Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Baron and Duchess? What of Baroness and Duke, or Countess for that matter? The mix of male and female titles is a bit confusing, is it deliberate?
To my understanding, the titles also have their gender appropriate alternative as well. We are, with all formalities, Baroness Ling Qi, and not Baron Ling Qi. And so on and so forth. While I'm not the one who made the list, I would assume that the reason why Duchess is used is that the Emerald Seas has a Duchess and not a Duke. And will likely have a Duchess for the foreseeable future.
To my understanding, the titles also have their gender appropriate alternative as well. We are, with all formalities, Baroness Ling Qi, and not Baron Ling Qi. And so on and so forth. While I'm not the one who made the list, I would assume that the reason why Duchess is used is that the Emerald Seas has a Duchess and not a Duke. And will likely have a Duchess for the foreseeable future.

No Marquess and Marchioness on that list either though that is probably because Emerald Seas doesn't have a March unlike Golden Fields.
No Marquess and Marchioness on that list either though that is probably because Emerald Seas doesn't have a March unlike Golden Fields.
That's also, presumably, why the titles of King/Queen or Emperor/Empress don't appear. They exist, but they don't influence the internal politics of the Emerald Seas. Unless the Imperial Family or the Sun family try and mess with the internal politics of the Emerald Seas.
Why wouldn't the Emerald Seas have a March? It's a border province.

It does.

Luo clan, keepers of the eastern marches

But they don't use the Marquis title in Emerald Seas I presume. They just call them a count (probably because the Emerald Seas is a decentralized mess with the count clans bloated on extra privileges and rights not always found in other provinces as a result of the weak central power of the duke since the Weilu disappearance).
It does.

But they don't use the Marquis title in Emerald Seas I presume. They just call them a count (probably because the Emerald Seas is a decentralized mess with the count clans bloated on extra privileges and rights not always found in other provinces as a result of the weak central power of the duke since the Weilu disappearance).
I dont think it's the same thing if it's not capitalized. Count doesn't meant something different from usual in Emerald Seas.
It does.

But they don't use the Marquis title in Emerald Seas I presume. They just call them a count (probably because the Emerald Seas is a decentralized mess with the count clans bloated on extra privileges and rights not always found in other provinces as a result of the weak central power of the duke since the Weilu disappearance).
I always had read that as the keepers of the eastern marshes. I honestly don't know why Cai would have a march on the eastern boarder since it's the southern border that is the edge of the empire.
So, new art information has dropped and they look fantastic. Here are the new advancements possible for to reference for what I'll be talking about!

Potency: Green 3
Max Level 5
Current Meridians: Head(Windx2), Heart (Music, Wind)
Keywords: Connections, Empathy, Presence, Perceptiveness, Manipulation, Music, Wind, Yang

There lies a beauty in patterns, of spirits and men alike. This melody exults in the complex dance of winds which brings us weather and the seasons, and in doing, teaches the musician to see and pluck at the lesser patterns and connections in the world around. The harmony reveals the web which connects all things, if the players eyes are but sharp enough to see.

+10 to Social Perception
+10 to Combat Perception
+10 to Spiritual Hit
+10 to Spiritual Avoid

Spring Breeze Canto: D
Duration: Permanent (-5 Upkeep)
Mastery of the melody has woven it into the background flow of the users Qi. While using any Music Art carries the musician's perception among her listeners out to Far Range, allowing her to clearly hear and see any one of them, regardless of distractions, so long as the songs echoes last.While the song lasts the users Social Perception is increased for the purpose of opposing Social Defense Arts. In combat Perception and Hit are increased instead. Once played, the canto lingers as an echo for several minutes with its full effect.

Summer's Day Rising: D
Duration: Long
This piece, embodying optimism and hope, speaks to the musician's bond with her listeners. Even the tenuous bond of casual acquaintance thrums with new vitality, bolstering allies significantly against spiritual attacks and deceptions. Those of stronger bond are bolstered still further, buoyed by their connection with the musician. For each ally affected the user receives a small boost to Combat Perception and Spiritual Avoid

Industrious Labors of Fall: C
Duration: Short
The third piece, which speaks of the labors made in preparation for the long winter, steadies the musicians audience and fills them with determination for the trials ahead. Bolsters the armor, health and Resist of listeners, up to a full rank at Bond 6.

