Voting will open in 1 day, 13 hours
Hmmm. Yeah, I think Alectai's post has a good "main" avatar (thanks for BigBadBob7070 for pointing that out), but I think we could use an another one for interacting with the Adeptus Mechanicus. @Alectai, any thoughts on this kind of Avatar combo?
Might allow us more shenanigans, if we want to talk to the governments and the AdMech with different personas.
[ ] Plan: Self and Inventory have been Checked, let's get to Adventuring!
-[ ] Diplomacy: Talk to people
--[ ] It's pretty clear that the Mechanicus are making a mess of things, holding a gun to the people's heads, but it's also pretty darned clear that not everyone likes this. You've done a deep dive into the government datanets and have a pretty good idea on who's who now, find a collaborator--someone with respectable character who you think could keep a secret--and lay your cards on the table. You're a Surveyor from ancient times who's been stuck in stasis until recently, and you'd like very much to get back to the stars, and if you can give a leg up to some folks who have been going through some rough times, all the better. Some political cover to operate more openly will accelerate your timetable dramatically, and based on how limited the Mechanicus' reach seems to be, you'll have some time for your other ploys to start panning out. (Summary: Find a government collaborator, establish a working relationship)
-[ ] Diplomacy: Talk to people
--[ ] You refuse to believe a mystery cult will leave a mystery alone, and while their official policy may be fixed to maximum regression and maintaining their powerbase, you doubt that carries forward to their entire population. Use your access to their systems and your discreet transmission to seed a few interesting breadcrumbs here and there, for the genuinely inquisitive sorts who haven't yet been turned to close-minded conservatives. It'll help you sift out who you can work with, since their current system has got to go in the long run if this place is going to survive--because seriously, space bugs? That's a problem. (Summary: Seed a few interesting breadcrumbs for the genuine adventurers who might be suppressed in the Mechanicus Enclaves, to see if we can identify some potential allies among them.)
-[] Construction x2
--[ ] Underground Manufactory (300 BP)

[ ] Avatar: A woman of indeterminate age, a little on the smaller side, but with a warm smile and expressive features to the point you'd never expect her to be a synthetic intelligence more ancient than the Imperium. She has her hair in a long bob, a pair of glasses, and when circumstances don't require her to dress to the occasion, she favors a well pressed uniform of a nation long since forgotten in history, because she's still never had her commission as a Naval Surveyor relinquished and as far as she's concerned, that's how you dress on the job (And she's very often on the job)
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There is no 'online' to have a presence in. There is no civilian internet in 40K, the ad mech would brand anyone who suggested the idea a heretic
Alright then. Here's my new plan

[]Plan: Establishing yourself
-[] Free action: Look up how to become a businesswoman
-[] Diplomacy x2
--[] head to the nearby town and talk to the locals about what they need the most
--[] Try and secure a business license either through legitimate means or forging one if that's faster.
-[] Research x1
--[] Avatar self-customization (200 RP)
-[] Construction x1
--[] up to 50 BP on goods for trade
--[] Underground manufactory (100/300) plus whatever is left of the trade
Trade goods (Any cost you wish to spend) A mix of medical supplies, civilian equipment, vehicles and appliances tailored to your trade partner's needs. 5 is a small amount of goods, 10 is decent, 20 is a fair number, 50 starts being quite a lot.
This together with the Juvenat Vats will be very useful for political business and trading.
After Psychic Shielding,we can knock out A Study of Physics,Void Abacus and Basic of Psytech in about 3 to 4 turns with little difficulty,at least cost wise
If you just sit in a hole and do research that's not relevant to getting offworld for too long I'm going to bap you with the Wayfarer trait and lock research for a bit because your character gets antsy.

You've already been sitting in the bottom of a hole talking to yourself for 10 years. Let me write something that's not that.

We finished these research projects, so they shouldn't be on the list anymore.

We did these actions this chapter, so they should probably be removed from the research list.

I wonder if enough people worshipping Vita could give her a boost. Maybe she could even become the Omnissiah, certainly a better place for all that technological psychic energy to go to than beings like the Void Dragon or Vashtorr.
Fixed the first - as for the second, Vita doesn't even know that's a thing. I'm not even sure that's a thing. I also don't think a single planet full of people would be worth much, especially if you don't know anything about the warp.

