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You don't know what Bongo and the Chaos Warband have said to each other, or even how long they've been communicating.

DICK. Can we shoot that guy into the sun? He's really not that useful and now he pulls this? Burn in nuclear fire, dude.

Some analysis tells you that the enemy seems to be prioritizing the protection of specific boarding craft over others - they're more heavily armored. Blacker. Spikier, and hidden in the middle of the enemy formations.

Oh poop. Marines.

The enemy ship is doomed, but a teleporter signature betrays their final ace in the hole as a dozen heavily armored figures materialize near Bongo's Oubliette. They're eight feet tall and wearing familiar armor, though it's black and gold and decorated with horns and sigils of Chaos instead of the red-and-gold & aquilas of the Knights of the Crimson Vigil. Some of them bear visible mutations, with clawed armors or helmets partially hacked away to allow unnatural growths to protrude.

Naturally. The emperor makes one super-soldier race and all of a sudden they're everywhere.

Both sides open fire as one, and Cia is only spared from the resulting massacre by her void shield deflecting the fire that spills her way. Both of the other marines are torn apart but the leader of the Warband miraculously plows through the wall of fire. His armor is blackened with char instead of paint and the side of his face fizzles with the heat of a melta round that blew half of his helmet away but he's still mobile, and Cia's the only thing that stands between him and Bongo's vault.


Once more the Chaos Champion is tossed across the deck, smoking from a fresh application of fire. But this time Cia doesn't pursue and instead gives a command you've been waiting for. "Fire."

You oblige, pouring the full weaponry of the thirty combat bots that have arrived during the duel into the enemy leader. He evades and survives far more of the shots than should be possible, but after thirteen plasma rifles, five melta guns, and two rockets are all emptied into him he collapses, more of a swiss-cheese of armor than anything else.

HAHAHHAHAHA. Honor duel that, poser! I love that bit in fiction where the second theres a lull in a melee fight one of them just gets shot to peices.
They're not going to pay for themselves in the time it takes us to rebuild Denva. Even a +100 RP per action would take at least 4 actions to pay off, probably more like 6 or 8. And I'd be skeptical of Neablis giving us more than +50 RP, which doubles the timeframe we'd be looking at.
But it will start helping out per turn through put right away.

I think of it like a tree, best time to get it was 10 turns ago. 2nd best time is right now.
We will have honor duels when we have something that can kill the other guy and no other guns on standby where you can just chose to win.

But it will start helping out per turn through put right away.

I think of it like a tree, best time to get it was 10 turns ago. 2nd best time is right now.

In general there's 2 research we need to do right now.

Emphaty at range and taste of chaos, then we need to put this on a shuttle or a tank and just give denva a way to send jackboots to rote out chaos cultists.

Inteligece coding is necessary but the most important key for that tech is to give vita machine spirit integration so she can have chaos resistence.

If we want research right now the new 250 research to allow our nerds to cooperate on research is probably the best bang for put buck.
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Savings are only doubled if you're spending a lot on non-cramming scaling costs. If you're going Stealth Everything, yeah, that does add up and increase the benefit of cramming. I would not go Stealth Everything, or at least I'd seriously consider not, if the worry is about being outgunned.

It's true that some things don't fit in a smaller hull, but are you planning to put a heavy plasma battery in a destroyer? TBF, putting Large Torpedoes in a destroyer is a thing we might want. Or Superb Sensors in a destroyer, but that's rather ambitious.

I'm not sure it's true that more hull cost means more repair costs. More hulls means more shield generators to share the load, if they can manage it. But if it is quite cheap.

No contest, cramming the Spark (or later flagships) better is nice. But again, if we're talking about building a fleet one of the first things to do is get ships that can handle front-line fighting better than the Spark while being more expendable.
Stealth, as far as I know, is always a multiplier of the total hull cost. But consider: a stealthy scoutship needs very good sensors... and the best sensors don't fit into a Destroyer without cramming.
Random coffee break thought for next turn research I wonder if instead of Taste of Chaos:

We instead get:

Curio cabinet is only has a chance of improving our detection rate of cultists, but might allow for more mundane detection. Coupled with improved warp sensors it could end up with the same level of cult detection. It also gets us a step closer to warp comms.
That makes some sense... though, as others have said, they stack, and Empathy at Range is much, much less needed, for now.
I think it's worth noting that they haven't actually figured out OMC, they're just using existing OMC operators as a black box to run the factories.