Winds of Winter Yearning: C
Duration: Long
This piece is not played aloud for mortal ears, carried on the flows of the users qi, this soft and ephemeral melody is the music of winter winds rattling windows and tugging at roof tiles. No more than pleasant background to the listeners closest, but a song of exclusion to those outside. While active, the user and up to three allies in Immediate range are shielded from outside scrutiny, increasing their effective social defense against viewing arts.

Potency: Green 3
Max Level: 5
Current Meridians: Spine(Woodx2, Musicx2)
Keywords: Composure, Music, Resist, Resilience, Resolve, Wood, Yang
Experience: 500

+15 to Resist
+10 to Spiritual Armor
+10 to Poise
+10 Health

Intractable Roots: C
Duration: Long
The completed piece, a song of endurance in the face of hardship, this technique significantly bolsters the users Resist against dispels. Even if a dispel succeeds, unless it exceeds the users resist by at least a full rank, the technique(s) dispelled persists until the users next action.
-Bark Worn Rough
Duration: Immediate
Damage: D
While Intractable Roots is active, this technique activates whenever the user is targeted by a spiritual attack or dispel. Sharpening their own spirit into rough edges, the user damages the spirit of the enemy who targeted her.

Heaven Scarred Trunk: C
Duration: Long
Now a stand alone verse, this song grants the user an infusion of vitality and toughness. The user gains G rank Damage Reduction against purely Spiritual Arts, and greatly reduces the effects of any spiritual debuffs targeting them for the duration.

Obstinate Branches Rising High: C
Duration: Short
A single sharp note, like the splintering crack of lightning striking weathered wood is the mark of this techniques activation. This technique blocks completely the effects of a single spiritual attack or dispel of B rank or lower on the user. The rank threshold is decreased against techniques with greater potency.

Potency: Green 2
Max Level: 5
Current Meridians:Head x3, Lung x2
Keywords: Academics, Intelligence, Perceptiveness, Projection, Moon, Secrets, Water, Yin

The arts of the great diviner have spread far and wide with time, their secrets no longer held in trust. This art has been said to be a descendant of the impeccable arts of the great horned sages. Perhaps as a starting point for more inquisitive youths. The curiosity and seeking nature of the new moon is clear in its influence here.

+15 to Combat Perception
+5 to Social Perception
+10 to Spiritual Avoid
+10 to Formations when deciphering arrays
+10 to Academics when researching new information

Inquisitive Study: D
Duration: Persistent
The user's eyes gleam briefly with a silver sheen as they study the object of their curiosity. The users perception increases greatly for up too two tests in a single scene, allowing them to discern many details that they might otherwise miss.

Seeking Moon's Eyes: C
Duration: Persistent
Conjures three reflective silver wisps the size of a coin. Expressions of the Diviner's curiosity, these wisps seek their parents interest eagerly. The wisps ignore wholly physical obstacles but cannot travel further than Close distance from their creator. The creator may see from the wisp's position as if they stood there themselves, though only in one direction at a time. This greatly increases their combat perception in the areas within which this sight overlaps.

Health: G
Speed: C20, Initiative: D
Avoid: C10, Armor H

Watchful Moon Analysis: C
Duration: Immediate
Used in tandem with an damaging art, allows the users thoughts to far outspeed their limbs, greatly slowing their perception of the world, and allowing the user to pick out minute details that might otherwise be missed in the flows of an enemy or obstacles qi, and adjust the course of their blow. Through this the user ignores the effects of a single defensive technique of C rank or lower, or if none are active, penalizes the targets armor or avoid at the users discretion.

Initiate's Viewing Pool: C
Requiring a surface of calm water at least two handspans wide, the user concentrates on a familiar person or place within five kilometers of their current position. The user is able to view the person or location in clear detail with both sight and hearing with perception equivalent to their own at a one rank reduction. This viewing may be opposed by arts or talismans of various types, in which case the users combat perception is used to determine success.

First things first. HDW's fourth tech continues the theme of seasons and brings us the winter section of the art. Based on excluding others from the conversation, it is our first true social defense technique. And the great thing is that it also affects, at most, three allies who we are having a conversation with. Perfect for having conversations with allies that we don't want others to overhear. This builds on some underlying aspects of building communities that are inherent in the art's techniques. Also, truth be told, this is much better than any of the ideas that I bandied about.

