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Okay. I don't mean to be snippy, sorry if it sounds that way. I guess I will just not read posts like that.
Okay. I don't mean to be snippy, sorry if it sounds that way. I guess I will just not read posts like that.
How is it confusing?

I mean, each quote block is a statement by Blackwell. Then a reply to it. There's no overarching structure, it's just a list of responses to specific interesting things Blackwell said.

Which part is confusing?
That format, added all up together, is somehow just hard to parse and I find my eyes skipping around and my brain not understanding what is what.
The enemy General has have the most reasonable and self-reflective response to the defeat as could be expected of Victoria which is dangerous for us.

The negaverse will be interesting to consider. How would they react and respond to this crushing defeat?
I really want to know the context for this one. Does Cthulu have a cramp or something?
Mencius Moldbug is a neoreactionary blogger who believes that democratic institutions are fundamentally a mistake and that monarchies are better, plus [stuff]. He'd likely be horrified by Victoria because he doesn't drool and fantasize about killing people en masse so far as I know of, but Victoria's a fairly realistic depiction of what would happen if the kind of person who thinks he's right about many things got to run a country, in my opinion.

However, one of his more concise quotes on the subject of the trend towards the left in modern politics is "Cthulhu... always swims left." In other words, the vast alien machine of liberal/progressive/democratic governance (which he, like General Blackwell, takes a dim view of) trends steadily towards the left.
Scraped from discord.

A typical Poptart Discussion on Tech:
Poptart: Poses Tech Question.
S-159: Responds with bleeding edge defense contractor talk and wildly optimistic outcomes that end with Victoria getting overrun by {insert hypertech of the day here}
Blackstar: presents actual math and reasonable calculations for practical outcomes
S-159: PowerPoint Warfare sh*tposting as counter.
Antix: proposes random shit read on the internet years before, needing to refresh himself every time.
Poptart: wonders why they listen to anyone but blackstar on this stuff
I imagine if it weren't for the salient point of "not being white," the vicks would try and use the legend of John Henry as inspiration for their army based on the whole machine enemy thing.
Sara Goldblum:

"Sara, did you hear that? The Victorians think we've built a ruthless forward-marching all-consuming grinding machine, bent on destroying everything they've ever loved, so powerful that they can only imagine God created it to punish them for their sins!"

[Saras yelling WOOHOOO and high-fives and hugging and happy dancing ensue]
I could actually see the Chicago Machine as an antagonist in a Lind book. Since he seems to occasionally dip into sci-fi, he might even write The Machine as a cybernetic Hive Mind, Borg style.
In Communist Chicago God has provided us with a test in the form of our equal and opposite. We had grown fat and complacent in victory and He set forward the ultimate test: the Atheist Machine State.
Atheist? Oh no, you misunderstand.

"As high as mind stands above nature, so high does the state stand above physical life. Man must therefore venerate the state as a secular deity. The march of God in the world, that is what the State is."
Has anyone informed Coiler about this Quest? The man isn't really interested in RPQ, but it might be nice gesture nevertheless.
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