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Thought. With the embargo, we need cash. We also need to make sure people know we won. I think I have a solution to both our problems.

Write in Proposal

[ ][ISLANDS] Tourism. Are you looking to try something new for your next get away? Why not try the Victorian island cruise, hosted by the Detroit board of tourism in conjunction with the commonwealth navy? Start in scenic old Detroit, before you board the magnificent Des Plaines-class board as its coal fired elegance speeds you on your way to the scenic lake Erie islands. There we will circle the islands, allowing you to view the Victorians through the provided binoculars, or take your own photos, if you like.

Now Victorians often like to try to hide, so our Commonwealth sailors will scare em out with a live fire bombardment, letting you see them scurrying around. The VIP package will even let you fire one of the mortars yourself. Sandwich lunches will be provided, as well as deck chairs to allow you to sit down and eat them. Each trip also comes with a commemorative Victorian dog tag, taken from a real life Victoiran.*

Only thing more fun is shoving Nazi's into furnaces, now if only there was a way to combine the two.

- Sara Goldblum

Sometimes, I worry about us. How we can get so Vicious we lose our humanity, dehumanized our fellow man. But not while doing this, most fun I've had in years. Hope that one day Detroit can set up our own, not merely as partners, but with our own bombardment vessels.

-Barack Williams

The Machine State is prepared to make currency out of our very lives. Even now it seems to make others into more of itself by blood sport. Do not give in, no matter how fun, no matter how good the sandwiches.

-General Blackwell

*Disclaimer, Victorian tags are taken from Victorians on land, and there is no entitlement to island dog tags, nor will VIPs be offered the tags of those they killed. "Real-live" Victorian refers to real Victorians and should not be taken to mean that the tag was taken while the Victorian was alive, nor that they are currently alive. Supplies are limited, first come first serve.
So "tourism" is having people drive around and fire weapons at people for their own amusement, all from distant comfort, while they sit secure in their own moral superiority?
How very.....Victorian.
So "tourism" is having people drive around and fire weapons at people for their own amusement, all from distant comfort, while they sit secure in their own moral superiority?
How very.....Victorian.


Victorians are hard men, they kill in person and at close range! No distant comfort for them! Only CLOSE comfort!

Sadly we're all atheist soulless cultural marxists, so we keep them at range and drown them in artillery fire.

There's a big difference!

What? Nah, this is completely different. We have much better sandwiches.
also that. Have you ever tried Victorian sandwiches? they're basically tasteless bread! We sinners like our food flavorful!
Look I'm sorry if you found it in poor taste. But those islands are full of actively hostile military targets. No matter what we choose, we are going to be militarily engaging and destroying them. If I had made the joke about going after civilian targets, then the comparison to Victoria would be deserved. As is, it isnt.
Also: our boats are coal powered, not the hodgepodge wtf collection of (I assume) sail boats the Vicks throw together. Totally different.

That said, there can't be that much gas production these days... tho I suppose bio diesel is possible in a pinch. Given how thirsty diesel boats get, I'd figure most boating would be done by sail with a diesel outboard motor for emergencies
Look I'm sorry if you found it in poor taste. But those islands are full of actively hostile military targets. No matter what we choose, we are going to be militarily engaging and destroying them. If I had made the joke about going after civilian targets, then the comparison to Victoria would be deserved. As is, it isnt.
Right, okay, let me try to catch my breath and rephrase...

First off, I do want to apologize to you, @tapkomet , and @rikalous for being over-aggressive. This has been a profoundly busy, frustrating, stressful, tiring, generally not-great week for me. That has unfortunately bled over into things like my initial reaction.

Secondly, I will stand by finding the joke in poor taste, even as I back off my aggressiveness. My objection was not, and is not, to us using artillery to attack the Victorians. It was specifically to the "make it a civilian tourism industry" angle. I don't share the viewpoint of it being funny but I can acknowledge that mine is not the only perspective here. I do hope the clarity of what got my hackles raised makes things at least slightly less frustrating for you?
Right, okay, let me try to catch my breath and rephrase...

First off, I do want to apologize to you, @tapkomet , and @rikalous for being over-aggressive. This has been a profoundly busy, frustrating, stressful, tiring, generally not-great week for me. That has unfortunately bled over into things like my initial reaction.

Secondly, I will stand by finding the joke in poor taste, even as I back off my aggressiveness. My objection was not, and is not, to us using artillery to attack the Victorians. It was specifically to the "make it a civilian tourism industry" angle. I don't share the viewpoint of it being funny but I can acknowledge that mine is not the only perspective here. I do hope the clarity of what got my hackles raised makes things at least slightly less frustrating for you?
I get it, yeah. It's alright.

The idea being so messed up is pretty much the whole joke, so it's understandable not everyone will find it funny, and even those who do find it funny may still consider it inappropriate.
Hey folks. A question.

Does the definition of a negaverse of a quest include anything that involves what are not included in the Quest Master's mechanics of a quest like say...ISOT or supernatural phenomena for Victoria Falls or Magna Graecia?

