Yeah, the revelation that the local Cogitare have been in decline since we left both broke my heart and jumped out as a potentially extremely beneficial thing for everyone involved to spend our boons on.
I thought the Cogitare being in decline was because they now have a vital technological/research establishment that isn't the Machine Cult, so there's no great attraction for people to go into the Better Machine Cult.
I think the main thing that would help is to pull back the scale of the narrative (and ban write-ins). It spirals out of control because of a positive feedback loop between planner and QM. Seen it happen a thousand times.
I'm considering splitting future turns in half because of how long and crazy these plans and the updates are getting. These 5k updates have been much easier to manage than the 10k ones. Under this scheme you'd get two actions per update. This would also let things be more modular in that you could "Do a research action, travel to Calderath." Then you could see if there's anything in Calderath worth spending an action on and not have to guess. Thoughts?
I personally would leave it at four actions per turn but split the turn itself into two parts.
There's a difference between an NGO running our industrial capacity when we aren't (And almost certainly using a lot of it to help the locals, at minimum I'll be advocating to finish all the hulls we captured and then hand them over to Denva), running schools both to recruit more for their own organization and also to train Denvans in science and OMC use, and providing agents to assist our charitable efforts pretty much everywhere we go and "a technopriest class lording technology over everyone's heads".

Spreading education as widely as possible as one of their core principles pretty much rules that right out.
We don't need the Cogitare as a subculture to have that. Regular scientists, professors, and engineers can do that.
You want to leave it around for Denva's poor rolls to deal with?

Cultists might get their hand on some of the remains.
We cannot just assume Denva will roll badly. Either they or we will roll, and a bad roll will have consequences. The big difference is on whether we get the samples on a success.
Okay, so, it looks like I could just swap out the diplomacy action for spending boons without an action, and spend the freed up action helping root out the remaining cultists? But I don't think we can get enough RP for all the research I want here... I guess Psychic Encryption can wait for another turn? It's almost certain to get cheaper, between MS CPS and ASM... Ugh, this is such a mess. Do we have any idea what the death toll in all this was? And how it compares to the <10M in Vorthryn and Caldereth we spent so many actions on? Denva had, like, 7000M+, so even a comparatively light death toll of a 100M or so would dwarf Vorthryn and Caldereth. -_-
Hm... yeah, it also sits badly with me to not get encryption. I really wanted Taste of Chaos immediately, but I may end up scrapping that for now to get Encryption.

-[] Plan: Cauterized Feast
--[] [Repair Bay] Repair 125 BP of Structure Damage, 875 BP (175 HP) of Outer Hull Psychic Shielding. (1,000 BP Used)
--[] Orders: Secure Klyssar's Nest
--[] Explore: Salvage the Echo of Apotheosis
--[] Construction 600 + 2000 + 15000 BP 17100
---[] Repair 130 Orbital Manufactories to Machine Spirit Orbital Manufactories (13000 BP)
---[] 10,000 Specters (1000 BP)
---[] 10,000 Heavy Machine-spirit humanized Infantry Bots with Machine Spirit Jammers (1900 BP)
---[] Basic Psychic Experimentation Lab (200 BP) (Spark)
---[] High-Energy Physics Research Lab (500 BP) (Void)
---[] Warp Research Lab (500 BP) (Void)
---[] Medium Machine-spirit tanks (375 BP)
---[] Additional 25 BP of psychic shielding repairs
--[] Research 200 + 80
---[] Large-scale Void Manufacturing (100 RP)
---[] A Curio Cabinet of Cultists (20 +80/100 RP) (Anexa)
---[] Drugs? Drugs. (75 RP)
---[] Intelligence Coding (5 RP -> 170/400 RP)
--[] Boons (5 Boons - 5 Boons)
---[] [Give] Help Conquer Klyssar's Nest
---[] [Give] Transfer OMC/Machine Spirit Tech
---[] [Give] Transfer Corruption Defenses
---[] [Boon] Permanent Manufacturing capacity x2
---[] [Boon] Psykers
---[] [Boon] Permanent Social intervention (Xenophile Lobby)
---[] [Boon] Specialized Crew (Cogitare)
--[][Aetherion] Keep.
--[] Anexa active Action: Research
--[] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building
--[] Passive Psyker improvement