Which, you know, is actually decently clever? I'll tell you what didn't happen that I was expecting: The boarders had no jammer 'nades, even though it should have been easy to capture at least enough to arm the space marines.

Something fishy is going on with that, and my paranoia suggests that it's that Bongo told them we're an AI who could assume direct control to mitigate the things.

Lol, yup. I just didn't see the point in arguing when we could ask the QM and expect a straightforward, definitive answer. Which we got!

Thanks, @Neablis! But also, I have another question:

Well first, you need to fix the typo on guarantee, but aside from that:

Do we know if anything got through or not by now? And whatever the answer, does Intelligence Coding double as a chaos/scrapcode infection check ala the scrapcode cleanse research we did for the factories back on Denva in the wake of Bongo's first breakout?

The fluff of the action is that it's Vita studying her own code, so it seems like it ought to give her a shot at noticing.
The boarders might not have had the grenades because they didn't expect resistance this fierce. They had a sorcerer, a dozen Astartes, a demon ally...
In not sure this will be cost effective versus build a fleet of escort ships. While we are pressed for space, our biggest issue hasn't been weapons - it's been sensors and engine speed.
As I said above—getting superb sensors in small hulls is impossible without cramming.
It is kinda lucky that the enemy we are facing is the one we prepared the most for.

Seeing as Bongo has spilled the beans I am now in favor of disposal. Even the fact that Demonology's cost will increase by +300 RP isn't enough to convince me to keep them around. We don't need Demonology right now, there are just so many other things to research.

It's not that Demonology isn't potentially useful. There are just a lot of things which are important, useful, and immediately relevant. I doubt we will be running out soon.
Plus I don't doubt we will get plenty of discounts to Demonology from other sources in the future. Like Immaterium Understanding. So we can just forget about it until the cost is down again.
It would take ages to get it down from 450 RP. And that's if the discounts so far triple, too, and we don't get (250x3) - 100 = 650 RP. Consider that Demonology is one of those expensive, quest-altering techs, discussed below, and we can get it cheap before we have to face a demon because Cia accidentally summoned it or some cultist did it on purpose.

Also, Bongo has narc'd some info to some cultists. We don't know how much or how far it got.
Also - a general comment that I've noticed about the thread & your research, in that you seem allergic to larger RP costs. I totally get it, but consider that in most cases a large research cost comes with a large reward.

In researching all the small techs you're piddling about getting "nice to have" bonuses that improve or optimize an existing capability. While the larger & more "foundational" techs give you entirely new capabilities, which move you to a whole new paradigm and are transformatively powerful, but may need their own surrounding "nice to have" researches to be as broadly applicable as the lower-tier techs you spend a bunch of time optimizing.

So - yes some of the techs are expensive. Consider that they'll change the game more than unlocking three or even five of the cheap ones.
I can't help but feel a bit burnt, with my posting the cheap tech list every turn... point taken! I was going to advocate for Taste of Chaos this round anyways.
I dunno, the best time to plant a tree is when you aren't trying to put out a house fire or salvage the smoldering ruins, IMO.
To your earlier point we have been very reactive with our research and will likely always have pressing issues to deal with.

As you said, we do need to start making long term investments. We will need to see how bad the fires are after the update, but I'm inclined to make space for something long term after Neablis' post.

