Agreed. And while on our ship, every single one of them is contributing to our research with extra RP. Just throw this job as a long-term job to the Stellar Ascendancy after stabilizing it a bit first.
You misunderstand. I AM throwing this to the ascendency long term - the tech priests are a stopgap. When I say the success stories will provide a workforce, the corollary is that they aren't all going to be success stories.
And it's not a matter of whether or not we leave behind techpriests to do this - we are entreating with cavemen in space. Leaving the stopgap humanitarian operation to the locals is not an option, they can't even steer the ship much less direct a build-out of critical station components and mechanized agriculture for mass food aid.
And even if they could do those things, any time they distribute aid
they would have to risk their lives - most stations' existing relationship with the ship is a violent one. How would you ensure they continue to do that when we're gone? We had a good success on diplomacy, not a crit. Our techpriests can just use bots via OMC, problem solved.
Meanwhile - if we're lucky, there is shipboard manufacturing and food production we can refit for a better cost/benefit than converting one of the mining stations for a deep space manufactory, but I wouldn't count on that. If we're
really lucky we can use our repair bay to do those refits, but that would be competing with the psy shield repairs we need to leave the system.
Basically, no matter the particulars of the scale and scope of the stopgap effort, we're leaving techpriests there. How many, and what we'd like them to be doing is up in the air, but I can't imagine a plan where we don't leave any as being feasible.
My rough expectation is for next turn to be 1 research, 2 construction, 1 exploration - ideally heading back to Denva to start the crash build. We can top up on techpriests there on the turn after to spare ourselves the RP loss - that would also let us leave behind more, or all our (volunteering) techpriests for the stopgap effort without lengthening the the timetable.
Well, the best way to find out what manufactory automation can and cannot do is probably just researching it. And even the very first automation tech from that tree would probably be even bigger boon for the Stellar Ascendancy than us, considering that a civilization has much more consistent and larger need for manufacturing than a single ship. So accelerating their industrial expansion even further, and maybe getting a boon out of it. Though the boon might be only from a bigger package of techs being given to them depending on their current needs, I admit.
This I can certainly get behind. Intel Coding will be where the bulk of automation tech is behind though, so pen that in for later maybe.