Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I dont like that plan as much and here is why:

1) the first step of the plan relies on staying hidden, but at the same time, it uses our music arts to hinder the enemies and I dont trust our stealth enough to keep us hidden while doing so

2) building up FVM only after they are all in range means that we have 70+ cultivators with disciplined military training that can contest our build-up, and given that they can hear the song, I think that they are going to notice it as the attack that it is.

3) PLR has a much smaller range than FVM (Close (100m) vs very Far (400)) and Lunatic Whirl can only affect up to 6 opponents at any one time, so it isnt that great for capturing the entire group

and 4) this is a 'real' fight, not just a friendly one and our opponents are a small army that have sacked a small town already, so they wont go for mercy. Therefore, going for pure capture strategies means we are confident that we can still win while doing so. Given that everything that has been said in the last chapter, I fully expect there to be some unexpected problem, be it in the form of sudden enemy reinforcements, a superior cultivator or maybe treason from an ally. If any of that happens while the 70+ large group is still able to fight, then that could become really difficult for us.
Thanks for the response, I'll respond in the same numbered format for the sake of ease.

1) The first chunk of the plan is just to get on the other side of them and sabotage routes without being personally detected, and depending on Ling Qi's judgement, it's either freezing crap or letting Zhengui mess with plants or dig holes or something. She's got maps, she can figure it out.

2) I didn't specify when to build up FVM during approach cause I figured Ling Qi could figure that out herself.

3) I specified using PLR for disruption against leaders exactly because it only targets 3 at a time up to 6. It's probably decent at catching stragglers running away, especially because Ling Qi herself is so fast. It also replenishes Ling Qi's qi now, which is nice. Whole-group capture is definitely FVM's jam.

4) @Arkeus already pointed it out, but Travelers End boosted Dissonance is going to kill the heck out of Reds/Yellows. If something spooky happens and Ling Qi thinks collapsing her mists is a good idea, all power to her. It isn't something I felt like I needed to specify though. You can look at my plan as a series of mission statements that should, in the case of the unexpected, inform her reaction rather than instruct it per se.
[X] Plan: The Night Parade of One Thousand Demons - Final Mix

I think I'll choose this. Both plans have their strong points. But I've always been the type to try to take away the opponents abilities to be active and force them to be reactive. I just think that if all we do is set up things ahead of them it gives them too much power and choices. Might be wrong, but playing to our strengths just seems smart. Also, I think people are discounting how damn hard it would be for most to escape us, and how easily we set up our attack. Like legitimately only the greens will be able to do something to our mist, and only with great difficulty. Especially if we add PLO and over things like that.
Parade is the opposite, and has contingencies in case they are super dangerous, but nothing if when we approach with FVM only ten guys stand to occupy us while everyone else runs away.

I kind of disagree with this? I think this might be where we see the plans differently. If Ling Qi approaches under stealth and manages to snare the whole force in the mist, which is what I think Parade is aiming for, only the Greens should stand a chance of running away, and if they run, we can run after them, dragging the mooks with us if necessary. After all, mooks should be thoroughly trapped in our mist, and if our mist moves with us, they'll get dragged along too.
I'm not sure if this has come up in the discussion (it probably has), but what contingencies do we have if the known group isn't merely fleeing for the border, but rendezvousing with another, or a contact with the instigator of this shenaniganry? There's always the potential for unknown forces beyond the scope of our intel that I think it would be wise to consider.
I'm not sure if this has come up in the discussion (it probably has), but what contingencies do we have if the known group isn't merely fleeing for the border, but rendezvousing with another, or a contact with the instigator of this shenaniganry? There's always the potential for unknown forces beyond the scope of our intel that I think it would be wise to consider.
Traveler's End and then just fighting for Ling Qis life against the remainder until reinforcements arrive.

Theres really no other contingency for such a situation to begin with to be frank.
I'm not sure if this has come up in the discussion (it probably has), but what contingencies do we have if the known group isn't merely fleeing for the border, but rendezvousing with another, or a contact with the instigator of this shenaniganry? There's always the potential for unknown forces beyond the scope of our intel that I think it would be wise to consider.

"Fall back to ordered retreat and hope to hell we can get to safety".