Get all this buttoned up, and prepare for a research turn. The labs will be refit into an appropriate vessel later, but can hang out in the void for the time being. Next turn's construction will repair the shipyard and get to work on the fleet. This turn's meager research will help contain the cultists.

One element I wish to stand on is that we get Denva on the right path when it comes to dealing with aliens. I certainly don't want to see the nightmare kobolds suffer yet another round of genocides for that neglect. We need to check on them as well, but that'll be next turn.

Denva's domestic research capacity is honestly not worth the cost of investment. We're a million times better at it than they'll ever be. In the longer term, what we should do is create an offspring AI to work with them instead. Besides that, Anexa needs a staff today, not tomorrow. Let's hope you all don't give these away too...

More psykers are plainly a gimmie. They can do actual literal magic. We're doing everyone involved a favor by taking on the small numbers of strong ones.

The psyker shields protect against nothing physical, however. They break Bongo out, he gets to work on the Spark, and they go around trying to breach Vita's core. In the meantime, anything Bongo takes over can be used to support. Once the core shielding has been physically broken, he doesn't need to expend much warp power getting at Vita.
People keep building a bajillion bots in these plans. We have a limited capacity for bots; I don't recall the precise number, but I'm pretty sure it's less than or equal to 20k. And our capacity to launch them at a station is even less.
  1. Yes.
  2. 100ish RP for civilian tripwires. 100-150-200-250 for crit-good-regular-poor success for Faith.
  3. The same as 100 tech-priests. 1 RP each (0) per turn, with people beyond 50 providing 0.2 and people beyond 100 providing 0. Caps at 60 total RP, if you want more do the tech for it.
    3a. They're already working on it their own way, which is not your way. If you want to command where they go then do a diplomacy action to boost/set up/run their research for a little while. It'll provide extra RP depending on rolls, though not a lot the first time becasue you're just setting things up. 3b. That's not how it works - they run the factories constantly, but their people are less efficient and need to sleep. You redeeming a boon for construction is basically you asking them to lend you their factories (mostly on the crucibles) for a while. If you want to try to boost Denvan productivity in this way take a diplomacy action around it, but you'll need to integrate yourself into their production management system. Coordination of manufacturing schedules with the people involved is tricky.
  4. Spend an action now for the full reward or spend none for none of it. I'm not going to let you slice actions into thin slices very often.

Hmm. No. It takes a turn to set up. I'll clarify

Fixed. Formatting got destroyed by a rogue copy-paste but it should all be added back in.

You're allowed to take any boon more than once. Including Psykers if you want.

Yup. I'm making this more clear. I'm going to add a new option to Cia's actions:
-[] Assist with a military action: Cia will be part of a military operation. There won't be an effect on rolls, but having a epsilon-level pyromancer with a force sword gives you new options when dealing with enemies.

The Salvaging the Echo of Apotheosis takes a full action on its own. It's a lot of pieces of ship scattered over a decent-sized volume of space.

I had this thought - my idea is that most of the manufacturing you get is going to be from the Crucible ships. They're not really limited in terms of manufacturing for rebuilding their cities - the ground-based Aevon manufacturing can handle that. This is part of why the One time boon is limited to 1/turn. That number might go up in the future as they fix their planet.

Sorry for the edit - this is only available next turn.

Collaborative Computational would be a big deal for them. It's basically inventing github but for science. Communication is king in research. And the lower implant spec would turn their training pipeline into a training river, because you don't need to invest in an expensive implant/tricky surgery for every single person. People can be playing gamified R&D sims in their dinky consumer-grade implants.