Next is SES. And oh boy is this the final tech for SES a monster. At green 3 potency and lower, it no sells a dispell attempt or spiritual attack, that is rank B or lower. Which means that we can spend the qi for a C rank tech to stop a B rank dispell, which the person already spent the qi for. The only way to get around this is to simply have arts of stronger potency or to start dishing out A rank dispells or spiritual attacks.

Last, but certainly not least, is CDE with a 5-kilometer range scry. As long as we are familiar with a person or location, we can view that person, or location, with both sight and hearing. While not as flashy as no-selling a spiritual attack, the possibilities for this technique are pretty much limited only by our imagination and five-kilometer range. The ability to remotely scry a person allows us to keep informed of their actions and, probably more importantly, who they are talking to. It can be resisted, of course, but figuring out the person with the weakest defenses to this type of scrying in an opponent's camp, and then scrying them to see everything around them and who they are talking to will still give us incredible amounts of information. Given that we are slightly concerned with what Sun is up to, this technique could be invaluable in figuring out what she is up to from a safer distance.

Moving on to some synergies that we could develop with SES, as I feel that it's final technique has a lot of potential to straight up win fights for us. None of our techniques are A-ranked, and the final technique from SES forces cultivation peers to spend the qi from A-ranked techniques to actually dispell our stuff. This puts us at an advantage in an attrition battle because they are spending more qi getting rid of our stuff than we are spending bringing it up. A lot more qi. If they don't get rid of it, then we are building a death-field that will slowly whittle them down. Or, layering our defenses to such a degree that they have to expend even more qi trying to get to us.

There is, potentially, another combo that we could try to get which would require investing in another Level 1 Archive art. And that is Mysterious Night's Obscurity. MNO's second tech allows us to change the target of a dispell to our lowest buff, or a random buff if the dispell is significantly above our resist. The timing would be incredibly finicky with MNO's tech and SES's tech, but if used appropriately it will make the opponent's A-ranked dispell target our lowest ranked buff or a buff at random. This is essentially making the opponents' expensive dispell a dice roll to see if they get what they want. And if they are spending the qi for an A-dispell, then there is something that they really, really want to get rid of, and simply letting it dispell Deeproots vitality instead will be incredibly problematic for them.

All in all, these techs help us in social situations, combat situations, and information gathering situations by providing tools that are incredibly useful for us. I'm excited to explore these arts and how they interact with Ling Qi's style of combat, socializing, and information gathering.
I always had read that as the keepers of the eastern marshes. I honestly don't know why Cai would have a march on the eastern boarder since it's the southern border that is the edge of the empire.

Mostly because the southern border is super long and split up between various clans and sects. So the Luo hold the eastern marches, that being the easternmost contiguous chunk of the southern border.
Really want to know what the division of territory between the ES noble clans are, especially from up north. Can't wait to see it all printed out on that map
It can be resisted, of course, but figuring out the person with the weakest defenses to this type of scrying in an opponent's camp, and then scrying them to see everything around them and who they are talking to will still give us incredible amounts of information.
I expect that it can be resisted by anyone who is in the vicinity of the scrying target, not necessarily the one targeted. If Sun Liling was talking within hearing range of a mortal and we tried to scry said mortal, I guarantee that Sun would be able to shut that down.
I expect that it can be resisted by anyone who is in the vicinity of the scrying target, not necessarily the one targeted. If Sun Liling was talking within hearing range of a mortal and we tried to scry said mortal, I guarantee that Sun would be able to shut that down.
Maybe? I don't think it's a guarantee. It would depend on the arts and talismans available for blocking scrying and how those talismans and arts block scrying. We have two examples of talismans which assist in the blocking of scrying. Each of them only affects the individual. Which then begs the question, if the individual using said talismans was in the zone of someone else who was being scried, would the talismans still work?

Given the language being a penalty to remote viewing I find it likely that the scry would be successful, but the ability to perceive the one using the talismans to be more difficult or distorted. Sun likely has such arts or talismans which make remote viewing of her difficult at best or impossible at worst. There are two questions then posed regarding the scenario of us scrying a mortal talking to Sun. The first is whether there are arts and talismans which block the scrying of others and the second is whether Sun has those arts. While I am confident that the answer to the first question is yes, I'm less sure about the second question.

