Voting will open in 2 days, 6 hours
Anyway, additional thought. Right now, all the answers mention trade items that nation would love, but that would be incredibly provocative to the Mechanicus enclaves. In essence, they're all stuff they'll only want to buy and use, if they can guarantee the overthrow and the creation of an independent WMD solution.

I think we need to add some lower spec goods to the list, technologies or items that could be introduced, without setting of the mechanicus.
Perhaps, build a biolab and create an upgraded, gene-engineered version of their staple crops, that they can sell to the Mechanicus as a domestic invention? Higher tech weaponry for their secret, of the books intel agency? Juvenat for the spymistress here?
Anyway, additional thought. Right now, all the answers mention trade items that nation would love, but that would be incredibly provocative to the Mechanicus enclaves. In essence, they're all stuff they'll only want to buy and use, if they can guarantee the overthrow and the creation of an independent WMD solution.

I think we need to add some lower spec goods to the list, technologies or items that could be introduced, without setting of the mechanicus.
Perhaps, build a biolab and create an upgraded, gene-engineered version of their staple crops, that they can sell to the Mechanicus as a domestic invention? Higher tech weaponry for their secret, of the books intel agency? Juvenat for the spymistress here?

I'm pretty sure laypeople doing genetic engineering will set off the Ad Mech. We could just build some miner bots and dig for precious metals if we want something that guaranteed cannot be traced.
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As far as tech share, what if we leaned more towards theory? Like give them what they need for them to be safe and off planet safely, but assuming we can find an acceptable solution to the mechanicus overall getting some of humanity back in the habit of understanding could be amazing long term
As far as tech share, what if we leaned more towards theory? Like give them what they need for them to be safe and off planet safely, but assuming we can find an acceptable solution to the mechanicus overall getting some of humanity back in the habit of understanding could be amazing long term

We could certainly do that, thing is if the tech priests figure out that's happening they will fire off all the nukes no question about it. Practically they know if they are not useful they are dead and ideologically laypeople meddling with the mysteries of the Machine God leads to damnation in their eyes.
Anexa's Discovery - [Canon]
Side story: Anexa's discovery

Anexa Ifina (or Alpha Iota 24 by the Mechanicus) was bored.

Her days have turned into the same thing with the only variation being the machines she worked on. Everyday she would wake up, say her prayers to the Omnissiah, have breakfast, do repairs to any Machine spirits suffering, have dinner, Pray to the Omnissaiah, and go to sleep. When she was chosen by the Mechanicus for her aptitude, Anexa thought her life would change for the better. For a while it did, she learned much from the senior tech priests, studied the writ of the Omnissiah front to back, and repaired many machine of all kinds; las guns, cogitators, even a Leman Russ a few times. but ever since Magos Orynn took her on as an apprentice, it feels like her life in the Enclave has stalled, like a car that will start but can't get going.

Anexa wanted to know more. She knows the enclave keeps certain knowledge locked away because they believe her to be unworthy despite her best efforts. A small part of her believes those same people are jealous of her. Magos Orynn said she is doing holy work and the young lady (by Mechanicus standards) understands but she is so tired of doing the same thing every day. She wants to go out there, to look for knowledge is waiting to be discovered. To explore.

Sadly, there isn't much the acolyte can do right now and is worried she'll lose her privileges if she pushes the issue and be left behind like her parents did.

With her work finished for the day and nothing else to do, Anexa decided to access the datanet and read up on some old material she's been meaning to review. Anexa blinked in surprise seeing a new data packet for acolytes pop up. That rarely happens as other members of the mechanicus hardly ever give valuable information away but she wasn't going to pass that up. opening the packet and reading through it, it looked like the standard packet about chemicals, what they are, their molecular structure, how they react, their PH level and such. But Anexa felt something was off. Reading through it in reverse, she noticed a pattern forming with how words are placed. Digging through the data, the curious acolyte discovered a cypher hidden in the beginning! Reading through the text again with the cypher revealed a link to another page about chemicals but it held so much more. How some mixtures aid in manufacturing, some being used for rocket fuel, another mixture to make explosives, even one for beauty products!


