Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] To have her subordinates scout as a group while she split off to surveil the more notably dangerous regions on her own. Somewhat risky due to potential ecology changes, but balances speed and comprehensiveness.

Might miss something important if we choose the overly safe path and don't get somewhere that's time-dependent due to lack of efficiency.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.

We don't really need to spread out. With Spring Breeze Canto we can cover a very large amount of ground.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.

"Know thyself" Or more precisely - know your unit before attempting anything else.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.

Ling Qi is too used to fighting and surviving against someone stronger than them that the Cyan instructor had to escalate and teach Zhengui how to fly. Hilarious.

Also that Muscular comment was perfect in execution. Bravo.
So, let's discuss our... charges? Minions? Comrades? We have some pretty ecletic group here, which means that while a lot of different things are covered, our group isn't going to be exceptional at anything.

"Ma'am," their voices echoed out simultaneously, three backs straightening and three gazes snapping forward as she approached. The first of them, Mo Lian was the youngest, twenty five years old and mid second realm in both forms of cultivation, he was almost as tall as her, with dark hair and eyes, as well as small, well cared for beard and mustache. According to the dossier, he was a cultivator of water and earth arts, who specialized in personal concealment and short range sensory arts.
We have a stealthy sensor here, in the form of Mo Lian. However... he specializes in short-range sensory arts which means that our group really won't have advanced warning of any dangers coming towards us until they come into our sensory range. Which might not be enough to properly adjust and plan to deal with the danger.

Chun Yan, the second was also in the mid second realm, but she was nearly fifty years old, though she looked younger than Ling Qi's mother. With her short hair pulled back and severe features, Ling Qi might have thought the woman a rather feminine man if her senses were less sharp. She specialized in wind arts, and dabbled with heavenly ones, her skills lay in her mobility and offensive arts
Mobility and offensive arts. Get in, get out, strike hard, strike fast. Probably fragile, or well, more fragile than a person whose focused on defensive arts. But, that's not unique. Not really much to say otherwise.

Chang He, was the oldest, as well as the strongest, being nearly seventy years old, he was at the peak of the second realm, and despite his age, Ling Qi thought there might be decent odds that he could make the next step at some point, going by the feel of his aura. Unlike the younger Mo Lian, he was clean shaven, with a dark complexion similar to hers. Grey hair marked his temples and speckled the hair pulled back into a soldier's topknot, and his weathered face showed his age more than one would expect for a cultivator in their first century. His specialties were in earth and wood arts, with a lean toward defensive and social arts.
An interesting combination, defensive and social arts. Makes me think he focuses on living and talking down the spirits or opponent's he encounters. Likely not a great strategy when one is by yourself, but with backup, it can probably become fairly potent.

Overall, I seem some semblance of an idea of how these three would operate as a team. Mo Lian sneaks up and scouts out the area for dangerous spirits and gathers information on the best way to proceed. Chun Yan moves in quickly to eliminate the danger if the group decides it needs to be dealt with or rushes off to give the information to the superior officers. And Chang He either tries to placate or convince the spirit/threat to go elsewhere or stalls long enough for assistance to arrive in order to deal with the threat.

I can't see any specific weaknesses for this group to look out for, but it's clear that the group is not specialized for sneaking, attacking, or defending, and rather has a mix of all three. Given that we are going to a fairly dangerous border region I would rather learn more about what these three can do and how they operate as a team before splitting up at all. Even then, I'm not entirely sure that splitting the three up is a good idea as they each cover the weaknesses of the other.
They're experienced and we're powerful but we're here to learn and we haven't seen what they can do. I figure the responsible thing to do is learn from them and observe them in action before taking the risk of going solo.

[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.

Get to know our subordinates, let our subordinates - however temporary they may be - get to know us. Learn the expected steps for dealing with problems - this team seems to have them all covered (Assess, then Terminate or Negotiate) - and then put them into practice ourselves.

It's a pity there was no possibility of having SSC yet though; that would be useful right about now, what with how it 'rewards... dealings with the spirits of the world.'
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.

Best flying turtle is best flying turtle.
Adhoc vote count started by Wysteria on Jun 25, 2019 at 8:28 PM, finished with 80 posts and 33 votes.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
[X] To split everyone up for preliminary scouting, they could get a rough overview on the first day and then she could make individual assignments later. This would be the fastest method, but was more risky as well.

I'm a contrarian through and through, so I say screw getting to know subordinates and safety. Who cares about that. Scouting results are what most important. Who cares about our subordinates' lives anyways. They be replaceable :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:

More seriously, I'm hoping we get stealth advancements, or I'm gonna be super sad
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[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on Jun 25, 2019 at 9:02 PM, finished with 86 posts and 39 votes.
[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.
Come on everyone. Everyone knows the first rule of adventuring is always split the party. Y'all are gonna regret playing it safe when we miss the super-buff wandering bard spirit giving away social defense arts. But suit yourselves.
[x] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.

Don't you know ? Never split the party!

"I think you might be rubbing off on me, I like her," Sixiang chuckled.
i particularly like this little gem. Seems Ling Qi's love of abs is spreading.
And, i'm guessing, Six is currently favoring a more masculine personality.
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[X] To travel as a group for the initial scouting. This would slow them down, but allow her to get a better feel for her team and a more comprehensive feel for the region before taking care of individual issues.