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Did you hear me use the word 'easy?' No, no you did not.

But I don't expect it to be, say, an order of magnitude harder for us to cope with than Disunited Currency, being as how it's a +2 CP malus. One thing I'll say for @PoptartProdigy , they're sneaky but not dishonest. If Victorian Attention were one of the worst maluses they could imagine throwing at us, it would be a +3 or higher malus.

Russian Attention, specifically, is worse than Victorian Attention for this exact reason, I suspect. Because the Russians being aware and hostile towards us in this time, when their great monarch is still alive, would be very bad indeed.
Russian attention will most likely take the form of bombers or Spetnaz teams i.e. like what took out Cheyenne Mountain if the Russians really want to erase us.
[x] Plan Just the Government
-[x] Disastrous Start
-[x] Established
-[x] Efficient Bureaucracy

[x] Plan All-Round Start
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[x] Established
-[x] Good Security
-[X] Libraries
-[X] Population Boom
-[x] Disastrous Start

[X] Hellfire Burns Vs. The World
Russian attention will most likely take the form of bombers or Spetnaz teams i.e. like what took out Cheyenne Mountain if the Russians really want to erase us.
There are good political reasons why the Russians wouldn't lob an ICBM or other comparable weapon of mass destruction just to eliminate a potentially annoying Revivalist state in Middle America. Remember, they've got the whole rest of the planet to think about, and they don't have the muscle to terrorize it all into submission.
Would any of you gys be willing to switch your votes to my plan, or perhaps add it to your own vote?

[x] Plan Set to soar
-[x] Established -2
-[x] Efficient Bureacracy -3
-[x] Indep. Merchants -2
-[x] Vaccines -3
-[x] Rails -2
-[x] Good Security -1
-[x] Brownwater navy -2
-[x] Library -2
-[x] Disastrous Start +1
-[x] Disunited Currency +3
-[x] Crossed wires +2
-[x] Population boom +2
-[x] Greatest Sin +3
-[x] Victorian Sympathizers +2

Sure, it starts with a bevy of problems but I made sure A) to get us both established and efficient bureacracy to make sure the government was well-administrated over the long run. That should also help with disunited currency, as we' have the tools to start undoing it and the legitimacy to make it stick. Meanwhile that combination should give us some pretty good initial resistance to the greatest sin at least in the way that we should be able to weather any damage the assassin causes while trying to figure out who it is with our nascent counterintelligence operations. Our population boom will be easier to deal with as the entire territory, including farmlands, is under control and we're not starting with hostile neighbors so we could trade for food with them if we so needed to cover any gap given our independent merchants. Crossed wires will manifest itself eventually, but that would be delayed and we'd have the libraries to cross-reference and work back up once we realize there's a problem. We have the navy to help deal with the inevitable vichy attention and counterintel to deal with the sympathizers if they try anything stupid.

I know the malus choice isn't ideal, but it should be spread out enough between the categories that no one place is too hampered while also giving the tools we both need in the short term to deal with our problems and to establish truly good foundations for something great in the longer term.

Would any of you be willing to give this a shot?
Don't they have an air force, @PoptartProdigy?

What if they just fly over and bomb the Congress? Depending what they're flying, we're in striking distance for something like a F-16..
They do have an air force. It consists of F-16s, for air superiority missions, and Cessna prop planes, for reconnaissance. Which is, in Lind's mind, the only thing aircraft are useful for.
They do have an air force. It consists of F-16s, for air superiority missions, and Cessna prop planes, for reconnaissance. Which is, in Lind's mind, the only thing aircraft are useful for.

Only air superiority missions? At least we don't have to worry about getting bombed.

Also, if those F-16s are made in NCR, maybe we should see if we can...divert a shipment or two.
Would any of you gys be willing to switch your votes to my plan, or perhaps add it to your own vote?
why not. It does have Established and Efficient bureaucracy(which are my favourite advantages) and population boom (which is my favourite disadvantage IF it comes with the means to manage it) I'm not completely convinced by your other maluses, but at least they come with the means to solve them if all goes well.

It would be an interesting start at least.

[x] Plan Set to soar

[x] Plan Just the Government
-[x] Disastrous Start
-[x] Established
-[x] Efficient Bureaucracy

[X] Hellfire Burns Vs. The World
Don't forget, planetary. He had prop planes bomb an airport once where the people he promised to help were.

Literally people he had promised to lend an airplane.
So, since we have coal liquefaction, am assuming that we will start with a reasonably technologically advanced economy, am going to try and make a set of reasonable economic proposals going by a 1940's tech base. From which most of my assumptions will come.