Anexa sent a message to the author, thanking them for the challenge and the chance to learn more. When Anexa returned to the real world, she saw she spent 5.5863 hours on that! She picked up the pace and made it in time to get some dinner before returning to her quarters with a satisfaction she hasn't felt in a long time. When it was time to pray, Anexa didn't use the usual one she went with, but created her own with a renewed passion.

"Holy Omnissiah, grant me light in the darkness, to see what has not been discovered, to learn the truth of the world. Holy Omnissiah, lend me your aid so I may explore the stars."

The next several months passed by as usual, though, whenever Anexa had enough free time, she would look through the datanet for any more material from the mysterious author, this "Explorator". Anexa wasn't sure what an explorator was but she liked the sound of it.

The Mechanicus acolye has discovered seven more packets by this explorator, one about rocks and minerals which had a cypher she had to put together from the way the stones were arranged. That link led to a picture called the periodic table as well as some material about how to mine and refine them all. Another had information that talked about electricity with its cypher requiring the reader to know about the materiel written in the packet before they can begin deciphering it. This led her to discovering electromagnetism and how positive and negative attract one another while the same repulse with a few examples to show. 'Oh that's why some machines haven't been getting as much power as they should' Anexa thought. A third was about space itself and that cypher was so obvious most wouldn't even think it was one. Anexa embarrassedly missed it a few times thinking it was a red herring. Thankfully the knowledge of how the force of gravity affected everything and how planet and stars formed was worth it.

By the time Anexa read the fourth data packet from the Explorator, she knew this kind of thing was not meant for acolytes like her and was starting to wonder if they were looking for gifted students to take on. Anexa really hoped so as while she would never say this out loud, Anexa did not like Magos Orynn, he always seemed to busy for him to spend any time on her, even when she knows he's not doing anything important!

The young tech priest was starting to give up hope by the seventh packet. The Explorator might have already found a student worth their time she was wasting her own time asking for more material. She was desperate by the time she finished the eighth packet and sent a message begging for more. Though, a part of her knew Anexa was going to be disappointed as they didn't think much of her like her parents.

Then, one day, Anexa received a message from the Explorator
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It's a weekday, so I'm going to be MIA for this vote. I would just like to state that erring on the side of silence is my preference here.

We can tell them more as we develop our working relationship. But right now we should be very deliberate and conservative about what information we provide about ourselves, and not be hinting at outlandish truths without very good reason.

Lastly if I was writing my own plan, I would describe the answers I do given in the abstract, so I'm not accidentally giving information I didn't intend via prose.

That said, I actualy quite like the moxie of our initial contact and W. They seem fun!
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I feel like we could tell them we just have automated factories. It's even mostly true! Our factories only take 10 CP to run, compared to an infantry unit taking 200, so I feel like it's not unreasonable to say that a small number of people who know what they are doing can run them. That way we dont write checks we can't cash
Edit : Anyway, @Neablis , to get the scale right. What number of people would a manufactory employ, if human operated, and how does it compare to the planets existing capabilities?
A few hundred. It's still pretty automated, but the machines are all "dumb" and need a human watching them.

You've got this as an option under "export goods"
[X] Plan: This Deal's getting worse all the time!

Voting time! Voting for Alectai's plan.
I do like a lot of Alectai's plan, but I think he is being very blaze about not getting found out as an AI, his plan makes no mention of us having a crew and indeed without the research for humanization we have no way to show a fake crew. This is maintaining the same spirit I think as well as many of the same elements while putting in more legwork to keep the secret.