Edit: excuse brevity from the phone, not to be lost that you do have a good point
DICK. Can we shoot that guy into the sun? He's really not that useful and now he pulls this? Burn in nuclear fire, dude.
See above. Demonology is an expensive tech for cheap—the most expensive we've found yet. It stands to have huge benefits.
Considering the research crunch we are going to be under, I think we should knock out Intel coding and the follow on techs for RP upgrades
My issue there is we need an unknown number of researches, plus maybe needing to design/build things... I like AI coding, but we need Taste first. And LSVM/Advanced Materials stand to discount it, so they should at least be a consideration. Especially since I want these necrons out of the cabinet ASAP.
I dunno, the best time to plant a tree is when you aren't trying to put out a house fire or salvage the smoldering ruins, IMO.
In general when it comes to research we should probably star to making plans as the research being answer for questions.
Right now the most pertinent question is:
"Denva will likely have a cult problem, wich techs would allow them to deal with it when we go away".
Following for:
"Denva needs to have a military buildup to this not happen again, what we can do to increase improve the end result".

And of course all before the question of "how long we will be here. This time."
The boarders might not have had the grenades because they didn't expect resistance this fierce. They had a sorcerer, a dozen Astartes, a demon ally...
I don't think they held anything back - this was their hail mary, and the biggest guy in spikes was probably the leader of the entire warband. It's hard for me to imagine a scenario where they wouldn't have taken whatever they thought the most effective loadout was from whatever material they had on hand, with the ship going up in secondary explosions there was nothing left to save the good stuff for.
I think I want to avoid discounting techs below about a hundred in most cases. It'll probably enhance what you learn from the tech.
Hm. Does that include Immaterium Understanding, @Neablis? There's been a bit of a back and forth between me and Angle about whether or not it's better to do IU before or after the three necessary technologies for warp comms, and for most of those this would peg the discount from IU at below 50%.
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I'm not going to bother reading further if someone says a tech is vital, critical, or non-negotiable and yet most of the factions in the galaxy get by just fine without it. Hyperbole is not useful when attempting to prioritize. If everything is critical then nothing is.

... There is a difference between knowing that a set of defenses have certain weaknesses and then there is an enemy actually having repeated experience of fighting against those defenses while being able to see exactly how those defenses react.

So I'm assuming you are prioritizing anti-boarding tech and bot melee because those are the demonstrated weaknesses that enemies have escaped while knowing?

Because that's where this logic leads.

Because we can't kill it in a way that sticks and releasing it would both lose us a research subject and set it free into the immaterium.

I'm actually curious how Vita knows that looking it wouldn't stick. Isn't this just OOC knowledge that we are assuming?

I'm not mich worried about releasing a minnow into a galaxy-sized sea.

Also knowledge on how to banish, hurt, and suppress other demons.

Melta cannons and psychic shields do the same job and are things we have right now.

But we'll need to do it. Because there is no credible alternative. Releasing Bongo into the Immaterium and not arming ourselves with the means to fight it

Nah, "credible" is doing all your work for you there. It's saying that you've decided there's only one possible action already and are just trying to hammer it in with rhetoric.

We've got psychic shields and melta cannon. We have plenty of means to fight it.

So I think that having anti-divination is vital and can no longer be pushed back.

So is melee for combat bots. And chaos sensors. Both of which solve actual problems we have it have had, not just speculative ones.

Far to keen to buy things based entirely on whatever the crisis of the moment is, without thinking through what would help in the long run, nor prioritizing things for efficient acquisition.

Bongo says hi. He expresses condolences that you haven't gotten faith tech or a navigator, but trusts that you'll spend another 600 RP on making him comfy.

But in seriousness, the stuff we should be investing in is the stuff that lets us leverage our ability to scale. AI coding, warp comms.
Bongo says hi. He expresses condolences that you haven't gotten faith tech or a navigator, but trusts that you'll spend another 600 RP on making him comfy.
This seems a little blasé for describing a research line that just saved Vita from being directly exposed to chaos.

No, really. Without the 4x resistance from our scrapcode studies, the damage our main shields took would instead of broken through that, and the nested shields over Vita's sanctum. The two combined have 375 HP, the attacks sustained dealt 95, 95 * 4 = 380 > 375.

These guys only had 11 years of warfare with a psy shield equipped polity. Everything that just happened was essentially a validation of the oldest talking points about Bongo: That he was the safest means by which to leapfrog our defenses against chaos to something that could stand up against determined attack.