Anyway, back to the main crux of the issue. I don't believe that the scrying can be resisted by anyone who is in the vicinity of the target, at least not without proper arts or talismans. For instance, I would find it strange if, when scrying a location, a person can walk into the observed location and shut down the entire scrying affair simply by dint of their personal anti-scrying tools. I find it more likely that they personally would be distorted, their words would be unhearable, or, perhaps even more insidious, they simply don't appear in the scrying screen.
The first is whether there are arts and talismans which block the scrying of others and the second is whether Sun has those arts.
We KNOW such arts exist, because we have one; Harmony of the Dancing Wind's last tech says that
While active, the user and up to three allies in Immediate range are shielded from outside scrutiny, increasing their effective social defense against viewing arts
That is not to say that Sun has those sorts of arts. Realistically, results from scrying her vicinity can range from getting the info we want, to being able to see most of the scene but not the parts involving Sun, to getting shut down entirely. And in addition to what we see, there is also the question of what Sun sees; depending on the art she is using, she might not notice anything at all, or she might identify that she is being scried, or she might be able to identify where she is being scryed from or by who.

Anyway, my earlier post's point is that scrying someone weak doesn't get around the defenses of everyone else at their location, in the same way that scrying the location directly wouldn't. To give a concrete example, if Gan Guangli decided to take his enforcers to check out what was going on at Zeqing's mountain peak, then he should be able to defend against remote sight (if he has relevant arts) whether the scrying is based on targeting the peak or targeting one of his squad.
We KNOW such arts exist, because we have one; Harmony of the Dancing Wind's last tech says that

That is not to say that Sun has those sorts of arts. Realistically, results from scrying her vicinity can range from getting the info we want, to being able to see most of the scene but not the parts involving Sun, to getting shut down entirely. And in addition to what we see, there is also the question of what Sun sees; depending on the art she is using, she might not notice anything at all, or she might identify that she is being scried, or she might be able to identify where she is being scryed from or by who.
I thought you had taken the Sun Liling example because we had already seen she had those arts:
It was simply accepted that everyone would listen in on everyone else. If Ling Qi focused, turning her attention to any one party goer, she could see the traces of perception arts. Cai Renxiang cast an invisible radiance over the gaggle of young nobles she conversed with and it's shadow stretched beyond them, into the shifting crowd. Bai Mizhen's presence loomed in the far corner, periodically exuding tendrils of qi like a snake tasting the air. Bao Qingling stood enshrouded in a drifting web of strands that vibrated with every passing motion and word in her vicinity.

They were not uncontested however. As the soft notes of her song drifted over the hall, people would fade in and out. She looked to Wen Cao, quietly conversing with another boy, and found her senses distorted, as if she were seeing and hearing through a veil of rippling water. She looked to Sun Liling, and the beating of a monstrous heart drowned out her exact words as she chatted with a girl Ling Qi did not recognize.
Those were mentioned to be poise techs from Yrs.
My Art History post is now up to date. Here are the major differences:

Potency: Green 1
Potency Growth: Green 2(4)
Max Level: 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2 (water), Lung x1 (moon), Lung(3)(moon), Head (5)
Keywords: Academics, Intelligence, Perceptiveness, Projection, Moon, Secrets, Water, Yin
Experience: 120, 160, 200, 280

The arts of the great diviner have spread far and wide with time, their secrets no longer held in trust. This art has been said to be a descendant of the impeccable arts of the great horned sages. Perhaps as a starting point for more inquisitive youths. The curiosity and seeking nature of the new moon is clear in its influence here.
+10 to Combat Perception
+5 to Spiritual Avoid
+5 to Formations when deciphering arrays
+5 to Academics when researching new information

Inquisitive Study: D
Duration: Long
The user's eyes gleam briefly with a silver sheen as they study the object of their curiosity. The users perception increases greatly for a single test, allowing them to discern many details that they might otherwise miss.

Seeking Moon's Eyes: C
Duration: Short
Conjures three reflective silver wisps the size of a coin. Expressions of the Diviner's curiosity, these wisps seek their parents interest eagerly. The wisps ignore wholly physical obstacles but cannot travel further than Near distance from their creator. The creator may see from the wisp's position as if they stood there themselves, though only in one direction at a time. This greatly increases their combat perception in the areas within which this sight overlaps.