[X] Plan Keep It Secret Keep it Safe (The One Ring is you, you are the One Ring!)
-[X] Diplomacy: ACI Response
--[X] Include the list of Questions, but assuming they haven't been scared off, start working out some of the fine details. What do they need, what can we offer in return? Do they have any clever ideas of how we're going to avoid the Mechanicus from ruining our shit? Not quite what we were expecting, but we'll take what we can get--don't hesitate to clarify any confusion though.
-[X] Diplomacy: Breadcrumb Trail
--[X] We have some takers, and that's good! It means even now, there is hope for man! That poor sweet summer child Anexa though, crushing a fine mind like that in monotony? This just won't do! Initiate contact directly, keep in mind that she is a bit on the shy side, help give her some more exercises, maybe some pointers here and there? Seriously though, that Magos has dozens of Apprentices and he's intentionally wasting her? What a mess, you'll have to see if there's anything you can do to ease her along along with generally giving her some guidance. Don't forget about the others though, we've got a potential base of allies emerging here after all!
-[X] Construction:
--[X] Underground Manufactory (200/300 CP)
-[X] Research:
-[X] Combat bot Humanization (100 RP)
--[X] Psychic Shielding (150/300 RP)
-[X] Answers
--[X] Let it be understood you have a crew with you, all living off of the restored hydroponics of the ship you came in on as well as a Navigator who also made it to the stasis pods
--[X] What technology are you willing to share?
--[X] Well I can't call up a Standard Template Constructor, that is how we handled colonies back in the day. It is also a very specialized piece of tech that one doesn't hand out to surveyors, but sometimes we would find new colonies who did not take as thorough a look at their planet as they thought, or maybe they started out with ideological reasons for not wanting high technology only to discover it was not for them. I can give you a colonization package, including everything you need to get back into space and build warp capable craft. Weapons-wise we can definitely give you enough to equip your PDF for defense and arm your ships for the same reason. I do not have the schematics for weapons of mass destruction and to be honest I would not be comfortable handing those out if I did. Yes I am aware that by giving you space lift we're providing the means for orbital bombardment anyway, but at least that doesn't cause fallout.
--[X] We are further willing to aid in counterespionage particularly on the datanet to hide our own presence from the ad mech and share some of those techniques, though others are dependent on hardware which they do not have (specifically 'being an AI', but we are not sharing that).
--[X] Where are you based?
---[X] On planet. I will reveal more than that when and as it is necessary and we build trust
--[X] What kind of assistance do you require?
---[X] Political cover, the chance to buy land legally, more information on the current state of the galaxy that isn't on the datanet. Eventually a chance to hire more crew that fits some pretty stringent testing parameters. Going out into the black unknown to poke it isn't for everyone.
--[X] How large is your ship?
---[X] It was 2,200 by 400 meters, until the entire engine block got sheared off. Lost a bit over a fifth of the length from that.
--[X] What are your plans for the mechanicus?
---[X] I have none, I have opinions about what they're doing and what they are, most of them negative, but really it is not my place to decide how Denvans handle their politics. That said I do think that no one group should have a monopoly on technology, definitely not one with the threat of weapons of mass destruction to enforce their opinions. That is why I approached you in the first place.
--[X] How long is your timeline?
---[X] Hypothetically? If we were to spend every waking hour, cutting every corner in the process? With total freedom to move as we pleased and no consequences to doing so? We're probably looking at 40 Terran Standard Years to get an orbital presence secure enough to start the major work. Realistically, that's not an option because it would be flagrantly clear what I was doing and I'd really rather not potentially start a shooting war against a cult with nukes and a will to use them. Probably looking at something closer to a century, and that assumes nothing unforeseen rolls in to make a mess of all of this.
--[X] What are your intentions for Denva Secundus?
---[X] Give you a leg up in exchange to helping me get back to the stars and part on amiable terms so that I can mark this system as a port of call. I think that will be very valuable. The galaxy I now find myself in seems darker than the one I went into stasis in.
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Finally managed to finish my plan.

The main points for dealing with the locals is giving them some trade goods as a further demonstration, and real knowledge on various subjects, including technology, ASAP. This demonstrates that we are not going to suddenly "re-negotiate" the terms of the deal, or just run away with our new ship without giving them anything. It takes away some of our hard bargaining power later on, but should make them much less worried about us. Well worth it, with us still being able to offer them our ability to give them the initial boost in being able to manufacture things.

It will also make them more worried about the tech-priests. Because they are now in possession of forbidden knowledge meant only for the Adeptus Mechanicus. Should make secret collaboration much more appealing.

Speaking of whom, my plan includes constructing a tech-priest Avatar (picture included), for interacting with our potential applicant for the new crew. Basically, become a mysterious Explorator mentor to her.

EDIT: edits to number of bots (humanized) and trade-goods numbers due to gm post clarifying a couple of things.
EDIT: further edits and clarifications, regarding admech and removing ship size info.

