if Katerina wants to inherit her father's empire she gets the blood as well.
cant have one and not the other
cant have your cake and eat it too
Katerina is not ignorant of how her father made Russia into a superpower. I think she simply wants to move the Empire into a period of consolidation rather than continuing to destabilize the neighbors.
No superpower steps down quietly. Frankly Katrina is better then *literally every* major world leader today just for being willing to put in the work to stop the ongoing mass extinction.
Walter never asks Russia to "step down". They have the Baltic states, most of Eastern Europe, and the Middle East. If they do nothing but keep the territories they completely control, they have an empire to rival Genghis Khan. The Europeans simply want Russia to accept the existence of other powers outside its borders that it does not control, which is something that every other superpower has historically done.
And no, Katerina is not better than every major world leader today. The Russian Empire is a fascist state that constantly supports the worst possible people around the world in the name of destabilizing everyone who is not their ally or their puppet. They support the
I don't want Russia to continue to make peoples lives worse but I want people to have lives to ruin more. I frankly don't see it as worth it to crush Russia the way Russia crushed the USA if we can instead just get them to back off and we could all settle down into peace.
Crushing Russia really isn't an option. The Russian Empire might fall apart when the Tsar dies, but we aren't doing anything to them. Russia is an actual superpower, while we are a regional power in the Third World.
Its important to remember that Russia is not Victoria. Its not an uncounsionable evil, its just a normal superpower doing normal superpower things. The USA just happened to be on the recieving end this time.
P.S. To be clear I don't approve of any of said normal superpower things but... well that doesn't really matter as far as the superpowers are concerned.
Russia treats America like we treated Central and South America. The strong do as they like, and the weak suffer what they must.
Our chances of getting revenge against Russia are roughly as good as Iran's chances of defeating "the Great Satan". We should do our best to cripple Russia's influence in North America, but we aren't going to strike any great blows against the Empire.
If they haven't already done so, Germany can go 100% renewable by sticking a generator on top of all the nazi war criminals spinning in their graves.
They wished for a strong leader who believes that Germany should crush the Russian threat to Western Civilization. Shouldn't have trusted the monkey's paw!
if tsar Katerina wants peace she needs to make concessions... like I don't know say that Alex was wong
at which point she'll go the way of another famous Russian princess and the court crowns her bother
imperial Rusia will fight tooth and nail to not be held accountable or give up any power
No one is asking Russia for an apology, because they know they won't get one. Tsar Alexander the Great is already a quasi-divine figure in domestic propaganda, and the moment he dies they're going to name
everything after him.
The Europeans don't expect Russia to turn over war criminals or give up their ill-gotten gains. They would like them to settle for what they have and stop trying to destabilize a
status quo which is in many ways absurdly favorable to Russia. However, Alexander made Russia into a world power through constantly destabilizing his neighbors, and old habits die hard.
If Katerina does take power, she'll need to manage several power blocs, some of which share her father's aggressive tendencies. She has a certain freedom as a "reformer princess" that she wouldn't have as Tsarina, when she would be pressured to continue the old Tsar's policies.
you forget the rookies, and russia & japan there enemies are to the east
I'm sorry, I don't understand.
I agree that there are a great many obstacles between us and some kind of union with California, but in the event that such a union took place, I'm pretty sure that California would be the leading partner.
They have more powerful enemies than we do; they are also a vastly more powerful state.