Candle Mk 2 (Total: 1650 BP
Destroyer, 25 RP, 50 CP, 1 ship construction slot, 450 BP Hull.
Medium armor, 100 BP
Medium Shields, 100 BP
Engines, 8 gravities, 150 BP
Warp Drive +50 BP
Void Abacus +50 BP
Psychic Shielding +250 BP, 50 HP
Weapons (450 BP, 405 BP for cramming purposes):
2 Light Lance batteries, 200 BP
1 Medium Lance battery, 200 BP
1 Point Defense, 50 BP
High-maneuverability thrusters, 50 BP (45 BP for cramming purposes with Efficient Equipment Distribution)
) The main differences are:

OMC-operated, instead of manned (less personnel needed)
More psychic shielding
additional Point Defense
Only Lances instead of mixed Lance/Macrocannon
I'm fairly certain that any OMC operated warp ships are going to need living spaces in them for their crew since OMC only covers a system rather then FTL distances @Neablis am I right in that?
Well, I had not, prior to that post by Neablis. It does change Prime's old calculation:

From an expected yield of 31/turn to 62/turn. Which is, at least to me, a completely different animal. It's more than all the RP currently from the Cogitare, as much as a level 12 to 13 Anexa.

And if we do 3x research it's more than Anexa before level 19.
Do you see "per turn" in that analysis? I don't. I see "per action", in fact.
I'm fairly certain that any OMC operated warp ships are going to need living spaces in them for their crew since OMC only covers a system rather then FTL distances @Neablis am I right in that?
OMC operated warp ships will need crews aboard or in-system, but that doesn't mean they need the living space modification. A cabin for an OMC team can be had free. (Remember remote OMC is a late add-on. Denva didn't even have it until we came back.)
OMC operated warp ships will need crews aboard or in-system, but that doesn't mean they need the living space modification. A cabin for an OMC team can be had free. (Remember remote OMC is a late add-on. Denva didn't even have it until we came back.)
Maybe but I'd prefer for Neablis to clear this up since the wording on living space is:
Living Space (1/5 of the base cost of the hull, rounded up to the nearest 50) This ship is built to be run and operated by humans. It will require a crew but will not cost CP to command.
So I'm a bit puzzled over whether or not it's needed even for an OMC crew.
Apologies for only getting to this after voting started.

Ehhh... I feel like the adjustments would have to be more involved than just swapping out the ammo. You'd still be shooting crystal shards at people, even if they're anaesthetic crystal shards. Probably still worth investigating, but to be honest, I feel like we'd be better off just perfecting our knockout gas.


So, to be sure I'm understanding the new rules for psychic shielding...

1. All "spend X BP to build psychic shielding with Y HP" options are now expanded so that we can spend twice as much BP for twice as much HP compared to what we had before this turn.
1b. So effectively, all of the psychic shielding on the Spark is now at half health, or at the very least could be rebuilt/redesigned to have twice the health it currently does for twice the cost.
2. Any such rebuilding also applies psychic encryption to block normal scrying and warp communication.
3. We cannot so easily rebuild the outer hull shielding. It's more or less fixed where it is.

Questions then... Would we need to "tear down" the existing shielding for a given section in order to replace it? Could we just spend 1,080 BP on Bongo's cage to double the HP? Would that technically leave him only half-covered by the encryption since only half of his shielding has it? Do we need to build a temporary Bongo-Box to hold him while we refurnish his quarters aboard the Spark?
Good questions, if a bit annoying to try to make consistent rules for. The answers to questions 1-4 are all yes. As for the rest of it - I'll allow you to "just" upgrade it to psychic encryption by adding new shielding to the max. Remember, the conversion from BP to HP is 5 BP = 1 HP.

@Neablis Could we use a Diplomacy action to help set up one or more of the Psykers to work with W if we don't decide to use the Boon on collecting them as Crew?
You might be able to set up something closer to a "psychic academy" on Denva itself, instead of the current Monastery practice of repressing their powers. Part of that would probably include the graduates of that academy becoming part of a broader Denvan society, either in the military or medical or whatever else.