[X] Plan: Tentative First Steps of Cooperation
-[X] [Free] Poke around some more in the databases, looking for anything in particular.
--[X] While preparing for more direct interaction with Anexa Ifina than just hidden messages left to databases, you go over what you have on the tech-cult once again. Particularly on their ways of communicating with each other. "Lingua-technis" and "Noosphere" are terms that come up, related yet different ways that the tech-priests communicate with each other. They seem to fall under "Cant Mechanicus", a collection of myriad of ways which this mystery cult uses to further obfuscate its secrets from the "uninitiated", but for now you are interested on just these two.
-[X] Diplomacy x2
--[X] ACI Response: Offer them some trade goods tailored to their needs and/or interests as a gesture of goodwill and a further demonstration of your capabilities. High-tech appliances and medicine are okay. No weapons, armor, manufacturing capability or juvenat at this point, those seem like a step too far until you establish better working relationship with them. But to differentiate yourself from the tech-cult, offer them actual knowledge. Advanced educational primers (in a physical format, how quaint!) on physics, biology, medicine, etc. Even some basic techology-uplift guides, adjusted to their own level of level of theoretical manufacturing capabilities (without the slight problem of the tech-cult violently monopologizing any attempts at that). In return, ask for a land, and help with hiding from the Mechanicus for your manufacturing base. Continue to feel out how to further your working relationship with them, as well as getting them to develop generally more positive attitude towards you.
---[X] Give ACI 10 BPs worth of Trade Goods of their choice, with educational books and technological manuals included (made out of materials much more durable and long-lasting than wood-pulp). No juvenat.
--[X] AdMech (Anexa Ifina): You have laid the breadcrumbs. Now its time for more direct approach. Start communicating directly to Anexa through the contact details she has left, and give her lessons on further subjects. Tell that you have leanings towards being an Explorator, a truth if not anywhere near the whole truth. Base your curriculum on her interests. First messages, then real-time communications. Feel out how far she is willing to go against the dogma she has been taught for knowledge. And maybe more importantly, find out who she is a person beyond that? If you like what you find, slowly let her to see what kind of person you are yourself outside the "mysterious mentor persona".
-[X] Construction (200 GBP)
--[X] Trade goods (45 BP)
--[X] Avatar (10 BP, 0 CP) 1 human-appearing robot of an existing design. Appearance: Female tech priest with some augmentations.
--[X] Light infantry bots, humanized (40 BP, 200 CP) x2
--[X] Medium Infantry Bots, humanized (65 BP, 200 CP) x1
-[X] Research (200 RP)
--[X] Combat bot Humanization (100 RP)
--[X] Psychic Shielding (50/300 RP) -> Psychic Shielding (150/300 RP)
-[X] Answers
--[X] "Reveal" to them that you also have some amount of your old crew, who can survive on your shipwreck currently. Don't go into details or hard numbers at this point.
--[X] What technology are you willing to share?
---[X] To establish this first, I do not have a full STC or even anything nearing complete database. In the immediate sense, I'm willing to further demonstrate my capabilities from this list. [List: Trade Goods without juvenats]. However, to establish that I am planning to share at the very least most of my technology further along the line, anything up to orbital manufacturing and ship blueprints included... I can give you, on physical medium, educational primers on various advanced subjects, as well as uplift guides. The last including blueprints and manuals for constructing your own sustainable tech-base. I can accelerate this progress immensely for you by constructing the initial the manufacturing centers, but this should be enough demonstrate that I won't be going back with my promises.
--[X] Where are you based?
---[X] I will reveal this only if we establish a working relationship. I also plan to use it as a base and an industrial centre among other things, which can be handed over to you after I have my ship.
--[X] What kind of assistance do you require?
---[X] Mostly cover from the Mechanicus for establishing a hidden base. Any kind of help towards getting orbital manufacturing online would be appreciated.
--[X] How large is your ship?
---[X] No comment at this juncture.
--[X] What are your plans for the mechanicus?
---[X] Their ideology of stagnation is personally offensive to me, and their demands on technological monopoly when combined with weapons of mass-destruction are a problem for my plans of leaving the planet. Not to mention I would want to possibly return here later without having to hide, as aside from technology? How your people live and govern yourselves reminds me somewhat how things were back during my time. For the tech-priests, I'm hoping for a change towards a more flexible leadership and ideology among the tech-cults ranks with some help. But I'm not sure if its even remotely feasible, even with what I can offer to them. If it comes to it, I might be able to cripple their weapons of mass-destruction, but lets hope it doesn't come to that. Other than that, I can offer to you more subtle options, like surveilance through access to their systems. Maybe even sabotage things other than weapons of mass destruction.
--[X] How long is your timeline?
---[X] Hard to say. Your help would accelerate it considerably, but the need to hide from the Mechanicus will still hinder the progress, as can any unforseen events. Anywhere from over a half-a-century to something nearing even a couple of centuries is the best I can give.
--[X] What are your intentions for Denva Secundus?
---[X] Give you a leg up in exchange to helping me get back to the stars and part on amiable terms so that I can mark this system as a port of call. I think that will be very valuable. The galaxy I now find myself in seems darker than the one I went into stasis in.
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Finally managed to finish my plan.