Health: H
Speed: E, Initiative: F
Avoid: D, Armor H
+5 +10 to Combat Perception
+5 to Spiritual Avoid
+10 to Formations when deciphering arrays
+5 to Academics when researching new information

Inquisitive Study: D
Duration: Long
The user's eyes gleam briefly with a silver sheen as they study the object of their curiosity. The users perception increases greatly for a single test, allowing them to discern many details that they might otherwise miss.

Seeking Moon's Eyes: C
Duration: Short
Conjures three reflective silver wisps the size of a coin. Expressions of the Diviner's curiosity, these wisps seek their parents interest eagerly. The wisps ignore wholly physical obstacles but cannot travel further than Near Very Close distance from their creator. The creator may see from the wisp's position as if they stood there themselves, though only in one direction at a time. This greatly increases their combat perception in the areas within which this sight overlaps.

Health: H
Speed: E D, Initiative: F
Avoid: D D10, Armor H
+10 +15 to Combat Perception
+5 to Social Perception
+5 +10 to Spiritual Avoid
+10 to Formations when deciphering arrays
+5 +10 to Academics when researching new information

Inquisitive Study: D
Duration: Long Persistent
The user's eyes gleam briefly with a silver sheen as they study the object of their curiosity. The users perception increases greatly for a single test up too two tests in a single scene, allowing them to discern many details that they might otherwise miss.

Seeking Moon's Eyes: C
Duration: Long
Conjures three reflective silver wisps the size of a coin. Expressions of the Diviner's curiosity, these wisps seek their parents interest eagerly. The wisps ignore wholly physical obstacles but cannot travel further than Very Close distance from their creator. The creator may see from the wisp's position as if they stood there themselves, though only in one direction at a time. This greatly increases their combat perception in the areas within which this sight overlaps.

Health: H G
Speed: D, Initiative: F E
Avoid: D10 C, Armor H

Watchful Moon Analyisis: D
Duration: Immediate
Used in tandem with an damaging art, allows the users thoughts to far outspeed their limbs, greatly slowing their perception of the world, and allowing the user to pick out minute details that might otherwise be missed in the flows of an enemy or obstacles qi, and adjust the course of their blow. Through this the user ignores the effects of a single defensive technique of D rank or lower, or if none are active, penalizes the targets armor or avoid at the users discretion.
+15 to Combat Perception
+5 to Social Perception
+10 to Spiritual Avoid
+10 to Formations when deciphering arrays
+10 to Academics when researching new information

Inquisitive Study: D
Duration: Persistent
The user's eyes gleam briefly with a silver sheen as they study the object of their curiosity. The users perception increases greatly for up too two tests in a single scene, allowing them to discern many details that they might otherwise miss.

Seeking Moon's Eyes: C
Duration: Long Persistent
Conjures three reflective silver wisps the size of a coin. Expressions of the Diviner's curiosity, these wisps seek their parents interest eagerly. The wisps ignore wholly physical obstacles but cannot travel further than Close distance from their creator. The creator may see from the wisp's position as if they stood there themselves, though only in one direction at a time. This greatly increases their combat perception in the areas within which this sight overlaps.

Health: G
Speed: D C20, Initiative: E D
Avoid: C C10, Armor H

Watchful Moon Analysis: D C
Duration: Immediate
Used in tandem with an damaging art, allows the users thoughts to far outspeed their limbs, greatly slowing their perception of the world, and allowing the user to pick out minute details that might otherwise be missed in the flows of an enemy or obstacles qi, and adjust the course of their blow. Through this the user ignores the effects of a single defensive technique of D C rank or lower, or if none are active, penalizes the targets armor or avoid at the users discretion.