And now it's come true: determined attacks that would have felled us had we not studied Bongo.

And it's not going to get easier, either - certainly not if we let Bongo out to disseminate all those techniques faster. Bongo has been worth it, but Psychic Encryption, the tech we only got because of a natural 100, is particularly so.

For my own priorities... we have lots of things vying for our RP and I'm mulling over a bot upgrade package of my own, but the lack of psy encryption threatens to remove the element of surprise from any of our operations on Klyssar, the orbital stations, Primus, or chaos cell hunting on Secondus even if we use otherwise stealthy assets.

This is not a speculative problem, not after that divination and warp contact was just used to aid their operational planning against us. The chaos marines wouldn't have had the slightest chance of reaching their objective without that, and no reasonable amount of investment in melee or other upgrades for our bots will outweigh them knowing and responding to our next moves.

If that seems like an odd claim - well, I'm pretty sure we're going to have tens of thousands of BP in the coming turn if the war is still on - W isn't going to let Denva just say "no, you cannot turbo charge our factory ships" when we could be printing out bots. Their individual effectiveness is going to be less important than whether or not who we throw them at is prepared for them and whatever new capabilities we provide the bots instead of being caught off guard.

Meianmaru is right. We should have gotten it earlier when we had the chance. We came way too close to catastrophe this fight - in my opinion, it's best to take the QM's hint and get it now.
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This seems a little blasé for describing a research line that just saved Vita from being directly exposed to chaos.

The issue with using investments already made to justify future investments is Sunk Costs. We are where we are, the only question is what we do going forward.

This is not a speculative problem, not after that divination and warp contact was just used to aid their operational planning against us.

It doesn't really help with anything relevant to the next 3-4 turns though. The chaos forces still here know we are coming for them, soon, and past that I'm betting on them having no diviners with the name left alive in the subsector.

We need to eliminate the remaining chaos forces, rebuild our military strength, and purify the system. Orders are to priority for AP, then construction, and taste of chaos research third with all other research lumped as 4th.

It's a nice to have. Higher priority than grav guns and MS chaos resistance, lower than combat bots melee.
Bongo says hi. He expresses condolences that you haven't gotten faith tech or a navigator, but trusts that you'll spend another 600 RP on making him comfy.

But in seriousness, the stuff we should be investing in is the stuff that lets us leverage our ability to scale. AI coding, warp comms.

AI Coding I'd leave for a fair bit later, but I do want warp comms. Bongo has actually been very helpful in developing those, as he's helped us get a lot of discounts to them.

I am kinda mad that people went and argued 'Should we keep getting research benefits from Bongo or should we throw him into the sun?' and then decided to compromise on 'We'll stop researching bongo related stuff, and thus not get the research benefits from him, but he'll keep him around and keep paying the costs to keep him contained'. That parts just dumb. Of course, my takeaway from this is 'Research Faith Studies, MS CR, MS CPS, ASM, Psychic Encryption, and then demonology ASAP', but that's just me. -_-
And see, I want the faith studies and warp comms badly too, but I will die on the hill of doing something that doesn't need chaos to be involved to be useful before I go for demonology.
The issue with using investments already made to justify future investments is Sunk Costs. We are where we are, the only question is what we do going forward.

It doesn't really help with anything relevant to the next 3-4 turns though. The chaos forces still here know we are coming for them, soon, and past that I'm betting on them having no diviners with the name left alive in the subsector.

We need to eliminate the remaining chaos forces, rebuild our military strength, and purify the system. Orders are to priority for AP, then construction, and taste of chaos research third with all other research lumped as 4th.

It's a nice to have. Higher priority than grav guns and MS chaos resistance, lower than combat bots melee.
I mean, they don't have to be diviners. Bongo can just reach out of his cage and talk to them, for a start.
You aren't certain there aren't more sorcerers in the system, or at least apprentices. If they were building ships it would have made sense for them to be building warp-jump capability.
But there's probably diviners. Even if they were aboard that ship, that teleportarium could have sent them off of it more easily than it sent those chaos marines on board ours. And where else but Klyssar would sorcerers that weren't stationed on the ship be? It's their most secure holding left, the place where there's a large population that's still small enough for them to still completely dominate, rule, and sacrifice. Cushy.

