Picking out facts that immediately jumped out at me:
-Blackwell speaks Russian and wasn't surprised at seeing Alex.
That suggests that all the divisional-level generals are aware of the true relationship between Alexander and Victoria.
The Victorian General we have in custody may be a more valuable look into the depths of highlevel Victorian chicanery.
-The news of the Victorian civil war may well break General Foulkes completely.
Especially if we get him a radio so he can listen to Victorian medium wave radio broadcasts directly.
-The date of Blackwell's meeting with Alexander is June 14. May 30 was when we saw the infantry.
By the time they get around to asking for peace with the Commonwealth, the last Victorian division should be well on the way to destruction.
Which was my concern when I proposed that we assault as soon as possible.
No reason to leave them a cadre they can use to rebuild.
-Going to note that Victoria suing for peace means they can't legally blockade the St Lawrence Seaway without once again declaring war.
Which means EU military transport ships, up to Seawaymax(<28,500 tons) can transit all the way up to Lake Erie with military and industrial equipment.
They can charge transit fees though.
-The green hologram is a pretty blatant callback to the Matrix trilogy, and being able to see the reality under the surface.
Which says something about Alexander's tastes in movies.

If he'd been a Star Wars fan, it would have been blue, to give Palpatine vibes.
-The reality of a civil war, even a short sharp one, using Quality 0/5 militia against twenty thousand Quality 3/5 mechanized infantry is going to do hellish damage to Victoria. Economic and military. As in, we're looking at a death toll comparable to the loss of the Victorian Army on top of this, and this death toll is drawn from civilians who fill critical roles in the economy.
Think modern-day Syria.
The damage would be less if the Russians took a hand, but Alexander seems to have made it clear that he is unwilling to supply overt help during the war.
-The war is going to be accompanied by vicious purges. On both sides.