Voting will open in 1 day, 5 hours
[X] Plan: Next turn departure
-[X][FREE] Fix Psi-Shields (Repair Bay covers this)
-[X][FREE] Database Dive: What are the Space Nuns anyway? Seriously?
-[X] Diplomacy:
--[X] Introduce yourself as an aspiring Rogue Trader sponsor of an Explorator Survey Expedition, using an archaeotech ship design rebuilt with your resources. You aim to secure a Warrant of Trade but, given recent warnings from the Knights of the Crimson Vigil, you seek to survey this system to assess any rising threats. Request permission to explore the system unhindered, emphasizing your goodwill and willingness to learn more of their faith. Offer your Tech-Priests' expertise and your onboard manufactories to produce hard-to-obtain goods, such as personal shields. Profess your interest to trade for things like holy texts, blessed symbols and weapons, maybe even minor holy relics (read: faith-related research samples). Your hope is to establish a peaceful, productive arrangement that benefits all parties.
-[X] Research x2 (400 + 65 Anexa RP)
--[X] Tiny In-Atmosphere Void Shields (100 RP)
--[X] Advanced Neural Implants (150 RP; 85 RP + 65 Anexa RP)
--[X] Human Simulation Implants (150 RP)
--[X] Personal-sized Psychic shielding (100 RP)
--[X] If any left over RP: Advanced Materials (95 RP)
-[X][VICTAN] Help with the Diplomacy
-[X][ANEXA] Advanced Neural Implants
-[X][CIA] Active Training (We've got a hefty shield specifically for her lab, she is free to push the envelope a little bit)
-[X] Denva: Technology Request (General Design / Industry focus)

Basically @meianmaru 's plan, but not constructing the trade goods this turn. It assumes we will construct whatever they request next turn, explore this system and then depart.
As far as they know it will take time to construct advanced devices, so waiting a turn will not seem too bad. (especially as we are a Grand Cruiser)
We don't get the trade items from them until we send our promised hard-to-obtain goods, so it will not look like a scam.

If we have a very good / crit roll on Advanced Neural Implants it may discount Human Simulation Implants, and then hopefully we can complete Personal-sized Psychic shielding. But as long as both Impant rolls succeed we will be able to boost RP next turn.

@Neablis If we spend a construction action next turn producing what the Space Nuns ask for, would we require another diplomancy action to deliver the goods and pick up their trade items?
Just sending a shuttle to a designated location to make the exchange agreed in this action, with no further interactions.
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[X] Plan: Look, it's clear we have a weakness for space nuns with Diplomats
[X] Plan: Blessed Shields and Holy Relics (Are For Trading)

Alectai's diplomacy plan doesn't cross the line that I envisioned when I said disturbing the balance of power might make the elder cross with us. We're not playing Kingmaker here just yet.

Wouldn't hurt to edit the diplomacy plan to explicitly reach out to the other factions and offer repairs there too though, but @Neablis knows we're thinking about that and mainly constrained in writing by knowing so little, so I think it should be fine either way?

As an aside - I'm a bit leery of Plan Next turn departure's thesis. When one of the trade goods is what they would recognize as holy artifacts, we have to make them now rather than saying we'll do it later lest we royally piss them off - they have zero reason to believe we can do it until the things are in their hands and demonstrated. If we want to benefit from the sororitas' reverence of personal scale shielding with this diplo action we do need to make them this turn, unfortunately.
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I'll all for staying and trying to at least Start to fix this system and get it ready for helping fix this sector/not die horribly.
I get that's it's not what most players want but I have a hard time figuring out if in character we wouldn't care about what the state of fellow humans/sentients.

As for a boon again I'm surprised about the lack of interest in another "Jedi"….
I'll all for staying and trying to at least Start to fix this system and get it ready for helping fix this sector/not die horribly.
I get that's it's not what most players want but I have a hard time figuring out if in character we wouldn't care about what the state of fellow humans/sentients.

As for a boon again I'm surprised about the lack of interest in another "Jedi"….
We can only recruit so many capital C Crew, and we're already approaching that limit. We're hoping for a better diversity of origin for our regularly on-screen named characters, more than half of what we'll ever have are already locked in as being humans from Denva.

Thinking on the diplomacy action a bit more - it'd be nice to get copies of Administratum records on what's in the neighborhood and who (if anyone) has been passing by. Good for our cover story, good for our actual goals, makes trading with the other major faction on Ascalon more explicit.

