Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
And I will spoil a bit and say that the intended direction post summit is some arcs set in the recovery period, which will give me a bit of time to work out the exact details of newer projects.
And I will spoil a bit and say that the intended direction post summit is some arcs set in the recovery period, which will give me a bit of time to work out the exact details of newer projects.
This'll also give us a more sedated pace to deal with smaller-scale stuff on our fief, give more screen time with the other retainers, and spending time with the Clan is also a huge plus.
"The Empire is a martial realm at its core. Ling Qi this is damage you took in taking on a… monumental task. I do not know of the White Sky, but who will dare look down on your wounds among us?" Cai Renxiang said blandly. "When the Heron General deposited you with the physicians herself?"
Regarding this, I remind people of this bit from earlier in the summit.
"I am most displeased that this was necessary. Xia Anxi. As a member of my Bai clan, it is unacceptable for you to have been targeted thus," Bai Meizhen said quietly. "Our allies will see that we receive recompense."

The sheer acid in her friend's words reminded her for all that Bai Meizhen was her best friend… she was still Bai as well. A teacup cracked, and many of the plants decorating the room withered, flowers shriveling under the bone chilling terror radiating from Bai Meizhen's every pore.

"It will be so," Ling Qi said. "Lady Bai, Sir Xia Anxi. The court of the Emerald Seas will see the individual responsible for this brought to justice."

Bai will be pleased at least, no-one can say their allies in the Cai camp don't have follow through when a mere Green personally delivered the Heron General into the liminal to fight their foe and keep her long enough for the enemy to be stabbed directly through his Way. Committed enough to vengeance for slights to suffer horrific injuries and risk worse. Or at least, that's probably how they'd frame it, because Bai think from the perspective of the Bai.
This'll also give us a more sedated pace to deal with smaller-scale stuff on our fief, give more screen time with the other retainers, and spending time with the Clan is also a huge plus.

Yeah, and on the, like, "boring" spymistress side of things, Ling Qi can probably still go through letters and do information gathering/diplomacy as long as she has someone somewhat trusted to help her, until she's well enough to handle it herself, which shouldn't take that long (compared to the time it'll take to be running around Cultivating.)
Dang just realized we might not be able to do as much fief adventures before the war arc as we might have liked aww well. Excuse to do more of the non physically taxing stuff. Meetings, business, recovery and placating the family for the next 4-6 turns (assuming we running 1 month per turn during recovery)
Timeskips are coming after the summit finishes, the 1 month per turn system is over.
And I will spoil a bit and say that the intended direction post summit is some arcs set in the recovery period, which will give me a bit of time to work out the exact details of newer projects.
Makes sense. Give us a few smaller arc while Ling Qi (and the thread recover) before we dive into the heavy war arc we know is coming up.
"The solidity of your cultivation foundation prevented worse complications," Cai Renxiang said. "It is still suggested that you not strain yourself or cultivate further until the physicians have cleared you."
The Moons go Keikaku over the solidness of a foundation built upon something as enduring as a Family who all made the Choice to become Family.
"Renxiang..?" Ling Qi said.
As I'd previously commented on when Ling Qi tried to use a diminutive for Renxiang only for it be soundly rejected with threats of additional work if LQ kept trying... Renxiang prefers the exactness of first name if LQ is going to violate the social hierarchy over something poorly defined.
Cai Renxiang fell silent, as did she. Her liege turned back, looking out the window once again.

"Ling Qi."


"You have performed beyond all expectations. I am most pleased to have your service."

Cai Renxiang's posture was stiff, and she remained staring out the window.

"Your loss would do incalculable damage at this juncture… please consider that, in the future."

She laughed, physically even, it hurt her throat. "I understand."
For a women who says she has a strong preference for systems, steel, and numbers to classify something as incalculable is a truly human decision. There is an underlying element of fear that Ling Qi will vanish before Renxiang can quantify it, or Renxiang from the nature of cultivation will become incapable of putting a number to it one day.
Also, while we won't be able to cultivate during the recovery arcs, or if any not much, I wouldn't be surprised if we were able to nab a little bit of Conceptual XP from the arcs anyways from choices and so on. Since there are plenty of lessons to learn about Home, Choice, Protection, Community and so on, depending, while recovering from an injury in the company of those who are your natural community.
Yeah, and on the, like, "boring" spymistress side of things, Ling Qi can probably still go through letters and do information gathering/diplomacy as long as she has someone somewhat trusted to help her, until she's well enough to handle it herself, which shouldn't take that long (compared to the time it'll take to be running around Cultivating.)
Sixiang can do the voices again!
You know, since our hair is the night sky, I hope we get a few comet streaks in our hair for surviving this. We'll eventually heal, but I want a small callback to this.