The main points for dealing with the locals is giving them some trade goods as a further demonstration, and real knowledge on various subjects, including technology, ASAP. This demonstrates that we are not going to suddenly "re-negotiate" the terms of the deal, or just run away with our new ship without giving them anything. It takes away some of our hard bargaining power later on, but should make them much less worried about us. Well worth it, with us still being able to offer them our ability to give them the initial boost in being able to manufacture things.

It will also make them more worried about the tech-priests. Because they are now in possession of forbidden knowledge meant only for the Adeptus Mechanicus. Should make secret collaboration much more appealing.

Speaking of whom, my plan includes constructing a tech-priest Avatar (picture included), for interacting with our potential applicant for the new crew. Basically, become a mysterious Explorator mentor to her.

The problem with giving them advanced trade goods is the second we do so there is a chance they will leak to the cult or the other nations which will promptly go to the Cult since they are rivals, keep in mind some of those WMDs are for inter-nation deterrence. I do not trust them with trade goods at this point, not until they have presented a plan on how they plan to use them without being discovered.
The problem with giving them advanced trade goods is the second we do so there is a chance they will leak to the cult or the other nations which will promptly go to the Cult since they are rivals, keep in mind some of those WMDs are for inter-nation deterrence. I do not trust them with trade goods at this point, not until they have presented a plan on how they plan to use them without being discovered.
I'm actually not that worried about that. Their level of paranoia and competence has already been demonstrated and impressive. I'm assuming that they will keep a thight lid for this, mostly for getting validation on our capabilities and trying to replicate it themeselves. It is a risk, yes, but not one that should lead to immediate nuclear annihilation even in the worst case scenario.
A few hundred. It's still pretty automated, but the machines are all "dumb" and need a human watching them.

You've got this as an option under "export goods"
I was just wondering. So, either way, my concern doesn't really matter because the automation is still going to ring all sorts of "techno-heresy/that should be our shit" alarms among the Mechanicus.

Alternate scale question. How does that output compare to the domestic factions, in productivity.

--[X] ACI Response: Offer them some trade goods tailored to their needs and/or interests as a gesture of goodwill and a further demonstration of your capabilities. High-tech appliances and medicine are okay. No weapons, armor, manufacturing capability or juvenat at this point, those seem like a step too far until you establish better working relationship with them. But to differentiate yourself from the tech-cult, offer them actual knowledge. Advanced educational primers (in a physical format, how quaint!) on physics, biology, medicine, etc. Even some basic techology-uplift guides, adjusted to their own level of level of theoretical manufacturing capabilities (without the slight problem of the tech-cult violently monopologizing any attempts at that). In return, ask for a land, and help with hiding from the Mechanicus for your manufacturing base. Continue to feel out how to further your working relationship with them, as well as getting them to develop generally more positive attitude towards you.
I rather dislike this.

We're explicitedly entering a negotiation, you don't start by giving away the stuff you want the other side to buy.
More importantly, handing out knowledge that freely will arouse suspicion, I fear, as it indicates we're insufficiently concerned with the treat of the cults.

What do you do about the Aevon Counterinteligence (ACI) questions?

