[X] Truth lies at the intersection between reality and perception. Communication is the method by which the Truth is changed, inch by inch, and year by year.
I've never been a fan of the philosophical schools that defend that reality is a consequence of perception, as if perception was the cause of reality instead of the other way around.
"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"
Yes, it does. Of course it does, why wouldn't it? The air vibrations are produced and transmitted regardless of if someone hears it or not.
Reality exists independently of perception. If all of humanity were to disappear right now the moon would still turn around the Earth, fire would burn all the same, and trees would make sound when they fall.
Perception is but our way, flawed as it is, to take in information from the world and process it into something we can understand and act upon. It's living beings's way of obtaining stimulus to react to.
I guess than rather that Truth we would be talking about laws (as in real world physical laws), facts, data, equations or something to that effect.
Subjective Truth only becomes relevant when it comes to human creations: morality, laws (as in judicial laws), religion and so on.
Stories, at the end of the day. Not to undermine the worth of stories. Ask any anthropologist and they will be more than happy to explain how stories was one keystones that allowed the human species to go beyond the stage of pack into tribe then into civilisation.
But stories are still made up, and thus they have no more truth than the creator, storyteller or listener decide to attach to them at any given time.
If humans didn't exist, neither would any of them. Fundamentaly different from facts, data and natural laws.