There is no 'online' to have a presence in. There is no civilian internet in 40K, the ad mech would brand anyone who suggested the idea a heretic
Ehhh that's kind of what the datanet is. It's not used exactly like the internet, but especially in this post-imperial world it's a place that has resources for anybody with proper access to find the information they need. That used to be pretty much only people in the Imperial administration but now includes teachers, politicians, industrialists, etc.

It's been a slow change, but a fundamental one, and part of the transition to a more egalitarian society. They're just starting to use it for significant amounts of messaging.

secret--and lay your cards on the table.
"Lay your cards on the table" usually means reveal everything. But here it seems like you're still pretending to be human, just ancient human with good tech who doesn't want to be jumped by the goverment. Accurate?

-[] Diplomacy x2
--[] head to the nearby town and talk to the locals about what they need the most
--[] Try and secure a business license either through legitimate means or forging one if that's faster.
This would just take one action - you have the database accesses, you can easily fabricate yourself an identity and print yourself identification cards and stuff.

Then going into the city to register a business and make connections can be combined with the "Figure out what you can sell"in a single action. Which can also be a database query action. They've got market data on the datanet. A potentially more comprehensive action would just be "Start a buisness, selling to {large companies/goverments/individuals} in the {local/global} area."

You can also sell some stuff over the datanet, but it's more "big goverment and industrial contracts" instead of "you can become amazon."
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"Lay your cards on the table" usually means reveal everything. But here it seems like you're still pretending to be human, just ancient human with good tech who doesn't want to be jumped by the goverment. Accurate?

Broadly, yeah, it's a lot more believable than AI that doesn't want to kill them all after all. Ideally, we don't even need to outright lie!
Alright then. Here's my new plan

[]Plan: Establishing yourself
-[] Free action: Look up how to become a businesswoman
-[] Diplomacy x2
--[] head to the nearby town and talk to the locals about what they need the most
--[] Try and secure a business license either through legitimate means or forging one if that's faster.
-[] Research x1
--[] Avatar self-customization (200 RP)
-[] Construction x1
--[] up to 50 BP on goods for trade
--[] Underground manufactory (100/300) plus whatever is left of the trade

I like the direction, but I feel like we could do more with the diplomacy actions. Each turn is 5 years, so unless we are going for a complete and robust understanding of the current trade economy, "what people want" can probably be a free lookup.

Edit: ah beaten to it by the QM. I'd like to suggest looking into purchasing the land we are under so we dont have to keep building underground instead. Paired with Combat bot humanization, we could probably run the factories even under threat of inspection. Although answering the question of *where* all these workers came from might be harder…
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Ehhh that's kind of what the datanet is. It's not used exactly like the internet, but especially in this post-imperial world it's a place that has resources for anybody with proper access to find the information they need. That used to be pretty much only people in the Imperial administration but now includes teachers, politicians, industrialists, etc.

It's been a slow change, but a fundamental one, and part of the transition to a more egalitarian society. They're just starting to use it for significant amounts of messaging.

I get that but the internet is built for interconnection from the bottom up, for efficiency, the datanet was built by a paranoid mystery cult worried that literal demon code was going to break in. Even if the attitude changes I do not think one can ever get anything as seamless as the internet especially the Web 2.0 in which we find ourselves without ripping out the whole system and starting fresh. I do not doubt the planet's datanet is more accessible to more people that the IoM would ever allow, but it's still designed more to allow emergency disconnect than to put the local baker in contact with their potential customers. That is why I said a person cannot have an 'online presence' in the modern sense.
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I think we've done enough research for now, I'd like to get some other balls in motion in the meantime.
I mean, no argument there. But... no reason to not keep it rolling. So why not?

Changing my vote:
(Under the condition it's more playing DAoT hoomin than reveal as AI, or as mysterious backer.) Might have to come up with a last name.
[ ] Plan: Self and Inventory have been Checked, let's get to Adventuring! + Research edition!
-[] Basics of Psytech (Lets knock this one off)
-[] Combat bot humanisation (I think the last one was left half done so... let's knock this out while we can. It's optional anyways)
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Another option we might consider is reaching out to the monasteries since it seems no one ever replied to their "is anyone listening" message
Voting will open in 1 day, 13 hours