I wonder if we can get a synergy between the actions by doing both at once. The signal towers make building the rail easier. The rail makes building the towers easier.

Not sure if there's much synergy there. Much of the cost is building the spyglasses and training people to communicate via semaphore. As for towers themselves, we'll probably just use rest stations and build towers in between as necessary.

Again, spyglass is supposed to increase the distance needed while still allowing for people to read what they're looking at.
A speech and a war.
The scene was a familiar one to Dafydd. His best men and the banner companies marched down the main street of the capital to adoring crowds. Colorful paper confetti were thrown from apartments above. Of course, they cheered his name and his every achievement.

Dafydd beamed with pride, but not too prideful. He remembered his failure, his tribulation to be the last standing, and his love for the kingdom.

Then, finally, Dafydd approached the long staircase to the palace. King stood in the center, standing alone, while surrounded by men and dignitaries.

"You have enough heroics and legend to make yourself King. Yet you did not. Instead, you served our Kingdom and Kings always, no matter who's the King," the King said proudly. "Yet, there's one more thing I want you to do. I have already declared war on the Black Sheep and Western Wall. As expected, Western Wall said no. However, the barbarians sent us the most curious proposal.

A little moment of silence. The king proceeded. "They want to bend their knee to us as long as they keep all their ill gotten gains, making their domains 'private' property."

Someone laughed. It turned into a roarious laughter with the Ymaryn, while the foreigners have confusion on their face.

"I would have accepted the peace deal, except of course," the King conceded. "Private Property. The Land of the People belonged to us all. Not to the savage nomads, not our nobles, not even me. I am in the end, just a steward. Today, I am going to give you one last mission, Dragon General. You shall bring back Western Wall and the Thunder Plateau back to the fold and the People shall be reunited once again!"

The dragon general bowed to his King once more. Everyone knew that this was a long time coming.

Afterward, the Guildmaster from the Thunder Plateau presented him a sword. "Take this. It is the greatest sword in the land, of unrival strength, cutting power, and endurance. I made the sword myself. I also have more for your best soldiers, nothing more than the best quality, of all and every weapon type that they need, and more being produced everyday. My only regret that the Guilds cannot equip every last man with the best weapons and armors." The guildmaster bowed.

"Thank you. I shall see to it that that your armory will be used to the best extent as possible," Dafydd said.

And so, Dafydd turned his army around to march back to Valleyhome's gate.

The crowd cheered with every footstep. "CRUSH THEM! CRUSH THEM! CRUSH THEM!"
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If you confirm the property in land and animals inherited from their fathers.
If you grant them representation in your parliament.
If you appoint as governor of the Plateau the current khan of the black sheep, and otherwise confirm the nomad "nobles" as the nobility going forward.

Hmmmm. Can we negotiate with them? Say, offer them a long-term lease, say 50-100 years after which time their descendants will need to take another long term lease if they want to continue as feudal land-owners?

I must say, I am inclined towards making a deal. For one, we don't know if we can conquer the Thunder Plateau in the time limit. For another, a long war will be more brutal for the ordinary peasant that serfdom will be... Especially as we can spend time shifting the feudal nobles away from being feudal. That is what happened across the OYE after all. When Txolla joined the empire, they had a bunch of strange and disturbing practices. As did the other non-core provinces.

Oh, and I feel it is a good precedent to reward our enemies for being reasonable. I am getting really tired of Ymaryn elitism and REEEEE-ness.

Hmmmm. Can we negotiate with them? Say, offer them a long-term lease, say 50-100 years after which time their descendants will need to take another long term lease if they want to continue as feudal land-owners?

I must say, I am inclined towards making a deal. For one, we don't know if we can conquer the Thunder Plateau in the time limit. For another, a long war will be more brutal for the ordinary peasant that serfdom will be... Especially as we can spend time shifting the feudal nobles away from being feudal. That is what happened across the OYE after all. When Txolla joined the empire, they had a bunch of strange and disturbing practices. As did the other non-core provinces.

Oh, and I feel it is a good precedent to reward our enemies for being reasonable. I am getting really tired of Ymaryn elitism and REEEEE-ness.