There's only so much that can be done if we're that outclassed or outmaneuvered, and throwing our life away on a forlorn hope isn't acceptable. A dead retainer isn't useful anymore, and trying to stop a reinforcement group on top of what was already a tall order to contain is crossing that line pretty thoroughly.
[X] Plan: The Night Parade of One Thousand Demons - Final Mix

I think I'll choose this. Both plans have their strong points. But I've always been the type to try to take away the opponents abilities to be active and force them to be reactive. I just think that if all we do is set up things ahead of them it gives them too much power and choices. Might be wrong, but playing to our strengths just seems smart. Also, I think people are discounting how damn hard it would be for most to escape us, and how easily we set up our attack. Like legitimately only the greens will be able to do something to our mist, and only with great difficulty. Especially if we add PLO and over things like that.

Setting up things ahead of them is only a part of the plan. We'll still be inside the mist with our spirits attacking and stalling the enemy as long as no one escapes. Ling Qi could also detonate Traveler's End if she finds it necessary, even though it's not specified in the plan.

I think the source of confusion here is the ambiguity of C&C. I personally think that this ambiguity is good, as it allows Ling Qi to adapt to the situation. I can see how it could be argued otherwise.

One of the most likely lose conditions for us is for the enemy to escape with the cargo. A Green running out of our mist and escaping is a very real possibility, while we shouldn't completely discount the possibility of Yellows and Reds having brought some tools to deal with it either. Night Parade doesn't really provide a clear way of dealing with this outside of detonating TE. I think C&C's solution is more sustainable. Ling Qi has no contingencies in Night Parade for what to do if stragglers escape with the goods after the detonation.

EDIT: Based on discussion on Discord, it seems like it will be pretty difficult to escape unnoticed after TE in Alectai's plan. They're on marshland and Ling Qi will have perception arts active.
Adhoc vote count started by Huo Yuhao on May 25, 2019 at 12:27 PM, finished with 339 posts and 64 votes.

  • [X] Plan: The Night Parade of One Thousand Demons - Final Mix
    -[X] Approach from one of their flanks and raise up defenses (especially SES and TRF, but getting Persistant effects like one with shadow up and running in advance to shroud us from any scouting stunts). Activate Forgotten Vale Melody at maximum radius while making final approach, scale up to Traveller's End--as fast as we can and hopefully have that shield in place by the time they're in the net. Use Elegy to isolate the illusionist, and maintain defenses and PLR control effects while sneaking Hannyi and Zhengui as a team into the mists to launch ambushes to chip away at the lower realm 'Bandits'. Stall them and contain them by abusing our mobility and stealth to limit counterattacks, but ensure that defenses are in place to endure a potential sneak attack from the third target. Respond to any surprises or us being cornred (Such as a backstab by third target on any allies) by detonating Traveller's End with Joyous Toast boost, in hopes of the paralyze effect giving us a chance to disengage and regain control.
    [x] Plan Control and Capture
    -[x] Get ahead of the enemy without being detected and roughen their route with ice or Zhengui to divert them to rougher terrain and potentially draw out their veiled problem solver for direct confrontation. Any time the environment is favorable, attempt to ensnare the enemy formation in our mists and target leaders with song and dancers to disrupt rallying efforts. Try to keep up an area perception technique and if anyone manages to escape the mists, or is detected outside of them, leave the Travellers End reinforced mists behind to pursue immediately. Keep our spirits close in case of emergencies, but trust them to keep watch over shed mists if necessary.
    [X] Plan If It Bleeds...
    -[X] Lean on all your skills to turn into a shadow and track the source of the false trails, the assassin who undou btedly serves as the trump card of that raiding force using your superior speed. Once you've located his inevitable location around his fellows, use all your skills in perception, tracking, and stealth to locate him remembering the techniques favored by Lu Feng (For obviously this is what Sun Liling was taunting you with) and ambush the assassin with your Spirits. Once you've engaged the assassin, begin preparing your full suite of arts for mass combat, then once you've confirmed the kill, take them with you to attack the main force by dropping Zhengui and Hanyi on them from above, while using PLR and Elegy of the Lost to isolate the relevant combatants, specifically the illusionist, and crush them with FVMs ultimate technique before holding out as best you can until reinforcements arrive.
    [X] Plan: The Night Parade of One Thousand Demons - Final Mix
    -[X] Approach to within sight of the targets from one of their flanks and raise up defenses (especially SES and TRF, but getting persistents up and running in advance) and then activate Forgotten Vale Melody at maximum radius while making final approach, scale up to Traveller's End--timed to complete this as we make contact. Use Elegy to isolate the illusionist, and maintain defenses and PLR control effects while sneaking Hannyi and Zhengui as a team into the mists to launch ambushes to chip away at the lower realm 'Bandits'. Stall them and contain them by abusing our mobility and stealth, but ensure that defenses are in place to endure a potential sneak attack from the third target. Respond to any surprises (Such as a backstab by third target on any allies) by detonating Traveller's End--boosted through Joyous Toast and Sixiang's support, and if anything remains intact, use all means necessary to contain any survivors until Renxiang and reinforcements arrive.
    [X] Plan: Wait Them Out
    -[x] Set up mists between the enemy and the border and hide within them. Retreat if pressed by a prepared offense. Push back when enemy enhancement techniques weaken, or if the enemy makes significant progress to the border. If the enemy splits up, defeat in detail. If a battle is inevitable, hold nothing back.