Initiate's Viewing Pool: C
Requiring a surface of calm water at least two handspans wide, the user concentrates on a familiar person or place within five kilometers of their current position. The user is able to view the person or location in clear detail with both sight and hearing with perception equivalent to their own at a one rank reduction. This viewing may be opposed by arts or talismans of various types, in which case the users combat perception is used to determine success.
Potency: Green 2
Potency Growth: Green 3(5)
Max Level 5
Needed Meridians: Head x2, Heart x1(1), Heart(3), Head(5)
Current Meridians: Head(Windx2), Heart (Musicx2)
Keywords: Connections, Empathy, Presence, Perceptiveness, Manipulation, Music, Wind, Yang
Experience: 100, 150, 200, 300, 400

There lies a beauty in patterns, of spirits and men alike. This melody exults in the complex dance of winds which brings us weather and the seasons, and in doing, teaches the musician to see and pluck at the lesser patterns and connections in the world around. The harmony reveals the web which connects all things, if the players eyes are but sharp enough to see.
+10 to Social Perception
+5 to Combat Perception
+5 to Spiritual Hit
+5 to Spiritual Avoid

Spring Breeze Canto: D
Duration: Long
This ephemeral melody rings out with the vital curiosity of youth, The melody carries the musician's perception among her listeners, allowing her to clearly hear and see any one of them, regardless of distractions, so long as the songs echoes last

Summer's Day Rising: D
Duration: Short
This piece, embodying the optimism and hope, speaks to the musician's bond with her listeners. Even the tenuous bond of casual acquaintance thrums with new vitality, bolstering allies against spiritual attacks and deceptions. Those of stronger bond are bolstered still further, buoyed by their connection with the musician.
+10 to Social Perception
+5 +10 to Combat Perception
+5 +10 to Spiritual Hit
+5 +10 to Spiritual Avoid

Spring Breeze Canto: D
Duration: Long Persistent
This ephemeral melody rings out with the vital curiosity of youth, The melody carries the musician's perception among her listeners out to Far Range, allowing her to clearly hear and see any one of them, regardless of distractions, so long as the songs echoes last. In addition so long as the echoes remain the musician receives a small bonus to spiritual and combat perception as well as spiritual Hit. Once played, the canto lingers as an echo for several minutes with its full effect.

Summer's Day Rising: D
Duration: Short Long
This piece, embodying optimism and hope, speaks to the musician's bond with her listeners. Even the tenuous bond of casual acquaintance thrums with new vitality, bolstering allies significantly against spiritual attacks and deceptions. Those of stronger bond are bolstered still further, buoyed by their connection with the musician.

Industrious Labors of Fall: C
Duration: Short
The third piece, which speaks of the labors made in preparation for the long winter, steadies the musicians audience and fills them with determination for the trials ahead. Bolsters the armor, health and Resist of listeners, with greater effects on targets of higher bond.
+10 to Social Perception
+10 to Combat Perception
+10 to Spiritual Hit
+10 to Spiritual Avoid

Spring Breeze Canto: D
Duration: Persistent Permanent (-5 Upkeep)
This ephemeral melody rings out with the vital curiosity of youth, The melody Mastery of the melody has woven it into the background flow of the users Qi. While using any Music Art carries the musician's perception among her listeners out to Far Range, allowing her to clearly hear and see any one of them, regardless of distractions, so long as the songs echoes last. In addition so long as the echoes remain the musician receives a small bonus to spiritual and combat perception as well as spiritual Hit. While the song lasts the users Social Perception is increased for the purpose of opposing Social Defense Arts. In combat Perception and Hit are increased instead. Once played, the canto lingers as an echo for several minutes with its full effect.

Summer's Day Rising: D
Duration: Long
This piece, embodying optimism and hope, speaks to the musician's bond with her listeners. Even the tenuous bond of casual acquaintance thrums with new vitality, bolstering allies significantly against spiritual attacks and deceptions. Those of stronger bond are bolstered still further, buoyed by their connection with the musician. For each ally affected the user receives a small boost to Combat Perception and Spiritual Avoid

Industrious Labors of Fall: C
Duration: Short
The third piece, which speaks of the labors made in preparation for the long winter, steadies the musicians audience and fills them with determination for the trials ahead. Bolsters the armor, health and Resist of listeners, with greater effects on targets of higher bond. up to a full rank at Bond 6.

Winds of Winter Yearning: C
Duration: Long
This piece is not played aloud for mortal ears, carried on the flows of the users qi, this soft and ephemeral melody is the music of winter winds rattling windows and tugging at roof tiles. No more than pleasant background to the listeners closest, but a song of exclusion to those outside. While active, the user and up to three allies in Immediate range are shielded from outside scrutiny, increasing their effective social defense against viewing arts.
A song written by a musician of the capital, chronicling his observance of a seedling growing from a storm wracked cliff. Its struggling roots clung to weak soil, and though it teetered many times, it never fell, growing tall and strong until its roots could burrow into the very mountain rock itself.