Is this a free action, or do we need to spend a diplo action for it.
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I'm actually not that worried about that. Their level of paranoia and competence has already been demonstrated and impressive. I'm assuming that they will keep a thight lid for this, mostly for getting validation on our capabilities and trying to replicate it themeselves. It is a risk, yes, but not one that should lead to immediate nuclear annihilation even in the worst case scenario.

The level of competence of the two people we met and their immediate underlings yeah, the thing is the moment we hand them real tangible things they are going to start percolating though the system. I would rather just stick with data, it is easier to compartmentalize.

Like let me put it this way, there are competent people in the Pentagon yeah? What if one of those competent people got their hands on a truck-full of alien artifacts, literally an entire truck of stuff that was made by ET. How long until some piece ends up on some journalist's desk because of institutional leaks?
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--[X] Light infantry bots (25 BP, 200 CP) x3
--[X] Medium Infantry Bots (50 BP, 200 CP) x2
-[X] Research (200 RP)
--[X] Combat bot Humanization (100 RP)
Edited the "Humanization tech" to clarify that humanized infantry bots cost +15 bp over their base cost. Because of turn staggering you may build these bots as "humanized" versions if you so desire, but you'd need to redo the build math.

Alternate scale question. How does that output compare to the domestic factions, in productivity.
Like... 100x? Worse on the higher end, they have a really hard time with anything more complicated than a car.

Is this a free action, or do we need to spend a diplo action for it.
Free. You should answer or not answer separate of the plan vote.

--[X] Include the list of Questions, but assuming they haven't been scared off, start working out some of the fine details. What do they need, what can we offer in return? Do they have any clever ideas of how we're going to avoid the Mechanicus from ruining our shit? Not quite what we were expecting, but we'll take what we can get--don't hesitate to clarify any confusion though.
needs and/or interests as a gesture of goodwill
Question for all planners - if you're talking about negotiating with the ACI, it would be helpful to provide an idea of what you're willing/unwilling to offer up. Obviously they're interested in technology, but it would be helpful for planning purposes if you specify how far you're willing to go in assisting them with espionage/counterespionage/direct action against the mechanicus and if you have any ideas for that. I'll edit this into the post as well.

Edit: In the future I think I might make the moratoriums 24 hours or even longer. These plans got complicated quick!
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I rather dislike this.

We're explicitedly entering a negotiation, you don't start by giving away the stuff you want the other side to buy.
More importantly, handing out knowledge that freely will arouse suspicion, I fear, as it indicates we're insufficiently concerned with the treat of the cults.
We are still holding the important cards in manufacturing. This is to demonstrate our willingness to actually give them something, instead of stringing them along until we have what we need.
The level of competence of the two people we met and their immediate underlings yeah, the thing is the moment we hand them real tangible things they are going to start percolating though the system. I would rather just stick with data, it is easier to compartmentalize.

Like let me put it this way, there are competent people in the Pentagon yeah? What if one of those competent people got their hands on a truck-full of alien artifacts, literally an entire truck of stuff that was made by ET. How long until some piece ends up on some journalist's desk because of institutional leaks?
Something will eventually leak. If not this, then something else. I'm counting on this giving us enough of trust from the locals that we can accelerate our own timetables considerably. Good thing for also avoiding problems coming to us. Even outside big players like Chaos or Orks or the Eldar, we also have the local aliens who the Imperium tried to genocide. So trying to be too careful might come to bite us in the back in the long run.
Like... 100x? Worse on the higher end, they have a really hard time with anything more complicated than a car.

Because I like asking questions, are there any small volume products that are in high demand/small supply, yet easily producible by our current factories.
If we landed on a Feudal world, this would be spices, for example. In this world, perhaps specific industrial chemicals, certain colorants, and so on.

Question for all planners - if you're talking about negotiating with the ACI, it would be helpful to provide an idea of what you're willing/unwilling to offer up. Obviously they're interested in technology, but it would be helpful for planning purposes if you specify how far you're willing to go in assisting them with espionage/counterespionage/direct action against the mechanicus and if you have any ideas for that. I'll edit this into the post as well.
Is this included in that free answer, or a seperate action?

Because well, they did ask for negotiation material.
Voting will open in 2 days, 6 hours