As I'm bored and not yet sleepy, I'm going to do stat estimates for our new - and future - formations.
Verdant Army
Stats: 5+ Melee, 7 Ranged, 7+ Toughness, Good Reliability
Armor: Light - Heavy
Effectiveness: Infantry, Light, Infrastructure
Terrain: Normal, Rough, Urban
Special Rules: Fast Attack, Infiltrate, Organic, Psyker, Regeneration, Sniper, Suppressive
Composition: Druids, Guardians, Huntsmen, Sentinels
I'm guessing that Earthblood evens out the attention required to make the equipment, and is just generally superior to the materials used previously. Factoring in that our Gauardians are the 'basic' unit of the bunch and deployed
en-mass compared to everything else, and I figure our stats will be generally superior to the individual Huntsmen Cadres and Sentinel Platoons, largely due to the material available.
Druids adds the Psyker Special Rule, but what
else they may add I don't know. I don't expect these stats to go up by more than + or +1, except for Reliability, which shouldn't go higher without our Heartlink active.
Flower Knight Maniple
Stats: 9 Melee, 9 Ranged, 10 Toughness, Good Reliability
Armor: Heavy - Superheavy
Effectiveness: Infantry, Light, Heavy, Superheavy
Terrain: Normal, Rough, Urban
Special Rules: Assault, Indirect Fire, Inspire, Organic, Regeneration, Reanimation
Composition: Belladonnas, Rosemarys, Rafflesias
Role standardization and Earthblood is what brings the stats up... partly. The
Rafflesia does the rest, simply by mounting
that much more dakka. It serving as a platform for biomechanical data collection and distribution is the other half of what allows for Reliability to rise. It keeps the Inspire special rule, which allows them to increase their Reliability - and the Reliability of nearby units.
Probably only has up to a handful of
Rafflesias per Maniple; most likely just one. The
Rafflesia undoubtedly requires its own specialized transport to move around.
... damn, we really do need to flesh out our unit list, now don't we? No artillery, no tanks, no aircraft... let alone lots of the
real big stuff. Oh well, we already know where to start.
The Megaproject not taken, '
Nomad', would have provided two key units. The
Albatross class gunship, and
Carrier class Leviathans. The following are what I suspect we'll end up with when we finish them the long way, because there's no way a 'lack of mobility' isn't going to bite us in the ass sooner, rather than later.
Transport Rookery
Stats: 7 Ranged, 9 Toughness, Fair Reliability
Armor: Heavy
Effectiveness: Infantry, Light, Heavy
Terrain: Normal, Rough, Urban
Special Rules: Anti-Air, Fleet, Flight, Regeneration, Terrain Flier, Transport - Infantry & Armor
Composition: Albatross Gunships
The name was pulled out of a hat.
Earthblood provides the armor type, Toughness, and Regeneration. It flying keeps the Reliability at Fair. Probably mounts plasma guns, so it has a good ranged score. Probably no melee score; crazy orks. No space-capable yet.
Leviathan Landship
Stats: 4 Melee, 9 Ranged, 14 Toughness, Fair Reliability
Armor: Superheavy
Effectiveness: Infantry, Light, Heavy, Infrastructure
Terrain: Normal, Rough
Special Rules: Amphibious, Anti-Air, Fleet, Hover, Indirect Fire, Suppressive, Transport - Infantry & Armor
A straight upgrade for it's old functions would have resulted in increased stats; at least +1 across the board thanks to Earthblood. As it is, it should remain roughly the same (maybe strip melee?), but be correspondingly tougher due to the Earthblood. Keeps all the anti-air, artillery, and movement types. Dropped a point of Ranged for Fleet, representing the energy diverted from its armament to its engines, allowing for more rapid transit between key locations to serve as overwatch for.
Might have the Carrier special rule, which boosts Strikecraft using it as a base by representing it serving as a C&C center and place to repair and rearm. This will probably only become relevant when we have proper strikecraft, which will either be this chapter or next chapter.
I have no idea what sort of stats our Daemons might have.
Overall, these are... pretty good, actually. There's certainly a lot of room for improvement, but with the inclusion of the Albatross and Carrier class Leviathans I'd say we have a solid base to work with.
Without those we'll need to be particularly careful with force deployment, as mistakes will be harder to fix.
One possibility is that the
Rafflesia is put into its own spot as it's own unit. In
that case, drop the Maniple's Ranged and Reliability by one (for 9 - 8 - 10 - Fair), armor to Heavy, and cut the Inspire and Indirect Fire. The
Rafflesia would almost certainly count as a War Engine in that case, and likely require a specialized transport.
One hour later, and
now I'm sleepy. 'night.
That's more tyranid than anything. Orkish biomes don't consume everything, from my understanding, but act as the physiological, reproductive, and food-creating engine for the Ork Waaagh.
You must be referring to scrub Orks, then, rather than The Beast from 32k, who had multiple Attack Moons and a single War World (IIRC) or several of the Overlords defeated during the Great Crusade, two of whom either had or were constructing an Attack Moon.
If they get big enough, Orks will absolutely turn everything into more dakka.
Everything. Including the planet they live on.