Hm. So, omake bonuses.
The present implementation is that every omake is worth a bonus, save where they give extra for one reason or another. Bonuses activate when a roll fails and add to the roll, whether or not that would change things.
I did it this way because I was trying to avoid a Sage situation, where a critical mass of omakes winds up meaning that I might as well not bother rolling at all. However, I've kind of gone too far in the opposite direction; we have so many omakes that I'm not confident we'd clear the stored bonuses we have
now by the end of the quest.
Y'all are great, I've said once or twice.
So I've been trying to figure out a new system. I had an idea. Sanity check, please, everybody?
Basically: omakes pile up, and in a certain critical mass, make something happen. Like @clockworkchaos's omake series made an independent spy network happen. I could do something like that; if there's a lot of them on a topic, and all canon, they can lead to enduring, in-universe benefits materializing. Sanity checked, of course, and made setting-compliant, but that's the idea. And if there's no topical critical mass, I could hold regular votes to convert the undifferentiated critical mass into a fun bonus. Say, once you have ten in the tank, I hold a vote for if you want a) a minor surge in immigration, b) a clue in a frustrating mystery currently facing the Commonwealth, c) an entrepreneur scrapes together funding to launch a business you'd find valuable for one reason or another, or d) keep the bonuses.
Stuff like that. What do you think?