the war is over.

Edit: I also want to point out that we can now make unfavourable trade deals with countries that have lower prestige now at the price of it costing us some prestige. It might be worth looking into if we want to improve opinion with someone such as to ally them. I'm thinking that Amber Road or Pamplona would be the best targets.
may pay 1 prestige to give a favorable deal to a less prestigious state, may be taken multiple times with different targets,
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Actually, what would be people's thoughts on taking a second loan this turn? We could do with the money right now and it is something we can pay off easily enough once the war is over.

I would be against it, because of the projected narrative.
We may seem as weak and unprepared for longer war in such a case and thus provoke an attack from one of our neighbours as a reaction.
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With the mass levy active and us undertaking 2 huge offensive wars simultaneously, can't we use our entire bombard production ourselves? We're attacking on at least six fronts: WW west via Greenshore; WW coast via Ylthon Mor; WW east via Northern Core; TP north via Memory of Spirits; TP mountains via Txolla (may be divided between multiple passes) and; TP south via Txolla and Hamurri Gulf. All of those forces will meet fortified positions they'll want to reduce ASAP but our usual siege train is made for our usual 1-2 prong deployments and won't be nearly so strong split six ways. Cities and castles falling like ninepins is what gets people to surrender fast.

Better to seek a second loan than sell bombards unless @Aranfan tells us that we've been building our gun reserves enough to put an extra 4 or so siege trains into the field.

Actually, what would be people's thoughts on taking a second loan this turn? We could do with the money right now and it is something we can pay off easily enough once the war is over.

Edit: I also want to point out that we can now make unfavourable trade deals with countries that have lower prestige now at the price of it costing us some prestige. It might be worth looking into if we want to improve opinion with someone such as to ally them. I'm thinking that Amber Road or Pamplona would be the best targets.
So I'm in favour of loans obviously.

Unfavourable deals to buy favour could be a useful trick in the future but in principle I favour favourable deals for income and making up the goodwill in other ways. I have to acknowledge though, that any one trade deal has little effect on cash flow either way compared to an expensive action or a bombard sale so manipulating diplomacy and prestige positions is the only real reason to spend actions on them.
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I feel like there could be narrative consequences to taking out a loan immediately after starting the war, so I'd like to wait a couple turns before we even take the first one out.
Our backup options should includes a land survey of Hat-chan since it's where most of our mining incomes are from and also the most likely source of new wealth.
I feel like there could be narrative consequences to taking out a loan immediately after starting the war, so I'd like to wait a couple turns before we even take the first one out.
We need the money to the spare money to be able to do stuff and the lower prestige is useful as well. Unless you can provide some examples of those potential narrative consequences, I don't see that as a meaningful argument against doing that is beneficial for us.

Anyway, I am leaning towards doing an Determine Internal Factions with the final Influence on the Black Sheep because it has a chance of making a peace deal easier to achieve.
[] Plan Chimeraguard
-[] Authority: Create Sleeper Cells, Black Sheep: You have your hooks in the Black Sheep. Find people who are willing to join your cause when you go to liberate them. (???%. ? Years. ???)
-[] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Hellas: Who are the Hellas and what do they want? Besides Trelli. (???%. 1 Year.)
-[] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Pulska: Who are the Pules and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)
-[] Influence: Sell Bombards, Kus Minors: Do any of the minor powers of Kus want bombards? (75%, 1 Year, Probable Profit)
-[] Influence: Survey Northern Core
-[] Influence: Survey Core
-[] Personal: Catch up on the latest plays and theological debates (-Stress)

Well, here's a plan draft. Has my whole "Doesn't want to take a loan out immediately", and since we have spare influence, might as well survey both Core options and check if there's anything interesting.
[] Plan Oshha
-[] Authority: Create Sleeper Cells, Black Sheep: You have your hooks in the Black Sheep. Find people who are willing to join your cause when you go to liberate them. (???%. ? Years. ???)
-[] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Hellas: Who are the Hellas and what do they want? Besides Trelli. (???%. 1 Year.)
-[] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Pulska: Who are the Pules and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)
-[] Influence: Seek Loan: You are strapped for cash. Other states have money that you could use. Ask them if they would be willing to float a loan. (85%, +1 Treasury Status, -.1 Income, -1 Prestige and probable -influence)
--[] Pamplona
-[] Influence: Sell Bombards, Kus Minors: Do any of the minor powers of Kus want bombards? (75%, 1 Year, Probable Profit)
-[] Influence: Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
--[] Black Sheep.
-[] Personal: Relax with Family (-Stress)

I want to infiltrate the Black Sheep with our agents and loyalists so that I want to stick an Authority on that action both to ensure it succeeds and that it succeeds in the shortest possible timeframe. Beyond that, I want to try and make diplomatic contact with Hellas and Pulska to fill out our diplo profiles further. I also want to try and seek a loan from Pamplona to get some Treasury and lower our prestige. I want to try selling some guns to the Kus Minors for the money so along with the loan, we got some spare money to do an Expensive action or two. Finally, I want to figure out the internal politics of the Black Sheep to try and make getting a peace deal easier while the personal action goes to reducing our king's stress.

Oshha has lost votes before. Make a plan that doesn't have taking out a loan right away.
This is true. It is how we got an Authority locked into an action that takes seven years to complete.
You know, in hindsight, we're really gonna regret any potential Prestige gain we get from extending the Sacred Warding to the Hung.

-[] Influence: Determine Internal Factions: Receive a dossier on the relevant internal factions of a polity you have diplomatic relations with. This will allow you to support or oppose their internal factions to be more favorable to your interests.
--[] Black Sheep.
Actually, do we have diplomatic relations with the Black Sheep other than "Nomads on our land REEEEE!!!!"
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Actually, do we have diplomatic relations with the Black Sheep other than "Nomads on our land REEEEE!!!!"

Given we can create sleeper cells in the Black Sheep, we should be able to figure out how their internal politics work and the QM hasn't said we can't do that action whilst we been discussing it.

What should we give the new King of Kus as a coronation present?
I am not aware that there is a King of Kus.