This impact is not limited to the blacksheep. It will feudalize other part of kingdom, then we will be furiously trying to undo feudalism. All the while, our peasants, instead of de-facto owning their slice of lands, are given less stuff. That means less education, less nutrition, less everything.

If anything, feudalism delay us in the industrialization race. We will be less stable. Noble will be fighting for power. Once we have to industralize, it will be difficult pulling their teeth. It isn't an advantage at all.
I was really really hoping I was missing something big about the situation.

One more question: does 1 income translate to be equivalent to 1 treasury per year?

If so, then additional costs that will likely come during the war (even victorious) could be devastating. Administering the thunder plateau gives a net -2 income, right?
What if we have to pay some fraction of that for taking over significant parts of the thunder plateau? Does anyone have information that would guarantee that this would not be the case?

Would it be even more expensive if some Black Sheep commander plays scorched earth?
One more question: does 1 income translate to be equivalent to 1 treasury per year?

Every five years, we gain Treasury equal to our Income. This is currently 0.7 so in 1615, we will gain 0.7 Treasury.
On every year IC divisible by 5, the income stat adds itself to the treasury.
We also get +1 Treasury every other year from the Guild Industry wonder. We just got +1 Treasury from it this turn and we will next get +1 Treasury from it in 1614.
Guild Industry (5/5): The People are an industrial titan unmatched in the present age. Neither the Kus nor the Hung are able to match their output, and the best products of those lands only match the average quality of what is produced by the People.
(Every 2 years, +1 Treasury Status. If wonder is degraded, instead every 7-Lvl years it will repair itself by 1 lvl.)
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This impact is not limited to the blacksheep. It will feudalize other part of kingdom, then we will be furiously trying to undo feudalism. All the while, our peasants, instead of de-facto owning their slice of lands, are given less stuff. That means less education, less nutrition, less everything.

Less than war?

I think you are seriously underestimating how much damage a mass levy marching through a country would do. Not to mention any scorched earth tactics the Black Sheep might do.

And this is assuming we win. Which we might not.

Personally, I would be more comfortable negotiating and then spending some actions over the next few generations completely absorbing this new population. The OYE did the same plenty of times.

@Aranfan: Can we make a counter-offer to the Black Sheep?

Less than war?

I think you are seriously underestimating how much damage a mass levy marching through a country would do. Not to mention any scorched earth tactics the Black Sheep might do.

And this is assuming we win. Which we might not.

Personally, I would be more comfortable negotiating and then spending some actions over the next few generations completely absorbing this new population. The OYE did the same plenty of times.

@Aranfan: Can we make a counter-offer to the Black Sheep?

Yes, the OYE did that, there's just a little lack of a certain something.

We can't use the "Fire is Warm" against a population of farmers that has the same culture as us, they know our farming techniques, they know how to do all that is necessary to keep the land bountiful.

So no, Black Sheep is not a polity that can be affected by the "Fire is Warm" ie the social halping of their population to the point their population starts fleeing to us causing a social kaboom.
Less than war?

I think you are seriously underestimating how much damage a mass levy marching through a country would do. Not to mention any scorched earth tactics the Black Sheep might do.

And this is assuming we win. Which we might not.

Personally, I would be more comfortable negotiating and then spending some actions over the next few generations completely absorbing this new population. The OYE did the same plenty of times.

@Aranfan: Can we make a counter-offer to the Black Sheep?


We just had the Khan rampaging through our lands, so all the damage that a war could do was done. Introduction of feudalism on the other hand, would be something that would change our kingdom for centuries at least.
We can totally negotiate further. It's taking longshot sue for peace actions to keep comunication open while the war slowly tips in our favor and the Black Sheep nobility asks for fewer and fewer consessions.

Right now they are betting the Western Wall hamstrings us. When it doesn't negotiation will happen.
Less than war?

I think you are seriously underestimating how much damage a mass levy marching through a country would do. Not to mention any scorched earth tactics the Black Sheep might do.

And this is assuming we win. Which we might not.

Personally, I would be more comfortable negotiating and then spending some actions over the next few generations completely absorbing this new population. The OYE did the same plenty of times.

@Aranfan: Can we make a counter-offer to the Black Sheep?


