Perhaps the most unusual examples of this technique in practice occurred in
18 BBY, and again in
12 ABY, when Jedi Knight
Callista Ming made use of the power to transfer her soul into the mainframe of the Imperial battlestation
Eye of Palpatine. She was able to "inhabit" the gunnery computer of the dreadnought for some three decades before swapping her essence with the willing
Cray Mingla, although this came at the cost of her ability to use the
light side of the Force.
This incident differs from nearly all other reported examples of spirit transference in several ways. First, Callista was able to use this predominantly dark side ability, usually applied by powerful Sith Lords, to transfer her consciousness into an inanimate object, despite her commitment to the light side of the Force. Nor did she require alchemical apparatus or additional life energy. Second, rather than becoming a disembodied shade, Callista became part of the
Eye's gunnery mainframe, acting more like a self-aware computer program than a manifest presence. Thirdly, once she transferred her spirit into the body of Jedi trainee Cray Mingla, she could only touch the dark side of the Force. This was unusual, since both Callista and Cray were Force-sensitive. Since she remained committed to the Jedi way (even going so far as to help Luke Skywalker train new Jedi at the Yavin IV academy), she was essentially cut off from the Force, unlike Sidious, Set Harth, or Exar Kun.
[20] As none of the Sith had any compunctions about using the dark side, this "handicap", if they possessed it, was essentially meaningless.