[X] Plan: Nova cannons, muzzle Bongo, research Faith.
-[X] Idea: Ships! Ships now! We are shockingly vulnerable with only a single ship in orbit. Let's fix this. Short-term build some candles and longer term do research to design and build new and better ships with better weapons soon. Make a slight detour into demonology to muzzle Bongo.
-[X] Construction (600 VBP + 7800 Aetherion MS manus + 1,250 VBP (Voidforge Miners) = 9650 BP / 1000 BP Repair Bay / 500 Lift Capacity):
--[X] Captive Holding cells 41/50 HP -> 50/50 HP [45 BP Repair Bay]
--[X] Aetherion Shipyard repair (2814 BP)
--[X] Candle x 6 [use existing hulls to discount] (6000 BP)
---[X] turn over all the candles to Denva Secundus, because we do not have the personnel for them
--[X] Increase Psy Lab Shielding from 135 to 200 (325 BP). Cia blew up the lab last time when it had only 135 shielding and she got stronger since then. Add some more shields.
--[X] Increase Bongo Shielding from 540 to 640 and also actually get some of that scrying blocking shielding in his vault (500 BP)
--[X] Personal force weapon for the diviner (5 BP)
--[X] Personal Void Shield for the diviner (5 BP)
--[X] 1 BP left
--[X] 955 BP Repair Bay left, use for incoming damage on psychic shields due to demonology research
-[X] Research x3 (600 + 85 (Anexa) + 60 (Anexa staff) = 745 RP)
--[X] Demonology (100 RP)
---[X] Anexa assist
--[X] Gravity Weapons (200 RP)
--[X] The Biggest Boom (150 RP)
--[X] Large-Scale Machine Spirits (75 RP)
--[X] Abacus Manufactoring (50/100 -> 100/100 RP)
--[X] Superconductive Shenanigans (50 RP)
--[X] Faith is My Shield? (15/75 -> 75/75 RP)
--[X] Intelligence Coding (60 RP Overflow)
-[X][Free] Turn over Abacus Technology, Improved Gellar Fields and star charts over to Denva to earn a boon
-[X][Boon] Recruit a Diviner Psyker
-[X][Free] Turn over cultist prisoners to Denva
-[X] Anexa active Action: Research - assists a research action you take, granting +5xLevel RP to the action. Will level on a successful roll, scaled by the importance of the tech.
-[X] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building - Defends against hostile covert action and improves relations with existing allies, as well as gathering information for making new allies. Will only level if something interesting happens.
-[X] Cia: Assist with Demonology research. E.g. to "banish" demons before we figure out how
Basic change made to the leading plan, exchanging Efficient Equipment Distribution for finishing the Faith research, and putting the extra 40 RP into further progressing Intelligence Coding. Faith might be really useful for Psyker safety, among other things, and we're recruiting a very powerful Diviner. Plus it's good to work towards finishing all our half-completed research.
As for not finishing Efficient Equipment Distribution this turn? Unless researching the prerequisites immediately gives us Nova Canons, we're not going to be designing new, Nova Canon-equipped ships next turn, but the turn after.
Edit: Switched to
@Prime 2.0 's more comprehensive plan changes on the next page.