This also means they can sacrifice millions of them for a big ritual in their counterattack if they know it's coming - something the ship couldn't do, because we were blowing it up instead of trying to conquer it.
It's not a warning against not doing it. It's calling out that it's probably the trickiest of the options, which means that it will be risky to do now, but if you leave it alone it'll also take the most effort to tackle properly and non-risky. If you want to do it without a fair amount of planning and preparation, now's the time.
It's already going to be the trickiest place to tackle. Why take the risk? We can't surprise them if they can just listen to bongo say we're about to attack, or divine it directly themselves.

I'd rather be assured that they have the least timely prep possible. We can scan for warp signatures and hack the station to listen in - and with psy encryption, they will be denied their ability to scan and listen in on us.
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It's already going to be the trickiest place to tackle. Why take the risk? We can't surprise them if they can just listen to bongo say we're about to attack, or divine it directly themselves.

You actually make a good point about the station's likely inhabitants. Probably second priority after retaking the shipyards, but that means that we probably will have cults on Denva.

I'm always willing to take the free action to bin bongo so we can attack workout warning?

I think we can still make a pretty thorough purge of denva even with cults gone to the ground, if we use empathy sensors to ID cult gatherings and then pass the info to Denva security so they can track anyone who was at the location or has contact with someone at the location. But that the sort of looking term effort would go well with cleaning out the manufactories, raising a small child to be a well socialized crew member, and setting up a flavor of faith that can withstand chaos a bit and will scale to billions. (Unlike our implants.)

The main goals while we are back are to restock cogitare, build a supporting fleet, and secure Denva, right? We might want to think about taking an action on the cogitare in particular next turn.
My current thinking for our next full turn is along the lines of a diplomatic action to give the Stellar Ascendancy a bunch of the technology we developed while we were away, recruit a bunch of new crew (Lots of Cogitare but we could also benefit from some military and diplomatic people... maybe one or more additional psykers... maybe), and coordinate on recovery efforts. A production action along with the free action to repair our ship and start replenishing our forces. Then two research actions for...

Cybernetics | 300 RP
-[] Large-Scale organic-machine Control (75 RP) (Allows OMC implants to control any kind of industrial production, including shipyards and non-military megastructures. Leads to further technology to improve the amount of CP one person can control.)
-[] Streamlined OMC interface (125 RP) (Increases effectiveness of humans equipped with OMC implants, both for combat and manufacturing)
-[] Interchangeable OMC control (100 RP) (Makes it possible for people with OMC implants to quickly swap between controlled systems, letting them do things like just jump control to a new fighter when the old one is destroyed, keep manufactory systems operating through multiple shifts and ease collaboration.)

Psychic Shielding | 150 RP
-[] Psychic Encryption (150 RP) (Blocks scrying of information protected by your shielding. Likely unlocks better versions that will defeat more powerful seers, and may unlock specialized research to build installations that will deny scrying and foresight over a larger area - like a system)

General Design | 25 RP
-[] Abacus Manufacturing (75/100 RP) (Unlocks the void abacus ship equipment)

I think the cybernetics there would finally put me at a point where I'm happy to leave further OMC research alone for a while, with OMC finally applicable to all industry and the competence boost from streamlining hopefully combining with the multiple shift manufactories from interoperability to boost OMC industrial abilities hopefully significantly closer to our own.

I'm optimistic that giving the Stellar Ascendancy the ability to send armies of terminators controlled remotely by officers with cognito-filter implants wearing encrypted psy-shields after any cultist activity will make the clean up significantly easier as well.
I'm not going to bother reading further if someone says a tech is vital, critical, or non-negotiable and yet most of the factions in the galaxy get by just fine without it. Hyperbole is not useful when attempting to prioritize. If everything is critical then nothing is.

So I'm assuming you are prioritizing anti-boarding tech and bot melee because those are the demonstrated weaknesses that enemies have escaped while knowing?

