- Yes.
- 100ish RP for civilian tripwires. 100-150-200-250 for crit-good-regular-poor success for Faith.
- The same as 100 tech-priests. 1 RP each (0) per turn, with people beyond 50 providing 0.2 and people beyond 100 providing 0. Caps at 60 total RP, if you want more do the tech for it.
3a. They're already working on it their own way, which is not your way. If you want to command where they go then do a diplomacy action to boost/set up/run their research for a little while. It'll provide extra RP depending on rolls, though not a lot the first time becasue you're just setting things up. 3b. That's not how it works - they run the factories constantly, but their people are less efficient and need to sleep. You redeeming a boon for construction is basically you asking them to lend you their factories (mostly on the crucibles) for a while. If you want to try to boost Denvan productivity in this way take a diplomacy action around it, but you'll need to integrate yourself into their production management system. Coordination of manufacturing schedules with the people involved is tricky.
- Spend an action now for the full reward or spend none for none of it. I'm not going to let you slice actions into thin slices very often.
Hmm. No. It takes a turn to set up. I'll clarify
Fixed. Formatting got destroyed by a rogue copy-paste but it should all be added back in.
You're allowed to take any boon more than once. Including Psykers if you want.
Yup. I'm making this more clear. I'm going to add a new option to Cia's actions:
-[] Assist with a military action: Cia will be part of a military operation. There won't be an effect on rolls, but having a epsilon-level pyromancer with a force sword gives you new options when dealing with enemies.
The Salvaging the Echo of Apotheosis takes a full action on its own. It's a lot of pieces of ship scattered over a decent-sized volume of space.
I had this thought - my idea is that most of the manufacturing you get is going to be from the Crucible ships. They're not really limited in terms of manufacturing for rebuilding their cities - the ground-based Aevon manufacturing can handle that. This is part of why the One time boon is limited to 1/turn. That number might go up in the future as they fix their planet.
Sorry for the edit - this is only available next turn.
Collaborative Computational would be a
big deal for them. It's basically inventing github but for science. Communication is king in research. And the lower implant spec would turn their training pipeline into a training river, because you don't need to invest in an expensive implant/tricky surgery for every single person. People can be playing gamified R&D sims in their dinky consumer-grade implants.
Other techs for research capabilities - Companion Cogitators, it's a flat increase to neural implant effectiveness. Improved, Streamlined, Gameified, Interchangable & Large-scale Organic-Machine control would help their industry a good deal and would spill into R&D. Other stuff would generally be useful, but the two you mention and Cogitators would change the research game for Denva.
It would be quite useful to spend a diplomatic action to organize their research efforts. They're trying to figure out what research institutions
look like, since they haven't had one before. Don't worry about trying to build them stuff, they've got manufacturing capacity.
Not calling you out in particular, but you already
have one banked boon of this kind, and it's limited to 1/turn usage. You can get another one if you want this again next turn.
If you roll a good success or above. And you'll need Drugs to put into them.
Nope. The Forsaken Echo saw it was immune to warp stuff and blew it up when they entered orbit, thinking it was a trick.
Yes, if you share the tech.
Huh. Yeah, that would keep them alive as a subculture. They have the benefit of being both OMC operators and researchers in ways most others wouldn't be. Right now they're kind of dying breed of crotchety professors/trainers for OMC operators. Every Denvan involved in STEM has stories about Cogitare people being weird, but not many people have been joining them in extensive augmentation and priest-like devotion to knowledge.
Negating a poor success is like 25%. Can't negate a crit fail.
You don't know what the plan was. But there
was a plan. It likely involved breaking bongo out, then fighting to your AI core and slapping you with Bongo directly. Your good void combat roll, defensive boarding preparations, and good roll on boarding defense neutered their "distraction attack" that was designed to pull your troops away from critical areas. Then Cia and the good roll on boarding defense prevented them from even getting to Bongo in the first place.
*gestures at a Chaos warband using your technology to build warships*
A few million in the recent fighting, mostly from Chaos being vengeful on their way out. Millions before that from Chaos being Chaos. Probably 10 million on Denva Secundus all-told.
Two author comments:
1. Psychic encryption is an interesting tech. It's almost entirely defensive, and most of the time you won't
know when it's done it's job. Are the Eldar scrying on you and making decisions based on that scrying? Maybe. You won't know about it until it's too late. Same with Chaos. This isn't me telling you to get it. The name of the game is opportunity costs. But it's the kind of tech where if you wait until you know you need it, it's too late.
2. I'm considering splitting future turns in half because of how long and crazy these plans and the updates are getting. These 5k updates have been much easier to manage than the 10k ones. Under this scheme you'd get two actions per update. This would also let things be more modular in that you could "Do a research action, travel to Calderath." Then you could see if there's anything in Calderath worth spending an action on and not have to
guess. Thoughts?