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We can't effectively reach out and touch them yet, so entering some form of peace negotiations might be worthwhile. At least to buy ourselves some breathing space. Otherwise we'll just be on a permanent war footing until we can actually build the logistical and technological tail to get to them.
As well as recover our diplomatic footing. We're losing 3 AP a turn from the embargo.
We don't necessarily need a full intervention, just enough support to make Blackwell's war of reformation a lot harder to win. We don't even need to keep a war footing up despite continuing war since they have no current ability to take advantage.
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in my humble opinion the best way to fight Victoria is buy out producing them. So when it is time to vote again I highly recommend that we focus on Industrial infrastructure. Whilst we are doing that we should send out diplomatic overtures to every single power on the continent that is not aligned with Victoria. Since we have completely and utterly defeated Victoria in the field of battle we can use that to our advantage in the field of diplomacy. And if our diplomats are good enough we can create a Grand Alliance against Victoria. Long live the Commonwealth down with Victoria!
Well, chaos of civil war is going to be a nice chance for their Resistance to, well, Resist.

We should keep that in mind and try to reach out to those if possible.
Same applies to reaching out to FCNY. Its going to be easier while Vickies are in chaos.
That isn't eating a sandwich, it's getting in a fight over how to make your sandwich in the first place. Sure, the end result means you can build yourself a half dozen hefty subs, but it's coming with the cost of ramming your already broken arm into the face of your only friend.
this update was definitely very interesting.

Alexander actually wanted them to modernize somewhat. The Inquisitors work directly for Russia. CIVIL WAR! NOT-PEACE NEGOTIATIONS!

if we're going to talk to them, we'll want to bleed them dry. We can't trust them to keep their words in the long term, so any reparations/agreement must by necessity give some immediate advantages to us. Also covert support for the cmc "rebels" is something we might really want to try for. We can mask it as "support for our Victorian comrades 🤮 against the Marxist takeover of Augusta!"
I don't want to use resources to help any Victorians who believe in their ideology, even the rebel Crusaders. It may not be a waste, but if it comes down to a choice, I want to expend our resources on our own people rather than furthering an enemy civil war.
We definitely need to get peace.

1. It'll give the various little states around us that embargoed us (under Vic pressure) with the justification that it was to not take any sides (a polite fiction) a chance to back down from the embargo and cement the fact that the Commonwealth crushed the Victorian field army in the field of battle into their minds. We don't want the Hostile Neighborhood trait to trigger. Even though we are strong, enough of the little states around us *can* drag us down if they believe they have to. So, get peace so that we can give those states the chance to back down from the embargo without losing face. After that? We focus down Hostile Neighborhood malus and start diplo-annexing chunks of the neighborhood.

2. We desperately need those 3 AP back ASAP. While the Victorians are eating a sandwich (or well, currently fighting over what sandwich to eat) the *Commonwealth* needs to eat a sandwich as well to get swole and build up for the midgame.
Come to think of it, all the cities in Victoria are forcibly depopulated right?

Depending on where the two Crusader divisions are stationed, and combined with the complete lack of existence of Victorian Militia logistics, that's going to play hell with the Loyalists' ability to concentrate force in the early bits.

Which, combined with sending 0/5 Militia with little more than rifles and precisely nothing in the way of logistics vs 3/5 mechanized infantry with Russian Equipment (for as long as it lasts), some logistics training, and Every Marine a Martyr, means the first several battles are going to be complete and utter massacres.
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you know I always wondered what the religious composition of the commonwealth is. I know that christianity is one mahor faith, from various cannon omakes, but the idea that every non christian has been killed by victorians and neo nazis a bit hard to believe.

It's likely we have significant Muslim and Jewish minorities, especially if refugees from the large Arab-Muslim and Somali communities in Michigan fled to the Chicago area. There is probably a minority of neo-pagans/Wiccans among the leftist types.
I don't want to use resources to help any Victorians who believe in their ideology, even the rebel Crusaders. It may not be a waste, but if it comes down to a choice, I want to expend our resources on our own people rather than furthering an enemy civil war.
Where's your American spirit? Funding enemy civil wars is the bedrock of our country!
You know, I just had a thought... the priest who spared a running Victorian, is he perhaps with the resistance?

