Vox Populi Breaking Update- Civil War
Ladies, gentlemen, awesome people of all types. This is a breaking update.
First off, don't panic. No raids are being conducted in upper Ontario.
Oh, Max reporting here, by the way.
Now, as you all know, Victoria has been having its own little football game between the CMC and loyalist forces. Though details are challenging to determine, there is a fierce rivalry between head coaches, Blackwell, and...(sound of paper rustling). Jesus Christ.
That wasn't a curse, to clarify, the official highest general of the CMC is Jesus, who will take command on the last day to purge the world. I want to emphasize that, again, I am not making this up. This is in their own books. Please don't ask how we got those books, we won't tell you. I can say that the entire CMC upper command is utterly trustworthy, and none of them have turned, none all.
I will also remind people that there is no evidence that the rivalry comes from a bad breakup between Blackwell and one of the, shall we say, more earthly CMC generals. There has been no official response to rumors that their affair was broken up by the inquisitors, and a heartbroken Blackwell was forced to side against his lover.
I am, however, being reminded to focus on the point. This morning the 1st division of CMC crusaders, along with a conscripted population that is estimated between 15 and 25 thousand individuals, broke out of defensive lines around Buffalo, linking up with the 3rd. Reports are that they are attempting to rebuild the division that suffered from a terminal case of Commonwealth Burns. Commonwealth Burns is a terrible disease that has been ravaging Victorian aid workers in recent years. In fact, Detroit recently had a terrible infection of it, and reports from doctors are that at this point, it may not be removable. All Victorian are advised to stay away from Detroit.
Also, to get serious for a moment. If anyone in Victoria can hear this, keep the hell away from the CMC. I've looked at the book we have we have and... bluntly, half our experts are sure this has to the propaganda. This can't be their actual training, it's too ridiculous. But if it is, well, no wonder they need 15-25 thousand to reconstruct a 10 thousand man division, and your odds are probably better just trying to run.
But, veering from that, my college, Cera, will be taking over for reporting on what this means for the folks at home. Cera?
Thank you, Max. First, I want to emphasize that I am no expert in western or Victorian affairs. What is provided here is a quick analysis, and I urge listeners to pay attention to any follow-up reports, which will offer more careful analysis.
With the withdrawal of the CMC from Buffalo, the coast is entirely in the hands of Loyalist forces. While limited naval raids have been conducted in the upper Ontario region for supplies, it is not believed that such strikes will appear in the Erie region. Blackwell's negotiations are too delicate, though one or two may be done as a 'show of strength" to increase the perceived value to the Commonwealth of a naval withdrawal from Erie, though current analysis seems unlikely.
Resource raids in Ontario are expected to continue, though they are not likely to expand. They are believed to already be at their maximum remaining naval capacity, and with the CMC focusing on the interior, loyalist forces will likely put resources to other projects. Given troop quality and focus, limited raids may be fought off, however potential Victorian-retaliation post-war must be considered. Individual communities should leave it up to their own judgement.
The concentrated fighting around the interior is expected to increase internal displacement for Victorian civilians. However, the arduous journey to outside the borders means that an external refugee crisis is not likely to come full force until the winter months. Such a crisis will likely result in an influx to the wilds of Pennsylvania as the primary location, but all areas may experience such. On that, the Vox Populi would state our unequivocal support to those fleeing the horrors of Victoria, and encourage compassion. The people fleeing arn't the armies that ravaged us.
Within Victoria itself, this has resulted in the CMC being supplied and reinforced and ended hope of a quick victory for Blackwell against a divided opponent. Expect this war to drag on, though current analysis does not favor the CMC without a decapitation strike against Blackwell. Further information is limited, and speculation as to the long-term effect of the protracted militia's are still being debated.
Finally, this is almost certainly will affect the Commonwealth-Victoria negotiations. With such a changeup, the Commonwealth no longer needs to fight through the CMC to threaten Blackwell's directly. A strike against Buffalo threatens his forces. Additionally, said treaty must be maintained until the CMC is defeated. So far no official announcements have taken place, but unofficial ones indicate a breakdown of negotiations.
No, the Vox populi does not have traitors in the upper command Victoria. Max, however, does love the idea of them purging ranks for nonexistent ones. Also, not exactly a fan of Max insinuating gay relationships as a shame point, but I don't always write characters that do everything I would.
Timeline-wise this probably broadcasts right around when the negotiations fail.