Potency: Green 2
Potency Growth: Green 3(5)
Max Level: 5
Needed Meridians:Spinex2(1), Spine(3), Spine(4), Spine(5)
Current Meridians: Spine(Woodx2, Musicx2)
Keywords: Composure, Music, Resist, Resilience, Resolve, Wood, Yang

Experience: 100, 150, 250, 350, 500

+10 to Resist
+10 to Spiritual Armor

Intractable Roots: D
A short piece full of stubborn obstinance, this technique significantly bolsters the users Resist against a single dispel attempt. Even if the dispel succeeds, unless it exceeds the users resist by at least a full rank, the technique dispelled persists until the users next action.

Heaven Scarred Trunk: C
Duration: Short
Extending the short piece into a full stanza, the musician refuses to be moved. The user gains G rank Damage Reduction against purely Spiritual Arts, and reduces the effects of any spiritual debuffs targeting them for the duration
+10 +15 to Resist
+10 to Spiritual Armor
+10 to Composure
+10 Health

Intractable Roots: D
Duration: Short
A short piece full of stubborn obstinance, this technique significantly bolsters the users Resist against a single dispel attempt dispels. Even if a dispel succeeds, unless it exceeds the users resist by at least a full rank, the technique(s) dispelled persists until the users next action.

Heaven Scarred Trunk: C
Duration: Short Long
Extending the short piece into a full stanza, the musician refuses to be moved. The user gains G rank Damage Reduction against purely Spiritual Arts, and greatly reduces the effects of any spiritual debuffs targeting them for the duration.

Bark Worn Rough: C
Duration: Immediate
Damage: D
While Heaven Scarred Trunk is active, the user may activate this technique whenever targeted by a spiritual attack or dispel. Sharpening their own spirit into rough edges, the user damages the spirit of the enemy who targeted her.
+15 to Resist
+10 to Spiritual Armor
+10 to Poise
+10 Health

Intractable Roots: D
Duration: Short Long
A short piece full of stubborn obstinance The completed piece, a song of endurance in the face of hardship, this technique significantly bolsters the users Resist against dispels. Even if a dispel succeeds, unless it exceeds the users resist by at least a full rank, the technique(s) dispelled persists until the users next action.
-Bark Worn Rough
Duration: Immediate
Damage: D
While Intractable Roots is active, this technique activates whenever the user is targeted by a spiritual attack or dispel. Sharpening their own spirit into rough edges, the user damages the spirit of the enemy who targeted her.

Heaven Scarred Trunk: C
Duration: Long
Extending the short piece into a full stanza, the musician refuses to be moved. Now a stand alone verse, this song grants the user an infusion of vitality and toughness. The user gains G rank Damage Reduction against purely Spiritual Arts, and greatly reduces the effects of any spiritual debuffs targeting them for the duration.

Bark Worn Rough: C
Duration: Immediate
Damage: D
While Heaven Scarred Trunk is active, the user may activate this technique whenever targeted by a spiritual attack or dispel. Sharpening their own spirit into rough edges, the user damages the spirit of the enemy who targeted her.

Obstinate Branches Rising High: C
Duration: Short
A single sharp note, like the splintering crack of lightning striking weathered wood is the mark of this techniques activation. This technique blocks completely the effects of a single spiritual attack or dispel of B rank or lower on the user. The rank threshold is decreased against techniques with greater potency.
Spring Breeze Canto: D
Duration: Persistent Permanent (-5 Upkeep)
This ephemeral melody rings out with the vital curiosity of youth, The melody Mastery of the melody has woven it into the background flow of the users Qi. While using any Music Art carries the musician's perception among her listeners out to Far Range, allowing her to clearly hear and see any one of them, regardless of distractions, so long as the songs echoes last. In addition so long as the echoes remain the musician receives a small bonus to spiritual and combat perception as well as spiritual Hit. While the song lasts the users Social Perception is increased for the purpose of opposing Social Defense Arts. In combat Perception and Hit are increased instead. Once played, the canto lingers as an echo for several minutes with its full effect.