That kind of organization might develop on its own over time, but you'd be able to speed it up and shape what it looks like (including "they all join the secret intelligence service W runs").

You have a point there, but it's a point that might need QM intervention.

The mechanically optimal option (recruit everyone ASAP) is narratively somewhat boring, so maybe we should have a cap on per planet recruits, to avoid that happening?
Force people to actually go out there and interact with others?

@Neablis ?
Naw. You choose what you want to do, I'm not going to impose a cap on Crew from one place. It's increasingly looking like Denva is going to be your home base for a long time, so that means it's appropriate for your crew to be mostly Denvans.

Also, @Neablis would stasis pods for the cultists come with psychic shielding since we've gotten design incorporation for it? Can we leave the pods in the already shielded brig? If both of those are negative, what would be the rules for adding psychic shielding to them? Would it be a blueprint design action?
Hmm. You can just leave them in the brig.

I'm fairly certain that any OMC operated warp ships are going to need living spaces in them for their crew since OMC only covers a system rather then FTL distances @Neablis am I right in that?
Nope, because it's like 5-10 people, not thousands. Basically free to include an apartment suite's worth of space instead of lodging and infrastructure for thousands. So I've abstracted away the cost as basically just adding some walls & stuff to the bridge.
[X] Plan Understanding Bongo
[X] Plan: Nova cannons go boom. Also muzzle Bongo.
[X] Plan Research Expansion

i been clear on my stance since quest begining,i wanna get the '101' package done,this plan progress 2 of the 3 leftover points,leaving the ''perfect the tripwires" for another turn while also progress either our AI research or our industrial capabilities
either is fine by me
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[X] Plan: Nova cannons go boom. Also muzzle Bongo.

Hey @Neablis, is that old option of putting our captives into a medically induced coma to prevent sacrifice shenanigans like what happened this turn still valid now that we have Drugs? Mostly asking so it's clear for plan makers, and in case you say there's some other downside to doing it that wasn't previously brought up.

Anyways, plan boom. I like booms! @LightLan , I mostly like your plan. I have one... not so small issue with it, however. And it's not the cultist handover, though changing that over to comas if Neablis ok's it would be appreciated.

No, it's that if we're getting a diviner, particularly if we're hoping for the diviner Avatar rolled, then I am not certain this is investing enough towards that. Certainly, it's surprising that you're not using that 20RP going towards IC to at least sand off Faith to an even 50 RP left so it'll be easier to get it next turn, but frankly, faith itself is one of the cheaper options available for improving safety - it explicitly provides options for improved psyker training.

Cia busted our old lab, and she's still merely Epsilon. This new girl is going to be Delta, if an omake re-roll doesn't push her even higher than that.

I am uncertain that we are ready for an untrained delta having perils of the warp. If you're not making the Candle MK II, I strongly suggest swapping out Cramming and completing Faith instead, while directing runoff to Basic Psychic Suppression Devices.

I mean, there's mood regulators too, I guess. But that's 100 RP and I'm not sure how much it helps if we're picking up max sanity psykers... though, I suppose they would have helped Cia during her Dark Summoning peril, so there's that.

Separate from research... since Neablis just said you need to max out the shield to refit it for full psy encryption, Cia is on assignment, and new girl won't roll for perils this turn, you may want to just stuff the oubliette full of BP instead? Or the lab itself if you want to favor protecting Cia in case her roll affects her anyways.

[X] Plan: Nova cannons go boom. Also muzzle Bongo.