If not, how should it be labeled?
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Hey folks. A question.

Does the definition of a negaverse of a quest include anything that involves what are not included in the Quest Master's mechanics of a quest like say...ISOT or supernatural phenomena for Victoria Falls or Magna Graecia?

If not, how should it be labeled?
The negaverse of a quest is when you play as another faction within the same setting of the quest which is not what you are intending to write. What you choose to call what you write is up to you, but just labelling it as an ISOT and indicating what setting this quest is being transplanted into would be informative.
The negaverse of a quest is when you play as another faction within the same setting of the quest which is not what you are intending to write. What you choose to call what you write is up to you, but just labelling it as an ISOT and indicating what setting this quest is being transplanted into would be informative.

An ISOT into Victoria Falls of a previous America, or parts of a previous America.

Still classified as a negaverse?
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No, that's just an AU take in my opinion.

Negaverses are views from the other side. Either those that we're in conflict with or those that might have an interesting view of the proceedings.
Non-Canon Omake: Victoria Falls ISOT
Ok. Here's an omake, showing an AU version of Victoria Falls. Because I got inspired by the negaverse omakes.


Victoria Falls

As the 21st​ Century wore on, things got worse and worse for the United States. The nation suffered waves of political instability, was ravaged by powerful new medicine-resistant plagues, and endured runaway hyperinflation on a heretofore unknown scale. This chaos spread across the globe, causing disruptions in countries all over the world. Extremist movements that had for over a century been thought extinct or unthinkable seized real power in nation after nation, a tide of radicalism that terrified those untouched by it. The United States's influence waned, its power withered, and its credit on the world stage slowly began to dwindle. Yet despite all of that, the United States endured and seemed set to bounce back.

Enter the separatist movements. As faith in the government declined, more and more groups began to distance themselves from D.C. at the time the nation could least afford it. This political fracturing, following the government's weakness from the prior crises, was what doomed the country. Chief among these separatists, the single group most responsible for the nation's collapse was the Northern Confederation, based in the old State of Maine.

Backed by a domestic terrorist organization and supported by aid from a newly-prominent Russia, the NC exploded out of the faltering United States, ripping it apart from the inside and dooming the country. Swiftly falling under radical control, they instituted a brutal, oppressive regime to keep their population in line. With foreign support, they embarked on a series of interventions targeting other hopeful successor states to the United States which saw the rest of the country fall under chaos and foreign influence. Riding high on their successes and secure in the backing of their foreign masters, the Northern Confederation celebrated their new dominance over the North American continent. In honor of their unthinkable victory, they chose a new name, styling themselves as the nation of Victoria.

Today, Victoria reigns supreme over the ruins of American civilization by virtue of being the last man standing. Backward, totalitarian, and inefficient, they remain viable only due to the backing of their Russian masters, serving as a jump-off point for Russian interventionism. Still, it has for years been enough. After the first round of successor states was destroyed, Victoria and their masters have been able to keep any new challengers from rising to the point of being able to challenge the new order.

Until now.

On the 4th of July, Year of the Lord 2073, the world was blinded by a curtain of light coming from North America. And when the curtain disappeared, the world beheld:

[] The United States of America, the first 13 states and the Province of Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

Victoria Gone: Victoria has disappeared, replaced by the 13 states of the United States of America, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
The Founding Fathers: The Founding Fathers are all still alive, available to reunify a shattered nation with their mere existence.
Messiah to the Modern Americans: You are the foundation myth, come from the past into this wretched present and erased Victoria in a flash of light. A literal sign of God. Just tech you up to modern standards...and everything will be ok from now on.
Carbon Neutral: You don't have any industry that would make an environmentally conscious world complain about environmental destruction.
Unbroken Agrarian Tradition: These people we replaced are idiot amateurs. Let us show you how to properly and efficiently farm without modern technology.
Minutemen everywhere: You have a proportionately gigantic amount of eager, patriotic militia for your population size.

Flintlocks: The most advanced firearms available are muzzle loading flintlocks.
18th century technology: You make even the most backward town in the shattered remains of the future United States look like a Sci-Fi utopia.
18th century infrastructure: Your fastest vehicles are sailboats. You are still limited to horse and cart by land. And what is an airport or an airplane?
Hostile Canadians: The Canadians are confused, and accuse the United States of whatever happened to them.
Articles of Confederation: The United States is still using the Articles of Confederation, and Shay's Rebellion still hasn't even started to make the call for change become louder.
Russian Menace: Russia is unhappy with the loss of Victoria. It is more unhappy that a reborn United States has replaced its top vassal.
Standing Army? Bah! Militia rules the day: You have a very small standing army.

[] The United States of America, the Union.

Percussion Caps: You are ready to produce modern cartridges with present technology.
19th century technology: You can comprehend modern technology with one explanation. There are analogues available.
19th century infrastructure: We have roads, railways, steam engines for trains and boats. Airport? Show me some building plans, we can try making one.
Existing industry: You have factories available for mass production.
Experienced Standing Army: You have a large, very experienced standing army.
Messiah to the Modern Americans: You are a myth, come from the past into this wretched present and erased most of Victoria in a flash of light. A literal sign of God. Just tech you up to modern standards...and everything will be ok from now on.