Sonar huh?
Traveler's end combo?
Moving on to some synergies that we could develop with SES, as I feel that it's final technique has a lot of potential to straight up win fights for us. None of our techniques are A-ranked, and the final technique from SES forces cultivation peers to spend the qi from A-ranked techniques to actually dispell our stuff. This puts us at an advantage in an attrition battle because they are spending more qi getting rid of our stuff than we are spending bringing it up. A lot more qi. If they don't get rid of it, then we are building a death-field that will slowly whittle them down. Or, layering our defenses to such a degree that they have to expend even more qi trying to get to us.

There is, potentially, another combo that we could try to get which would require investing in another Level 1 Archive art. And that is Mysterious Night's Obscurity.
Well, or they could have "perfect" dispels.

In any case my feeling is that we still want more Resist. The problem we have is PLR. It is neither Darkness, nor Water, nor even Music, and so misses out on 25 of our Resist passives. Because it's still a B rank tech, it manages to have B5 resist in spite of this. However, *because* it's a B rank tech we really don't want to have to recast it. This becomes even more important when you consider the LW upgrades. It becoming multi-target potentially gives us some amazing CC capabilities. However, if we're going and locking down the entire opposing team with LW, we're gonna be eating all the dispels.

If we can get our Resolve up to B rank, we'd have it at B20 Resist, but I feel we want more than that. If we want Resist A on PLR any time soon, we're gonna need a second set of passives there.

The "anti-spiritual senses" effects of MNO or DLS are also probably something we want to look at too, as those are probably what you want to counter Arts like HDW or Shen Hu's spirit, which could potentially shut down stealth pretty hard.
Industrious Labors of Fall: C
Duration: Short
The third piece, which speaks of the labors made in preparation for the long winter, steadies the musicians audience and fills them with determination for the trials ahead. Bolsters the armor, health and Resist of listeners, with greater effects on targets of higher bond. up to a full rank at Bond 6.

How are we supposed to get to bond 6? Isn't are I highest bond 4 with the snek after a shitload of issues? How do we get it higher?
Industrious Labors of Fall: C
Duration: Short
The third piece, which speaks of the labors made in preparation for the long winter, steadies the musicians audience and fills them with determination for the trials ahead. Bolsters the armor, health and Resist of listeners, with greater effects on targets of higher bond. up to a full rank at Bond 6.

How are we supposed to get to bond 6? Isn't are I highest bond 4 with the snek after a shitload of issues? How do we get it higher?
Bond 4 is Best Friend.
Bond 6 is Will Gladly Die For You
I enjoy the mastered form of Spring Breeze Canto quite a bit.

Consider the aesthetics of its effects paired with our other arts. FVM inflicts unease on enemies caught within and strikes out with phantom beasts and predators. With Spring Breeze Canto, the art really is watching and tracking them as it harries and saps from them their stamina. Or turn your attention to the sublime voyeurism inherent of scrutinizing the last moments, of bearing last witness to the eternal stillness wrought by winter's song.

This is what an Empathy keyword art should look like, so good job @yrsillar. Looking forward to the interplay between her song's use as destroyer and simultaneous tool of observation, especially in the context of her Argent Mirror-derived reflection on the self and outer world and CDE's capacity for intense scrutiny.
How are we supposed to get to bond 6? Isn't are I highest bond 4 with the snek after a shitload of issues? How do we get it higher?

4: Greatly Liked- The organization will support you whenever doing so is both possible and does not significantly harm their other goals
5: Revered- The organization will side with you in most situations, and will bend significant resources toward supporting you
6: Loved- The organization will almost always side with you, and will staunchly support you against most any foe, almost without regard for cost.

I was admittedly reluctant to invest Meizhen or anyone in general, aside from family, at this level since like veekie said, this seems to imply they'll "gladly die for you."

Kinda got me in a bit of turmoil if we want our friends (especially Meizhen considering her family) to be put in that conundrum.

And now with that being brought up, it may incentivise people to max out our Bonds.
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I get the feeling 6 could be a bad/mind controlled sort of thing.

Like 4 is BFF or close family.

5 is family you would die for, say ones own child

Then 6 would be Heartbreaker victim.

Which hopefully we don't need to worry about.
What is up with SV and fearmongering about mind control?

In this case there are large enough number of stories that have people willingly sacrificing themselves to save their loved ones or out of loyalty to their liege, no mid control necessary.