Work today annihilated my spine, so I'll be doing substantial writing for the Delta Divination psyker omake tomorrow. After I recover, with the help of ibuprofen.
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Rituals light up across the quarantined half of the planet. Some are in cities and towns, but most are in remote areas, the kind of places where you shouldn't have military forces. Still, they're tuned properly to feed power to the network of rituals - the grand ritual - taking place in Estrana. When all of those are linked together and swelling with power, a third string is released. A final, focal ritual lights off in the subbasement of the government building, directly underneath the gathering of civilian leaders and representatives taking place above.
While not remarked upon. We did witness an important psychic technology here.
[X] Plan: Nova cannons go boom. Also muzzle Bongo.
[X] Plan: PPE for the nova cannon boom show! Also muzzle Bongo.
[X] Plan Research Expansion
[X] Plan: Keep Calm and Carry On
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[X] Plan: Nova cannons, muzzle Bongo, research Faith.
-[X] Idea: Ships! Ships now! We are shockingly vulnerable with only a single ship in orbit. Let's fix this. Short-term build some candles and longer term do research to design and build new and better ships with better weapons soon. Make a slight detour into demonology to muzzle Bongo.
-[X] Construction (600 VBP + 7800 Aetherion MS manus + 1,250 VBP (Voidforge Miners) = 9650 BP / 1000 BP Repair Bay / 500 Lift Capacity):
--[X] Captive Holding cells 41/50 HP -> 50/50 HP [45 BP Repair Bay]
--[X] Aetherion Shipyard repair (2814 BP)
--[X] Candle x 6 [use existing hulls to discount] (6000 BP)
---[X] turn over all the candles to Denva Secundus, because we do not have the personnel for them
--[X] Increase Psy Lab Shielding from 135 to 200 (325 BP). Cia blew up the lab last time when it had only 135 shielding and she got stronger since then. Add some more shields.
--[X] Increase Bongo Shielding from 540 to 640 and also actually get some of that scrying blocking shielding in his vault (500 BP)
--[X] Personal force weapon for the diviner (5 BP)
--[X] Personal Void Shield for the diviner (5 BP)
--[X] 1 BP left
--[X] 955 BP Repair Bay left, use for incoming damage on psychic shields due to demonology research
-[X] Research x3 (600 + 85 (Anexa) + 60 (Anexa staff) = 745 RP)
--[X] Demonology (100 RP)
---[X] Anexa assist
--[X] Gravity Weapons (200 RP)
--[X] The Biggest Boom (150 RP)
--[X] Large-Scale Machine Spirits (75 RP)
--[X] Abacus Manufactoring (50/100 -> 100/100 RP)
--[X] Superconductive Shenanigans (50 RP)
--[X] Faith is My Shield? (15/75 -> 75/75 RP)
--[X] Intelligence Coding (60 RP Overflow)
-[X][Free] Turn over Abacus Technology, Improved Gellar Fields and star charts over to Denva to earn a boon
-[X][Boon] Recruit a Diviner Psyker
-[X][Free] Turn over cultist prisoners to Denva
-[X] Anexa active Action: Research - assists a research action you take, granting +5xLevel RP to the action. Will level on a successful roll, scaled by the importance of the tech.
-[X] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building - Defends against hostile covert action and improves relations with existing allies, as well as gathering information for making new allies. Will only level if something interesting happens.
-[X] Cia: Assist with Demonology research. E.g. to "banish" demons before we figure out how

Basic change made to the leading plan, exchanging Efficient Equipment Distribution for finishing the Faith research, and putting the extra 40 RP into further progressing Intelligence Coding. Faith might be really useful for Psyker safety, among other things, and we're recruiting a very powerful Diviner. Plus it's good to work towards finishing all our half-completed research.

As for not finishing Efficient Equipment Distribution this turn? Unless researching the prerequisites immediately gives us Nova Canons, we're not going to be designing new, Nova Canon-equipped ships next turn, but the turn after.

Edit: Switched to @Prime 2.0 's more comprehensive plan changes on the next page.
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[X] Plan: Nova cannons, muzzle Bongo, research Faith.

[X] Plan: Nova cannons go boom. Also muzzle Bongo.

[X] Plan Understanding Bongo

[X] Plan: PPE for the nova cannon boom show! Also muzzle Bongo.
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