Meian's asleep, but he'll probably be fine with adding that when he gets up, lul.
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We can only recruit so many capital C Crew, and we're already approaching that limit. We're hoping for a better diversity of origin for our regularly on-screen named characters, more than half of what we'll ever have are already locked in as being humans from Denva.
A Navigator is pretty much locked in due to the fetus we got stored.

We got a Researcher, a Diplomat/Spy, a Psychic
What else would we want?

A Commander would be useful.
I would argue that a Psychic could be a commander if trained to be As per GM
What we have is warrior/Psychic which is more for frontline battles.
Chaos are not our only opponents, we should do some weapon's research too.

Do we need better weapons, as opposed to better engines or better manufacturing? In the two encounters with other ships that we've had, the problem in both cases was getting a ship close enough to fight them, which seems better solved through engines or manufacturing, our weapons are fine. Though I'd aim for warp comms first, so we can actually communicate with our ships in other solar systems.
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Lower daot tech is more than enough for the rest of our foes (imperial,ork,tyranid,deldar) with exception of the necrons

To wich we will have to rely on warp stuff and manufacturing/numbers instead

Well we probably want better weapons *eventually*. But I don't think it's a priority right now.
I don't get why no one thinking going with our ancient human story we established on Denva is a good story to tell them. How is being an aspiring Rogue Trader any better than an Ancient who want to make the galaxy a little bit better?
I don't get why no one thinking going with our ancient human story we established on Denva is a good story to tell them. How is being an aspiring Rogue Trader any better than an Ancient who want to make the galaxy a little bit better?

The sheer "unimperial" vibe we have (tech,aesthetics,mindset)

Vita trying to pass as imperial must give "hello fellow kids" energy


Saying we are from daot is a lie by omision the imperials (we are explorators from daot,but also we are a AI,we just dont say the later)
Cant just confirm all the details
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[X] Plan: Vacation in Hell

[X] Plan: Blessed Shields and Holy Relics (Are For Trading)

[X]Greetings from Vita the totally human explorer

1. I like the idea of encouraging our own human version of what would effectively be a less morally questionable Tau. VIH encourages that, though we'd want to encourage tech as well to ensure that.

2. Just generally good to establish communication and this feels pretty decent. I'd be happy with this.

3. This is very smart. I appreciate this. The further obfuscation of our future helps weaken Chaos' power over us, alongside leaving the Eldar less able to make self-fulfilling prophecies of doom involving us. Also has an actual long-term boon for our industrial interactions with Denva. Wish we'd done this instead of the other option last time. Or the tech. Regardless.
[] Plan: Let's stay a turn

I don't like pretending to be a Rogue Trader in training, as it's... Well. You don't just become a rogue trader as it's more a decree from The Emperor himself.
Edit: I'm not sure if there even exist Rogue Traders lines newer than 5000 years.
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[X] Plan: Let's stay a turn

I don't like pretending to be a Rogue Trader in training, as it's... Well. You don't just become a rogue trader as it's more a decree from The Emperor himself.
Edit: I'm not sure if there even exist Rogue Traders lines newer than 5000 years.

Nah, any of the Adeptus Terra can issue a Warrant of Trade, it's just that the ones dating back to the Great Crusade are extremely prestigious because the Emperor personally signed them.
[X] Plan: Let's stay a turn

I don't like pretending to be a Rogue Trader in training, as it's... Well. You don't just become a rogue trader as it's more a decree from The Emperor himself.
Edit: I'm not sure if there even exist Rogue Traders lines newer than 5000 years.
Besides what Alectai said, this is exactly the kind of tumultuous time that could break that dry streak - and incentivizing people to act in the good of the imperium with the power they get when terra isn't or can't be looking is exactly what a warrant of trade would be incentive for, no? Aspiring rogue trader means we have aspirations of becoming on, not that we're already in the process of being one - and especially for this job in particular, nobody's going to read "aspiring" as "in training".

So we don't have to convince them that we'll succeed, just that we're actually trying and that we think we have a shot.

And bluntly, if we can swing it we're certainly not going to turn a warrant of trade down, lmao. This isn't really all that deceptive, certainly not in comparison to accepting that we shouldn't try convincing them of the exceptionally-hard-to-prove truth that we're an ancient.

These are people more zealous than the space marines, and unlike those space marines these battle nuns can't look at Denva for themselves to see that we haven't fucked the place over. Our denvan cover story is not a workable first introduction, and Alectai's plan gives us the foundation for one that is more suitable for our exploration.

Its lies remain lies of omission - the two coming into contact are not going to cause much of a problem.
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Voting will open in 1 day, 5 hours