Other techs for research capabilities - Companion Cogitators, it's a flat increase to neural implant effectiveness. Improved, Streamlined, Gameified, Interchangable & Large-scale Organic-Machine control would help their industry a good deal and would spill into R&D. Other stuff would generally be useful, but the two you mention and Cogitators would change the research game for Denva.

It would be quite useful to spend a diplomatic action to organize their research efforts. They're trying to figure out what research institutions look like, since they haven't had one before. Don't worry about trying to build them stuff, they've got manufacturing capacity.


Not calling you out in particular, but you already have one banked boon of this kind, and it's limited to 1/turn usage. You can get another one if you want this again next turn.

If you roll a good success or above. And you'll need Drugs to put into them.

Nope. The Forsaken Echo saw it was immune to warp stuff and blew it up when they entered orbit, thinking it was a trick.

Yes, if you share the tech.

Huh. Yeah, that would keep them alive as a subculture. They have the benefit of being both OMC operators and researchers in ways most others wouldn't be. Right now they're kind of dying breed of crotchety professors/trainers for OMC operators. Every Denvan involved in STEM has stories about Cogitare people being weird, but not many people have been joining them in extensive augmentation and priest-like devotion to knowledge.

Negating a poor success is like 25%. Can't negate a crit fail.

You don't know what the plan was. But there was a plan. It likely involved breaking bongo out, then fighting to your AI core and slapping you with Bongo directly. Your good void combat roll, defensive boarding preparations, and good roll on boarding defense neutered their "distraction attack" that was designed to pull your troops away from critical areas. Then Cia and the good roll on boarding defense prevented them from even getting to Bongo in the first place.

*gestures at a Chaos warband using your technology to build warships*

A few million in the recent fighting, mostly from Chaos being vengeful on their way out. Millions before that from Chaos being Chaos. Probably 10 million on Denva Secundus all-told.

Two author comments:
1. Psychic encryption is an interesting tech. It's almost entirely defensive, and most of the time you won't know when it's done it's job. Are the Eldar scrying on you and making decisions based on that scrying? Maybe. You won't know about it until it's too late. Same with Chaos. This isn't me telling you to get it. The name of the game is opportunity costs. But it's the kind of tech where if you wait until you know you need it, it's too late.
2. I'm considering splitting future turns in half because of how long and crazy these plans and the updates are getting. These 5k updates have been much easier to manage than the 10k ones. Under this scheme you'd get two actions per update. This would also let things be more modular in that you could "Do a research action, travel to Calderath." Then you could see if there's anything in Calderath worth spending an action on and not have to guess. Thoughts?
Yeah, will need to update plan.
By the way, with Taste, is there something down the line for "have MS tech shut down when corruption is detected"?

As for shorter turns, my big worry is we want some 400 RP tech, we spend a double research action and it's a boring update. Same with a double construction. Otherwise, seems fine!
I want the cogitare to die out, probably not popular, but i just think a human civ without a mechanicus is more fun in 40k.

Where is your tech priest?

Worshipping tech? we left that behind centuries ago, anyone can learn how to make plasma guns, its like, step one of learning how to control a factory.
People keep building a bajillion bots in these plans. We have a limited capacity for bots; I don't recall the precise number, but I'm pretty sure it's less than or equal to 20k. And our capacity to launch them at a station is even less.
We have a capacity for 10k bots.

We do not have a single thousand bots left.

Most plans build way less than 10k bots.
I 100% agree that @Neablis should do whatever feels best for them.

We don't need the Cogitare as a subculture to have that. Regular scientists, professors, and engineers can do that.

