Txollan King: Every turn you do not spend at least one action towards addressing Txollan concerns, each action gets -10 to their rolls.
Oh yeah, also, we need to make sure this gets addressed. Is that what the Building Warships action is for, or will that not be enough?

-[] Influence: Construct Warships, Harmurri Gulf: Do you really need warships on the Monsoon Sea? The trade there is quite civilized with much less piracy than on the Saffron Sea. (70%. 2 years. +Warships. Expensive)
Since we can afford it, I am going to build some Warships in the Harmurri Gulf to support the upcoming Thunder Plateau Campaign and hopefully appease the revanchists though we have no reliable way to do that this turn.
If we're gonna make warships to support the Thunder Plateau Campaign, shouldn't they be in the Salt Sea?
[] Construct Warships, Salt Sea: You now share a sea with the Black Sheep. They will surely send foes by sea as well as land if they wish to achieve their ambition of displacing you. (70%. 2 years. +Warships. Expensive)
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Oh yeah, also, we need to make sure this gets addressed. Is that what the Building Warships action is for, or will that not be enough?
The ongoing Hung action addresses Txollan King.
If we're gonna make warships to support the Thunder Plateau Campaign, shouldn't they be in the Salt Sea?
Warships in either the Salt Sea or the Hamurri Gulf will help the Liberation of Thunder Plateau and I figured that having warships in Hamurri Gulf will be more useful long term due to greater access to the sea.

From the Discord said:
Oshha — Today at 16:34
@Aranfan Where do we need warships again for logistic support?
Aranfan — Today at 16:41
If against the Black Sheep, then in the Salt Sea and Harmurri Gulf, if against Styrmyr or Western Wall, Yllython Mor.
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If I am remembering things correctly we were more skirmishing and trying for a peaceful(ish) resolution, now I fear we will have to be in an all out war. Although I probably will reread last few updates to be on top of the current situation again.

Sort of. We are technically in all-out war, but as we have stayed on the defensive and not gone for more clay, it has resulted in skirmishing as the Styrmyr have not committed to a big offensive. We are trying for peace talks because we got what we want (Greenshore) and we want to end the war with Styrmyr so we can go to war with the Black Sheep. We want to end the fighting with Styrmyr as quickly as possible without losing Greenshore so holding the line and peace talks are our priority and what we need to do. The former is done automatically by our already committed military forces while we got an action for the later.
[X] Plan Oshha
-[X] Authority: Touch the Cow, Do it Now, Greenshore: Greenshore's people have been stripped of the Sacred Warding when the nomads of the Khan's Horde stole the Sacred Herds. They have returned to the kingdom in large part to regain the Warding. This must be done to protect them once more from the starpox. (60%. 3 Years. Sacred Warding restored in Greenshore.)
-[X] Influence: Against Cholera, Abyss: The people of Abyss lack a treatment for the cholera. Demonstrate your might and generosity by giving your to them. (85%. 1 Year. Possible +Abyss Opinion)
-[X] Influence: Sell Bombards, Germanum Minors: Do the minors of the Rex Germanum want bombards? (75%. 1 Year. Probable Profit.)
-[X] Influence: Construct Warships, Salt Sea: You now share a sea with the Black Sheep. They will surely send foes by sea as well as land if they wish to achieve their ambition of displacing you. (70%. 2 years. +Warships. Expensive)
-[X] Influence & Influence: Investigate Assassination Attempt: Someone tried to kill the king with gunpowder. Find out who, and find out why. (???%, 1 Year, +Information.)
-[X] Influence: Peace Talks, Styrmyr: You have achieved your war goals, attempt to negotiate peace with the styrmyr. (Narrative%. 1 Year. Peace.)
-[X] Personal: Attend to a particular action personally. (Provides bonus to action)
--[X] Peace Talks, Styrmyr

Authority goes on Touch the Cow for Greenshore because we need it to succeed. Taking the last available Against Cholera action for prestige and for a chance of appeasing the revanchists as we have no reliable way to do that this turn. Selling Bombards to Berba and Germanum Minors for the money as both have a good chance of success and don't upset anyone as far as we know. I have chosen the Germanum Minors over the Kus Minors as I want to cause some fighting in Saffron while I figure that Kus is better off spending its money on food not guns. Since we can afford it, I am going to build some Warships in the Harmurri Gulf to support the upcoming Thunder Plateau Campaign and another chance of appeasing the revanchists.

Speaking of the revanchists, I think they are might be behind the assassination attempt due to how unhappy we have been making them so I am going to investigate the assassination attempt. The final influence will go to peace talks with our personal action adding a bonus to them. Since it is narrative and the roll is for Styrmyr's response, I don't consider it important enough to spend the Authority on it instead of spreading the Sacred Warding. Speaking of which, I am interest in spreading it to Amber Road, but I want to wait until we have got the Liberation of Thunder Plateau underway or one of the Hung action completes before locking an action onto another multi-year option.

