Your right. They just then chose to ignore every decent idea from legends and toss a bunch of the worst bits into their movies one after another while simultaneously making it all worse somehow.
Pretty much, could have taken inspiration from lots of stuff in Legends fans loved and put their own spin on it. But they didn't.
Technically darkside use turning your eyes red/yellow/amber might be a subconscious/instinctive use of Force Alchemy?

Nah, that is just a side-effect of dosing on Dark-side energy. The Dark Side is noted to be less then healthy, and the more you juice on it, the more it shows over time. Glowing eyes, pallid skin, that whole works as you go deeper and into into the sauce of darkness.
So general question because if I asked this before it was so long ago, also KOTOR 1 and 2 got a remaster for the switch this week. (Can you guess what I've been spending time on this week?) Did the events of those games happen in your timeline? Even if not, just spreading the stories of Reven, Meetra, and Kreia would cause some fun times in the future.
So general question because if I asked this before it was so long ago, also KOTOR 1 and 2 got a remaster for the switch this week. (Can you guess what I've been spending time on this week?) Did the events of those games happen in your timeline? Even if not, just spreading the stories of Reven, Meetra, and Kreia would cause some fun times in the future.

As I understand it by the time of this fic those events are ancient history. It is not impossible that some records from that time survived but odds are heavily against any of the main characters (or even the vast majority of galactic inhabitants) having heard of it or coming across such records. And even if they'd come across something related to those events it is likely time will have distorted much of it.

Attempting to shoehorn such matters in is unlikely to add to the story all that much too. As these events are in the distant past they bear little relevance to current matters. It was certainly an interesting story when it happened but by the time of the fic everyone involved has been dead for a very long time and the galaxy is a very different place.

IMO getting bogged down in past events is far less interesting than exploring the consequences of the actions taken by our MC here. He has made a big change in the setting after all, the point is to see what happens next because of that.
5.5kwords. Still not done. Try for the weekend.

hate love elden ring. No I have that order right. 33 hours to beat the first major boss? Wtf even is this madness? Player guide suggest lvl 150 to beet the game? How many hours of grinding even is that?! Beautiful setting. why is everything bigger, faster, or in packs of 6 to 20?!
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5.5kwords. Still not done. Try for the weekend.

hate love elden ring. No I have that order right. 33 hours to beet the first major boss? Wtf even is this madness? Player guide suggest lvl 150 to beet the game? How many hours of grinding even is that?! Beautiful setting. why is everything bigger, faster, or in packs of 6 to 20?!
Because FromSoft revels in the tears of frustration, rage and struggle of it's gamers.
Curious if the MC will do a whole podcast ep on Force crystals and their relation to Jedi/lots of Force users in general since it is hard not to think Jedi and not bring up their famous energy swords.
Curious if the MC will do a whole podcast ep on Force crystals and their relation to Jedi/lots of Force users in general since it is hard not to think Jedi and not bring up their famous energy swords.
Considering that he just made a synthetic white crystal and didn't bother with any of the fuss? He might invite someone to speak on it, but he himself likely doesn't have much knowledge or care on the matter.
Curious if the MC will do a whole podcast ep on Force crystals and their relation to Jedi/lots of Force users in general since it is hard not to think Jedi and not bring up their famous energy swords.

He did tell Obi-wan that he wasn't going to tell people how to make lightsabers though:

"I'm offering instructional videos on the Force. Not combat. No lightsaber forms, or even how to build a lightsaber, not that most could afford a crystal anyway. The closest thing I'm planning to teach is the Matukai forms, and that's not the same as sparring practice. It also won't do much good against blasters unless you count making it easier to run away." I shook my head, "Oh, it won't stop them from being dangerous. Force push down a flight of stairs, enhanced muscles to snap a neck or break ribs, but that's not skill, or overwhelming power. It's just one more way to do something horrible."

So there doesn't seem to be much need for him to cover the crystals.
Considering that he just made a synthetic white crystal and didn't bother with any of the fuss? He might invite someone to speak on it, but he himself likely doesn't have much knowledge or care on the matter.
He did tell Obi-wan that he wasn't going to tell people how to make lightsabers though:

So there doesn't seem to be much need for him to cover the crystals.
I just bring it up as a possible lesson on how the Force naturally interacts with physical universe sometimes, like the formation of crystals.
On the subject of Sith and/or Jedi spirit interaction with technology, an example I remembered from back when I was reading more, is The Eye of Palpatine (Which hasn't happened yet, but proves the possibility). In order to stall the AI driven behemoth, the Jedi Callista Ming shifted her spirit into the gunnery computers of the ship using the technique Transfer Essence.