Regular scientists, professors, and engineers don't come with a pre-established culture and hierarchy which we're perfectly placed to slot ourselves at the top of, a religious devotion towards doing the exact sort of things we'd want them to which will probably really simplify things when we're ready to engineer our own anti-chaos religion, and a cultural drive towards the sort of cybernetics which mean we don't need to spend heavily on Juvenant to keep them around.
2. I'm considering splitting future turns in half because of how long and crazy these plans and the updates are getting. These 5k updates have been much easier to manage than the 10k ones. Under this scheme you'd get two actions per update. This would also let things be more modular in that you could "Do a research action, travel to Calderath." Then you could see if there's anything in Calderath worth spending an action on and not have to guess. Thoughts?
That'd not really work with the current turn.
We'd be unable to do all of:

Build bots for Klyssar assault
Assault Klyssar
Scavenge the ship before it burns in the atmosphere

Unless we'd be allowed to belay the Klyssar assault for a turn, but presumably that'd have negative consequences
This would also let things be more modular in that you could "Do a research action, travel to Calderath." Then you could see if there's anything in Calderath worth spending an action on and not have to guess. Thoughts?

I'd be in favor of this. It'll keep things more focused on immediate needs though, than large projects.

Demons are some of the primary occupants of the warp - you can't move through it without them bumping on your gellar field like swarms of mosquitos. Hence, best to understand them.

There is a tech that explicitly says it will discount all warp tech. It is not demons. If that's what we want, that's what we should vote for. If you don't want to summon demons, don't vote for the tech that says "learn to summon demons".

There's a difference between an NGO running our industrial capacity when we aren't (And almost certainly using a lot of it to help the locals, at minimum I'll be advocating to finish all the hulls we captured and then hand them over to Denva), running schools both to recruit more for their own organization and also to train Denvans in science and OMC use, and providing agents to assist our charitable efforts pretty much everywhere we go and "a technopriest class lording technology over everyone's heads".

Spreading education as widely as possible as one of their core principles pretty much rules that right out.

It seems like the main difference is how working the NGO is to inflict consequences on governments it disagrees with, and that's unfortunately a thing more education is likely to exacerbate, now not eliminate.

Bongo out of his box might have been able to cause some chaos to the rest of the Spark and to the defending bots, but Vita's core wasn't going to fall to psychic attack.

I thought the plan was mostly to flip the table: bongo in charge of the ship, Vita in a psyshield cage waiting to be researched.

We don't need the Cogitare as a subculture to have that. Regular scientists, professors, and engineers can do that.

We should be consistent though, and we've been seeing up cogitare as a subculture in the other two systems. Making sure that is mirrored here will make integration and collaboration easier.
2. I'm considering splitting future turns in half because of how long and crazy these plans and the updates are getting. These 5k updates have been much easier to manage than the 10k ones. Under this scheme you'd get two actions per update. This would also let things be more modular in that you could "Do a research action, travel to Calderath." Then you could see if there's anything in Calderath worth spending an action on and not have to guess. Thoughts?
One thing I've seen about quests, is you want the keep the actions per update low, but fixed turn length tends to encourage complex plans to make the most out of the action economy.

One way to migrate this is to split updates into two categories; long term actions and "event" updates. So construction happens on a fixed time interval, but events guide how the characters react to some event with what they have on hand.
Well I would like the Cogitare Exploratium to be less religion and more like guild of explorers and scientists, religions are not good thing in 40k, at least in my opinion.
We have a capacity for 10k bots.

We do not have a single thousand bots left.

Most plans build way less than 10k bots.
The one I was quoting, and one other I recall seeing, built something in the vicinity of 20k.
I 100% agree that @Neablis should do whatever feels best for them.

Regular scientists, professors, and engineers don't come with a pre-established culture and hierarchy which we're perfectly placed to slot ourselves at the top of, a religious devotion towards doing the exact sort of things we'd want them to which will probably really simplify things when we're ready to engineer our own anti-chaos religion, and a cultural drive towards the sort of cybernetics which mean we don't need to spend heavily on Juvenant to keep them around.
Our place in their history books and esteem is almost certainly long past assured, given both the uplift earlier and the save now. I don't think the rest are so important as to need investment of a boon... especially since there should be potential for expansion of the cogitare in the other two systems we've visited, and since self-modification should become pretty common among Denvas scientists and engineers anyway—their tech is heavily based on OMC.
I'd be in favor of this. It'll keep things more focused on immediate needs though, than large projects.