The Snake still lives: You have not disappeared all of Victoria. The Canadian parts are untouched by the event.
Lincoln is dead: Lincoln was shot only a few days ago.
Russian Menace: Russia is unhappy with the loss of the majority of Victoria. It is more unhappy that a reborn United States has replaced its top vassal.
Victory noped: We won our war! Why are we fighting the Confederacy revived but worse?!

[] The Confederated States of America.

Percussion Caps: You are ready to produce modern cartridges with present technology.
19th century technology: You can comprehend modern technology with one explanation. There are analogues available.
19th century infrastructure: We have roads, railways, steam engines for trains and boats. Airport? Show me some building plans, we can try making one.
Existing industry: You have factories available for mass production.
The monster loves you: Victoria loves you for your slavery of blacks. For being everything they delude themselves as emulating. They love you so much they will protect and uplift you. Even against Russia's will.

National Horror: I just wanted to have slaves! States rights upheld above all! HOW DID THAT TURN INTO THIS?!
Assassins and Saboteurs: Russia does not want any chance of a USA analogue to come alive. So here comes the killers and arsonists.
Black Man's Hatred: Every non-white American and Left and Centrist Americans still alive utterly, utterly hates you from the bottom of their heart, for you are the ancestor and inspiration of Victoria. Had you never existed, Victoria won't.
Slave revolt incoming: Your slaves thought you, white man, can't hurt them worse than you already are doing by enslaving them. Victoria proved them wrong. Now they just want to end it all, and drag you with them into death's embrace.

I did my best, but I just...I just feel I don't have the sense for making a quest, or how to properly do pros and cons for the USA of 1784, the Union and the Confederates in Victoria Falls mechanics.

What do you think of this AU omake @PoptartProdigy?
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...they also victimize Anglo-Saxons? They are religious heretics by CSA standards? War 'Brides' and their treatment of women as opposed to the Confederacy?
1) Suffice to say that I think that a bunch of Southern plantation aristocrats, placed in a similar situation, would have little or no more hesitation to plunder outside groups of Anglo-Saxons. The Confederates would of course be outraged at the idea of Victorian armies plundering their soil, but ultimately the Cavalier class of Americans were fairly pragmatic about such things, and not hesitant to use violence on other whites to get their way.

2) The Confederate states were not especially strongly religious in ways likely to cause them to be strongly hostile to the Victorians under the circumstances, in my opinion. Again, see the article I just linked to on the 'Cavaliers,' who formed the original plantation-aristocrat class, and who can be seen as one of several separate cultural groupings that emigrated from England to collectively form America.

3) The Confederates come from a much more patriarchal time in history and their upper classes would be unlikely to adopt a feminist criticism of the Victorian way of life. The Victorians would probably have little trouble successfully convincing Confederate leaders that 20th and 21st century "feminism" was in fact something they were 'rescuing women from' by bringing them back as war brides.
Yeah, the thing that makes Victoria stand out from among countless real-world or fictional polities is how stupid they are. In terms of evil, they're pretty par for the course for your typical raid-conquer-enslave state historically speaking.
Yeah, the thing that makes Victoria stand out from among countless real-world or fictional polities is how stupid they are. In terms of evil, they're pretty par for the course for your typical raid-conquer-enslave state historically speaking.
Well that, and the part where they're gleefully, predatorially responsible for the downfall of the civilization they originated as a splinter movement from.

The usual post-apocalyptic barbarian is just making the best for themselves out of a bad situation. Lord Humungus and Immortan Joe didn't start the conflicts that turned Mad Max Australia into a wasteland.

But the Victorians? They're post-apocalyptic barbarians who chose to impose post-apocalyptic barbarism on the region they live in, while being stupid.
1) Suffice to say that I think that a bunch of Southern plantation aristocrats, placed in a similar situation, would have little or no more hesitation to plunder outside groups of Anglo-Saxons. The Confederates would of course be outraged at the idea of Victorian armies plundering their soil, but ultimately the Cavalier class of Americans were fairly pragmatic about such things, and not hesitant to use violence on other whites to get their way.

2) The Confederate states were not especially strongly religious in ways likely to cause them to be strongly hostile to the Victorians under the circumstances, in my opinion. Again, see the article I just linked to on the 'Cavaliers,' who formed the original plantation-aristocrat class, and who can be seen as one of several separate cultural groupings that emigrated from England to collectively form America.

3) The Confederates come from a much more patriarchal time in history and their upper classes would be unlikely to adopt a feminist criticism of the Victorian way of life. The Victorians would probably have little trouble successfully convincing Confederate leaders that 20th and 21st century "feminism" was in fact something they were 'rescuing women from' by bringing them back as war brides.

Ooh. This is extremely informative. Thanks.
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