Let me put it this way: You're dooming the entire kingdom worth of peasantry to serfdom or worse for very short term gains, one that will destroy our unique stability and potentially destroy our kingdom. Maybe not today, but centuries down the road.

Meanwhile, EVERY LEVEL of our society would see the reconquest as worth it and they are willing to sacrifice their grains to support the cityfolks who will be doing most of the fighting and dying.
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Let me put it this way: You're dooming the entire kingdom worth of peasantry to serfdom or worse for very short term gains, one that will destroy our unique stability and potentially destroy our kingdom. Maybe not today, but centuries down the road.

I'm rather dubious of that, since that's not how real societies work.

See for example Poland post-partition, where the Polish magnates continued to treat the peasantry like dirt and the other Prussian and Austrian territories did not grow more feudal. (And see again, Poland post-partition, where feudalism was gradually undermined even in the Russian zone by economic changes, Polish liberals being liberal and the occupying powers trying to improve economic efficiency and weaken the Polish magnates.)

Where feudalism and the emiseration of the peasantry did expand, there were always one of two things pushing it: 1) weak central authority that could not push back against local magnates expanding their power and downsizing their responsibilities to other social groups (both above and below) and 2) serfdom being pushed because it was seen as progressive and efficient (see, the introduction of serfdom into Russia).

Neither of these things apply to the Ymaryn empire.

And of course, the QM might allow us to make counter-proposals to the Black Sheep. If we can peacefully assimilate them with the explicit understanding that over the next few generations Thunder Plateau will be transitioning back to the normal Ymaryn way of doing things, that's not exactly a strong precedent for would-be strong men in the rest of the empire to try and force feudal property into existence.

Now, if we can't negotiate, the balance of cost and benefit between war and peace is much closer, which is why I'm holding back from voting until the QM provides more information.

We just had the Khan rampaging through our lands, so all the damage that a war could do was done. Introduction of feudalism on the other hand, would be something that would change our kingdom for centuries at least.

As discussed above, that sounds like nonsense to me.

Maybe that's how the quest works, but I am waiting for the QM to weigh in on what the reality is.

And my concern here is that the people of Thunder Plateau - the ordinary Ymaryn people who we are ostensibly liberating - will be dying in significant numbers if we ram a million man army into the feudal overlords oppressing them. The Khan rampaging was happening in Txolla.

Yes, the OYE did that, there's just a little lack of a certain something.

We can't use the "Fire is Warm" against a population of farmers that has the same culture as us, they know our farming techniques, they know how to do all that is necessary to keep the land bountiful.

So no, Black Sheep is not a polity that can be affected by the "Fire is Warm" ie the social halping of their population to the point their population starts fleeing to us causing a social kaboom.

But... The targets aren't the farmers, the targets are the Black Sheep who have installed themselves as nobles. If we offer them a better alternative to being feudal nobles, why can't we "fire is warm" them? It's happened before.

Our Martial Hero disagree with this.

Thankyou, that's useful information.

Academia Nut did compare the Ymaryn immediately pre-collapse to "a Byzantine Empire with its shit together".

What makes them special?
But... The targets aren't the farmers, the targets are the Black Sheep who have installed themselves as nobles. If we offer them a better alternative to being feudal nobles, why can't we "fire is warm" them? It's happened before.

Why would that be better for them from their point of view? It means less wealth for them.

Now, our nobles have lot of money, but they have to actually work for their shit.

I'm rather dubious of that, since that's not how real societies work.

See for example Poland post-partition, where the Polish magnates continued to treat the peasantry like dirt and the other Prussian and Austrian territories did not grow more feudal. (And see again, Poland post-partition, where feudalism was gradually undermined even in the Russian zone by economic changes, Polish liberals being liberal and the occupying powers trying to improve economic efficiency and weaken the Polish magnates.)

That's not our King's thought process. Our nobles will literally demand private property.

And my concern here is that the people of Thunder Plateau - the ordinary Ymaryn people who we are ostensibly liberating - will be dying in significant numbers if we ram a million man army into the feudal overlords oppressing them. The Khan rampaging was happening in Txolla.

That's unfortunate.

But what's unfortunate is that they have alrady entered serfdom.

And why would we want to prioritize just the Thunder Plateau people over the entire People?
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