There is a tech that explicitly says it will discount all warp tech. It is not demons. If that's what we want, that's what we should vote for. If you don't want to summon demons, don't vote for the tech that says "learn to summon demons".

It seems like the main difference is how working the NGO is to inflict consequences on governments it disagrees with, and that's unfortunately a thing more education is likely to exacerbate, now not eliminate.

I thought the plan was mostly to flip the table: bongo in charge of the ship, Vita in a psyshield cage waiting to be researched.

We should be consistent though, and we've been seeing up cogitare as a subculture in the other two systems. Making sure that is mirrored here will make integration and collaboration easier.
If we were consistent we would set them up to dissolve over time like we did in Denva—that was an explicit choice made.

Also: you keep using that false dichotomy. We can do Immaterium Understandings and Demonology. One does not preclude the other.
The one I was quoting, and one other I recall seeing, built something in the vicinity of 20k.
Well, only 7k bots (and 100 tanks) in my current version of the plan.

Klyssar is big enough to use some light tanks to break strong points with.

[] Plan: Secure the system
-[][Repair Bay]: spent in Construction
-[][Aetherion] Keep.
-[] Boons:
--[] Help conquer Klyssar's nest (+1)
--[] transfer OMC/machine spirit technology (+1)
--[] transfer corruption defenses, including all Psychic shielding, Cognition Filter & warp sensors. This will also mandate you to transfer basic cultist detection if you get it. (+1)
--[][Boon] Permanent Manufacturing capacity x 2
--[][Boon] Specialized Crew (Diplomats for Victan)
--[][Boon] Specialized Crew (Cogitare for Anexa)
--[][Boon] Psykers
-[] Construction (600 VBP + 15000 single use boon + 1000 Repair Bay / 500 Lift Capacity):
--[] Psychic Shielding Outer Hull (7/240 HP -> 240/240 HP) [1000 Repair Bay BP gone] (165 BP)
--[] 125 BP structure damage
--[] Replace Psychic Experimentation Lab (-200 BP, as well as -675 BP for Max Shields,*1.5 due to being inside a completed ship) (1215 BP)
--[] Fix up Aetherion orbital manufactories to MS manufactories (13000 BP)
--[] Specter x 2000 (200 BP)
--[] Medium Humanized Machine-spirit Infantry Bots x 2000 (200 BP)
--[] Heavy Machine-spirit humanized Infantry Bots x 2000 (350 BP)
--[] Heavy Machine-spirit humanized Infantry Bots with Machine Spirit Jammers x 1000 (190 BP)
--[] Light Machine-spirit tanks x 100 (150 BP)
--[] 5/3000 Large Shipyard repair (5 BP)
-[] Research x1 (200 + 80 (Anexa) + 60 (Anexa staff) = 340 RP) 0.2 per over
--[] A Curio Cabinet of Cultists (100 RP)
---[] Anexa assist
--[] Psychic Encryption (150 RP)
--[] Superconductive Shenanigans (50 RP)
--[] Intelligence Coding (40 Overflow)
-[] Orders: Salvage the remnant pieces of the Echo of Apotheosis
-[] Orders: Klyssar's Rest must be liberated as soon as reasonably possible, as soon as our forces have been replenished, assist Denva with the liberation of the station from the raiders who've overtaken it. Use our Stealth Shuttles and Specters to hopefully sneak in and establish beachheads for our heavies to secure, and then start breaking heads, using Cia and her bodyguard as a quick reaction force and mobile reserve. Use the tanks to break hard points.
-[] Anexa active Action: Research
-[] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building
-[] Cia: Assist with a military action: Assault on Klyssar
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Also, if it matters to anyone, I'm optimistic that revitalizing the Cogitare and then being able to spin them as a slightly odd but extremely successful offshoot of the Mechanicus undergoing a renaissance after tripping over the stasis-casket of a dark-age explorator who then joined up and rose through the ranks while revealing all sorts of archeotech secrets... Is likely to assist with relations with any other human factions we run into.