I should also want to mention that Income will give us 0.7 Treasury this turn between our negative cash flow and the Guild Industry, leaving us at 7.5/10 Treasury before any changes from our actions are considered. And as I mentioned before, we want to keep Treasury at 5/10 or 6/10 for the upcoming war with the Black Sheep, something we will want to start as soon as possible. Hopefully we will be left with enough Treasury that we can afford to do Construct Warships next turn without impacting our war chest.

Edit: Dropped selling guns to Berba to double-down on the investigation.
Edit 2: Looking at the descriptions of both actions, I decided that more warships on the Salt Sea is better than more warships on the Monsoon Sea.
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Sort of. We are technically in all-out war, but as we have stayed on the defensive and not gone for more clay, it has resulted in skirmishing as the Styrmyr have not committed to a big offensive. We are trying for peace talks because we got what we want (Greenshore) and we want to end the war with Styrmyr so we can go to war with the Black Sheep. We want to end the fighting with Styrmyr as quickly as possible without losing Greenshore so holding the line and peace talks are our priority and what we need to do. The former is done automatically by our already committed military forces while we got an action for the later.
I wonder if peace talks will have more traction if we go on the offensive. I worry that the Stymyr see us on the defensive and conclude that they won't lose much by refusing peace and continuing to try to push us off. They have a truce with their other military threat and so don't feel bad about keeping their forces committed so long as they don't lose badly. They know we want peace and as long as we want peace more than they do, they have the upper hand in negotiation.

I think an offensive where we push into them could convince them that peace NOW is in their best interests.

EDIT - To be clear, I wonder the value of replacing the warship action with another levi action directed at Greenshore and send the troops with orders for the general to push in whatever way he pleases, so long as he makes the idea of protracted war with Ymar seem incredibly unattractive to Stymyr.

Stymyr can ether face a very large army who's goal is to not take ground but rather inflict enemy losses, or give ground and start losing chunks of their native clay to an invading force. Neither option is attractive and should make pushing for peace easier when the peace deal includes "Stop murdering our army and give back the clay that's not Greenshore."
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I did a copy paste muck up, didn't I?

Greenshore didn't "return".

Edit: No, checking on the update Ossha is just using a different flavor text than I put in the action when I edited it.
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I did a copy paste muck up, didn't I?

Greenshore didn't "return".

Edit: No, checking on the update Ossha is just using a different flavor text than I put in the action when I edited it.
You hadn't added the new action in when I made my plan, but you had said the following:
Forgot about re-establishing the sacred warding in Greenshore. That should be on the Action List. Same costs and benefits as previous ones.
So I got the Tinshore action and just replaced the mentions of Tinshore with Greenshore.
I wonder if peace talks will have more traction if we go on the offensive. I worry that the Stymyr see us on the defensive and conclude that they won't lose much by refusing peace and continuing to try to push us off. They have a truce with their other military threat and so don't feel bad about keeping their forces committed so long as they don't lose badly. They know we want peace and as long as we want peace more than they do, they have the upper hand in negotiation.

I think an offensive where we push into them could convince them that peace NOW is in their best interests.

EDIT - To be clear, I wonder the value of replacing the warship action with another levi action directed at Greenshore and send the troops with orders for the general to push in whatever way he pleases, so long as he makes the idea of protracted war with Ymar seem incredibly unattractive to Stymyr.

Not worth the cost. That money would be better spent on more warships than another city levy directed at Styrmyr. Even if it was, we couldn't do that anyway because we already voted not to conquer further. Hence why our forces were only trying to hold our current conquests instead of pushing further into Styrmyr territory.
[X] Counter any military thrusts, but do not conquer beyond the traditional Greenshore borders. (Militarily harder, Revaunchists weakened.)
Not worth the cost. That money would be better spent on more warships than another city levy directed at Styrmyr. Even if it was, we couldn't do that anyway because we already voted not to conquer further. Hence why our forces were only trying to hold our current conquests instead of pushing further into Styrmyr territory.
Fair. We may be stuck for a while then I fear. I still support weakening the revanchists though, so dealing with harder may just be our fate.

Hell, maybe we DO track the assassination plot back to the revanchists and get an excuse to gut the movement, removing our need to take the Black Sheep entirely.
Fair. We may be stuck for a while then I fear. I still support weakening the revanchists though, so dealing with harder may just be our fate.

Hell, maybe we DO track the assassination plot back to the revanchists and get an excuse to gut the movement, removing our need to take the Black Sheep entirely.