Perhaps the most unusual examples of this technique in practice occurred in 18 BBY, and again in 12 ABY, when Jedi Knight Callista Ming made use of the power to transfer her soul into the mainframe of the Imperial battlestation Eye of Palpatine. She was able to "inhabit" the gunnery computer of the dreadnought for some three decades before swapping her essence with the willing Cray Mingla, although this came at the cost of her ability to use the light side of the Force.[19]

This incident differs from nearly all other reported examples of spirit transference in several ways. First, Callista was able to use this predominantly dark side ability, usually applied by powerful Sith Lords, to transfer her consciousness into an inanimate object, despite her commitment to the light side of the Force. Nor did she require alchemical apparatus or additional life energy. Second, rather than becoming a disembodied shade, Callista became part of the Eye's gunnery mainframe, acting more like a self-aware computer program than a manifest presence. Thirdly, once she transferred her spirit into the body of Jedi trainee Cray Mingla, she could only touch the dark side of the Force. This was unusual, since both Callista and Cray were Force-sensitive. Since she remained committed to the Jedi way (even going so far as to help Luke Skywalker train new Jedi at the Yavin IV academy), she was essentially cut off from the Force, unlike Sidious, Set Harth, or Exar Kun.[20] As none of the Sith had any compunctions about using the dark side, this "handicap", if they possessed it, was essentially meaningless.

To be honest, I completely believe personally, that with the right training and talent, The Force is capable of anything.

EDIT: Sorry if I'm restarting a debate, but it was something cool I remembered from a book I wanted to tell people about.
To be honest, I completely believe personally, that with the right training and talent, The Force is capable of anything.
This is correct. As Kreia put it:
Kreia said:
Nothing is impossible with the Force. It is an energy that flows through all living things. And like energy, it may be harnessed, channeled, and consumed at times. It may even be a substance that can burn and ignite.
Of course, this is ironic coming from the woman who's... what do you call someone who's racist towards droids?

Regardless, I'm not 100% sure that this is something that John has fully grasped. Even if we ignore things like planet eaters and celestial object manipulation, there's still things the Force can do that can lead to devastating ramifications for the galaxy as a whole. Just look at Rakghouls, for instance.
John might've been fairly well read for a teenager and done his own investigating since, but that doesn't change the fact he was only a young teenage initiate with very limited access to jedi history. Since he left, his main job has been mundane keeping food on the table and furthering his piloting career. He had no sponsors, so any history investigations since were purely hobbyism and being led by the force. There is no way he could know answers to a lot of these questions unless he's got some kind of backdoor to the Coruscant temple's archives.
John might've been fairly well read for a teenager and done his own investigating since, but that doesn't change the fact he was only a young teenage initiate with very limited access to jedi history. Since he left, his main job has been mundane keeping food on the table and furthering his piloting career. He had no sponsors, so any history investigations since were purely hobbyism and being led by the force. There is no way he could know answers to a lot of these questions unless he's got some kind of backdoor to the Coruscant temple's archives.
I mean, those are his goals now. But by his own admission, when he was first kicked out at age 14 1/2, his main focus was chasing down force techniques and stuff like that, to perhaps start his own sect. And his original facination with the topic was from age 10.
But also, it would be limited due to being some random person, whom while having force knowledge and decent general skills. Would have been both trying to figure out how to live without the support of being a Jedi, and pretty much, the best way to learn would be to try and hunt down info about the groups marginalized by Jedi efforts, due to not really being able to access the Jedi Library. Pretty much, he likely would have a hard time accessing rare info which is likely in the Jedi libraries unless he went archeologist.
I would like to remind everyone, that the Force loves making it's protags run into the most unbelieveable things - like a random student at a delivery stop.

Or randomly stumbling over 'lost' or hidden sects and lore.

Because the Force is a drama queen who loves drama.
Posting this as a second post because it's days later and a separate idea. I found another example of 'light side' alchemy in Legends, this might be super-heretical depending on your personal choice of SW Canon.

Saber Crystals.

At one time, Luke's second saber (the Green one) used a fake stone made from scratch.

At that time, Sith blades were red because that was the color a stone was first - they'd change colors depending on how long you grew them, and Sith didn't want to wait.

But yea. This is old canon stuff, YMMV on if it's real or not.
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At one time, Luke's second saber (the Green one) used a fake stone made from scratch.
From the novelization of the films, no? I recall Luke using the Force to shape the crystal's facets and ensure it grew correctly or something like that. Meanwhile in the EU you get people assembling lightsabers from spare parts and random gem stones — and then crapping out because they misidentified one of the gems. I think the author was trying to say something about real vs fake gems ("Kubaz zirconium"), but there's no reason a lightsaber that can handle emeralds and sapphires and magic space crystals would balk at something that looked diamond-ish but wasn't, if you properly calibrated it.
Update is at 9.6k words with seven questions remaining. I was really hoping I'd have it off to Functionality for the beta read by now. But last night's adventure in cooking ended up taking four hours because I suck at doing more than one thing at a time. I'm going to keep pecking away at this before and after work so it should be done soon (glares at muse and ignores xbox) It's close enough to done that it'll drive me up the wall to do anything else. Hold tight folks I'm not giving up this momentum when I finally got myself moving again.