By the way. That tournament arc we voted to skip (by heading up this summit) is there any way for us to watch or participate?

I don't think so, unless by commission. Maybe we'll get some information from our Sect friends during our recovery period, too.
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I have to wonder about the story is with our Favorability stats. Yes, we made it through the critical period as best we could, but there's still a section left and we have to stick the landing.
I have to wonder about the story is with our Favorability stats. Yes, we made it through the critical period as best we could, but there's still a section left and we have to stick the landing.

...honestly I am pretty sure our Favorability is going to change some. I'm not sure exactly how, but if this doesn't gain at least one MOI Favorability I'd be, uh, kinda shocked. Ditto the army, since we did kinda put our money where our mouth was with the Heron General.
...honestly I am pretty sure our Favorability is going to change some. I'm not sure exactly how, but if this doesn't gain at least one MOI Favorability I'd be, uh, kinda shocked. Ditto the army, since we did kinda put our money where our mouth was with the Heron General.

The white plumes the faction we least expected to impress/please from the summit. Haha we might be able to end with them at a 4 or 5 at the end of the summit. That would be pretty funny to me.
Also, while we won't be able to cultivate during the recovery arcs, or if any not much, I wouldn't be surprised if we were able to nab a little bit of Conceptual XP from the arcs anyways from choices and so on. Since there are plenty of lessons to learn about Home, Choice, Protection, Community and so on, depending, while recovering from an injury in the company of those who are your natural community.

TRUE! This will be the perfect time to do some meditations on the Dao. We can smooth out the rough edges of our Way and refine our understanding of the concepts.
I expect we might lose some favorability with WS and PT for the whole "unstable sovereign throw down" thing, but Cai Renxiang accepting help and Jaromilla running interference may mitigate or even stop that. We definitely picked up White Plumes favorability, probably got at least one MOI point, and I expect Emerald Seas Nobility is the same or even increased.

Bonus 8: Observation - Forge of Destiny

Sima Jiao tapped his foot to the beat of the music echoing through his chambers. It was all horns and drums, full of a frenetic energy. The recording tablet (...)
"That Ling girl is doing well so far," Xin interrupted again. "She's begun to master both of her arts and won a duel. She was out shopping with a friend using her spoils while the rest were scrabbling. It was quite adorable."
He grunted in response. That one was talented, but so were all the commoners brought in, the ministry wouldn't have bothered otherwise. Heavens knew that was one policy he had supported whole heartedly. Left to fester in squalor those sorts inevitably became trouble, shaping themselves into engines of ever greater destruction and chaos the longer they survived. Much better to nip it in the bud and bring them into the system early, before one needed an entire squad of Ministry Agents to bring the boot down on some power mad would be neo-sage emperor. With the conscription program they could get suppressed, snapped up by a clan, or made new nobility.
"Nothing particularly special about that one. If she doesn't end up a retainer to the Bai, she'll spend her life building up a village somewhere in the back end of the province," he added, knowing that his wordless reply wouldn't be sufficient.
"That is hardly fair," Xin protested. "She has the potential to be a core disciple in the future with a little good fortune."
She got like this sometimes, attaching her attention to a disciple. They always ended up a disappointment.

The wifely gloating is going to be off the charts after this.
Also, while we won't be able to cultivate during the recovery arcs, or if any not much, I wouldn't be surprised if we were able to nab a little bit of Conceptual XP from the arcs anyways from choices and so on. Since there are plenty of lessons to learn about Home, Choice, Protection, Community and so on, depending, while recovering from an injury in the company of those who are your natural community.

We currently have two unopened concepts: Courage and Growth. I'm hoping we unlock and meditate on them during the recovery arc.
You may be heard and understood by any being you are aware of, regardless of language, cultivation, obstacles or techniques. You hear and understand any being attempting to consciously communicate with you, if you so choose. This ability may be bypassed by effects which use Shen.
Does this mean Qi could hold a full conversation with Cai Tienli?