Also the scene between two mayors scheming for the Vicks baggage train was fun
Here's hoping they fight over the means of production. Maybe put a few holes in the industrial equipment about... Oh, I dunno, the size of an APC?
Picking out facts that immediately jumped out at me:

-Blackwell speaks Russian and wasn't surprised at seeing Alex.
That suggests that all the divisional-level generals are aware of the true relationship between Alexander and Victoria.
The Victorian General we have in custody may be a more valuable look into the depths of highlevel Victorian chicanery.

-The news of the Victorian civil war may well break General Foulkes completely.
Especially if we get him a radio so he can listen to Victorian medium wave radio broadcasts directly.

-The date of Blackwell's meeting with Alexander is June 14. May 30 was when we saw the infantry.
By the time they get around to asking for peace with the Commonwealth, the last Victorian division should be well on the way to destruction.
Which was my concern when I proposed that we assault as soon as possible.

No reason to leave them a cadre they can use to rebuild.

-Going to note that Victoria suing for peace means they can't legally blockade the St Lawrence Seaway without once again declaring war.
Which means EU military transport ships, up to Seawaymax(<28,500 tons) can transit all the way up to Lake Erie with military and industrial equipment.
They can charge transit fees though.

-The green hologram is a pretty blatant callback to the Matrix trilogy, and being able to see the reality under the surface.
Which says something about Alexander's tastes in movies. :V
If he'd been a Star Wars fan, it would have been blue, to give Palpatine vibes.

-The reality of a civil war, even a short sharp one, using Quality 0/5 militia against twenty thousand Quality 3/5 mechanized infantry is going to do hellish damage to Victoria. Economic and military. As in, we're looking at a death toll comparable to the loss of the Victorian Army on top of this, and this death toll is drawn from civilians who fill critical roles in the economy.

Think modern-day Syria.
The damage would be less if the Russians took a hand, but Alexander seems to have made it clear that he is unwilling to supply overt help during the war.

-The war is going to be accompanied by vicious purges. On both sides.
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You know I'm not too sure that the Crusader CMC were even remotely prepared for their coup when everything kicked off. The Crusaders are the traditional rivals of the Inquisitors but ultimately that amounts to internal court intrigue kept hidden from even someone like Blackwell by the image of the monolith of the CMC. The Crusaders are the external security force and are unused to the kind of terrorism and special forces shit the Inquisitors would get up to and would have experienced primarily the "sparring" with the Inquisitors and with powerful generals according to the rules the Victorian game of thrones is played. Most likely the vague plans the Crusaders would have sketched out would have been setting up a junta and presidium of executives layered on top already existent institutions to help as a kind of gate-keeping """sanity""" """check""" to preserve their power in the painful transitions to come. Alexander is exactly the type of bastard to spike Victorian politics so as a purge and civil war starts even while the actual Victorian factions themselves would have been still percolating and building up to having a civil war or not. Now instead of things like mutinying and rioting to bring down new reforms and legislation or pushing out of office and arresting powerful and outspoken Crusaders the Victorians are tearing each other apart.
Going to note that Victoria suing for peace means they can't legally blockade the St Lawrence Seaway without once again declaring war.

Huh, between that and the civil war, that waterway might be useful. In the peace negotiations we should be sure to force free passage down the St. Laurence, as I'm sure Victoria will just 'I'm not blockading you' The channel if we don't.
Sooooo this is cold as shit but by the same token it would likely work for us.

We should see about inserting some saboteurs in a limited fashion into Victoria's borders. Specifically amongst their slave populations.
@AKuz you glorious bitch you've doomed us all.

> : 3


I wonder if the entire Crusader Corps is going to fight? There's no indication that entire companies or more might not become loyalist, if only out of confusion. And they're going to have holes punched in them by the initial shock of the attempted arrests/assassinations. (They resisted arrest, not "went entirely unharmed by their suddenly treacherous colleagues in the Inquisition and Army )

Interestingly, this fighting will give Blackwell and Co ample opportunity to blood their militia/manpower base against forces of a roughly modern level in the best possible circumstances (Heavily outnumbering them, the advantage of suprise and encirclement, no logistics chain, home terf knowledge, confused chains of command and likely morale problems) and then draft the outstanding performers into the Victorian New Model Army.
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