Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Ah yes, Renren is also a "Hands in face and scream" stress person. I love it!

That being said... What's actually being asked for in this vote? Is it "Renren draws the most fire but gets fucked up" vs "Renren coordinates everyone and makes sure that the pressure is evenly distributed?"
This is roughly it. Its voting whether Renxiang and her force goes full aggro draw to free up other players from nightmare clean up or retreats into the defenses and tries to keep things even with more conventional tactics
Hmmm, the summit isn't actually over yet, and we still need CRX to lead the negotiations since Ling Qi's gonna be bedridden for the short-term. Leaning towards playing it safe atm.
This is roughly it. Its voting whether Renxiang and her force goes full aggro draw to free up other players from nightmare clean up or retreats into the defenses and tries to keep things even with more conventional tactics

She's not going solo of course, in any event, right?

If she's going full aggro, but has the White Plumes at her back, that's worth risking to give everyone else more time to breathe.
I think coordination is key here. Renxiang drawing agro may look cool and all, but we're the ones with the advantage, both tactically and strategically. Our forces are superiour and more numerous, along with having a fairly even blend of specialties, compared to a defender forced to attack. Lastly, cold calculus has it that a combined defense is the best way to tie everyone up together in the glory of shared opportunities for contribution.
So CRX. The light of hope towering above all; or is she going to unite with her comrades in arms? The description of the towering above puts me off. CRX is not her mother, she is CRX. the commander with her units seem more her style.

Her eyes scanned Ling Qi's still, somewhat scrawling handwriting, and she felt as if the world went still.

Her retainer was a madwoman.

"Lady Cai?" Gan Guangli questioned, not quite leaning over her in concern

"Gan Guangli, go, retrieve Sir Jia, I have messages to send to the other counts."

"What has distressed you so?" He asked.

"That girl is trying to die again," Cai Renxiang replied gruffly.

Let this not be the time that she succeeded.
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[X] …And Cai Renxiang remained on the earth, letting loose her light with caution, in close coordination with the harried White Plumes left in the lower valley away from the conflict raging on the cloven mountain. Relying on their defenses to preserve what was important, until the tide receded.

If this was some sort of anime, there would be a copilation of "Renren facepalm moments"
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I think the second option works best, just to show Renxiang's chops. She's not Shenhua, the perfect city that does everything. She's Renxiang, the clockwork administrator, who steadily orders and improves everything for the people below.

[ ] …And Cai Renxiang remained on the earth, letting loose her light with caution, in close coordination with the harried White Plumes left in the lower valley away from the conflict raging on the cloven mountain. Relying on their defenses to preserve what was important, until the tide receded.

And I like the idea of some damage to the summit, but holding strong due to a united front between the ES clans, and the ES and WS sides.

At the same time though, option 1 has the chance of being FUN. We know Renxiang has reached some new accord with Liming, and finally recognises her as a person. It'll be nice seeing their new relationship as she calls upon Liming for help in defence.
I feel like option one is the possibility of a perfect win. I feel like Renxiang supported should be strong enough to not be injured by the remnants of a even a Sovereign who is busy fighting someone stronger then him.

Now Gan Guangli might be injured protecting her, but that isn't a big problem right now. Might even give him a good insight.

But I see no possible world where Renxiang is injured and Gan has even one limb still working.
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She was Cai Renxiang, heiress of the Emerald Seas.

And it is everything she could do not to put her face into her hands and scream.

This undignified urge had been coming to her with greater regularity over the last year, but rarely had it risen to the intensity that it had now.
I think we all know the source of these urges becoming stronger and more regular.

Her eyes scanned Ling Qi's still, somewhat scrawling handwriting, and she felt as if the world went still.

Her retainer was a madwoman.

"Lady Cai?" Gan Guangli questioned, not quite leaning over her in concern

"Gan Guangli, go, retrieve Sir Jia, I have messages to send to the other counts."

"What has distressed you so?" He asked.

"That girl is trying to die again," Cai Renxiang replied gruffly.

Let this not be the time that she succeeded.
This is both humorous, heart-wrenching and heartwarming. Renxiang is so used to this that it's become a bit of a meme, but this really does mess with her since she cares about Ling Qi and doesn't want her to die, but it's also sweet because she does care for Ling Qi as a person not just a vassal.

"Baroness Ling Qi has been working closely with the Ministry, our own intelligence assets and loyal Meng. This is not the treason of a clan, but the last gasp of traitors seeking to tear us down as we ascend to our rightful places among the provinces. Do not give them victory," Cai Renxiang said sharply.
It's important that this point is made since we don't want people hating on the Meng Clan too much.

"Treason still then, but the treason of an individual… just as unforgivable, but lady, Cai, Sir Gan, you are right. Just when we have found such unity in conquering the Wall once and for all! We cannot let this falter here!"
Message has been received.

"Such foolishness from one who should know better," Luo Jie's gravelly voice was somber. "This power… his mind has gone rotten. A shame on his caretakers, for allowing this."
So this isn't just driven by Meng Delun it was likely pushed to happen by other elements of the Meng Clan.