Adhoc vote count started by Huo Yuhao on May 25, 2019 at 5:04 PM, finished with 368 posts and 74 votes.

  • [X] Plan: The Night Parade of One Thousand Demons - Final Mix
    -[X] Get in relatively close discreetly, with relevant persistents activated (One with Shadow, perception and resist arts). Approach from the flank while activating Illustrious Phantasmal Festival and our dispel-resist suite, and then envelop the enemy formation in a Joyous Toast augmented Mist of the Vale at maximum spread, with Sixiang boosting the technique's Resist. Once enemy force is enveloped, isolate the Illusionist with the focused Elegy and cycle up to a boosted Traveller's End while keeping the enemy force contained in our zone, relying on Zhengui and Hannyi to assist in this. Maintain this posture as long as possible--moving as needed to re-ensnare or otherwise eliminate anyone who gets lucky, using the boosted Traveller's End detonation as a mass-paralysis contingency if we end up cornered or otherwise need to reset the battle state.
    [x] Plan Control and Capture
    -[x] Get ahead of the enemy without being detected and roughen their route with ice or Zhengui to divert them to rougher terrain and potentially draw out their veiled problem solver for direct confrontation. Any time the environment is favorable, attempt to ensnare the enemy formation in our mists and target leaders with song and dancers to disrupt rallying efforts. Try to keep up an area perception technique and if anyone manages to escape the mists, or is detected outside of them, leave the Travellers End reinforced mists behind to pursue immediately. Keep our spirits close in case of emergencies, but trust them to keep watch over shed mists if necessary.
    [X] Plan If It Bleeds...
    -[X] Lean on all your skills to turn into a shadow and track the source of the false trails, the assassin who undou btedly serves as the trump card of that raiding force using your superior speed. Once you've located his inevitable location around his fellows, use all your skills in perception, tracking, and stealth to locate him remembering the techniques favored by Lu Feng (For obviously this is what Sun Liling was taunting you with) and ambush the assassin with your Spirits. Once you've engaged the assassin, begin preparing your full suite of arts for mass combat, then once you've confirmed the kill, take them with you to attack the main force by dropping Zhengui and Hanyi on them from above, while using PLR and Elegy of the Lost to isolate the relevant combatants, specifically the illusionist, and crush them with FVMs ultimate technique before holding out as best you can until reinforcements arrive.
    [X] Plan: The Night Parade of One Thousand Demons - Final Mix
    -[X] Approach to within sight of the targets from one of their flanks and raise up defenses (especially SES and TRF, but getting persistents up and running in advance) and then activate Forgotten Vale Melody at maximum radius while making final approach, scale up to Traveller's End--timed to complete this as we make contact. Use Elegy to isolate the illusionist, and maintain defenses and PLR control effects while sneaking Hannyi and Zhengui as a team into the mists to launch ambushes to chip away at the lower realm 'Bandits'. Stall them and contain them by abusing our mobility and stealth, but ensure that defenses are in place to endure a potential sneak attack from the third target. Respond to any surprises (Such as a backstab by third target on any allies) by detonating Traveller's End--boosted through Joyous Toast and Sixiang's support, and if anything remains intact, use all means necessary to contain any survivors until Renxiang and reinforcements arrive.
    [X] Plan: Wait Them Out
    -[x] Set up mists between the enemy and the border and hide within them. Retreat if pressed by a prepared offense. Push back when enemy enhancement techniques weaken, or if the enemy makes significant progress to the border. If the enemy splits up, defeat in detail. If a battle is inevitable, hold nothing back.
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It's unknowable.

There is no such thing as a perfect plan because we have literally zero idea of what the enemy force has, can prepare, or can be reinforced by--it's the nightmare scenario from a planning point of view, and it's driven me to madness and back.

