Okay. Wow. That's, wow.
So basically at this point being able to take over through
just subversion is absolutely possible - we're basically in the lead already. Keep playing the game, then we can reform the mechanicus from the top down.
So! About that research backlog I've been mentioning.
-[] Miniaturized psychic shielding: (300 RP) Right now you can build and repair psychic shielding that's roughly ship-sized. Maybe aiming for building-sized next? (Lets you build smaller and less expensive versions of the psychic shielding. Unlocks further research to "nest" the shielding, as well as build person-sized versions).
My personal poster child for letting subversion cook over the past few days.
This research is part of the lead time towards personal psy-shields which we want for the Monastery outreach - but nested psy-shielding research is
also unlocked by this, and that is also relevant if we, say, want to have the ability to apply our brand of anti-chaos to the monasteries themselves, another great bargaining chip.
Not to mention that nested shielding sounds pretty nice to have for our ship self.
- [] The Basics of Psytech (200 RP) You have that pile of samples from Prospero. You were supposed to see if anybody was interested in them, but you doubt the people who gave them to you will care much what you do with them anymore. Maybe poke around and figure out what's what. (Beginner psytech learnings. Unlocks research projects to build individual pieces of psytech)
This is foundational research - and also pretty much mandatory to have any idea of how the psykers on Secondus can help us, or secondus in our absense.
Also worth noting that we paid two shinies for those samples, and they're primarily a "get started on this tech tree quick" option. We should avail ourselves of that, and now that the mechanicus crisis is effectively behind us, it's time to do so.
-[] A Study of Physics (150 RP) You have a good understanding of physics, and access to a huge network of academic papers from several different eras on physics theory. But being able to query it and understand it are different things. It's actually kind of interesting, you have to admit. (First steps towards more exotic weapon types like nova cannons, graviton weapons, vortex bombs, fusion beamers, as well as some new potential manufacturing techniques).
More basic research! The physics module we purchased during char gen gave us this one, and getting it in advance will improve our infrastructure crash build next turn once we've solidified our control of the mechanicus.
-[] Biology is kinda wet (100 RP) Unlocks basic biology research. (The first step towards research projects related to improving juvenat yield, as well as human/xeno genetics, improved medical care, interrogaton drugs etc.)
You didn't think we were done, right? No, despite making prosthesis and implants, we haven't actually unlocked any kind of biology research lmao. I've added some emphasis to the interrogation drugs - that'd be a good asset to solidifying control of the mechanicus, and getting the most value out of anyone who's not going to be staying free after the transition. Or alive, depending.
Also a good to have for research on psykers.
-[] Secrets of the Machine Spirits (200 RP) You can imagine a lot of uses for these machine spirits in your own work. If they're included in the command loop on various pieces of machinery then that would reduce their command cost, and likely make them harder to hack. And if the Imperial literature is to be believed, corrupt? (Unlocks the ability to stick machine spirits into your combat bots, reducing CP cost. Unlocks follow-up research to use them for chaos shielding, as well as the ability to put machine spirits into installations or ships)
We've started this - and reasonably, we want to complete it before building our ship because it's another pillar of our anti-chaos research.
That's the stuff that sticks out to me right now. Basically - now that we're out of crisis mode, I think it's time to start digging into the foundational stuff that'll make everything better and tell us what our options
really are.