That was neither what was said nor what was chosen.
The options were:
--Main Event: Ling Qi needs to win, but not win in such a way that it humiliates the other participants, nor lose in such a way that she's humiliated. In other words, the hunt is less about our actual hunting skills and more how we present the prize...of course, Ling Qi's hunting skills are decidedly average for her tier, which is a bit of an issue if it demonstrates that she can't perform when on her own.
--Socials: High, with a weaker prey, there is more time for 1 to 1 conversations with Wujing and his clique. How well it'd work depends on our social skills and on they react, considering he's spent the whole event so far needling at Ling Qi's faults even to his own detriment.
--Main Event: Ling Qi needs to above all, demonstrate she's an effective team player. She did it with Alingge in picking out the prey and faster than Alingge would have alone, but this is out of sight. Part 2:
---Ling Qi can showcase her lesser Archery skill and arts in the backrow
---Ling Qi can showcase her high tier(even for a Count) group defense and evasion skills as bait in the front row where everyone can see.
--Socials: Ling Qi got some quality 1 to 1 time with a Count level peer in the region, and won Alingge's personal respect and interest. Part 2:
---Ling Qi would be able to have more 1 to 1 conversations in the archery row, having already proven herself somewhat.
---Ling Qi isn't going to be getting much talking done when dodging an angry lion.
The Cooperative route essentially lets Ling Qi win respect points from being herself very well, with a limited toe dipping in the politicking. This is good for getting Traditionalist support(as we've seen repeatedly, the traditionalists value martial prowess and teamwork), but less so for the Imperials emulating Heavenly Peaks culture, who value being cultured and respectability.
You're wrong on three points:
-The competitive hunt did not require Ling Qi to "win", only not embarass herself; there's no hint towards her needing to win anywhere in the text
-Alingge is from a Viscount-equivalent family
-The cooperative hunt was not about showing off teamwork, it was about showing off abilities in general; the cooperative aspect was there to make it not a competition to blunt sour grapes over competing; casting it as the "teamwork" option misses the point of the cooperative aspect of the exercise, and pushing it as the "herself very well" choice because of her alleged teamwork prowess is a huge stretch because of that.
Just because the options are "competitive" and "cooperative" doesn't mean that either choice was significantly rooted in those concepts so far as what it was trying to accomplish. The goal of Competitive was explicitly hanging out with people, not competing. The goal of Cooperative was explicitly creating a low-risk environment to distinguish oneself, not to make friends by being a great teammate. Yes, the first could be screwed up by totally bombing the hunt, and the second could be screwed up by acting like a huge glory hog, but those are (unlikely) fail conditions, not the objectives. Again, the choices of hunt were tools not goals or win conditions.
I think the problems though continue to lie with the entire quest structure with regards to our socials. Everyone is seperated! All our interactions are individual!
It might be realistic, but this just doesn't work within the cotext of a story with limited screen time and nareative focus to go around.
This isn't to say that the odd arc focused on a single person can't be valuable - of course it can! But such things need to be rationed carefully. Husbanded for major character development. They cannot be the entire framework that we use to interact with everyone in. This "choose to give one friend narrative presence each month" system doesn't serve the story well, and doesn't facilitate us actually engaging with society.
If we look at our adventures here, some really did much more work than others. Zeqing? Obviously a huge deal for Ling Qi and her story. King of the Forest? Significant character moment for Ling Qi and did a aolid amount of work on Shen Hu and their relationship despite spending minimal time on him. Xuan Shi otoh? Temple adventure was honestly tangential. Had nothing to do with the main story. No real development for Ling Qi, and minimal development for Xuan Shi and their relationship. It was fun, don't get me wrong, but it was also kinda just a sidestory. I might be being unfair, but It feels like a lot of those character adventures are there to allow us to vote on doing something withbour friends rather than them being important to the story. And yes, I know this is a quest and people want to spend time with their favorite characters... But scenes need to do more work than that.
I'd first like to point out that we are currently in a SL-voted event where we literally just had the opportunity to spend time socializing with and learning about, like, a dozen characters. As many as
half of them might have had actual names, based on 3 definitely doing so, and there being yet other notable presences when we stared at them awkwardly from a distance. We chose not to engage.
You're right though that the SL votes are using up a bit too much oxygen in a turn, and they're too atomized. We need events that are more related to events of consequence, that also incorporate characters. One, we can actually have events of consequence(!). The second, a bit subtle but important, is that it gives opportunities for returns of significance on the relationships that we've cultivated. Advancing relationships by doing something important together, and being able to accomplish those things because of the interplay of their characteristics, is rewarding. More introspective and intimate events have their place too, of course. It's just that since it
is a quest/game, these bums need to be justifying our investment in them. If they're not helping us when shit gets real (or failing to/having other priorities, that's interesting too!) then they don't have much actual place in the actual story.
Really, more stuff needs to be happening
to us. Complete with AP penalties, of course. And I realize the scout test was something like this and we kinda bungled it but. Welp. No but seriously, fuck our schedule up. I'd rather be forced to fall behind which forces us to do something interesting to achieve our goals than cruise along on a narratively unresponsive cultivation schedule.
Back to my main point though, group social event right here lol.