Unlikely. Revanchism has widespread support amongst the general populace. The issue is biggest and most influential supporters, who happen to be the most obnoxious ones as well. We might able to neuter the worst offenders for now and gets some breathing room, but we won't be able to get with of the movement entirely.
Unlikely. Revanchism has widespread support amongst the general populace. The issue is biggest and most influential supporters, who happen to be the most obnoxious ones as well. We might able to neuter the worst offenders for now and gets some breathing room, but we won't be able to get with of the movement entirely.
I mean, revanchism will still be a thing, but we are getting to the point that perhaps we can go "Well, the Black Sheep never really got the sacred forest, and where always strange to begin with... do we really say they are Ymaryn?"

If the revanchits can be weakened enough it's possible we can sneak a reduction in what we consider out "core" into the narrative, reach a point where we don't explode if we don't retake the Black Sheep. We are reaching a period where a lot of our people have grown up in a world where the Black Sheep have always been barbarians who attack from the East, not Ymaryn.
I mean, revanchism will still be a thing, but we are getting to the point that perhaps we can go "Well, the Black Sheep never really got the sacred forest, and where always strange to begin with... do we really say they are Ymaryn?"

If the revanchits can be weakened enough it's possible we can sneak a reduction in what we consider out "core" into the narrative, reach a point where we don't explode if we don't retake the Black Sheep. We are reaching a period where a lot of our people have grown up in a world where the Black Sheep have always been barbarians who attack from the East, not Ymaryn.

You voted for the tantrum spiral. And one needs only look at history to see that people can have revanchist claims on land they haven't had for thousands of years. Hell, on land they never had but someone else who lived in the same area long ago did.

Slaying Revanchism will not be easy, nor will it be painless.
I mean, revanchism will still be a thing, but we are getting to the point that perhaps we can go "Well, the Black Sheep never really got the sacred forest, and where always strange to begin with... do we really say they are Ymaryn?"

If the revanchits can be weakened enough it's possible we can sneak a reduction in what we consider out "core" into the narrative, reach a point where we don't explode if we don't retake the Black Sheep. We are reaching a period where a lot of our people have grown up in a world where the Black Sheep have always been barbarians who attack from the East, not Ymaryn.

That period would be the next decade when Thunder Plateau has been away long enough to stop considering itself Ymaryn. We might be able to do that then, but I doubt we could stop considering Thunder Plateau to be Ymaryn before Thunder Plateau does, especially since we got revanchism and they don't.

Even then, I still doubt we will be able to do that since Thunder Plateau is right next door and we already beaten the Black Sheep a couple of times.
[X] Plan Oshha
-[X] Authority: Touch the Cow, Do it Now, Greenshore: Greenshore's people have been stripped of the Sacred Warding when the nomads of the Khan's Horde stole the Sacred Herds. They have returned to the kingdom in large part to regain the Warding. This must be done to protect them once more from the starpox. (60%. 3 Years. Sacred Warding restored in Greenshore.)
-[X] Influence: Against Cholera, Abyss: The people of Abyss lack a treatment for the cholera. Demonstrate your might and generosity by giving your to them. (85%. 1 Year. Possible +Abyss Opinion)
-[X] Influence: Sell Bombards, Berba: Does Berba want Bombards? (75%, 1 Year, Profitable,
-[X] Influence: Sell Bombards, Germanum Minors: Do the minors of the Rex Germanum want bombards? (75%. 1 Year. Probable Profit.)
-[X] Influence: Construct Warships, Harmurri Gulf: Do you really need warships on the Monsoon Sea? The trade there is quite civilized with much less piracy than on the Saffron Sea. (70%. 2 years. +Warships. Expensive)
-[X] Influence: Investigate Assassination Attempt: Someone tried to kill the king with gunpowder. Find out who, and find out why. (???%, 1 Year, +Information.)
-[X] Influence: Peace Talks, Styrmyr: You have achieved your war goals, attempt to negotiate peace with the styrmyr. (Narrative%. 1 Year. Peace.)
-[X] Personal: Attend to a particular action personally. (Provides bonus to action)
--[X] Peace Talks, Styrmyr

I think that investigating the assassination attempt really ought to have at least two influence assigned to it.
Perhaps the sell bombards to Berba action. I am a little hesitant to continue to needle the Khem, and selling to Berba is likely to do that if I remember right. Arn't they the group the Khem fought for a while and will maybe fight again sometime soon?
Unless something got cut off in that action (@Aranfan did something get cut off?) selling Bombards to Berba shouldn't upset Khem. We could drop selling to Germanum Minors though. That's only Probable Profit.
(This is the finished turn. I can't promise that the quest will resume, but I will be looking into updating the action list for next turn, if I have the energy to do so I'll try to get the next turn up tomorrow. Again tho, no promises.)

That's totally OK. I'm really glad to see turn 16 up and I hope you'll have fun and continue, but this quest is an awesome treat for us, not something we need. Post when you wanna post and don't burden yourself thinking about what you "should" be doing.
