Ok, I'm finally out of travel & obligation time, can finally pay attention to the quest again!
First, an excerpt from the coming update:
I'm currently thinking that the level 10/20/30 options for a psyker would either be to pick up a new discipline or specialize further down their current discipline.
Psykers won't have active/passive actions in the same way as your other characters. Most of theirs will likely be focused on more/less risky ways to level.
Divination is likely both dice manipulation (of the reroll/pre-roll variety) and things like discerning the plans/rolls of your enemies.
Psytech is a large research tree, with some very powerful applications. A battleship-scale amplifier specialized to the right discipline would let a powerful biomancer terraform a world, a powerful pyromancer vaporize a (large) fleet or a powerful telekinetic change the orbit of a moon. The kinds of psytech you have access to will be gated behind what specialties you have access to, and at what power.
Ah, after picking 1 would it be possible to spend a diplo action collecting like-able specialty-diverse lower psychers for Staff?
Yes, totally.
I think @Neablis said we could refit the plants for human worker at 50% cost, but I can't remember. Something to chew on as the turns go by.
That's correct.
But our small system monitor already has heavy shields (and armor), is this ship an exception we already have in our databanks? or do we already have Heavy Shields / Armor for frigates?
That's an error. It's been fixed. Thanks for calling it out!
@Neablis: Can we spend BP to safely mothball a manufactory as part of a build action? If so, how many BP?
Yeah. My plan is for mothballing to cost 10% of the build cost - but you don't have the tech for it yet. I was going to unlock it when you approached the CP cap. You're planning around it now so let me stick it in quickly. It'll be in the new turn.
-[] Mothballing (100 RP) Keeping a bunch of systems functional and ready requires attention that is swiftly running out. Maybe you can figure out how to spend less attention on things that are mostly inactive (Unlocks the ability to mothball an installation for 10% of it's build cost, free reactivation that takes a few weeks. May unlock techs to allow you to freely turn things on and off, as well as increasing the speed of reactivation enough for you to keep military installations mothballed until they're needed.)
Huh, I think I'm noticing a discrepancy in our flagship's design.
This was from the ship design thing in turn 16 (just before we started designing our grand crusier) and it's output is 1/10 of the base hull cost.
Going off of the base cost for Spark of The Ancients, we should (or will be) making about 1,200BP per construction action (which is pretty good for a grand cruiser).
But turn 16.5 while we're designing our flagship, it's gone down to a base output of 500BP, that's more than half our theoretical output that's disappeared.
Did something happen between Turn 16 and 16.5 to cause our Manufactories to lose ~50% of their output?
Edit: Wait I may be stupid.
Yeah, I think you figured it out. These folks have it right:
I think old means "1/10 of BP spend on manufactry".
New is 50 BP production at 100 BP cost. And using moduleslots+CP instead of counting for weapons cramming.
So we are getting 1/2 the invested BP as production, instead of 1/10.
Yeah this is looking at two different things - one is a manufactory, as built into a base hull that's not our flag ship, the other is a manufactory, as built in a module slot on our flag ship.
Yeah, the 1/10 number is bad and makes it hard to justify a factory ship. The -[] Large-scale Void Manufacturing tech will drop it to 1/5, or potentially even better if you roll well.
Also - I posted a link to this Quest on my other fic on a different site, so we're likely to get some new readers coming in. They may be new to Questing, and I might preemptively request a bit of foreberance for any newcomers who don't quite understand the ettiquete or standard practices here.
I might have missed things, there was a lot of stuff going by! Feel free to ping me with specific questions, but for now I'm going to work on the update. I'll try to get it done tonight, but no promises. I'm running on fumes on a borrowed laptop at the moment, but I've been thinking about writing all day.