"I knew him once. Arrogant as ever, Meng Delun ," Luo Jie said, resting his hand on the giant hounds side.
Luo Jie doesn't like Meng Delun and has a past with him but see the previous statement and tone, he's not a fan of Delun losing the plot or his caretakers allowing for that to happen.
The thread before the fight: "it's possible people in the physical world will only have a few nightmares and otherwise not notice anything wrong since the fight is happening in the deep Liminal."
Don't wanna diminish her courage but it just feels wrong for Renxiajg to risk herself recklessly like LQ does. As the super important heir just seems she ought to be more calculated in her risk taking than the street rat, especially when dealing with people at such higher realms
[] ...And Cai Renxiang remained on the earth, letting loose her light with caution, in close coordination with the harried White Plumes left in the lower valley away from the conflict raging on the cloven mountain. Relying on their defenses to preserve what was important, until the tide recede

We absolutely cannot afford to risk both CRX and LQ being out of commission after this. Even if option one is better at keeping people safe in the short term, we need to remember that we can keep everyone safe and still lose of the White Sky pull out or reject the foreign quarter. For the Summit to be a success, CRX needs to be intact and ready to smooth things over with them.
Previously, the big general scared the shit out of the mountain by extracting a perfectly flat foundation for the observatory.

Now they are making holes in the sky by fighting over in the deep Liminal.

The thread has perhaps underestimated Sovereign Fighting damage scales :rofl:
[ ] …And Cai Renxiang remained on the earth, letting loose her light with caution, in close coordination with the harried White Plumes left in the lower valley away from the conflict raging on the cloven mountain. Relying on their defenses to preserve what was important, until the tide receded.

Is this the right way to reply?
When ever I try it paste the entire chapter and I have to go erase it and I can't do that quickly because I'm on my phone.

Wait is that the issue here?
Is the website not meant to be used for the phone as much it is the computer?
Lol that makes so much sense.

Anyways my reasoning is that Cai's weakness is going it alone, being too brittle and this would presumably make that part of her more strengthened.

She grew and will grow best in my opinion by being surrounded by others and not being alone, she's already been alone for too long. (Omg that was sad to write.)

Not to mention LQ is going to be in it for a while after the exposure to that whole thing and she (Cai) can't afford to be as dramatic as LQ, she need to actually get shit done, lol.

Although it would definitely get all the attention towards her and that would be impressive to defend and also helpful to concentrate the defenders attention around her, as well as risking herself for everyone else.

I don't think it would be worth it in any meaningful way, and would just be a step back in her path.

Well I could see ways it could work because she could help everyone co-ordinate and make it easier to defend as well as protect the less powerful…….

She can also do the same thing with the white plumes, so unless there is a real reason I thing the second choice is one I'm going to vote for although I understand why people would vote the other way and would have maybe myself if I was in a different mood and look forward to reading why.
[] ...And Cai Renxiang remained on the earth, letting loose her light with caution, in close coordination with the harried White Plumes left in the lower valley away from the conflict raging on the cloven mountain. Relying on their defenses to preserve what was important, until the tide recede

Let the clockwork work. CRX is not Shenhua, and embodying too many Shenhua-type insights is likely to be a long-term issue.

Plus, the current considerations don't even account for the Polars, who are forewarned that bullshit will be happening and have a defensive-specced sovereign equivalent on hand. Ling Qi is doing enough self-sacrificing hero mode shenanigans for everyone, as far as I'm concerned - let CRX do what she does best, and also not get severely injured with Gan while her chief diplomat is already extra crispy.
This is roughly it. Its voting whether Renxiang and her force goes full aggro draw to free up other players from nightmare clean up or retreats into the defenses and tries to keep things even with more conventional tactics
Seeing this has me further convinced. CRX is a super administrator and a visionary of utopian order. She doesn't need to play the role of overwhelmingly glorious figurehead, that's been done before. Especially in the face of allies who need to be convinced all is under control, blatant personal intervention can make for an inspiring leader but as an ally looks more like desperation.
They're not fighting in the deep liminal, that's the problem. It was shadow teacher's plan to take it there, but things escalated too quickly for that, so they're fighting in the shallows.
Man it's absolutely crazy how close the vote between keep it quiet and warn the white sky was. Five vote difference. It's clear with all the damage we are seeing that we made the right decision, the white sky would have been rightfully furious if they were caught off guard from this, and the damage could have sank the summit as a whole.

Anyways I kinda wanna see Renxiang shine (literally) :V

[X] …And Cai Renxiang rose into the sky, and let loose with her Mothers Light, her light. In this nightmares of stagnancy she could feel her opposite. They would come to snuff her out, in exclusion of all else, relieving the other parties involved at cost to herself.
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I think option 2 is better with regards to Summit success rate, probably even quite suited for CRX's "Clockwork" approach. However, in my mind this vote also has serious implications for her future character development. All the choices we make shape the future narrative and we rarely get ones that directly decide the actions of another individual.
So I feel it is important to consider what these two paths mean for her current mindset. One, describes the actions of a girl who is moved to rash action, because her companion has decided to go on a suicide mission. Two, is more in line for the rational and efficient heiress, that always sees the bigger picture.
This is not an appeal for one option or the other, just another perspective on the vote I haven't seen brought up yet.