Even if Dana doesn't bring it an extra special bonus, the native +10 from having her around is good, so we get +40 to a DC80. Stack all the bonuses on the thing that's critically important to succeed.
I think Throne Emperor long lost most of his more humane parts. The only thing is left his pure near-suicidal willpower to resist against all odds. Any sort of compromise no longer possible as he thinks all things based on cost and benefits. But surely we can feed on or convert his more humane part like Starchild aka his mercy.(If they exist in this quest)[X] Plan Solid foundation.
I say this is a solid plan.
I would think so, actually, though I think that if we have a direct connection by being part of him, chances are that he will instantly learn of our attempt to build our cult and attempt to permanently silence us.
Ah, thanks. And when there's 49% odds of failure, then yeah, having a mitigating factor along is good. 51% shots are nothing to bet on.Dana only gives +10 to Charity and Preaching actions, not Kinetic. There is no inate +10 hero bonus just for putting her on any action, so even with her there the total bonus is still +30, same as if she wasn't there. That being said, the benefit to having her there is if the action falls through she can run damage control and try for a better result than total all out failure.
I would think so too, actually. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.I think Throne Emperor long lost most of his more humane parts. The only thing is left his pure near-suicidal willpower to resist against all odds. Any sort of compromise no longer possible as he thinks all things based on cost and benefits. But surely we can feed on or convert his more humane part like Starchild aka his mercy.(If they exist in this quest)
I wonder what happened to Abby's sword?
They are probably not gonna like it if we survive.......and equally pleased with the likelyhood of a recolonization contract when he returns.
They are probably not gonna like it if we survive.......
Well, looks like they are likely gonna be an enemy no matter how well we hide.....
Something that I just noticed about the tally: It doesn't count identical sub-votes in the plan twice, even if they are beneath different subvotes themselves. Which is why Dana doesn't show up in any plan in the tally more than once. Its pretty much too late to start adjusting it at this point of the vote, but something to remember in the future, and for Alectai to be aware of when he starts rolling and writing for this turn.
Oh, I'm sorry, just thought that plant that can MAKE ANY ORGANIC BEING ALLERGIC TO SUN(!) could be weaved into a stuff of nightmares. SO sorry you feel that common hogweed, a plant that can be found NIGHT EVERYWHERE, that can be inconspicuously spread without attracting attention, can be easily repurposed into a weapon, even without modifications.Also the number of dangerous plants, the ratio of dangerous to non-dangerous plants and the danger that said plants expose.
Like, if the list of the most dangerous plants on your planet includes hogweed, I won't fear for my life among its flora.
Well, tough luck.They are probably not gonna like it if we survive.......
Well, looks like they are likely gonna be an enemy no matter how well we hide.....