So, first thing, proposals for solving the issue of food:

Trying to get more fertilizer production in order to increase farmland efficiency.
-Would need large amounts of power
+Nice and simple Haber-Boch process
+Can later be used for explosives
+Will also yield nitric acid/other nitrogen compounds for medicine production

Converting woods to farmland
-Eats up wood resources
-May destabilize terrain
+Provides a ready source of methanol cheaply(A decent gas substitute that needs no conversions)
+Planting soy more then pays for its own fuel cost using the soy oil extra -> Biodiesel
+Helps to eventually solve the food crisis

Implementing strict meat rationing/livestock killing
-Public discontent
-Possible issues in confiscating livestock
+Imediate dump of food onto the market
+Reduces food use considerably
+Allows stocks of animal feed to be re-converted

Convert fields to soy/potatoes
-Can cause nutrient deficiencies
-May cause discontent
+Will eventually increase calories per acre of farmland

Free meals for all
-Requires national id or oanother form of identification
-Costs money
+Provides an excellent social baseline
+Deals with hunger on all levels of society

Farming Mechanization
-Expensive in capital, resources, and fuel
+Massivle increases food yield with due time

Then, for the next category, solving the issue of fuel

Forrest clearing
-Destabilizer terrain
-Makes non-defensible plains
+Massive quick and easy fuel, with no conversions needed

Coal liquefaction
-Requires expertise we may not have
+Provides clean very high octane fuel
+Ironicly, better than normal gas/kerosine(Yields about 90 octanes straight out)

Expanding riverboats and trains
-Expensive in capital
+Minimizes fuel use
+Allows us to increase local logistics

Expanding to Michigan
-Needs military/diplomatic action
-Probably not a developed oil field, needing experts and capital
+Nice crude oil
+Gives a multitude of other resources
+Gives more population

Next, and the final category, getting critical materials

-Only gotten with trade with either California or Colorado
+Critical for making modern tool steels for machinery

-In the southern tip of Illinois
+Allows jet engine production
+Can sub in for Vanadium steel alloys

-Both in Michigan
+Needed for most steel production, and would be nice to have for weapons and tanks

More iron
-Off lake superior
+Needed only if we massively expand our steel production to a near insane extent
+Deposit has enough iron for the current US production to last for over 100 years.
F-16s are post 1930's so no.
Victorian retroculture explicitly makes exceptions for military technology. The catch is that they don't necessarily use post-1930s military tech even when they probably could*, and that after decades of having a retroculture society overall, their civilian military age population is going to be unfamiliar with any modern technology, to the point where it's probably impairing their ability to train men to use modern equipment even if they want to.

From what snippets I've read, Lind's contempt for technology reminds me of some of the ranting Mussolini used to do about how Italian "meat" would overcome British "metal" during the warfare in the Western Desert starting in late 1940. Didn't work out too well for him; the Germans had to bail him out pretty hard.

*(I'm SURE Russia would be willing to supply the Victorians with at least the inferior 'monkey copy' version of the T-55 or T-72 like so many other Third World client states. Or with MiGs).

Aircraft capable of carrying the B83...
...we're doomed. If they get that nuke, they can actually drop it so it goes airburst...
If Victoria indulges in nuclear terrorism for a third time it is entirely possible that Russia will cut their throats themselves, as the rest of the world glares at them and growls "If you do not restrain your dog, sir, we will restrain it for you."

Apparently NCR has some f35s I believe.
Had, I suspect- or at least, the Russians don't make it easy for the poor bastards to operate the things.

I guess close air support and bombers are useless. Man, wish I would have known this sooner.
On the other hand, I bet we could operate a recon drone air force in such numbers that the Victorians would wear out their planes wasting expensive and limited supplies of missiles trying to shoot them all down. Their overall air defense may actually be very bad. Just because you have the jets, doesn't mean you have the rest of the components of a viable air defense system.

We should, though, definitely try to get ahold of a supplier of surface to air missiles, and maybe see if we can train pilots overseas if we ever get to the point of open large scale war with Victoria when we've built up enough to look like we can topple them.
On the other hand, I bet we could operate a recon drone air force in such numbers that the Victorians would wear out their planes wasting expensive and limited supplies of missiles trying to shoot them all down. Their overall air defense may actually be very bad. Just because you have the jets, doesn't mean you have the rest of the components of a viable air defense system.

We should, though, definitely try to get ahold of a supplier of surface to air missiles, and maybe see if we can train pilots overseas if we ever get to the point of open large scale war with Victoria when we've built up enough to look like we can topple them.
We can probably make gen 1 atgms fairly easily, as copper wire and solid rocket fuel are not exactly hard to make. Plus, first/second gen heatseekers along with generation 1 semi-active seakers are probably doable with a bit of industrial buildup, and knowledge. Another option, of course, is to accept hideous casualties in a propeller only airforce and to just force them to the ground in sheer numbers along with constant airfield attacks.
We can probably make gen 1 atgms fairly easily, as copper wire and solid rocket fuel are not exactly hard to make. Plus, first/second gen heatseekers along with generation 1 semi-active seakers are probably doable with a bit of industrial buildup, and knowledge. Another option, of course, is to accept hideous casualties in a propeller only airforce and to just force them to the ground in sheer numbers along with constant airfield attacks.

It's easy to forget that the first generation of Sidewinder missile was undergoing prototyping during the Korean War and was first combat-tested in 1958.
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