It may make things tricky with the actual Mechanicus, but even there we have a strong claim to also being Mechanicus, and to anyone else we become a valid party to have friendly relations with at least until the orthodox Mechanicus give a very firm ruling against it... And there would be precedent for them never actual making that ruling, particularly if we continue to deny exactly what we are and produce archeotech wonders.

The Mechanicus over on forge world X being somewhat belligerent oddballs in the eyes of Mars but no one ever actually doing anything about it because they're useful is something that already happens.
Also, if it matters to anyone, I'm optimistic that revitalizing the Cogitare and then being able to spin them as a slightly odd but extremely successful offshoot of the Mechanicus undergoing a renaissance after tripping over the stasis-casket of a dark-age explorator who then joined up and rose through the ranks while revealing all sorts of archeotech secrets... Is likely to assist with relations with any other human factions we run into.

It may make things tricky with the actual Mechanicus, but even there we have a strong claim to also being Mechanicus, and to anyone else we become a valid party to have friendly relations with at least until the orthodox Mechanicus give a very firm ruling against it... And there would be precedent for them never actual making that ruling, particularly if we continue to deny exactly what we are and produce archeotech wonders.

The Mechanicus over on forge world X being somewhat belligerent oddballs in the eyes of Mars but no one ever actually doing anything about it because they're useful is something that already happens.
It sounds like you're trying to figure out how to make the Cogitare acceptable to the Imperium?

I would not consider that a goal. Going back to Imperium hegemony might be an improvement for a number of currently-uncontacted systems, but it'd be a huge loss for Vita's sphere of influence even in the best case. And it'd only become an option if the Imperium actually manages to project power here anyway, which will be very far off if ever.

That some Cogitare are able to front as legit mechanicus is useful for contact with some remnants where we want to pretend not to be heresy incarnate, as is the Cogitare being tempting to residual adMech, but both of those are manipulations used against opponents. They don't need to be something that'd actually be defensible to AdMech doctrinal hierarchy.
It would give Denva a bit of a shield from the rest of the Imperium but the Mechanicus? I'm more iffy on that. They have been known to sabotage one another to get ahead, just look at the old version of the Mechanicus Denva branch.
Okay I'm back from work and caught up so here's a proto-plan

I'm going for salvaging the Echo of Apotheosis because it could net us intel for the Klyssar raid or maps of the sector but if we get better examples of CSMs then I won't complain, I don't think that we need a detailed write in though for it.

[] Plan next stop Klyssar's Nest
-[][repair bays] 150 BP to repair Bongo's Oubliette and 850 BP to repair the outer hull psy shields
-[][Boon] transfer OMC/machine spirit technology and corruption defences to Denva for + 2 boons
-[] Orders: salvage the Echo of Apotheosis
-[][Boon] One-time Manufacturing Capacity (use banked boon)
-[][Boon] Permanent Manufacturing capacity -1 boon
-[] Construction
--[] 315 BP to finish repairing the outer hull psy shields
--[] 125 BP to repair the hull damage
--[] repair the orbital manufactories and upgrade them to machine-spirit versions 13000
--[] 5000 Medium Humanized Machine-spirit Infantry Bots (500 BP)
--[] 2000 Specters (200 BP)
--[] 2000 Heavy Machine-spirit humanized Infantry Bots with Machine Spirit Jammers (380 BP)
--[] 1080 BP out of 1500 bp towards building a max psy shielded basic psy lab to replace the one Cia blew up
-[] Orders: Klyssar's Rest must be liberated as soon as reasonably possible, as soon as our forces have been replenished, assist Denva with the liberation of the station from the raiders who've overtaken it.
--[] Ask W if she has any channels and/or codes with which to get in contact with the Klyssar's Nest resistance.
--[] If a way of contacting the Klyssar's Nest resistance is available ask them to keep civilians out of the way and provide info on the enemy.
-[] Research
--[] A Curio Cabinet of Cultists (100 RP)
--[] Psychic Encryption (150 RP)
--[] Understanding Mutations (30/150 RP)
-[] Anexa active Action: Research
--[] A Curio Cabinet of Cultists
-[] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building
-[] Cia Active: assist in conquering Klyssar's nest
-[][Aetherion] Keep.
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People keep building a bajillion bots in these plans. We have a limited capacity for bots; I don't recall the precise number, but I'm pretty sure it's less than or equal to 20k.
Point taken. Could have sworn we had more. Fixed up my plan to fit. Realistically, we need more than one troop compartment anyway to keep up with the scale, 10k simply isn't enough, as this has shown. We desperately need those size efficiency techs that we've been deftly avoiding.