Because that's where this logic leads.

I'm actually curious how Vita knows that looking it wouldn't stick. Isn't this just OOC knowledge that we are assuming?

I'm not mich worried about releasing a minnow into a galaxy-sized sea.

Melta cannons and psychic shields do the same job and are things we have right now.

Nah, "credible" is doing all your work for you there. It's saying that you've decided there's only one possible action already and are just trying to hammer it in with rhetoric.

We've got psychic shields and melta cannon. We have plenty of means to fight it.

So is melee for combat bots. And chaos sensors. Both of which solve actual problems we have it have had, not just speculative ones.

Bongo says hi. He expresses condolences that you haven't gotten faith tech or a navigator, but trusts that you'll spend another 600 RP on making him comfy.

But in seriousness, the stuff we should be investing in is the stuff that lets us leverage our ability to scale. AI coding, warp comms.
We already have anti-boarding measures on our ship. And, as I argued earlier, we don't need melee infantry if we have good formations and good ranged weapons we can make en masse. Especially if, with Drugs? Drugs., we can get ranged less-lethal weapons.

For one, it is generally accepted WH40K lore that daemons don't die when their bindings are destroyed. For another, even if it is a question of "we don't know whether this would kill it", that already makes the sun-tossing too risky.

Additionally, cannons and shields don't always work against demons. There are some very scary demons out there. Plus, demonology would also potentially let us work with saints.

And I don't appreciate the sarcasm or the hostility. They aren't productive. Please extend us the same courtesy you have been extended.
AI Coding I'd leave for a fair bit later, but I do want warp comms. Bongo has actually been very helpful in developing those, as he's helped us get a lot of discounts to them.

I am kinda mad that people went and argued 'Should we keep getting research benefits from Bongo or should we throw him into the sun?' and then decided to compromise on 'We'll stop researching bongo related stuff, and thus not get the research benefits from him, but he'll keep him around and keep paying the costs to keep him contained'. That parts just dumb. Of course, my takeaway from this is 'Research Faith Studies, MS CR, MS CPS, ASM, Psychic Encryption, and then demonology ASAP', but that's just me. -_-
I, personally, think Faith, Encryption, Taste of Chaos, and Demonology are the more immediate ones. We can hold CR, CPS, ASM until after Int Coding.
Honestly I think that's just overprep. Let's just do Immaterium Understandings and maybe Faith then Daemonology. No more, I don't want to put it off any longer.
I would reverse that order. Understandings after the foundational techs. But I can see your point.
[X] Ask W for which area she thinks we should deal with first

[X] Denva Primus
[X] Denva Secundus

Doesn't sit right with me trying to save production infrastructure when we have people dying/being exposed to Chaos right now.
[X] Aetherion is the one I like I think. It both benefits us and denies the enemy an important advantage. The Nest is something we should put high on our to do list as well though. Definitely some funky stuff that might be going on there.

The cultists on Devna are, well, it's not great. But we have someone very skilled in counterespionage, which likely includes cultist hunting. Our two other Crew have struck a fair amount of blows. Time for Aunt and nephew to work together on tracking down cultists.
For one, it is generally accepted WH40K lore that daemons don't die when their bindings are destroyed. For another, even if it is a question of "we don't know whether this would kill it", that already makes the sun-tossing too risky.

Additionally, cannons and shields don't always work against demons. There are some very scary demons out there.

Too risky why? Suddenly all of chaos knows we are an AI? If that's even possible then there's already a chance of that, and killing bongo does not really change those chances much. Bongo returns as a nemesis? Then we are in the same position as keeping him on the ship now, minus some psychic shields and plus being able to shoot at him.

There's always some risk, but this does not seem like a very big one at all.

As far as the big, immune to materium ones? The real question is whether true-killing or binding one means there are less of them out there. Can chaos be defeated by defeating all the demons in the warp in detail? I don't think so. I think that the way we win endgame is in the material galaxy, and demons are downstream of that. Which means there's no reason to engage those demons that we can't just kill.

So binding demons just means we've got a pile of bound demons, and there will always be more where those came from.
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