But a perfect plan's never going to exist, every possibility has fail states. And C&C's solution potentially delays our reinforcements through the same mechanism it tries to delay the bandits by, which ultimately leads to our situation not actually improving on the whole.

The fail states of Night Parade are ones that would be a problem in any strategy (Just overpowered, enemy has bullshit hax to shut down all of our control effects, they're just too determined to be delayed by external forces and ignore perception filters). More importantly, it has a contingency for things going wrong that gives us a chance to book it or shift to another strategy. Control... Doesn't actually, it just denies the possibility that the enemy can interfere with us at all, or that our obstructions could possibly delay our reinforcements as well.
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So I wanna see if I'm missing something regarding Night Parade plan...would we be doing something about the greens specifically? Or just watching our back for when they attack us? @Alectai
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I kind of disagree with this? I think this might be where we see the plans differently. If Ling Qi approaches under stealth and manages to snare the whole force in the mist, which is what I think Parade is aiming for, only the Greens should stand a chance of running away, and if they run, we can run after them, dragging the mooks with us if necessary. After all, mooks should be thoroughly trapped in our mist, and if our mist moves with us, they'll get dragged along too.
Not really. If Ling Qi gets so close that she can snare everyone in the mist before she puts up the mist at all not only it makes her vulnerable (not many defences) and assume we get the stealth to do it, but it doesn't actually mean no one can escape. As long as one of the green or even a yellow has a AoE movement /+perception art, or even a special dispel, they can get a significant part of the group to escape.

FVM is good at making it hard for people to run, but it's not perfect for that, and we can't even count on putting FVM up completely before they know we are here.
The fail states of Night Parade are ones that would be a problem in any strategy (Just overpowered, enemy has bullshit hax to shut down all of our control effects, they're just too determined to be delayed by external forces and ignore perception filters). More importantly, it has a contingency for things going wrong that gives us a chance to book it or shift to another strategy. Control... Doesn't actually, it just denies the possibility that the enemy can interfere with us at all, or that our obstructions could possibly delay our reinforcements as well.
Control believes that the risk lies in them being able to run, so makes contingencies for them being able to run away. Parade believes the risk lies in them hitting us hard, so makes contingencies about it.

Control doesn't make contingencies for them hitting us hard, and Parade doesn't make contingencies for them running. They both assume Ling Qi can do 'one thing' well, they just don't agree on what that thing is.
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Well, yeah, that's basically the issue here. If our perception filters are perfectly countered, we don't actually have the tools to slow them down much if they're determined to flee? Not without making it harder for our reinforcements to arrive?

Like, how does Control actually stop them if we're taking "FVM can't delay or control them" as an axiom? The terrain being bad is something they've already accounted for as marshland isn't much worse than a snowy mountain, FVM isn't an obstacle if you're correct and they can just run an area perception art to ignore the perception filter, and we refuse to commit so they can just soak our strikes and keep going, leaving the wounded behind--and if we're moving forward and attacking the terrain, they can just ignore the FVM mist (Because they ran an area perception art to perfectly counter being contained you know), and use movement arts to ignore the icy ground.

If our very best tool at crowd control is useless at the one thing it should be best at doing, then we're already fucked. And that doesn't become more or less true for any plan we take.
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People keep saying that but I'm not seeing it. You do realize our range for FVM is actually really large? Like it's not some small thing. Also the control puts us out of the way. We aren't directly on the scene. Maybe I'm reading it wrong but it sounds like we lay traps and harassment, while watching to make sure none leave. But it's too hands off for my taste. Also again, FVM is decently hard to escape from, and we will know if one escapes, it's unlikely they can fully escape us. In all honesty the first plan puts us in the most danger, but it also forces the confrontation. Makes them go to our pace.
Not really. If Ling Qi gets so close that she can snare everyone in the mist before she puts up the mist at all not only it makes her vulnerable (not many defences) and assume we get the stealth to do it, but it doesn't actually mean no one can escape. As long as one of the green or even a yellow has a AoE movement /+perception art, or even a special dispel, they can get a significant part of the group to escape.

FVM is good at making it hard for people to run, but it's not perfect for that, and we can't even count on putting FVM up completely before they know we are here.
Unless theyve got some kind of Green Relevant long range sniper dispel thats pretty much irrelevant.

A metal melee combatant and an illusion type arent going to have that kind of range.