[] Plan Sane and Sensible v4
-[] Repair Bay (1000 BP) - (125 BP structure, 875 BP (175 pts) Outer Hull)
-[][Aetherion] Keep.
-[] Spend Boon: banked manufacturing capacity.
-[] Construction x1 15600 BP (15000 boon, 600 local), 2300 CP
--[] Refit (1x Machine-spirit Manufactories -> Troop Compartment, 25 BP, 5 CP)
--[] 130x Repair Aetherion Orbital Manufactories (machine-spirit) 13000 BP, 1950 CP
--[] Spector (100 BP, 20 CP)
--[] 11 x Medium Humanized Machine-spirit Infantry Bots (100 BP, 20 CP) = 1100 BP, 220 CP
--[] 5 x Heavy Machine-spirit humanized Infantry Bots with Machine Spirit Jammers (190 BP, 20 CP) = 950 BP, 100 CP
--[] Medium Machine-spirit tanks (375 BP, 5 CP)
--[] Trade goods (50 BP) (General aid - Denva)
-[] Orders
--[] Deal with Klyssar's Nest
-[] Research x2
--[] The Taste of Chaos (220 RP + 80 RP Anexa = 300 RP)
--[] Large-scale Void Manufacturing (100 RP)
--[] Abacus Manufacturing (50 RP)
--[] Superconductive Shenanigans (30 RP)
-[] Anexa active Action: Research (The Taste of Chaos)
-[] Victan passive action: Counterespionage & Alliance-building
-[] Technology Transfer (All corruption defenses & results from the Taste of Chaos, OMC/machine spirit tech)
-[][Boon] Permanent Manufacturing capacity
-[][Boon] Specialized Crew (Cogitare)
-[][Boon] One-time Social Intervention (NGO for Cognitare with Vita in charge)
-[][Boon] Permanent Social intervention (Ongoing recruitment for Cognitare)
-[][Boon] Expanded Technology Focus/sharing (Ship Design, Biology)

Updated for size. I'm not married to any of the boons, and don't mind switching tacts if anyone has a good enough rationale.
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Point taken. Could have sworn we had more. Fixed up my plan to fit. Realistically, we need more than one troop compartment anyway to keep up with the scale, 10k simply isn't enough, as this has shown. We desperately need those size efficiency techs that we've been deftly avoiding.
More ships.

I mean, it wouldn't be terrible to fit a more on Spark maybe, but space there is a premium because we can use it for modular stuff. Most ships we might add to our fleet can easily fit in at least one troop bay, and fighting vessels should do so for self-defense at a minimum. Build one of those light cruiser hulls out, get the compartments you want as a fringe benefit.
Honestly we might be getting to the point where it may be better to just design and build a new Spark to take advantage of all the new tech we have like the Passive Stealth Profile.

@Neablis how high can the psy shields for the rebuilt psy lab go?